Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Caring for pet rabbits
Did You Know?
The world's biggest rabbit is Darius, a Continental Giant, from Worcester England who weighs an unprecedented 50 pounds, and is over 4 feet long! "Rabbits are easy-to-keep pets, all you have to do is feed them, put them in a big cage. Some exercises and an occasional cleaning of the cage, and that's it!". This statement is partly right and partly wrong. Right because maintaining a healthy pet rabbit is not at all difficult. Wrong because unless you are aware of all the facts about rabbit food, health care, the "dos and don'ts", things could really go wrong. With pet rabbits, it is the minor facts that matter: what you feed them, the amount of exercise they get, even how you handle them.

  • Before Buying a Pet Rabbit
  • What are Rabbits Like?
  • Making Your Pet Rabbit Comfortable
  • Proper Diet for Your Pet Rabbit
  • Lifting your Rabbit
  • When to Visit the Vet
  • Litter Training your Rabbit

Before Buying a Pet Rabbit
Once you have decided that you want a rabbit, as a pet, there are a few questions that you should consider.
  1. Do I already own a pet that could pose a threat to the rabbit? (Dog, cat etc.)
  2. What will it cost me to take care of the rabbit? (Cage, food, the occasional veterinarian expense etc.)
  3. Are all the supplies that will be required available? (Mostly food requirements)
  4. And finally, do I have the time to take proper care of the rabbit?
After considering the above questions, now comes the step where you choose the right one. There are over 150 recognized rabbit coat colors and varieties, ranging from snow-white to gray and single color to stripes. The best solution is to visit your local pet store and see what choices are available.

The rabbit decided, you must now buy a cage. You should buy a cage that allows the rabbit to stand up, fully stretched on its hind legs without any obstruction. While choosing a cage for your rabbit ensure that there is extra space to accommodate a litter box, including space for the feed and water. The cage must be easy to clean and sturdy. A metal cage with a wire mesh floor is the most preferable choice.

If you think that the major buying decisions (the rabbit and cage) are over, you are mistaken. The most important part is - the Food. Yes, this is of utmost importance. The entire health and well-being of the rabbit will depend on this. As you read the part on feeding your rabbit, you will realize the importance of choosing the proper food for your rabbit. Pet rabbits usually live 7 to 8 years, but feeding your pet the proper diet should ensure it lives 10 to 12 years. Pet rabbits have been known to live up to 15 years given the proper care.
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What are Rabbits Like?
Before buying a pet rabbit, many are curious to know whether owning a rabbit is like owning a cat or a dog.
  • A pet rabbit is neither like a pet cat nor a pet dog. Pet cats and dogs will take an immediate liking to you, and not be afraid of you. This will happen with a pet rabbit too, but it will take much longer.
  • Your pet dog or cat can be fed on a variety of foods like, vegetables, fish, chicken, and meat. Not the case with pet rabbits, they have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rabbits are very affectionate, but could get really aggressive and destructive at times.
  • Many people have a misconception that a pet rabbit can be picked up and cuddled just like a stuffed toy. But the truth is that even the slightest mishandling of your pet rabbit could prove fatal. Thus handling a rabbit gently, is very important.
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Making your Pet Rabbit Comfortable
When you bring your new pet rabbit home, decide the location of the cage. The following points should help in deciding the location.
  • Make sure the cage is placed where it will not obstruct your movement.
  • The place should be well ventilated with a free flow of fresh air.
  • Place the cage as close to the ground as possible.
  • Place bedding, made of straw, in the cage so that the rabbit feels comfortable.
  • Remember, the cage is not a place to confine your rabbit. It is more of a place where the rabbit will retire for the night or whenever it is tired, or hungry.
  • As far as possible, leave the cage open. However, on doing so, ensure that the surroundings are safe when the rabbit is outside the cage.
Problems that your pet could face, if confined to the cage, will include poor muscle tone because of no exercise, inflammation of the feet due to sitting in one place constantly, it could become very lethargic, can turn aggressive at times and will become obese due to lack of exercise. Most of all, it will not turn out to be the happy, jumping-about rabbit that you thought it would. A rabbit requires constant activity. Rabbits love jumping and running around. This helps keep their bodies in shape, their minds active and alert, and also helps in eliminating diseases.
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Proper Diet for your Pet Rabbit
Proper care should be taken about your pet rabbit's diet. It ensures that your rabbit remains disease-free, active, and enjoys a long, healthy life.
  • Rabbits are herbivores, and their primary diet consists of a variety of grass and leaves.
  • All rabbits eat grass. Part of this goes into the intestinal tract known as the cecum, where it is converted into small pellets that are soft and filled with nutrients. These soft pellets, are known as cecotropes and, are consumed by the rabbit. This is easily digested and contain fatty acids, vitamins and amino acids, which are all very important for the well-being of the rabbit.
  • Your pet rabbit's diet should consist primarily of hay. Always make sure that there is enough hay in the rabbit's cage. There are two types of hay; grass and legume. Make sure that the hay is the grass variety. Meadow grass, which is naturally sun-dried, is the best. Find out where you can have easy access to such grass/hay. It will be required throughout the life of the rabbit.
  • Always make sure that the hay is dry and fresh. The hay should never be damp and of a dull color.
Do not worry about the rabbit spoiling its teeth with the constant chewing and munching of this hay. Rabbit teeth grow constantly, eliminating the possibility of teeth destruction.

Occasionally, feed your rabbit fruits such as pineapple, pear, peach, papaya, and any of the sweet berries. Special treats could include edible flowers such as roses and lilies. As far as possible stay away from commercially available rabbit food. These foods are usually packed with starch and fat which will result in a rabbit to grow plump very fast. Many would think that this is beneficial, but it is just the opposite. Many nutrients present in natural food may not be present in commercial food. No doubt, your rabbit will look cute and chubby for some time, but sooner or later it will begin to suffer. A plump fat rabbit may not necessarily mean a healthy rabbit. Healthy rabbits have a strong muscular tone with minimal fat. A proper diet and enough exercise will not only ensure that your rabbit is in the pink of health, but also reduce your veterinary bills.
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Lifting your Pet Rabbit
Rabbits have very fragile backbones. To avoid injuries, there is a certain way in which they should be picked up.
  • The best way to lift your rabbit is to put one hand below its hind legs for support, and the other below its chest and then lift it. The entire weight of the rabbit must rest on your hands.
  • Never pick up your rabbit in such a way that its hind legs are left dangling. The rabbit might kick violently, possibly fracturing its backbone which can prove fatal. Make sure that this does not happen, because the only solution, if this happens, is to put the rabbit to 'sleep'.
  • Never lift the rabbit by its ears. It is very painful for the rabbit, just like it would pain if someone tried to lift you by the ears.
As far as possible, prevent small children from picking up the rabbit. They tend to get a bit excited and might cause unintentional harm to the very rabbit they want to care for. If they insist on carrying the rabbit around, please train them in the technique of lifting the rabbit.
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When to Visit the Veterinarian
If you feed your rabbit with the correct diet and allow it to exercise enough, the veterinarian is someone you may never have to visit. However, you should always watch out for abnormal behavior in your rabbit. Unlike a cat, or a dog, rabbits don't have a very strong immune system. Do not wait for the symptoms to subside when you see one. If you are not sure, call the veterinarian immediately. Based on the symptoms he will let you know the urgency.

If you notice something different, it may be time to take your pet to the veterinarian. Anything that seems abnormal should not be ignored, as it may lead to further complications. This may include:
  • Sudden loss in appetite
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Suddenly wanting to be confined to the cage
  • Extremely aggressive behavior
  • Diarrhea
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Litter Training your Rabbit
Training a rabbit may sound difficult, but it is fairly easy. In fact this should be the first thing you teach your rabbit, it will eliminate the efforts of cleaning up. Firstly, collect some hay and non-clumping rabbit litter and put it in a litter pan which is about 4 inches high. Your rabbit litter pan is different from the regular cat litter, so make sure you don't use the latter. Place some pebbles and hay from the rabbit cage into the litter pan. Now, place this in the familiar room where your rabbit plays. Place the rabbit in the litter box and prompt him to use the litter box. Do not worry if he hops out of the box, litter training can take some time. Let him hop around for some time and then repeat the command. When he finally uses it, praise him and cuddle him a bit. But remember, do not give your rabbit a treat. Do this for a week and your rabbit should hop in the litter pan whenever he is let out of the cage.
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  • Buy your pet rabbit from a reputed pet shop.
  • Whenever possible, keep the cage open and try to place the cage where there is a good circulation of fresh air.
  • Always keep the cage clean, with a sufficient stock of fresh food and water.
  • Be very careful while lifting and handling your rabbit.
  • Take your pet rabbit to the veterinarian as soon as you notice the slightest change in its behavior.

Posted on 11:21 PM

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Ever consider what pets must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!
Anne Tyler

Well, whether or not we really are such great hunters that our pets may take us to be, going by Anne Tyler's assumptions, it should definitely be our solemn responsibility to be the greatest providers for our pets! After all, when we accepted them in our lives, we entered an unspoken pact to take care of them in return for the joy of their company. If that pet happens to be a dog, essentially appointed by Creation to honor the designation of Man's Best Friend, it becomes all the more imperative to devote our attentions and care for its welfare and happiness. When it comes to canine diet, we must remember that the nutrition needs of each dog breed differs from others and what may qualify as a high nutrition diet for a small breed, such as a Lhasa Apso, may not suffice to fulfill the nutrition requirements of a larger dog breed, such as a German Shepherd. You see, similar to human diet and nutrition, canine diet and nutrition is not just about quantity - the right quality and nutritional blend makes a huge difference. That being said, let's check out what nutrition a typical diet chart for a German shepherd should include.

German Shepherd Diet Information

Most authorized kennel clubs and licensed breeders of German Shepherd suggest that you should feed German Shepherd puppies those things which their parents were fed on as a matter of dietary routine. This makes sure that the sensitive digestive systems of the pups, that are not strong enough yet, are not exposed to any edible items that its genes are not familiar with. Also, keeping in mind the various diseases and health issues that this breed is genetically predisposed towards (such as hip dysplasia), a German Shepherd diet plan should include all those nutrients in generous quantities that help mitigate the intensity of the symptoms of these particular health concerns. That being said, a full-grown, average-sized German Shepherd's diet must necessarily contain all the following nutrients:-
  • Proteins, essentially from animal sources
  • Digestible fibers
  • Vitamin C
  • Essential fatty acids, particularly Omega-3
  • Complex carbohydrates in low quantities
  • Essential minerals in trace amounts
Now, coming to the right quantities of these nutrients that you should feed your German Shepherd, it is very important to maintain the right proportions of these nutrients in your dog's diet. Vitamins and proteins should constitute of the lion's share of a German Shepherd nutrition, seconded by fiber. Fat should not constitute of more than 8% of your dog's daily diet and carbohydrates should be given very sparingly, not more than 2% each day. While planning your GSD's diet and nutrition, it is very important that you pay attention to the food source of such nutrition. For instance, the ideal source of protein, fiber and vitamins for a GSD is meat. Safe and healthy fat sources for your dog may include coconut and sunflower oil, both of which are easily digestible with sunflower oil being an excellent unsaturated fatty acid source.

Poultry meat and egg yolks provide the necessary omega-3 fatty acids and are rich in proteins and fiber as well. You may include small amounts of whole grain flour to prepare dog food (if you prefer preparing it at home yourself) but then again, feeding whole grains to your dog is not advisable. The same logic applies to high fiber vegetables. You see, dogs this size are highly prone to bloating and all that insoluble vegetable fiber and starch in grains would just worsen the situation for your beloved canine companion. You may add potatoes and carrots to your dog's diet in small quantities as this will give them just the right quantities of carbs and vitamins.

Make sure your GSD gets a lot of vitamin C on a daily basis. Besides keeping the joints healthy (thereby, minimizing the risk of joint problems common to this breed), Vitamin C also encourages healthy growth of coat. Coupled with the right amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, this will help keep your dog's coat shiny and luxuriant. Most reputed dog food brands offer a near perfect nutritional combination, ideal for different breeds, and you can opt for one of them once your dog has reached adulthood. The fat requirements of an adult GSD are slightly more than a pup and the primary nutrients of an adult GSD would primarily include proteins, fibers and fat in that order. Refrain from giving your dog anything with sugar, refined carbohydrates or preservatives in it as eating these things is detrimental to the dermal health of dogs. The effects can be seen as tangled, dull coat and excessive shedding. Also, never, under any circumstances, feed chocolate to your dog - not unless you want him/ her end up in a coma, or worse still, dead !

Posted on 5:12 AM

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yogurt is a natural source of calcium, protein, potassium, and magnesium and also contains healing bacteria, like Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is the natural inhabitant of the digestive tract. It produces folic acid and niacin, which are important vitamins and also helps to keep your dog's digestive system clean and running in an optimal and worthy manner.

Yogurt is known to help reduce gas and intestinal disorders, improve the consistency of solid wastes, control anxiety, and boost overall health care. During summers, feed your dog some frozen plain yogurt; it actually serves as a nice treat to soothe your pet's gastrointestinal (GI) system. However, it must be given in moderation and on every alternate day. If you intend to put your dog on yogurt supplements, check with the veterinarian first.

Benefits of Yogurt
If you are giving yogurt for the first time, start with small amounts to prevent a stomach upset. The quantity should be 1 tsp. for a puppy and 1 tbsp. for a medium-sized dog.
  • It improves the immunity level.
  • It changes the microflora of the gut.
  • It reduces cholesterol levels.
  • It helps in healing certain gastrointestinal conditions, like yeast infection, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel movement.

Treating a Yeast Infection

Yeasts are single cellular organisms that are normal inhabitants in a dog's body. One among the family of yeasts called Candida albicans is known to survive on sugars and fats and release toxins that affect the dog's immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system.

Yeast toxins cause a lot of health problems. Few of the symptoms are listed here.
  • Food allergies
  • Hives and other skin eruptions
  • Itching and skin rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Scratching in and around the ears
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Chewing paws
  • Offensive body odor
For the treatment, an anti-yeast diet is recommended. This includes meat, vegetables, and some dairy products. Yogurt cannot cure a yeast infection completely, but it can provide temporary relief. It is known to treat skin rashes and allergies. It has also been recommended for fast relief from itching.

Treating Diarrhea

Diarrhea is caused by harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses present in the body. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious consequences, like dehydration and weakening of the immune system.

An acute bout of diarrhea can emerge for no apparent reason. This gets most of us worried, and we tend to rush him to the vet. Normally, vets do recommend yogurt to treat diarrhea.

Yogurt being probiotic in nature, the microorganisms present in it release hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, which destroy or inhibit the harmful bacteria. Despite this, it is necessary that you consult a veterinarian, mentioning to him about your dog's sickness, if any, and go by his suggestions whether or not to give yogurt.

Treating Constipation

The beneficial bacteria present in yogurt boosts the multiplication of microbes in the GI tract. As a result, fermentation of digestive material is enhanced. The food gets absorbed easily and allows clearing of the bowels. About 2-4 tablespoons are sufficient per meal.

Things to Consider

The production of lactase, an enzyme needed for the breakdown of lactose, is very less in dogs. Hence, when dairy products (that contain lactose) are ingested, their digestion becomes difficult, leading to regurgitation problems.

Only plain, unflavored yogurt is the best option for your dog. You can easily prepare it at home as well. However, if it is too much of a hassle, then varieties of plain yogurt are available in the stores.

Plain yogurt contains calcium, which is good for the bones of your dog. However, take into account the amount of calcium you are providing to your dog, as an overdose could lead to bone abnormalities.

Check the label to be sure that yogurt contains active L. acidophilus, as this organism is known to help in the process of digestion by inhibiting the growth of other harmful bacteria.

Your dog may like flavored yogurt, but it contains high sugar content, much more than your dog should consume. Too much sugar can cause bacterial imbalance, as bacteria thrive on sugar.

Flavored yogurt containing artificial sweeteners should be avoided, as your dog might be allergic to sugar substitutes, and this could lead to various other side effects, such as depression, seizures, and disorientation.

To sum up, plain, low-fat yogurt can be given to your dog in small quantities, provided your pet is not suffering from digestive problems. So, the next time your dog is ill and refuses to eat his food, try mixing a teaspoon of plain yogurt and watch him lick his bowl, until he gets the last bit of it.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a veterinarian on the subject.

Posted on 6:00 PM

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Periodontal disease or periodontitis is an ailment that develops over time. It starts with the teeth, slowly affects the gums and eventually may even lead to bone loss. it is a painful disease that can adversely affect a dog's health as it hinders their capability to eat.

If food particles remain in the mouth, along with bacteria they collect along the gum line forming plaque. Over a period of time the plaque combines with minerals in the saliva and form tartar (or calculus), which attaches itself firmly to the teeth. Plaque starts to mineralize 3-5 days after it forms. Tartar irritates the gums and leads to the inflammation of the gums also called gingivitis. These initial stages of periodontitis in dogs are marked with mouth odor, brownish deposits on the back teeth, and a thin margin of redness along the gum line.

If the tartar is not removed, it builds up under the gums and separates them from the teeth. The space created form "pockets" and encourages even more bacteria to grow. At this point the damage is irreversible, and called "periodontal" disease. As the disease progresses, the symptoms that the dog exhibits include purulent exudate (pus) around the tooth, bleeding gums, loose or missing teeth, loss of appetite, stomach or intestinal upsets, difficulty chewing or eating and even irritability or depression. This stage can be very painful and the dog may develop abscesses and bone loss or infection.

Apart from the lack of a good oral hygiene regimen for your dog, there are several other factors that play a role in the development of periodontal disease. The progression of periodontitis is impacted by the number and type of bacteria in the mouth. Usually, if the saliva is very acidic, the build-up of plaque is faster. Dogs that keep their mouth open to breathe most of the time tend to develop more persistent plaque because of the dehydration of the oral cavity. The condition is more prevalent in small dogs and brachycephalic dogs as their teeth are often crowded together. This results in a greater accumulation of plaque because even brushing is not very effective. It is very common for older dogs to be affected by this ailment.

If factors that can be controlled are paid attention to, humans can help protect their dogs from this painful ailment. Most people find that regular brushing of their dog's teeth can greatly stem the accumulation of plaque and thus discourage the development of tartar. This is the most important preventive care technique. Also trim the hair around the mouth, as hair accumulation encourages the formation of tartar. Diet also plays an important role. Research points towards hard kibbles being better than canned foods, as this helps a great deal in preventing plaque from accumulating on the teeth. Buy chewy toys and edible dental chews for your dog, as they might dislodge some of the plaque build-up while they gnaw on such objects.

Once a vet identifies the problem as Periodontal disease, treatment depends on the stage at which it is. A regular dental cleaning and polishing will be carried out for a dog in the initial stages of the ailment. The plaque and tartar build-up will be removed from the teeth, both above and below the gum line and teeth will be polished to remove microscopic scratches that are predisposed to plaque formation. For a dog who is at a more progressive stage of the disease, probing and dental radiology will be performed in order to select the appropriate treatment. Treatment options are root planing and subgingival curettage, periodontal debridement, gingivectomy, periodontal surgery, special therapeutics, and tooth extraction.

If you see your dog exhibiting any of the symptoms that might indicate periodontitis, he needs to be taken to the vet. However, prevention is better than cure. Take the extra effort to ensure that your dog has healthy teeth and gums, which will result in a better quality of life for your beloved pooch.

Posted on 5:26 AM

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Designing a pet friendly garden
Gardeners have an inherent quality of being in love, perpetually, with nature. Their love for foliage can go beyond the religious mowing and mulching activities. It is a passion for plants that, perhaps no words could justify. Most nature lovers share the same sentiments towards animals. However, trouble knocks when you love both, and want them to coexist. You know that your pet -- your best friend, exercises his liberty to carry out inquisitive excursions through the garden, and he is highly capable of making a mess of your garden. In addition to this, your gruff mood. Well, it's a different question altogether now. So, what do you do for the sake of designing a pet-friendly garden? To help you rest in peace, (pun not intended), explained here, are pet-cum-garden-friendly ideas that will have your pet and your greens thrive together.

Creating a Pet-friendly Garden

To have a pet-safe garden, you must have a good plan. A feasible plan is one that lets your pet fool around without causing any damage to your precious greens. Your plan should club your garden's safety and your pet's interest. Sounds tough? Don't believe me? Then scroll through ... to believe it yourself!

Pets, more often than not, have their favorite path to wander. They, in the actual, love to have a path that leads them, rather than they creating a path of their own. However, I would advise that before you plan to construct one, try to study 'his path'. By his path, I mean, that your doggie, while roaming around the garden, has paved a way for himself. If you notice that he has a definite route, consider your job half done. All you are left with, is laying the pavement. Providing a stipulated doggie path can save your saplings from being stomped heavily and bearing the brunt of your pooch. Your pet's pleasure would know no bounds, and your plants can breathe peacefully as well!

Hanging Gardens
When digging serves to be your doggie's "first love," you, the poor gardener is bound to get perturbed. However, there is good news, if you don't want to see your pet and your plants crossing each other's paths, then why not have your plants hung in baskets or containers above the ground, away from the pet's reach. Twining a trellis is also a good idea if you possess climbers. Your furry pal is sure to find the task of messing your plants up there quite difficult.

Just Jig, Don't Dig
Digging is an activity that, gardeners wish did not exist in their canine's instincts. However, let's face the fact. They are good diggers, so why not dedicate an area that can serve as their 'play' station. Plant a grass cover to ward off the weeds. You could lay his little fiddles there and join him while he jigs with his belongings. Gradually, you will notice that your pet recognizes his designated play area and puts up his antiques there.

Potty-ing Grounds
In the name of protecting your garden from pet poop, designating a section for this purpose is advisable. Assign a place for your pet to do the honors, and accompany him when he has to attend the call of nature. Going along with your pet for a few days will help in conditioning him to visit the same spot. This will keep your garden feces-free. Another inclusion to your garden, especially for cats, would be placing a log or two, meant specially for your kitty to sharpen her claws, thus demarcating her area.

Go Organic
Curiosity kills the cat, an adage of sorts that fits in here perfectly. Pets have an interrogatory attitude that can land them in trouble. Digging and sniffing are major feats they perform while strolling in the garden. Thus, the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers can spell danger for your pet. Cocoa mulch, used for landscaping contains a poisonous substance called theobromine. This ingredient can cause muscle stiffness and vomiting, leading to death. To ensure that your plants receive the required nutrition and your pet is safe and sound, use organic products that don't mean harm to pet health. Instead of cocoa, you may use cedar or pine mulch to nourish your plants.

How you wish your plants could say that to your pets, while they put their heart and soul to blob out the plant. Anyway, let's think about what's possible. What about citrus fruit peel, or eucalyptus, or better still, neem oil. Possible? Oh yes, you can sprinkle either eucalyptus or neem oil when you want to secure your plants from the pulling sessions. These are natural products and absolutely cruelty-free. To keep your doggie from prying on your saplings, you could also place tomato cages around them.

Shady Body
All those who have heard that pets love to bask in the sun, have heard it right. However, pets do not appreciate the sunshine all throughout. They would love to roll in the shade too. Consider adding some shade in the form of a large plant, or a tree to your landscape. An outdoor beach umbrella can add freshness to the landscape and let your pet enjoy the shade as well. While the hot summer sun shines, your dog can snatch a cool snooze in there. In addition, your plants are safe, too.

Provide fresh and clean water regularly for your pet. This also helps you in enhancing the landscape as you construct, two to three tiny water bodies that resemble the shape of a pudding bowl. Also, where water bodies reside, the area around, maintains a consistency in temperature. This place will thus, be marked by him as his very own turf. And for those scorching days, your pet can quench his thirst and feel refreshed once again.

Take a Dip
If your garden has a pool, chances are that your canine companion too is fond of taking a dip into the pool. While it is all sunny and scorching, your pet would prefer to dive in, rather than roll on the garden greens. You can rest assured that, besides the sun, there is nothing else bothering your garden or plants. Nevertheless, it is required that you train your canine to adhere to your order of entering and exiting the pool, only when you are around. Construct a ladder that leads him in and lets him out. Although, dogs are good swimmers, it is a must that you supervise them when they are at it. To ensure upgraded safety, create a fence around the pool with a considerable space for the ladder. Water bodies, not to forget, add a touch of serenity to the garden and are a favorite of many landscape lovers, too.

Blunder Plants
This one's a big no-no. You should be aware of plants that can be toxic for your pet and ensure that you don't plant them in your garden. Castor beans, rhododendron, jasmine, crab apple, garlic and yew are some plants that could cause cardiac problems for your pet. Thorny and bushy plants are great topiary additions; however, they may prove hurtful to your pet.

With these ideas for designing a landscape garden, that is pet and plant-friendly, you could forge ahead and have a space where you, the gardener, your flora, and fauna coexist and prosper. Now, that's called a true nature patriot, aren't we!

Posted on 11:24 PM

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lethargy also synonymous with laziness, affects animals in much the same way as it affects us humans. By definition, lethargy is a state of inactivity or sluggishness. In most cases, it indicates a dog illness. You may notice sudden laziness in your dog. It can also be a gradual onset.

Here are some symptoms that you need to check your pet for:
  • Is he inactive most of the day?
  • Has your dog lost interest in his favorite activities like walks and games?
  • Is he slow to respond?
  • Is your pet experiencing watery stool or vomiting?
  • Has his diet reduced?
  • Does he tire easily?
  • Is your pet showing signs of fever or weakness?
  • Is your pet reluctant to go to the bathroom?
If the answer to the above questions is yes, then you guess it right, your dog is lethargic. Read on to know about the causes, treatment and care for your pet.


If your dog is showing signs of laziness don't ignore it, your dog most probably is unwell and needs care.
  • Extreme tiredness may show up if your dog is suffering from an infectious viral disease like Canine Distemper or Parvovirus infection. Even a gastrointestinal infection may show lethargy as a symptom.
  • In aging pets, it may show up as a symptom of arthritis and senility. Obesity also triggers lethargy.
  • Fever also results in sluggishness.
  • Low body temperature or Hypothermia; since puppies and aged pets face difficulty in regulating their body temperature, is another cause of laziness.
  • Ear infections can also trigger it.
  • It is also a sign of certain disorders like hypothyroidism, Addison's disease and diabetes mellitus.
  • Anemia can also be a cause as the lack of red blood cells leads to lack of oxygen, making the dog lazy. Check your pet for signs of dog fleas and dog worms.
  • Lack of nutrition or malnutrition is a common cause.
  • In more serious cases, extreme lethargy coupled with other symptoms such as vomiting, loss of vision or appetite, bleeding, abdominal swelling, etc may indicate dog cancer.

When your dog exhibits signs of laziness and lack of activity, some simple measures can be taken to ensure that your pet returns to his normal self. A simple change in diet can work wonders. Many a time, a dog may be lethargic due to the simple lack of stimulus. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise. Take your pet out for a walk. One should try and introduce a change in the pet's daily routine. Even a new dog bone or a ball can work wonders. Many times, a dog may feel neglected and thus lose interest in his favorite activities. Ensure that you take out enough time during the day to spend with your dog.

Simple diet supplements like vitamin B complex can make a considerable difference. One can also try digestive enzymes to improve the dog's digestion and nutrition intake. Some dog owners swear by herbal tonics, especially if the dog is recovering from an illness. Usually, lethargy is caused due to the lifestyle a dog leads but if you notice some other signs like the above mentioned ones, its best to consult a vet.

Things Your Vet Should Check
  • Complete blood count to rule out anemia
  • Urine and fecal analysis
  • X-rays of the chest and abdomen
  • Endocrine checks
  • Cytology and biopsy of abnormal fluid or tissues
  • Abdominal or thoracic/cardiac ultrasound
  • Biochemical profile
  • Eye examination
As mentioned above, lethargy doesn't always mean that your dog has a serious illness. Check for other symptoms and if nothing else shows up, its best to follow some simple home remedies to care for your pet. Rest assured your pet will be back to its normal self.

Posted on 9:17 PM

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Dogs are much prone to common skin problems due to the presence of mites and other parasites that thrive on their skin. Mange in dogs is a common skin condition that is characterized by itching caused by dog worms or parasitic mites that burrow into their hair follicles or skin. This can be a mild to severe condition. There are two different types of mange, viz. demodectic and sarcoptic, that can affect your dog's skin. Is mange in dogs contagious to humans? Yes, of the two, sarcoptic mange is contagious to humans. Different types of parasites and mites can lead to this health condition and they could affect a single body part like ears, foot, face or affect the entire body as well. This dog health condition can worsen, leading to scaling and scabbing of the skin. There are many mange treatments for dogs and here are a few of them that will help your dog get relief.

Home Remedies

Here are some remedies that will help in providing your dog relief from mange.
  • Give your dog a bath with a natural pet shampoo that includes oatmeal. This will help soothe the itching caused by mange.
  • One of the best treatments for this illness is using garlic. It contains sulfur compounds that repel the mites. Garlic also has antibacterial properties, which will help in preventing a bacterial infection very effectively.
  • Neem oil, calendula, lavender, yellow dock and aloe vera can be used as effective topical solutions.
  • A balanced and nutritious diet is an essential part. This will ensure that chemical preservatives and additives in the medicines that might weaken the immune system do not get into your dog's system. Stronger immune system of dogs is very essential in fighting mange.
  • House cleaning is important while your dog is suffering from mange and even after this dog health problem is cured completely. Mites can live up to several days, even after they are off your dog, so house cleaning is very essential to completely get rid of them.
Other Treatment Options

The treatment depends on two factors - the type of parasite present in the dog's body and the severity of the problem. If you notice or doubt such a skin problem in your dog, it is best to take him to a vet who can decide on the best treatments for your dog. Here is the course of treatment that is usually carried out as a cure for mange in dogs. The veterinarian usually prescribes an anti-bacterial or antifungal drug. The medicine will be required to be given to your dog on a regular basis as prescribed by veterinarian, even after the reddened and swollen areas have dried out. For mild cases, veterinarians may prescribe over-the-counter mite killers. These analgesics can be in the form of solutions, powders or ointments and need to be applied on the affected area after bathing the dog. Lime-sulfur insecticide solution might also be prescribed by veterinarian. This solution consisting of lime, sulfur, and mite insecticide is made for your dog to dip or bathe in. The drugs prescribed by the vet will ensure that the mites or dog fleas no longer reproduce on the dog's skin, as the blood the parasites feed upon will contain substances that are lethal to them.

You can try the home remedies for mange in dogs, till you take him to visit a vet. Localized mange is easier to treat than generalized mange. When it comes to the health condition, it is best to let the veterinarian decide the necessary course of action. Following proper dog care routine to maintain hygiene, is the best way to keep your dog away from such skin problems.

Posted on 7:44 AM

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Stroke is a medical condition associated with the brain, that causes temporary or permanent damage. Although stroke is not much common condition in dogs, it is one of the most serious dog health problems. Canine stroke is also known as Cerebrovascular Accidents (CVAs) or Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs). When a dog has a stroke, it may not show the symptoms of paralysis like in human beings. Whenever you notice abnormal physical changes or certain changes in dog behavior, you should immediately consult the veterinarian. Always remember that owning a cute dog brings joy and amusement as well as certain responsibilities regarding dog health and its care.


There are two types of dog stroke such as ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke is caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain due to blocked artery. This type of stroke is associated with kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Obstruction may be due to spinal cartilage, fragment of a tumor, parasites or fat. This type of stroke also may be due to under or overactive thyroid glands.

Hemorrhagic stroke is due to bleeding in the brain. This condition may be because of kidney diseases, heart diseases and thyroid diseases. Other conditions that are responsible for hemorrhage are a certain type of lung worm, namely angiostrongylosis, rodent poisons, arterial inflammation, head trauma, etc.


There are various causes of different types of dog stroke. Ischemic stroke in dogs is due to a sudden obstruction of blood flow to the brain. The major causes of this type of stroke include Cushing's disease, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, parasites, tumors, spinal cartilage, high blood pressure, etc. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding in the brain. This type of stroke is due to all types of diseases that can cause high blood pressure, head trauma, brain tumor, accidental consumption of rat poison, lung worm, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, abnormal vessel development in brain, etc.


Stroke in dogs can be as serious as that of in human beings. Some of the general symptoms of dog stroke are as follows:
  • Head tilt
  • Eating out of one side of food dish
  • Turning the wrong way when called
  • Loss of balance
  • Blindness
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control
  • Lethargy
  • Abrupt change in behavior
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Seizure

If you suspect the signs of dog stroke, then you should immediately consult the veterinarian. Diagnosis of the same is done on the basis of physical examination, analysis of the symptoms and certain investigations. Blood and urine tests as well as CT scan and MRI scan are performed in order to evaluate brain damage and rule out other conditions, causing the same symptoms.


There is no specific treatment for dog stroke. There is no treatment to repair or reverse the brain damage. In most cases, dogs recover their motor functions and movement control within several weeks. Recovery generally depends upon severity of symptoms and damage to the brain.

The best way to prevent dog stroke is to maintain a good dog care and healthy lifestyle.

Posted on 6:43 PM

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The term pregnancy in dogs depends upon their breed. In small breeds, the heat cycle or estrus usually begins when they are 4 to 6 months old, and in larger breeds it starts between 12 to 24 months of age. An interesting fact about female dogs is that they have menstrual cycles throughout their lives. Hence, they are capable of reproducing for their entire lives.

Early in the Pregnancy

To follow the canine pregnancy calendar, one has to make a note of the day the dogs mated. The fertilization takes place in the oviducts after 48 to 72 hour of the mating. After about 10 to 12 days, the fertilized eggs become blastocytes and implant in the walls of the uterus. Gradually the blastocytes will develop into embryos. After 14 to 15 days, the dam's nipples begin to grow large and develop a darker shade of pink. Slowly, the fur on the belly and around the nipples becomes thinner.

After One Month

After a month, the dog's embryos will be walnut-sized and the veterinarian will be able to figure out how many puppies the dam is expecting. By this time, you should begin to increase the food rations for your dog, but make sure it shouldn't cause excessive weight gain as it might lead to some complications. The dam's abdomen will be large and quite visible. She may become a little restless and wander from one place to another looking for a place where she can give birth to her puppies. After six weeks, she may lose her appetite. But you should continue feeding her small meals distributed throughout the entire day.

Preparing for the Birth

After two months, you can clean the dam's nipples and vulva by softly wiping it with a clean cloth and warm water. The first sign that indicates she is about to deliver is when her rectal temperature drops from 101 to 98 degrees. Another indication is when there is a clear liquid secretion from her vulva. Nearly 14 to 24 hours after this, she might be delivering her puppies. She may also begin whelping on the 59th to 64th day. Puppies born before this period may not survive as they'll be pre-mature puppies.

After the Birth

Keep a watch whether she is taking good care of her puppies, and if necessary grab the puppies and slowly direct them to her nipples. Make sure she remains in one position while feeding the puppies.

Signs and Stages of Dog Pregnancy

The pregnancy signs during different stages of dog pregnancy are as follows:

Early Signs
  • Decreased appetite is mainly one of the earliest signs that you may observe in the dam. She might eat less or experience morning sickness during the first few weeks of gestation.
  • She might experience feelings of exhaustion and will show sudden decrease in her daily activities due to some hormonal changes. You may also observe behavioral changes like increase in affectionate behavior or an expressed desire to be left alone.
  • Nipple growth is the most prominent dam's pregnancy sign. As the pregnancy progresses, breast material will start developing beneath the nipples, which will eventually increase the preparation for milk production.
Progressing Signs
  • An increase in appetite is usually observed after three to four weeks into the pregnancy.
  • Increase in body weight is another noticeable sign after one month of the pregnancy. The abdomen will thicken and you may experience a firm, fat feeling while examining the belly.
Late Term Signs
  • A definite increase in the abdomen size is one of the most prominent late term sign. This mainly depends on the size, breed and number of litter she is carrying.
  • During the last few weeks of pregnancy you can observe and feel the puppy movement as the pups get into the position for birth.
Instead of relying on your observations about whether the dam is pregnant or not, it is always recommended to consult a veterinarian and conduct some canine pregnancy tests, like a canine blood pregnancy test or an ultrasound. Be gentle but firm with your dog because all she needs is extra care and love from you during those days.

Posted on 5:59 PM


Some Actual Estimates of the Cost of Keeping a Dog

Dogs cost money to keep. They are supposedly man's best friend but, like anything worth having, there is a price to pay. Recent estimates of the lifetime expense of owning a dog is nearly enough to make one decide on a new car instead. As smaller living quarters and busier lives become the norm, many people are opting for smaller dog breeds. Not everyone wants a 'small, white, fluffy' dog however.

The 'top dogs' recommended as house pets by the Animal Welfare League in Western Australia were Labrador/retrievers (sharing top place), followed by the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Beagle, Staffordshire bull terrier and Jack Russell terrier. All these breeds have friendly natures and make great pets.

Golden Retriever

However a top Labrador breeder was the first to admit that Labradors need lots of attention. They are certainly friendly but need to be trained from an early age. They are on the big side for some homes and need regular exercise. They also have healthy appetites. Likewise, the golden retriever has huge popularity but needs space and attention.

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel LOVES people and children. He asks only to have company and not be left alone. These dogs stand 12 to 13 inches high and have a silky coat of moderate length. The feathering on the ears is prone to matting and tangling so regular grooming is essential. The hair between the foot pads should also be trimmed. The long hair can pick up grass seeds but too frequent baths may result in skin irritation.

The beagle is easy-going, intelligent and friendly. They are great with kids and become strongly bonded to their family. Buy from a reputable breeder as there may be health issues with some lines. Beagles range from 13 to 16 inches at the shoulder depending on sex and age. They should be quite solid and well-muscled but will run to fat if not kept exercised.

The Staffordshire bull terrier or 'staffie' has friends all over the world. He is happy and outgoing, great with kids but highly protective of whatever he considers his 'belongings' be they people or things. His whole body oozes strength with the front legs set wide apart to the strong, muscular hindquarters. The coat is short, shiny and easily cared for. All that is needed is regular brushing and an occasional bath. Socialise him when young to other dogs and pets.

The Jack Russell terrier (sometimes known as the Parson terrier) is extremely energetic and active but great if there is plenty going on in his household. He never tires and will run and play all day. He needs plenty of stimulation. He may be smooth-haired or wire-haired. He probably isn't the best dog to have if toddlers are inclined to be rough with their pets.

The cost of keeping a dog is increasing year by year and many first-time owners underestimate the cost of a pet over its lifetime. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) has given some estimates as to the lifetime cost of keeping a dog. They believe a small dog would cost around $23,140 and a large dog $25,580. An average medium-size dog is even costlier as they tend to live longer. The figure given was $32,120. As the cost of living rises, so too does the cost of keeping a dog.

Figures given for some other breeds included:

Great Dane lifespan 12 years, $1,500 as a puppy and annual costs of $1939 total $43,912.

Border Collie lifespan 18 years, $1,000 as a puppy and annual costs $2,128 total $39,504.

These prices do not include veterinary bills. Pet insurance could save you thousands of dollars should your dog become sick or require emergency treatment and/or surgery. Vet fees can be horrendous, causing hardship for many as they strive to do their best for their four-legged friend.

Vaccinations, veterinarian fees and ongoing flea, tick and heartworm prevention treatments contribute to a sizeable yearly amount.

And don't forget to add to this kennel fees over holiday periods. It may cost nearly as much to board your dog as it does to accommodate yourselves. Prices in Western Australian boarding kennels varies from $18 a day for small dogs to $25 a day for large dogs. Even with discounts for longer stays, this adds up to an expense that you will need to budget for.

How can you keep costs down? Expensive toys are not necessary. Your pooch won't care where toys come from. Having said that, ensure that any toys are safe for your puppy or dog to maul and chew. Do some research on how to save money with dog food. If you can spare some time preparing your own pet food, you can save a lot.

Don't know what type of dog to buy? Attend a few dog shows where all the breeds are gathered together. Talk to the owners. Don't forget there are hundreds of dogs in dogs' homes waiting for a second chance at life. Many are there through no fault of their own and quite often, a visit to a rescue home will result in a magical connection with a dog that you had no idea you wanted.

Posted on 1:50 PM

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Acupuncture has been used by humans for several ages. The art of acupuncture originated in Chinese civilization as a form of holistic medicine. Acupuncture mainly aims at treating ailments by balancing the energies in body. The working principle of acupuncture is such that fine needles are inserted on certain pressure points or acupuncture points on the body, along the energy meridian, to stimulate the flow of energy. This method treats disease by directing renewed energy towards the affected body part, thereby curing it. This principle also applies to acupuncture in animals. However, acupuncture in dogs is most popular, as most dog illnesses can be cured by acupuncture.

Acupuncture for Dogs

Dogs benefit a great deal from the treatment of acupuncture. It is now recognized as a valid treatment in veterinarian care, by the American Veterinarian Medical Association and the World Health Organization. To determine if the condition of dog can be improved using acupuncture, a physical examination by a qualified veterinarian is required. Also, the acupuncture practitioner may want to know about your dog's medical history. Depending upon this information, a decision is made, if the dog can undergo acupuncture treatment or not.

Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is virtually painless. Even though several needles are inserted in your pet's body, the thin size of needles makes it almost impossible to feel pain. The acupuncturist first palpitates the dog, so as to find the path of energy meridian. He then massages the body to find the weak, tender parts in the body. Needles are then inserted along this path, on certain pressure points. The dog can be made to lie down on table or floor, however, it is important to keep him calm throughout the treatment. The dog can be fed treats to keep him engaged or the assistant may gently talk to the dog to divert his attention. Acupuncture session may take about few seconds to several minutes, depending upon the gravity of the problem. Minor injuries or ailments can be treated in a single session itself however, chronic ailments may take multiple sessions.

Diseases That Can be Cured by Acupuncture
Acupuncture strengthens the immune system of the dog thus, prevents him from falling prey to common infections and dog allergies. Acupuncture is also helpful in curing neurological illnesses, reproductive problems, skin diseases, skeletal abnormalities, muscle dysfunctions, etc. Acupuncture for dogs suffering from arthritis shows better results with the movements of the dog. Acupuncture for cancer is not as effective, since cancer in animals is often detected in the later stages. As a result, there is not enough time to implement holistic therapies and wait for their results. However, acupuncture can be implemented as a supplementary therapy, along with surgery or allopathy, to help relieve the symptoms of the disease.

The main factors that influence the acupuncture cost are, the number of sessions required and the nature of underlying condition. On an average, acupuncturist may charge you anywhere between $60 to $200, per session. However, if the condition is complex, the cost may shoot up to $500. The location, qualification and experience of the acupuncturist are also likely to influence the cost.

Acupuncture is a great way of securing the health of your dog, without subjecting him to scary surgeries or strong medications. However, like any other holistic therapy, acupuncture also takes time to show results. The results of acupuncture become evident within 2 - 3 weeks, when you see drastic improvements in the condition of your dog.

Posted on 5:36 PM

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Scientific Proof

The proof is here! Relatively new scientific studies into canine cognition are proving what all dog owners who lovingly and closely watch and interact with dogs every day, already know... that there is much more understanding and communication running between humans and our favourite quadrupeds, than much of societycan even begin to realise. Not being a strong believer in the "domination over your dog" approach, but trying to find a fine line of keeping some control so your pet can fit in to society and not run completely riot, is a problem for many dog owners. When you know that behind those gazing soulful eyes, there are complexed thoughts going on, how can you ignore their own little issues and take the "I am your superior" attitude?

Understanding Each Other

How many dog owners already have an understanding with their dog? A bond that stretches far beyond basic training and into acknowledging that they actually "get each other". Maybe a concern that their non doggy friends will think they'vetotally lost the plot and have gainedfruit loop status, deters many to admit it to too many people, but people who spend a lot of time with dogs and have cared enough to really notice,know the real truth.

What We Notice

To someone unfamiliar or not tuned in with their dog, they may assume that a silent gaze when talking to it, indicates that the dog doesn't understand...but if they look a little more carefully they should see the signs that there is more going on inside of that brain. Cognition is definitely heavily involved. My dog glances to the side and then back at me, definitely thinks for a few seconds and then often seems to show her preference with a sneeze like a hmmph sound. Now this is not the only dog I have owned or known that reacts this way and whilst researching this topic, I have found many people have in fact noticed the exact same thing. Dogs cognitive abilities are much more involved than many give them credit for. Emphatic sneezes when hitting upon the thing your dog wants is just one thing. Scientific studies have also shown us that dogs are capable of counting[5]. Reasearch was completed using treats and these calculations,1+1=1, 1+1=2 and 1+1=3 . They presented the dogs with treats and then proceeded to place the same treats behind a screen, thus allowing the people to manipulate the outcome. When the dogs knew the answer and were waiting for their expected outcome to be revealed, they spent the same amount of time looking at the result when the screen was removed, as they did when they were presented with the equation, however, when the result was manipulated and the outcome was unexpected, they spent significantly longer looking at the outcome. The moral behind this, don't try to diddle your dog out of his treats...He's on to you!

What's In A Word?

No matter how much people say dogs can't understand words and that it is the intonation and tones with which you speak that they are understanding...This is just not true!

Psychologist Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia states that an average dog can understand 165 words and an above average dog can have a vocabulary of 250 words.
A particularly cleaver Border Collie named Chaser was involved in a recent long term study by John Pilley, which proved that simply by regularly and reliably talking to Chaser, it enabled her to learn a whopping 1022 words. If you think this is not possible watch the video below to see Chaser in action, Her toy identification skills are almost unbelievable. If you didn't see the proof of what she can do in this video, you would never believe it could be true. You'll also find out some other amazing things researchers are now realizing our dogs have the ability to do.

How Smart Are Dogs?


Whilst on the topic of language it is possible for a dog to learn different languages and be bilingual. My dog definitely understands both Chinese and English - how? Easy, I just speak to her in both. People in the streets here get great amusement in testing her ability to understand their Chinese, knowingthat me her owner, predominately speaks English. It never fails to make people go "WOW".

Even though a dog is better equipped to understand nouns and verbs, meaning anything too in-depth will likely go beyond their comprehension, you have to admit, that a dogs ability to use their aural skills to learn our oral language is still extremely impressive.

Pack Behaviour

Yes, dogs are pack animals but it is not so much that they need to follow a pack leader, what normally happens in their packs is that they follow their friends. In fact isn't it true that whilst watching documentaries and such, that we view those pack leaders as aggressive, dominating and troublesome? So why do we wish to be like that with our dogs, it only brings in more problems with anxiety issues.Yes, we need to have control...Nowe don't need toproveour superiority to do it. Much can be gained by working together in a more passive and understanding way. As you have seen from the above video, over time they have adapted to a domesticated human way of life and love nothing more than to be with us and want to give and please!

Dog Intelligence Science

Dogs Really Can Understand Us!

One of the dogs most impressive abilities is to not only learn from us, but about us. According to research[3] it is now believed that dogs can read humans better than chimpanzees. From the research and the video's included in this article, it has been proven that chimpanzees don't have the cognitive ability to be able to understand when we try to help them by pointing to a cup which has food hidden under, but dogs can easily understand what we show them with our pointing gestures. The even more amazing thing is that they can also recognize eye gestures.

Dogs have adapted into our society and study humans better than we humans have studied them. It can be the explanation for their almost6th sense that we often feel they have. How often do they seemingly know that you have just thought about taking them out for a walk or are going to feed them? The belief is that they study us so well they begin to know all of our gestures, movements and habits...maybe even more than we've realized and know about ourselves.

Training and Understanding

The more we interact and talk to our dogs, the more they understand. It is totally plausibleas to why many people feel that their dog understands them better than anyone else... because that's what dogs do, learn by observing, watch and understand. Of course this by no means implies that we shouldn't train them. It is actually true that for most dogs, training is actually an enjoyable experience. It is to them yet another step towards building an understanding with us, which in turn leads to a pleasurable association for both the dog and owner. With all of the knowledge we now have, it also shows just how crucial it is to use good, gentle, and positive reinforcement training techniques when teaching your puppy.

In All Ways Dogs Are Good For Us

Science has already acknowledged the health benefits of owning a dog - physically, mentally and emotionally - but until now, has never really gone further to find out why it is that they are so good for us. With studies only now starting to realise how their brains work, we begin to understand just why it is that dogs really can be our most reliable and understanding best friends. Let's also not forget the qualities that we ourselves should learn from our fabulous four footed friends. I've learned many better ways about how to approach life by observing my canine companions.

Now... can someone try and do some research that finds out what dogs think when they get in an elevator? Anyone?

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Posted on 1:08 PM

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Monday, October 21, 2013

My Pet is Cooler Than Your Pet...

List Of Exotic Pets To Consider

I've always been attracted to exotic pets. Why not? They're unique, they display qualities you won't find in more common pet species, and they'll wow your friends. However, exotic animals come packed with surprises. They haven't been domesticated nearly as long, and lots of their wild habits are still there.

I'm going to go through a list of exotic pets that are your best bets. All of these animals are going to be a little more expensive and high maintenance than an conventional one. You need to be prepared for the extra work. This list of exotic animals isn't exclusive, just my favorite ones.

Serval Cat

List of Exotic Animals as Pets

A serval cat is an interesting breed of wild cat, still found wild in the African savannah. They are larger than the typical house cat (around 25 to 35 pounds), and they're very distinctively marked: they look like little leopards.

As weird pets go, they don't have too many downsides. They are extremely high energy and love to play: think of a cat on steroids and Red Bull! Their reflexes are very quick, much faster than a domestic house cat. Any damage that a cat normally does, a serval cat does twice as much.

Serval cats should have an outdoor enclosure so they can spend some quality time outdoors, as they need plenty of exercise and love to climb things. An enclosure is a necessity: imagine what your neighbours might do if a 35 pound spotted cat wanders into their backyard.

Servals are also prone to spraying to mark their territory, but they aren't as vocal as house cats, chirping instead of meowing.

I've placed Servals at the top of my list of exotic pets for a reason: they're probably one of the most easily domesticated breeds out there.


List of Exotic Pets

Next in the list of exotic animals is the Kinkajou. A kinkajou (or honey bear) is a nocturnal animal with a prehensile tail that lives in trees in the wild. They are becoming popular pets due to their relative lack of odor and pleasant, curious manner.

Kinkajous sort of resemble monkeys, but they are actually related to racoons. Their diet is mostly fruit, including banana, mango, kiwi and figs. They can also eat dried monkey chow. They need a large cage, about 4 x 6 x 8 feet in dimension, and you need to provide them with lots of stuff to climb on: branches, swings and ropes.

Kinkajous have a few downsides. They can be pretty noisy, and make sounds such as barks, whistles and chirps. They can be messy with their food, so be ready to do some cleanup after them. And they are not really house-trainable, though they'll sometimes have a designated bathroom area.

Kinkajous are nocturnal and they'll be most active and playful right before you go to bed. If that matches your lifestyle, the kinkajou might be a match for you.

Fennec Fox

List Of Exotic Animals

If you're a fan of smaller dogs but want something a little different, you'll like the next on our list of exotic animals. A fennec fox is a good option to consider. Not only do they have lovely personalities, they are one of the most common exotic pets for sale, so they're less pricey and easier to track down.

Fennec foxes are small, only between 2-4 pounds. They're very friendly, energetic and curious animals. They have extremely large ears used for hear dissipation, and they will purr much like a cat. They also have very little odor, and fennec foxes are litter trainable, so they're cleaner than a dog.

Fennec foxes can be pretty loud, and their energy can be a bit much for some people. They will get along with dogs or cats if properly introduced, and with their high energy level, a playmate is a good idea.

How to Choose From This List Of Exotic Animals

Serval Cat, Kinkajou, Fennec Fox

There are so many other exotic pet options out there, I'm going to have to write a part 2! In my opinion these three are the best options for new exotic pet owners, but there are tons of alternatives out there.

I hope my list of exotic pets has helped. Do your research, check out the pros and the cons, and remember that an exotic pet is a big responsibility.

Good Luck!

Posted on 7:34 PM

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Who says your pets don't have personalities? Just like you, your pets also have their own personality traits. No two pets have the same personality. Any pet owner can tell you that! So, the question here is whether these personality traits are influenced by the signs that they were born under.

Logically, that is quite an acceptable idea. After all, animals have been around on this planet for much longer than Man has. Besides which, if the planets and signs affect us humans, then why not our pets? They too are influenced by the same forces as we are. And they too have their own significant personality traits.

You can search the Internet and find a variety of sites giving you your pet's horoscope, as they are not a mysterious thing. They are just simple astrological calculations that are made from the point of view of a pet.

So what would most pet horoscopes talk about? And what is the basis of finding out your pet's sign?

The process is simple really. Your pet's sign would be based on his date of birth. That would be the sun sign, of course. If you want to go into lucid details, one would make a Natal chart in very much the same way as one would for a human being - based on the date, time and place of birth - this one would be more detailed.

For now, let's just stick to the sun signs. These pet horoscopes would help you understand your pet better and you would gain a lot of clarity about why they do what they do. This might help you understand your pet so much better, and thus help build a long-lasting, companionable relationship with your pet.

Pet Horoscopes - Signs and Traits

Let's have a look at the 12 Sun Signs and the traits that a pet would have when he is of that sign.

Aries (March 22 to April 21)
An Aries pet would be essentially a loner and have a lot of enthusiasm. He wants what he wants and is not shy about it. He would be prone to hitting his head often. He would also be one to enjoy fighting with other animals or pets. He might have bit the owner a couple of times. He loves to run and is always alert. He has an aggressive and impatient nature and is loud.

Taurus (April 22 to May 21)
A Taurus pet would be stubborn and loves his creature comforts like blankets, pillows etc. He would be quite docile when his basic needs have been met. He is not prone to displays of emotion and has an abundance of patience. He loves to be caressed and fondled, but does not show much emotion. Loyalty is his strong point, displays of emotions are not his thing. He loves to sleep and eat and stay indoors. He loves to go outdoors for only short periods of time.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
He likes to talk - bark, meaow, chirp etc. He may not be very emotional, but he is quite active. He learns new things quite fast, and sometimes you think that he likes it. He cannot keep still and is always on the move. He likes to have fun, but has a very short attention span. He is quite mischievous and curious. He does not have much of an appetite.

Cancer (June 22 to July 21)
This pet loves to stay at home and is very attached to his owner. He needs a lot of TLC from the owner. He seems to easily gain weight. He loves his toys and blankets and feels secure with them. He appears to understand the owner's moods intuitively. He may be lazy and moody and loves being around water and in the kitchen. He loves children. He does not feel happy around strangers.

Leo (July 22 to August 21)
A Leo pet acts as if he is the owner and can be quite 'the man in charge'. He thrives on attention and praise. He is absolutely loyal to his owner and his family, and will defend them whenever he can. He has a generous and big heart. He is quite charming and seems to have a lot of energy. It is quite possible that he will go to any lengths to gain attention and adulation from people. He is quite open about his feelings.

Virgo (August 22 to September 21)
A Virgo pet is very neat and clean and finicky about his food. He can be quite the smart thinker. But he gets easily annoyed. He enjoys learning new tricks and always seems as if he wants to please the owner. He can appear quite melancholy at times. He does not like to share his toys and his blanket and may often ignore the other animals and pets around him.

Libra (September 22 to October 21)
This one is quite a good looking pet and has a very refined sense of behavior. He does not like to fight and is quite a persuasive pet. He enjoys the good things of life and is overall a very pleasant sort. He may not seem to be particularly loyal and gets along with most everyone. He is also quite lazy and does not like to be alone.

Scorpio (October 22 to November 21)
This one is an intense fellow, with deep and piercing eyes. He is usually quite still and seems to be observing and analyzing everything. He can seem to be emotionally distant and moody. He may not get angry, but when he does, it can be quite vicious. He learns things quite fast and appears to have some kind of an inner strength. He can be quite independent. He can also be very manipulative. He can be totally annoyed with the presence of other animals.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
He is a very healthy pet and likes to remain active. He loves to roam around the neighborhood and would rather not stay home. He can be quite vociferous. He is a curious sort and loves to explore. He can be extremely mischievous. He can be difficult to control.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 21)
This pet is a very possessive pet - especially when it comes to his toys and blankets. He does not like to share. He is smart but not particularly active. He loves to sit quietly by himself. He may not often express his feelings and thus may appear quite cold. He is very loyal by nature - but he takes his own time bonding with his owners.

Aquarius (January 22 to February 21)
An Aquarius pet is very independent by nature. It seems as if he has no attention span at all. He is friendly to everyone, but in a very artificial manner. He loves to be outside. He might even appear to be scatter-brained. He is afraid of the dark and likes to be cuddled. He likes to socialize with other people or animals.

Pisces (February 22 to March 21)
A Pisces pet is very gentle in demeanor. It seems to intuitively understand its owner. He is quite affectionate and is quite tolerant of other pets. He is a quiet sort. He likes to hide in secluded corners or under the bed or the furniture. He loves to sleep a lot. He does not seem to get angry at all. He likes to keep warm.

Thus, with this information about the characteristics of pets of these 12 signs, you should find it easy to understand your pet better. This way, you can enhance the relationship between you and your loyal friend for life.

Posted on 12:06 PM

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

All dog owners, in my opinion, are very protective and caring about their dogs. Taking special care of their darling little sweethearts is not an easy task and requires their constant attention. And the love and affection that these dogs provide them in return is really priceless. So, what happens when you find out that your precious dog has developed dandruff in its luscious coat? A difficult concept to fathom, there is such a thing called dandruff in dogs. Those annoying, unsightly white flakes on their beautiful coat can be heartbreaking for any dog owner.

It is a common phenomenon. The dried and dead skin cells get accumulated as the dog's skin is forever replacing the old cells with new ones, dandruff comes into being. The white flakes will be visible around the dog's neck, back, and rump. Since, the appearance of dog dandruff is similar to human dandruff, you won't have any problem with identifying it. The following article will show you what causes the dandruff and how you can cure it.

What Causes the Dandruff

Before we can start treating dandruff and understand proper care, we need to know what are its main causes in the first place. This will help you understand and learn what can be avoided or done so that the dandruff doesn't return. Besides the dry, dead skin cells, other causes of excessive dandruff are:
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Deficiency of fluids in the body.
  • Very low humidity in the atmosphere.
  • Deficiency of natural oil components.
  • Lack of fat in the skin.
  • Clean and nourished bath not being provided.
  • Proper brushing and massaging of the skin/scalp not followed.
  • Insufficient natural body nutrients.
  • Lack of good company.
  • Inadequate physical exercise.
Home Remedies for Dandruff

Now that you have understood what causes dandruff, let's take a look at some home remedies as well. To keep your precious dog away from hideous dandruff, comply with these suggestions.
  1. Due to the flaky skin symptom, your dog needs a regular bath to wash them away before it accumulates. During winters, give your dog a bath only once a month; as for summers, twice a month is a good practice. This will help clear the dandruff problem. Check the temperature of the water, it shouldn't be very hot, merely lukewarm. Use a mild dandruff shampoo made for animals only and massage it properly into his/her skin. Rinse the shampoo and dry the coat completely.
  2. Make sure you don't use the medicated shampoos intended for human usage, as they can harm your dog. Always purchase a pet dandruff shampoo that has sulfur or salicylic acid in it. Leave the shampoo in for at least 5 minutes for the ingredients to work properly. Avoid using shampoos that contain insecticide which are present in many flea shampoos. Some flea shampoos make the skin too dry even if they contain moisturizing agents.
  3. The oatmeal soap, which is sometimes used by people to treat their dry skin, can be used for your dog as well. The soap works wonderfully for dogs that have dandruff as it moisturizes their dry skin.
  4. Purchase and spray your dog's coat with an oil rinse. It is available in almost every pet store and online. The oil rinse will lubricate the skin and lock the moisture in as well. If you reside in a city where there is a lot of humidity, dryness, dirt, and/or pollution, the oil rinse can be very useful.
  5. There are certain generic foods that don't provide healthy amount of nutrients like vitamins and mineral which is required by your dog. Hence the maintenance of your dog's healthy skin can be in jeopardy. Switch to a high quality brand food which will help eliminate dandruff. Consult with the veterinarian before you give your dog any sort of supplements.
Dog grooming is very important, that too on a regular basis. Frequent brushing at regular intervals can help relieve the dry, dead skin cells. Avoid harsh brushes. In order to test how soft the brush is, rub it on the back of your hand and see how it feels. Does it hurt or is soft enough? If it is soft on your hand, then it will be perfect for your dog also.

Even after following these home remedies for dandruff if the itching and scratching continues, please don't avoid to visit the veterinarian immediately. There may be some serious health issues such as allergies or infections which needs to be taken care of promptly.

Posted on 10:33 AM

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Dogs have been friends with man since time immemorial. Dogs have served mankind with utmost sincerity and unwavering loyalty. They have proven to be the best companions man can ever hope for and given their lives on many occasions to protect their bipedal owners. Our faithful friends live with us throughout their average life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, depending on the dog breed. Have you ever wondered which is the oldest dog in the world? Let's see who that is.

Age of the Oldest Dog in the World

According to the Guinness World Records, the record for the oldest dog in the world is held by Chanel, a dachshund. She turned 21 years old on 6th May 2009 and lived with her owners Karl and Denies Shaugnessey of Port Jefferson, New York. Sadly, she passed away on 28 August 2009 due to natural causes at her home.

There are 5 nations who claim they have the oldest dog living in their country. The title of oldest dog from US has been taken over by Poland. The oldest dog in Poland is named Minius and is claimed to be 25 years old. He was rescued 25 years ago by the animal aid foundation 'Animals and Us' (Zwierzeta I My) from the streets. This makes it very difficult to estimate his age as he maybe well over 26 or 27 years. He is a mixed breed dog who was a stray of about 2 years old when rescued.

The next in line to claim the title of oldest dog in the world is from Germany. This Bernese mountain dog called Penny is about 25 years old. She has tough competition from the American nomination of a mix terrier dog breed called Max. He is said to be 26 years old. The officials from Guinness Book of World Records are verifying the claim.

Next in line is Daisy, a Tenterfield Terrier from Australia, is 25 years old. She was adopted by her current owner Julie Penlington from the Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge. She was a one-eyed dog who was about 5 to 6 years old at the time of adoption. Therefore, it is difficult to find the exact age of Daisy.

Oldest Dog in the World Ever

The oldest dog in the world ever was Bluey an Australian cattle dog. He was born on 7 June 1910 in a Rochester, north of Melbourne Victoria. He worked for 20 years managing the sheep and cattle. He was finally put down at a ripe old age of 29 years in 14 November 1939. Bluey's record of world's oldest dog ever has never been beaten as yet, claim Guinness Books.

You will find there are many owners around the world, who claim their dog is the oldest. With love and care, many dogs live long, fulfilling lives. Every dog is special for his/her owner and every owner wants the dog to live a long life. These are a few lucky ones who have lived over 100 years in dog years.

Posted on 5:26 AM

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If you own a cute dog, then you must have observed that your dog suffers from different illnesses in its lifetime. Some of the common dog health problems are worms, allergies, rabies and heartworms. Addison's disease is a very uncommon disease found in dogs. This disease is associated with insufficient secretion of adrenal hormones through the adrenal glands. This disease is also referred to as hypoadrenocortism.

What is Addison's Disease in Dogs?

Addison's disease results from inadequate secretion of corticosteroid hormones by the adrenal glands. There are two types of corticosteroids, namely glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Glucocorticoids play a significant role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Mineralocorticoids are needed for regulating water and electrolyte balance in the body. Decreased levels of these hormones can lead to reduced sodium and raised potassium levels in the blood, causing low blood pressure. Corticosteroid hormones help the animal to withstand stress physiologically. Deficiency of these hormones result in Addison's disease in dogs.

There are three types of canine Addison's disease such as primary, secondary, and atypical. Primary Addison's disease results from insufficient production of both glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Secondary Addison's disease occurs, when the pituitary gland secretes inadequate amounts of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone ), which is necessary to stimulate the adrenal glands for hormone production. Atypical Addison's disease results from damage to the adrenal glands related to the immune system.


The exact cause of Addison's disease in dogs is not clear. However, there are several potential causes of Addison's disease in dogs. A tumor of pituitary gland is one of the main reasons of canine Addison's disease. Sometimes, this disease results from a direct injury to the adrenal glands due to infection, hemorrhage or certain autoimmune disorders. The dog may develop Addison's disease after a prolonged treatment with steroids and sudden discontinuation of the medication. Some other possible causes of Addison's disease are heredity, trauma, fungal infections and cancer. Addison's disease is more common in young to middle-aged female dogs. It can occur in any dog breed. However, certain dog breeds like Standard Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, Great Danes, Bearded Collies and Portuguese Water Dogs are more prone to this disease.


Symptoms of canine Addison's disease may resemble other canine diseases. Early symptoms are related to gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea. The dog also suffers from muscle weakness, lethargy, shaking, slow pulse and collapse. Many a time, symptoms go unnoticed, until Addisonian crisis occurs. During this phase, the dog exhibits the symptoms like acute collapse, irregular heartbeats and shock. Due to low sodium and high potassium levels in the blood, the blood pressure falls, which can prove to be fatal.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of Canine Addison's disease includes different blood tests such as determination of electrolyte levels like sodium and potassium, and ACTH stimulation test. When the diagnosis of Addison's disease is confirmed, the veterinarian administers oral hormone replacement therapy. Most dogs are treated with oral drugs like fludrocortisone acetate. Another option is injectable medications like percortin. This drug is injected once in every four weeks. In case of Addisonian crisis, IV fluids and electrolytes are also administered along with corticosteroids. Herbal remedies like licorice, ginger, garlic, dandelion and valerian are also effective for the treatment of canine Addition's disease.

By maintaining good hygiene, proper care and with ample love, you can prevent any health problems in your loving pet and keep it healthy and playful lifelong.

Posted on 12:43 AM

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let's Celebrate the Day

Most of our desk calendars only show the most recognized holidays and events; they do not include the unique holidays that could, or maybe should, be celebrated. For instance, almost everyday of the year is designated as a special day for some reason or another. There are designated days for foods, for drinks, for jobs, for fun, for wacky holidays, for you name it, and there is a special day for it.

Unique Holidays in March Include St. Patricks Day

In my search to find the most complete yearly calendar that included not only well-recognized holidays, but also the bizarre and unique holidays, I went to the knower of all holidays Hallmark. On their The Ultimate Holiday Site[1], they have a complete listing of holidays for the year. In addition to a listing for each month, there is also a small description on how and/or why the day is special.

For the month of March, my desk calendar shows these events and holidays:

March 10, Daylight Saving Time Begins
March17, St. Patricks Day
March 20, First Day of Spring
March 24, Palm Sunday
March 26, Passover
March 29, Good Friday
March 31, Easter

Now, as Emeril would say, Bam! lets Kick it up a notch! and Feel the love, for these March holidays that are recognized, bizarre, and unique.

My celebration suggestions:

Unique Holidays in March Dont get any Sweeter Than a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup

March 1 National Peanut Butter Lovers Day
Things that come to my mind are: Reeses
Peanut Butter Cups, a heaping spoon of peanut
butter, and of course, a peanut butter and jelly

National Pig Day
One word barbecue!

March 2 National Banana Cream Pie Day
The perfect ending to a delicious meal!

National Old Stuff Day
I have lots of old stuff in the back of my closet;
today is a good day to pack it up, and give it to
someone who could use it.

March 3 If Pets Had Thumbs Day
Take a break, and read the book, The Art of
Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. Enzo, a dog
who knows the value of thumbs, tells this
captivating story.

National Anthem Day
Read and reflect on the words of your National
Anthem. This is a good family project.

National I Want You To Be Happy Day
Do something that will make someone happy

The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Amazon Price: $14.99 $5.83 Buy Now
(price as of Apr 12, 2013)

March 4 Hug A GI Day
If you cant hug a GI today, then at least walk
up to one and say, Thank You.

National Pound Cake Day
Make a pound cake for your family dinner,
and share a few slices with a neighbor.

Have a Cheese Doodle Day on National Cheese Doodle Day

March 5 National Cheese Doodle Day
My husband celebrates this day almost daily.

National Multiple Personality Day
Caution: So you will be your normal sweet self,
do not get up on the wrong side of the bed

March 6 Dentist Day
Not where you want to spend today, that is,
unless, you have a toothache.

National Frozen Food Day
Serve some of those frozen vegetables that you
saved from your garden.

Play Catch up with all Your Friends on Alexander Graham Bell Day

March 7 Alexander Graham Bell Day
Why not give someone a call?

National Cereal Day
Start your day off with a nutritious bowl of
cereal for breakfast.

March 8 National Be Nasty Day
This is the day to be overly nice to anyone you
encounter who is nasty.

March 9 National Crabmeat Day
Make some crab cakes or a crab casserole

National Panic Day
Do your income taxes, today, so you wont
have this day on your calendar next month.

March 10 National Blueberry Popover Day
Dont have time to bake? Then visit your local
bakery for this treat.

March 11 Middle Name Pride Day
Expecting? Then use this day to think of a
name your child will be pleased to share and
know how to spell.

National Worship of Tools Day
Appreciate your tools by giving them a good

March 12 Girl Scouts Day
Honor these future leaders by purchasing some
of their delicious cookies.

National Alfred Hitchcock Day
Watch one or more of his famous films:
Notorious, North by Northwest, Rear Window,
Pyscho, or The Birds.

Plant a Flower Day
Depending on where you live, plant a flower
outside, or repot one of your houseplants.

March 13 Earmuff Day
If its a cold day, then wear a pair of earmuffs.

National Jewel Day
Watch the movie classic, Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes, and enjoy the musical hit from this
movie, Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Amazon Price: $14.98 $12.99 Buy Now
(price as of Apr 12, 2013)

March 14 Learn about Butterflies Day
Visit your local library, checkout a book about
butterflies, and learn about them. This is
another great family project.

National Pi Day
A day made for mathematicians the rest of
us have the day off!

Chips and a Sandwich  No Better Way to Celebrate National Potato Chip Day

National Potato Chip Day
Pile them on your plate, with a sandwich

March 15 National Everything You Think is Wrong Day
Grab your paper and pen, and start writing.
Write to whomever you think can make whats
wrong, right.

National Pears Helene Day
There are many recipes online for this famous
French dessert give one a try.

March 16 Freedom of Information Day
This is a right and privilege to be celebrated.

National Everything You Do Is Right Day
My husband said that I have been celebrating
this day everyday for years!

March 17 Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
I will be calling my daughter today. Why not
give yours a call, too!

Celebrate St. Patricks Day with Watergate Salad

St. Patricks Day
Spend time with your child/children, and
make a Watergate Salad for dinner.

March 18 Goddess of Fertility Day
If you want her to visit, I hope she will.

Supreme Sacrifice Day
Say a prayer for our brave military men and

Chicken and Dumplings  A Yummy Way to Celebrate National Poultry Day

March 19 National Poultry Day
Cook up an old-fashioned comfort food,
Chicken and Dumplings.

March 20 Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
This is the day for those travelers who have
been everywhere and done everything.

National Ravioli Day
Make tonight a date night, and have dinner at
the Olive Garden Italian Restaurant.

March 21 National French Bread Day
Pick up a loaf for dinner.

Single Parents Day
Lend a hand to a single parent today to help
them out.

March 22 National Goof-off Day
If it's your day off from work, then have fun
celebrating, otherwise, put off your celebration
until you have a day off.

World Water Day
Make a contribution to one of the many
charities who help people get water.

Get Your Fill of Potato Chips on National Chip and Dip Day

March 23 National Chip and Dip Day
Whenever these are put out, it means a party is
about to happen.

National Organize Your Home Office Day
This day didnt come a day too soon at my

National Puppy Day
Visit the SPCA and rescue a puppy, or one of
his elders.

March 24 National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
No chocolate covered raisins in the house, so I
will improvise; I will eat a raisin and some
chocolate chips at the same time. Ta-da!

March 25 International Waffle Day
Bring on the maple syrup, and lets eat.

March 26 National Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
I name the second Wednesday of every
month, Take Your Better Half Out to Eat
Day. (Everyone in favor can vote below in the
comment section.)

National Nougat Day
I will celebrate with a Snickers bar, and savor
the nougat center.

Spinach Festival Day
Fresh or cooked, either way, this is a marvelous
way to make any day special.

March 27 National Joe Day
Begin this special day with your favorite blend
of Joe.

National Spanish Paella Day
Do you have a recipe for a Spanish Paella? If
not, then look up one, and make it for dinner.
This is a great way to learn and sample
different foods.

Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Play my favorite, Kenny Chesneys, She Thinks
My Tractors Sexy

She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
Amazon Price: $1.29 Buy Now
(price as of Apr 12, 2013)

March 28 National Black Forest Cake Day
Oh, bring it on!

National Something On A Stick Day
You could make Satay for dinner, settle for a
popsicle, or hold out for that first MLB game
on March 31, to get a corn dog.

March 29 National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
Make one of these oldies, but goodies, for the

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
Shop at a Mom and Pop Business today.

Smoke and Mirrors Day
Be alert today: WYSINAWYG (What you see
is not always what you get.)

March 30 National Doctors Day
Be thankful for the ones you have, eat an
apple, be healthy, and try to stay out of their office.

National I Am In Control Day
If I am indeed in control, then I say, Lets
book a cruise!

Take a Walk in the Park Day
This is a wonderful way to celebrate everyday!

March 31 Eiffel Tower Day
I wont visit there today; hopefully, this is in
my future.

National Bunsen Burner Day
Celebrate not burning down the lab day.

In Closing

However you spend your day, always remember this quote from an unknown author, What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.

Do you plan to celebrate any of these holidays? If so, please share in the comment section below what you plan to do on these unique holidays in March.

Posted on 7:03 PM

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