Green bean diet mostly comprises beans and then other fiber rich foods. It has always been adhered to by civilizations since long. But in this article, we are going to play around with the idea of this diet for dogs. As first, it does not contain all green beans and secondly, it is not be given to all breeds by default. Thus, it is given or advised in some specific circumstances. Here is a brief overview on it.

A Green Bean Diet for Dogs to Stay Fit

Well, this is nothing startling or anything atrocious, for starters. Its nothing but the normal, standard kibble - dog foods bucket for your beloved pet, just that it is mixed with a specific amount of green beans. Another twist in the tale is, whenever you have zeroed in on feeding your dog this diet, it is imperative that you know that you cannot feed only green beans to your dog. Basically adding these to a dog's meal, (sans salt) will satiate its appetite totally and your 'doggy' would not feel hungry in between meals. If you just give vegetarian food, even that is not good for the overall health of the dog. So you need to have a balance between the vegetarian and the non-vegetarian diet. These things matter a lot when the pet's health is concerned.

Another important aspect is that, not all dogs need to be given this diet. This is for those which are obese or are overweight and is related to obesity. It is precisely because of the aforementioned reason that dogs feel full after having their meals when had with beans. So this results in preventing them from eating in between meals, which in turn causes weight gain. So it is just perfect for dogs who are over weight; in other words, who need to lose weight. However, this does not mean that if your dog is in a perfect shape, it should not have green beans. It can of course be given that, in order to stay fit and healthy. Even those who manage to lose weight are given this diet to stay fit and prohibit a recurrence of weight gain.

But all said and done, the amount of green beans you add to your dog's diet depends upon the breed and the eating habits. Thus, you have to take care of that. For instance, if your Labrador needs a couple of cups of good food and is still cadging around hungrily, add some beans to it. That will help maintaining the weight for your pet. All this should be considered while stocking them. Purchase only saleable lids for easier storage. Otherwise it will happen that your dog does not have a huge appetite and pile up the stocks, and then they will be stale.

Even with the diet being nutritious and good for dog health, there is a catch in it. One of the possible glitches from switching over from a usual diet to this one is that some dogs might react to it. That is because of the fiber content in green beans. So if you think that your pet is not very comfortable with it, gradually add them to their diet. Do not rush into it. That's the only prominent issue. Apart from this, it's a great option for health and is a good option with regards to overall care.

Now I think you are all up for giving your beloved and friendly quadruped, a daily and healthy dose of beans. Go on!