Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It is always said that a dog is man's best friend. Indeed the dog was one, among the first animals to be domesticated by mankind. The dogs that are found today are mostly classified into different categories according to the work that they do or their size. Some common types of dogs and their sub-categories are as follows.
  • Companion Dogs: Lap Dogs and Poodles
  • Guard Dogs: Bulldogs and Molossers
  • Hunting Dogs: Retrievers and Setters
  • Parish Dogs: Ferals
  • Pastoral Dogs: Collies and Welsh Corgis
  • Sledge Dogs: Eskimo dogs and Eurohounds
Out of all these dog breeds, the companion dogs are the smallest in size and are prominently used as pets and companions to household. Companion dogs are the best small dogs for adoption. These dogs are preferred as companions by many people due to the fact that they are small in size and also have a very attractive coats.

German Spitz
The German Spitz, also known as the Deutscher Spitz, is a dog breed that originated in Germany. The small dogs for adoption that belong to this breed are miniature in size when they are born and remain very short throughout their lives. The German Spitz also has very flowing and soft fur with abundant hair on its tail. If you are living in the tropical, sub tropical and monsoon region, then your Spitz requires a haircut during the summers. This breed also needs a cool space to lie down and relax during the summers. The diet of this breed is negligible and the dog does not keep on demanding a high calorie food. The German Spitz is especially fond of places like gardens which are a bit cooler than the atmospheric temperature. There are many different categories within the German Spitz breed. These categories are usually classified on the basis of their fur color.

Yorkshire Terrier
Among the small dog puppies for adoption, the Yorkshire terrier is the fluffiest and also the one which needs a good amount of dog care. This breed originated in England in the 17th century and became extremely popular in the mid 20th century. The Yorkshire terrier is one of the favorite lap-dog of the nobility of Europe and is a companion to many ladies from the high-class society. The Yorkshire Terrier has an outstanding intelligence and tends to carry itself very well. According to many dog owners, the Terriers are excellent expression readers, and they always seem to understand the master's emotions. The only drawback of the Terrier is the excessive fur that needs a lot of care and frequent baths.

The Papillon is a category of spaniels that originated in Spain, Belgium and France. One of the most noticed features of Papillon dogs is their butterfly like ears and symmetrical faces. The name of this breed is in fact derived from this feature. Papillons are found in a variety of shades and fur colors, that range from black and white, to lemon shade and stable shade. These dogs possess surprising amounts of strengths and are rather fierce and aggressive. Papillons have displayed extraordinary strengths in small dogs competitions.

One must remember that puppies can be costly and require a lot of care and love. These dogs are never good guard dogs or hunting dogs, but are certainly very lovable and faithful companions.

Posted on 4:11 PM

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Most dog owners are at a loss when it comes to determining whether their dog is pregnant. If you have involved your pet in a breeding program, the news of her pregnancy must be something that you must have been expecting. On the other hand, many times owners are not aware of their dog's heat cycles and sometimes the female dog mates with any male dog without the knowledge of her owner. In such conditions, it is very likely that the signs of pregnancy may go unnoticed. However, knowing whether your dog is pregnant or not is very important and for this, you have to know about female dogs in heat before you can find the answer to the question, 'is my dog pregnant?'

Dog Heat Cycle

Normally, the dog heat cycle in a female dog begins when she is six months old. However, this is not same for every dog breed because in some cases, the heat cycle may begin earlier, while for others, it starts only at the age of one. Most dogs experience the heat cycle, also known as estrous cycle at least 2 times in a year which last for 21 days each. This cycle can be divided into three parts which begins with the proestrus stage, followed by the estrus and ends with the diestrus stage. During the first stage, the dog begins bleeding lightly and may also observe swelling of the vulva. Though at this time the dog attracts male dogs towards her, she does not actually invite any of them to mount her. The second stage occurs 5 - 10 days after the beginning of the first stage. It is during the second stage that ovulation occurs in dogs and hence, the chances of conception are the highest during this time. Moreover, during this period the canine will allow any male dog to mount her. The last stage is called diestrus, where the swelling of the vulva starts disappearing and the female canine stops bleeding. She will no longer be interested in male dogs and if she has mated with a male dog during the heat cycle, most likely she will be pregnant.

Is My Dog Pregnant?

To understand if your dog is pregnant, you have to wait at least a few weeks after your dog's heat cycle is over, as she will start showing signs of pregnancy 2 - 3 weeks after conception. Though only a check up by the vet can actually confirm whether your dog is pregnant, there are several signs that you may see when your pet dog is expecting. Read more on signs and stages of dog pregnancy.
  • As I said earlier, the swelling of the vulva reduces at the end of the dog's heat cycle. However, if she has mated during the heat period and has become pregnant, it is likely that the swelling of the vulva remains even after the end of the heat cycle.
  • Another early sign of dog pregnancy is slight enlargement of the teats (nipples). This happens because the blood supply at the base of the nipples increases during this time and they become prominent around 25 - 30 days. You may also observe vaginal discharge in the dogs, within one month of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy may also cause certain behavioral changes in your dog. Your dog may either become very clingy and loving towards you and other family members or she may become aloof, wanting to be left alone, all by herself. This may raise the question, is my dog pregnant or in heat, in your mind as change in behavior is something you may observe when the dog is in heat too. This doubt can be cleared by getting your dog checked by the vet.
  • Change in the dog's appetite is also another sign of a pregnant dog. It has been observed that pregnant dogs are likely to avoid food for the first few weeks. However, this is just a temporary phase and she will regain her normal appetite in a few weeks.
  • A pregnant dog may suffer from morning sickness during the initial few weeks of pregnancy where she may vomit clear mucous or food any time of the day. She may seem to be tired as she will spend most of the time resting, instead of playing or running around.
Veterinary Procedures

If you observe any of the above symptoms in your dog, taking her to the vet will help you in knowing whether she is really pregnant. The vet will be able to determine the dog's pregnancy after 21 days of conception. During this time, the doctor will be able to feel the thickening of the uterus and even the bumps within. Apart from this, an ultrasound method can also be used to confirm canine pregnancy. However, this is only possible after 28 days of conception. After 49 - 50 days, an X-ray of the dog's womb can determine the number of puppies present in it. However, not all vets use this method because there is a danger of damage due to radiation. Rather they use the simple abdominal touch method to know the number of puppies in the dog's womb which can only be done by experts.

Signs of Delivery

The average gestation period of dogs is 62 days. However, in some cases, it can be anywhere between 54 - 72 days. Knowing about the signs that your pet dog will show when she is nearing the time of delivery will help you in making the necessary arrangements. As the dog nears her due date, her body will increase in size and you will observe enlargement in the abdominal area. The temperature of the dog normally reduces as she nears her due date. Hence, taking her rectal temperature, time to time will help you in knowing the actual time of her delivery. The dog's normal temperature is 101 degrees Fahrenheit which will drop down, 24 hours before the delivery. Apart from this, one can also determine that the dog is ready to give birth to the puppies with the help of some behavioral changes. She may become restless and you may observe her pacing and panting during this time. It is also normal to observe a greenish vaginal discharge hours before your dog goes into labor.

I hope by now you are able to resolve the question, is my dog pregnant? If you observe any of the above signs in your dog, take her to the nearby vet immediately. If she is pregnant, the vet will give you some important instructions about prenatal care which you should follow to ensure that your canine has a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

Posted on 10:37 PM

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Normally, dogs have occasional eye discharge or tear overflow, which is considered normal. The tear glands produce tears continuously and these tears are released into the eyes. Each time the eye blinks, the tears are pushed along the outer aspects of the eyelids towards the caruncle (the pink part of the eye near the nose), from where, they get drained to the lacrimal sac located below the eye. These tears are then carried to the nose, so as to keep the nostrils moist. So, tear overflow is not common in dogs, but, in some cases, you may notice watery eyes. This can be caused by various reasons.


An abnormal overflow of tears in dogs is medically termed as epiphora. Such watery eyes in dogs is associated with eye problems. In some cases, it could be due to overproduction of tears or inadequate drainage of tears from the eyes. The following are some of the common causes of this canine eye condition.

Large-eyed Dog Breeds

First of all, it is very important to understand that some dog breeds are prone to weepy eyes. This is more common in large-eyed dogs like Chihuahuas. Even some other dog breeds like the Maltese, Poodles, Lhasa Apsos, Pomeranians and Pekingese are prone to this condition, which is sometimes referred to as Poodle eye. In large-eyed dogs, excess tear production helps in getting rid of debris and keeping the eyes moist. One of the possible reasons for watery eyes in these dogs is inadequate pooling space to collect the excess tears. So, these breeds are often found with rust-colored streaks of tears on their faces. The color change is due to the chemicals in tears, which react with light. In most cases, this condition does not cause any health problem and are treated for cosmetic reasons, so as to get rid of the tear marks on the face. However, as in other dogs, watery eyes in large-eyed dogs too may be caused by other reasons that are discussed below.

Tear Drainage Problems

As mentioned above, tears get drained from the eyes to the nose, through two minute openings called puncta that are found on the inner corner of the eyelids (on the caruncle - the pink part of the eye near the nose). These openings may get blocked, causing tear flow in dogs. While some dogs (mostly Cocker Spaniels) are born with a defective tear drainage system, some others develop the condition later, due to various other reasons. One such congenital defect is imperforate inferior punctum, wherein the punctum on the lower part of the caruncle is blocked with a conjuctival membrane. It may also happen that some foreign body gets trapped in the punctum or the duct (that leads tears to nose), thereby causing tear flow. Medical conditions like conjunctivitis and entropion, may also cause blockage of the punctum and resultant watery eyes.

Eye Diseases and Disorders

One of the common causes for watery eyes in dogs is eye diseases and disorders. Conjunctivitis is a condition that is characterized by red watery eyes. Another such condition is blepharitis or inflammation of the eyelids. Weepy eyes in dogs may also be caused in case of inflammation of the cornea or keratitis. Other such conditions include corneal ulcers, abrasions, scratches and wounds. Dogs suffering from anterior uveitis (inflammation of the iris and ciliary body) may also develop watery eyes. Dog eye infection and glaucoma are other eye conditions that can cause watery and bloodshot eyes in dogs.

Other Causes

Apart from the above said causes, there are some other reasons for this condition in dogs. These include irritation caused by foreign objects in the eye. In case of dust or other debris, tears may overflow, so as to dislodge the foreign object. Irritation may also be caused by abnormal growth of hair that rubs the eye. It can be distichiasis, a condition, wherein the hair grows in abnormal location or trichiasis, wherein the hair grows in an abnormal direction. In both cases, such hair growth may irritate the eyes and cause eye discharge in dogs. Like in case of humans, dog allergies, especially food allergies, can be a cause of watery eyes.


Watery eyes in dogs is a condition that is characterized by symptoms like, overflowing tears, marks of tear flow on the face, dried eye discharge on the edges of eyelids and rubbing of the face. You may sometimes notice additional symptoms like redness, inflammation, squinting and cloudy eyes. Mild cases may subside without any treatment. But, severe and chronic ones and those accompanied with other symptoms, must be checked at the earliest. If you notice such symptoms in your dog, take it to a vet and get the condition diagnosed for proper treatment.
  • In case of large-eyed dogs, watery eyes is mostly considered a cosmetic problem due to the rust-colored tear streaks. In such cases, the most probable cause would be inadequate pooling space for tears. This can be countered with medication like tetracycline that hinder the chemical reaction of tears, which causes the rust-colored stains.
  • Low dose of tetracycline is given on a daily basis, if the problem remains even after administering the same for a short-term. This medication takes care of the staining problem, but the tear flow will continue.
  • Another option is to remove a part of the tear gland, so as to reduce the production of tears. This is usually done, after conducting various tests, like Schirmer tear test. However, such surgery may sometimes lead to dry eye, which could cause eye problems like keratoconjunctivitis sicca, as the dog gets old.
  • If you want to avoid medication as well as surgery, then daily care will be sufficient. Wipe of the stained area on a daily basis and remove the stained hair regularly. You may use a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide for wiping the tear stains. Make sure that the solution (mixed in a ratio of 1:10) does not enter the eyes, while wiping.
  • In case of blockage of the ducts (that drain tears) or their openings (puncta), then medication or surgery may be required according to the nature of the problem. In some cases, such blockages can be remedied with some flushing techniques.
  • If the block is caused by infection and resultant inflammation of the duct or their openings, medication like antibiotics may be administered. In some cases, surgery will be the one way out for remedying such blockage.
  • Even eye diseases can cause weepy eyes in dogs and in such cases, treating the specific disease will remedy the condition. The mode of treatment may vary with the type of eye disease.
In case you notice such symptoms in your dog, get the condition diagnosed and treated. Early treatment is always preferred for those with additional and severe symptoms.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

Posted on 3:42 AM

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Internal bleeding, also called hemoperitoneum which translates to 'blood in abdomen' is a life-threatening condition in dogs. It is often a result of traumatic injury or a blood clotting disorder. In the absence of strong and peculiar internal bleeding signs, you often have to look for subtle hints from your dog's behavior.


The possible internal bleeding symptoms in dogs are as follows:
  • Weakness.
  • Collapse.
  • Abdominal distension.
  • Subcutaneous (under the skin) bruising.
  • Increased respiratory effort.
  • Pale mucus membranes (especially gums or inner lining of the lips).
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Breathing difficulty.
  • Excessive thirst
  • Blood in dog's stool, urine.

Accidents are the most common among of all causes of internal bleeding in dogs. Often, the impact of an accident is so severe that the dog dies on the spot, due to heavy bleeding. However, sometimes, there may be slow internal bleeding which allows time to seek medical help. Most often, it's the liver and spleen which get traumatized due to accident. You should regularly check your dog for any symptom of internal bleeding, even after the treatment of trauma is successfully completed.

The tumors inside the lining of the peritoneum rupture the blood vessels, leading to internal bleeding. Hemangiosarcoma or the tumor of blood vessels, is the most common type of tumor which causes internal bleeding in dogs. These tumors are mostly of malignant nature and also very aggressive. Golden retrievers and German shepherd are the dog breeds that are more susceptible to this disorder. Hemangioma is the benign form of blood vessel tumors, but it is pretty uncommon.

Hematomas are the open spaces inside abdomen which are filled with blood. The accumulation of blood is mainly due to rupture of blood vessels. These are associated with spleen and are also a leading cause of hemoperitoneum. Often, a history of trauma is a cause of hematomas. Nodular regeneration or excessive production of spleen tissue is also responsible for hematomas. The appearance of hematomas is somewhat similar to hemangiosarcomas, and are not easily distinguishable at the time of surgery. .

Accidental consumption of rodenticide with anti-coagulating ingredients is also a cause of internal bleeding. The bleeding occurs mostly in abdomen, but bleeding at other sites, such as under the skin is also not uncommon. The active ingredients in rodenticide are poisonous and their anti-coagulating property is what causes internal bleeding in dogs. The active ingredients, in the rodenticide that are responsible for internal bleeding are warfarin, fumarin, chlorophacinone, diphacinone, pindone, bromadiolone, or brodifacoum.


The course of treatment is dependent upon the cause of the internal bleeding and the severity of the condition. The various types of treatment options available are as follows:
  • Intravenous fluid therapy.
  • Blood transfusions.
  • Belly wrap.
  • Oxygen therapy.
  • Analgesic therapy (pain medication).
  • Vitamin K administration.
  • Emergency exploratory surgery.
When trauma is the cause of hemoperitoneum, you have limited time at hand. This situation of emergency should be handled with caution before medical help reaches. Lift the dog carefully to avoid fractures. Moreover, try to keep the dog calm and warm, before handing him over to the paramedics.

As mentioned above, internal bleeding has a potential to claim the life of your dog. Hence, execute all the precautionary measures to prevent traumatic injuries. If your dog tends to spend more time outdoors, make sure you have someone to watch him over. You can also install electric dog fences to prevent your dog from running on the busy road.

Posted on 9:05 PM

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Dog lovers will agree that dogs are loving and faithful pets that add much compassion and love to our lives. But along with the many smiles they bring, they may also be responsible for producing allergic symptoms like, sneezing, itching, runny noses, or even hives. The underlying cause of these is not dog hair, as many people think, but a protein present in their cells. This protein can be in their hair, saliva, urine, or dander (dead skin cells). There are a few dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic, meaning dogs that cause fewer allergy symptoms. These dogs generally shed little hair, produce less dander, and drool less. The small amount of allergens they produce get trapped in their coat, and do not get released into the environment. Here are some breeds that are considered safer.

  • Affenpinscher
  • American Hairless Terrier
  • Australian Terrier
  • Basenji
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Bichon Fris
  • Bolognese
  • Border Terrier
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Chinese Crested (Hairless)
  • Chinese Crested (Powderpuff)
  • Coton de Tulear
  • Havanese
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Maltese
  • Miniature Bull Terrier
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Norwich Terrier
  • Peruvian Inca Orchid
  • Poodle (Toy & Miniature)
  • Schnauzer (Miniature)
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Sealyham Terrier
  • Shih Tzu
  • Tibetan Terrier
  • Welsh Terrier
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Xoloitzcuintli (Toy & Miniature)
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Cesky Terrier
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  • Lwchen


Often called monkey dogs for their distinctive facial structure, the Affenpinschers are sturdy toy dogs that shed less. Their coat is rough and usually black, though other colors like silver, tan, or red are also present. They are intelligent, active, and mischievous, and get along well with children and other pets. They can become possessive about their toys and food. Affenpinschers need constant stimulation, so require varied training and firm handling. They are best-suited for families with older children, and can live in an apartment, even without a yard. A daily walk and weekly brushing and combing is sufficient to keep them happy and at their best. Their coat may require some plucking, however, it shouldn't be clipped too short.[ Top ]American Hairless TerrierAmerican Hairless Terrier

This is a small working dog that is completely hairless, although a few dogs may have the recessive gene trait and are born with a coat of short hair. They come in a variety of colors and patterns. They are lively, playful, and energetic dogs; very easy to train and get along well with children. They require daily exercise-at least half an hour. While they can live in an apartment, a small yard is a must as they love to dig. Their hairless skin has to be protected from excessive sun exposure and cold weather. Bathing is recommended a couple of times in a week with an occasional application of lanolin-free moisturizer to prevent dry skin. With no hair and little dander, the AHT is considered the perfect dog for allergy sufferers.[ Top ]Australian TerrierAustralian Terrier

The Aussie is a small, sturdy dog that sheds little or no hair. It has a shaggy, long coat that is usually tan, blue, sandy or red-colored with a lighter topknot. They are courageous, loyal, and easy to train. Australian Terriers are obedient, and friendly towards children and other pets. However, they must be watched closely, especially around small pets. The male Australian Terrier might not get along with other male dogs. They can live in urban as well as rural settings, and are suitable for apartments without a yard. The Aussie should be taken for walks daily, and their grooming consists of brushing the coat 2-3 times a week.[ Top ]BasenjiBasenji

These elegant and athletic dogs have a short, shiny coat, that comes in red, copper, and black colors. Tricolors and brindles are also acceptable, however the feet, chest, and tip of the tail have to be white. They are very energetic, intelligent, and curious creatures with a few cat-like qualities, and need to be watched around children and small pets. Though reserved with strangers, they are quite affectionate towards their owners. They need consistent and firm training, as they may get destructive. They do not bark, and can live in an apartment with a small yard. They need daily exercise and long walks, with a few interesting games and activities to keep them physically fit and drive boredom away. They keep themselves clean and need just an occasional brushing to remove loose hair. Basenjis are excellent for people with allergiesthese dogs shed little or no hair.[ Top ]Bedlington TerrierBedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terriers, with their short double coat of mixed soft and rough hair, resemble a lamb. They come in blue, sandy, or liver colors with tan points, and their color may lighten with age. Loyal, alert, and brave, these dogs love children, however, they need some training to get along with other pets. Training them might be a challenge; while they do not respond to harsh techniques, they respond well to positive reinforcement with lots of treats. They love to bark and dig, and need to be leashed as they are extremely fast runners. They can live in an apartment without a yard but need long, daily walks. They have to be combed weekly and clipped every two months to maintain their lamb-like appearance. They shed very little, and are thought to be good for people with pet allergies.[ Top ]Bichon FrisBichon Fris

The Bichon Frise is a small hypoallergenic dog with a soft dense inner coat and a smooth, silky outer coat. Their coat is usually white with cream, apricot, or gray coloration. The Bichon Frise is easy to train, has loads of energy, and loves to snuggle. They are very social and intelligent, and can be taught to perform tricks. This dog breed is perfect for small children as well as the elderly. They can live in an apartment without a yard. Though playful, all they need is a daily walk. They have to be brushed everyday and need professional grooming and bath about once a month. This reduces allergens and shedding; the little hair they shed gets trapped in their dense undercoat.[ Top ]BologneseBolognese

The Bolognese is a small dog with a pure white, wooly single coat. They shed very little hair and are quite similar in temperament with their cousin, the Bichon Frise, just a little more docile and serious. These dogs are very obedient and friendly, and get along well with everyone. They are suitable for an apartment without a yard. They need a daily walk, but a good, energetic game can be a good-enough exercise for them. They need to be brushed everyday, and professionally groomed once a month.[ Top ]Border TerrierBorder Terrier

These hardy little dogs have a short, dense, wiry double coat which gives them an adorably scruffy appearance. They come in a variety of colors like tan, red, blue, etc. They are lively, agile, and bold; yet affectionate and mild-mannered. These dogs are very easy to train and get along well with children. However, they are not good with other pets as they are hunting dogs. They are loud barkers, love digging, and may become timid if not trained properly. They can live in any environment, but need a small, fenced yard to run around; they also need daily long walks. Border Terriers look best in their natural, dust-resistant coat, so weekly brushing with a professional grooming session once in six months is usually necessary. They shed little, and are thought to be good for people with allergies.[ Top ]Cairn TerrierCairn Terrier

The Cairn Terrier is a hardy, adventurous dog, best known for playing 'Toto' in the film, The Wizard of Oz. It has a harsh outer coat which comes in a range of colors. A few of them become more black or gray as they age. These dogs will fascinate the kids for their love of performing tricks and inquisitive nature. Though they adapt well in an apartment, they need some firm handling and a daily walk to keep them active. Grooming is a must and they have to be brushed several times a week. They also need a monthly bath followed by thorough brushing to prevent any matting. They shed very little fur if groomed properly, and can be great pets for people with allergies.[ Top ]Chinese Crested (Hairless)Chinese Crested Hairless

The hairless Chinese Crested dog has a single coat of fur, often on the lower legs, tail, and on top of the head, though some may just have hairless patches. Intelligent, playful and affectionate, they make great lapdogs as they love being around people. They need to be treated gently as they are quite delicate, and some may even find them clingy. They do not generally bark, and are suitable for apartments. However, they should be taken for daily walks to keep them active. Since they are hairless, they should be kept warm, and special care and attention needs to be given to maintain their soft skin. Applying a good sunscreen when taking them out in the sun will help avoid sunburns. Frequent baths are good, followed by rubbing a little oil or cream. These dogs may be allergic to wool and/or lanolin, and may suffer from dental problems if proper care is not taken. They shed little to no hair, and are considered hypoallergenic.[ Top ]Chinese Crested (Powderpuff)Chinese Crested Powderpuff

The powderpuff is a slightly harder variety of Chinese Crested, and has a double coat of long, soft fur that comes in a variety of colors. They are friendly, affectionate dogs, and require lots of attention. These dogs are quite intelligent, but have a tendency to become barkers if not trained properly, though it is not in their nature. They do well in an apartment but require daily walks. Their long coat needs daily brushing and frequent baths. They shed little and are thought to be good pets for people with pet allergies.[ Top ]Coton de TulearCoton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear, also known by the nickname Cotie, has a fluffy, long coat which can be white, black and white, or tricolored. They are very affectionate and get along well with children and other pets. The 'Cotie' is a very curious, intelligent, and playful dog that will endear anyone with their tricks. They can live in an apartment without a yard and are good family dogs, though they require some firm handling. They have great stamina, and can play for hours, however, a daily walk is necessary for them. They need to be groomed dailycombing and brushing their long coat daily is necessary to prevent matting. They have very little dander, and the little hair they shed gets trapped in their coat, so they are considered excellent for people who are prone to pet allergies.[ Top ]HavaneseHavanese

These little canines are quite sturdy and come in different colors and patterns. They love companychildren, dogs, and even cats are welcome. They are very easy to train, love performing tricks, and will not bark if trained properly. The Havanese dog is an excellent pet for families with children. They do not like to be left out, so they will not adapt well to living outside your house, however, they can live well inside an apartment. They need to be exercised and taken for daily walks. They have to be brushed well at least 2-3 times a week, although if you cut their hair, less care is required. The Havanese is a good pet for people with pet allergies, as they shed little. The short-haired variety, Shavanese, is not considered hypoallergenic.[ Top ]Italian GreyhoundItalian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a hypoallergenic dog breed suitable for an apartment, although they prefer the outdoors. This dog has a smooth and short coat, that come in colors like fawn, blue, black, and red, with a small amount of white on the chest and feet. They are affectionate, intelligent dogs but require firm handling. They love to run, and are quite fast, however, care should be taken as their thin bodies make them fairly fragile. Spooked easily by loud sounds or strangers, they are best-suited as companions for the elderly. They are one of the easiest dogs to groomjust rubbing them with a moist cloth is sufficient. Give a bath only when it is absolutely necessary. Their short hair sheds very little.[ Top ]MalteseMaltese

This cuddly, social dog is quite popular for its cute appearance and playful temperament. Its white coat can have an ivory tinge, or lemon, orange or brown marking. The Maltese is very intelligent and enjoys doing tricks. Though they are extremely affectionate, playful and lively, they do not like to be treated roughly. They are fairly active and well-suited for an apartment, although they bark quite loudly at any suspicious sound. This breed needs regular bath and shampooing, and their long silky coat has to be gently brushed every day. Their eyes and ears also need regular cleaning. They shed little to no hair, and are considered hypoallergenic.[ Top ]Miniature Bull Terrier Miniature Bull Terrier

These are strong, muscular dogs with a characteristic egg-shaped head. Their coat is rough, short and flat, and comes in various colors. They are playful, gentle and friendly, and get along with older children. Their stubborn streak and short attention spans make them a challenge to train. This breed requires lots of socialization to get along with other pets. They need firm handling and will not do well when left alone for long periods of time. They can live in an apartment with a small yard, and are best-suited for active families with older kids. They might become destructive if not exercised well, so the Miniature Bull Terriers should be taken for long walks daily with an occasional game or run in the park. They are very easy to grooma weekly brushing is enough to keep their coat glossy. They shed an average amount of hair in spring and fall, though a daily rubdown with a rubber grooming glove will help minimize their loose hair.[ Top ]Norfolk TerrierNorfolk Terrier

The Norfolk Terrier is a short, hypoallergenic dog breed that sheds little. They are sturdy with 'drop ears', and are very closely related to the Norwich Terrier. They have a wiry, short coat that comes in various shades of red, tan, black, or wheaten. They are pretty intelligent, easy to train, and are particularly fond of a game of catch and fetch. They are good with other pets and children, but might consider small animals to be prey. They are quite bold and vocal, with high energy levels. They need plenty of exercise and adapt well in an apartment. They do not require any special carea daily combing with a steel comb is enough, and a bath should be given only when required.[ Top ]Norwich TerrierNorwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier differs from the Norfolk Terrier primarily in appearancethe Norwich has prick ears while the Norfolk has drop ears. The double coat of this breed is wiry and rough to touch, and comes in various shades of red, tan, black, wheaten, and grizzle. They are very friendly and affectionate; and get along well with children and other pets. However, they should be watched around small non-canines. They are playful, fairly easy to train, and are good for active families. They can live well in an apartment. A good daily walk and an occasional game of catch is necessary to keep them active. They need to be brushed or combed daily.[ Top ]Peruvian Inca OrchidPeruvian Inca Orchid

This exotic pet is categorized as a hairless breed, but some may be born with a short coat while others may have tufts of hair on their forehead, lower legs, or tail. They require experienced owners, and are intelligent, affectionate, and loyal dogs, that get along well with children and other pets. The Peruvian Inca Orchid (PIO) is a rather sensitive breed, and they don't like to be left alone for long periods. They are fast learners, and are suitable for living in an apartment with a small to medium yard. A daily, long walk should suffice, however, care should be taken to protect their skin from cold and sunlight. They require an occasional bath followed by a rub with an oil or cream to keep their skin soft and smooth. Besides being hairless, these dogs do not drool and have no body odor, hence they are considered ideal for allergy sufferers.[ Top ]Poodle (Toy & Miniature)Toy Poodle

Poodles are considered hypoallergenic, and come in a wide variety of sizes, colors, and patterns. They are intelligent, friendly, and affectionate, and are said to be the easiest dogs to train. They get along well with other pets and children, but need proper handling, so they are best-suited for families with older children. They are loud and energetic, and live well in apartments as well as farms. They shed little to no hair; the shed hair gets trapped in their coat, so to prevent matting their hair needs to be clipped every 2 months or so. Their teeth, ears, and nails need to be checked on a regular basis, plus a regular bath is a must. They should be taken for daily walks and outdoor play as they enjoy playing and performing different tricks.[ Top ]Schnauzer (Miniature)Miniature Schnauzer

Schnauzers are sturdy little hypoallergenic dogs. They have a double coat that comes in shades of black, white, salt-and-pepper, and silver. Their coat is usually clipped, and they have bushy eyebrows, mustache and beard, giving them a distinct appearance. If socialized and handled well, they can be loving and friendly pets, otherwise they may be prone to barking and aggression. They adapt well in an apartment, but need regular exercises, although a long walk everyday is enough to provide them energy. Their coat needs to be combed and brushed daily, and clipped twice a year. They shed little to no hair, and are considered good for people who are prone to allergies.[ Top ]Scottish TerrierScottish Terrier

Short legs and a long bearded face give the Scottie its distinct appearance. They have a soft undercoat and hard, wiry outer coat that comes in shades of black and gray, wheaten and brindle. Bold, independent, and with a tendency to dominate, these dogs need consistent and firm handling, which can be challenging. They are loyal and protective dogs, and need plenty of socialization to get along with other dogs. They are good for an apartment, but have a tendency to bark frequently. A daily walk or a good romp is sufficient to meet your dog's exercise needs. Grooming consists of thoroughly brushing your Scottie on a weekly basis, and professional stripping twice a year. These dogs shed little, and are considered hypoallergenic.[ Top ]Sealyham TerrierSealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terriers are rare, low-to-the-ground, sturdy dogs. They have a white double coat of medium length with a beard on their muzzle. They are independent and possessive. While they get along with older children who respect their boundaries, they might become snappy or even bite those who come near their toys or food. Quieter and less energetic than most terriers, they are best-suited for the elderly, and are affectionately called couch potatoes. They need firm, consistent training, or they may become clingy, aggressive, and bark excessively. They can live in an apartment, and should be walked on a daily basis. Their coat needs to be brushed every alternate day, and to minimize shedding, they should be stripped several times in a year. These dogs shed little to no hair. Though clipped, they shed more when compared to stripped dogs.[ Top ]Shih TzuShih Tzu

This adorable little dog was bred to resemble a lion, and was a favorite of the Chinese emperors. They are quite sturdy and come in lots of different colors. Affectionate and lively, they get along well with children and the elderly alike, and make great lapdogs. They might be a bit difficult to train, though rewards and consistent training will take care of most of their behavior problems. They do well in an apartment, however, a short walk or romp in the yard or park is necessary to meet their exercise needs. Their long, silky coats are prone to tangles and matting, and require an elaborate grooming routine consisting of brushing thoroughly once a day and a weekly bath. The brush needs to reach the skin to avoid tangles and matting. Their eyes are especially prone to infections, so they need to be kept clean. These dogs shed little to no hair and dander.[ Top ]Tibetan TerrierTibetan Terrier

These hardy and robust dogs are not considered as true terriers, but an ancient breed from Tibet. They have a double coat; the outer coat is long with a large number of colors and patterns. They are friendly, intelligent dogs, but can become willful. They can be good family dogs with a bit of firm handling. Their barking is sharp and they are quite vocal. The energy level of Tibetan Terriers is pretty high, so they need long daily walks and some amount of running. They need regular exercises, and can adapt well in an apartment with a small yard. Their long coat is prone to tangles, so they need to be brushed at least twice a week and bathed once a week. They usually shed little to no hair, except once in a year. They are considered hypoallergenic, but have to be groomed regularly to minimize hair and dander.[ Top ]Welsh TerrierWelsh Terrier

This dog has two coats, a soft undercoat and a wiry, rough, and dense outer coat. The back, neck, tail, and upper thighs are black or grizzle while the rest of the body is tan. These curious little dogs are very friendly and gentle; they can even withstand rough handling by young children. They are barkers and require consistent training. These terriers are very active; they love to play and need plenty of exercise. They are perfect for active families with small children and can live in an apartment with a small yard. They need to be brushed or combed every couple of days and their coat has to be plucked 1-3 times in a year. They shed little to no hair, and are considered hypoallergenic.[ Top ]West Highland White TerrierWest Highland White Terrier

Also known as Westie, the West Highland White Terrier is a sturdy, small dog with a hard, straight outer coat-their coat is solid white. They are quite lively and easy to travel with but cannot stand rough handling. Some Westies prefer solitude and might become possessive towards their toys and food. They are stubborn and independent, and have a tendency to be vocal. However, with consistent training and lots of treats, training them becomes quite easy. They can do well in an apartment, even without a yard, and have to be taken for daily walks. These dogs need to be brushed daily and clipped regularly; they also have to be stripped every year. They shed little to no hair, and are good for people with pet allergies.[ Top ]Xoloitzcuintli (Toy & Miniature)Mexican Hairless

Also called the Mexican Hairless Dog, the Xoloitzcuintli resembles the Peruvian Inca Orchid, and can be hairless or coated. These are intelligent, friendly dogs, who get along well with children and other pets. They need constant companionship and a regular schedule, as they get upset by abrupt changes. The Xolos are easy to train, as long as the training is interesting and consistent; it is recommended that all members of the family play an active role in their lives. They require plenty of stimulation and a daily walk. They are hardy and adaptable, but their skin is naturally supple, so they require minimal grooming. A weekly bath followed by a light moisturizer or oil is all that is needed. Giving frequent baths can damage their skin. They are hairless and produce very little dander.[ Top ]Yorkshire TerrierYorkshire Terrier

This adorable dog has a silky, glossy, and long outer coat. The adult Yorkie has a tan body with steel blue coloration. They are very curious and adventurous and require firm handling. They have a tendency to be aggressive, especially towards other dogs even if they are bigger than them. They can live comfortably in an apartment, but have a tendency to bark a lot. Yorkies should be taken for daily walks. Their long hair is prone to tangles and needs to be brushed daily. Shorter and clipped hair is easy to maintain, and has to be brushed once or twice a week. These dogs shed little to no hair.[ Top ]Cesky Terrier
The Cesky is a relatively new breed with a silky, long, and wavy coat, that comes in various shades of gray, tan, and liver. Though they are quieter and calmer than other terriers, they are loyal, playful, and friendly dogs. They get along with children and other pets, but do not like rough handling. Although they are easy to train, they require firm handling, and may become destructive or stubborn if not trained properly. They can live well in an apartment provided they are taken for long, daily walks. They are good jogging companions as they enjoy running and have pretty good stamina. The Cesky Terrier needs frequent grooming, consisting of bi-weekly brushing and combing; and clipping every four months. They are considered hypoallergenic and shed little to no hair.[ Top ]Dandie Dinmont Terrier
This sturdy little dog has quite a distinctive appearance with a long body, short legs, and a big head accentuated by a topknot. They have a double coat comprising hard and soft hair, that come in pepper or mustard colors. Lively, bold and inquisitive, they get along well with older children but can be aggressive towards other pets. Besides, they can also snap when roughly handled. They are intelligent and independent, and require consistent and firm trainingsome may find it challenging. These terriers are diggers and barkers, though this may be controlled by firm handling. They are suitable for an apartment with a small yard. A daily walk and a game is sufficient for them, however, care should be taken as they don't have a lot of stamina, though they are tough little creatures. Their mixed double coat needs thorough brushing on a weekly basis; frequent professional grooming includes clipping and stripping. Their eyes and ears have to be cleaned regularly.
Also called the 'Little Lion', this sturdy little dog has a thick, wavy, and long coat, which is often cut to resemble a lion. They come in many colors. These dogs are intelligent and easy to train. They love performing tricks, and get along well with children and other petsthey can handle a bit of rough play and love to be cuddled. They are barkers, fearless, and have a tendency to dominate; but are considered good for first-time owners. They do well in an apartment provided they are taken for daily walks or a romp. Their long coat is prone to tangles, hence they need to be brushed thoroughly twice a week, and clipped once or twice a year. They are non-shedding breeds, and are considered good for people with allergies.
In addition to these, there are many other mixed breeds and designer breeds that are bred specifically for allergic people. But it is recommended that you stick to purebred dogs, as the hybrids can be a bit unpredictable. Before you adopt any pet, always visit the breeder and handle the dog as much as possible to ensure that it is safe for you. Also keep in mind that a thorough grooming routine is required to keep their coats clean. You will also have to take extra efforts to keep the house as allergen-free as possible, by vacuuming and dusting frequently. But once you have got the routine down, the little creature is sure to be the best housemate you could ever have.

Posted on 6:44 PM

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Do you notice that your dog's eyes are red or swollen? Do you find him frequently rubbing his eyes against something? Do you feel that the eyes of your pet dog are unhealthy and making his life miserable? Well, alike humans, dog eye problems are numerous and diverse in nature. There can be several possible disease conditions behind reddened or bloodshot eyes in dogs. The following account describes some common dog eye problems in brief. Take a look, to help yourself determine the possible dog eye disease that could be affecting your dog.

List of Dog Eye Problems
Following is a list of common eye problems in dogs.

One of the leading causes of blindness in dogs is glaucoma. It is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure. This, in turn, is caused by improper drainage or accumulation of aqueous humor in the eyes. It is quite easy to recognize glaucoma in dogs. The dog frequently rubs his eyes with his paw or against some hard object. Secondly, the affected eye protrudes out. Thirdly, there is a marked dilation in the pupil and delay in its reaction to light. Fourthly, there is an increase in the number of blood vessels in the affected eye and finally, the eye is painful and makes the dog blink it at an increased frequency.

The white outer coating of the eye is known as sclera and the condition of inflamed sclera is called scleritis. It is mostly caused by some underlying parasitic diseases. The most common among them is toxoplasmosis or lyme disease in dogs. Scleritis usually affects the eye and the most noticeable symptom is the formation of red lumps in the eye. The red, lumpy area is immovable and hard. Scleritis needs immediate veterinary attention as the delay may result in loss of vision.

Cherry Eye
Dogs have a third eyelid that is located at the corner of each eye. It contains tear glands. The gland is invisible and aids in producing tears. The prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid in dogs is called cherry eye. The gland swells and comes out of its normal position.The exact reason behind the origin of cherry eye is unknown but many doctors believe that it occurs due to the weakening of the connective tissue that holds the gland within the enclosed area. It is a common 'young dog' eye problem. The treatment involves surgical replacement of the tear gland.

Nuclear Sclerosis
Cloudiness of the eyes is not always cataracts and can be another disease condition called nuclear sclerosis. It occurs due to a hardening of the lens. As dogs grow older, the lens fiber continues to regenerate. This causes the dense packing of the center. As a result, the lens loses its flexibility. The dog eye problem nuclear sclerosis appears as bluish-gray haziness at the center of the lens. It usually occurs in both the eyes. Fortunately, it does not affect vision. Still, the condition needs to be treated well.

The clouding that develops either in the crystalline or envelope of the eye is known as cataracts. It obstructs the passage of light rays and brings opacity. The opacity may be partial or complete, depending upon the severity of cataracts. The causative factors that lead to cataracts are diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, eye injury, microbial infections, etc. It badly destroys the quality of vision. The medical treatment involves surgical removal of the cataracts.

The part of the eye that supplies blood to the retina is called uvea and the inflammation of uvea is called uveitis. The inflamed uvea causes the release of proteins in the eye, which in turn results in cloudiness in the eye. There can be several disorders that lead to uveitis in dogs. These are injuries, microbial infections, cataracts, hepatitis virus, tumors, lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, etc.

The abnormal growth of eyelashes from the orifice of meibomian gland is known as distichiasis. This gland is located at the posterior side of the tarsal plate. It occurs when two eyelashes originate from a single follicle. Dogs suffer from intense irritation of the eyes as a result of distichiasis.

The given list includes only a few out of the numerous dog eye problems. All the dog eye diseases need timely veterinary care and assistance. Delay in treatment may even result in grave situations like complete loss of vision. The veterinarian may refer your pet dog to a specialized vet ophthalmologist. Take your canine friend to him for effective and complete cure of his eye problems.

Posted on 2:52 PM

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Shih Tzus are adorable, loving and gentle pets. They love to be around people, especially children, and show their affection towards them. They are great pets to have because of these qualities. The only thing that one needs to take care of, apart from showering one's Shih Tzu with love and attention, is its grooming. They have long, flowing hair, which need careful grooming in order to keep them tangle free. The good thing, though, is that they are low shedders, and will not leave hair all over the house.

Dog grooming is an important part of dog care. The main aspect of grooming a Shih Tzu involves taking care of its long haircoat, which consists of a topcoat and an undercoat. This can be done by a professional groomer, which can be quite expensive, or at home. Given below are instructions on grooming your Shih Tzu at home.

Bathing is an integral part of Shih Tzu dog grooming, but it is not necessary to bathe him unless the haircoat has become dirty or the dog has become smelly. However, if one is really particular, one may bathe the dog once a week. One can bathe the dog either in the shower or in a bathtub. Use lukewarm water for bathing. Place a non-skid mat on the surface of the floor so that the dog does not slip when it is wet. Keep all the grooming supplies handy before bringing the dog in for a bath. Use a dog shampoo and conditioner to wash his hair. Remember to brush the dog's hair before making them wet, otherwise any knots present in the hair will set and become very difficult to remove. Once that is done, wet the dog's hair slowly. Shih Tzus like to be handled gently, and will be much more cooperative when they are not rushed. This is especially true in puppy grooming. After the dog's hair is wet, apply diluted shampoo to it and rinse. Then apply diluted conditioner, and wash the dog again. As in the case of humans, take care that the shampoo and conditioner do not get into the dog's eyes, ears or nose. It is preferable to towel-dry Shih Tzus, as they are sensitive to the hot air of the blow dryer, but one can blow-dry them if they don't mind it. In case of a puppy, wrap it in a towel to make it dry. Multiple towels might be needed to completely dry it. After the haircoat is dry, brush it again to prevent it from getting matted. Sometimes, one may not have the time to give their Shih Tzu a bath. In such a case, one can use a dry shampoo for dogs to clean their pet.

Brushing a Shih Tzu's haircoat is a very important part of the grooming session. This needs to be done on a daily basis, or at least every other day. The tools required for this purpose include a wire brush, a curved comb, a metal comb and a plastic comb. It is recommended to use a comb with teeth that are about 3 to 4 inches long, to be able to comb the long hair of the Shih Tzu properly. Contradictory to what one might assume, the hair should be brushed starting with the ends and then progressing towards the roots. Begin by brushing the dog's feet, then the legs, the belly, the back, and the tail. Special attention should be paid to the Shih Tzu's face, ears, and armpits. This should be done gently, so as to not pull the hair where it is matted, as it can be very painful for the dog. Look out for dog fleas while brushing the haircoat.

Hair Trimming
Trimming the hair of a Shih Tzu is optional. There are different hair grooming styles for your cute little pet. One can maintain the haircoat long or short. For a long hair coat, one can tie the hair on top of the head into a topknot, and trim the hair around the eyes, ears, muzzle, and paws. For a short hair coat, one can cut the hair in layers using dog scissors or shears. This may be difficult to do at home, so one can get it done at a dog salon which provides grooming for Shih Tzu. Some people opt for the Shih Tzu grooming puppy cut, which involves shaving the dog all over. A size 7 blade is recommended for doing this.

Nail Clipping
Grooming also involves taking care of its nails. Clip the Shih Tzu's nails when they become long. Nails that are too long cause discomfort to the dog while walking. It is best to cut the nails after a bath as they are soft and easy to clip then. Use a dog nail clipper for cutting the nails. Do not clip the nails too deep, otherwise the sensitive part of the skin under the nail will get injured and cause bleeding. The wound takes a long time to heal and may also become infected.

Ear Cleaning
Shih Tzus have long, floppy ears which tend to get dirty. Use a cotton ball dipped in a dog ear cleaning solution to clean the ears, both inside and outside. Never use a cotton swab to clean the ear canal, as it can cause injury. Check the ears once a week as Shih Tzus are prone to ear infections. If there is any redness, swelling or discharge from the ear, get it examined by a veterinarian.

Tear Staining
Shih Tzus' eyes secrete tears which stain their face, making it dirty, brown and stinky. It is, therefore, necessary to wipe these tears and the face, to keep it white and clean. Use a moist cotton ball for this purpose. One good way of avoiding the tears from accumulating under the eyes is to trim the hair around the eyes and muzzle, and keep it short.

Teeth Brushing
Brushing the teeth is also an important part of grooming your pet. The teeth should be brushed at least once a week to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar, and to avoid gum disease. Use a dog toothbrush for this purpose. Giving the dog bones to chew also helps strengthen the gums, but should not be relied on solely.

The Shih Tzu grooming instructions given above will help one in doing the grooming task perfectly. Follow them, and be the proud owner of a well-groomed and handsome-looking Shih Tzu.

Posted on 1:22 PM

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dog lovers are always keen on experimenting with new breeds of dogs. But how far can you go in choosing a dog? I was not surprised when I came to know that there over 5000 breeds of dogs, out of which around 150 breeds have been registered with the American Kennel Club and more than 200 registered dog breeds in the UK. Choosing from such a huge variety could be a little tougher than you'd thought. A dog breed has certain set characteristics which define the breed. If you take a close look at the characteristics of each breed you are interested in, you might get a list of more than 20 matches, that could be best suited for you. But how to choose one from those 20 breeds is the catch! Well, let me first tell you that, choosing one is easy if you look at the factors involved as part of dog care, your lifestyle, kind of house, your family and children, backyard accommodations and so on.

Factors Involved When Choosing a Dog


Lifestyle involves questions like how much are you willing to spend on a dog while buying it, how much dog food can you afford per week and other costs involved in maintenance of a dog. Firstly, you should prepare your mind for keeping a large pet like a dog and the trouble involved in the process. Willingness and ability to spend the required time with your dog is also one of the most important factors of owning a dog. It will help you choose a breed based on the behavioral characteristics of a dog.

Type of Home

A dog is a large pet and requires a lot of space in the house. Some questions to ask yourself under this factor are, how big is your house, do you have an open-air/outdoor space in your house that can be used by a dog, if your house is an apartment, a condo or a bungalow and which floor does it occupy. It may answer your doubts about the size of the dog you want to choose. For example, if you live in an apartment, choose from a list of good apartment dogs.

Family and Children

A type of family and its attitude towards dogs will affect your dog's behavior. Points that should be remembered under this factor involves questions like, whether you have a small or a large family, are there any kids in the family and so on. A family with kids should always choose from the best dog breeds. Another important factor in choosing a dog breed is, your purpose behind it. If the purpose behind owning a dog is protection, you should opt for larger and sharper breeds of dogs while if the purpose is to keep one out of your fondness for dogs, you should go for a friendly, low-maintenance dog.

Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Getting a Dog

Is affordability an issue in buying a dog?
If you think your pockets are not ready for buying a new breed of dog, just listen to them! Because, costs involved in dog are beyond its buying costs. These costs involve the maintenance, the dog food, dog shelter, vaccinations, medical expenses and secondary costs like dog belts, chains, clothes and toys, nevertheless.

How much time can you give to your dog in a day?
Now this one's really important. Choosing a dog involves evaluating factors like dog's personality, size, dog care etc. Raising a large pet like dog is similar to raising a child. The adult dog behavior will depend on its upbringing. Sometimes, the upbringing is so well, that the dog turns out to be as attached as a family member. If you do not give enough time to your dog, he will not be trained enough to live with your family. Besides, a neglected dog will turn out to be very lazy and will become a couch potato. Less time means less activity and that develops lethargy in dogs.

Will you be able to manage a dog that sheds heavily?
If you are in a job that doesn't let you take care of your own self, you may not be able to handle a dog that sheds too much. Some dogs like golden retriever and Dalmatians are shedding factories! A dog breed that sheds less is always more desirable than the other dog breeds. Opt for non-shedding dogs.

Is there a veterinary doctor's clinic in close proximity?
Most people ignore this factor before adopting a dog. Would you ever shift to a new place that has no shops or clinics around it? Well that would apply to your dog too. Make sure, a veterinary doctor's clinic is around you, somewhere in the close proximity of your house, in case of any medical emergency for the dog. A puppy requires to take several vaccinations frequently. A veterinary clinic around would be ensuring the safety and the dog health.

What dog size are you looking for?
Size of dog plays the most significant part of choosing a dog breed. It is a myth that small-sized dogs need small space and large-sized dogs need a larger space to breed. Your dog behavior and habits will entirely depend on its overall upbringing. You should not forget that all the large dogs look small when they are puppies! So, don't fall for their puppy-size! There are some breeds of small dogs that remain tiny even when they mature. A large dog is recommended only if you are experienced in raising and training different breeds and sizes of dogs. A large dog will necessarily require relatively larger space, larger quantity of food, maintenance and a huge responsibility. Large dogs may also require professional dog training.

What is your purpose of adopting a dog?
There is no point in buying a dog without having your purpose solved behind adopting it. Your purpose behind it could be for protection, out of fondness for dogs, for entertainment and even as a toy for your kids. You need to first examine your purpose of adopting a dog and the responsibilities involved in its process. If you want a dog just for entertainment, out of fondness or as toys, you may opt for designer dog breeds. If you have a huge mansion-like house, and need a dog for protection, guard dogs may be for you. You might as well have a busy schedule and need a non-shedding yet a guard dog.

Remember that a dog is your family member and you should treat him like one. Dogs have emotions, along with impulsive internal structures that are similar to those in human beings, which is what makes us understand their behavior. So, ask yourself these questions, examine the answers, check the list of suitable dog breeds and start shortlisting!

Posted on 7:22 AM

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Canine Cushing's disease, also referred to as hyperadrenalcorticism, is a hormonal disorder in dogs. This disease is noticed more commonly in older dogs. And its symptoms being same as that of aging, many a time dog owners are unable to identify this disease. Before knowing the symptoms of the disease, let us understand its causes.


Cushing's disease is a result of excessive production of a hormone called cortisol. This cortisol is produced by adrenal glands. Adrenal glands are one of the important glands of body and are located near the kidneys. Cortisol plays a significant role in dog's body. It regulates metabolism, maintains body weight, skin health, etc. The level of cortisol in the body differs for various situations. Usually, when the dog is in stress or is ill, the cortisol level is high. But once the dog is out of this situation, the cortisol level becomes normal.

Cortisol is produced by adrenal glands when these glands are stimulated by ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone). ACTH is a hormone produced by pituitary gland and if ACTH is produced in excess amount, cortisol will also be produced excessively. Thus, there are two scenarios that can cause Cushing's disease in a dog. Tumors are the most common reasons of dysfunction of adrenal glands or pituitary gland. 85% cases of the disease are a result of tumors in the pituitary gland. In case of adrenal gland, the tumor may be present just on one gland or both.


This disease is usually noticed in dogs that are middle-aged or older dogs. The symptoms are very vague in the initial period but they become severe as the disease progresses. There are plenty of symptoms associated with this disease and all the symptoms may not be observed. These symptoms are often dramatic and usually a combination of these symptoms is observed. Frequent urination and excessive drinking of water are some of the symptoms of initial stage. Given below is a list of some of the commonly observed symptoms.
  • Pot bellied appearance
  • Excess panting
  • Weight Gain
  • Thinning of skin
  • Hair loss
  • Increase in the appetite
  • Weakness in muscle
  • Lethargy
  • Disturbed sleep pattern
It can be observed that symptoms are very similar to that of aging and hence, Cushing's disease goes unnoticed by dog owners. Hair loss is the symptom that makes the dog owners to visit the veterinarian. Pet owners should observe the behavior and appearance of their dog and visit a veterinarian at the earliest if they notice any abnormalities.

Diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome in dogs is usually done by blood tests and urine tests. Once this disease in diagnosed, the veterinarian provides required treatment to the dog. The treatment usually depends on the cause. Medications are provided for tumors in pituitary gland, while surgeries are performed if adrenal glands have tumor.

Cushing's disease in dogs can be treated and the dog can live quality years ahead. However, glands cannot be restored to their normal functioning. Canine Cushing's disease if left untreated, can cause serious dog illnesses like liver failure, heart failure, canine diabetes, neurological disorder, infections, etc. Thus, it is necessary for every dog owner to be aware of the symptoms of the disease, so that early treatment can be provided. The disease progresses slowly and usually, its early symptoms are missed out. Dogs of age more than 10 years are susceptible to this disease.

Posted on 5:58 AM

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Some dogs are more prone to stomach disorders and may vomit a watery fluid (bile), after eating too much or eating something the poor pooch isn't used to. The second reason could be due to an underlying liver infection, which may be causing the condition. In order to know the reasons for your dog vomiting bile, you will need to seek a vet's medical advice. The problem may arise when the vomiting is regular and is affecting the dog's general behavior, demeanor, and well-being.

Why Is Your Dog Vomiting?

Eating Grass
Dogs tend to eat grass when they have upset stomachs, which when eaten in excess will be regurgitated as bile. This may explain the reason for your dog throwing up yellowish bile. The problem lies in the fact that the dog's stomach is upset, which if cured will prevent it from eating grass. So you will need to find out what's causing the upset stomach in your pooch.

Processed Tin Foods
Not all dogs can digest the artificially processed dog foods available commercially. Perhaps the chemicals and the preservatives in the food are making the dog ill. Or this food is difficult for your dog to digest. Or perhaps your dog is allergic to a particular chemical in the processed food.

Dogs will vomit bile if they have not been eating properly and have been starving themselves. The lack of food will cause a build up of gas in the dog's stomach, making it nauseous and thus making the dog throw up bile. The reason bile is regurgitated is because there isn't much food in the dog's tummy, thus causing the stomach's natural fluids to react against the digestive system. Find out the reason for your dog's low appetite and rectify it immediately. Some reasons could be stress, fear, solitude or food allergy.

Worms in the Stomach
The reason for vomiting bile in dogs could also be due to worms in the stomach. Worms can cause several health problems in dogs, such as stomach upset, loss of appetite or even overeating. Get the dog to have anti-worm medications, after taking prescriptions from your vet.

Liver Infection or Stomach Ulcers
A non-obvious infection in the liver can cause the dog to vomit. This condition could be due to any possible reason and if you suspect a rather severe case as this, you must get your dog checked. The second possibility could be due to stomach ulcers, which often cause pets to gag and vomit clear fluids. In case there are ulcers, you will need to feed the dog boiled food with no added condiments.

My friend's pug once ate a grasshopper and had to be rushed to the vet after a day or so, because the dog kept vomiting fluid, throughout the day and was extremely nauseous. Which is why make sure you keep an eye on what your dog may be poking its nose into, while taking it for a walk. Keep it away from garbage and insects.

Preventive Measures

Give only vet approved medication to your dog. However medicines such as pepcid are safe to use and are excellent for reducing the vomiting as well as the nausea. Make sure your dog drinks adequate amounts of water, so that it remains hydrated at all times.

Feed Home Cooked Meals
Try to gradually reduce the quantity of tinned food and instead make your dog eat home cooked food. Remember to not add any oil or spices to the dog's food. The more bland the food, the better is will be for the dog. Use plenty of vegetables, so that it can be excreted as roughage.

Feed Regularly All Day Long
Give very small helpings of food to the dog throughout the day, so that it will not go hungry. The objective is to keep the tummy full, so that there is no possibility of gas building up in excess. Give your dog healthy food and small treats, after every meal. Moist food helps sooth the pooch's stomach, so you should feed it meals which are cooked in the form of porridge or as semisolid soup.

Keep Meal Time Calm
Do not let the dog feel obliged to eat and instead make it eager. Treat it with love and care and speak to it in a soothing tone, encouraging it to eat. Keep all distraction away, and let the pet eat in a less noisy room. Do not let children trouble it, as the dog may not necessarily enjoy their company at all times. If it's possible for you, try to be around the dog so that it feels safe.

Also ensure that your dog gets adequate rest and is not forced into activity. It will automatically come to you when it wants to go out for a small walk or relieve itself. The above mentioned reasons for dog vomiting bile are often the most commonly occurring and influencing factors.

Posted on 9:25 AM

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The boss wasn't benevolent enough all day. Umm, nor was the girlfriend. It was a hard day, and to top it all, it rained heavily, drenching and disgusting you to the core. But... the moment you step inside the house after a long day at work, you see a pair of those luminous eyes sprinting towards you to ask you about your day, in a language that only you two understand. Those cuddly licks on your face bear off all tensions magically, and you look forward to dinner with ease now. How on earth did you forget the hard knocks you faced at work in a jiffy? Perhaps, it's your fur-ball that brings out the best in you every time you're with it. You sigh in relief, and pour all your love onto the four-legged cutie resting on your lap.

But from quite some time, you find something strange in your pet. It doesn't run to you the way it used to after you came back from work. Instead, there it lays, in a lonely corner, with its eyes expressing all the plight. Too bad, you take time to figure out what's wrong. But you don't leave your family and loved ones alone in misery, do you? The moment you notice the slightest change in your pet's behavior, it's time you do something about the aching emptiness that has made your pet's life difficult. Sometimes, you just have to look for the most obvious signs of depression in pets. Following indications of stress and despair are worth mulling over.

Signs of Depression in Pets

Unexplained Lethargy
At how many instances did you knock your pet out for creating a ruckus around the house! No matter how much of a hullabaloo your sweetheart created, you loved it. But things changed, and so did your pet's emotions. The uproarious brute all of a sudden became a loner, resting alongside the door-sill all day, greeting no new guests with its usual acts, and making no sounds that mark a cheerful lifestyle. It's disturbed. Maybe your pet lost a mate, or isn't able to cope up with the new environmental settings? Who knows. All that's known is, this unexplained lethargy and involuntariness to savor life can be fatal to your pet's health.

Aggressive Conduct
Anything below or above normal behavioral conduct is a sign of stress for your pet. Your pet, which had always been a trouble-free brute, has started wailing at a high pitch, has become inexplicably aggressive in nature, wants to hurt every second person that passes by, and has become point-blank abnormal in nature. This may be due to a sudden change in the surroundings, chemical imbalance, or a strange sense of uneasiness, that leads your furry loved one to behave unbelievably unnatural.

No Burps - No Belches
Yet another symptom of depression in your pet could be a sudden change in its eating habits. Out of sadness and stress, pets lose their appetite, leading to starvation and dehydration. Loss of appetite could also be a result of a chronic ailment in your pet that you might be unaware of. Such signs and symptoms in pets are similar to that in humans. It's advisable to take your fur-ball to a veterinarian at the earliest, so that you successfully avoid further complications in your pet's health. On the other hand, some pets start overeating out of depression, and create a nuisance when they don't get enough food. This sudden abnormality in eating habits should instantly be discussed with a specialist.

Lost Inner Self
Where did its only friend at home vanish? Why do you witness a feeling of misery in your pet's eyes every time you make eye contact? When social contact is lost, any living being feels their self-worth vanished. Soon, the feeling of loneliness overpowers them, and they become a victim of desolation. You might not be able to spot the symptoms of a lost inner self in your pet, but in your surroundings. Find out what or who was your pet most attached to at home, and what made your pet extremely happy. When you see that the very reason for your pet's happiness is to be found nowhere, you know your pet is depressed and unhappy.

Clearly, whatever made your furry ally cheerful is nowhere. It's time you connect with your pet, and pull it out of the rut. Take it out for a stroll, let it breathe in the fresh air, introduce it to new friends, if you know what I mean. Pets need attention and immense love - you need to take out time for yours, understand its problems, keep it healthy and happy. After all, your pets represent all that is best in you, don't they?

Posted on 12:11 AM

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Monday, September 14, 2015

The health problem of skin rashes is a serious one in dogs. Owners of dogs need to be careful while dealing with this problem. The problem of skin rashes are difficult to control and might trouble the affected dog for a long period. To know whether a dog is really affected, one should diagnose the skin to check if it looks flaky, red in color or is swollen in appearance. Generally, the dogs nibble on or scratch the affected part.

Rashes on Dogs Skin

Rashes are one of the commonly observed dog health problems. Let us have a look at the symptoms, causes and treatments to be used for skin rashes, which would further help in dog care.

Itchy skin is the commonly observed symptom of rashes on dogs skin. Rashes with itchy skin are difficult to detect, since many of the dogs are just habituated to scratching the skin while others have a genuine skin rash problem. Ear infections that are chronic or recurrent in their occurrence is also one of the symptoms of skin rash. Some of the other symptoms include hair loss, frequent bowel movements, skin infection, etc.

The primary causes of rashes in dogs are atopy, food allergies, environmental allergies and parasites such as ticks, fleas, lice and worms.

Atopy: It is the allergy to molds, pollens, dust mites, etc. exhibited by dogs which could either be genetic or acquired over time. The canine breeds, like, Terrier, Retriever, Setter, Chinese Shar-Pei, Dalmatian, etc. are likely to suffer from this allergy. The symptom shown by dogs in this case is itching around the feet, lower belly, chest and the face. Differentiating atopy from other causes of skin rash is difficult due to the similarity in their symptoms. Blood tests are thus conducted to determine the exact cause of skin rash.

Food Allergies: The food allergies also lead to the occurrence of skin rashes in dogs. Exposure to certain proteins or allergens lead to food allergies in dogs. A hypersensitive reaction to some of the proteins results into skin rashes on dogs.

Environmental allergies: The toxic environmental pollutants are also responsible for this skin condition in dogs. Some of the chemicals used for spraying in the house could result into the development of skin rash in dogs. The pollutants like toxic fumes emitted from chemicals could be one of the reasons behind skin rashes.

The following treatments would help in providing relief from rashes in dogs.

Milk of Magnesia: It is a soothing substance which when applied on dogs skin with the help of a cotton ball provides relief from dry, itchy and irritated skin.

Aloe Vera Cream: The aloe vera herb is known for its natural healing powers and could be applied to the dogs skin directly or in the form of creams or lotions.

Baking Soda: Using baking soda gives instant relief from itching. The soda is mixed in water before application to the skin.

Oatmeal Shampoo with Aloe: It is used for dogs which are prone to skin rashes. Oat does the work of keeping the coat healthy while aloe is beneficial in healing the skin.

The above treatments, thus, help in not only relieving rashes on dogs but also maintaining the overall dog health. One should, however, determine the specific causes of skin rashes and then proceed further.

Posted on 4:14 PM

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

An upset stomach is a common problem amongst pet dogs. Various signs of an upset stomach in dogs include, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, etc.; that are caused due to food allergies, food poisoning and / or certain digestive health complications as well. In such cases, it is important to make some basic changes in the dietary habits and the dog food that you have been feeding to your pet dog. Also, it is very important to take your dog to a veterinarian before the situation gets worse. Along with certain medications, the veterinarian would advise you to feed the dog with home cooked food or a bland diet. All of us are well aware of a bland diet, which we consume during the episodes of an upset stomach, food allergies, and as a preparation for certain stomach surgeries. Basics of a bland diet are more or less similar to the bland diet for humans. The only difference is found in the selection of foods, which should be done by keeping your individual pet dog in mind. Let's learn how to go about it.

What is a Bland Diet for Dogs?

Various experts are likely to have various opinions when it comes to selecting the best diet for dogs who are suffering with various digestive problems like an upset stomach or a sensitive stomach. Some of them may recommend you to feed the dog with commercial canned dog food, while the rest of them will advise you to feed them healthy homemade dog food recipes. The basic question is - when to introduce bland food in a dog's diet? If your dog is suffering from vomiting, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbosis, bacterial or viral infections, leaky gut syndrome, etc., then you should go in for bland recipes for your dog. On the other hand, if your dog has recently undergone certain surgeries related to the stomach or is going to have stomach related surgeries in the future, then the vet might advise you to put him on a bland diet for cleansing and healing. A bland diet is typically soft in texture and mild in flavor, so that the dog can eat and digest it properly. Foods that are included in a bland diet should never be too spicy, since they could aggravate the problem further. Before adding bland food in the dog's diet, you need to prepare a fasting regimen for your dog. The veterinarian would help you in planning with this regimen, and would also indicate to you the time when you can introduce bland foods to your dog.

Best Bland Diet

When it comes to choosing the best bland food for dogs, there are two well suggested options. First one is of choosing commercial dog food that is prepared as per the vet's prescription. The most popular brands to provide some of the best dog food for sensitive stomachs are, Hills Science Diet, Natural Balance, California Natural, Nature's Recipe, Breeder's Choice, Pinnacle Duck, Flint River Ranch, Nutro Natural Dog Food, Iams Natural Dog Food, etc. However, don't forget to consult with the vet before introducing any of these foods in your dog's diet! The second and much more healthier option of a bland diet is of course of feeding them with home cooked dog food. Homemade dog food is always rated higher when it comes to special dog diets. You can easily maintain the quality of the dog food by choosing the right ingredients and cooking methods. The limited number of healthy ingredient selection also leaves no scope for food allergies or poisoning. Hence, feeding dogs with freshly prepared homemade dog food is the best choice. However, always make sure that you are not using foods and vegetables which your dog is allergic to. Also avoid ingredients that are hard to digest. If the vet suggests, add probiotics to the dog food. You can use yogurt as a natural probiotic. Use one tbsp for small dogs and two tbsp for adult dogs.

Here are some recipes that are effective for the treatment of specific health conditions of your dog. All the recipes that are described below are easy to prepare and are soothing for various stomach conditions of your canine friend. However, as a precaution, consult your vet before using any of them for your dog.

Here is an easy recipe that you can feed a dog that is suffering from a sensitive stomach.

  • Rice, 2 cups
  • Boneless chicken, 1 lbs
  • Vegetables, 1 cup
  • Water, 4 cups

Heat water in a large skillet. Once the water starts boiling, add rice, vegetables (no onions or garlic) and chopped chicken to it. Mix all the ingredients well and cover it. Cook on medium to low heat for a few minutes and keep stirring the mixture occasionally in the meanwhile. Simmer for about 20 minutes and make sure that rice and chicken are thoroughly cooked. Cool it down and serve to the dog.

Here is an easy diet for dogs with diarrhea. While preparing all the recipes for a bland diet, you need to make sure that they are well cooked. Refrain from feeding the dogs with uncooked or undercooked dog food.

  • Rice, 2 cups
  • Boneless chicken, 2 cups
  • Water, 5 cups

Chop the boneless chicken and keep it aside. Heat a skillet and add water in it. As water starts boiling, add rice and chopped chicken to it and stir well. Keep cooking until chicken turns tender and rice is thoroughly cooked.

Here is a simple recipe that you can feed a dog with various problems of an upset stomach like diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite, constipation, and loss of appetite.

  • Rice, 2 cups
  • Skinless, boneless chicken, 1 cup
  • Cottage Cheese, 1 tbsp
  • Yogurt, 1 tbsp
  • Canned pumpkin, 2 tbsps
  • Small potato, 1
  • Water, 4 cups
Bring water to boil in a pan. When it starts boiling, add the chopped potato, rice, and chopped chicken to it. When the rice and chicken starts getting cooked, add canned pumpkin, cottage cheese and yogurt to the pan and stir it well. Simmer the recipe until all the ingredients get thoroughly cooked. Cool it down and serve to the dog.

If your dog's weight is around 50 lbs, then feed him with 2 cups of bland dog food everyday. Continue the bland diet for about three days, before revisiting the vet. In some serious cases of stomach problems, the vet may also prescribe certain medications to the dog.

Posted on 1:20 PM

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

The heat or estrous cycle is the period of sexual receptivity in female dogs. The age and duration by which the dog starts getting heat depends upon the size and the breed of the dog. Normally, the heat cycle in dogs occur at an age from 6 - 12 months, and in smaller breeds it can be as early as 5 months, whereas in larger breeds the cycle may not begin until the dog is 14 months or sometimes even later. The cycle usually occurs twice a year, and the duration lasts for approximately 3 weeks. During this period, the female dog is receptive to mating with male dogs and has a high chance of getting pregnant. To have a better understanding of the signs of a dog in heat, let's break down the various stages of the average 3 weeks cycle.

Dogs in Heat Cycle
Like humans, the canine estrous cycle has different stages that vary in duration, and during which the dog undergoes different behavioral and physical changes. The estrous cycle in dogs has four stages - proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus.

Proestrus - Symptoms
It is the first stage of the heat cycle which lasts from 7 - 10 days. Here are symptoms of dogs in heat for this stage:
  • The changes in the dogs may vary from quite mild to more severe. Some dogs may become more affectionate and clingy to their owner while others may seem a bit grumpy or fussy.
  • It's quite unusual for your pet dog to undergo appetite changes, as very rarely the dog may go off her food or become hungry to the point of raiding the trash bin for discarded leftovers. But whatever may be the change, keep in mind as it can be significant sign that the heat period has begun.
  • Another sign is the swelling of the vulva which can be noticed trailing up to the pelvic opening just below the anus. Along with the swelling, there will be bloody discharges from the vulva which is less during the initial few days but becomes a bit heavier till the mid-week.
  • The dog will try to guard the vulva, either by tucking the tail between the leg or sitting down whenever another the male dog approaches the immediate area.
Estrus - Symptoms
The onset of the estrus characterizes the fertile portion in the female dog's heat cycle, where the ovaries start to release eggs for fertilization. The period lasts from 5 - 7 days, and the symptoms include:
  • Pinkish-tan lightened discharge from the vulva is the first sign for the onset of estrus.
  • The initial swelling of the vulva subsides and it becomes soft enough for penetration.
  • Since the female dog is now ready for fertilization, she will start flagging her tail and behave flirtatiously to invite male dogs.
Diestrus - Symptoms
As diestrus starts, the fertile portion of the canine estrus cycle comes to an end and the female dog is less receptive towards the male dogs.
  • During this time, most of the swelling disappears but the vulva still remains slightly enlarged.
  • Whether bred or not, the female dog now lacks the conditions to mate and is no longer interested in mating.
  • The pinkish-tan vaginal discharge will turn red again but will gradually tapers off over the course of the final week.
Anestrus - Symptoms
This is the resting period that lasts for 5 - 6 months in which the female dog undergoes no hormonal changes and prepares herself for the next heat cycle.

During the heat cycle, moderate exercises, short walks or small periods of gentle play can keep the dog active, as neither excessive rest nor strenuous exercise is recommended for the dog's health. I hope the article will help you to understand the behavior of dogs in heat, and what necessary measures and care you need to take of your pets during those days.

Posted on 3:09 AM

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Dogs, among other animals, need their dietary nutrition like us humans. They too rely on meals and snacks that are nutritious and contain all the vital vitamins to help them grow and function effectively. The biggest mistake that people make when bringing up pets, is feeding them human food. You need to understand that they cannot eat what you eat, because there are certain elements in these foods that are damaging to a pet's system.

Animals and humans do not function in the same manner, and opting for foods that are meant for our consumption is not ideal for a dog's diet, or any pet for the matter. You need to provide for them specially made pet food that is prepared by companies that cater specifically to pet edibles. The best dog foods for puppies that are making it big among dog owners who own pups, should be on your list of things-to-buy.

Top Ten Dog Food Brands - Choose One that Fits Your Pup's Requirements

These are some of the top dog foods that are crowding pet stores and convenience store outlets, that check out for yourself in your neighborhood. If at all these are not available, there's no need to fret, since these are easily attainable from online. You should know how to pick out your dog food by reading the ingredients to familiarize yourself about what it contains and what it lacks, because it needs to be the embodiment of all things nutritional to help your little puppy grow into a strong, healthy full-grown dog. It would ensure that its coat of fur is well maintained with minimal shedding, gums and teeth are taken care of, health is ensured and that energy levels are prolonged.

Blue Buffalo
This one scores big ones on the organic front, being enhanced to meet all of a dog's needs in one fulfilling package. It is made from only organically grown harvests with a hard to match combo of life source bits which contain all of a dog's vitamins and essential antioxidants with nutrients. These are available in all kinds of blends including formulas which you can buy depending on the age of your pup. You can find a whole array of their products based on different meal plans, which are also gluten-free.

Karma Organic
You wouldn't believe how carefully this dog food brand is put together with people only thinking about how a dog would benefit, pampering their systems to get only the best of the best. These come with antioxidants from sources like green tea and rosemary, with whole grain mixtures of brown rice, kamut and quinoa. Seeds that provide essential fatty acids are also included, from sunflower and flaxseed, with no dried fruits and vegetables included, but completely organic add-ons of the two, with poultry as well that has been holistically brought up.

Natural Balance
There's a whole range of food products meant for pets of all kinds including large carnivores like lions as well! They cater not only to household pets but to the wilder ones that trained people care for. Every animal needs that balance in its diet and NB knows how to meet all those different areas when it comes to a pet's nutritional requirements. So for puppies, there is a sectional area for them that advises buyers on feeding them dry dog food from their wide range of products. There is a well planned out spread of how to feed your puppy, which buyers should also look through. There's a whole also a ton of varied canned foods which are also available for puppies, with instructions available on their homepage about how to feed them and in what quantity.

Newman's Own Organics
This premium dog food brand is the epitome of all things healthy and wholesome when it comes to what a dog needs, to provide for them their daily dose of nutrients. It contains nature's finest in soy meal, kelp, carrots, chicken (natural), barley, taurine, oats, chicken fat, sorghum, brown rice, peas and so much more. All these are organically harvested and produced with no pesticides or harmful agents that are artificial in nature, hampering its overall naturalness. What you'll not find here is artificial flavorings, antibiotics or steroids of any kind, preservatives, chemical fertilizers and other agents that could harm your dog.

California Natural
These foods contain only the best there is in carbohydrate, protein and fat sources, which have no fillers or other additives that could damage a pet's system. It ensures that pets aren't put through an ordeal of a meal that doesn't include all of nature's abundance, since pets cannot handle the inclusion of ingredients that are meant to harm than cater. You'll find foods here rich in omega 6 fatty acids and omega 3 as well, with added taurine to provide them a healthy dose of this essential amino acid. Other brands that made it to the top dog food for puppies are just as hard to come by when it is a question of what works best to help pets grow and maintain healthy unhindered lives.

Nature's Variety
The company knows that pets need a diet that is optimal on nutrition, and caters to the needs of your pet not just in matters of health, but taste too. The products that Nature's Variety provide, are free of artificial colors, wheat, preservatives, soy, corn, and other harmful add-ons, and is rich in lean meat and other healthful ingredients, to round it all up in one perfect packaged good. Check out their varied products, and find one which suits your dog's requirements.

Blue Buffalo
The products are devoid of wheat, corn, or soy, but most importantly it doesn't contain preservatives, by-products of the meat included, or cheap fillers. It has a secret blend of BLUE's LifeSource Bits, which is a coalesce of important antioxidants, minerals, and vital vitamins. Also packed into this carefully planned dog food ensemble, are a rich source of veggies, grains, fish, chicken, and fruit. Even for pups who are food-sensitive, there's a special product that is now available by BLUE called BLUE Basics, in a mix of turkey and potato.

An impressive array of dog food meets your eyes when you set out to purchase a product that is meant for your puppy, under Authority. As the name rightly suggests, the company strives at taking charge in providing meals that are enriching and free from artificial inclusions, or preservative-based add-ons. You can rely on this company to give you quality food produce for your dog, where real meat is a priority to help your puppy get its required protein supply. When your pup does grow, you can always go back to Authority to take advantage of their adult, large, and senior breed product varieties.

Natura Pet
This massive company portal provides a huge array of dog food that you can pick and choose from. It may confuse you at first, if you stumble upon their website to check out their products firsthand. All you have to do is type in the search bar, "puppy food", where it will take you to an advanced search page, where you can choose options on the left panel to take a look at your desired results. You'll see that the results contain a complete list of everything you'll need to feed your pup, from canned foods to dry, you'll be spoiled for choice when picking out what works well for you. Take comfort in knowing that all foods are natural, additive/preservative/chemical free, and extremely nutritional.

Now this is one company that knows how to pull you in, and keep you hooked and loyal to their mammoth platform of dog food, and other pet produce. Take a look at their online portal and you'll know that care and attention to detail, are practiced with loyalty, to make sure your pup's system isn't deficient in any way. Here you can choose the 'puppy' option, under the tab 'dog food' where a wide selection of their products titled "Dry Formula", "Cans", "Trays", "Biscuits" and "Treats", will appear at your service.

Top Puppy Food Brands Also Worth Looking Into
  • Canidae
  • Solid Gold
  • Wellness
  • Royal Canin
  • Long Live Your Dog (Purina Dog Chow)
  • Pedigree Little Champions
  • Iams ProActive Health
  • Cesar Puppy
  • Wellness Super5Mix
  • Eukanuba Naturally Wild
  • Bil-Jac
Dog food may probably seem like an ordeal for some to constantly stock up on, with many owners not really caring what it is they feed their pets. This isn't how one should approach the idea of taking care of a pet since this in itself is a big responsibility. Taking care of one is just as important as caring for a person; you wouldn't feed a person bad food now would you? Think of your pet as a member of the family and bring him/her up the way that they need to be. After all this is a commitment you made, and now you have to see it through.

Posted on 8:15 PM

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