Friday, July 31, 2015

Vitamin supplements boost the immune system and to render nutritional calories to your dog. They have numerous health benefits. Vitamins deal with the free radicals in the dog's body and extra nutrition is the need of every aging, sick dog. Many a time, a dog that does not get all the nutrition through food, is malnourished. So, to avoid any health problems in your pet, it is advisable that you must consult a veterinarian for vitamin supplements for your dog.

Types of Vitamins

There are two types of vitamins and they are classified broadly into their method of working. The types of vitamins are fat soluble and water soluble. Water soluble vitamins get flushed out easily whereas, fat soluble vitamins get stored in a dog's fatty tissues.

Fat Soluble Vitamins
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
Water Soluble Vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • Folic Acid
  • Biotin
Vitamins for Dogs

Free radicals in dogs are the by-product of the oxidation process. Free radicals are unwanted and are responsible for a number of diseases in dogs like heart diseases, arthritis, cataracts, premature aging and even cancer. Also, these effects are seen if the dog does not get nutritious food and vitamins for a long time. The risk of these diseases in dogs is reduced with the intake of proper vitamin supplements. Here are the necessary vitamins and the health problems caused due to their deficiencies. In the third column, the signs of the consumption of certain vitamins in excess have been mentioned.

Vitamins Symptoms of Deficiency Excess of Vitamins
Vitamin A Lower the growth rate, vision problems, diarrhea and skin problems. Vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, bone deformities and bleeding disorders.
Vitamin B Irritability, nervousness, hair loss, fatigue and skin problems. It is a water soluble vitamin and excess is excreted through urine.
Vitamin C Breathlessness, slow healing process, dental problems, and impaired lactation. It is a water soluble vitamin and excess is excreted through urine.
Vitamin D Vision problems, poor development of muscles, nervous disorders and rickets. Calcification of muscles, increased frequency of urination and nausea or vomiting.
Vitamin E Bleeding disorders, collagen problems. No harm
Vitamin K Miscarriage No harm

Vitamin supplements are necessary for the overall development and health of the dog. Besides, it is observed that older dogs do not absorb all the vitamins present in the food. They eat less and must be given supplements to compensate the less food consumed. This helps them to increase the immunity and slows down the aging process.

Ingredients of Vitamin Supplements for Dogs

Usually, antioxidants are missing in the daily nutrition of dogs. Antioxidants are scavengers for the free radicals, produced in the oxidation process. If antioxidants are not included in a dog's nutrition, it can damage the normal cell metabolism.

Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B complex increases the appetite of dogs. Excess of vitamin B does not cause any harm to the body as excess is excreted from the body.

Calcium is essential for lactating pets and also to prevent bone degeneration. Joints of dogs are strengthened with proper calcium supplementation.

Fatty Acids
Skin and coat problems are prevented and cured with the help of fatty acids. Fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties.

These were some of the benefits of vitamin supplements for dogs. It is recommended that you must consult a veterinarian before you give your dog these supplements.

Posted on 8:27 PM

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Vertigo, in simple terms, means a feeling of dizziness or giddiness. It can also be defined as the feeling experienced by a person as if he is about to fall. Intense vertigo in dogs is known as dog vestibular disease or vestibular syndrome. It is a rare dog health problem. However, if you have a pet dog, you should be aware of this condition, and also about its signs and symptoms.

Causes of Vertigo

The dog vestibular disease is an idiopathic condition, i.e., the underlying or the exact cause of it is unknown. However, there are several possible causes for vertigo found in dogs; for e.g., inner ear diseases, liver problems, indigestion or even undernourishment, etc. If the dog is constantly exposed to hazardous chemicals, it may suffer from vertigo. In rare cases, overexertion or extreme stress, severe health concerns like neurological disorders, tumor or stroke can also result in vertigo. On the other hand, an overly tight collar can also reduce the dog's air supply, causing dizziness.

Symptoms of Vertigo in Dogs

As mentioned above, dog vertigo symptoms are more or less similar to vertigo symptoms in humans. They are mostly observed in older or aged dogs. These symptoms in case of dogs are categorized as mild and intense. The mild symptoms are quite minor, and most of the time, may go unnoticed. But, you need to look out for the intense vertigo signs and symptoms in dogs as they appear only when the dog is suffering from some serious disease mentioned above.

Symptoms of Mild Vertigo
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Stumbling walk
  • Tilting of head
Symptoms of Intense Vertigo
  • Complete inability to stand
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Circling
  • Abnormal eye movement
  • Inability to eat and drink
  • Difficulty in excretion

Although vertigo is uncommon and rare, you should not ignore it. If your pet dog shows any symptoms of vertigo, you must take it immediately to the vet. The vet will ask you to note down the changes in the dog's behavior, food intake and the overall health. The vet may also undertake physical examination of the dog. Once the cause of vertigo is determined, the vet can prescribe medications or further treatment options. If it is caused due to stress, the vet may prescribe a sedative.


As mentioned before, some of the causes of vertigo are minor and can be avoided. It is equally important for dogs to have a balanced diet and properly planned meal to avoid undernourishment or overeating. Dogs should be kept in clean and hygienic environment; and exposure to chemicals should be avoided. Similarly, regular visit to the vet for checkup is also very important. This is the best thing you can do in order to prevent vertigo in dogs. Prevention of several dog illnesses is possible. You should consult the vet for detailed information about the same.

You should note that vertigo can be a preliminary symptom of a serious disorder. If your pet shows any of the aforementioned dog vertigo symptoms, do not ignore them. Rather, try to get the condition treated as soon as possible. Take care!

Posted on 1:07 AM

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Generally, wet nose of a dog is associated with the dog's good health. Your dog's nose remains wet due to humidity produced in the lateral nasal glands of the nose. In case of dehydration, your dog's nose becomes dry temporarily indicating a possible underlying health problem. Your dog's nose may also become dry due to changes in the temperature (dry in cold, moist in warm conditions) and humidity levels during the day and not necessarily because it is sick. This is a normal occurrence and can happen a few times in a day. A dog that has recovered from a viral infection at an early age, may suffer from dry nose permanently.

What Causes Dry Nose in Dogs?

Fever - This is a common cause of a dry nose in dogs. If your dog is sick and has an extremely dry nose, it may be due to fever.

Infection - Dry nose in dogs is caused mainly by infections, which may affect your dog's whole body or may be centered in the nose. There are some changes in the appearance of your dog's nose at this time. It may become flaky and crusty in texture. There may be a loss of pigmentation. If the dog's nose is cracked, then it can cause extreme pain to the dog and you must immediately contact a veterinarian for a check up, especially if the nose starts to scab or has remained so for a long time. Along with such symptoms, you should also look for considerable changes in its behavior. If your dog is ill, then it often has a warm, dry nose along with other symptoms including reduced or loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, fever, diarrhea or vomiting.

Dermatological Problem - In case there is an absence of other physical signs and there may be certain dermatological problems such as Pemphigus Foliaceus in the nasal area. An itchy and cracking nose is also a sign that your pet may be suffering from other dermatological health problems or a flu. If your dog's nose becomes light pink in color, then you should consult the vet dermatologist about skin protection. It may be due to solar dermatitis in pets which means that your dog could be at a high risk of developing skin cancer.

Respiratory Problem - If the dog's dry nose is accompanied by nasal discharge, coughing or sneezing and it appears to be struggling to breathe properly, this is not normal and it could be a sign of a respiratory problem. Nevertheless, the dog must be treated soon.

Allergy - Dry nose symptoms can also arise in a dog if its nose has come in contact with anything it is allergic to. Pay attention to the new things that may have been introduced in its environment. Some dogs are sensitive towards a few ingredients found in their food like wheat, animal by-products and even chemicals found in plastic . Ensure that you use stainless steel utensils to feed the dog.

If your dog is suffering from dry nose, you should give it plenty of liquids more frequently. You can add small quantity of milk to its drinking water. Keep your dog clean. Application of moisturizer is also helpful to keep the nose moist. However, if the condition persists for a long time, then you should take your dog to the veterinarian to seek an appropriate treatment. Dry nose can be one of signs of serious health problems in dogs.

Disclaimer: This article does not seek to replace medical advice. Please do consult a certified veterinarian for the diagnosis of your pet's health ailment(s).

Posted on 5:58 PM

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Havanese dogs are also known as Bichon Havanais, Havana Silk dog and Bichon Havanese. They are known as non-shedding dogs as they shed less compared to other dog breeds. These are low shedding dogs that require high dog grooming sessions.

Caring for Havanese Puppies
You need to begin grooming Havanese puppies by getting them used to the grooming table. You should keep a rubber mat or carpet to prevent the dog from slipping. You need to follow some dog training tips to teach your Havanese puppies to lie down or stand. They need to feel relaxed and you should give them a lot of attention. You should keep scratching behind the ears or chest and keep a hand under the stomach while grooming Havanese puppies. This helps calm the animal and build confidence in the young pup as you comb through his coat. Thus, grooming Havanese puppies helps them learn early on that this exercise is a pleasurable experience and a routine that he has to follow. Be sure you give them treats and praise him a lot for good behavior after grooming.

Caring for Havanese Dogs
These dogs need to be cleaned regularly as their coats get matted and tangled easily. Havanese dogs need to be groomed at least 2 to 4 times a week. The coat needs to be brushed and combed. It also needs to be trimmed as it grows as long as 6 to 8 inches. The grooming sessions not only involves the coat, but also the eyes, ears, paws as well teeth. Let us have a look at the various grooming aspects of a Havanese dog.

Brushing is very important at it will help keep your dog's coat in a top condition. Brushing helps remove the dead hair and thus, keep the dog low shedding. It also helps provide a gentle massage to the dog and improves blood circulation. This also gives you ample opportunity to watch out for a flea or tick infestation or some hidden injuries.

When brushing, place your dog on a flat table. Make the dog sleep in its side. Take a small brush with fine metal teeth. Start brushing in layers, starting from the top side of its front leg. All your brush to move against the fall of the hair when you reach the shoulder. Follow the same steps for the rear legs.

Use a large brush with metal teeth to comb the top layer of hair from the shoulder to the buttocks. Comb against the growth of the hair. As you move down to the abdomen, comb the lower hair layer downwards. After you complete the lower region in layers, move towards the neck, chest, buttocks, tails and flank. Then make the dog stand up and brush down all the hair that you just completed combing. Make the dog lie on its other side and brush just as you did for the first side.

If the dogs coat is tangled or matted, make sure you wet the coat with a spray bottle. Use water or detangler/conditioner mix to help remove the mat in hair. Use a comb or your fingers to pull apart the tangles or mats. Oiling the hair is also important. Apply a bit of oil at least every 15 days. Before you schedule a bath, apply oil to the hair when brushing. You can apply oil to the comb teeth and pass it through the hair. The best oil to use is cooking oil. This helps in preventing the hair from getting dry, especially during winter.

Bathing the Dog
Bathing depends on the color and lifestyle of the dog. If you have a white Havanese dog that gets to spend more time outdoors, it is better to give him a weekly wash. A Havanese dog that generally lives indoors will require to be bathed once a month. Place cotton balls in the ears of the dog to prevent any water from entering the ear canal. Use a no tear shampoo and conditioner to wash the dog. After rinsing the dog well, allow air dry. You can let the dog shake off the excess water from its body.

You will see that Havanese dogs with a bright white coat develop red or discolored hair around the eyes. You need to wash the skin with a soft cotton ball or cloth near the eye. The discoloration will reduce with regular cleaning. The long, floppy ears need to be cleaned regularly to avoid dog ear infections. You should clean the ears with a washcloth and cotton swab and remover the hair in the ears with tweezers or your fingers. Do not go deep into the ear canal or you may injure the dog.

Clipping Nails
Grooming also involves clipping of nails. You need to hold your pup or dog still and separate the toes. Then, cut one nail and praise the dog a lot. Move on the other nail and continue to praise the dog to avoid it from panicking. Nails need to be clipped regularly or they will grow too long. It is always better to visit a professional groomer for dog nail clipping to avoid injury. You should also ask them to clip the fur on the paw as it may form a cushion like layer and cause the dog to slip on a smooth surface.

Cleaning Teeth
To avoid plaque building up in the teeth of your dog, you need to brush the Havanese teeth and gums regularly. You should use special dog toothpaste to brush the teeth.

You can even get a haircut for your Havanese dog. Many owners go in for Havanese grooming styles like puppy cut, teddy bear or drop coat trim. The dog ends up looking like a cute, cuddly stuffed toy that will earn a lot of 'Ooh's' and 'Ooo's' and 'Soooo Cute' from admirers. You need to continue brushing, combing and grooming the dogs couple of times a week. This will help prevent mats and tangles in the coat.

Posted on 5:32 PM

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich - Louis Sabin

The term "small fluffy dogs" brings to mind, celebrities and socialites, with tiny dogs, all dolled up, stuffed in a bag or carried around. But there's more to a fluffy dog, than just fur. Small size often means an energetic and spunky attitude and tiny dogs are full of life. They need a good and firm hand, attention and care, and lots and lots of love, which they return in double (or even more). If your kind of pooch is a cute small fluffy dog, then read on to learn which are the best little breeds to own.

Small Fluffy Dogs

Here are the top 6 types of fluffy dog breeds, not judged by popularity or size, but by their "fluffiness".

Bichon Bolognese
White and fluffy, like a snowball with a tail, is the best description for the Bolognese. Their country of origin is Italy and they are a rare breed, outside Europe. Its friendly and loving nature, with a docile attitude, make it an ideal companion and family pet. Contrary to it belonging to the small dog group, it is not yappy or aggressive and less active. The Bolognese hates to be left alone and bonds well with its owner.
Height : 9 - 13 inches; Weight : 4.5 - 9 pounds; Color : Pure white, off-white, champagne.

Aptly nicknamed Pom Pom, this breed has a history of being a royal pet, and is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Don't be fooled by its tiny stature. The Pomeranian is a powerhouse of energy, intelligence and attitude. It loves to be the center of attention and is very lively. But it can get yappy and aggressive, especially with strangers, and needs a firm but loving hand.
Height : 7 - 12 inches; Weight : 3 - 7 pounds; Color : Red, white, blue, black, black and tan, sable, brindle, parti-color (white with colored markings)

Coton de Tulear
One of the rarer small fluffy dog breeds, The Coton de Tulear is named after the French word for cotton and the city of Tulear. Alert and intelligent, it makes an excellent alarm dog. It has an entertainer's gift with crowds, pulling stunts and tricks, especially walking on its hind legs. Their easygoing nature and playful spirit, make them good playmates for children and other pets.
Height : 9 - 13 inches; Weight : 8 - 13 pounds; Color : White, black-and-white, tri-color

Bichon Frise
The powderpuff model of small fluffy dogs. The Bichon Frise is similar in build and coloring to the Bolognese. This dog is a very social animal, humans and animals alike. It sparkles, when given attention, and is very lively in company. They are also active, with short bursts of energy, called the Bichon Blitz period.
Height : 9 - 12 inches; Weight : 7 - 12 pounds; Color : Solid white, cream, gray or apricot

Cairn Terrier
Bold and fearless. Full of spunk and fire. These words are just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to describing the hardy temperament of the Cairn Terrier. A little guy with a lot of big guy attitude, this breed has a distinctive fox-like appearance. They are natural chasers and defensive of their homes. They have a social nature, and are well behaved around strangers and other dogs, but are not so fond of cats. This breed is highly intelligent and curious, and learn anything, if properly trained.
Height : 9 - 11 inches; Weight : 12 - 14 pounds; Color : Red, brindle, sand, shades of gray

With its fringed ears, mixed coloring and delicate and small size, the Papillon is correctly named for its butterfly-like look. This breed is one of the oldest toy spaniels. They are happy and friendly dogs, who live to meet, greet and socialize. They love cuddling and kissing and are obedient. Papillons love a good romp or activity, and are good at jumping.
Height : 8 - 12 inches; Weight : 8 - 10 pounds; Color : White with patches of any color and a white blaze and noseband.

List of Tiny Fluffy Dogs
  • Affenpinscher
  • American Eskimo
  • Australian Terrier
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  • Havanese
  • Japanese Spitz
  • Japanese Chin
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Lowchen
  • Maltese
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Norwich Terrier
  • Poodle
  • Shih Tzu
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Yorkshire Terrier
Owners of toy and small dogs, should be careful of "Small dog syndrome", a behavioral issue with small-sized breeds. If spoiled and given their way too often, small dogs tend to assume they are in charge, and will not obey or listen to any commands. They tend to get aggressive and growl or bark at anything. Gentle but firm training, with praise instead of threats, is an early start to avoiding behavioral problems. Small dogs are especially social and should not be left alone for long periods of time.

Posted on 10:50 PM

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The dog ear is divided into three parts as the pinna, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear or flap forms the pinna. The pinna helps capture sound waves. The middle ear processes the sound waves captured by the pinna. It consist of the tympanic cavity, the eardrum and the auditory ossicles. The auditory ossicles are a group of small bones known as malleus , incus and stapes. The sound waves travel down the ear canal and it is transmitted by the auditory ossicles into the inner ear. The inner ear is made up of small fluid-fill canals. There are tiny hair inside the canals that record the fluid movement and changes in the dog's posture and position. This helps govern the dog's sense of balance. The cochlea converts the sound vibrations into messages. These messages are carried to the brain to be translated into meaningful sounds.

Thus, the tiny ear of our dear Fluffy carries out so many process to convert sound waves into sounds. There are many dog health problems that plague Fluffy. Problems with the ear are one of the many health problems seen in canines.

Common Problems

Inflammation: Parasites, microorganisms, tumors and dog ear skin problems may lead to inflammation of the ear canal. Otitis externa is caused by ear mites. They make Fluffy agitated and he run around the house. Thus, it is extremely important to get rid of any parasites lurking around Fluffy's ears.

Yeast Infections: Malassezia pachydermatis is a common yeast infection in the dog's inner ear. Yeast thrives in the moist and warm environment of Fluffy's ears.

Bacterial Infection: Staphylococci, Streptococci, E. coli, and Pseudomonas spp cause dog outer ear infections. A persistent infection can lead to inflammation of the ear canal leading to dog inner ear problems. The infected usually discharges pus.

Allergies: Food or inhalation of certain substances may lead to allergies in dogs. Dog ear problem is the first sign of dog allergy. Thus, it is important to treat the allergies along with the dog ear problem.

Foreign Bodies: Ants, stick-tights, dog fur or any forgiven body can lodge itself in Fluffly's ears. This causes irritation, dog scratching that leads to a dog ear problem.

Hormones: Dog ear skin problems can be due to deficiency or excess of hormones in Fluffy's ears. Thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids and sex hormones are known to cause these problems.


Ear mites: If you find dry, dark, crumbly coffee ground like deposits in Fluffy's ears, then it is a confirmed mite infestation. In order to treat dog ear problem of mites, clean the ear thoroughly and use ear medications that kill ear mites. The veterinarian may continue this treatment for several weeks to eliminate ear mites.

Yeast: A brown waxy discharge with bad odor generally spells yeast infection. Clean the dog ear daily to get rid of the infection. The veterinarian will prescribe special medications as a part of yeast infection treatment.

Bacterial Infection: The discharge in a bacterial infection is usually yellowish in color and has a bad odor. Bacterial infections are not eliminated with simple cleaning. You need to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible as the dog's outer ear problem may spread to the dog's inner ear. The veterinarian may advice antibiotics.

Home Remedies
  • Apply warm compress on the outer region of the ear several times a day. This helps Fluffy get some relief from irritation, inflammation and redness. It also helps ease the pain due to dog ear problem.
  • Cod lever oil drops help relieve the pain Fluffy suffers due to ear problems. If cod lever oil is unavailable, you may try Vitamin E drops.
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar added to a cup of water given to Fluffy for drinking helps prevent the spread of ear infection. This solution can also be used to clean Fluffy's ears.
  • Take two cloves of garlic macerated in olive oil. Leave this mixture standing for two weeks, after which, put two to three drops in the infected ear. Apply this home remedy for dog ear problem daily.
  • Trimming the hair on the dog's inner ear helps prevent bacteria, yeast and other parasites to thrive on Fluffy's sensitive ears.
Consult the veterinarian in case of suspected dog ear problem. Include vitamin C in your pets diet to boost his immunity to fight against any possible infection. Tea Tree oil and Rosemary extracts have been found to cure infections. Follow the advice of the veterinarian and give proper treatments to cure the dog from ear problems. The next time you clean your ears, remember to clean Fluffy's ears. Maintaining physical hygiene of your dog is an important part of prevention if you want to ensure that your dog remains healthy.

Posted on 5:40 AM

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Shih Tzu dog is an affectionate dog with lovable personalities. They are sweet-natured and arrogant dogs with proud bearings. They love to play outdoors and need lots of comfort, attention and cuddling. They are polite towards strangers and are also amiable towards other pets. Shih Tzu as pets are a bit stubborn and have their own likes and dislikes. They have an independent attitude and grooming a Shih Tzu requires frequent brushing and combing. Apart from some dog health problems that may arise due to their small face, dog owners often face a bit of trouble when housebreaking a Shih Tzu. This is mostly due to their stubborn nature and if you do not follow strict dog obedience rules, you are in for a lot of problems when trying Shih Tzu housebreaking. You can overcome this moderately challenging process by following the housebreaking steps regularly and consistently. Let us go into the details of how to housebreak a Shih Tzu puppy.

How to Housebreak a Shih Tzu Dog

Housebreaking a Shih Tzu needs to be consistent and should begin once the puppy is about 10 weeks or older. You will need to muster up enough perseverance, patience, commitment and time. You need to loving and affectionate when housebreaking a puppy. Shih Tzus have a lot of energy and short attention spans and thus making dog training difficult. Shih Tzus are known to do what they please and if they are allowed to do so, you will have a problem housebreaking. Though, Shih Tzu housebreaking is difficult than training other dogs, it is not completely impossible. All you need to do is follow some simple and easy steps and make housebreaking the puppy a lot more easy.

Step 1
The first step of Shih Tzu training involves taking your puppy outside every 2 hours to eliminate at the same place. You should praise the dog a lot as they learn a lot better through praise than punishment. It is very important that you follow the 2 hour routine consistently.

Step 2
Whenever your dog starts to urinate or defecate, say the word 'potty' loud and clear. You need to associate the word potty with the action. This will help you speed up the process as the dog gets older. You will find soon enough that the dog will run outdoors to eliminate when you say 'potty'.

Step 3
You need to praise the dog not only with words but also with touch. You need to use a kind and loving tone and hug the dog a lot. Shih Tzus love the extra affection that they get from their owners.

Step 4
You should always watch out for signs that show the dog needs to potty. Whenever the Shih Tzu starts circling and sniffing an area you need to immediately take the dog outdoors to the regular bathroom spot. An observant owner will help reduce the number of accidents indoors. Also, if you catch the dog in the act, shout the word 'NO' and take the dog outside. If the dog has already has had an accident, there is no need to shout and lecture the dog. He won't understand why you are upset. It may even make the dog more stubborn and continue to eliminate inside.

Step 6
You need to continue housebreaking a Shih Tzu for about 6 weeks without any gaps. If you dog goes without having an accident for about 4 weeks, it means you have been successful in housebreaking. You should slowly cut down on your visits outdoors. You will find that when the dog needs to go, he will be standing at the door whimpering.

If you are not able to take the Shih Tzu outdoors every two hours, then you need to confine the dog in one area with baby fences or in a room or bathroom. Cover the floor with newspapers or absorbent material. As the puppy begins to develop a preferred spot to eliminate, concentrate the paper in that area. Make sure you encourage the puppy to eliminate on concrete, blacktop, dirt or grass. Do not allow him to go about with his business on any hardwood flooring, tile or carpet that he may see around the house. Crate training the puppy is also a good idea as Shih Tzu will avoid eliminating in its sleeping area. Punishments and reprimanding the dog is of no use and will only confuse the animal.

This was something about how to housebreak a Shih Tzu dog. You should develop a routine for feeding time, play time and potty time. This will train the dog to have better self-control and even bowel control. It is not difficult to housebreak a Shih Tzu if you follow the training process without becoming lazy on your part. With a little patience, affection and a lot of dog care, you will be able to successfully housebreaking a Shih Tzu.

Posted on 3:14 PM

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bathing your dog is an important grooming ritual. As a pet owner, you'd obviously want what's best for your pet, and that automatically includes grooming products. You would ordinarily find a variety of dog shampoos and conditioners in pet stores, and you could even have your favorite brand.

However, there are several pet owners across the world who express concern over the chemicals used in these products and the long-term effects of using them on their beloved furries. Even otherwise, wouldn't it be great if you could whip up a nice cleanser at home?

A perfect shampoo would be the one that gets the cleaning done, without a trace of strong chemicals. So here are some shampoo recipes that are easy to make and work fabulously well on your dog.

Natural Shampoo
1 cup mild dish washing liquid
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup glycerin
1 quart water


Mix all the ingredients in a container. Store this mixture in an old shampoo bottle. Use this shampoo while bathing the dog and rinse well. Make sure you shake the bottle well before every use as the glycerin tends to form a layer on top of the liquid.
*Do not use it on the ears or near the eyes.
Oatmeal Shampoo
Oatmeal, as required
Warm water, as required


The measure of the ingredients would depend on the size of your dog. Combine the two ingredients to form a starchy mixture. Pour it into a sock and apply it over the dog's coat. Keep it on for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. Oatmeal shampoo is ideal for relief from dry and scaly skin, mosquito bites, to remove fleas and also for cleansing and deodorizing.
Shampoo for Dry Skin
1 box cornstarch
10 drops of essential oil
(choose from tea tree, lemon, lavender or rosemary)
1 and 1/2 cup cornmeal


Mix all the ingredients in a container and store. When giving your dog a bath, apply this shampoo and massage it well into the skin. Let it stand for around 5 minutes and then brush it away, followed by a good rinse.
Flea and Tick Shampoo
2 cups warm water
2 tbsp peppermint oil
2 tbsp eucalyptus oil
2 tbsp white cedar oil
cup white vinegar
cup citronella oil


Mix all the ingredients and store it in a bottle. This shampoo works well to remove tick and flea infestation in dogs. Other than that, it also has a cleansing and deodorizing effect.
A Few Conditioner Recipes...
The regular grooming routine for a dog would suggest a conditioning treatment after a shampoo. Using homemade dog conditioner after shampooing will give a healthy shine and soft feel to the dog's coat, along with leaving a pleasant, lingering smell.
Rosemary Conditioner
Rosemary seeds


Add some rosemary seeds to boiling water and boil for a minute or two. Remove this mixture from heat, let it cool down. After ten minutes, strain the rosemary seeds and pour the solution into a bottle. Use this conditioner after shampooing and rinse well.
Egg Conditioner
Warm water


Whisk some egg yolk with warm water until it turns creamy, then add the egg whites and whisk well. Apply this to the dog's coat and let it stay for around two minutes and then rinse out with lukewarm water. Ensure that the final rinse does not leave any egg residues on the dog's coat, as it may result in itching and leave an unpleasant odor.
Homemade dog shampoos and conditioners will keep the dog's fur and skin healthy, soft and shiny. They will prevent flea infestations and skin disorders. What's more, they are also easy on your pocket and completely safe to use. You'll begin to notice the difference soon after you start using these shampoo and conditioner recipes.

Posted on 4:56 AM

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

The thought of puppies makes dog lovers instantly feel all warm and fuzzy - adorable fuzzballs who unlike any other pets, embody the epitome of cuteness. I've always wanted to own a dog (sigh), but alas I'm not allowed, so I settled for a bunny instead. We're not here to talk about rabbits, but puppies and how to take care of their dietary needs. I'm sure you're aware of what your dog requires, what with all the research on what's good for your dog. The downside is, not many people are aware that commercial dog food products can be unhealthy and dangerous for your dog in the long run, and might contain nothing of nutritional value. Find out alternatives of what the best dry puppy food is, that doesn't contain what other brands speak of.

How to Choose the Right Dog Food

Learn here how to choose your puppy's food and what you need to look out for, before making a decision.

Ideally, sticking to one trusted brand ensures that your dog doesn't go through digestive problems due to odd eating habits. As long as it contains the same value of ingredients from one brand to the next, you can avoid dog illnesses from arising.

AAFCO Approved
It is wise to choose dog food that comes under the approval of the Association of American Feed Control Officials. For those who don't have AAFCO approved products in your locale, find out which association has approved it and stamped it as dog food worthy to incorporate as part of your puppy's diet.

A-Grade Ingredients
The best dry dog food contains a high amount of vitamins, proteins that are easy to digest, calories and minerals. An indigestible filler is sometimes not added to products, and if it is, the amount is moderate. Too much of filler isn't good for you dog.

Age Factor
Look for brands that specifically mention the age/dog breed of the puppy, so that you are sure the ingredients are made to suit his/her system.

Vets know which brands are good for dogs, so take suggestions and recommendations from a good vet. Even the breeder that you got your puppy from, will know what works for their kind. Find out what he/she has been eating previously, so as to follow the same diet regimen, to avoid messing their digestive systems.

When puppies are about 8-12 weeks old, they need a lot of nutrients and energy packed foods. You need to start feeding them with high quality protein, minus the filler, and a growth formula. The best dry food brands have a good portion of calcium and nutrients, with more than 25% protein added with little or no filler at all. When you're puppy reaches the last stage of his/her puppy period (3-5 months), you have to avoid giving him/her growth formula, to avoid rapid growth that arises from skeletal problems.

Best Dry Dog Food Reviews

The best puppy food comprises nutrients that will let your pup grow into a healthy dog, that is less likely to fall ill due to bad ingestion. Here are some of the best puppy food brands out there, that you must consider getting for your little pup.

Raw Food
This is a slowly catching on as a popular diet plan for dogs, with two kinds; pre-made, or what you can cook yourself. Good brands of the same would be Dr. Billinghurst's BARF raw food diet, Primal Pet Foods and Steve's Real Food for dogs. This kind of diet is increasingly popular, because people have found out that feeding a dog naturally is the way to go. Back in time, when dog owners didn't have time to nurture them, these animals depended primarily on raw food. So, the theory is, if dogs were evolving with that same dietary method, then raw food is what does the trick. It's an all natural diet that excludes the use of additives, chemical ingredients, by-products, preservatives and fillers. Grains should be kept away from a dog's diet, as it isn't right for the digestive system to absorb. A raw food diet contains a lot of other meaty content like salmon, pork, rabbit (sadly), turkey and also a lot of greens and fruits. Ingredients that are high in nutrient content are also be added to the raw food diet, like flax, eggs, seed meal, yogurt and kelp. What keeps dogs fit and problem free, is also a wide array of enzyme rich nutrients with amino acids, which is of course easily digested by the dog's system. It can save your dog from many problems like allergies, diseases and a weak immune system, unhealthy gums, undeveloped jaws and so on. There are cons, like being subjected to E.coli and salmonella bacterium, so, I'd advise you to wash your raw meat thoroughly and note any changes in your dog. Consult a good breeder to help you out on how to incorporate the raw food diet plan in dog's daily routine.

Homemade Dog Food
This option seems a little better than that of the raw food diet, namely because you are preparing a meal yourself. It is a cleaner and safer way of giving a dog food, since you know what you are adding into his meal. One would need to know that adding a good balance of vitamins and proteins in his/her diet is essential, as well as managing portions for your dog's everyday calorie intake. There are dog food recipes available on the web, to help you out with meal preparations. Browse through them to aid you in the kitchen. Some of the best homemade dry dog food recipes include veggies, meaty stews and so on. Remember to check with a list of dog foods you must avoid, because feeding them these items can prove to be pretty harmful. Those dogs who've been suffering from past dog health problems, will exhibit a noticeable change in his/her health when the diet switches over to homemade dog food.

For the best dry dog food, surf the web, in stores and consult your vet/breeder. This will ensure that your puppy food that is healthy, balanced and a 100% reliable.

Posted on 4:28 AM

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Arthritis is one of the most common type of dog illnesses. Usually, aged dogs suffer from arthritis. Natural deterioration of joints during the process of aging affects the flexibility of joints. For the owner, it is a heart-breaking situation to observe his/her beloved pet, limping and moaning due to pain. Young dogs may also get affected by arthritis after serious injuries or accidents. Dog owners should be aware of the symptoms and treatment of arthritis in dogs.

How to Determine Glucosamine Dosage for Dogs

The accurate combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, prescribed by the vet, can be a miraculous arthritis medicine for dogs. Normal glucosamine sulfate dose is 20 mg/lb of body weight or one 500 mg tablet per 25 pounds of body weight. But the dose may vary according to the severity of the condition. You can mix it in dog food and can thus easily feed it. Dogs weighing less than 25 lbs can be given one tablet of 500 mg. Dogs weighing 25-50 lbs may be given 2 tablets per day; while dogs weighing 51-75 lbs are given 3 tablets per day. For a dog weighing above 75 lbs, four tablets can be prescribed. Initially, the dog may be given a larger dose and then the dose might be reduced as the condition improves.

The three common types of glucosamine available in the market are glucosamine sulfate, HCl or 2KCl. Make sure to check the ingredients of the product and purchase the superior quality one. You should compare the 'price per day' by calculating the dosage required and the quantity provided by the manufacturer. The 2KCL and NaCl forms of Glucosamine are found in low-cost discount stores but you should never opt for such low quality drugs.

The ingredients of the tablets may vary according to the brands, but tablets containing Glucosamine Hydrochloride (500 mg) and Chondroitin Sulfate (400 mg) are considered as the best. The tablets are usually fortified with other minerals and vitamins (especially vitamin C).

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

You should monitor following symptoms, in case you find certain changes in the behavior of your dog:
  • Difficulty in sitting or standing up
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unwillingness to go for walks or walking with a stiff gait
  • Constant licking of the joints
  • Resistance to touch
  • Swollen and hot joints
Because of pain in joints, you may find the dog sleeping all day long. Thanks to modern-day researches, we have a variety of arthritis medicines for dogs which help relieve the joint pain.

Glucosamine for Dog Arthritis

Glucosamine works great for dog arthritis. It is available in various forms, for example, chewable pills, powder, liquid, tablets of different strength, etc.
  • It helps repair and renew the worn and damaged cartilage by providing the matrix that is useful in the process of regeneration.
  • Glucosamine supplement combined with chondroitin sulfate can be the best supplement for dogs diagnosed with arthritis. It helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis and hip dysplasia.
  • Glucosamine chondroitin for dogs is available in various flavors. It could be a bacon flavored treat for the pet. No major side effects of these supplements have been yet noticed. Glucosamine promotes the repairing process of the damaged cartilage while chondroitin blocks the flow of enzymes, which destroy the cartilage.
Glucosamine, available in a liquid form can be the best glucosamine for dogs, as complete absorption of the ingredients is possible. Besides, it is easy to feed. The supplement is regarded as a safe nutritional supplement. It helps reduce the pain and slows down the advancement of arthritis. But results are not instant. You should have patience.

In any case, medications meant for human beings should not be given to dogs. Before purchasing and feeding dog medicines, you should consult the vet. Instructions of the vet, regarding glucosamine dosage should be strictly followed by dog owners. The vet would check the age, weight and medical history of your dog and would then determine the dosage. You should religiously follow the instructions on the labels too.

Apart from feeding correct glucosamine doses, arranging a soft and comfortable bed, healthy diet, physiotherapy, massage, etc., are considered as part of the treatment. As pets cannot tell what the problem is and how much pain they are experiencing, you should try to collect as much information as possible, for proper dog care. Overweight dogs are more likely to suffer from arthritis. So, you should always be careful about the diet and exercise program of your dog.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this Buzzle article should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. The article provides general guidelines only.

Posted on 9:57 PM

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Most dog owners have this misconception that tremors can only affect smaller breeds of canines. But the fact is, it can be a condition that may strike at any age, and any breed. And tremor is not something that may be considered normal in your pet. This condition is characterized by muscle twitching in all or part of the body, that takes place involuntarily. And this action may be manifested by movements of the head, limbs or the whole body, which can be easily detected to be involuntary in nature. Tremor can strike when your pet is in some kind of activity and even when he is at rest. However, physical activity tends to worsen it, and rest lessens it. Experts say that true tremors in dogs cease to occur during sleep.

What Triggers Tremors in Dogs?

The condition is also known as shaking in dogs, and there is not just one kind, but multiples of them. And according to the types, the causes also vary. However, it is also important to know that in some cases, there are no apparent causes thus, the condition also has an idiopathic nature.

The condition of canine tremors have different causes. The common ones which vets normally come across include:
  • Trauma
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • Inflammation of the brain (causative agent is virus; condition is known as encephalitis)
  • Abnormalities in the cerebellar part of the brain
  • Diseases that inflict the animal's sense of equilibrium
  • Kidney failure and tremors are related to each other, and so is the condition of hypoglycemia (a condition where the blood sugar level in the body is abnormally low)
  • Formation of lesions on the spinal cord
  • Diseases of the neuromuscular system of the body

The treatment that is recommended for dealing with the condition of tremors that affect dogs, is determined by the symptoms exhibited by the animal. The first line of treatment is to detect the underlying cause and treat it. Owners are also advised to keep their pets from getting involved in any kind of physical activity, as it tends to aggravate the dogs' illness. In some cases, surgery may be a viable option.

Care at Home

Although there is nothing much owners can do to deal with this condition, there are a few measures which may help their pets to be comfortable and less anxious. It is important to avoid toxin exposure. This is more important when the cause is some kind of intoxication. Diet is an important aspect to be take care of by the owners. Animals who are affected by the generalized form of tremors, often lose weight thus, it is important to monitor any changes in the same. Owners must never take the plunge to go for over-the-counter drugs, but only use what has been prescribed by the vet.

Recurrence of tremors, although a serious condition, can also be prevented with a few conscious efforts made by the owner. The animals must be kept from getting exposed to sudden excitement and stressful situations. Also, for dogs who have had attacks earlier, too much exercise may invite trouble. And the importance of regular follow-ups with a vet is also something that must never be ignored.

Posted on 4:20 AM

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Monday, July 6, 2015

Constipation in dogs can be caused due to various reasons, most common being lack of exercise, dehydration and lack of fiber. Sometimes it might be caused due to a rather serious problem like an enlarged prostate, when you can observe painful laxation and trouble urinating along with constipation.

At times, consumption of a foreign object can lead to intestinal obstruction. If your dog usually has a habit of eating non-food items then this might be a probable cause. You will notice your dog straining during bowel movements, vomiting or becoming lethargic. Remember that in this case you must take him soon to a vet. In older dogs, if you see no obvious reasons of this condition then get them examined as this can be sign of metabolic disease. If your dog has recently undergone a surgery, then infrequent and irregular bowel movement is a common side effect of the same. In other cases, change in regular diet can lead to this problem.

Identifying the symptoms and opting for a treatment is much essential. In case, irregular bowel movement is caused due to food consumed you can always opt for home remedies. In other serious cases or after trying home remedies for not more than five days, you must take your dog to a vet. Common symptoms include straining during bowel movements, infrequent bowel movements, hard and grayish stools and no bowel movements for 2-3 days.

You might also notice some changes in dog's behavior. He will look upset and angry. Prolonged constipation can further lead to problems like loss of appetite, and vomiting. In any of the above cases you can start with home remedies for constipation in dogs.

Home Remedies

Remedy 1: Grooming
Make sure you groom your dog well. Especially in case of long hair dogs, do keep the rear end well-trimmed. Matted or tangled hair around the anus can prevent the passage of feces. Also regularly brushing his hair and then cleaning the shelter will ensure that they are not swallowed in. Keep their shelter clean and remove all the non-eatable items.

Remedy 2: Water
As dehydration can be one of the various causes of constipation in dogs, make sure they drink a lot of water. Keep a bowl of clean water in his shelter. Filtered water is best, instead of giving tap water. Also keeping their food moist by adding a few drops of water to it is a good idea.

Remedy 3: Pumpkin
Pumpkin, natural laxative is known to be the best treatment. Opt for a canned pumpkin. It is a fiber rich food which very effective in treating this problem. You can mix cup of pumpkin to his meals till he gets relief.

Remedy 4: Aloe Vera
Another classic home remedy is using aloe vera juice. Make sure you feed it in small amount, 1/2 tsp will be enough. You can mix it with water or wet dog feed.

Remedy 5: Diet
A healthy diet is essential for curing this problem. Dry beans can be added to his diet, which are one of the fiber rich foods. Also, add other fiber rich foods in his diet till he gets relief. Raw or boiled vegetables are good for constipation. Also make sure you avoid lacteous and other high fat products. Add 2 tsp oatmeal or wheat bran to his meal for a few days to cure problem of dry hard stools. Feeding a bland diet that consists of cooked rice, milk and cereals along with meat broth is the best remedy. You can also feed your dog, not more than 1/8 cup - 1/2 cup milk daily that will help lubricate the colon.

Remedy 6: Fiber Supplements
One of the best ways to help your dog get relief is to add psyllium husk, avena sativa, aloe ferox, herbal fiber supplement to his meals. There are many fiber products available in the market but your dog might not be able to digest them well. Fibers are known to be useful in faster evacuation of feces. If you opt for commercial fiber supplements, make sure they do not contain sugar. The right fiber dosage is, tsp two times a day for a medium-sized dog. You can also opt for 2 tbsp of milk of magnesia that will help evacuation of feces.

Remedy 7: Olive Oil or Mineral Oil
If you are sure that your dog is suffering from this problem, add olive or mineral oil, that are lubricant laxatives to regular dog food. It will help ease the dog's digestion process and lubricate the colon. Remember that excess of olive oil or mineral oil can lead to diarrhea. You can also use almond oil or coconut oil instead.

Remedy 8: Exercise
Lack of exercise can be one of the causes of irregular bowel movement. Hence daily exercise along with healthy diet is essential to cure the problem. Taking your dog for a walk of 15-20 minutes, at least twice a day is a must. Taking them for a long walk after meals is also essential. This will help your dog in regular bowel movements.

If the aforementioned remedies don't help him in getting relief then you must take him to a vet. A veterinarian will prescribe proper medications, give stool softeners and recommend dietary changes for treatment. Sometimes enema can also be used by the vet. If the problem persists, blood analysis and urinalysis will be recommended to know whether any other underlying health condition is the cause of constipation.

In much severe cases, a colonoscopy would be recommended by the vet. Knowing your dog well, monitoring his behavior regularly, will help you identify the problem soon and give him the required treatment before it becomes a serious problem.

Posted on 8:17 PM


Saturday, July 4, 2015

A stroke, which is also referred to as a cerebrovascular accident, is a medical condition wherein distressing neurological symptoms occur due to disruption of blood supply to a part of the brain. This condition can also affect dogs. Though this condition is not commonly observed in dogs, it may occur as a result of an underlying disease.


A stroke can lead to a sudden deterioration in the dog's health. Here are some of the common symptoms that are indicative of a canine stroke:
  • A stroke can cause tilting of the head on one side
  • The dog may turn the wrong way on being called
  • Loss of balance
  • Sudden behavioral changes
  • Lethargy
  • Circling, house soiling and falling over very often
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Loss of control over bladder and bowel
  • Vomiting
  • Eyes may roll back and forth
  • Confusion
  • Loss of vision

Canine strokes are categorized into two types; ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke occurs when there is a lack of blood supply to the brain. This could be due to the formation of a blood clot or blockage that prevents blood from reaching the brain. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, tumors or medical conditions associated with the heart, kidney and liver could increase the risk of ischemic stroke. On the other hand, a hemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain rupture, thereby causing blood to leak. Traumatic injury, vasculitis, lung worm, brain tumor or abnormalities in the blood vessels in the brain could increase the risk for this kind of stroke. Such a leakage of blood could adversely affect the blood supply to the brain. Physical and neurological symptoms appear when blood enriched with nutrients and oxygen doesn't reach the brain. Bulldogs and pugs are more susceptible to such a condition. It is believed that their narrow respiratory pathways increases the risk of strokes. Hence, extra precautions should be taken by people who have such kinds of dogs as their pets. Very old and very young dogs are also susceptible to strokes.


There is not much that can be done at home for the treatment of stroke in dogs. So, take your dog to a veterinarian without wasting any time. What can be done at home is proper feeding and anything that may improve your dog's quality of life. So, if you observe any of the aforementioned symptoms in your pet, it would be best to take your dog to the vet. Diagnostic tests such as the CT scan and MRI can certainly help in identifying the underlying cause. Though the damage caused by this condition could be irreversible, pet owners can at least make the necessary changes and take steps to prevent another stroke in future. Once the underlying medical condition has been identified, the veterinarian can suggest the best treatment option. The prognosis of stroke is definitely better in dogs than in humans. The affected dog may be able to recover motor functions within a few weeks. However, the time a dog could take to recover would vary depending on the intensity of the stroke. Once a dog has had a stroke, the dog owners must be ready to accept the behavioral changes and help the dog.

Prevention is always better than cure. So, do take your dog for regular checkups. Several diseases can increase the risk of canine stroke, so make sure that you give your dog good quality dog food. Exercise is also essential, so make sure that your dog stays active. This will help to lower the risk of obesity in dogs. If the dog receives proper treatment without any delay, it can recover completely within weeks and can live a healthy life.

Posted on 9:45 PM

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If you are planning to own a dog at your home, then you should be aware of various dog breeds, so that you can get a dog that suits to your requirements. There are more than hundreds of dog breeds and each breed is different in the aspect of nutrition, grooming and exercising requirements. English Mastiff belongs to the giant breed of dogs. Apart from English Mastiff, there are other types of Mastiffs such as Brazilian Mastiff, Argentinian Mastiff, and Tibetan Mastiff.

English Mastiff puppies are giant breed puppies, which require unique care. Nutrition plays an important role in the growth and development of an English Mastiff dog. When you talk about nutrition keep in mind the quality and the quantity of food you feed your Mastiff puppy.

When the puppies are about 16 weeks old, they lose the immunity against various diseases that they receive from their mother's milk. Hence, it is very important to take the puppy to the vet for vaccination shots.

Exercise Regularly
It is necessary to exercise your English Mastiff puppy regularly. However, do not overdo it. Exercises would help the puppy to develop muscle tissue that supports the strong and heavy bones. You can take the puppy out for a walk everyday. It would establish a bond between the puppy and you. Throw a stick or a ball and ask the puppy to fetch it to you. Do not allow the puppy to jog or jump over the hurdle, until it becomes an adult.

As puppies, an English Mastiff is playful, but as they become an adult, it can easily overpower its owner. To avoid this, proper training has to be given when it is a puppy. The basic obedience commands should be taught to a Mastiff puppy. An untrained English Mastiff will become unmanageable and would display destructive behavior when it becomes an adult. If you cannot train the pup, enroll it in a training class.

As a pup, expose the English Mastiff to children and other family members. You should also expose the Mastiff pup to various objects, scents and noises. Do not allow your Mastiff to play with other puppies or dogs, until it is given the vaccination shots.

Things to Avoid Doing
  • Never ever hit or scare your Mastiff puppy.
  • Do not allow the puppy to play with stray dogs or other dogs till they are vaccinated.
  • Never discourage the puppy from experimenting with new things or socializing.
  • Stop them from becoming very friendly with outsiders
  • Tying up your Mastiff puppy can make it aggressive. So avoid doing it.
  • Do not over feed a Mastiff puppy. Avoid treating this breed to chocolate or caffeine products.
To an extent, you should encourage submission. The reason behind this is that in many situations, you would need to take your pet in an environment, to which it is not used to. For example, if you have to take it to a vet for vaccination, or for any other ailments, your pet should be submissive enough and allow itself to be examined. You could teach it certain command words such as "settle", "lay still" and so on. This training would be helpful at the time of nail trimming and grooming.

Posted on 5:41 AM

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Every dog owner around the world has one common issue that they have to deal with at some point of time in their pet dog's lives, irrespective of the sex of the dog. This issue is that of the breeding of dogs. For beginners it can be a very taxing and complex matter that must be dealt with very carefully and if proper care is not taken, it can lead to some unpleasant situations cropping up. The breeding of dogs is not as simple as it may seem. There are many considerations that the owner of the dog must keep in mind, before they actually select the dogs for breeding. The health of the dogs, the age and the fertility are a few parameters that play a role, when you are breeding your dog.

There are many reasons why dog owners should be aware about how to breed dogs and the breeding of dogs is controlled and monitored for a variety of reasons. Some dog owners may wish to know how to breed a dog in order to get healthy puppies of a dog breed of their choice. Other owners may wish to acquire knowledge about breeding as they may wish to get puppies in order to sell them to dog lovers or pet store owners, or put them up for dog adoption. There is an adequate amount of information available over the Internet, which can make the business a relatively easier task.

One of the most important tips for beginners is to know when to breed a dog. Good timing is imperative, in order to get a healthy offspring. Getting inaccurate dog breeding information regarding the timing of breeding your dog, can have a lot of serious repercussions on the health of the puppies that are born. The best way to learn about the right time for carrying out the breeding of dogs is to consult either a veterinarian, or somebody who is experienced in the business.

Age and Health
Dog breeding is a tricky subject, if the dog owner involved has no prior experience or knowledge about how to breed a dog. The next most important thing to consider is the age and health of the bitch and the stud involved in the breeding. The bitch must be at least two years old, or else the health of the puppies will be under serious threat. There are a number of health checks that need to be carried out for the bitch and the stud as well. Once the information has been received regarding the health of the dogs for breeding, the owner should carry forward with the process. It goes without saying that prior permission must be taken from the owner of the dog that does not belong to you.

Professional Help
How to breed dogs is something that can be read about over the Internet, or from books, but it is not something that should be carried out without the consultation or supervision of a vet or a professional dog breeder. These professionals can provide some very valuable breeding tips for beginners and can also be at call if there is an emergency.

Financial Resources
Most people fail to take into consideration the financial aspect of the breeding process. This is a task that requires a healthy contribution of financial resources and you should compulsorily set aside a certain amount of money, in case some unforeseen medical situation arises. These financial resources are required for the purpose of health checks, pregnancy related emergencies and medications, professional help required and most importantly, for taking care of the puppies. The puppies must not be separated from their mother for at least 6-8 weeks after they are born.

Investment of Time
The last piece of advice is to be prepared to set aside time for the whole breeding process. This is not a task that can be accomplished overnight and it requires a fair investment of time, for the process to be carried out smoothly. Any form of negligence in your part regarding the dog behavior of your pet can have many serious repercussions in the future, and it is advisable to keep a watch on the dogs at all times.

Dog breeding is a sensitive issue for most dog owners, and proper care must be taken before and after the actual mating process. You must be absolutely sure that you have chosen the right breed and the right dog for your dog to mate with, and that there are absolutely no genetic complications involved.

Posted on 8:12 PM

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