Saturday, November 30, 2013

The pancreas is a small glandular organ that is located near the stomach. Its main function is to produce enzymes that help digest food. Canine pancreatitis is a painful condition which results in inflammation (swelling) of the pancreas. As a result, the digestive enzymes start leaking causing moderate to severe abdominal pain.

Type of Canine Pancreatitis

Canine pancreatitis can be, either acute (severe) or chronic. The former occurs suddenly and requires immediate treatment; while, in latter case, the symptoms worsen gradually, leading to irreversible damage to the pancreas.


Initially, the symptoms are mild, but with the passage of time, they become severe and unbearable. Abdominal pain is a common symptom of canine pancreatitis. Other mild symptoms include:
  • Lack of appetite
  • Hunched up posture with shoulders forward and head bent down.
  • Diarrhea
  • Depression
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Fever
  • Color of stool changes to odd yellow.
As the condition worsens, the symptoms observed are:
  • Dehydration (dehydrated canines have sunken eyes and dry mouth)
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Inflammation of organs that surround the pancreas.
  • Infection and hemorrhages throughout the body.
Behavior of Dogs Affected with Pancreatitis
  • Dogs with pancreatitis are unable to walk properly due to abdominal pain.
  • Also, the dog does not rest in one position for long. While lying down, the dog often shifts the resting position to reduce abdominal discomfort.
  • Your pet is likely to moan or wail upon holding because of abdominal discomfort.
  • Despite no physical activity, the dog may be seen breathing heavily.

There are a number of factors that can trigger this disorder in dogs. Digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas are supposed to get active only in the small intestine. However, if these enzymes get prematurely activated in the pancreas, then it may result in swollen pancreas. An unhealthy diet can also lead to the development of pancreatitis in dogs. Dogs fed on table scraps are more susceptible to this disease. Dogs suffering from hypothyroidism and epilepsy have higher chances of developing pancreatitis than their healthy counterparts.

The common causes of pancreatitis in dogs are as follows:
  • Obesity
  • Trauma, such as a severe abdominal injury.
  • High fatty meals
  • Unhygienic food (eating garbage food)
  • Infections that damage the pancreas.
  • Certain synthetic drugs such as corticosteroids, used to treat conditions like canine arthritis, and potassium bromide, prescribed for seizure control.
  • Metabolic disorders, such as hyperlipidemia, where the amount of fat in your dog's blood stream is high. The pancreas try to remove these fats by secreting excessive digestive enzymes. This results in inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Diabetes

Medications that are commonly used to treat pancreatitis in dogs include antibiotics, analgesics and antiemetics. These medications help to control the pain. In order to prevent recurrence of pancreatitis, dogs should not be given foods with high fat content. Giving rest to the pancreas is essential to cure this disease. This is possible only when food or water is not taken orally for 2 to 5 days or more. The dog is put on intravenous fluids until the episodes of vomiting stop. Surgical intervention will be required, in cases of intestinal complications or severe inflammation of the pancreas.


A blood test confirming high amount of lipase and amylase enzymes circulating in the bloodstream is an indication of pancreatitis. More specifically, the test that determines abnormally high amount of pancreatic lipase is said to be a reliable test when it comes to diagnosing canine pancreatitis.

Fulfilling the dog's nutritional needs will help the pancreas to heal. A high fiber and low-fat diet will go a long way in managing the illness and help your canine's pancreas to recover.

Posted on 12:28 AM

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Nutrition plays as important part in the life of dogs as it does in the life of human beings. Are you aware that dogs too, suffer from a variety of health problems, which are caused due to improper nutrition. Therefore, in order to protect your pet dog from serious health conditions, you should make sure that it is fed with proper and healthy food.

Dog Nutrition Facts

Dogs are usually classified as omnivores, i.e., they can be herbivores (vegetarian) as well as carnivores (non-vegetarian). Although you may feed your dog with food gotten only from plant source, you should remember that dogs are basically carnivores and hence, including meat in their diet is essential.
  • Similar to human beings, the daily meal of dogs should be rich in vitamins and minerals. When buying dog food, it is essential to check the labels and buy only those products that are fortified with vitamins and minerals.
  • Ideal dog food should contain carbohydrate, proteins, fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals, etc.
  • Puppies should be fed with food that is high in carbohydrate and proteins. When buying dog food, you should buy only those that contain meat, eggs or any animal based proteins.
  • When talking about the foods that should not be fed to dogs, note that foods like Macadamia nuts, preserved food, spoiled food, foods containing artificial sweetener; alcoholic beverages, marijuana, any human vitamin or mineral supplements, etc., should be avoided.
  • You should also limit your dog's intake of sweets as it can also lead to obesity and disorders related to it. Look for dog biscuits that have less amount of sugar; and feed just 1-2 dog biscuits a day. You should also remember that artificial sweeteners are a total no-no.
  • The size and age of the dog should be taken into consideration before buying dog food. For e.g., the energy or activity level of puppies is large and hence, they require a large amount of food. On the other hand, adult dogs require less and the adult dog food should be low in fats to avoid obesity.
  • It is wise to monitor the weight changes in the dog while feeding. This way, it is easier to know how much should your feed your dog; and increase or decrease the quantity accordingly.
  • Facts on dog nutrition suggest that you should feed your dog only food that is meant for dogs. Feeding it cat food will not fulfill its requirement and can also be harmful.
  • Dog food is available in three basic varieties, wet, semi-dry and dry. All the types are similar in their nutritional value and hence, you can choose from either of them. However, it is essential to check the ingredients before buying them.
  • As there are several brands of dog food available in the market, you can take your pick or even switch from one brand to the other to find the best one. However, when switching food brands, make sure that you do not abruptly change the brand, as it can lead to indigestion. You should slowly introduce it to the dog, by firstly, mixing it with the previous brand (50-50%) and then switching completely to the new brand.
  • Nutritious and healthy dog food is definitely going to be expensive. It is recommended to not substitute good quality food for cheaper versions as the cheaper versions contain low quality ingredients which can lead to health disorders.
  • Lastly, another important dog food nutrition facts is that along with food, water is also important and hence, you should provide your pet with plenty of fresh and clean water every day.
These were some of the important facts that one is supposed to know of if he has a pet dog or is thinking of having one. Lastly, also remember that, if you observe any symptoms like irritability, lack of energy, etc., on having any type of food, you should take the pet to the vet immediately. The vet will advise you in detail about your dog's required nutrition, by taking its age, weight, etc., into consideration.

Posted on 9:12 AM

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Chances are that if you are wondering how to keep skunks away from your property, you have seen a few around. Or, maybe you have had to endure their scent in the evening.

Although there are a few people who don't mind skunks on their property, most of us don't want them hanging around! If you would like to get rid of the skunks that seem to be making themselves at home, there are some things you can do. A little prevention and yard maintenance can go a long way. Here are some things you can do:

Things You Will Need

wire or some other material to secure openings to your porch or patio

Step 1

Eliminate all possible entrance points that would allow a skunk to gain entrance to the area under your home. You would be surprised at how small of an opening a skunk can get through.

Skunks, for whatever reason, love to live under front porches. They also love to take up residence under your back patio. If you have suspected that there may be a skunk under you home, you are probably right.

If you want to be sure that the skunk is not under your home before securing it, you can call a local exterminator.

Step 2

Feed your pets indoors. Even an empty dog dish can attract skunks. If you must feed your dog or cat outside, make sure to pick up the bowl when they are done eating. You also want to be sure that they have not allowed any of their food to fall outside of the bowl. Skunks are very opportunistic animals. If they find an easy source for food, they will be back.

Step 3

Make sure you keep all weeds and tall grass mowed. You want to make sure that a skunk feels uncomfortable on your property. Tall grass allows skunks to move about undetected. They will feel a lot less comfortable on your property if they can not move about without being seen.

Step 4

Make sure you have a quality trash can that will remain closed when it is tipped over. Also, be sure that your entire family is aware of the skunk problem. Everyone will need to be diligent when emptying the trash to the outside receptacle. Ensure that all trash makes it inside of the trash bin. Any trash on the ground will pique the curiosity of skunks.

Step 5

Take a walk around your property. Is there an opening to a garage or shed that may have invited a skunk? Skunks will also make themselves at home in wood or rock piles. Is there an opening under a shed or garage? Try to locate and secure any possible hiding places. Soon, your yard will not be as appealing as another yard and the skunks will leave.

When trying to figure out how to keep skunks away from your property, it takes effort. Once you have everything taken care of and well-maintained, skunks will generally find a more welcoming place to live.

Tips & Warnings

If you find yourself face-to-face with a skunk, simply back away quietly. Skunks are generally not aggressive. They spray as a defense when they feel threatened. A skunk that is aggressive toward you or your pets may be rabid. Proceed with caution.

Posted on 3:22 AM

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Is your apartment too small to own a pet? Do you love animals but dread the thought of running behind them everyday now and then? Wondering how difficult it would be to maintain the house with the presence of a pet? Well fret not, for all the people who love animals but think that having a pet is a truly daunting task, there is a convenient option of adopting virtual pets. They're also known as desktop pets or computer pets are a great way to have your own pet in the virtual world.

Virtual Desktop Pet Adoption

Remember the funny looking office assistants that appear in MS word? Well just like a virtual assistant, the technological advancements have made it possible to have a virtual pet as well. For people who are still alien to the concept of virtual pets, let me tell you that they're nothing but digitally designed graphical pets, which you can see on your computer and interact owing to the several interactive features incorporated in them.

These pets are nothing but animated characters, which can be treated as 'virtual pets' for as long as the user wishes to. There is a wide range of activities that you and your online pet can indulge in. You can feed your pet, groom and even take it for a walk in the virtual world. There are some websites that allow you to create a virtual image of yourself and then allow you to get your own virtual pet as well. You can choose the kind of animal or character that you want as a pet, name it and modify the appearance according to your own wish.

The options are not limited to virtual dogs, cats and fish but offer you almost all the animals that exist in this world. There are also graphically generated robots or other animated characters that can be adopted as virtual pets. You can name these pets, feed them, give them medicine, take them for a stroll through the online park and even play with them. Technically speaking there are three types of virtual pets - downloadable, online and dual.

The downloadable virtual computer pets can be downloaded once from the website. Once downloaded you need not be connected to the Internet to interact with your pet. The online virtual pets are however accessible only when a person is logged onto the Internet. Whereas the dual virtual pets are stuffed toys that come with a coded printed on them, which allows the user to log into the respective virtual pet websites in order to feed the pet or give medicines to the pet. According to your convenience and preference you can choose any pet that you wish and have a lifelong virtual companionship with.

Before Adopting a Virtual Pet

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is the safety of your computer security. Internet downloading is convenient but poses a major risk to your virtual security. So, before downloading any virtual pet or related software, ensure that you have adequate virus protection as well as protection against spyware and adware. Virtual pet adoption is possible via paid as well as non-paid adoption or downloading sites. The paid sites can be considered relatively safer as compared to the non-paid ones, which are a fishier as far as virus and spyware attacks are concerned.

The second thing to look for is the space that the virtual pet will occupy on your system. Adopting them can be quite fun, however in case you are planning to adopt an online pet, care should be taken that it is not against your company policies to download personal software at your workstation. Virtual pets can be delight for children and adults alike, however while comparing real world pets to these computer-generated pets you must remember that virtual pet adoption comes nowhere close to the 'real deal'.

Posted on 11:25 AM

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

For people with pet dogs, the importance of spaying cannot be stressed enough. It is absolutely imperative for a dog owner to spay their dog, as this avoids a lot of unwanted and unnecessary complications in the future. Spaying a dog is by no means something that must be taken lightly or ignored, and it is crucial not just for the safety of the dog, but for various health benefits as well.

It is the female dogs that need to be spayed, and not doing so, can have many serious repercussions in the future that will have you holding your head. To avoid such a situation from cropping up, pay extreme and close attention to spaying her as soon as possible. The sooner you get down to doing this, the better it will be for everyone involved. The ideal time for this is before she is 6 months old and also before her first heat period strikes. If you have not spayed your dog before this time period, it is not the end of the world though. Make an appointment immediately, and get round to it.

What to Expect After Spaying Your Dog
For females, this is a removal of the uterus and the ovaries. It sounds a little extreme but when dogs are in heat they just manage to find one another no matter what, and this results in the birth of unwanted babies. Spaying your dog is crucial in order to prevent this from happening. For male dogs, the corresponding procedure is known as neutering. The most important advantage is the prevention of mammary cancer, or breast cancer. The sooner you spay your dog, the lower the chances of dog cancer being contracted. Thus, it is ideally the best choice to spay a dog before her first heat period comes along.

Some more advantages are as follows.
  • Female dogs that are spayed do not go through intense hormone changes, and as such they are less moody and temperamental.
  • Pyometra is a very dangerous infection of the uterus, and spayed dogs cannot contract this.
  • Spayed dogs tend to roam less often and are generally more docile and well behaved.
Spaying Your Dog While on Heat
Now this is a doubt that most people regularly have, and the truth is that some vets agree to doing this while some do not. There are obviously more complications to spaying her while on heat, but if you are really eager then you must go ahead with it. The best scenario would be to wait till the heat period passes along, but then that would be slightly risky. Visit your vet for an expert opinion and if he is willing to go ahead with the surgery, it's probably best to adhere. The decision also depends on how many male dogs there are in your neighborhood. If the number is high then you should not waste any time.

Spaying Dog Side Effects
Since this is an invasive surgery there are bound to be some side effects. There is going to be an open wound on the dog with stitches, so the idea is to minimize physical activity as much as possible. The dog will most likely feel sleepy and lethargic after the surgery, and about one week of rest should be adequate to make a full recovery. If your dog is very active and playful, consult your vet and administer some antihistamine like diphenhydramine. It is very rare to see complications in spaying female dogs and this is something that arises, only if, all the instructions for the care of the animal are not followed.

The dog should be kept indoors strictly and the doctor prescribed dosage of painkillers and antibiotics must be given regularly. You must pay a visit to the doctor after about 9 days or so, so that he can inspect the wound and see, if there are any unwanted complications. Spaying dog recovery is usually quick and painless, unless there is some hardcore physical activity for a week after the surgery. You must take all the precautions possible for dog care after spaying.

The Cost of Spaying
The cost depends on a variety of factors like the age, the size, the weight and the previous medical history. The sooner the spaying procedure is done, the lower will be the cost. On an average the charge can be anything between $50 - $150. It is important to go to a vet with whom you have had prior dealings, or a vet whom you know personally. This will help you get additional information and will also enable a greater degree of personalization of the case.

At the end of the day, it is fair to say that by spaying your dog, you are increasing the life span of the animal. Many diseases can be avoided by this procedure, and it also helps prevent the birth of unwanted puppies. It is very risky for a female dog to have pups at a young age, and this can lead to many serious repercussions in the future. It also reduces hormonal swings and moodiness which are quite common amongst dogs. If you are keen to see your dog have babies then you can pass up this procedure, but this will require a lot of extra care and attention. It is an essential act though, that must be done at some stage in the dog's life. The sooner the better.

Posted on 11:11 PM

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Cauliflower ear is a medical condition in which the ear cartilage gets affected. It is said that most animals are prone to this condition. Even humans develop this condition, especially, those who engage in boxing, athletics, etc. As compared to cats, dogs are more prone to develop this condition. Cauliflower ear in dogs is mainly found in those with long ears.

What is Cauliflower Ear

From the name of this condition, it can be inferred that this condition affects the ear. Actually, it is a condition that affects the pinna or the outer ear. But, cauliflower ear is the latter stage of the condition called aural hematoma. In other words, aural hematoma, if left untreated, leads to cauliflower ear. So, you have to understand what is aural hematoma, which is one of the common dog ear problems.

The outer ear or pinna is made of cartilage, which is covered with connective tissues and skin. In case of trauma or any other reason, the blood vessels in the outer ear ruptures and blood collects between the cartilage and the tissues. This condition is called aural hematoma, which deprives the cartilage of nutrients, which is supplied by the blood vessels. While, the word 'aural' refers to a condition of the ear, 'hematoma' refers to a swelling that is filled with blood.

Such swelling may be restricted to a specific part of the ear or may affect the entire pinna, sometimes, blocking the ear canal. If left untreated, the cartilage may start withering and may start folding over or shriveling, resulting in a cauliflower-like surface. This condition is called cauliflower ear.

Cauliflower Ear in Dogs - Causes

The exact cause for this condition is still unknown, but, there are various factors that may lead to aural hematoma and eventually, cauliflower ear. So, any kind of trauma (like a blow) affecting the head may lead to aural hematoma. In case of dogs, violent shaking and scratching of the ears are considered as possible causes for cauliflower ear. It has been observed that dogs with long dangling ears are mostly found to be affected. This is more applicable for those with ear mites or ear infections, as these conditions may cause violent head shaking, ear scratching, etc. This results in breaking of blood vessel that causes aural hematoma.

The most common symptoms of aural hematoma in dogs are constant tilting of head to one side, continuous ear scratching, head jerking, head shaking, pawing at the ear, swelling of a part of the pinna or the entire pinna, a red or pinkish color change of the affected area, etc. The swollen area may be slightly hot and the dog may experience pain, as you touch the spot.

How is it Treated

Even though, some of the aural hematoma heals on their own, you must not refrain from getting your dog treated properly. This is because of the fact that if not treated, it will result in scarring and other cosmetic problems, like, cauliflower ear. Another point is that if the underlying condition (if any) does not get treated, it may lead to severe complications. While, the fluid in the hematoma can be removed through needle aspiration, it may not solve the problem, as the swelling may recur. So, in order to avoid that, surgery is mostly done. Apart from that, the underlying condition like, dog ear infection should be diagnosed and treated.

In short, cauliflower ear is a condition that can be prevented with proper care. While regular examination of the dog's ear (including the outer ear) will be advantageous. Go for a strict parasite control strategy, so that the dog does not get affected with ear mites and other such things. Clean the ears regularly and dry the inner ear of the dog, as and when the animal goes out in the rain or takes a swim or a bath. So, prevent aural hematoma and protect your dog from cauliflower ear.

Posted on 7:52 PM

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If you're spending time in Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, then it's practically obligatory that you look at a number of the major tourist areas which this fabulous city provides. Listed below is a series of some of the exceptional things to be aware of around the entire city.

The famous theme parks of Queensland are conveniently located merely forty minutes drive away out of the Brisbane city centre and provide adults and children with a heap of fun and excitement. The area features three chief parks which you might want to visit, Wet'n'Wild for cool water enjoyment, Movieworld for blockbuster action fascination and Dream World for brilliant rides and games.

The parklands precinct at South Bank are located on the south edge of the Brisbane River right opposite the CBD and is composed of a variety of rainforest, grassed areas, food places, plazas, water and also an exceedingly popular artificial beach area. This community space is additionally home to large festivals, conventions and huge events in the region.

Merely a short 90 minute car ride north of the Brisbane CBD is the well-known Australia Zoo which teaches you about wild life and even habitat conservation. The committed staff at the zoo will definitely form a unique phenomenon for each of the tourists and this amazing attraction at the 'Home of the Crocodile Hunter' is just perfect for your next holiday to Queensland.

A visit to the Conrad Treasury Casino fills you with a sense of fascination and splendor. Conveniently located at the top of the Queen Street Mall in the heart of the cbd this main entertainment spot has daily live shows plus five bars and 6 food places.

Brisbane's Queen St Mall is located in the heart of the Brisbane CBD and is regarded as the main retail centre for the Brisbane accommodation area. This vital retail and lifestyle region grants an impressive mix of domestic, Australian and overseas brands, hundreds of dealers, restaurants, pubs, movie halls and beauty shops.

North Stradbroke Island or Straddie as it is commonly referred to is superbly situated just a little ferry ride away from the mainland and entices newlyweds, families and action seekers alike with the unspoiled coastline, enchanting lakes of fresh water and heaps of outstanding entertainment. Coupled with nature reserves, heritage walks, great surfing and marvellous angling this holiday location has every thing.

A popular market is hosted each Sunday next to the Brisbane River and just a brief walk from lots of Brisbane hotels. Each energetic stall owner assemble from about 8 in the morning and form a unique market providing shoppers an array of locally built and imported hand-made crafts, clothing, home furniture, home wares, fresh produce, plants and a lot more.

Mount Coot-tha look out is a well known region for residents and visitors to Brisbane and offers marvellous panoramas of the Brisbane CBD and nearby locations. There' s in addition heaps of other interesting things to see and do such as the botanic gardens, Cosmic Planetarium, family picnic spots, bush walking and bi-cycle tracks all over the location.

If you're travelling to the city you may want to take a ride on board the City Cat or city catamaran, which is not only a swift option to travel about the city but additionally offers you an outstanding means to enjoy the surrounding area. If you are looking for them these boats leave from a wide variety of sites all over the Brisbane river.

Assuming that you are into adventure then the climbing up the city's Story Bridge is a special adventurous experience that you must experience. You'll get some awe-inspiring panoramas of the numerous Brisbane apartments, the CBD and possibly even listen to astonishing informative commentary throughout the climb.

Posted on 6:14 PM

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Why Dogs Chew

Some dogs are natural-born chewers it's there joyin life and it brings them pleasure, other dogs will chew out of boredom only. Now this is all well and good so long as its one of his designated chew toys, the problem starts when he gets an eye on your furniture or your pair Nike trainers. If your dog chews anything and everything it's time to take a stand and stop this behavior once and for all.


  1. Dogs with excess energy will often use chewing to give themselves something to do and use up some of that nervous energy.
  2. A bored or lonely dog may use chewing as an outlet for his emotions. For a dog suffering from anxiety continuous chewing is relaxing, it's the canine equivalent of comfort eating.
  3. Dogs have a common desire to chew for them its entertainment, it helps time pass by,and it's a self reinforcing and self rewarding pass time they like to engage in.

JW Pet Company Hol-ee Roller X Extreme 5 Dog Toy, 5-Inches (Colors Vary)
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(price as of May 24, 2013)

How To Prevent Your Dog Chewing Everything

All dogs have the capabilitiesto learn not to chew anything and everything you just have to put in the effort to stop them first.Dogs explore the world with their mouths. So take control of the situation and manage your possessions.

  • Dog-proofing your home shouldbe your first step. Even if your dog is the best-behaved dog in the world, remove temptation from him. By dog-proofing your home I mean remove anything you don't want chewed-up and put it up out of harms way make it unavailable to your dog. consider his size, is he a jumper, is he a climber would he jump onto one thing and then make a leap for the object of his chewing desire?

  • How tall is he when up on his hind legs. Obviously all foodshould be stored safely away in cupboards, especially if your dog is a "countertop surfer" if needs be buy and fit child safety locks for the lower cupboards i,ve known more than one dog to develop a skill of opening unsecured cupboard doors.

  • Dont set your dog up for failure. Make sure the boundaries between your belongings (non chewable) and his (chewable) are firmly set, by this I mean don't give your dog old shoes or old socks stuffed with items of clothing to play with. You can't expect your dog to be able to tell the difference from the shoes you wear today and your old cast off's he's got in is mouth that you gave him half an hour ago.

  • Dont allow your dog to partake in illegal chewing. The more your dog snatch's a chew of a chair leg or a shoe the more he'll want to chew those items in the future. If you can prevent this from happening in the first place, then the easier it is for your him to understand and respect your boundaries. This may mean confining him to a chew-proofed area of your home until you are confident he fully grasps what'sexpected of him and he understands your rules.

  • Is your dog under 3 years of age if so you need to realize he is going to be prone to chewing. So why not give what'sneeded to help prevent him from chewing everything in your home, go out and buy a handful of quality chew toys rotate the toys every couple of days to keep the novelty factor and the interest levels up.

  • Spend plenty of time actively playing with your dog, it maybe easier to keep him outside where he can do minimal damage. But he can't learn what you expect of him from out there on his own. The best way for him to learn whats expected of him is to be engaged in activities with you as much as possible this way he can learn the boundaries and with you being with him can correct him as soon as he engages in anything you find unacceptable.

  • When you do catch him starting to chew on something you don't want him to, Say "no" in a firm loud tone even clap your hands to fully grab his attention, then simply give him one of his designated chew toys and as soon as he gets into chewing that praise him. If you praise him for chewing what he's allowed to chew and make a scornful sound when he's chewing anything else it wont be long before he realizes that chewing his toys bring praise and love and I've yet to meet a dog that doesn't prefer praise.

West Paw Design Guaranteed Tough Large Tux Dog Toy, Tangerine
Amazon Price: $15.50 $14.50 Buy Now
(price as of May 24, 2013)

Maintain A Positive Outlook

There will be good days and the odd bad day keep this in mind, young dogs get curious so if you do leave a beloved possession lying around and your dog gets tempted to chew everything you left insight, go easy on him after all it's you that left it in his reach and a young dog is not unlike a young child sometimes they just cant help themselves.

Especially in the early days when your building your bond, it will take a while for your dog to fully learn to live by your rules and expectations. But given time he will become completely reliable, you just need to be patient and put in plenty of your time to teach him right from wrong when he does wrong give him a firm "No" but when he does right, lavish him with praise your dog wont be long picking up the chewing rules!

Kong Wobbler Treat Dispensing Dog Toy, Large
Amazon Price: $21.99 $8.10 Buy Now
(price as of May 24, 2013)

Posted on 2:52 AM

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ocular discharge in dogs may be associated with sleepers in the eye which is usually the result of the self cleaning action of the eyes to get rid of the accumulated foreign matter. However, if the dog eye discharge continues throughout the day then there may be something that you need to worry about. The abnormal eye discharge is usually a sign of eye infection or other dog health problems, especially when it is accompanied by symptoms such as yellowish-green eye mucoid like or bloody eye discharge and irritation or puffiness around the eyes. Here is a look at some of the possible causes of eye discharge in dogs.

Causes of Eye Discharge in Dogs

There are a number of canine eye diseases that can trigger dog eye discharge. White, yellow or brown colored ocular discharge is usually an indication of some dog health problem or eye infection. The most common causes of eye discharge in dogs include:
  • Cherry eye or the prolapse of the tear gland of the third eyelid which is caused by the weakness of the connective tissue attaching the glands to the eyelids
  • Allergies
  • Eyelid defects
  • Conjunctivitis or dog pink eye results in inflammation of the mucous membrane and tissues of the eyes caused by bacterial or viral infections, allergies or trauma to the eyes
  • Dry eyes (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) results in insufficient tear production to keep the eyes lubricated leading to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria in the eyes which can foster infections
  • Glaucoma is caused by the increased pressure on the eyes that is usually the result an imbalance in the drainage and production of aqueous humor. This condition may lead to blindness in dogs.
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
  • Obstruction of tear drainage ducts
  • Excessive tear production
  • Corneal Ulcer
  • Entropion (Inversion of the eyelids)
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of eyelids)
  • Lens luxation (displacement)
  • Trauma and injury to the eye
  • Tumors of the eyes
  • Infection of different parts of the eye (e.g. the eye surface, the cornea, the eyelids, the iris)
  • Infection of the roots of the back upper teeth
The color should be an indication of the cause. Yellow colored discharge is usually associated with conditions such as dry eyes while brown stained discharge may indicate clogged or obstructed tear drainage ducts.

Other than eye infections and problems, ocular discharge in dogs can be attributed to certain health problems like canine distemper which is a viral disease that affects dogs worldwide and results in eye discharge along with vomiting, bloody diarrhea and coughing. Canine infectious hepatitis caused by the canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1) that causes severe effects on the dog's liver can also cause eye and nasal discharge along with yellowing of the eyes and bluish tint in the cornea. As the eyes become sensitive to light, there might be frequent discharge.

Treatment for Eye Discharge in Dogs

The treatment consists of a complete examination of the eyelids, cornea, conjunctiva, the front and back chambers of the eye and cytology. Based on the diagnostic tests the doctor may recommend eye drops or other cures for the eyes. To treat dog eye discharge at home, you can use these simple home remedies.

To treat the abnormal eye discharge in dogs, you need to first put on a pair of clean rubber gloves. Examine your dog's eyes to check for the color of the discharge and check for an external trauma or injury to the eyes. Now clean up the discharge with a wet warm cloth and wash out the eyes with a sterile salt solution. Please do not use eye drops or solutions that are meant for human use as they may affect your pet's eyes. Instead, herbal eyewashes containing extracts of chamomile, echinacea and goldenseal work quite well in cleaning and protecting your dog's eyes from various bacterial and fungal infections. Observe the dog for two to three days. If there is no improvement in the condition or if the dog is constantly bothered by the eye discharge and is scratching or rubbing its eyes, then it is best to consult a veterinarian for appropriate treatment.

Posted on 3:41 AM

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Dogs have bodily functions that are almost similar to those of human beings. Hence, even dogs need many food nutrients such as vitamins that often do not come in through the normal diets. In fact many concerned dog owners have frantically started searching for sources of many nutrients that are not included in the daily diet. Coming back to the concerned question, that why dogs require vegetables. You may have noticed your canine friend nibble on grass when you take him for a walk. There is a very logical explanation about why your dog consumes grass. The answer is - fatty acids, vitamins and fibers.

Many of us just tend to feed our dogs with wheat based products, meat and milk. In the course of this diet, your canine just gets three types of nutrients, namely, proteins, carbohydrates and portion of fats. If you are feeding your dog with packed dog food then probably your dog is either getting only chemicals accompanied by the usual ingredients or very small quantities of vitamins, fatty acids and other nutrients that are obviously not enough.

Dogs have eaten green plants to get vitamins, fatty acids and fibers even before they befriended man. However, since the growth of human civilization, supply of these nutrients that are usually found in wild plants has been curbed. It is now time that we help out our canine friend and serve him fresh vegetables that contain the right nutrients.

Advantages of Feeding Vegetables to Dogs

There are several advantages of feeding dogs with vegetables. Some of them are listed below.
  • Intake of vital nutrients like proteins, vitamins and fatty acids.
  • Fibers help in the digestion of meat and heavy foods.
  • Vegetables contain anti oxidants, that reduce chronic diseases.
  • Many vegetables also contain phytochemicals, that help the dog to overcome aging symptoms.
  • Many vegetables also contain omega 3 fatty acids that are needed by all mammals.
Safe Vegetables for Dogs

The following is a table that depicts some vegetables that are best for dogs.

Broccoli Broccoli is a very good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, calcium. In addition to that, it is also a fibrous plant that boosts the digestive system, and has anti-cancer characteristics.
Spinach Just like broccoli, spinach is also a very resourceful vegetables as it provides a generous supply of anti-oxidants and almost twice the quantity of iron as compared to other vegetables. Spinach also contains a good amount of nutrients that include fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamins A, B6 and K.
Celery Celery is a warehouse of rare nutrients that include vitamins A, B, C calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and iron. In addition, celery also includes a huge amount of phytochemicals.
Carrot The tastiest food of bugs bunny is enjoyed, rather relied by all our canine kennel dwellers because not only does it taste good but also contains most of the available vitamins that range from vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. Not only the carrot vitamins but it is also a rich source of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. And the result of feeding carrots to your dog? A brilliant and extremely sharp eyesight. What's up doc?
Cayenne Pepper Cayenne Pepper is probably the best preventive measure for cancer in your canine. In addition to anti-cancer properties, cayenne pepper contains thrice the quantity of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C also cayenne pepper also contains a huge amount of fibers and vitamin B6.

There are several more vegetables that you should definitely consider feeding your dog. To know more about vegetables that you can easily feed your dog, you can consult the vet. There are 3 basic ways on which you can feed vegetables to your dog.
  • Raw feeding
  • Plain boiled vegetables
  • Mixing squashed vegetables in normal food
There are however some vegetables that you should never feed your dog with. The prominent ones are the onions and garlic. The reason one should not feed onions and garlic is that, both these vegetables contain a significant amount of Thiosulphate, which is toxic to dogs and tend to decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Also, it is advisable to avoid soy products and corn.

If you are still in a dilemma as to what to feed your dog, you may try anything green and leafy and anything from the cabbage family. It is however recommended that you consult a vet first.

The Story of Grandma Bramble: Who is grandma Bramble? Bramble is a border collie dog. Believe it or not this dog, who lives in Britain is a vegan (well also by ownership). Bramble lives on the diet of rice, lentils and organic vegetables and still has a perfect health. So what makes Bramble, such a famous grandma? - She's 27 years old.

Posted on 12:10 AM

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Grill Party

There are many books out there that help to advise you on how to grill up a better steak and to create your own juicy marinade.

This article is not designed to teach you how to cook up the juiciest burger, but instead it will allow you to have the best grilling experience regardless of your BBQ skill level.

1. Friends Grill

Whether you are an experienced griller or not it is prudent to allow your friends to do the grilling if they want to. You may grill better than them, but allow them to cook up the steak and burgers anyways. Its a BBQ designed to have fun and if they think they grill better then allow them to grill. It will also make your job much easier, especially if they do grill better than you. Open up a cold beer and encourage their grilling skills, even if they have none.

2. Experiment

Experiment with grilling new items. You may have had grilled shrimp or grilled pineapple before and really enjoyed it. Yes there is the optimal way to grill everything, but even if you screw up when grilling the pineapple it will still taste great. Feel free to experiment with grilling new foods, new marinades and new techniques. The more you experiment when you grill then the better you will become at grilling. Even the best backyard grillers in the World continually experiment with new ideas when grilling.

3. Social Event

When you have friends and family over for a BBQ, it is vital that you recognize that this is more of a social event then a Food Network Show. Yes you want to get the steaks cooked the way people like them, but you need to spend more time socializing with your friends then simply cooking away at the grill nonstop while seeking perfection in every cut of meat that gets slapped on your grill.

4. Shade

If you are grilling in your backyard on a warm summer day then it is vital that you have a shaded area fir your guests. If they are forced to sit directly in front of the hot sun they will eventually make their way into your air conditioned house and dirty up the carpet.

5. Beer

Beer and summer barbeques go together, however you do not want to go overboard on the beer. It is vital that you have enough beer for all the guests and to ensure that your beer stockpile does not get emptied; however if you get sloshed and totally drunk before you start grilling you might burn your wiener on the grill or even worse, burn your house down.

6. Vegetarians

If you have any vegetarian friends or family coming over then it is important that you cater to their needs. Yes you may be cooking up grilled pineapple slices, but the vegetarians will not eat these if they were cooked on the same grill that grilled up the meat products. Use a smaller and separate grill specifically for grilling up fruits and vegetables such as corn on the cob. Never use this smaller grill for anything but fruits and vegetables, not even a hot dog. If all of your friends and family are meat eaters then you do not have to worry about this tip.

7. Games

Make sure you have games available for your guests to play at your barbeque. You never want to force your guests to play a game, but you need to ensure that you have games available if they choose to play one. Your friends and family may like Horse Shoes, volleyball, or one of many different card games. Playing games at family barbeques can often keep the kids entertained while the adults socialize. One fun event for everyone is to hold a pie eating contest. No hands allowed!

8. Have Fun

One of the most overlooked aspects of organizing a grilling party is the fun factor. As the host of the barbeque you may get stressed out while trying to get all the food, cook all the food, and cater to each guest to make sure they are enjoying themselves. You need to split up some of the responsibility to make sure

9. Trash Cans

Seriously People, you need to have a couple of trash cans in your backyard that are easily accessible by your guests. This will help to make clean up much easier. Even your drunks guests will tend to throw their trash away as long as there is a trash can close by. If your guests have to go searching for a trash can they will tend to simply leave it on the table and gusts of wind will spread trash all over your yard.

10. Clean Up

Having trash cans will drastically help with the clean up. Another tip is to begin cleaning while your guests are still there. Some of them will offer to pitch in and help with the dishes and picking up trash. Allow them to help you clean up. Yes they are guests, but this helps to spread the responsibility around so that you also will be able to enjoy the barbeque and spend time socializing and catching up with your friends, families, and acquaintances.

11. Invite the Neighbors

Whether you are friendly with your neighbors or not does not matter. You should always invite the neighbors on either side of your home to your barbeque. Even if you do not yet know your neighbors you should invite them. If the noise gets a little out of hand it will be harder for them to call the police or complain if they are also at your barbeque drinking beer and carrying on!

By inviting your neighbors to your barbeque you will be enhancing the community by being nice, and this will pay off down the road when you need to borrow a power tool from them. If you do not get along with your neighbors, go ahead and invite them anyways. A new friendship may blossom.

Posted on 4:06 PM

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Enteritis in dogs is one of the common illnesses present in domestic pet animals. In medicine, the term enteritis refers to inflammation of intestines, particularly the small intestine. The infection can be caused by a number of bacteria and viruses. The examples of bacteria responsible for enteritis of small intestine in dogs are Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, etc. Some of the viruses that are known to cause enteritis in dogs are parvovirus, rotavirus, salmonellosis, coronavirus, etc. Enteritis does not affect any particular dog breed. Hence, your pet dog is always at a risk of getting enteritis. Therefore, there are chances that your dog may get enteritis at any stage of life. Since, the possibility of ailment cannot be ruled out completely. It is prudent that you prepare yourself for proper dog care to save your canine friend's life.

Enteritis Symptoms in Dogs
The enteritis symptoms in dogs are easily noticeable. It often involves fast passage of waste material through large intestine or colon. It increases the frequency of defecation. The feces are loose and watery. It often gives out a characteristic foul order. Enteritis symptoms in dogs also include abdominal muscle cramps, fever, vomiting, dehydration, and diarrhea. The diarrhea may be green or profuse. It resembles a pea soup in appearance. Sometimes, blood is also found to be present in the stool. This particular symptom suggests damage of the intestinal wall by infection.

Canine enteritis is one of those diseases that needs to be given proper and timely medical attention. In case your dog is suffering from enteritis and you fail to provide him adequate and timely medical treatment, the condition may take a more serious form. In such a severe case, the symptoms of bacterial enteritis in dogs are bloody stained diarrhea and frequent vomiting. The presence of black, or tar-like blood in stool indicates that the duodenum has been damaged. If the blood is bright red in color, it means that the colon has been destroyed to some extent.

Enteritis Treatment for Dogs
If the symptoms of enteritis is mild, it may not require to be treated. The symptoms usually disappear on their own. The recovery process may take a few days. However, if the signs of enteritis are serious and alarming, you should take your dog to a veterinarian. The veterinary treatment for enteritis depends upon the age, cause and severity of the disease. The treatment begins with the cure of diarrhea. The vet may give your dog some medicines that slow down excretion and movements of the intestinal tract. The focus is also on preventing or treating dehydration. Supportive nutrients and fluids are given to the dog. They may be administered intravenously or subcutaneously to your dog if he is not in a state to have it orally. Antibiotics may be given to your dog if he has bacterial enteritis. Many veterinarians consider prescribing substances like kaopectate to coat the intestine. The coating of intestines is especially beneficial in case of moderate canine enteritis.

You might have heard about radiation for enteritis. It is described as the inflammation of the lining of the small intestine due to radiation therapy, which is form of a cancer treatment. The symptoms of radiation enteritis are anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss, nausea, etc. The treatment involves feeding the dog on foods that are completely devoid of fat and dairy products, giving him small meals and medicines to cure diarrhea.

While your dog is getting treatment for enteritis, you should monitor its condition closely. You should try to keep your dog away from other pet animals and children. This is because enteritis in dogs is contagious and spreads fast through physical contact. Enteritis is life-threatening in case of dogs younger than 6 months of age. Keep note of all the points mentioned here in this article. All this information will definitely help you save the life of your or some street dog.

Posted on 2:20 AM

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

A cruciate ligament injury is a type of problem takes place in the knee-joint area. To understand this, we first look into the anatomy of the knee. In order for the knee to work as a hinged joint, it is attached to other connecting bones in order to aid movement - therefore it joins at the 'femur' and 'tibia'. Due to the crossing over of one overlapping bone over the other, it is known as 'cruciate ligaments'. The one that overlaps in the front, is called the 'anterior cruciate ligament', and the other one that intersects from the behind, is known as the 'posterior cruciate ligament'. The most common bone that experiences fractures, is the anterior cruciate ligament, and finds it highly difficult to support weight of the body, once it is broken or torn.

Breeds at Risk for Cruciate Ligament Injury

All dogs stand a chance at having a fracture at the knee, if certain factors aren't taken into consideration, which you will find out in a bit. The dog breeds that are at risk in having this injury more, are.
  • Rottweilers
  • West highland white terrier
  • Golden Labrador retrievers
  • Mastiffs
  • Newfoundlands
  • Boxers
Causes of a Cruciate Ligament Injury

The causes of this injury in dogs, whether major or minor can come about due to the following problems.
  • When dogs are hyperactive, and engage in jumping too high in order to catch a thrown ball / Frisbee, he / she is likely to experience this injury.
  • Dogs that sport a pair of long legs, are likely to have this problem as they grow older.
  • Dogs that have been neutered in the past, surprisingly are at a higher risk at experiencing this injury.
  • Large breeds, due to their immense load of weight, can affect their knee joints, as opposed to those who are small in stature.
  • Dog obesity, is a major role player when it comes to knee injuries, due to the tension caused on the knees, to balance more than it can handle. It is important to practice good dog health habits with regard to his / her diet.
  • Being attacked by other dogs.
  • If a dog experiences a ligament that's been injured in the past, it can also pose the second knee joint at risk of being injured as well.
  • Dog leg injuries can happen when he / she has met with an accident.
Symptoms of a Cruciate Ligament Injury

The symptoms can be noticeable if you pay close attention to the behavior of your dog, and get the help he / she needs.
  • Not able to exercise.
  • Limping
  • Feels immense pain, and starts whining when the knee joint is moved.
  • His / her injured leg is kept away from the body while sitting, so as not to apply any pressure on the ruptured knee.
  • Knee starts to show signs of swelling.
  • You'll be able to hear a snapping sound when he / she walks, signaling that there is a fracture.
Treatment Options

There are certain treatment methods that one can try out, in order to correct the problem that a dog is facing due to this injury. These are your options.

Anti-inflammatory medication is given to dogs who experience minor tears in the cruciate ligament portion. Dogs cannot bound around like they used to, and owners will have trouble in keeping them still and resting during this time.

Weight Loss Program
Dogs are put through a weight loss program, where he / she has to go on a healthy dog diet, that will help them keep extra weight off their injured knee. This will help them cope during the healing time, as well as avoid future injuries. Diet supplements are provided that include glucosamine chondroitin.

There are certain surgical methods that are performed on a dog, when injuries are way too complicated and severe to be treated with medication. The operation is known as 'tibial plateau leveling osteotomy' (TPLO), and takes about 6 weeks of recovery time for the injured dog. There's nothing to worry about when this method of surgery is put forth to you. The recovery will show positive signs of your dog going back to his / her usual self, with no occurrences of any dog illnesses as an aftereffect of the injury.

A cruciate ligament injury shouldn't be taken lightly, and requires one to take immediate action once the symptoms are spotted. If your dog is obese, please remember that in dog care, you need to maintain the health and fitness of your pet first, and not let him / her overeat.

Posted on 8:31 PM

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is Herpes Zoster(Shingles)?

Herpes Zoster or Shingles isa unilateral, inflammatory, vesicobullous eruption caused by a virus which attacks the posterior root ganglion and produces the skin eruption secondarily alone a cranial or spinal nerve.

Causes of Herpes Zoster:

Exposure to chicken pox, trauma both physical and mental, tumours of the cord, medicines like arsenic, lymphomas and carcinomas.

Symptoms :

  1. Pain with hyperaesthesia along the course of the nerve, and fever.
  2. There are several oedematous patches along the course of a nerve with intervening clear areas, these are very tender and painful. A few hours later, they are surmounted with small vesicles that may gradually enlarge to form bullae. The vesicles occur in crops. The contents become purulent. The regional glands are painful and tender. Each crop dries in a week. An attack lasts for 2-3 weeks. The rash is usually unilateral, rarely bilateral. The rash leaves behind pigmentation and scarring. Sites Thethoracic and lumbar dermatomes are most commonly affected. An eruption in the mandibular or maxillary distribution of trigeminal nerve is associated with oral, palatal and pharyngeal lesions. If the ophthalmic division is affected, there may be keratitis or uveitis, with vesicles in the nose. In the Ramsay-Hunt syndrome the geniculate ganglion is affected. Fain in the ear and throat is followed by vesicles in and around the external auditory meatus associated with lower motor neurone facial paralysis.

Management :

1. Calamine lotion applied several times a day.

2. Analgesics.

3.Antibiotics Systemically if there are signs of infection. Local application of an antibiotic ointment once the vesicles break down.

Herpes Zoster

Herpes Zoster

Home remedies for Herpes Zoster

Aloe Vera, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot oil

A two-stage treatment. First, apply the mixture described below to the blister. Once the blister has evolved into an ulcer or scab, apply aloe vera gel.

Mix 6 drops of tea tree oil, 6 drops of bergamot oil and 3 drops of lavender oil. Use a q-tip to gently apply to the red spot that precedes the blister, or to the blister, three times a day for two consecutive days. Do NOT apply to wet ulcers or scabs. After the blister stage, apply aloe vera gel three times a day until the sore has healed altogether (inlcuding the scab).

The blister and the scab will each disappear within two days instead of one week, i.e., the entire healing process will take four days instead of two weeks.

Shingles Pathophysiology

Home remedies can also help a person with shingles feel better faster. Skin rash and blisters should be kept clean and dry. A person should avoid scratching. Adequate sleep and rest is an important part of taking care of shingles. Strenuous activities should be avoided. Stressful events can be relieved through relaxation techniques. Diverting attention from the pain may be essential. Some diversions include listening to music, watching television, reading a book, working a puzzle, or working on a hobby.

It is important to consult a doctor, but there are home remedies that can give you intermittent relief while you take your medications.

  • Breakouts of shingles can be quite painful. To relieve the pain, try placing cold packs over the affected skin. The coolness can cause the pain and inflammation to reduce. Also, if blisters have formed, the cold compress will helps to contain those. Usually this cold pack should be applied for twenty minutes everyday, several times in a day.
  • Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Since your immunity is low, it is best to stay in bed and keep your body hydrated. Start working only once you restore your energy and your immunity is strong once again.
  • If there is a lot of inflammation, taking an anti-inflammation medicine will help you. However, do consult a doctor before you that.
  • For getting relief from pain and inflammation, there are several topical anti- inflammatory creams that can be used. After consultation with your doctor, choose one that suits you and apply it on the affected skin.
  • You may be tempted to pop the blisters, but that wont do you any good. If you pop them open, they may only take more time to heal. In fact they might leave behind scars.

How shingles develops

Herpes Simplex Prevention And Treatment of Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex or cold sores is an infection caused by a virus that attacks the skin along with the nervous system of the body. These viruses produce small, painful fluid filled blisters that appear around the area of lips, mouth, and nose. Sometimes these blisters may appear on fingers or genital organs. This infection is also called as Orofacial infection and there are chances of this infection appearing three to four times within one year.

Herpes simplex cold sores are caused because of the herpes viruses. Through mouth these viruses enters the body and then attacks the nerve tissues. By attacking nerve cells, viruses start traveling from nervous system to ganglia. In the ganglia viruses lies dormant in epidermal cells and when get trigger becomes activate. This reactivation of the viruses may be triggers due to long exposure to sunlight, physical or emotional stress, fever, hormonal changes during pregnancy or menstruation period and some times due to certain food and drugs. Some times the reactivation period may be of 24 hours or it may take up to 3 to 5 days.

Posted on 7:59 PM

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Adopting a dog involves a lot of responsibilities. Simply feeding your dog and giving him a shelter is not enough. You have to make regular appointments with the vet to get him vaccinated, moreover you also have to pay attention to the hygiene issue. Lack of pet hygiene may lead to various dog illnesses. Regular grooming sessions are a must to ensure that your pet stays clean and looks great. If you do not have the time to groom your dog yourself, you can approach the various dog grooming parlors where you can get your dog groomed for a charge. Prices for grooming dogs are greatly based upon the dog breed as well as the type of job you expect.

Factors Affecting Dog Grooming Prices
Dog grooming is often done by a professional dog groomer. Hence, the prices are most likely to be affected by the personal skill and expertise of the groomer. Location is another factor that influences the price of dog grooming. Prices are about 20% high in the north east states than in mid west. Prices in other states fall anywhere between these two extremes. Dog groomers in big cities charge more than those in other areas. However, high price does not always assure a good job. For instance, many groomers do a mediocre job in spite of charging a hefty fee for it. This is mostly due to the competition in bigger cities. Dog breed, length of the hair, desired style are some of the crucial determinants for grooming prices. You are likely to pay more for larger breeds or dogs with long, thick hair. If you opt for a complicated hairstyle then expect to pay even more. The job of dematting (detangling hair and removing trapped debris) is also charged separately.

What Does Dog Grooming Include
Basic dog grooming includes haircut and stripping or cutting of nails. Full dog grooming includes additional jobs like bathing the dog, ear cleaning, anal gland expression, etc. You can also get your dog bathed in flea-resistant shampoos for extra fees. One thing that you must take into account is, dog bathing does not necessarily include drying. Drying is considered as a separate job, and hence charged separately. Depending upon the mode of drying, the cost also differs. Cage blow drying is less expensive than manual drying. However, manual drying is more desirable as blow drying could overheat your dog.

Dog Grooming Price List
Full Groom with Hand Stripping

Breed Price
Westie / Wire / Fox / Cairn / Miniature $40.00 - $60.00
Schnauzer / Welsh / Lakeland Terrier $40.00 - $60.00
Norfolk / Norwich / Border Terrier / Patterdale $40.00 - $60.00
Cocker Spaniel / Airedale / Standard Schnauzer $50.00 - $70.00

Full Groom with Clipping

Breed Price
Spaniels $40 - $50
Terriers $15 - $40
Poodles $40 - $60
Other Breeds $40 - $50

Besides, if you are interested in only clipping, you are likely to be charged about 50% of the full grooming cost. The cost of clipping dog nails, is about $7 per dog. Puppy grooming comes at a low price and is about $15 for any dog breed.

How to Find Best Dog Grooming Deals
Apart from dedicated grooming shops, dog grooming services are also available at pet stores, pet spas, dog boardings, vet's office, etc. You can get the best grooming deals at a vet's office, if you happen to know him for a while. You can also ask your friends for referrals, so as to get dog grooming at discount prices. Mobile dog grooming stores are a good option for those dog owners who cannot take their pets to the grooming stores. However, these stores charge you an additional convenience charge. You can look for average grooming prices in your locality so as to find the best deals. Visit grooming parlors to check for various intangibles like cleanliness and behavior of staff towards pets, before you leave your pet at their mercy. You can also consider grooming your dog at home if you wish to save money.

Prices for grooming dogs are subject to a lot of variation as many determinants are involved. Expect to pay more if your dog requires any special services. Any health problem concerning the dog should be notified to the groomer before the service.

Posted on 4:28 PM

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There are primarily two types of lumps, they are benign lumps, which are not cancerous and malignant lumps which are cancerous. Like any other dog illness, it is important that you pay close attention to any lumps that appear on your dog. Keep a track of any changes to the lump. Check if it is growing at a fast rate, is it painful to touch? Have more lumps appeared? Are you noticing some other changes in your pet? These are some of the questions that your vet will ask you. So be sure to notice such things as this will help you distinguish between the various types of dog lumps.

Types of Lumps in Dogs

Warts on dogs are lumps that occur due to viral infection. These can appear anywhere on the body, from the face, limbs, torso and even inside the mouth. Older dogs are more susceptible to warts due to their weak immune system. These small round growths resemble human pimples. Dogs who have warts usually don't show any other symptom like lethargy etc. These warts don't last for a very long time and can be easily treated. The good news is that warts are benign lumps.

Abscess & Hematoma
Abscesses are pus filled growth that usually occur near injury sites on the dog. These are primarily white blood cells that surround the infection, to fight it. These too are benign lumps so one need not worry too much. Hematoma are blood filled growths that occur near injury sights. These usually occur due to a defect in the clotting system.

Lipomas are fatty lumps that mostly affect middle aged dogs or overweight dogs. These fatty tumors usually appear near the belly and are rarely cancerous. These lumps are slow growing but do have a tendency to become very large, in which case they have to be surgically removed.

Sebaceous cysts
Cysts are caused due to abnormalities in the skin gland. They are growths that are filled with cellular debris or fluids. These are most common type of dog lumps. These too are benign lumps.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma are unfortunately malignant lumps. These don't have a tendency to spread to other areas and are mainly destructive to the local area of its origin. These types of lumps mainly occur on short coat dogs. In most cases, these lumps can be removed surgically, otherwise chemotherapy is also quite effective.

Mast cell tumor
These are one of the most common types of malignant lumps found on dogs. Their treatment and diagnosis is quite difficult as their appearance and behavior towards the body depends from animal to animal. Mast cell occur naturally in the skin, over-production of these cells leads to this type of cancer. A fine needle aspirate carried out to collect the cells present in the lumps, can diagnose this tumor.

Treatment for Lumps

Now that you know about the types and the causes of lumps in dogs. Take a look at the available treatment and diagnosis. To diagnose lumps as malignant, vets either use a tool to suck out the cells from the lump, or if it is oozing fluids, some fluid is taken on a slide and tested. Tissue culture can also help determine whether a lump is cancerous or not. If the lump is not cancerous, the vet will either remove the lump or prescribe necessary medication. In case of cancerous lumps either chemotherapy or surgical method is used.

Discovering a lump on dogs can be quite worrisome for pet owners but it is best to keep an eye on the lump to notice any changes. Even if a lump is diagnosed as benign, it is best to keep getting it checked from time to time. As in some rare cases, benign dog lumps can become malignant.

Posted on 8:44 AM

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Every dog owner wants to feed the best food to his/her pet dog. As most of us are aware, homemade dog food is the best and most nutritious food that you can provide to pet dogs. However, due to the time constraints, dog owners hardly get time to prepare dog food which will be beneficial for dog's health. In such scenarios, many dog owners prefer to purchase ready to feed dog foods. These dog foods are available in two forms as - dry dog foods and canned dog food. Canned dog food is often a popular choice since it is easily available. Along with its easy availability, canned dog food is available in various flavors and with different dog food ingredients. Canned dog food is pretty affordable and healthier than dry dog food which is available in the market. If you are one of such dog owners, then purchasing the best canned dog food should be on your priority list too. Read the following article that deals with the same.

Choosing the Best Canned Dog Food

The best dog food is the one that consists of healthy dog food ingredients. It should be designed to fulfill daily nutritional needs of your particular dog. Healthy dog food has a good balance between fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and fibers. Ratio of these foods should meet the standards provided by AAFCO or Association of American Feed Control Officials. The best dog food ingredients consist of protein, amino acids, limited amount of carbohydrates, plant-based fats (like vegetable oil or sunflower oil), etc. Typically dog food which is designed in the formula 50% vegetables + 40% meat + 10% carbohydrates is often reckoned as the healthiest dog food. However, it should not contain food additives, preservatives and colorings of any sorts.

Experts who often keep a track of dog food brands and maintain constant record of dog food analysis also state that dogs that are suffering with special ailments and physical conditions require different type of food. It is the reason why choosing corn and gluten free dog food is important to keep your dog safe from all sorts of allergies. Since their nutritional needs are totally different, one needs to be careful while choosing the best canned dog food for small dogs and large dogs. All in all, canned dog food always gets good ratings, as compared to semi dry and dry dog food brands. However, when it comes to choosing best canned food, always prefer choosing organic dog food with tolerable water content.


Addiction Canned Dog Food
Addiction Canned Dog Food is often rated as one of the best dog food brands. It is rich in protein and other high quality ingredients. This is one of the most novel dog food brands since it includes unusual protein sources like eel, buffalo, rabbit, duck, etc. Since it contains sort of exotic proteins it is often recommended as the best dog food for allergies. It is also the reason why many vets suggest that this brand should be used only when a dog develops some food allergy.

Blue Buffalo Canned Dog Food
If you are in search of the best human grade dog food brands for your pet dog, then you can always check reviews for Blue Buffalo Canned Dog Food. This is one of the best human grade dog foods that you can purchase. This dog food is claimed to be hormone free and antibiotics free and hence is a healthy dog food. Available in various protein sources like chicken, beef, lamb, fish and potatoes, turkey, etc. this dog food is often reckoned as the best dog food for puppies and small dogs.

Blue Seal Premium Canned Dog Food
Blue Seal Premium Canned Dog Food is one of the best organic dog food brands that you may come across, which is the reason why it is rated highly by many experts as well as dog owners. This dog food contains various dog friendly ingredients like beef broth, chicken, animal liver, etc. As a result, it is one of the healthier dog food brands that one can purchase for their dogs. However, these foods are not marketed as human grade dog foods and hence, choosing it as a supplementary food would always be ideal.

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul is also rated well for its contents like higher grade proteins that are hormone free and antibiotic free. This dog foods fulfills the premium nutritional needs of a dog. The brand Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul contains specifically designed foods for all dogs like senior dogs, adult dogs, puppies, overweight dogs, large breed dogs, small breed dogs and toy breed dogs. Hence, you can choose the best suitable product for the dog breed that you have.

Apart from those mentioned above, here is a list of some healthy canned dog food brands:
  • Artemis Holistic Dog Food
  • California Natural Canned Dog Food
  • Canidae All Natural Pet Foods
  • Castor & Pollux Organix Dog Food
  • Doctors Foster & Smith Dog Food
  • Dogswell Canned Food
  • Eagle Pack Dog Food Formula
  • Evo Canned Dog Food
  • Fromm Gold Nutritionals
  • Go! Natural Canine Canned Formula
  • Halo Spot's Stew Original
  • Innova Holistic Dog Food
  • Merrick Canned Dog Food
  • Natural Best Canned Dog Food
  • Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Food
  • Nature's Variety Instinct Grain-Free Canned Dog Food
  • Newman's Own Organics Premium Pet Food
  • Party Animal Organic Canned Formula
  • Performatrin Ultra Holistic Whole Health Dog Food
  • Solid Gold Canned Dog Food
  • Vet's Choice Professional Canned Dog Food
  • Wellness Canned Dog Food
  • Weruva Canned Dog Food
  • Wysong Natural Canned Dog Food
  • ZiwiPeak 100% Natural Canned Dog Food
After going through the above dog food analysis, you should still consult the vet and then purchase one of the above mentioned dog food brands.

Posted on 12:42 PM

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Reasons For Rehoming A Dog

Why Do Dogs Need To Find A New Home ?

Dogs come into our lives for many reasons and most poeple intend to keep their dog for life. However sometimes sadly things happen to people that can impact upon the ability to keep their animal frined forever. We are not talking here about abandoned or ill treated animals but rather dogs that are in need of a new home due to sad or difficult things happening to their owners.

There reasons I have most seen from the owners point of view are divorce, homelessness, serious illness, a new baby that has serious illnesses, serious financial difficulties, elderly owner having to go into a home where they do not allow animals, dementia and mental health issues of the owner and severe allergies.

From helping in rescue centres I have seen first hand the many circumstances that can occur and the heartbreak parting with a beloved animal friend can cause. Sometimes other solutions have been tried first but have not worked out for various reasons and rehoming is the last resort. Shelters should be considerate to owners under these curcumstances and people should be treated with respect and also need to bear in mind that any questions asked are so that they can care for and rehome your animal friend more effectively.

I have also seen the lack of planning that often can occur when difficult circumstances force this decision and feel that if people could do a little planning before they decide to hand him or her over to a rescue the chances of the dog finding a good new home quickly would increase. Please give the centre as much information as possible so that a new suitable home can be found as soon as possible.

Preparing To Help Rehoming A Dog

Review The Dogs Needs

Emotions may be running high when the decision to rehome is taken. However it is vital to now think of the pet's needs first.

Before taking to just any shelter research which ones might be the most suitable. There are a huge range of rescue centres some well known National ones, some small local ones. Some may have places immediately, for others there will be a wait list. If you are rehoming a purebred maybe a breed specific rescue might be a consideration.

Maybe you know the dog does not do well in kennels so perhaps a rescue where they utilise foster carer homes would be preferable. These considerations becomes even more important if the dog is very young, very old or has any health issues. Some rescues will allow the dog to remain in their current home and be promoted by the rescue, to save the dog further stress at being moved into kennels. Choosing the right rescue for the dog will increase a dogs chances of finding a new home more quickly.

Personally I would always recommend a registered rescue rather than putting an advert in a paper or a card in a shop. You need to know that wherever your dog is going they will be screened by the rescue, possibly get follow ups from the rescue and be deemed responsible dog owners. Do make sure the shelter is a rescue rather than a dog pound and ensure it is a no kill shelter so that dogs can remain there as long as it takes to find a new loving home.

Ideally check your dog is fully vaccinated and wormed and deflead prior to taking into rescue and that you have all the vetinary certificates.If you can, give your pet a bath and a trim if needed and just a nice groom so they look and feel their best.

Rescues will very often ask you for many details about the dog prior to taking them in and it is helpful if you have thought about this beforehand and made some preparations. It is very helpful to draw up a brief list of your dogs likes and dislikes, any fears (like fireworks, cars etc) and anything they particularly enjoy.

Do leave a record of any food or other allergies and any medical conditions and medication, this is vital information to ensure your dog is to remain healthy. Also it is helpful to know what food, treats and toys they like.

It is helpful to know where they are used to sleeping and if they have good lead walking and recall off lead or not. Also useful to know how they are with other dogs and with any other animals especially cats. Do tell the rescue how they react around children as well, if they are used to children or have had no contact with children.

All this can be written down quite easily and although it is very hard for the person rehoming their pet it is a last duty and loving act you are doing for hm or her to help them to cope with this new change in their life as smoothly and easily as possible.

If you are a family member rehoming a dog due to the owners death or need to go into a home then it is important to try to gather as much information as possible about the dog even though it was not yours.

Nylabone Dura Chew Knot Original Bone for Dogs
Amazon Price: $23.49 $9.42 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 9, 2013) Many dogs love something to chew on and Nylabones can be a good choice. They are available in many different sizes and chew strengths to suit different sizes and breeds of dogs. With our dog I found this to be the longest lasting chew.

Woodgreen Animal Shelter On Rehoming Procedures

What Happens In Rehoming A Dog?

What To Pack For Your Dog

Your Dogs Familiar Things

The day of leaving your dog can be a distressing and painful one but if at all possible you need to try to remain calm and stoic. It may be a good idea to take your dog for a nice long walk before taking to rescue or being picked up. This will help to calm both of you down and be a good last memory.

Pack all their things away at a time when they are not able to see you doing this as it could prove distressing to them. Ideally if you are able take to rescue a pet bed, water bowls, collar and lead or harness they are used to, a supply of their food and favourite treats and their toys and any blankets or other special things. This will help them to feel more comfortable in a strange environment and to have some familiar fabrics and smells around them.

Pet Paw Print Bed

Brinkmann Pet Paw Print Pet Bed, 25-Inch, BLue
Amazon Price: $41.99 $23.16 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 9, 2013) Comfortable for the pet and good looking enough for any home decore with a cute paw print design.

Oldies Club Dogs Rehomed.

These are older dogs rehomed in 2012.

When You Leave Your Dog In Shelter.

Be Calm And Steady For Your Dog

Try to keep the leaving calm and steady, Ido understand how hard this is but again we are thinking of your dog. If you have done all you can you then need to go and concentrate on getting your life sorted. Hopefully he or she will be rehomed quickly with a loving caring famiy and live on a happy life.

Things happen in life we can't always control. Ideally we would have a back up plan for every eventuality when we first get our animal friends, but sometimes life doesnt work out the way we planned. If people have thought this through and know it is for the best, then do all they can to make it smooth and less stressful, then everyone can both move on with their lives.

Posted on 5:15 AM

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Diarrhea and vomiting are among the most common symptoms of digestive problems in dogs. Occasional vomiting or diarrhea is considered normal in dogs, but persistent or severe symptoms may be an indication of some serious dog health problem. In such circumstances, you have to take your dog to a vet, in order to find out the exact cause for this condition, and to provide the relevant treatment.

Symptoms and Causes

The most common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, or both. Other symptoms include abdominal discomfort, straining, passing blood or mucus; flatulence, aversion to food, constipation and fatigue. While most of these symptoms are due to digestive problems in dogs, some other diseases like cancer may also cause some of the above said symptoms. In general, the most common causes of canine digestive problems are eating too much, sudden change in diet, eating inappropriate foods, food allergies, food poisoning, hairball in the digestive system and reactions to some medication.
  • A sudden change in a dog's diet is not advisable, as it may cause trouble to their digestive system. You can make them adjust to a new food item, by introducing very small amounts, which can be increased gradually.
  • Likewise, be consistent in feeding your dog. Never over stuff them, so as to avoid vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms of digestive problems in dogs.
  • Any foreign object stuck in the dog's system can cause regurgitation of the food, before it reaches the stomach. So, it is always better to prevent the dogs from getting access to things like small toys, strings, and other things which can be swallowed easily.
  • As in the case of humans, dogs too have food allergies. Some dogs may develop allergic reactions like vomiting, after consuming some particular foods like soy and corn.
  • It is also important to note that all food items consumed by humans are not good for dogs. For example, feeding a dog with chocolate can cause digestive problems in the animal. Some other food items may be toxic for dogs and cause food poisoning.
  • You have to keep a tab on the dog's diet, as dogs have the habit of eating anything which come their way. Dogs should not consume spicy foods, salty foods, chocolate, and most of the processed foods.
  • Dogs also tend to ingest their body hair while cleaning and licking themselves. This hair can ball up in the digestive tract of dogs and lead to blockage, resulting in constipation.
While most of the above said causes can be rectified with diligent care regarding eating habits of your pet dog, some of them may require medical attention too.

Diseases that Cause Digestive Problems in Dogs

Apart from the eating habits and other similar factors, some dog illnesses can also cause canine digestive problems. Diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, pancreas disorders, parasitic infections of the digestive tract, liver disorders, rectal obstructions and bloating, may cause digestive problems in dogs.
  • A bloat or gastric torsion in dogs can be a life-threatening condition, which demands immediate medical attention. The symptoms of bloat include vomiting, weakness, or sudden collapse. The most common cause for this condition is the swallowing of excess air, which causes the stomach to rotate and results in blood supply cut off.
  • Persistent and chronic diarrhea can be due to inflammatory bowel disease, which also causes weight loss and undernourishment in dogs. It has been observed that this condition is commonly seen in German Shepherds. In such cases, prompt medical attention is very necessary.
  • Pancreatic disorders can also lead to digestive problems in dogs. Overproduction or underproduction of pancreatic enzymes can be responsible for persistent diarrhea. Such dogs may eat heavily, but lose weight.
  • Liver disorders can also cause digestive problems like vomiting and other symptoms, like fatigue, weight loss and frequent urination in dogs. While treatment is unavoidable in most of the liver disorders in dogs, some cases may require surgery.
  • Some dogs may have obstructions in the rectum, which cause constipation or thin (ribbon-like) stools. Some of the obstructions are treated with medicines, while some others are removed through surgery.
  • Parasites like roundworms and hookworms, may cause such problems in dogs. Such parasites may cause indigestion, gas, and diarrhea. In such cases, you have to consult a vet and have your dog dewormed.
While some of the common causes for digestive problems in dogs can be prevented, others like liver disorders or pancreatic disorders cannot be prevented. The former category can be remedied with a controlled diet, more water intake, and consuming more fiber-rich foods. If the symptoms do not subside within a few days, you have to consult a vet for the treatment. A vet's service is necessary to find out the exact cause of the digestive problem and for relevant treatment.

Posted on 12:54 AM

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