Pets like cats and dogs are treated like family members. If they are sick, everybody in the family is upset and worried about their health. These days, veterinarians are bombarded with pet health questions. People search for pet health information everywhere and try to keep their pets as happy as possible. Here are some frequently asked questions about pet health. Answers are also provided below. But for correct diagnosis, get your pet thoroughly examined by your vet and then feed them the required medicines.
Common Pet Health Questions and Answers
Question 1: Why is my kitten sneezing a lot?
Answer 1: Your kitten might have developed allergies that causes it to sneeze. Chemical, mold, pollen, dust, carpet cleaner, cigarette smoke, etc. can be one of the allergens which you should remove from the environment. Feline asthma, dental problems, heartworm, respiratory tract infection are some of the other causes of sneezing. You can hold your kitten over a vaporizer. For infections, consult your vet.
Question 2: What is wrong with my dog? He is not eating well as he used to and he is drinking too much of water. What are the causes of his upset stomach?
Answer 2: Lack of appetite and increased thirst are common symptoms of upset stomach in dogs. It can be a result of bacterial, parasitic or viral infection, change in diet, motion sickness, intestinal dog worms, stress or trauma, indigestion, food allergies, pancreatitis or inflammatory bowel disease. Stale food or food having high fat content can disturb the digestive system of dogs. Feed him only fresh, bland, home cooked food. Adding a little yogurt to the food can help stabilize digestion process. Let him eat some grass. If not cured within one or two days, consult your vet.
Question 3: My cat seems to be excessively thirsty and I see it frequently urinating. It looks tired and it is losing weight also. What is the problem?
Answer 3: The above symptoms are symptoms of feline diabetes. Poor coat condition can also be observed in cats with diabetes. To keep the blood sugar levels in control, cat needs insulin injections or oral medicines. Cat's diet needs to be modified to keep diabetes under control. So consult your vet for this.
Question 4: My dog takes more time to sit or stand up. He doesn't run as much as he used to. He seems to walk with a stiff gait. Why is he not eating food and always reluctant to go for walks?
Answer 4: The symptoms point towards dog arthritis. Aging, extra stress on joints, abnormal bone growth, injuries, etc. can lead to degeneration of the cartilage in the joints resulting in arthritis. Swollen or heated joints is the main symptom of arthritis. The vet may prescribe some anti-inflammatory medications. Glucosamine doses combined with chondroitin sulfate can prove the best medicine to relieve pain in arthritis since chondroitin blocks the flow of enzymes which destroy the cartilage and glucosamine helps in its repair.
Question 5: My cat is passing watery stools. It has fever and seems very weak. What should I do to improve its digestive system?
Answer 5: Feline diarrhea is actually a symptom of underlying disease or heart condition. Whether the problem is minor or major, can be decided only after thorough examination. Change in diet, infection, food poisoning, liver disease, kidney problem are some of the causes of cat diarrhea. Treatment can be designed after detecting the exact cause but to avoid dehydration, fluid replacement and electrolyte replacement therapies should be administered along with proper medications.
Question 6: Why does my dog keeps shaking its head or scratching its body?
Answer 6: Ticks feed on the blood of the warm-blooded animals including dogs. You won't be able to find out ticks easily if your dog has long and hairy furs. The dog might be trying to get rid of the ticks but if the ticks are hidden in places like armpit and back of the neck, it can be difficult for your pet to reach its limbs and find out the ticks. Bites of these ticks can lead to various dog illnesses, so you are expected to remove the ticks with the help of forceps and tweezers. Consult your vet to avoid these dreaded ticks to feed on your dog's body. Cleanliness of the body and environment is necessary here.
Here are some more commonly asked questions.
- How to stop puppy hiccups?
- What causes dandruff in dogs and cats?
- Is garlic toxic for dogs?
- How to stop dog nail bleeding?
- How to clear dog's ears?
- Is feline AIDS contagious to humans?
- Can feline herpes be cured completely?
- Is poinsettia plant poisonous to cats?
- How can I spay my cat?
- What are the causes of hair loss in cats and dogs?
It can be safely concluded that proper food, hygiene and prompt medication are important aspects of pet health care. A slight change in cat or dog behavior can be noticed immediately, if you really love your pet. Pets are like innocent kids and they need your love and affection along with food and medication.
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