Ear infections in dogs are common and can easily go unnoticed by most owners. These infections are mostly the outcome of the buildup of microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria in the outer ear canal.

How Do You Know if Your Dog Has An Ear Infection

Intensely scratching the ear, vigorous shaking of the head and whining or crying when ear is touched, are the alarming signals of an ear infection. These symptoms may be an outcome of extensive irritation of the animal's ear canal which may be caused due to excessive flow of ear discharge. Also, unpleasant odor originating from the ears is also a probable symptom of a bacterial infection or possibly an inflammation. Other symptoms include painful or sensitive ear, thick wax build-up. Severe symptoms can take the form of tumor inside the ear canal which can further worsen to hearing loss and other serious complications.

Home Remedies

Application of essential oils has been an age-old remedy for treating such infections in dogs. Oils such as that of olive, not only treat the infections, but also help preventing any recurrences. Also, owners can make use of effective dog ear cleaning solutions to treat their pets at home. However, these solutions are best when obtained with a prior consultation from the vet. Get a cotton and moisten it with the cleaning solution. Using this, wipe off the ear as carefully and steadily as possible. This clean up must be regularly followed, so as to help your pet recuperate sooner.

It is also a good practice to trim off the hair growing from the inside of the ear canal. Doing this would curb the chances of bacteria, yeast or other parasites to make the dog's ear a host to live in and thrive. Ensure that your pet is secured properly, while you are performing this treatment. Feeding your dog a healthy, homemade diet provides a great deal of help in not only treating the present infection, but also preventing it in near future. It has to be remembered that the diet must lack the inclusion of ingredients, such as corn, additives and preservatives. The reason? These foods tend to increase the production of earwax, which further increases the risk of ear infections. Try adding vitamin C in your dog's diet. It helps the adrenal glands to produce a natural steroid which reduces inflammation. Regarding the dosage of the vitamin, a vet must be consulted.

An organic diet also helps in preventing and treating ear infections. Such a diet helps in keeping the immune system of your dog strong and prepare the dog's health against the attack of any ear pathogens. Other natural home remedies include Marigold and Tea Tree Oil (which serves as natural antiseptics), and Rosemary extracts (which functions to strengthen the dermal layer).

Ignorance towards the early signs of diseases such as ear infections is one of the dreaded mistakes, which most dog owners are susceptible to commit. All you need to do is to spend adequate time with your friend, understanding him, his humble needs and any discomfort he may be going through. Following these simple steps do save a great deal of time, money and most importantly your friend's life in some cases.