Hi. I have a puppy and she is 9 weeks old. I've observed my puppy sneezing a lot and this has made me worry about it. Will the sneezing stop on its own or should I take her to a vet? Please help, why is my puppy sneezing and what are the causes? Sally, Indiana.

The question asked by Sally is a common concern for many dog owners. Puppy sneezing and coughing may occur due to the same reasons because of which a human may sneeze. Most of the time, it is either an upper respiratory tract infection or an irritant that leads to sneezing in puppy. In this article, we shall see some reasons that will answer the question puppy sneezing continously.

Puppy Sneezing and Coughing Causes
There are many reasons as to why your puppy may be sneezing and coughing. The anatomical structure of the dog nose is similar to humans. They too have sinus problems, that leads to headaches and congestion. Let us see some of the causes of puppy sneezing and coughing.

One of the most common causes of sneezing in pups is allergies. Puppies may develop allergies to pollen grains, plant fibers or even dog food. Some puppies are allergic to fleas, mites and dust. Many times puppies can get allergic to cigarette smoke or chemicals in deodorants, house sprays, etc. You can recognize the signs of allergies, if your puppy sneezes for a specific time after being exposed to the suspected allergen. Other signs of allergies may be excessive scratching , hot spots, biting and licking paws or tummy excessively.

One of the serious causes of sneezing in pups may include infections. The puppy may have infections in the tooth or root of the tooth. This infection may get drained into the nasal cavity leading to a respiratory infections. Other infections include the infection of the sinuses and nose. The puppy may have been infected by bacteria, virus or fungal agent that leads to respiratory infections. These infections may turn into chronic conditions, if not treated properly. If you observe pus or bloody discharge with the sneezing and coughing, the puppy may be suffering from respiratory or sinus infection. If your puppy is prone to infections, it will be wise to note the color of the discharge and frequency of infections for further treatment.

Foreign Body
Your puppy may have sniffed up a foreign object that may have got lodged in the nasal passages. This may lead to puppy sneezing continously. You may observe discharge usually from one nostril. If you can see or suspect a foreign body in the nasal passage, visit the vet immediately.

One of the most rare causes of puppy sneezing and coughing is tumor. This intranasal tumor causes a puppy to sneeze a lot. These puppies generally have discharge from one nostril only. As the tumor grows in size, the puppy continues to sneeze a lot. These tumors are unfortunately malignant in nature and are very difficult to treat. The vet may suggest surgery and chemotherapy, but it is very difficult to reach the tumor due to the anatomy of the nasal passage. You can read more on puppy shots schedule.

These were some of the causes that may lead to puppy sneezing and coughing. You need to observe if the allergy is seasonal or is it triggered after a specific event in the house. You also need to note, if the puppy sneezes after eating some specific food. Observe the color of the nasal discharge and remember to tell your vet about it. A bloody nasal discharge needs immediate medical attention. I hope this article on puppy sneezing a lot has helped you understand the cause of the continuous 'Acchooooosss' in your pet.