Friday, February 27, 2015

Dogs have their special nutritional needs just like their owners. One such, extremely important nutrient is the omega 3 essential fatty acid, which avoids inflammation and inflammatory diseases. First thing to understand here is, that the dog's body cannot produce omega 3 fatty acids and hence, it may suffer from several dog health problems like arthritis and joint pain. Being a loving pet owner and in order to avoid such dog health problems, you must add omega 3 fatty acid in the regular diet of your dog. As a matter of fact, most of the top brands of dog foods are rich with many nutrients but they lack omega 3 fatty acids. Some brands contain loads of omega 6 fatty acids but they miss on omega 3 fatty acids. Such foods can create imbalance in the fatty acid levels of the dog's body. So, which are the best dog foods with omega 3 fatty acids?


Omega 3 fatty acid is a real life savor for the dogs. Since it avoids inflammation, acts as a great cancer resisting agent and maintains joint and cardiac health of the dogs. It is a quality fat that must be a part of the best dog food. It is unfortunate that AAFCO doesn't mention omega 3 fatty acid as an essential nutrient. But if your pet is not getting enough amount of omega 3 rich foods, then it is your responsibility to provide the same. You can give omega 3 supplements for dogs as well. However, you need to be pretty specific and careful while adding both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in the dog's food. A healthy dog food must contain 2.2% omega 6 and 0.3% omega 3 fatty acids. Smallest irregularity in this ratio can cause various dog health conditions! Hence, it is an important point to consider for utmost dog care.


There are numerous sources of omega 3 fatty acids, like fish oil, flaxseeds, soybeans, walnuts and canola. Even though they are inexpensive, avoid using soybeans and prefer using fish oils for dogs. Rather than fish oil, you can also include fish in the regular home cooked dog food. Fish are natural foods with omega 3 and they also contain natural proteins. Most dogs love fish and hence, there should not be any problem for you to include them in their daily diet. Another option is the omega 3 supplements for dogs, that are available in drug stores. These supplements are helpful for treating high cholesterol levels, skin allergies in dogs, joint inflammations in dogs. Many omega 3 supplements for dogs also contain vitamin E, which is a great antioxidant for the dogs.

Finding the Food

You don't need to take special efforts for adding omega 3 into the dog's food. All that you need to do is to add 3 oz salmons/canned salmons in the dog's daily food. You can bring home a regular tin of canned salmons from Bumblebee. A 14 oz tin provides you about 5 servings of canned salmons. The second thing that you can do is to add 2 to 4 drops of vitamin E oil into the dog's food. You can also add glucosamine and chondroitin in the regular dog treats. SeaPet pet food products are pretty good for that. There are many brands that you can consider while thinking of dog treats with omega 3. Honest Kitchen Force Dog Food, Orijen 6 Fish Dog Food, Taste of the Wild, Pacific Stream, Canidae's Grain Free Salmon, Acana's Wild Prairie, Wellness's Core Reduced Fat Recipe, Canine Caviar's Venison and Split Pea, Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul's Adult Dog Formula, etc., are some of the dog food products that you can find with omega 3 as a significant ingredient.


Proper precautionary measures must be taken while adding omega 3 in your dog's food. A general dosage formula for omega 3 acid is - 180 mg omega 3 per 10 lbs of the dog's total weight. This ratio may vary for each dog, hence ask your veterinarian to set the omega 3 dosage for your dog first. Overdose of omega 3 can cause several side effects. The most prominent and severe side effects of omega 3 overdose in dogs include, thinning of blood and lack of blood clotting. Hence, you always need to be cautious about the amount of dog foods with omega 3 fatty acids. In case the dog shows several ill effects after consuming omega 3, then stop feeding it immediately and consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Providing healthy and home cooked food with healthy fatty acids is also a good option to avoid such side effects of omega 3 supplements.

It is agreed that you need to provide the healthiest dog food with omega 3 essential fatty acids to your dogs. But, it is even more important to administer it in a proper dosage, and only after consultation with the veterinarian. All the best!

Posted on 5:55 PM

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Dogs have always been one of the popular pets and according to archaeological evidence, the domestication of these animals started around 10,000 BC. These animals have been touted as the most loyal and you might have heard of numerous stories depicting dog as man's best friend. Owning a dog can be a really great experience for the owner as well as his family members. However, it is a very important decision, which has to be taken after thinking over the pros and cons. Apart from the joy of owning a pet, it is a matter of commitment on the part of the owner, to take care of that dog, throughout its lifetime. So, think of the duties and responsibilities (includes the financial aspect too) on your part and decide. If you have taken the decision to own a dog, the next question is about the dog breed. Choosing the right dog breed is often a confusing situation, as there are various types of dogs.

Choosing the Right Dog

Financial Aspects: If you are concerned about the financial aspects of owning a dog, collect details about the cost of owning dogs of different breeds and make a list of those dogs, which, you can afford to raise as pets. Once you make the list, you can choose a dog, after considering other factors like size, looks, gender and compatibility.

Dog Size: This is one of the most important criteria for dog selection. Size is a matter of concern, for those who want to carry their pet dogs. However, such small dogs have to be handled very carefully, as most of them are fragile. It is a common misconception that big dogs need more space, but, this is not always true, as some big dogs, like, docile Greyhound can be kept in small spaces. But, larger dogs with waging tails can either damage household articles or cause tail injury. Another important fact is that the larger the dog, the bigger the expenses, whether it be medical health care, food or training.

Looks of the Dog: There are many people, who choose a dog, only for its looks. While, some people like dogs with ferocious looks, other love cute appearance. Such people do not care about other factors, while choosing the dog and land in trouble, when they bring these dogs to home. So, it is better to study all aspects of a particular dog breed before investing.

Age and Gender: While most people choose puppies, there are some, who go for grown-up dogs. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. While puppies are easy to be trained and get adjusted to their new home, grown up dogs may take time and may also resist your efforts to get them trained. Moreover, puppies are always preferred to older ones, in families with kids. When it comes to selection of gender, most people prefer male dogs, as there is no question of pregnancy. But, females are preferred, as they are found to be more sensible for training and do not have the tendency to run away, as compared to males.

Compatibility: Compatibility is one important factor, which should not be forgotten. Compatibility can be with kids, family members, other pets and new surroundings. If your kids are small and are not capable to handle puppies properly, then, puppies are not a good option. Dogs, which shed hair are also not recommended for a family with small kids, as the hair may trigger allergic reactions. It is always better to choose a dog that is gentle in nature and is best suited for kids. If you have other pets, then, try to get a dog breed, which is friendly towards other animals.

Other Factors: There are many other factors, which have to be taken care of, while selecting a dog. This include the health issues of various dog breeds, what all characters you need in a dog, whether you want a watchdog or a companion, whether you can afford to spend time with your pet, from where you obtain the dog (from breeders, rescues, shelters), you need a pure breed or cross-breed and whether the dog breed you select can survive the local climatic conditions.

In short, choosing a dog can be very easy, if you have a basic idea about the various dog breeds. You may also talk to experts like breeders, veterinarians and elders, for their opinion. Otherwise conduct an in-depth study about the above said factors and then, make a decision.

Posted on 4:04 AM

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Coccidiosis is a parasitic infection by a microscopic protozoa that invades the intestines of dogs as well as cats. There are four types of coccidia that may infect the canine intestines. These four types are Lsospora canis, Ohioensis, Eorivolta, and L. burrowsi. These single celled parasites invade cell wall lining of the dog's intestine. These protozoans infect the intestinal tract of those dogs that are immunocompromised or weak due to certain dog health problems. Therefore, it is mostly puppies and stressed dogs that are infected with coccidiosis.

What is it?
Coccidia is not a native organism of the internal environment of a puppy. The puppy gets exposed to the organism from the mother's feces. This happens especially when the mother is shedding the protozoan cysts in her feces. The puppy may ingest the feces containing cysts that develop in the intestines of the animal. Puppies as young as 6 months old, do not have immunity to protect themselves from the protozoan infection. The organism multiples in the intestines of the puppies leading to serious dog health complication.

Older dogs and cats may get infected by ingesting soil containing coccidia cysts. They may even eat feces or intestines of other infected animals like rodents. They may even get infected by eating other carriers like cockroaches, etc.

The first sign of the disease is diarrhea. The severity of the diarrhea depends on the level of infection. Coccidia can multiply rapidly, leading to a severe infection. Most often the diarrhea is watery but may turn bloody and contain mucus in severe infections. Another sign is stools that have a really foul odor. Even if you observe only loose stools, do not take it lightly and get your pet checked for coccidia. The other symptoms of this infection includes:
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures in case the infection turns severe
  • Dehydration, especially in young puppies
  • Abdominal tenderness
The symptoms may be seen for up to 14 days. However, these symptoms are not limited to coccidia only. Therefore, you should speak to a veterinarian to be sure if your pet is suffering from signs of this disease.

Treatment consists of two drugs that have high rates of success. These drugs include sulfadimethoxine and trimethoprim/sulfadiazine. The mode of action of these drugs does not kill the coccidia in the intestines. It just helps in preventing the parasite from reproducing. Therefore, the rate at which the animal recovers from the infection is very slow. The dog becomes normal once an equilibrium between the immune system and the organism is reached. The average time to recover after proper treatment is followed is about 2 weeks.

The best way to prevent coccidia is keeping feces out of reach from the dog. Do not take the dog to crowded places or keep him in dirty living conditions. This is because not only dog feces is the mode of contamination, but flies, cockroaches, ticks and fleas may also help in spreading the infection to a healthy dog. Give your dog fresh, clean water to drink at all times. This is because contaminated water may also contain coccidia cysts. A small puppy will gradually develop immunity to coccidia and it is very rare, for an healthy adult dog to develop a coccidia infection.

Thus, make sure you take good dog care and keep your dog healthy. Make sure you provide prompt proper treatment to your pet. These organism multiply rapidly and may cause serious dog illnesses. This was all about this condition that may help you in treating your pet.

Posted on 5:53 PM

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Dogs are surely a man's best friend! Dog lovers around the world will know the importance of this sentence. Dogs are not only lovable as pets, but they also make the most loyal companions one can ever have! So, isn't it right that you whip up some homemade treats for your lovable companion? Many dog owners opt for food that is available at pet stores. However, you can make some easy treats in your home! With time, you might even discover a recipe your doggie will truly appreciate! Read on for some interesting recipes.

Recipe 1

Ground beef (2 cups)
Eggs (3)
Yeast (1 tablespoon)
Whole wheat flour (4 cups)
Powdered milk (2 cups)
Wheat germ (1 cup)

Dissolve the yeast in 1 cupful of water at warm temperature. Once it dissolves completely, add all the remaining ingredients to this preparation. Blend well till a paste forms. Place the dough aside for half an hour. Next, you need to roll the dough with the help of a rolling pin on a floured surface. Once you roll it, cut it into square pieces. Your next step would be to place these pieces into the oven. Bake it at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes. Once it cools down, serve it to the dog and if you get a warm loving lick, you can rest assured your pet has loved the doggie treat!

Recipe 2

Flour (2 cups)
Salt ( teaspoon)
Garlic powder ( teaspoon)
Bacon grease (8 tablespoons)
Egg - beaten (1)
Cheddar cheese - shredded
Beef or chicken broth (2 tablespoons)
Brown sugar (1 teaspoon)
Bacon - crumbled (6 slices)
Ice water ( cup)
Wheat germ ( cups)
Powdered milk ( cups)

Take a medium-sized bowl and add the broth with the bacon grease and eggs together. Now, add the remaining ingredients to this. Blend well. Next, place this dough on a lightly floured surface. Knead it well till the dough attains a smooth texture. Then, roll these till it forms a thickness of inch. With the help of a cookie cutter, cut them into the shape of a dog bone. You now need to place them on the cookie sheet. Maintain a distance of around 2 inches between each piece. Bake the same at 350 degrees F for around 20 minutes. Once baked, allow to cool on wire rack.

Recipe 3

All-purpose flour (1 cups)
Baking powder (1 teaspoons)
Jar strained beef food (1)
Soft butter ( cup)
Corn oil ( cup)
Eggs (4)
Beef jerky (2-3 strips)

First, you need to preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Then, grease and flour a pan. Add butter. Once it turns smooth, add the beef, corn oil and the eggs. Mix it well till the mixture blends perfectly. Now, mix the dry ingredients into this preparation and blend well. Next, crumble the beef jerky and add to the batter. Now, pour this preparation into the loaf pan. Bake it for an hour. Once baked, allow to cool on the wire rack. After 15 minutes, add yogurt and cheese for topping. You can even place another strip of beef jerky. Place it in the refrigerator for further use. While serving to your dog however, allow it to cool down.

These recipes are bound to keep your pet dog happy. You shouldn't be surprised if your pet gives you loving licks and happy barks as a reward.

Posted on 5:25 PM

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Yogurt has always been valued as a healthy food since time immemorial. It is rich in various nutrients and beneficial bacteria and is considered to be good for health in many different ways. This is the case with humans, but what about dogs? While some people strongly favor use of yogurt for dogs, others are found to be totally against this.

Why Is Yogurt Good for Dogs

As in case of humans, yogurt is an excellent supplier of probiotics for canines too. These beneficial bacteria can work wonders in improving digestion and in boosting the health of the digestive system of dogs. It is said to have strong anti bacterial properties and may prove useful in keeping certain types of infections at bay. Some people administer yogurt to their dogs, who have undergone treatments with antibiotics. This is because antibiotics are found to kill beneficial bacteria along with disease causing ones. Yogurt is one of the easiest and safest way to reintroduce probiotics in the digestive tract and restore the normal intestinal flora. It may also fight yeast infection in dogs and is said to be beneficial in curing certain skin conditions too. In short, yogurt can improve immunity and also provide with some nutrients like calcium. So, even canines can benefit from yogurt.

Possible Harmful Effects

Even though, yogurt is said to be safe for dogs, there are certain speculations about feeding canines with this dairy product. One points against use of yogurt for dogs is its lactose content that may cause flatulence, diarrhea, bloating and even pancreatitis in canines. This is because dogs produce very small amounts or lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose. In some dogs, the production of lactase is almost zero. So, the animal develops difficulties in digesting lactose and may lead to digestive problems. In fact, the lactose content in yogurt is very less as compared to other dairy products.

In such cases, the canine may develop constipation or diarrhea, dehydration, excessive thirst and itchy skin. Another contention against feeding dogs with yogurt is the high levels of sugar in some types of yogurt. Ingestion of such yogurt may disturb the normal functioning of canine digestive system. Even the artificial sweeteners in some types of yogurt may also cause problems like seizures, depression and disorientation. It has also been contended that yogurt with cooked bacteria instead of active cultures may also cause digestive problems.

Is Yogurt Safe for Dogs

The above said is a brief overview about the pros and cons of feeding dogs with yogurt. To conclude, use of plain organic yogurt (not the flavored ones), that too in small amounts may prove beneficial for canines. It is advisable to go for the low fat versions with active cultures. A teaspoon a day is administered for small dogs and medium to big dogs may be given a tablespoon of yogurt once a day, for three to four times a week. Usually, yogurt is mixed with dog food. However, there are certain dog breeds (like, spaniels) that may not tolerate even small amounts of yogurt. In such cases, it is always better to avoid feeding them with this dairy product. Even young puppies must not be fed with this dairy product. If the dog develops any digestive trouble or other symptoms (after consuming yogurt), discontinue the use of yogurt.

In short, plain, organic, low fat yogurt can be given to dogs, in small quantities. But, make sure that your dog is not having any digestive problems or other symptoms. You may also seek the opinion of the vet regarding the use of yogurt for the specific dog breed you have.

Posted on 9:28 AM

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Those of you who purchase ready-made dog food for your dog, are probably aware of the monthly sum of money that's needed to spend on it. Planning your monthly budget soon starts to come in the way of the initial excitement of keeping a pet dog. Hence, saying pet care is an expensive job, won't be too wrong. In such a situation, dog food coupons always come in handy. These coupons not only save you a good amount of money but it also guarantees that your dog gets healthy food on a daily basis. One such popular dog food brand that provides free dog food coupons is Beneful. Beneful is one of the most popular dog food brands, which is manufactured by the Nestle Purina PetCare Company. This dog food brand is popular for its good quality dry and canned dog food.

Finding Beneful Coupons

If you have been feeding home cooked dog food to your pet dog and want to swap it with ready-made dog food then coupons for Beneful dog food or any other dog food brand will always prove to be a great money saving option for you. If you have always been feeding your dog with Beneful or other Purina pet food products then you must be partly aware of the concept of free dog food coupons that are offered by this brand. When it comes to Beneful, the best part is that their dog food coupons are available in printable form and hence they are easy to use. All that you need to do is print these coupons and show them to the shop salesman while purchasing dog food. There are quite a few easy ways to get Beneful printable dog food coupons which are available on-line as well.

Beneful Website
The best and the most reliable source to get both, discount and free Beneful dog food coupons is the official website of Beneful Dog Food. Visit the official Beneful website that often has all the information related to Beneful dog foods and other Purina products too. There, you will also find information about discount rates, free trials, and special offers on Beneful products. All that you need to do is to sign up for the Beneful dashboard and avail discount coupons on Beneful and other Purina dog food products. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is to use the coupons as soon as you get them, since these coupons are subject to inventory fluctuations. In other words, offers on these dog foods are likely to end as soon as the products go out of stock.

Discount Websites
Apart from the official website of Beneful Dog Food, there are a few other discount websites that keep offering special discounts on the best dog food brands. You should also check grocery stores and pet stores, since they mostly have discount coupons for pet food brands including Beneful Pet Food coupons. Along with the coupons you may also receive rebate checks with many food items for pets. With the rebates and printable pet food coupons, expenditure on pet food gets a lot more manageable. Apart from that, you could also login to some on-line coupon trading websites that allow the members to swap different types of coupons with those who are in need of discount pet food coupons.

Other Sources
Apart from the above mentioned website sources, Beneful sometimes may circulate their coupons in the local newspapers, newspaper inserts, and inside or on already purchased Beneful products. These sources are often overlooked by most of us. Interestingly, some veterinarians also have free pet food samples, discount coupons and free coupons that they give away. All that you need to do is to get those coupons and utilize them as long as the offer is valid.

As a parting note, I would like to advise you to use the Beneful Dog Food coupons as soon as you get them, because most of the time, such discount coupons lave a limited validity period that ends after a certain period.

Posted on 9:26 AM

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Saturday, February 14, 2015

For as long as domesticated pets have roamed the halls and households of their owners, fleas and ticks have often roamed right along with them. Outside giving Rover and Fluffy a bath once a week to control these pests, many pet owners think their only option for combating the problem is to strap the ubiquitous flea collar around their pet's neck, dip them in a chemical bath, spray them with some kind of pest control spray, or dab the back of their necks with a monthly ointment preparation.

Those solutions are certainly solutions, and they do work. However, flea and tick treatments, both over-the-counter ones and prescription ones, usually contain toxic chemicals. Not only can those chemicals potentially poison your pet, they can also harm you and your family. Even when you apply them following the instructions provided, pesticides such as tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur can be deadly if you are in contact with them on a regular basis. Think of little Susie picking up Fluffy and hugging her tightly, cooing in her little whiskered face how much she loves the kitty. Do you seriously want to have toxic chemicals radiating their fumes just inches away from little Susie's face?

The Natural Resources Defense Council has a mission to protect wildlife and animals of all kinds, and to ensure that life on earth exists in a health environment. Their new report on pesticides for the flea control and ticks strongly recommends that the FDA should ban some pesticides from being used in pet products, and the NRDC advises consumers to closely scrutinize how safe products on the market are, before using them on their pet.

The NRDS examined the listed ingredients of over 100 flea and tick treatments, to compile a report about which chemicals they contain and how toxic those chemicals are. The report details which chemicals have been scientifically linked to allergies, asthma, and even cancer in humans, and which are suspected to be endocrine disruptors. Every product is categories in the report according to its possible risks. Young children and pregnant women are especially at risk, and should try to avoid all pesticides that may be used on animals. Spot treatments, in particular those containing phenothrin and cyphenothrin, may pose a hazard to both people and pets because they are very concentrated.

In some cases, particularly severe infestations, chemical control is unavoidable. In these cases, consumers can choose a safer treatment and avoid extremely toxic chemicals by following the recommendations on the NRDC's list. But for regular ongoing prevention of flea and tick problems, there are several safe and effective natural solutions.

Regular vacuuming, coming, and bathing of your pet can greatly reduce the spread of fleas. Fleas caught in brushes and combs can be drowned easily in soapy water. Baths control fleas easily, and any soap will get rid of the fleas - you don't need a chemical-laden flea soap to do the trick. Your pet's bedding should be washed in warm water at least once a week. Fleas have a tendency to accumulate and breed in pet bedding, so when you gather up the bedding to put it in the wash, take care not to fluff the bed or shake it, to avoid spreading any flea eggs or larvae that might be secreted in the bedding. When you vacuum, bags should be thrown away immediately to prevent the fleas from being able to escape and re-infest the area. For a severe infestation, a professional carpet cleaning using a steam cleaner will do the trick.

Since fleas come in from outdoors, keeping your outdoor areas maintained and clean will greatly reduce the risk of an indoor infestation. Keep grass and shrubs trimmed neatly, especially in areas where your pets spend a lot of time. Increased dryness and sunlight will reduce the presence of fleas. Nematodes, which are available at any garden supply store, can be used as a biological, non-chemical approach to controlling fleas outdoors. There are some herbal and natural flea control products containing citrus, cinnamon, cloves, lavender, bay, and other oils, that may be used to treat pests on pets. But these should be used sparingly because they may cause allergic reactions in people and/or pets.

Flea infestations are definitely a miserable problem to deal with. But making your pet health or your family sick in trying to prevent or control them would be even more miserable. Before slathering your pet with toxins and risking the health of them and your family, try a natural flea control approach first.

Posted on 6:00 PM

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Dogs are known for their goofy behavior. They chase their own tails, bark at imaginary objects and harass the mailman. But there's a line between goofy and crazy. Suppose your pooch is a positive angel during the day. He listens to your commands, has excellent household manners and is the epitome of good behavior. During the night, it's a classic Jekyll and Hyde switch. Your angel has turned into a hell hound. He barks and howls continuously. His continuous pacing and walking around the house keeps you up. In the morning, the room looks like 3 tornadoes went through it, the devastation is that horrific. To add insult to injury, he's perfectly normal, wagging his tail, with a "what did I do" look in his eyes. Erratic nighttime behavior is an extremely disturbing and destructive experience for animal and owner. In this article, learn more about this anomaly in dog behavior called night anxiety in dogs.

Why do Dogs Suffer from Night Anxiety?

Deviant behavior has rarely straightforward causes, and the same logic applies for canine activities at night. Two underlying causes are:

Separation Anxiety
Night anxiety could be a form of canine separation anxiety. Dogs are highly social beings and their loving and loyal nature makes them very attached to their owners. But an unusual amount of attachment can cause a dog to behave very erratically in the absence of his loved one. While dogs are not as independent or aloof as cats, they can make do on their own, at least for sometime. A dog anxious at separation, cannot stand being left alone. And when the owner returns, an over-abundance of affection is displayed. Separation anxiety can be triggered or created. Some situations like the loss of a familiar figure, new house or neighborhood and change in schedule, where the dog is used to his owners coming home at a time and suddenly the timing changes, are known to cause anxiety problems. Abused dogs, or shelter bred and pet store pooches with a difficult early life, are more susceptible to separation anxiety.

A mental problem it may be, but separation issues result in very physical and rather crazy behavior from a dog. And such behavior patterns can assert themselves at night, when the owner is around, but not with the dog. So the dog is more anxious at the thought of being kept apart from his master. If your dog shows any of the following signs as nocturnal antics, it's likely he's suffering from separation issues:
  • Scratching and pawing at closed doors or windows to try to get into your room
  • Very vocal in distress - whines and pants incessantly, howling loudly
  • Pacing throughout the house in a disturbed manner
  • Defecating and urinating in random places
  • Erratic acts of destruction, like chewing and biting stuff, or emptying dustbins
  • Tries to harm itself by biting its tail or scratching at its face with claws out
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)
We share so much in common with our dogs, even diseases and disorders. In older dogs, age can take a toll on mental ability and reasoning. This results in a change in the way a dog behaves. A normally active dog might sleep the whole day away and instead spend nights in a disturbed state. This sort of pattern is described as sundowning, a common symptom among people with Alzheimer's and dementia. Night anxiety in dogs is one of the key symptoms of CDS or cognitive dysfunction syndrome. This syndrome is a deterioration of the brain's ability to function, caused by various age-related physical and chemical changes. Its onset is observed, when a dog is 8 years of age. Such a syndrome can cause nighttime wanderings, disturbed pacing and barking. During the day, the dog can seem unfocused and vague. His senses are dimmed and dulled and he will get stuck in places, or lost. For an owner, such a syndrome is harsh, as a faithful pet seems distant and has forgotten his loved ones.

What can an owner do to help ease anxiety in dogs at night? To determine that there is no physical cause, a thorough examination by a vet should be carried out. If it is CDS, medication is prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. For separation anxiety and mental issues, focus on reducing the anxiety. Keep a light on in his room. Be nonchalant and breezy, when leaving him at night. The more attention you draw to separation, the more anxious he will get. Exercise and training also helps. A well-exercised dog will not have the energy for nighttime antics. The key to resolving canine anxiety issues at night, is to be patient and not to give up on your pet.

Posted on 1:56 AM

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Arthritis is a type of dog illness which leads to unbearable pain and/or inflammation in the joints. Dogs are man's best friends and when we accept a dog as a pet, it becomes a part of our family. We cannot bear to see the pain that our pet dog has to suffer from. Arthritis is one of the common dog health problems. It is commonly observed in giant breeds, older dogs and in inactive dogs. Younger dogs may acquire this disease due to injuries or accidents. Thanks to modern-day research, a variety of arthritis medications is available for dogs, today.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs
  1. Finding it difficult to sit or stand up
  2. Poor health, sleeping all day long and lethargy
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Limping
  5. Walking with a stiff gait
  6. Constantly swollen or heated joints
  7. Often licking the joints
  8. Reluctant to go for walks, jump or climb
  9. Moaning due to pain
  10. Trying to resist touch and yelping when touched
Causes of Dog Arthritis
  1. During the process of aging, the degeneration of the cartilage in the joints leads to arthritis in dogs.
  2. Sometimes, an abnormal development of bones is found in young dogs and this may lead to arthritis.
  3. Obesity results in extra stress on the joints which increases the chances of becoming arthritic.
  4. Some other abnormal conditions like hip dysplasis, or a kind of injury wherein the dog faces an unstable condition of joints, may develop further into arthritis.
Types of Arthritis Medications for Dogs

Anti-Inflammatory Medications: NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are prescribed by vets in arthritic cases. These medicines are dog specific and come in recommended doses for variant breeds. They require regular monitoring. These drugs are analgesics and help in preventing fever, reducing inflammation and relieving pain quickly. Aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen are common arthritis drugs. Rimadyl, EtoGesic, Metacam, Previcox and Zubrin are some medicine brands that are most widely prescribed and available in the market. If gastrointestinal and renal side effects are observed, then the treatment should be very carefully designed. Prednisolone, Methylsulphonylmethane, Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone, and Phenylbutazone having low levels of steroids are some good medicines for dogs with arthritis. But, they may have hazardous side effects in some arthritic dogs. So all these medicines should be used strictly under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Glucosamine Treatment: Glucosamine, the component present in dog's cartilage, is also found in shellfish and sea creatures in the form of amino sugar. During the process of aging, the ability to produce the required amount of glucosamine is affected, which leads to hardened and deteriorated cartilage. Glucosamine and chondroitin are used in medications for arthritis for human beings and for dogs. Glucosamine combined with chondroitin sulfate is always better since chondroitin blocks the flow of enzymes which destroy the cartilage while glucosamine helps in its repair. No major side effects have yet been noticed when it comes to this drug. It is available in a liquid form and hence, a complete absorption of the ingredients is possible. It can be easily fed and it is a safe nutritional supplement. It reduces the pain and slows the advancement of arthritis. But it takes time, the results are not instant.

Homeopathic and Herbal Medicines: Homeopathy or herbal medicines are popular arthritis medications for dogs and they are very effective. They stimulate the defense mechanism and boost the healing power of the body. As this type of arthritis treatment does not generate any chemical action, no damage is caused to the body.

Dog Arthritis Supplements: These natural food supplements having disease preventive characteristics ease the pain and provide relief to the dog. Natural herb alfalfa has a very soothing effect on the arthritis pain in dogs. Add 3 teaspoons of dried or fresh alfalfa leaves to tea and serve it to your dog. Include vegetables rich in vitamin B, like leafy green vegetables and others like cabbage, broccoli, carrots, parsley and asparagus in your dog food on a regular basis. The minerals present in vegetables inhibit the metabolism of calcium. Products like 'mussel extracts' available in pet stores, help restore the damage caused in connective tissues and thus serve as good arthritis supplements.

Apart from these medications, some other remedial options are also available for arthritic dogs. They are physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, and massage with herbal, sunflower or olive oil. These remedial measures greatly help relieve the joint pain. In extreme cases of arthritis, doctors may suggest surgery. Fatty tissues are removed from the body of arthritic dogs by means of adult stem cell therapy and the processed stem cells from these tissues are injected into the affected joints which then help to improve joint function.

Dog Care Tips
  1. Always consult a veterinarian and use only the medicines prescribed by him.
  2. Medications meant for human beings should never be given to dogs without prior consultation.
  3. Regular visits to the vet's clinic are necessary for the follow-up of the treatment.
  4. Always give the correct dose of the medicine, as a slight change in the dosage may prove life-threatening for your dog.
  5. As far as dog health is concerned, a balanced and healthy diet along with regular exercises is a must. Exercises should not be strenuous.
  6. Arthritis in obese dogs may lead to unbearable pain since their weight creates a lot of stress on the joints. So try to keep your dog's weight in control.
  7. Let your dog be inside on cold days. Keep the arthritic joints warm by providing warm woolens and a quilt.
  8. Arrange for a soft and comfortable dog bed for the arthritic dog. He should not sleep in a clumsy or uncomfortable position.
  9. If he is unable to eat from his bowl due to pain while bending the neck, keep the bowl should at an elevation.
  10. Support your dog and lift it gently, if it faces difficulty in getting up from a seated position.
If you are able to detect the tell-tale signs from the dog behavior, arthritis can be detected at an early stage. With proper medication and health management, your dog would be able to lead a pain-free life. Along with the medications, a little bit of extra attention, sublime love and perfect care can make your beloved pet happy.

Posted on 12:37 PM

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No animal is as loyal and faithful as a dog, and hence dogs are loved as pets by mostly all of us. Whether it's a movie, a sitcom or a real life story, man has always enjoyed the company of dogs. When it comes to making a list of some of the most famous dogs, the list is unending. Here is an attempt of making such a list.

Famous Dogs in Movies and TV shows

Name of the Dog Dog Breed Movie
Fang Neapolitan Mastiff Harry Potter
Hooch Dogue De Bordeaux Turner and Hooch
Toto Cairn Terrier Wizard of Oz
Frank Pug Men in Black
Beethoven Saint Bernard Beethoven
Argus Irish Red and White Setter Familiar Strangers
Blair Collie Rescued by Rover
Lassie Collie Lassie
Rin Tin Tin German Shepherd Where The North Begins

Famous Dogs in Commercials

Name of the Dog Dog Breed Commercial
Alex Golden Retriever Stroh's Beer
Axelrod Basset Hound Flying "A" Service Station
Big Mo Golden Retriever Alpo
Bingo Generic Cracker Jack
Dinky Chihuahua Taco Bell

Famous Dogs as Mascots

Name of the Dog Mascot of
Jonathan the Husky University of Connecticut
Blue II Butler University
Bully Mississippi State University
Blitz Wofford College
Zeke the Wonder Dog Michigan State
Brian Boru Royal Irish Regiment
Mex University of Oklahoma
Mirabelle Detail Gallery

Famous Real Dogs in Literature

Name of the Dog Dog Breed
Beautiful Joe Airedale
Jock of the Bushveld Staffordshire bull terrier
Lad Rough collie
Charley Poodle
Marley Labrador Retriever
Tulip German shepherd
Wheely Willy Chihuahua
Mirabelle Boston terrier

Famous Dogs of U.S. Presidents

Name of the Dog Dog Breed Name of the President/First Lady
Bo Portuguese water dog Barack Obama
Barney Scottish Terrier George W. Bush
Buddy Chocolate Labrador Retriever Bill Clinton
Checkers Cocker Spaniel Richard Nixon
Dash Collie mix Caroline Harrison
Fala Scottish Terrier Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Him and Her Beagles Lyndon Johnson
Liberty Golden Retriever Gerald R. Ford
Manchu Black Pekingese Alice Roosevelt
Millie Springer Spaniel Barbara Bush
Pete Bull Terrier Theodore Roosevelt
Spot English Springer Spaniel George W. Bush

Famous Dogs in History

Blondi, who lived from 1941 to 1945, was the pet of Adolf Hitler. This female German Shepherd was presented to Adolf Hitler as a gift by Martin Bormann, who was a prominent Nazi professional. Hitler loved his dear pet and also allowed her to sleep in his bedroom in his bunker. Reports say that, on 30th April 1945, Hitler asked his physician Werner Haase to test suicide pills on Blondi, which caused Blondi's death and soon after that Hitler committed suicide.

Laika (1954 -1957) being the first dog in space, certainly is one of the most famous dogs of all time. She was a Soviet space dog and was launched by the Russian spacecraft Sputnik 2 in November, 1957. Though she is the first animal to orbit the Earth, she was a victim of orbital death due to overheating, stress and problems inside the rocket. Laika was previously a stray, wandering dog which was found in the lanes of Moscow.

Pickles was a mongrel dog who helped in searching the stolen FIFA World Cup of the year 1966. The trophy was stolen on 20th March, which was just 4 months before the FIFA World Cup tournament that was to be held in England. The trophy was then found wrapped in a newspaper in South London, by Pickles when it was taking a walk with its master. The thief of the trophy was never caught, but Pickles and his owner David Corbet, received handsome rewards from the police.

Lassie is basically, a fictional character and a name for several dog actors that belonged to the Border Collie dog breed. This fictional character was created by Eric Knight and was used in a short story called Lassie Come-Home. This novel was then filmed by MGM and the character Lassie became very popular. This dog actor then became a popular movie star in the 1950s and 1960s and also starred in The Sun Comes Up, Lassie, Magic of Lassie, etc.

Smoky, a Yorkshire Terrier, is a hero of World War II, who won eight battle stars. This dog was adopted by Corporal William Wynne and she served with 5th Air Force in Pacific. Yorkie Doodle Dandy: Or, the Other Woman Was a Real Dog, is a book written by William Wynne and it describes his adventures with this incredible war dog.

The list is quite long, and the aforementioned are some of the most popular ones. From the above given information it is clear, why we call dogs as man's best friend. I hope, this article will be helpful to you.

Posted on 4:22 AM

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

It is beautiful to be able to give birth to a new life, be it a human or an animal...and trust me, witnessing it with your own eyes, is a beautiful experience in itself, (though some parts are a little ...), but when you see that little pup come out of your pet, it truly is a moment you will remember for the rest of your life. Speaking of the stages of dog labor, there are 3 stages when a dog is in labor. The overall gestation period of a dog is about 2 months, approximately between 58-63 days. The stages of pregnancy are the same for every breed, but it is completely normal for a toy breed to deliver about a week early, and for larger breeds to have a slight amount of delay in delivering the puppies. But then, if you see that it has been more than 69 days since your dog was bred and the pups are not out yet, you must get in touch with your vet as soon as possible. As for now, let us have a look at the various stages of labor in a dog.

Stages of Canine Labor

You would be happy to know that almost 98% of female dogs successfully give birth to puppies without any 'human' interference. Which means that there are high chances that you wouldn't have to worry about the delivering part. It is advisable to have a rectal or oral thermometer to check her temperature on a regular basis. Usually her temperature would be between 101-102.5 F. The body temperature will usually drop to less than 100F when she is ready to give birth to the pups.

Stage 1: Dilation of the Cervix
This is the early stage of dog labor when you may notice extreme restlessness and discomfort in your dog's behavior. She will either be shivering, breathing heavily, or may even vomit at this stage. This is happening due to the dilation of the cervix and the beginning of the contractions in the uterus which can be really painful. This stage can last anywhere between 6-18 hours. Now, different dogs react in different ways, while some would keep whining, others might just start building a nest and find themselves a comfortable and quiet corner to give birth to the baby.

Stage 2: Contractions and Birth
Once the cervix has completely dilated, the dog enters the next stage of labor wherein the uterine contractions begin to get more forceful and the water sack bursts out. This is when the dog gives birth to the pups and also expels the placentas from her body. Pups take birth within the gap of half an hour usually, but at times it may take as long as 4 hours to give birth to the next baby if the mother wishes to take some rest before pushing out the remaining pups. Once the pup comes out, the dog tears their sac and starts licking the baby so that they can breathe properly. She also bites off the umbilical cord with her mouth. Though the chances are rare, but if she doesn't do that, you should go ahead and help her with the tearing of the sack and cleaning the pup's face, especially the nose and the face.

Stage 3: Delivering the Placenta
Usually the mother dog keeps ongoing back and forth to stage 2 and stage 3. If she is delivering many pups, she might deliver one pup at a time and deliver the placenta after that. Many a time, she delivers all her pups first and then the placenta is expelled from the body, the contractions in the uterus still take place and the remaining body fluids inside the body including the placenta and blood come out.This stage follows after the birth of the pups wherein placenta and other body fluids are expelled while the mother takes rest and prepares herself to deliver the next pup, or if she has delivered all the pups and is clearing out her body.

As mentioned earlier, the success rate of a normal birth among dogs is 98%, so you really need not worry much. However, you can definitely help your dog by giving her a quiet place to give birth to puppies in peace. A whelping box would be a good option in this case and you can put some towels in it so that the place becomes cozy enough for your dog. Make sure not to be loud and excited around the dog and she might find it uncomfortable. Also, if you are calmly trying to assist your dog with the birth, make sure that you don't pull the pup out holding its legs or head. Always hold the pup above the legs or from the chest. As a precaution, you can also keep yourself ready in case you would have to take your pet to the vet. This could happen if the dog isn't giving birth even if it has been more than 69 days, or the gap between one pup and other is more than 4 hrs. Nevertheless, it is always best to consult with your vet about your pet's individual case, beforehand.

Posted on 5:45 PM

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vestibular disease in dogs is related to the abnormalities in the body movement and balancing mechanism. Based on the underlying cause, it is categorized into two types, viz. central and peripheral vestibular disease. The former case develops due to disorders in the brain, whereas the latter is associated with abnormalities in the nerves that connect the inner ear and the cerebellum of the brain. In most cases, canine vestibular disease is peripheral in origin and recovers slowly.

Causes and Symptoms

Though this disease can affect middle-aged dogs, majority of the pet dogs attacked with this disease are older ones (12-13 years old). Hence, it is also referred to as old dog vestibular disease. As of date, there is no specific reason that are known to trigger canine vestibular syndrome. At times, signs of vestibular disease develop all in a sudden. Since, it occurs without any apparent medical reason, it is known as idiopathic vestibular disease in dogs. Recurrence is quite likely with this type of vestibular syndrome.

Canine vestibular syndrome symptoms include sudden loss of the body coordination and balance. Other noticeable symptoms of canine vestibular disease are head tilting in one side, repeated falling, stumbling and eyes rolling from one side to another. In some pets, the signs are so severe that they cannot stand properly without taking support. These signs and symptoms may last for a few days to about 3 weeks. At times, mild residual symptoms, like head tilt, tend to persist for several weeks.


For diagnosis of vestibular disease, the veterinarian may conduct certain tests to rule out other dog health problems, that mimic loss of body coordination. Some of the diagnostic methods include neurological test, ear canal examination, blood test and urine analysis. Treatment for canine vestibular disease is advocated depending upon the test results, underlying cause and the manifested symptoms.

In order to combat dizziness and loss of appetite, the vet may prescribe medicines for motion sickness. If your pet dog shows signs of ear canal infections, antibiotics and other infection control medications are effective for treatment of vestibular disease in dogs. Appropriate dosage of thyroid supplements are administered, if hypothyroidism in dogs is the root cause for canine vestibular disease. This way, effective therapeutic treatment of the disease depends entirely on the medical cause.

For dog cancer related vestibular disease, surgical removal of the cancerous cells is imperative for recovering from vestibular disease. Apart from the treatment options, as a pet owner you need to spend quality time with your pet to soothe the discomfort symptoms of vestibular disease. Make sure that your pet is comfortable and take lots of rest and sleep. Feed dog food that are favorite for your dog. If necessary, calm down by supporting and lifting him lovingly.

Majority of the dogs recover from vestibular disease without severe complications. Nevertheless, if vestibular disease in dogs do not improve with suitable therapeutic intervention, then further medical help is necessary to check for conditions like inner ear infections, cancer of the cerebellum, head trauma and brain damage. With effective treatment options and proper dog care, your pet can recover successfully and lead a normal, cheerful life.

Posted on 12:36 AM

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