Friday, October 31, 2014

Dogs And Cats With Anxiety

It's not only humans who suffer with anxiety, but it is quite common to also see our furry friends - dogs and cats - also going through much mental torture and stress.

It could be a reaction to things such as loud noises from thunderstorms, firecrackers and fireworks. Or maybe your cat or dog hates to travel in the car or plane.It could be an unforeseen event that arrives or even an unknown reason from the past,but whatever the reason, seeing your pet in distress also becomes very distressing for us.

There are drugs that can be prescribed by your veterinarian for anxiety problems and for relaxing your dog, but many people are reluctant to do this and often use the medications as a last resort.

If you are thinking you want to try a natural alternative to relax and calm your cat or dog, then there are a couple of items available that you can try. Lets have a look at what is available to reduce anxiety inyour pet. Both of the products I will talk about are known to have a pretty high success rate.

Thunder and Loud Noises

Before we look at some possible solutions, let's have a quick look at the most likely culprits to cause issues with your pets. It is extremely common for animals to be scared of thunder storms. I've had dogs that become a quivering mess at the first distant rumble they hear. Their fear is often not only restricted to thunder storms, but can be triggered by any loud or unusual noises. How often do we see the sad result the day after a big fireworks display, of many dogs roaming the streets dazed and confused, after not being securely retained in their homes and running away in fear to escape the dreadful noise.

Whilst training can help dogs to overcome many behavioural problems, if your dog is already in a state of anxiety it can be hard for training to have the full effect. By this I mean both trained dogs who have taken fright to a noise or situation and untrained dogs who have built up so much fear, they are harder to train.

What Else Causes Anxiety For Our Pets?

Maybeit causesterrible trauma for you and your cat or dog when you have to go in the car to the vet? Does your dog have a barking problem? Does your pet suffer from separation anxiety? Need to travel on the plane with your pets? How about when you have to give medication or perform any kind of treatment...especially to your cat? Luckily there is a simple and safe solution that possibly can help with any of these problems.

Step in to the picture...The Thundershirt.

Thundershirts Are Go!

Thundershirt M Heather Grey Cat
Amazon Price: $39.99 $37.78 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 10, 2013) Thundershirts for cats. Help calm your cat in times of stress. Great if your cat hates to travel for visits to the vet!


Thundershirt Dog Anxiety Treatment, Large, Heather Grey
Amazon Price: $39.95 $34.99 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 10, 2013) The Thundershirt for dogs not only looks stylish but better than that, it calms your dog in the times it is most needed.

The Thundershirt For Dogs and Cats

This wrap around coat works by applying pressure - a lot like being cuddled - around the dog or cats torso. The Thundershirtworks by utilizing pressure point relaxation therapy. The company is so confident in the Thundershirt's abilities, that it offers a full money back guarantee and touts a high 75% success rate. The thunder coat is not only used for anxiety caused by loud noises but is also proving affective in stopping other anxieties caused by travelling and separation. It also claims it helps with "problem barking" in dogs.

I can speak from experience with this product as I do own one for my toy poodle. Whilst living in China has made her pretty bomb proof to loud noises such as fireworks, crackers and thunderstorms, she is still prone to other anxieties. It's really hard to know what our dogs are thinking to cause all these different problems they seem to come up with?

I guess you're wondering what happens when you put the thunder coat onyour pet? Well generally they curl up and go to sleep! The gentle, constant pressure around their torso relaxes them.

Recommended by thousands of veterinarians and dog trainers, Thundershirt is already helping dogs all over the world.

Thundershirt claims to help with these problems and more :

  • Fear of thunder/fireworks
  • Separation anxiety
  • Travel anxiety
  • Crate training
  • Problem barking
  • Hyperactivity
  • Leash pulling

Have a look at these videos to see the thunder coat in action for many types of anxietyproblems.

Thundershirt Sizes

To check you get the correct size Thundershirt,you need to check these measurements.

Dogs Cats

Size Chest Size Weight Size Chest Size Weight

XXS 9"-13.5" < 7 lbs. Small 9" - 13" < 9 lbs.

XS 13"-18" 10-18 lbs. Medium 13" - 17" 9 - 13 lbs.

S 16"-23" 15-25 lbs. Large 17" - 24" >13 lbs.

M 18"-26" 20-50 lbs.

L 24"-32" 40-70 lbs.

XL 31"-40" 60-100 lbs.

XXL 38"-50" >90 lbs.

For both dogs and cats the chest size should be measured around the torso, just behind the front legs, where the chest is at it largest depth.

Before and After Videos

The Company That Gives Back

Besides the fact that the Thundershirtseems very effective at stoppinganxiety in it's tracks and looks as good as any designer doggy wear, there is something else that makes the Thundershirt's company really special. Thundershirt's give back to the community. They support thousands of rescue groups, shelters and charities, helping dogs manage their anxietiesby donating thousands of thundershirts and ultimately getting the dogs into forever loving homes.

"I am convinced we need to get Thundershirts into shelters and use them to reduce stress and save lives by making anxious pets more adoptable and helping ease their transition to their new homes." Betsy Saul, Founder,

Thundershirt Drug-Free Dog Anxiety Treatment- Blue (Extra Small)
Amazon Price: $44.95 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 10, 2013)

Rescue Remedy

Moving on to the next efficient remedy to help our pets in times of stress... It's also another natural alternative for fear, anxiety and behavioral problems. This product seems to have been around forever. It is of course the highly popular Bach flower mixture - Rescue Remedy. People began to realise that this remedy was not only effective for people, but also had a calming effect on their pets. If you are worried about the tiny amount of alcohol used to preserve the mixture, you can now buy an alcohol free version, especially designed for your animals. The company realised just how successful it had become with people that were using this remedy worldwide for their animals, so they formulated one especially made... just for our animals.

The Rescue Remedy For Pets is made of these 5 essences -

  • Rock Rose -for terror and panic
  • Impatiens -addresses irritation and impatience
  • Clematis -for inattentiveness and lack of interest
  • Star of Bethlehem -for shock and trauma
  • Cherry Plum - for a lack of self-control

and is used to treat these problems

  • Separation anxiety
  • Fear of loud noises (thunderstorms, fireworks)
  • Travel anxiety
  • Visits to the vet or groomers
  • Shock, trauma or mistreatment
  • Adapting to new surroundings
  • Excessive barking or hissing

It is easy to administer Rescue Remedy to your pet. It can be done just byadding 4 drops of "Rescue Remedy Pet" into their food, water bowl or on a treat. Repeat as needed. It can also be rubbed onto your animals ears, nose or paw. Whichever is the easiest way for you and your pet. The dosage is not administered by the weight or size of your animal, but is dependent on the situation or stress causing the anxiety.

It is not a sedative and has been used and recommended by veterinarians, dog groomers and pet owners for many years.

Rescue Remedy Pet Formula
Amazon Price: $17.15 $15.95 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 10, 2013) A safe and natural alternative to help calm your pets in times of stress.

The Verdict

It should be noted that all dogs and cats - like humans - are different, and these products effectiveness can differ from animal to animal. The Thunder Shirt and Rescue Remedy For Pets, are two worthy products that are certainly worth considering if you have a pet who suffers with anxiety or behavioural problems. We all want to protect our dogs, cats and other pets as best we can. It is comforting to know that if our friends need a little help, there are a couple of things that come with a high success rate, that we can try, hopefully relieving some of their stress and anxiety.

Posted on 3:14 PM

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Monotypic Species - The Musky Rat-Kangaroo

The musky rat kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus) is a marsupial. This recent classification into the genus Hypsiprymnodon means it is now the only extant species. It is an example of a monotypic genus along with such examples as the bison, numbat, pronghorn and African painted dog.

The young of the marsupial is born in a very underdeveloped state and continues to grow and develop in a pouch. Generally the size of a jellybean (in this case a very small jellybean!), the baby claws its way to the pouch, clambers inside and attaches itself to a nipple. It is naked and blind at birth but continues its development in the pouch.

The musky rat kangaroo is the smallest of all kangaroos and one of only two that are strictly diurnal (active during the day). It is the smallest macropod that is quadrupedal and diurnal.

It differs from other kangaroo species by:

  • having a bounding rather than a hopping gait
  • having a tail that curls round to carry nesting material
  • usually having two offspring at a time.

They belong to the same family as the potoroos and bettongs. Kangaroos and possums were related way back in the beginnings of evolution but have lost most of their similarities. However, like the possum, the musky rat kangaroo retains a great toe or hallux on the hind feet, giving it five toes on the hind feet. This mobile toe enables it to climb along fallen branches and logs. The musky rat kangaroo also shares with possums a series of grooves on the foot pads which help with gripping.

The musky rat kangaroo is restricted to the tropical rain-forests of north-eastern Australia. It is found in the lowlands and highlands to about 1200 metres.

Its native habitat is the floor of tropical rain-forests. It prefers the damper areas near creeks and rivers.

The musky rat kangaroo is about the size of a bandicoot or a large guinea pig. The head and body combined are about 230mm long. It weighs around 500 grams which is a bit more than half the next largest-in-size macropod. The tail is completely bare and scaly, with the appearance of polished leather. The female is slightly smaller than the male.

The pelage is a chocolate brown with a grey brown head. Unlike kangaroos it does not use the tail for support but carries the tail stretched out clear of the ground when it travels.

It is generally a solitary animal, terrestrial and frugivorous, active during most of the day but resting through the night, often under the roots of trees. It may form a nest from dried leaves and fern which it may site in the midst of a vine.

Although the hind legs are longer than the front legs, it does not hop like the kangaroo. Rather it moves in a slow bunny-hop movement by bringing the hind legs forward together. When travelling at speed the hind legs are moved forward outside the forelegs.

The musky rat kangaroo has a simple digestive system and cannot digest structural carbohydrates in plants as well as some other macropod species. It feeds mainly on fruits and seeds, some types of fungi and small invertebrates. At least 44 species of plants are ingested. Fleshy flowers from vines, twigs, leaves, lichen and soft inner bark from trees all form part of its diet. It turns over leaf litter to find invertebrates, fungi and seeds.

The actual kernel of the seed is eaten as well as the fleshy part. It even picks out fruit kernels from the droppings of the cassowary. It picks up food in the mouth, sits back on its rump in a hunched position then holds the food in its paws while it eats.

Breeding depends to some degree on availability of food. While this is a common practice among fruit-eaters it is not seen in any other potoroid. Delayed gestation (embryonic diapause) takes place during lactation. This species is sexually mature at 18 to 21 months and they breed for about 2 to 3 years. After a few days of courtship, two young are born with both usually surviving.

The testes of the male swell dramatically between September and October, contracting again between March and May. When in breeding condition, the male is more nervous and aggressive.

The young are born from February to April. Gestation lasts 7 months and the young are in the pouch until October. Although this is a time of limited food resources, there is also little demand by the tiny babies. By the time the young are ousted from the pouch, there is plenty of fruit available. The young stay at the nest gradually exploring further afield and by the time they are weaned in January they are completely self-sufficient. The lifespan is at least four years.

The musky rat kangaroo is listed as 'of least concern'. The species is an important dispersal agent for plants in the rainforest.

Posted on 1:13 PM

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

If you are looking for a quiet pet bird, European starlings are definitely not for you. However, if you are looking for an energetic, sociable, vocal bird, they might be the best pick. Let's talk about the pros and cons of choosing a starling for your pet bird, and discuss what you will need to know to feed them properly and keep them healthy.

Credit: Dick Daniels (, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons,

America Welcomes the Starling

How did starlings get from their native ranging area to the United States? The answer is really simple. They were brought to America and purposely released as part of a project to introduce various birds from the works of Shakespeare into America. According to Introduced Species Summary Project,1 100 birds were released in the Central Park area of New York City in 1890 with a goal of establishing them in the United States.

Whether or not that was a wise goal remains to be seen, but it has been successful achieved, and the birds are well established in America. The Global Invasive Species Database has this to say about them: This species has been nominated as among 100 Worlds Worst invaders"2. In point of fact, the starling is number 90 on the list, but because the list is ordered alphabetically, there doesn't seem to be much relevance to their position. Now, lets take a look at how these birds rate as pets rather than pests.


What's Great About Starlings

European starlings are inquisitive, demanding birds that imitate sounds and human speech. They are the best birds for individuals who have the time or the desire for preparing special diets, cleaning up messes, and playing frequently.

They possess above average intelligence, so if you are looking for an agreeable companion, you will need to invest time in socializing and training them properly. They love all types of pet bird puzzles and toys, and these items provide the necessary mental exercise to keep the birds from getting bored because of their high energy level.

Starlings are cavity nesters and lay up to three clutches of four to six blue/green eggs. They lay one egg per day. The eggs incubate for about 12 days, hatch in about 12 days, and the birds fledge in about 21 to 23 days.

Starlings are small birds with black plumage, black eyes, and long pointed bills. Bill color depends on breed season, being yellow in season and dark out of season. Males weigh slightly more than females do, but determining the bird's sex is difficult.

Credit: User: Mike R, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons,

Feeding Your Bird a Healthy Diet

Starlings require large amounts of protein in their diet. In the wild, they would get this protein from eating large quantities of insects, but in captivity, they depend on their humans to provide dietary protein.

The best way to do this is by including high protein dog or cat food, or adult formula chicken and turkey mash with other nutritious foods. Seeds, plants (vegetables), and fruits round out the starlings diet. Avoid feeding them prepared parrot or mynah foods as these formulations do not include the nutrients these birds need. Include foods like these to ensure a healthy diet:

  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Peaches
  • Figs
  • Cherries

Now that we understand how the starlings arrived in America and what they need to be happy and healthy pet companions, let's discuss some fun facts about them, and see how they compare to the other various types of pet birds.

Talking Starling

Did You Know?

Here are facts about starlings that you may not have known:

  • Northwestern Asia, Europe and North Africa are the origination points for starlings.
  • Some typical alternative names for them are the Common starling, English starling, and Blackbird
  • Their genus is Sturnidae, and their species is vulgaris.
  • Starlings are about eight to nine inches long and weigh about two to three ounces.
  • Flight cages are the best housing choice because starlings need lots of flying time. The smallest cage size is three feet long, two feet wide, and four feet high, with a 1/2 inch bar spacing to accommodate their twelve to sixteen inch wingspan.
  • You can expect your starling to live for about 15 years.
  • The most common known health problems of the breed are hyperkertosis and hemochromatosis (iron storage disease).
  • Starlings are incredibly intelligent, but they are also curious and prone to mischief.
  • Their need to vocalize is extremely high. They whistle, trill, chirp, warble, scream, talk, and mimic humans, other birds, and household sounds. Starlings are best for those people who want a talking, chattering bird.

A Note About Human Interaction Needs

Starlings can be aggressive about getting their needs met, and their need for interaction with their humans is off the charts. You must give them early and regular mental stimulation with puzzles, toys, and other types of play. However, unlike some other pet birds, they do no cuddle, so plan on interacting with them in other ways and on other levels.

However, given all their other good qualities and their ability to be interactive and entertaining companions, you might want to try these pet birds the next time you are in the market for a new pet. If this babbling bird with its high energy level sounds like a bit too much bird for your tastes, you might want to find out more about Monk parrots (also called Quaker parrots) to see if they would be a better choice as a pet bird.

While Monk parrots do talk and can develop quite an extensive vocabulary, they also like to cuddle and are more affectionate birds than the European starling. Regardless of what species you choose, once you have a bird as a pet, you may wonder how you ever got along without one of these charming, feathered friends as a companion.


Posted on 9:01 PM

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Do you find your dog scratching itself quite often? Of late, have you found your dog giving out a strange foul smell? Then take care, your dog may be suffering from yeast infection. Usually, it begins as a rash on the skin, which later thickens, and becomes 'elephant like'.

Causes of Canine Yeast Infection

Yeast infection in dogs is caused due to the overgrowth of a type of yeast commonly called Candida, and is most common around the dog's ears. If the immune system of your dog is poor, the chances of yeast multiplying is high. In most cases, the capacity of the immune system to resist foreign body diminishes due to excessive use of antibiotics, used if it suffers from some other disease, which not only kills the harmful bacteria but also destroys the useful ones. If your dog suffers from any other disease and is on antibiotics, the pH balance of the gut gets imbalanced, which then facilitates the growth of yeast. The most common reasons for this imbalance are the diet quality being poor, a diet in which grains are the primary ingredient instead of meat, and lack of digestive enzymes. Some of the other factors include overuse of vaccines, problems of the thyroid, environmental stress, heartworm medications, etc.

Symptoms of Canine Yeast Infection

Some of the external symptoms of yeast infection include smelly, itchy and crusty skin. The infection can be in some parts or on the whole body. In most cases, moist and warm areas of the dog's body like interiors of the ears, and inner parts of the skin folds are infected. Maltese, Silky Terrier, Bassett Hound, etc., are some breeds which are most susceptible to canine yeast infection. If your dog suffers from gastrointestinal problems, lethargy, depression, and fatigue, besides smelly and itchy skin, it's better to consult your vet, as they may be signs of yeast infection.

If you find any of the symptoms mentioned above, you can test and confirm it yourself if there is any excessive growth of yeast. You need to take samples of the infected skin and observe it under a microscope. The following points give you some tips on how you can collect samples of your dog's skin and test it for canine yeast infection.
  • Take a slide of a microscope, and press it on infected part of your dog's skin to collect samples.
  • You can also use a clean tape and press it on the skin to collect samples.
  • You may opt to scrap a part of the skin with a blade.
  • A piece of cotton swab will also do the trick, take a piece of moist cotton and rub it over the infected part.
  • Skin Biopsy is the best way to diagnose yeast infection, as it provides a complete picture of what the actual cause of the infection is. The procedure involves removing a small part of the skin with the help of a biopsy machine. You need to use local anesthetic for this procedure, or else your dog may be hurt.
Once you have collected the skin sample, have a look at them under a microscope. If there are strings of round cells, you can be sure that there is an overgrowth of yeast in your dog.

Treatment Measures

Once you have found out that it's yeast infection that your dear pet is suffering from, the next question that arises is how to treat yeast infection in dogs. There are two treatment options from which you can choose from - oral or topical. Topical treatment is helpful if a small area is infected, but if the infection is all over a large part, you are recommended to use the oral treatment. If you opt for oral treatment, be sure that you would be able to follow the specific schedule for administering the doses. One of the most commonly used oral drug to treat canine yeast infection is Ketoconazole. Though expensive, it is one of the best available in the market.

Anti-yeast shampoos have also proven to be effective in dealing with canine yeast infection. If you are using shampoo to control yeast infection, make sure you use the shampoo at least two times in a week. Natural remedies include healthy nutritious dog food and a balanced diet for your pet, besides a big no to dog feed available in the open market. Make sure to include beef or chicken besides a lot of green vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, squash, wax beans and green beans in the daily diet. You can try using tea tree oil on the infected parts, but make sure that you don't use it for internal use. It helps in soothing your pet from the scorching pain besides healing the infected area. Make sure you dilute the tea tree oil using a carrier oil and apply it after cleaning the infected area. However, if the yeast infection is systemic, try adding plain yogurt to its diet everyday. Bacteria in yogurt helps destroy yeast tissues, but ensure that you don't add sweeteners in it, as sugar will nullify the effects of useful bacteria.

So don't be worried if you find your favorite pet scratching itself and emitting a foul smell everyday. It may be due to canine yeast infection, a common dog health problem, which can be cured simply by taking care of its diet and maintaining a hygienic surrounding.

Posted on 4:35 AM

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Dog sores are among some of the common canine health problems. Such skin lesions can be caused by various factors ranging from simple injuries to serious medical conditions like cancer. A basic understanding about the various causes for dog skin sores may prove beneficial for dog owners. It is always advisable to take your dog to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment, if the animal develop skin sores. However, for minor injuries, you may try some home remedies for dog sores.

More About Dog Sores

As mentioned above, dog sores are canine skin lesions that can be caused by various reasons. Some of them are found to be caused by simple skin injuries, while others are caused by internal medical conditions or dermatological problems. In some cases, you may find a combination of these causes. So, dog sores can be due to skin injury caused by sharp objects, flea bites or insect bites. Such sores can also be caused by allergies that can cause intense itching along with skin hives. The affected dog will lick and scratch the skin incessantly, so that the hives transform to lesions.

Some of the commonly found dog skin sores are hot spots or acute moist dermatitis that is characterized by raw skin lesions. Mostly seen in dogs with long and dense coat, this condition can be caused by mites, fleas and allergies. Canine mange is another skin problem that can cause dog skin sores and crust formation. These sores are also characterized by hair loss in patches. Even canine scabies is caused by mites and is manifested with red spots. Blastomycosis is another condition that causes dog skin sores that may cause crusting and secretion. This is a fungal infection that may gradually lead to breathing trouble and lethargy.

Pancreatic and liver problems can cause sore paws or lips. Even diabetes is one among the causes of canine skin sores. Cancer is one of the uncommon causes of skin sores in dogs. If left untreated, dog skin sores may also develop secondary infections. So, early diagnosis and treatment for dog sores is always recommended.

How to Treat Dog Sores

Now you know that dog skin sores are of different types and the mode of treatment may vary with the cause. It is not at all advisable to use medications meant for humans, on dogs. However, there are certain home remedies that can be tried for treating canine skin sores. These remedies are recommended for sores that develop due to minor cuts or scratches. Even these skin lesions need immediate medical attention, if they are highly inflamed and fail to respond to home remedies.
  • First of all, muzzle the dog. This is very important as the animal, who is in pain, may try to bite you, as you examine and clean the sores.
  • The second step is to wash the sore with an antibacterial soap. In case, the dog is a long-haired one, you have to trim the hair around the sores.
  • Once cleaned, pat dry the sores and apply a small amount of antibiotic cream over them (3 to 4 times a day). Home remedies for dog sores include apple cider vinegar (diluted with equal amount of water).
  • Another home remedy for dog skin sores is saline solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water and apply this on the sores (3 to 4 times a day).
  • It has also been observed that damp tea bags (for at least five minutes) placed over dog skin sores help in curing the conditions. It is said that this is due to the presence of tannin in tea.
  • It is always advisable to place a collar around the neck of the affected dog, as the animal may have a tendency to lick, scratch or bite the sores, making it worse and difficult to heal.
  • For faster healing, leave the sores uncovered. Apply the antibiotic cream or any of the above said home remedies at an interval of around two to three hours.
  • Some people try bag balm as a home remedy for dog skin sores caused by minor cuts and scratches. In case of mange, a common dog skin problem, a mixture of olive oil ( cup), goldenseal powder and garlic powder (2 tablespoons each) is used.
  • Wormwood oil is one of the popular home remedies for dog sores caused by hotspots. A mixture of thyme oil and olive oil is also said to be effective. Some people add brewer's yeast to the animal's food, for faster healing.
You may try these remedies, in case the sores are minor in nature. In such cases too, it is always better to take your dog to the vet, for proper diagnosis, so as to rule out any dermatological disease or underlying condition. If the dog responds to home remedies, well and good. If not, take the animal to the vet, at the earliest. Medical attention is unavoidable, if the dog develops other symptoms.

Posted on 1:03 AM

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A dog ear infection can be easily spotted if your dog shakes his head more than often, scratches behind the ear and gets agitated without any apparent reason. The dog ear infections are caused due to many reasons that include bacterial infections, ear mite infestation, food allergies, fungal growth, unhealthy environment or improper dog hygiene.

A dog ear infection can be of three types, the outer ear infection, middle ear infection and inner ear infection. An outer ear infection is more easy to treat than middle and inner ear infection. An outer ear infection can be detected by inflammation and bad odor of the waxy discharge. In case of middle and inner ear infections, it is best to take your dog to the vet for further treatment.

Dog breeds with large, floppy ears are more prone to ear infections. This is because the large ears tend to trap moisture within the ear due to poor air circulation. This leads to the growth of microorganisms in the ear leading to infections. Also, the dog ear mites get an opportunity to hide and grow within the ear. The hair growth in the ears also block the air circulation. These factors along with improper pet care lead to ear infection in dogs.

You can prevent ear infections in dogs by taking some good home care. You need to clean the dog ears, especially ones with large floppy ears, regularly to prevent development of infections. This also helps in detecting early infections and you can try some immediate home remedies for dog ear infections. If your dog has developed some minor ear infections that can be taken care at home, the following tips on dog ear infection home remedy will prove to be useful.

Dog Ear Infection Remedy

The home remedy helps provide some relief to the dog as well as prevents the infection from spreading. The following are a few home remedies for dog ear infections that are popular among many dog owners.

Dog Ear Infection Cleaning Solution
The first dog ear infection home treatment should be cleaning the dog's ear. You need to use a cotton ball or soft tissue and dip it in a special dog ear cleaning solution. You can use OTC cleaning solutions, but as this article is about home remedies, we shall learn to make a homemade cleaning solution.

The best cleaning solution recommended by vets is made of apple cider vinegar. To make this cleaning solution you need one part apple cider vinegar, one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water. You need to fill the dog's ear with the solution by rubbing at the base of the ear. Allow the dog to shake his head and then clean the ear using the cotton ball or tissue. Using sharp scissors and holding the dog steady, cut the hair within the ear. This will help curb the growth of bacteria or yeast within the ear. This is a very effective dog ear infection home treatment.

Warm Compress
The next home dog ear infection remedy is application of a warm compress. This is very beneficial as it helps reduce the pain, inflammation, irritation and redness of the ear. Other home remedies include, use of cod liver oil or vitamin E oil. This is very good for middle and inner dog ear infection home treatment. You need to put a drop of cod liver oil or vitamin E oil in the dog's ear. You can even use vitamin E soft gel capsules and break them open. The oil inside can be used to clear the dog ear infection. This will help relieve the pain the dog may be suffering.

Macerated Garlic
Another home remedy includes use of macerated garlic. You need two cloves of garlic macerated in olive oil. Let the mixture stand for two weeks and then strain it. You need to put 2 or 3 drops of the warm oil mixture into the dog's ear. You should apply it daily till the infection is totally treated. This dog ear infection remedy is very useful if your dog is prone to developing ear infections often.

Dog Ear Yeast Infection Remedy
In case your pet has developed a dog ear yeast infection, you can try the following remedy. You need to get a tub of organic, natural, probiotic yogurt. The packet should state that it contains active strains of probiotic bacteria. Apply a small amount to the ear and rub in well. This is a very helpful dog ear infection treatment as the natural, good bacterial solution help fight off the yeast infections.

Herbal Ear Infection Remedy
Neem oil is known for its antimicrobial action and you can use it as a remedy. All you need to do is follow the instructions below and make a neem oil ear cleaner. You will need:
  • 1 oz Neem oil
  • oz Olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon Tea Tree oil
  • teaspoon Eucalyptus oil
You need to take a dropper and drop 10 to 20 drops of neem oil ear cleaner into the ear. Gently massage the ear base to help the oil spread. This is very effective dog ear infection home remedy as the neem oil helps soothe the inflammation and reduce infections. The tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil have antibacterial and antiviral properties that helps in dog ear infection home treatment.

Dog Ear Mites Infection
Dog ear mites can also cause ear infections. You can try the dog ear infection remedy for clearing the ear mites using a regular flea powder. You can even use a special herbal flea powder containing rosemary, wormwood, rue, eucalyptus and pennyroyal powder. You need to sprinkle the powder over the body of the dog after a bath as few mites will be able to cling on the dog. This is an effective dog ear mites home treatment for getting rid of ear mites in dogs.

These were a few home remedies for dog ear infections that will help your dog. You should clean your dog's ears regularly using cotton balls and apple cider vinegar cleaning solution. You should follow this precaution whether or not your dog has an infection. You should not use any over-the-counter medicine without the advice of the vet. If the dog ear problem does not seem to reduce, speak to the vet immediately.

Disclaimer: The information and opinions on are not to be substituted for professional veterinary prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your veterinarian before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested. Your dog's veterinarian can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your pet's unique needs or diagnose the condition based on your pet's particular medical history.

Posted on 5:05 PM

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While inducing dog vomiting, a pet owner should be concerned about the safety and dog's health. Let's take an instance; there is no use of inducing vomiting, if the pet has swallowed a hazardous material for more than 2-3 hours ago. On the safer note, you can call the veterinarian and seek advice. If the vet advises to do so, then only you can consider inducing vomiting in your pet dog. Educating yourself about the reasons and tips on how to induce vomiting in dogs will be of help, when your pet suffers from certain health problems.

Reasons for Inducing Vomiting in Canines

The fact is that dogs vomiting indicate a health problem, particularly gastrointestinal problems. Nevertheless, at some situations, inducing the pet dog to throw up is necessary to avoid worsening of the condition. For example, your best companion has ingested something that is poisonous. In such a case, the first thing you can try is to let him vomit, so that the poison does not reach its stomach or small intestine.

Ways to Induce Vomiting in Canines

Inducing vomiting should be practiced within 2 hours after ingestion of the toxic substance. Don't consider induce vomiting if the pet dog is in an unconscious state or has difficulty in breathing. Also, induce vomiting is not advisable if the dog has swallowed a caustic substance, acidic solution or sharp objects. Otherwise, the condition of the pet dog will worsen, rather than helping him. Feed the pet with some dog foods for activating vomiting. Following are some of the safe ways to induce vomiting in dogs.

Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Giving dilute hydrogen peroxide solution (3 percent) is the most commonly practiced method for inducing vomiting in dogs. About 3 ml of the solution can be given per 20 pounds of the dog's weight. It is obvious that the dog will be reluctant to drink the hydrogen peroxide solution. Hence, for easy feeding of the solution, you can make use of a syringe (without the needle) and squirt it inside the dog's mouth. If the dog has not started vomiting even after 10-15 minutes, you can give another dose of dilute hydrogen peroxide solution.

Ipecac Syrup: If you have ipecac or manage to purchase it, you can give two teaspoons of the syrup per 20 pounds of the dog's weight. Usually, the dog starts vomiting after about 10-15 minutes. If such is not the case, you can give another dose by maintaining the same amount. Wait for another 10 minutes. In case, the dog does not start vomiting even after administration of the second dose, it is advisable to consult the vet.

Common Salt: Feeding common salt is another easy way to induce vomiting in dogs. You can place about - 1 teaspoon of salt on his tongue. It is more effective, if the dog swallows the salt. If you succeed in doing so, the taste will automatically induce vomiting in your pet dog.

Induced vomiting at the right time is helpful in successful removing about 40-50 percent of the toxic substance. Hence, even if the dog has vomited after swallowing poisonous materials, he should be brought to veterinarian's attention as early as possible. The vet may prescribe activated charcoal or perform stomach pumping for removal of remaining toxins from the body. Take safety precautions and proper dog care to keep your pet healthy and playful.

Posted on 1:13 PM

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So Last Year!

Using pets as fashion accessories is nothing new. Not so long ago, celebs were plastered over magazine pages carrying pampered pooches in doggy bags. Not content with wearing the latest trends and brands themselves, owners also regularly visit stylish pet shops to adorn their best friends with designer collars, hats, coats and even mittens for kittens.

How We Roll (Over)

The latest increasingly popular trend is fur dyeing. Dyeing was first seen in 2010, in China, when pet animals, using a colour and clip technique, were made to look like wild animals, such as tigers and pandas as more commonly seen at the zoo.

Now in the west, fur is seen in a whole range of strange and unusual tones, coupled with a new trim to compliment the overall style aimed for. Since human dyes are harmful to animals, animal-safe dyes or even food colourings are used. However, concerns have still been raised about the potential risks.

Fashion Victim?

Despite being termed animal-safe, dyes for animal fur are very new so little is known about the long term possible effects. In particular, unlike human hair dye, the animal dye is much more likely to be used over the entire body, rather than just the head, so the surface area for absorption of chemicals is far greater. There is further concern that cats, who have more tendency to lick themselves, will also ingest more of the chemicals.

Another problem, potentially, could be those owners who will pay no attention to the advice that these dyes should be applied by professionals. Like counterfeit clothes, there will inevitably be those who will try to do it themselves, or use normal dye, due to ignorance or tight budgets.

Unlike a costume or coat which could be removed at any time, dyes last for up to six months. This is a long time in dog years. Animals cant tell you what they do and dont like, or what they do and dont want. Making any alteration of a pet could always carry an element of stress.

Love Labels

Dyeing is for the benefit of the owner not the pet. Even though owners claim their pets love the extra attention they get as a result of their new do, it is more likely the owners themselves who revel most in the bright, multi-coloured limelight.

There is no medical reason to change the colour or look of any animal. It is purely for cosmetic, fashion reasons; our personal entertainment. Where will it end? We are supposed to be animal lovers yet we choose a pet because of how it looks or the status it gives us. Even if we dont dye our pets, there are animals like guinea pigs which come in colours such as chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, silver, and more, to suit our tastes and surroundings. But what happens if we change our minds or the furniture coverings?

Remember pets love us just as we are. They dont care what colour our hair or skin is or what brand handbag we carry. Isnt it time we do the same for them?

Posted on 3:43 AM

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

People suffering from various injuries are often advised to visit a physical therapist. For years it has been a common knowledge, that physical therapy is helpful in decreasing the discomfort associated with injuries. The same is applicable to animals, especially to dogs, horses and cats. Injured animals require a number of treatment plans, one of which is animal physical therapy. As we all know the main aim of physical therapy is to enhance the mobility of the patient through various techniques like massage and exercise.

Animal physical therapy is a developing field and an integral part of animal health care. It helps improve the lives of animals. As we all know, physical therapy has been extremely beneficial for humans. Recently, veterinarians found that physical therapy can also help animals recover from injuries. This was a major breakthrough in health care for animals. Even conditions like arthritis, chronic pain or even neurological symptoms observed in animals, can be effectively treated using physical therapy. Obese and overweight animals are often treated with physical therapy to assist in weight loss.

It plays an important role in accelerating the healing process. Performing a surgery on an injured animal and discharging the patient without any physical therapy is an outdated approach. The main advantage of this therapy, is that it speeds up the recovery. It is an important part of veterinary care which simply cannot be ignored.


A physical therapy program can increase the success rate of any surgery. Post surgical management with physical therapy can expedite a successful recovery of the patient. The most important benefit is that it helps to decrease pain in the injured parts. It also facilitates healing of inflamed tissues. If the joints are affected, then physical therapy will help maintain normal movements of the injured tissue. In some cases, limbs become paralyzed due to a severe injury. Physical therapy done on paralyzed or weak limbs, effectively prevents soft tissue contracture. It plays a crucial role in strengthening weak or injured limbs. It also improves the function of the affected limbs. A neurologic or orthopedic injury, often limits the mobility of the patient. This can be overcomed by using this therapy that is carried out by a licensed physical therapist who is specialized in the treatment of animals. You must verify the credentials and experience of the therapist, before hiring him for the job.

Animal Physical Therapy School

This is the place where veterinarians and even pet owners can learn various procedures and modalities involved in this therapy. Some of the physically therapeutic modalities that are taught in these schools are as follows:
  • Massage therapy
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Hot or cold therapy
  • Strengthening Exercises
Some of these techniques are taught in various veterinary colleges. Others are performed only by trained therapists. Animals respond quite well to these treatments. The main goal of animal physical therapy is to augment the quality of life, by effectively managing chronic and acute pain. So if your pet has sustained injuries during an accident, physical therapy will certainly help improve your pet's condition.

Posted on 5:15 PM

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A Delicious Dessert  Southern Sweet Potato Pie Recipe  Ready to be Served

Holiday Meals and This Southern Sweet Potato Pie Recipe Go Together

This Southern sweet potato pie recipe is the one that my mother-in-law used to make her luscious pies, which she made every Thanksgiving and Christmas. Im not sure where she got it, or whether she developed it over a period of time, with trial and error. She was a marvelous cook, and she enjoyed making mouth-watering meals for her family and friends. Regardless of where it came from, it is a delicious Southern sweet potato pie recipe, and I am sure you will like it.

But remember, it doesnt have to be Thanksgiving or Christmas, or any special Holiday, to serve this Southern sweet potato pie recipe. Everyday is special enough to warrant this yummy dessert.

Our Family's Southern Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Gather the ingredients to make this Southern sweet potato pie recipe:

4 cups sweet-potatoes

4 eggs

1 stick of butter

tsp. salt

tsp. nutmeg

2 cups granulated sugar

1 cups evaporated milk

1 tsp. vanilla

tsp. lemon extract

Lets Cook

Wash and cook enough sweet-potatoes to yield four cups. I cook my potatoes either in the microwave, or I bake them in the oven. After they are done, peel the potatoes, and measure out what youll need. I measure the potatoes by packing them into a measuring cup, making sure there are no air pockets in the cup. Then, place them in a bowl, and mash them with a potato masher or a mixer. (Any leftover sweet-potatoes can be refrigerated, and then warmed over for another meal.)

Using a mixer, beat the four eggs, and then add them to the potatoes, mixing well.

Melt the stick of butter, and stir it into the potatoes, blending thoroughly.

Stir in the salt, nutmeg, and the sugar.

Gradually add the milk, and the vanilla and lemon extracts, blending all the ingredients together.

Pour into two, unbaked, nine-inch pie shells. Tip: Do not scrape the filling off the mixer blades into the pies, since the blades will have picked up any, and all, of the strings from the potatoes.

Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven, for 15 minutes. Reduce the heat to 350-degrees, and bake for approximately 50 minutes, or until a silver knife, inserted into the center, comes out clean.

Remove the pies from the oven, and allow them to cool before serving. The Southern sweet potato pie, made using this recipe, can be served as is, or if you prefer, top each slice with whipped cream, just before serving.

And, if you only need one of these pies, then simply halve this recipe.

In Closing

A Yummy Slice of Heaven  Made from my Southern Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Dieticians rave over the health benefits found in these sweetest of potatoes. Now, I dont know whether any of these dieticians would consider this Southern sweet potato pie recipe a form of health food, or not, but it sure is good for the soul.

If youre hosting any fall themed party, be it the traditional Halloween or Thanksgiving parties, or having a family get together, this Southern sweet potato pie recipe is sure to please. This Southern sweet potato pie recipe is not only an autumn tradition, but it offers a delicious taste of the season.

Posted on 9:03 AM

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hiccups, just like in humans, are common in dogs, especially in puppies. Sometimes, these hiccups come in rapid succession or after long intervals. Any animal that has a diaphragm is bound to get hiccups. It is an involuntary action by the body where the diaphragm contracts, pulling air inside and epiglottis shuts, causing a 'hic' sound. But not all animals make the 'hic' sound when they experience this. Horses make 'thump' sound and for cats it is generally silent. Dogs makes hiccup sounds that are similar to humans.

Causes of Hiccups in Dogs

It is very common for a puppy to get hiccups. Some puppies even get hiccups inside their mother's womb! It is normal for a puppy under 1 year to experience hiccups twice or thrice a day and they often outgrow this habit.
  • Frequent hiccups in puppies can be caused due to eating or drinking something too fast. Sometimes, if the dog is overjoyed with the treat you are giving him, he may gulp down the food very fast, causing hiccups.
  • Stomach disorders can also give rise to hiccups. Sometimes, there is a possibility that something your pet dog is eating or drinking is causing hiccups.
  • A surprising fact is that hiccups can also be caused due to nervousness, emotional stress and excessive excitement.
  • Sometimes, there can be reverse hiccups in dogs, and these can be confused with normal hiccups. If you notice that your pet has a series of rapid, loud and forced inhalations through the nostrils, which last anywhere between 10 seconds to 2 minutes, it can be a case of reverse hiccups. You will notice this, especially when the dog is trying to clear the mucus from its sinuses. The exact cause of reverse hiccups in dogs is not known, but it is generally associated with sinusitis or respiratory disorders.
Possible Cures

There is no specific action which you need to take to cure your dog's hiccups. They normally go away on their own. But if you feel the need to do something, here are some suggestion that may help.
  • Calm him down. Talk to him in a gentle tone and do not excite him.
  • Try to distract him from hiccups with the help of toys. This will at least keep him busy rather than waiting for the hiccups to go.
  • You can give your pet some water to drink, so in case of any sort of irritation in the esophagus, you dog will be relieved of the hiccups.
  • You may take your dog for a walk or may even make it run. Exercise not only relieves the dog of gases, but also keeps him healthy and fit.
Hiccups can be very irritating for your dog. But it normally goes in a few minutes. You don't have to worry about them. But if you notice that your dog has hiccups all day long, it is advisable to consult a vet.

Posted on 7:14 PM

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This disease is very uncommon in dogs and has been found only in a few breeds such as those belonging to the bull terriers and beagles. The reason may perhaps have a lot to do with the genealogy of these breeds. Polycystic kidney disease in dogs or PKD is an inherited disease, and does not have a cure. This condition is more prominent among cats of certain breeds. Since the disease is irreversible, the only thing that can be done is to keep it under control and prevent the cysts from spreading.

This condition is present at the time of the puppy's birth and gradually begins to show its symptoms as and when the cysts begin to form. These cysts grow into the kidney's tissue and eat into them, thereby causing the cysts to fill up with fluid and matter. The growth of these cysts depends a lot on the diet as well as the hereditary traits of the breed. As and when the cysts grow, they begin to obstruct the normal functions of the kidney tissue (glomeruli) and thereby bring about gradual kidney failure. Let us learn more about the symptoms of PKD in dogs.

Symptoms of PKD in Dogs
These cysts do not show when the dog is still a puppy, but begin to appear out as the dog grows. Here are some signs you must look out for so as to keep the disease from aggravating further into the liver.
  • Dogs with this kidney condition, feel very thirsty and need a lot of water throughout the day.
  • Because of which they urinate often as well.
  • They have difficulty eating and digesting the food. Check for a drastic fall in the appetite of your dog.
  • The dog will vomit often.
  • As a result of not eating much and the throwing up, the dog begins to lose weight.
  • These dogs may also suffer from hypertension.
  • Check for breathlessness and agitation or anger.
  • There will be behavioral changes such as, being tired all the time and being sad or upset (whining), most days.
  • There may be signs of minor abdominal convulsions, wherein the muscles twitch uncontrollably.
Treatment for Canine PKD
If your dog has all these symptoms, you must get him checked immediately. An ultrasound or a biopsy will determine what is causing the symptoms. In case the dog is detected with PKD, you must find out the extent of the spread. A bacterial culture will determine if there is a secondary infection active in the dog or not. Since there is no cure for this disease, the best would be to help reduce the pain for the pet. This can be done through medications which help reduce the fluid in the cyst and prevent them from spreading further. Some amounts of painkiller will be needed if the dog is suffering. There are only certain preventive measures which can be taken once the dog has been diagnosed with PKD. You must get your dog checked every 6 months for secondary infection. The reason being that the cysts can lead to bacterial infection and sepsis or pus within the tissues of the affected area

On a daily basis, all protein and phosphorus must be removed from the pet's diet. Proteins aggravate the cysts and promote their growth. The dog must be given calcitriol or vitamin D supplements as this helps stunt the spread of the cysts. The vet will also prescribe Erythropoietin which is a glycoprotein secreted in the kidney. This substance promotes the production of red blood cells which will help the kidney regain a bit of its functions. Another method known as aspiration is often used in PKD among dogs, where the fluid in the cyst is removed through injections. This helps alleviate the pain in the pet.

PKD in dogs can be prevented from becoming life-threatening, if proper treatment is provided and there is early detection. Getting your dog regularly checked will help keep most health complications at bay.

Posted on 2:33 PM

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Just like we, human beings can have cataracts, dogs especially who grow old or have been diagnosed with diabetes are also prone to this vision problem. Cataract refers to the lens of the eye turning opaque. If the opacity of lens is small, it is known as incipient cataract. In this case, there is no problem with vision. However, if the damage is caused to greater area of the lens, then a dog may have blurred vision. This is referred to as a mature cataract when the entire lens becomes cloudy. The intermediate stage is the immature cataract when considerable area (not the whole) of the lens is affected. Once the lens has been affected by cataract and interferes with daily functions of the canine, then cataract surgery is widely regarded to be the best treatment for cataracts in dogs.

Symptoms of Cataracts in Dogs
Change in eye color protein and water build up in the eye leads to change in eye color of a dog from its normal hue to blue, white or gray. However, nuclear sclerosis in older dogs may also cause the lens to have a grayish appearance. Hence, a change in color of the eye may not always indicate cataracts in dogs. However, in case a dog is more than eight years old or has been diagnosed with diabetes, change in color of the eyes is most often a sign of canine cataract. Other signs that a dog owner should keep an eye out for are frequent bumping of his pet into things, reduced jumping or vitality, reluctance to go to unfamiliar places, excessive squinting, blindness, pain and inflammation in the eye.

When to Have Cataract Surgery?
If a dog with cataract has vision problems that affects his daily life, then it is important to consider cataract surgery for him. Earlier, vets would often wait for surgery until the canines suffered complete loss of vision. However at present, vets are of the common consensus that the sooner the surgery is done, the better the chance of the canine recovering from this dog health problem. This is because firstly, mature cataracts pose a threat of causing certain complications that may lead to complete loss of vision and secondly, the more developed the cataract, greater the chance of complications in the surgery. Also if the cataract has been there for long, then the outer layer of the lens may also get calcified which makes surgery even more difficult.

How Much Does the Surgery Cost?
Although cataracts in older dogs is a common problem that plagues a dog's health, this ailment can be easily resolved by canine cataract surgery. This surgery for dogs involves removal of the affected lens and replacing it with an artificial one. Although this line of treatment is easily available, the surgery for dogs is expensive. Surgery in each eye can cost anywhere between USD 1,500 to USD 3,000 per eye. This usually includes a couple of days' stay at the veterinary hospital. However, it is best to confirm if this is the case with the hospital where you are getting your dog operated for cataract. Although cataract surgery in dogs and humans involve more or less the same procedure, medical insurance for dogs do not cover the cost of cataract surgery in dogs. This might make many dog owners look for options for low cost surgery. However, it is very important for a dog owner to ensure that in his bid to look for cheap cataract surgery options, he does not compromise on his dog's health.

Success of the Surgery
Cataract surgeries in dogs have almost 90% success rate. Once the surgery has been performed, the cataract will not grow back in the lens. However, in certain cases a mild cloudiness and wrinkling of the lens capsule may occur. This is known as secondary cataract. This is common in human beings. However, intraocular lens implants in dogs prevent the lens from becoming cloudy after a cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery for dogs usually requires a couple weeks for recovery. However, pet care after the surgery is very important. Other than adhering to the medications as prescribed by the vet, a dog owner should use a dog harness instead of a dog collar to walk his pet. He should cut down on the activities of his dog for a month after the surgery. Moreover, he should regularly clean the discharge from the eyes that the dog may have during the first week after surgery and follow the schedule of re-examination rigorously.

Posted on 6:18 PM

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Diabetes can affect dogs just as it can affect humans. Heredity is one of the main factors why dogs can develop diabetes. Along with that, obesity and the inflammation of the pancreas are also two of the main causes that can lead to the development of diabetes in dogs. But of all the conditions that can affect a dog, diabetes, if diagnosed early on, is fairly easy to keep under control and thereby in preventing further complications of the same. Diabetes can be kept under control by bringing a change in the diet of the dog. That is why it becomes important to have a clear understanding of the kind of food that can be consumed by dogs who are affected with diabetes. In the following article we will provide you with a list of foods for a diabetic dog so that it becomes clear, the kind of diet that you provide for your dog.

List of Diabetic Dog Foods

Why is it important to follow a proper diet when it comes to diabetic dogs? This is because a wrong diet can lead to further complications and can even prove to be fatal. What are the kind of foods that should make it to the diabetic dog foods list?

Eliminate Sugar
Excess sugar is what causes the glucose levels in the body to rise and leads to the development of diabetes in the first place. That is why it is extremely important that you monitor the kind of food that you are feeding your pet dog. Commercial dog food is laced with excess sugar which can cause diabetes to go into overdrive thus causing more complications. Make sure that you check the contents of the dog food before you buy it.

Go Easy on Carbs
Carbohydrates is another important factor that you need to consider. When carbohydrates enter the body, they are converted into glucose and thus indirectly into sugar. It is therefore important to keep a check on the carbohydrate content that you are feeding them. Instead of regular carbs one can include complex carbs in their diet.

High Fiber Foods
Foods that are high in fiber like brown rice, bran and whole wheat grains need to be fed to the dog. These have to be included in the canine diabetes diet because they have the ability to digest the carbs well enough and prevent the spiking of glucose levels in the body. Along with that, high fiber foods are easier to digest and they have a diuretic effect on the body.

Other Foods
There are certain other foods that can be included in the list as well:
  • Raw vegetables are easier to digest for the dog and provide for the right nutrients that are required by the dogs.
  • Include grains like oats.
  • Low fat meats can also be fed to the dog from time to time. Make sure you monitor the quantity and the kind of meat that you feed your pet dog.
Points to Remember

There are certain important points that need to be factored in when it comes to following a proper schedule of feeding the dogs. Here are some of the points that you can look into:
  • It is always better to feed your dog with homemade food than commercial dog food. That way one can be sure of the kind of food that you are actually feeding the dog.
  • Make sure that you maintain regular meal timings and do not give the dog anything else as a snack between meals. This can spike the glucose levels in the blood stream and cause for further complications.
  • Speak to your vet and follow the plan that they have provided for you. Each dog will have to be treated differently and that is why it is important to follow the instructions of your vet well. It might be that what is to be avoided by one dog can be consumed by another.
The importance of following a proper diabetic diet to keep the diabetes under control cannot be stressed enough. In that manner, this food list will help plenty. Hope you've learned something more about how to maintain a proper diet for a dog that has diabetes and can help to maintain a proper diet for the same such that the condition is kept under control.

Posted on 8:50 AM

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Do you have a child that wants a pet? Are you not sure if he is responsible enough to take care of it? Are you afraid that youll get stuck feeding and cleaning up after the animal or giving it away?

It is better to be hesitant than to throw caution to the wind when it comes to live animals. There are countless advertisements online of people giving up their animals because their child wont take care of it. It is hard on the animal to leave a loving home to go back to a temporary placement. Sadly, rescues have to hold the parent responsible for the animal because minors cannot enter into a contract by themselves. They have to decline an application if the parents of the family are not ready for an animal, despite the fact that their children show signs of being great caretakers.

So how can you tell if your child is ready? It is much easier than you think, but it can be a process. First, talk to your child about it and lay down all the responsibilities of caring for an animal. It has to be fed every day. One way or another, you have to clean up where they went to the bathroom. They also have to be trained to your habits and need a good amount of attention.

If you are still not sure, take your child to the nearest rescue to help out. The decision to get a pet is a big deal and should not be rushed into. Spend the day at the rescue so your child gets a good idea of all the work it is going to take to keep an animal. The rescue will thank you.

By that time, it should be pretty clear if your child is ready for a pet. Did your child eagerly help out with caring for the animals or drag his feet and whine the entire time? Remember, an animal is for life. This decision could make both parties very happy or unhappy, but the animal has a rougher time parting with the family.

Now that the decision process is in the past, you can focus on a more serious matter. The child has proven to be ready for a pet but then he does not keep up the maintenance. If your child has decided not to take care of the animal, do not give the animal away so quickly. It is not the animal's fault that it is not being taken care of and it is time to get serious. Your child entered a verbal contract with you that he would care for the animal if you adopted one. Bring up the point that your child has been put in charge of this animal's life. If the animal doesn't eat, it dies. If its waste is not cleaned up, it can get sick (or make your child sick) and die. You as a parent are not going to let that happen, but giving the animal away has serious consequences. Inform your child that the animal becomes depressed and sincerely misses them when it is returned. A child should respond to that.

But if you really think your child will back out of the contract, have it all down in writing and use it as a reminder. Remember that you are the parent, the enforcer in the house. If you have to give the animal away because your child will not take care of it, make sure there is a serious consequence attached to it. Your child broke a promise and lied to you. He has shown you that he is not responsible enough to make decisions regarding life (food and cleanliness to be precise). Finally, try to find a good home for the animal instead of taking it to the shelter. Many rescues do not take owner surrenders and government shelters are more than likely going to put the animal to sleep immediately.

Getting a pet is a hard decision to make and as a parent if you are not ready to deal with one, then wait to adopt an animal. Rescues would rather place animals in a permanent home that they know will work out. It doesn't mean you hate animals or don't want them to find a good home. You are logical enough to know you are not ready to care for one. It is like having a child; it is possible to have one and not be ready for the responsibility.

If your ultimate decision is not to get a pet, there is no need to think you are depriving your children. Many rescues offer programs where you can walk the dogs or play with the animals on a regular basis. The only downside is animals will be adopted and your children will miss them, but this is a good lesson for children to learn. Sometimes we have to be selfless for the good of something else. Chances are that animal is going to a great home where they will be spoiled as much as a child. Even adult volunteers get possessive of their rescues when they are adopted and go in to say goodbye. Pretty soon, a new cat needing a home will show up that your child will want to play with.

Best of all, it will teach your children kindness towards animals. They may meet a cat that lost his back leg because someone was mean to him (you don't have to go into gory details. Children understand meanness). At younger ages, experiences like that are more inclined to go into the long term memory. When these children get older, they will be mindful of those who treat animals poorly.

If the general public were more informed about how much responsibility goes into caring for an animal, shelters would not be so full of homeless pets.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting and Owning a Dog
Amazon Price: $22.20 Buy Now
(price as of May 22, 2013)

Posted on 12:47 AM

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Monotypic Species - The Osprey

The osprey has physical characteristics and behavioural patterns that set it apart from other raptors. Because of this, some authorities have assigned it its own genus (Pandion) and family (Pandionicae). It is thus a monotypic species like the giraffe, moose and African painted dog, all of which are the only representatives of their genera.

Some of the problems that have beset taxonomists is that the osprey differs from other diurnal birds of prey by having rounded rather than grooved talons, and toes of equal length. Only ospreys and owls (in the raptor family) have a reversible outer toe which allows them to grasp with two toes pointing forward and two back.

The genus name comes from the mythical Greek king, Pandion, grandfather of Theseus. In one of the Greek legends, Theseus is transformed into an eagle.

The osprey is also known as the sea hark, fish hawk or fish eagle. As these common names suggest, this large bird of prey has a diet of fish, although it is not a sea eagle.

There are four subspecies of the osprey which are generally recognised but there are very few differences between any of them. Pandion haliaetus ridgwayi and P.h.cristatus frequent the Caribbean islands and Australia/Tasmania respectively and are non-migratory. The former commemorates Robert Ridgway, the American ornithologist while the latter is the smallest of the subspecies.

The Eurasian subspecies is the nominate species, P.h.haliaetus and the North American species is P.h.carolinensis. This is a larger, darker-bodied bird.

The osprey is found in all temperate and tropical regions except Antarctica.

The osprey is found anywhere where a body of water will provide the food it needs. It does not breed in South America but is a migrant there and it is absent from Antarctica.

The osprey may be over 60 cm in length and have a 180 cm wingspan. Weights vary from an average of 1.7 kg for P.h.carolinensis to 1.25 kg for P.h.cristatus.

The upper surfaces are a deep glossy brown and the underparts white. The breast may be streaked with brown. The white head has a dark mask across the eyes which have golden to brown irises. The nictating membrane is pale blue.

There is a blue cere above the black beak. The feet are white with black talons which are strongly curved. The tail is short but the wings are long and narrow with four long, finger-like feathers and a shorter fifth feather.

Males have a slimmer body, narrower wings, a less distinct band across the breast (if there is one at all) and paler underwing coverts. The differences are quite easy to pick between a breeding pair but sexing a single bird is more difficult.

When in flight, it has a gull-like appearance because of the arched wings and drooping hands.

Osprey often recycle their nests each year, doing a bit of renovation before laying their eggs. Where there are high densities of ospreys and insufficient nest sites the osprey will delay breeding. Some localities provide artificial platforms for the osprey and these are utilised by the birds. One organisation in New Jersey, Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River and Its Tributaries Inc has designed a platform and offers the plans and materials list to anyone who would like to supply ospreys with a breeding platform.

The website of the group is and there is a link to download the plans.

European ospreys winter in Africa. Those from America and Canada either stay in southern USA (California and Florida) or migrate to South America. They cover between 260 to 280 km per day and will sometimes travel at night, especially over water.

Ninety-nine percent of the diet is fish. Almost any type of freshwater fish is taken with a length range of 25 to 35 cm and weight range of 50 to 2000 grams (average 150 to 300 grams). The osprey usually forages by day, soaring and circling over a body of water. They often hover momentarily before diving down feet first and snatching up their prey. The feet have reversible outer toes and backward-facing scales on the talons. These act as barbs to hold the prey.

Their vision is adapted to spotting fish in the water. They plunge in feet first and may submerge to a depth of a metre. They have also been seen snatching birds in flight. Ospreys may also eat rodents, small reptiles, amphibians, rabbits and other birds.

The osprey makes a large nest from a heap of sticks, driftwood and seaweed. Mating is usually for life. Two to four whitish eggs with bold splotches are laid within a month and incubated for about five weeks. The eggs measure 6.2 x 4.5 cm and weigh about 65 grams.

Newly hatched chicks weigh only 50 to 60 grams but fledge in 8 to 10 weeks. If food is scarce, the first chick to hatch is the most likely to survive. The typical lifespan is 7 to 10 years.

The main threats prior to the mid 20th century were egg collectors, hunting and birds of prey. During the 1950 and 60s there was a significant drop in populations in many areas. This was believed to be due in part to reduced reproductive levels due to the effects of insecticides such as DDT. The pesticide interfered with calcium metabolism causing thin-shelled (thus easily broken) and/or infertile eggs. Once DDT was banned and persecution was reduced, the numbers of osprey improved.

The major threats to the osprey in North America are bubo owls and bald eagles. The latter also practise kleptoparasitism, stealing the ospreys catch for itself.

The osprey has a large global population and is listed by the IUCN as of least concern. However the osprey has been absent for decades from some former territories in South Australia. Other nesting sites in South Australia (Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island) are at risk due to unmanaged coastal recreational activities and encroaching development.

Ospreys are held in at least nine zoos and institutions around the world.

The osprey is the provincial bird of Sodermanland, Sweden and Nova Scotia, Canada.

Posted on 8:25 PM

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

The following are kitchen hot spots and suggestions on how to avoid being over run by mess.


Prevent multiplying water bottles, coffee mugs, and plastic storage ware. Restrain yourself by holding each of these categories into a drawer or bin.

Dump your paper and extra plastic bags. They barricade cabinets and drawers and rob you of storage place. If you keep a few, there must be a reason and a purpose. Use them to line wastebaskets and to take it on walks with your dog.

Refuse reusing plastic tubs, like butter containers. People love to reuse containers, but you aren't able to see into them, and the plastic will sooner or later give off chemicals. Alternatively, use the store-bought type that are made for this role and be proud of yourself for recycling the others.

When you have a dining room or even a hutch, try to store together your crystal, china, and formal serving pieces in here instead of eating kitchen space for these items.

Capitalize on vertical space such as tall cabinets by setting up an additional shelf or use shelf dividers and dish separators to produce more storage.

If you tend to lose or forget about stowed items that you can't see, invest in turning some of your lower fixed shelves into pull-out shelves.

Food Storage

  • While creating centers in your kitchen, create centers also for classes of items in your pantry. Have separate shelves for baking, snacks, breakfast, dinner, and containers and paper goods. For each shelf, it's a good idea to label them, and store items of the same type in smaller containers for quick removal and use.

Gut your refrigerator on a regular basis. Consume what you have before buying more, and shop using a list.

Chop healthy foods like vegetables and cheese into bite-sized pieces and place them inside containers in the fridge to make nutritious eating leisurely.


Manage your mail each day. Most families work on incoming mail in the kitchen. Without watchful sorting, shredding, and handling, piles would grow sky-high quick. Keep a recycle bin, garbage can, and shredder nearby.

If you do not have a home office, set up one so you will be able to send accomplished paperwork to it for permanent storage. Otherwise, the kitchen may turn into the final resting place for paper of all types.

Create a household hub straightaway to help you handle paper and tasks that unavoidably land in the kitchen.

Kid-Friendly Kitchens

Swallow the fact that young kids will be drawn to the kitchen. Give a play drawer just for them. Fill it using plastic storage containers and lids that do not match, old linens, or anything creative to arouse their imagination.

If your children prefer to do their homework in the kitchen, institute boundaries for what they could and couldn't use on or close to the table. It may be a valuable work or play surface without being a storage surface.

When your children age, help them to share to chores by stashing away dishes low enough that they can help set the table, wash dishes, and unload the dishwasher.

Keep healthy snacks, juice boxes, and lunch fixings on a low shelf so children can help make their own lunches.

Till your kids get to a reasonable age (only you know when that would be), keep caffeinated and sugared foods in your control so you can keep kids under control.


Read also:

The Ideal Kitchen Design and Construction

Kitchen Remodeling: Choosing Your New Kitchen Cabinets

Remodeling Your Kitchen: Should You Hire a Designer?

Posted on 9:51 AM

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The most you can usually leave your dog home alone is around eight hours, or a normal workday. Any longer than that, and youll need to figure out something to do so your dog can go outside and have some puppy play time. Dogs are social animals, after all, and leaving them alone for long periods of time can have devastating effects. Even though they sleep most of the day, they need some interaction with other living things, as well as potty breaks, throughout the day to keep them happy.

Ask A Friend

If you have a friend who is home during the day, and who likes spending time with dogs, this may be your best bet. Of course, you would want to compensate your friend in some way, but having someone you know come into your house to let your puppy out can be cheaper than hiring someone you dont know. It can also be safer, as you will know and trust the person entering your house. If you have a friend who is home during the day but who cant make it to your place, or if your friend cannot leave his or her home overnight to stay with your dog, there might be an option to drop the dog off at your friends house and leave it there for as long as you need. If your friend is available and willing to take your dog into his or her home for a period of time, you will absolutely want to compensate him or her in some way. However, this can be a great situation, as it allows your friend to stay in the comfort of his or her home, and it gives your dog a change of scenery. Dogs especially like to switch it up; they dont like to stay in the same place for too long. By giving them a new place to go, you will give your dogs a way to channelize some more energy.

Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycare is a great option for those who do not have a friend or family member available. When you take your dog to a daycare, you pay a fee for the day, and you can sometimes add some services such as grooming, long walks, playtime, agility training, or special treats. Each of these add-ons generally costs more, but can be extremely fun for your pet. You set up a time with the daycare to drop the dog off and pick it up. After that, you can trust in the daycare to take care of your pet while you are away. Many daycare places will also keep your pet overnight if you need them to. Its always a good idea to take a look through the daycare before dropping your dog off to be sure that everything is sanitary and that the people working there are good with dogs.

Dog Walker

If daycare isnt an option, you can hire a dog walker. Hiring a dog walker is ideal for people who cannot get to a daycare facility, or for people who arent gone for that long during the day but who just want their pet to have some extra attention during the day. When hiring a dog walker, its best to go through an agency. Be sure to ask them if they do background checks on their employees, and make sure you know who has copies of your keys. You should also be able to ask them for a report on what your pet did while the dog walker was there.

Posted on 7:06 PM

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Dogs look their cutest when they are puppies. Don't you wish they remain just as small and cute for life? If you love the cute and adorable looks of a puppy, then you can go in for small dogs as pets. They remain small forever and appear just as lovable and endearing. However, do not think of these cute dogs as nave. They are just as notorious as large dog breeds and very stubborn as well.

These small and fluffy dogs require strict dog training as well as obedience training. Or else, you will end up with a bad mannered and ill-tempered dog. These dogs look like small soft toys and are therefore spoiled by the owners, who go ga-ga over them. This helps give them an upper hand over their masters and become dominant. Make sure you control your emotions and do not allow your heart to melt when you look into those intoxicating eyes. Only then will you be able to live a happy life with your dog.

Different Breeds You Can Choose From

There are many cute fluffy dog breeds that are popular as pets around the world. These dogs are suitable for people with little living space and those who tend to go for work all day long. Small dogs do not require a lot of exercise and a walk in the park is enough to stretch their tiny legs. They weigh less than 20 pounds and are suitable as family pets. These dogs require a lot of grooming to maintain their fluffy coat.

The Maltese is one of the cutest and fluffiest dogs you can find. They are cheerful and playful dogs who are smart enough to be trained easily. Maltese dogs weigh just about 7 pounds and have a long, white silky coat. They need their coats to be brushed regularly and groomed thoroughly about once a month. A social animal, this dog loves all the attention he can get. The normal life span of a Maltese dog is about 15 to 17 years.

This is another small dog that has a fluffy look. It has a thick, wiry coat with long wisps of hair over his face. Also known as Affens, these dogs have a terrier like personality. They are very inquisitive and stubborn dogs who need strict dog training. These dogs are sharp-witted and are very playful as well as courageous. They need to be taught their boundaries and rules of the house as early as possible or else they tend to become dominant around the house. They weigh about 7 to 8 pounds and have an average life span of about 10 to 12 years.

Bichon Frise
These dogs are very lovable and affectionate. They enjoy being around children and adults alike. Thus, they make a good choice as a small house dog for kids. If you are looking for an indoor dog, then this is the dog breed you should adopt. They do not shed much and require little grooming to maintain their unmatted, white coat. This is a small lap dog that has a lifespan of about 12 to 13 years.

Bolognese dogs have a dense white coat that is fluffy and soft. They look similar to Maltese and Bichon Frise breeds. However, these dogs have a more solid built with no undercoat compared to the two breeds. This toy breed dog is very intelligent and loves being around people. However, this dog breed tends to be a bit reserved around strangers. These dogs are known for their acute sense of hearing and are easy to train. The life expectancy of Bolognese dog is about 12 to 14 years.

Brussels Griffon
Looking for a sturdy toy dog that is very cute and fluffy? The Brussels Griffon is the dog for you. This dog has the most comical expressions that make them so endearing. This is a toy dog with a huge heart. It loves to snuggle around his master and will spread an air of importance around himself, wherever he goes. They tend to bond with one person of the family more than the others. They are very small in size, and therefore, not suitable as pets with families having very small children. Dog training is important or else they tend to become dominant around the house. Average life span of Brussels Griffon is about 12 to 15 years.

Coton de Tulear
The cotton textured coat gives rise to the name Coton de Tulear. These are small dogs from Tulear, a city in Madagascar. They have very soft hair that is long and fluffy. Coton de Tulear dogs are good for people suffering from dog allergies since they don't shed. The dog weighs just 9 to 13 pounds. They are very playful and intelligent breeds with a vocal nature. They love jumping on their hind feet when greeting people. They love being around children as they are very mischievous and playful. The life expectancy of this dog breed is about 16 to 18 years.

One of the easy to train fluffy small house dogs are the Havanese dogs. These dogs are very intelligent and prove to be good watchdogs. They are affectionate dogs who become very attached to their family. Cheerful and sociable, these dogs prove to be great companions. This is a healthy dog breed with a lifespan of about 14 to 16 years.

Pomeranian dogs are very vocal and highly devoted pets. They need a lot of aggressive training to avoid dog behavioral problems. They are very stubborn and tend to do what they please. However, they are eager to learn and are playful dogs. The average life expectancy of Pomeranian dogs is about 12 to 16 years.

Shih Tzu
Long silky hair and weighing just about 8 pounds, Shih Tzu is one of the cutest dog breeds. They have a long silky coat that reaches right down till the floor. Thus, these dogs require regular dog grooming to keep their coat free from mats and tangles. The average life span of a Shih Tzu is about 12 to 15 years.

These were some of the small fluffy dog breeds that you can bring home as pets. Fluffy dogs are nice and cuddly and will keep attracting attention wherever they go. They require little space to live, but will constantly seek your attention and love.

Posted on 10:59 AM

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