While inducing dog vomiting, a pet owner should be concerned about the safety and dog's health. Let's take an instance; there is no use of inducing vomiting, if the pet has swallowed a hazardous material for more than 2-3 hours ago. On the safer note, you can call the veterinarian and seek advice. If the vet advises to do so, then only you can consider inducing vomiting in your pet dog. Educating yourself about the reasons and tips on how to induce vomiting in dogs will be of help, when your pet suffers from certain health problems.

Reasons for Inducing Vomiting in Canines

The fact is that dogs vomiting indicate a health problem, particularly gastrointestinal problems. Nevertheless, at some situations, inducing the pet dog to throw up is necessary to avoid worsening of the condition. For example, your best companion has ingested something that is poisonous. In such a case, the first thing you can try is to let him vomit, so that the poison does not reach its stomach or small intestine.

Ways to Induce Vomiting in Canines

Inducing vomiting should be practiced within 2 hours after ingestion of the toxic substance. Don't consider induce vomiting if the pet dog is in an unconscious state or has difficulty in breathing. Also, induce vomiting is not advisable if the dog has swallowed a caustic substance, acidic solution or sharp objects. Otherwise, the condition of the pet dog will worsen, rather than helping him. Feed the pet with some dog foods for activating vomiting. Following are some of the safe ways to induce vomiting in dogs.

Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Giving dilute hydrogen peroxide solution (3 percent) is the most commonly practiced method for inducing vomiting in dogs. About 3 ml of the solution can be given per 20 pounds of the dog's weight. It is obvious that the dog will be reluctant to drink the hydrogen peroxide solution. Hence, for easy feeding of the solution, you can make use of a syringe (without the needle) and squirt it inside the dog's mouth. If the dog has not started vomiting even after 10-15 minutes, you can give another dose of dilute hydrogen peroxide solution.

Ipecac Syrup: If you have ipecac or manage to purchase it, you can give two teaspoons of the syrup per 20 pounds of the dog's weight. Usually, the dog starts vomiting after about 10-15 minutes. If such is not the case, you can give another dose by maintaining the same amount. Wait for another 10 minutes. In case, the dog does not start vomiting even after administration of the second dose, it is advisable to consult the vet.

Common Salt: Feeding common salt is another easy way to induce vomiting in dogs. You can place about - 1 teaspoon of salt on his tongue. It is more effective, if the dog swallows the salt. If you succeed in doing so, the taste will automatically induce vomiting in your pet dog.

Induced vomiting at the right time is helpful in successful removing about 40-50 percent of the toxic substance. Hence, even if the dog has vomited after swallowing poisonous materials, he should be brought to veterinarian's attention as early as possible. The vet may prescribe activated charcoal or perform stomach pumping for removal of remaining toxins from the body. Take safety precautions and proper dog care to keep your pet healthy and playful.