Sunday, November 30, 2014

Mast cell tumors in dogs (mastocytoma) is one of the most common form of tumors found that a dog can be afflicted with. These tumors grow out of the mast cells which are present in the tissues of the body. Mast cell tumors also affect a lot of other animals, but they are mostly benign. However, when a mast cell tumor or tumors affect dogs they lead to the growth of cancerous cells and can lead to cancer in dogs. Mast cells are connected with the immune system as they have within themselves histamine, heparin and protein breaking enzymes, which are responsible for fighting parasites and foreign invaders. However, when mast cell tumors develop in dogs, these very enzymes can lead to a lot of damage. The tumors can affect dogs of all ages but they are a common occurrence in older dogs. Golden Retrievers, Boxers, English Bulldogs, and Cocker Spaniels are some of the breeds that are most commonly affected by this illness. Let us learn about this condition in more detail.


A mast cell tumor can develop anywhere on the dog's body and is usually found in the superficial layers of the skin. Here are some symptoms of the same.
  • The most common sign to look out for in this form of tumor is a lump/hump in/on the skin.
  • It is a raised mass and is usually pink or red in color.
  • Although it can develop all over the body, it is most commonly found in the genital areas, trunk or the limbs.
  • Usually there is more than one tumor.
  • These lumps can be benign, smooth and bumpy or ulcerated.
  • It is for this reason that the tumors are termed as the great pretenders.
  • There may be visible thickening of the skin.
  • The dog will constantly try to scratch the area or rub against it because this problem is a very painful disease.
  • A mast cell tumor will cause black stool and bleeding in dogs.
  • There will be a loss of appetite.
  • There will also be vomiting and abdominal pain.

There are mainly three methods that are adopted for the use of treatment of mast cell tumor. These include:
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is used in conditions when the tumors are localized and few. This therapy cannot be used on dogs that have been inflicted with disease throughout the body or those that have developed multiple tumors because this involves using a radiation beam that has a single focus on the disease. Dogs take well to this therapy and the chances of the tumors returning are lessened considerably. Although it is a little expensive, this therapy has proved to be the most effective as far as localized tumors are concerned.

Chemotherapy is used most effectively in conditions when multiple mast cell tumors develop. This form of therapy uses anti-cancer drugs for delaying the growth and spread of the cancerous tumors. Chemotherapy involves using drugs like lomustine, vinblastine and prednisolone which is a cortisone. These drugs might be administered before, during or after a surgery or might be individually administered. The duration of the drugs administered will depend on the stage of the tumor. The doctor will discontinue the medication if there are no more tumors formed. There are certain side effects that are seen as well.

When there are single mast cell tumors involved, performing a surgical procedure is considered the best option. This procedure is called 'Wide Resection'. This involves removing the damaged tissue and at least 3 cms of surrounding normal tissue, so that the malignant tissue does not spread to the other parts of the body. Many times however, the mast cells are very invasive and therefore removing them entirely is impossible. But surgeries have often been successful for stage II tumors as well. Surgery is usually used as the first option because this will determine what other forms of therapy need to be used.


The prognosis is mainly based on the grade and stage of the tumor. The further advanced the tumor, the prognosis will be grim. However, a timely detection of the tumor will ensure that there is success in the treatment procedure. Usually stage I and stage II tumors that have been successfully removed through surgery or a combination of surgery and other therapies have a lesser chance of recurring. The prognosis is different for different dogs.

When the mast cell tumors are detected at an early stage and dealt in the best possible manner, there are chances that they will not reappear again. So keep a look out and if you find a lump on the dog or notice any of the other physical or physiological signs, then make sure that you consult your doctor immediately.

Posted on 1:20 PM

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cataract refers to an eye problem that is characterized by the clouding of the natural lens of the eye. This condition can affect all dog breeds and can affect either one eye or both the eyes. The lens of the eye is in a hydrated state, consisting of water and protein. The water and protein balance in the lens is regulated by a sodium water pump. When this condition of the lens is disturbed, extra water moves inside the lens and the insoluble protein content increases. As a result, transparency is minimized, thus causing a loss of transparency.


Canine cataracts could be caused by infection, trauma or diabetes. Aging can be another contributory factor. Free radicals create harmful oxidizing agents in the body, which can cause eye tissue damage. If left untreated, can worsen the situation and makes your dog completely blind. Puppies can also face this problem, this is mainly because they are given artificial milk products. In most of the cases, this eye problem is inherited. Some dogs may have this problem at birth.

This eye problem can be recognized by an allergic type of a reaction in the lens of the eye. These reactions may further cause scars and glaucoma, thereby causing blindness. In diabetic dogs, this condition can cause rupture of the lens capsule. An affected dog might show strange behavior like bumping into things or passing urine frequently. The affected dog may feel very thirsty. You might observe cloudiness of the eye. If pet owners observe such symptoms, they should take the dog to the vet for a full eye check-up. This will help to prevent complications like glaucoma.


If diagnosed early, this condition can be cured completely with surgery. Your veterinary ophthalmologist will do a proper eye examination. Though, these tests are not painful, sedative drugs are given to avoid your pet's movements during the tests. The surgery will be performed, either by large or small incision methods, depending upon the cause and also, the age of your dog. Once the surgery is done, the lens of the eye is replaced with artificial lens which will provide the dog a better vision. Eye drops are to be administered before, and after the surgery, as prescribed by the veterinarian ophthalmologist.

This condition can also be treated by using cineraria herb. It is believed that this herb helps dissolve the cataracts. This herb is mostly available in eye drop form. Needless to say, as the dogs' age, their vision is also adversely affected. Therefore, it is essential to provide your dog with a nutritious diet, which should include green vegetables and carrots. Provide your pet with foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that will help to get rid of the free radicals from your dog's body.

Prevent this problem by giving your dog, a mixture of bilberry and vitamin E. Bilberry can be obtained in a capsule form, and mixed with the dog food on a regular basis. Consult a vet regarding the dosage.

Posted on 5:12 PM

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I remember my parents reaction, the first time I asked for a was as if I had asked them whether I could get a lion for a pet. "You are an irresponsible girl, you cannot even look after yourself, so how will you look after the poor dog!", were their exact words and no matter how much I begged, how many tears I shed, the answer was a complete NO. I was not the kind of girl who would give up so easily, so I took a lot of efforts to convince my parents to get a dog and worked day and night to make them change their mind and guess what, today (after 6 to 7 months of convincing), I have got a dog at home. I bet that this is the same situation in several other households, where kids are begging for a dog, but their parents are dead against it. Relax, cause here I have shared some of my ideas on how to convince your parents to get a dog and these ideas (trust me) are going to help you a lot. Convincing your folks to get a dog, might take time, yes I agree, but all these waiting and hard work is worth it.

Persuade Your Parents to Get a Dog

If you have decided that you are going to get a dog at any cost, then the first thing that you need to do is to STOP BUGGING YOUR PARENTS! If you keep bothering them and irritating them again and again and again, these tips will prove useless for you. Just like you hate it when they keep nagging you, the feeling is mutual for them too.

I Am Responsible, Mom
Don't just say it, prove it. How many times have your parents heard you saying this same line over and over again? You keep saying it and yet they have to run behind you, asking you to clean your room, take a bath, eat your greens, etc. So of course if you tell them, 'get me a dog and I will prove it that I am responsible', is not going to work (and I do not blame the parents). You have to prove it before you get the dog. Get the idea of a dog into their head, tell them that you will be responsible and then start working on it. Clean your room, help your dad to wash the car, help your mom in the kitchen, lay the table without being asked, eat your food properly and so on, without them having to tell you. And although you might think that they are not noticing, trust me, they are. Although they might not be convinced by your changed behavior for a few weeks, but if you do not give up, they will be convinced within the next few weeks. Patience my dear friend, patience.

I Want A Dog Because...
Just like you demand for a reason when your parents ask you not to do something, they have the right to ask you why you need the dog, so be ready with an explanation and by explanation I mean something really convincing. Tell them how you hate to return from school to a lonely house, how you will cut down on your TV shows timing and go out to the park and play with your dog or train them and how it will be good for your health. Don't forget to focus on points like how dogs provide security from robbers by guarding the house at night, how they make loyal friends and keep their masters happy, etc. If you tell them something like, 'Because John has it.." then I am sorry to say, but that's a very bad reason.

I Am Dead Serious
When planning to convince your parents to get a dog, prove to them that you are dead serious about getting a dog. You have to do your homework really well and by homework, I mean that you have to do all your research work about the dog breed that you want, from where you can get them, how much they are going to cost, what kind of a temperament they have, who is the nearest vet, what are the various shots that you need to give your dog, how to take care of them, find out which are the best dogs for children, etc. If you succeed in proving yourself serious enough, who knows probably you will get a small puppy this Christmas.

Want Another Dog
The above tips were mainly for those who do not have a dog, but really want one. But, there are some kids, who despite having a dog, demand for another one and their parents, although were convinced the first time, are having a hard time agreeing the second time. So how to convince your parents to get a dog when you already have one? Hmm! Difficult, but possible! Tell them how your dog needs a partner and how it is all lonely and craving for some canine company, show that you can manage another dog by showing some responsibility towards the previous dog, tell your folks that managing a second dog will be a much easier task as you already have some experience about training and caring for a dog. These explanations are sure to help convince them. But if, despite them getting convinced the first time, you have proved that you are really irresponsible when it comes to caring for a dog, then I am really sorry to say but getting a second dog will be really difficult.

Beg, Plead and Shed Tears
This is the last resort and this step is to be used when everything else fails. Just get down on your knees, fold your hands and shed a few tears and plead with your parents. Give them a 'puppy' look and try to melt their heart and change their mind. If your neighborhood is not good enough for a big dog, go for a small one, just to please them.

These pointers are sure to prove helpful, if you are serious about getting a dog. And please do not keep bothering your parents again and again and start with all these 'dog wanting' strategies as soon as they come back from work or when they are in a bad mood. Choose a time, when they are relaxed and in a good mood and then pop up the question. Be polite and DO NOT create a scene if they say no for the first, second or third time. Let them ponder over the topic for a while before they come to a conclusion. End result will be great.

Posted on 3:09 PM

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Humans love chocolates. And you know who else cannot resist chocolates? Man's best friend, dogs. Give them a piece of it and they will gobble it up within a matter of few seconds. When you are eating a piece of this delicious thing in front of them, they will sit in front of you, looking first at the chocolate and then at you, their eyes begging silently to give them a piece. You, a dog lover, cannot resist the look and end up giving them a piece. But you know what? Giving them even a small piece of chocolate, is the same as giving them poison. You might ask, is chocolate bad for dogs? The answer is yes! Chocolate is like poison for them, a poison which might kill them. Want to know why? Here's why.

Chocolate = Poison?

There have been many incidents in which dogs have lost their lives because their owners have given them chocolates. It was not done on purpose. Many people still do not know about this. Some people, even if they have heard about it, they do not know the reason as to why chocolate can be bad. That is why, thinking that the whole thing is just a myth, they do not follow it. But, this article will tell you that the whole thing is not a myth. It is a fact that chocolates kill dogs. Why? This is because chocolate consists of a substance called 'theobromine'. This is a central nervous system stimulant which is present in cocoa beans and which causes seizures and various other heart problems. If your dog accidentally eats even a small piece of chocolate, then the theobromine starts reacting in the body. The dogs might suffer from various health problems such as diarrhea, or vomiting. They might also urinate a lot, or become very restless. Their heart beats might also increase and they will always feel thirsty. Dogs also develop worms in the body and they start losing their fur. Their digestive system also goes from bad to worse. All these various side effects might kill your dog.

How Much To Give

If you now ask how much chocolate you should give to your dogs, then that will be a bit difficult to answer as the amount usually depends on the age and size of the dog. But still if a 50 pound dog eats around one piece of milk chocolate, maybe nothing will happen. But give the same dog a whole chunk, then they are bound to get sick. Remember that not all chocolates will have the same effect on the dog. White chocolates have the least amount of theobromine in it. Milk chocolates 1 ounce per body weight is good enough for your dog. Sweet cocoa 0.3 ounces of your dog's body weight, will do and baking chocolate, 0.1 ounce of your dog's body weight, is more than enough. Remember this, then your dog can eat the chocolate and at the same time, he won't fall sick. But it is best that you do not give them any chocolates to be on the safe side.


Now if, accidentally, your dog does take in some excess chocolate, then what are you supposed to do? The thing is, unlike other poisons, chocolate poisoning in dogs still does not have an antidote. The only thing that you can do is force your dog to vomit out the entire theobromine. Activated charcoal will help the dog by absorbing the harmful poison. If the dog shows symptoms of diarrhea, then keep giving them enough liquids as diarrhea causes dehydration. The best thing is to take the dog to the vet as soon as possible. They will know what to do. Let the veterinarian know what kind of chocolate your dog has eaten so that they will know what kind of treatment is needed.

Being a dog lover myself, I know that once you look into those innocent eyes, you cannot resist giving them, the dogs, whatever they want. But, if you love them, then for their own good, you have to be firm. You might think that a small piece is no big deal. But better safe than sorry.

Posted on 2:21 PM

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Small dog breeds are simply adorable, their small size and those watery, puppy eyes are enough to melt hearts. But you should know, despite their size, some of these small canines can also provide security due to their alertness and watchful demeanor. Also known as toy dogs, these dogs love to be pampered, and are usually given first-class treatment by their owners. They are also very protective and loyal towards their master and family. There are many dogs that are classified under small breeds and each breed has its own negative and positive traits.

Some of the Most Popular Small Dog Breeds

French Bulldog
French Bulldog is a short and muscular breed, closely related to the English Bulldog and American Bulldog. They are easily distinguished by their small, muscular body and their large erect ears. French bulldogs are perfect for apartments, they require very little space and do not need a lot of outdoor activity. A short walk daily, or even indoor playtime, serves as good exercise for this small breed. Coat is moderately fine, short and smooth, and requires very little grooming. As far as temperament goes, French bulldogs are loved by all. The breed is very affectionate, and is a wonderful companion. They typically get along with other animals, and simply love being around people. Due to the unique shape of their head, French bulldogs have difficulty breathing in extreme temperatures. One negative aspect to this otherwise lovely small breed is that they are very stubborn, and are not the easiest to train.

Chihuahuas are recognized by two coat variations: the long coat, and the smooth or short-haired. The long fur coat tends to shed less hair. Often carried by celebrities, their small size makes Chihuahuas the perfect portable "purse dog". But despite their small size, they are known to have a bad temper. This breed is quite territorial as well as protective, they can be aggressive and quick to attack when they feel threatened. Thus, they may not be an ideal choice for families with young kids. They can be loud and demanding at times, and are also known for barking incessantly at strange dogs. These small dogs need a lot of attention and need firm and consistent training. On the plus side, Chihuahuas are very affectionate and will shower their masters with lots of love.

Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier is a small and compactly built dog with erect ears, short tails, and a short wrinkle-free muzzle. These dogs have a short-haired coat that requires very less grooming. Boston terriers are affectionate, loving and make a great family dog. The breed is known to be gentle, alert, expressive, and well-mannered. Another plus being, Boston terriers are very intelligent and relatively easy to train. Just like the French bulldog, this breed also has breathing difficulty in extreme conditions. And beware, they love to munch on household items, so lots of chew toys should be kept in the house.

Pugs are distinguished by their wrinkly, short-muzzled face and curled tail. These sturdy little dogs are rarely aggressive, and are suitable for families with children. They truly enjoy human companionship and get along well with other household pets. The dog's unique muzzle makes them prone to snoring and wheezing. The wrinkles around the nose should be cleaned regularly to prevent infections. Pugs have short fur, and are very easy to groom. This breed is prone to eye prolapse, thus it is recommended to use harness leash, instead of neck leash. One of the biggest health issues for pugs is becoming obese. Pugs tend to eat whatever is put in front of them, and are always looking for more food, care must be taken to prevent them from becoming overweight. Their charismatic personality and friendly behavior make pugs very popular as house pets.

Classified as a toy dog breed, because of its looks and small size, Pomeranians can be found in many colors such as cream, white, brown, black, tan etc. Pomeranians are relatively intelligent and loyal to their masters, they are very alert, and tend to be very noisy. Like other small breeds, Pomeranians are also suitable for apartments and get along well with other animals. Eye Infections and early tooth decay are common health problems associated with this breed. Pomeranians have thick fur and tend to shed twice a year, to avoid an overabundance of hair in your house, you should brush them daily. On the plus side, these dogs are intelligent and training them is not overly difficult.

Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature schnauzer is a playful, spunky and friendly dog. They enjoy the company of children, and make for an excellent family pet. Miniature schnauzer have distinctive clipped hair on their face that looks like a beard and mustache. They have a double coat, which is wiry on the outside and softer on the inside. They are known for being curious and extremely alert, so much so that they bark to any unfamiliar sound and at every passerby they see through the window. Apart from this, the dog is affectionate, loyal and very intelligent. Miniature schnauzer also loves traveling, thus making an excellent travel companion.

Shih Tzu
Also known as the Chinese lion dog, Shih Tzu are docile and intelligent dogs. They have flowing double coat that falls to the ground. Even though Shih Tzu means "little lion," these loving dogs are anything but fierce and ferocious. They are wonderful lap-dogs and enjoy being indoors with their master. Shih Tzu are perfect for apartments, as they do not take up a lot of space and require very little exercise. This breed is very alert and is known to bark at unfamiliar sounds. Due to their docile and mild-mannered personality, not much training is required.

Beagle is classified as a small to medium-sized hound dog. They have strong, muscular body and long ears, females tend to be smaller than males. Beagles look exactly like fox hounds, but only smaller in size. They have one of the best developed senses of smell of any dog, thus they are sometimes employed by customs and protection agencies. Beagles have an even temper, not very aggressive and not exactly timid either. These dogs are very affectionate and love getting attention. They are also known to be very intelligent, but despite that, these dogs are not the easiest breed to train. Beagles are excellent with children and make wonderful family pets.

Often known as 'sausage dogs' and 'wiener dogs', dachshunds are unique in their appearance, they have a long, muscular body and short stubby legs. They come in three coat variations: short hair, long hair, and wire-hair. Dachshunds are known to be very playful and have the tendency to chase birds or other small animals. Perfect for apartments, these small dogs do not require much exercise, daily walks and indoor playtime serves the purpose. Though hard to believe, dachshunds are excellent watch dogs and have a very loud bark. Negative aspects include their stubborn nature which makes them difficult to train.

Yorkshire Terrier
Due to its shiny, wavy hair and small size, Yorkshire terrier is best known as a fashionable tiny accessory. They are enthusiastic, energetic, affectionate and loyal to immediate family. They are also very playful and love being around people at all times. Yorkies, as they are lovingly referred to, can be a good watch dog, as they are very protective and territorial. They are quite intelligent and not overly difficult to train. All in all, Yorkies can be described as being fearless, bossy, dynamic, intelligent and lively. It is no surprise that it is one of the world's most popular breeds.

Other Small Dog Breeds
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Maltese
  • Tibetan Spaniel
  • Bichon Fris
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Welsh Terrier
  • Pekingese
Small dogs may seem easy to maintain, because of their size, but the truth is that most of these breeds are very demanding, and need a lot of attention. But rest assured, these small love bugs will go all the way to show affection and will shower you with all their love.

Posted on 5:41 AM

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Your Cat: The Owner's Manual: Hundreds of Secrets, Surprises, and Solutions for Raising a Happy, Healthy Cat
Amazon Price: $25.99 $5.08 Buy Now
(price as of May 14, 2013)

The Three Essentials of Understanding Your Cat's Behavior

When it comes to owning a cat, it can take some time to get to grips with their unusual and often, mischievous antics.While staying out all night and then returning first thing in the morning may not be the best lifestyle choice for most people for cats, it's the norm.

If your cat spends all of its time indoors in an apartment-style setting, for example, then perhaps the number of nightly disturbances are more than you prefer especially if your cat is notorious for roaming about your living space on the full moon!

In cat ownership, you may find that knowing the basics about feline behavior can be a major help. In my opinion, a cat naturally expresses itself in three core ways in its Attitude, Issues and Abilities (or A.I.A. for short).

1) Attitude

Theres no two ways about it cats stand apart in their attitude. While a few traits may appear to be similar to dogs, such as scent marking and ease of adaption to domestic life, felines really are the defiant and independent characters they make outto be.

Running on instinct, cats like to live according to their own rules. They are less loyal and co-operative than dogs and very seldom obey commands.Cats, as a whole, prefer solitude rather than a pack environment, and are strictly carnivores.

Feline ancestral hunting instincts and preference for nocturnal activity are very much alive in the household cat. Theirbehavior is strongly centered around in-born hunting skills passed down from their wild relatives.

Acting out predatory behavior is a natural part of a cat's attitude and is absolutely vital for those that are forced to survive on their own."A kitten in the wild has just a few weeks to turn from being completely dependent on its mother into a competent hunter, or it will not survive." (Bradshaw, p. 78)

The Life and Love of Cats
Amazon Price: $50.00 $31.96 Buy Now
(price as of May 14, 2013)

2) Issues

When it comes to behavioral problems in cats, these can range from scratching and aggression to over-grooming and urinating indoors. These events can be caused by stressful changes in its territory, such as when you are moving to a new house or a new cat is being introduced into the home.

Fearful behaviors, such as anxiety, timidness, biting and hissing can also be a problem and often stem from rough treatment and neglect as a kitten. "Characteristics such as boldness and nervousness are strongly influenced by early experiences and may persist throughout the life of the cat." (Bradshaw, p. 209-10)

If your cat is displaying behavioral issues of their own, then it is wise to discuss these with your local veterinarian or natural animal health therapist. Often-times, any deep-seated problems related to stress or anxiety can be relieved with the use of healing remedies, such as Bach flower essences or homeopathy.

3) Abilities

Cats are known for their sense of balance and calculated movements.It is possible to observe their natural poise and agilitywhenthey are stalking birds in a garden or chasing a piece of string around a room.

All cats possess extraordinary sensory abilities, including verbal and non-verbal communication skills, a sophisticated sense of balance and agility, formidable hunting skills, and complex territorial and sexual behaviors." (Yarnall & Hofve, p. 14)

Cats have excellent vision that functions optimally at night but do not see very well during day-time hours. Although blind to the color red, their eyes are attuned to registering any sudden movements in their field of sight and they have other heightened sensory faculties, such as smell, taste and hearing that enhance their day-to-day behaviors.

The Value of Understanding

All cats essentially value full freedom in their movement and living environment. They have an independent nature that is both curious and kind (unless provoked, which may mean you find yourself with a scratch or two!).

By understanding the A.I.A. of your own cat's behavior, you can start creating a long and lasting furry friendship with your pet for years to come. Enjoy!

Next article:What Food Is Your Cat Eating?

Posted on 8:52 PM

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

We pamper and treat our pets almost as a member of our family. So it is but obvious to panic or be concerned when one notices disparity in our pet's behavior. This doesn't mean that we get paranoid about the dog's health and run to the veterinarian with every dog health problem that we see in our canine. Yes, damage control is important but I can assure you that just like children, dogs too aren't very fond of needles and vets!


There can be many reasons for loss of appetite in dogs, take a look at the various reasons behind your dog eating like a bird.

Lifestyle Related Causes
Dogs generally tend to stop eating to detoxify their body. During this time, you will notice him eating grass and leaves. This is the first and most common reason for avoiding food. Most dog owners will agree that their pet dogs are very picky about food. This holds true for puppies also, as this is the stage when they are developing their liking towards certain food. Another reason for appetite loss in puppies could be that you are feeding him dog food which is meant for adult dogs. Also if you feed your dog a large meal three times a day, there are chances that by the third meal, depending on the exercise he gets, he won't be too hungry. Lack of exercise can also trigger poor appetite in dogs.

Psychological Causes
Dogs also suffer from psychological issues, especially near the festive season when firecrackers are used. Due to separation anxiety, they may stop eating and may also refuse food if they are sad or depressed. Some male dogs also stop eating when they can smell a female on heat nearby.

Illness Related Causes
Poor appetite in dogs can show up as an underlying symptom of another problem like a bacterial infection in dogs or dog cancer. Dogs too get anorexic, due to stress as a result of which the dog may not eat. If the dog has an infection in the stomach or if he is experiencing problems with his gums or teeth, he may refuse food. Hormonal change, or problems with his kidneys or liver could also be a cause for lack of appetite. Certain respiratory diseases like asthma and kennel cough in dogs can lead to reduced appetite. Worm infestation, urinary tract infection or constipation in dogs could be some other reasons for your dog's loss of interest in food.


As such, there are no clear symptoms in dogs. As a pet owner, you will notice slight changes in the dog's behavior, watch out for other symptoms. If nothing else shows up, then probably, there is nothing serious to worry about. In such cases, he would seem very fussy about the food you give him. He may want you to feed him, but won't eat when you give him food. Along with these changes, you may notice that he maybe weak and lazy. During this time, he may eat grass.


To treat this disinterest in food, you can start with tempting your dog with his favorite food. Try changing his meal timings and food. You can also ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercise so that he feels hungry. Make sure that he has his de-worming course to rule out dog worms. Excessive dog fleas cause your dog discomfort and in turn, lead to mood swings and loss of appetite. Make sure that he is drinking enough water and give his vitamin supplements whenever he eats. Let him ask you for food, don't force feed him as long as he eats at least one meal a day. If however, your dogs hasn't eaten since two days, take him to a veterinarian on second day. If your dog is not drinking water, the veterinarian may have to put him on saline drip.

In most cases, lack of appetite is nothing serious, at times just a change in weather can cause your dog to reduce his appetite. As long as he doesn't completely stop eating, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure you already know this but dogs too need a healthy environment, one that fosters love and encourages your dog to be happy and active. Eventually, it's these small things that determine your pet's health.

Posted on 12:05 AM

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Raised dog feeders are a fantastic way to improve your dogs feeding posture, they are also a good way for older dogs to feed as well so that they are not getting tired bending down to feed. This product comes in a variety of different shapes and sizes so it would be a wise move to buy one which is going to be the correct size and height for your dog. Pick one which is at an height were your dog can feed comfortably without bending or standing upright too much.

With so many different makes and models out there in the marketplace, lets take a quick look at just two models of raised dog feeders that are out there today.

The first model that we are going to look at is the Pet Goods Dynasty Double Diner 2 Quart Raised Feeder. This feeder comes in an attractive antique black matte finish and comes complete with two 2 quart stainless steel feeding bowls. This model of raised dog bowl is best suited to dogs which are medium to large in size. It is so easy to assemble, no DIY experience required and measures 18.5 inches wide by 10.5 inches deep by 9 inches in height and weighs only 4 pounds. With its classical good looks and durable construction this is a product that is going to give you many years of good use.

The second model of raised dog feeder that we are going to look at is the Pet Goods Dynasty Double Diner 3 Quart Raised Feeding Station. This feeder is manufactured by the same company, but it has a few different features to it. For starters the feeding bowls are bigger at 3 quarts and it has a large pull out drawer underneath it which you can use to fill up with treats, food and toys. Again this model is suited for your medium to large size dogs. It measures 23.5 long by 12.5 inches deep by 11.5 inches in height. It is easy to put together and again comes in a beautiful antique black matte finish that will fit into anyone's home decor. This raised dog feeder is very good quality and after reading some of the customer review on Amazon it looks to me that this is an excellent product at an excellent price which is going to give you and your dog years of good use.

Posted on 7:40 PM

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Just like in humans, diet plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing a dog's overall health and well-being. Needless to say, but we all know dogs are the best human companions and their presence in our life adds so much meaning to us. Hence right from their place to rest to the food they eat, we want to give them the best. But when it comes to selecting the best and healthy dog food, which will aid in overall growth and development of your dog, we usually find ourselves confused deciding which is the best dog food. Especially with so many options available nowadays claiming to be extremely healthy and nutritious for a dog, it is very difficult to make a choice between the different types of dog foods.

But research shows that more and more people nowadays are opting for organic dog food which not only helps in proper growth of the dog but also boosts its immune system and energy levels. Organic dog food basically comprises quality proteins, high meat content, grain sources of exceptional nutritional value and is deprived of artificial food preservatives and flavors. But again as there are so many types of organic dog foods available, most of us are unable to decide which is the best one. Hence below given are some of the best organic dog foods that you can consider giving your pet, but before that we will see how these foods benefit a dog.

Benefits of Organic Dog Food

As organic dog food is gaining popularity despite its high prices, it becomes vital for any pet owner to know the potential benefits of organic dog food. Hence here are the common health benefits of feeding your dog with the organic dog food.
  • Research shows that organic dog food is quite effective in dealing with dog allergies and infections as it does not contain artificial colors, flavors, chemical additives or preservatives that can lead to allergies in dog.
  • Organic dog food is high in nutritional value and doesn't contain bulk fillers which usually contribute to weight gain in dogs. Hence, the dog consumes only that much amount of food which is required to maintain healthy energy levels and proper growth.
  • Due to lack of chemicals and artificial substances, and presence of digestible whole grains and meat, the food is easy to digest and keeps the pet from suffering any digestive disorders.
  • Finally, organic dog food is more nutritional and easy to digest in comparison to non organic or processed dog foods. Hence, all these factors enable your dog to live a long, happy and healthy life.
Types of Organic Dog Food

Given below are some of the top rated organic dog foods along with the dog food ratings, which surely live up to their names.

Karma Organic Dry Dog Food
This dog food is 95 percent organic, made of whole fruits and vegetable, and doesn't contain chemicals, artificial preservatives or additives. It comprises high quality ingredients that promote optimal dog health and since the food is in kibble form, it also improves the dog's dental health.

Newman's Own Organics Pet Food
The dog food contains 70 percent of organic ingredients including natural human grade chicken and organic rice, along with some antibiotics and probiotics which keep various dog illnesses at bay.

Canidae Dog Food
This organic dog food contains nutritionally dense meats with no corn, wheat, soy, grain fractions or fillers as well as artificial preservatives or chemicals.

Wellness Dog Food
Also considered as a best organic puppy food, Wellness dog food comprises premium meats like deboned chicken, New Zealand lamb, and white fish, along with some high quality grains, including oatmeal and barley. It contains no meat by products, corn, artificial preservatives or flavors.

Natural Planet Organics
It is a type organic dry dog food which is made of organic free range chicken, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Besides this, it also contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which add to its nutritional value.

These were some of the best organic dog foods which will provide your dog with essential nutrients and minerals, and boost their immunity and energy levels. But when it comes to purchasing the best dog food for puppies, best dog food for allergies and the best diabetic dog food, you need to be little careful as the dietary requirements of each dog may vary according to its age, breed and health. Hence it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian before opting for any of these organic dog foods.

Posted on 9:00 AM

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Dogs are allergic to a lot of foods, which is why they often have a sensitive stomach. The causes for sensitive stomach can be a result of food allergies in dogs, that are caused due to various reasons. Be it the quality of the food, preservatives, artificial additives, or specific ingredients. Possibility is, that the sensitivity is due to some disease, that your pet may be suffering from. In such cases, it is best recommended to consult your veterinarian.

Homemade Food

Home cooked dog food is always the best choice for dogs with sensitive stomach. You can always cook some easy homemade holistic dog food for them. While maintaining the regular dog food formula of 40% meat + 50% vegetables + 10% carbohydrates, you need to balance all the vital vitamins and minerals in the dog food, along with protein, carbohydrates, fats, phosphorous and probiotics. You could also treat your dog to turkey or tuna once in a while (once a week). Tuna oil is excellent for your pet's coat. Also, keep your dog hydrated. See that it drinks ample water. Homemade food is the best for your dog, and hence should be your first choice. In case you find difficulty in finding the suitable food for your dog, seek help from a veterinarian, rather than searching for remedies on your own.

Commercial Food

There are a few commercial dog food brands that are meant for dogs with sensitive stomach. Consult with the veterinarian and purchase them for your pet. Some of these brands include: California Natural, Natural Balance, Nature's Recipe, Flint River Ranch, Pinnacle Duck, Breeder's Choice, etc. Always alternate the ready-made food with home food. A dog should have home food at least two to three times a week.

Some Quick Recipes


2 cups rice

1 lbs chicken meat chunks

1 cups vegetable blend (except garlic and onions)

4 cups water


Heat a large saucepan and add meat, vegetables, rice, and water in it, and cook on a medium to lower heat. Bring it to boil and keep stirring occasionally. Once the mixture has boiled, cover it and simmer for about 20 minutes, till all the ingredients, especially rice, has cooked properly.Chicken and rice are very soothing for a dog's stomach. It is very effective in settling an upset stomach too. As dogs love chicken, they don't fuss about eating this meal.


1 tablespoon cottage cheese

lb fried, ground chicken

cup grated carrots

1 cup mashed potatoes


Combine chicken, carrots and mashed potatoes in a pot, and put in the microwave oven. Heat it for about 3 minutes. When it gets cool, add cottage cheese to it and give your pet.Carrots are filled with vitamins, and they reduce stomach irritation, improving digestion and relieving constipation. They also help in controlling diarrhea and improving vision. They add a little sweetness, hence your dog would love to have carrots included in their meal.


lb beef

1 carrots

1 potatoes

1 celery stick

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 pint chicken broth


At first, saut beef with olive oil in a saucepan. Once it turns golden brown, stew it in the broth for about 45 minutes. Now add the vegetables and cover the mixture. Simmer it for another 45 minutes, or until the meat gets soft. Once cool, serve it to the dog.Potatoes, in moderate proportions, are very healthy for dogs. They add starch to the food and starch helps in settling diarrhea. Potatoes also secure complex carbohydrates.


1 cup hamburger meat, stir-fried in 1 tbsp canola oil

cup cooked plain oatmeal

1 or 2 boiled eggs, finely chopped

2 tbsp cottage cheese

1 handful beans

1 handful carrots


Mix all the ingredients well and serve it to your dog once it has cooled.Oatmeal is very high in nutrition. Chances are, your dog might not like the taste of it. But, if it is served with hamburger meat, he would relish the meal. This will help effectively in settling his upset stomach.


pound beef liver

1 tsp corn oil


Cut the liver into pieces and cook it well. You can either fry or boil it. Add the corn oil and serve once cooled.Liver is a very good source of protein and other nutrients. Your dog would love this meal more than anything else.


pound veal

1 - 2 tomatoes

1 cup water


1 chicken cube

Whole wheat bread or brown rice (optional)


Fine chop the tomatoes and veal meat. Make the stew with water, chicken cube, tomatoes, and parsley. Add the finely chopped veal meat to the stew. Cook well. Serve once cooled.Veal meat is soft and easier to digest. However, since rice is the best food when it comes to settling an upset stomach, prefer serving the stew with rice, instead of bread.

You can add a little ginger to the above recipes or sprinkle a little ginger powder over your pet's food. Ginger has anti-microbial and pain-relieving properties that will help cure nausea. If your pet is on anti-coagulant medications, please do not give it ginger in any form, as ginger helps in thinning the blood.

Remedies for Sensitive Stomach

The best home remedy for your pets sensitive stomach, vomiting and diarrhea is yogurt. Yogurt cools the stomach and stops the vomiting and diarrhea immediately. You could also add yogurt to some chicken, if your dog doesn't eat it plain. Yogurt can also be given to your pet on a daily basis from about a spoon-full to a cup, or even a little more. Lentils like husked green gram, and egg whites, are very good for sensitive stomach. If your pet is a puppy, baby food would be the best.

In severe cases, your dog may be suffering from gastroenteritis. Throwing up after everything it eats and foul, green or reddish, loose motions (stools), are common symptoms of the infection. Your pet might even stop eating after a while and become very weak. If your pet has contracted this infection, it is recommended that you see a vet as soon as possible. The vet would normally put your pet on a saline drip, followed by some medications. Gastroenteritis is caused mainly due to virus or change in food.

Posted on 5:20 AM

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