Osteosarcoma is a common form of bone tumor in dogs and cats. The scientists and the veterinary doctors believe osteosarcoma is caused by the derangement of bone growth. This form of tumor found in canines such as dogs and cats is highly invasive. The speed of metastasis is high; hence the tumor growth is hard to manage if left untreated.

Usually, dog breeds such as Great Danes, Saint Bernard, Great Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhounds, Golden Retrievers, Boxers and Rottweilers are at a risk of developing canine osteosarcoma. The studies reveal the dogs which weigh over 80 pounds are more at risk of being the victim of osteosarcoma than the dogs, which weigh less. Another point worth mentioning is osteosarcoma is seen more in male dogs than in female dogs and both sexes which are neutered.

Canine osteosarcoma usually develops near the knee or the elbow of a dog. Tumor is formed because there is a rapid growth of cells at these points. Another reason is, if the animal has an injury or a fracture, there is a possibility of cancerous cell growth. The dogs that are affected by osteosarcoma would have pronounced swelling on the limbs.

Treatment of Canine Osteosarcoma

If your pet dog has a swelling below the elbow or near the knees or if the dog limps, it is wise to take it to a reputed vet. He would arrange for an X-ray section. An X-ray would reveal if there were any growth of any osteosarcoma.

If the X-ray does not give a clear picture, a vet would suggest a biopsy. The reason is in the initial stages of osteosarcoma, tumor cells are not clearly visible. Another reason could be fungal bone infections also show symptoms similar to osteosarcoma.

canine osteosarcoma treatment usually involves chemotherapy, coupled with surgery. This is primary form of treatment. The surgery removes the tumor and also the healthy cells. If only surgery is done, the life span of the animal would be very short, say a year at the most. Chemotherapy prolongs the life of the canine.

If the area is badly affected by osteosarcoma then the limb has to be amputated followed by chemotherapy.

Another treatment for osteosarcoma is limb sparing. After the removal of infected segment of the bone, allografts is inserted in its place. The grafting of the tissue from the donor of the same species is known as allografts.

To avoid the amputation of limbs, radiation is administered. Once the cancerous cells are removed, this area could be exposed to radiation therapy. The canines would be relieved of the pain after a couple of radiation sessions.

Osteosarcoma in dogs cannot be prevented, however, if the pain is relieved through either amputation or radiotherapy, then the pet canine could fairly enjoy a good life until the cancerous cells affect other organs. Take your pet for regular check-up to monitor how well the body is coping after the surgical treatment and also to measure the speed of metastasis.