Canine ear infections are one of the most common dog health problems that usually manifests as redness and swelling of the ear with ear discharge and strong odor. Generally, ear infections are of three type, otitis externa, otitis media and otitis interna. Otitis externa refers to infection of the outer portion or external ear, which is usually easier to cure. Otitis media, on the other hand, refers to infection of the middle ear, while infection of the internal ear is known as otitis interna. An infection of the internal ear can sometimes spread to the central nervous system and lead to some serious conditions that can even cause death.

Ear Infection in Dogs

It can be caused by several factors including ear mites. These mites are so common that they can easily cause an infection of the external ear. An excessive growth of bacteria and fungus in the ear is another cause behind this condition. In addition to these, dog allergies like food allergies, flea allergies and allergies caused by inhalation of certain substances can also lead to ear infection.

Sometimes, this condition is simply caused by an excessive secretion of earwax, while at other times, grasses or bristles can enter the ear canal and cause infection. It has been observed that the breeds of dogs that love to swim are more prone to this problem, as water can easily enter the ear canal while swimming. The resultant moist environment created inside the ear produces a favorable environment for bacterial and fungal growth. Dogs with floppy ears and excess fur on the inner part of the ears are also more likely to suffer from it.

The most common symptoms are redness, inflammation and black or yellow ear discharge. Presence of a strong odor in the ear is another symptom. It causes itching, which forces the dogs to scratch or rub their heads and ears. Sometimes, they vigorously shake their heads or simply tilt it to one side to get rid of the discomfort produced by ear infection.

The treatment begins with flushing the ear with a wash, followed by cleaning with a disinfectant. For bacterial infection, along with regular cleaning, antibacterial drops are prescribed by veterinarians. On the other hand, for fungal ear infection, antifungal ointments and drops are prescribed with proper cleaning. If sufficient care is taken, then the infection is not very difficult to treat and prevent.

The most important part of treatment is proper ear cleaning, for which you have to take out the dirt produced by infection. Do not use cotton for extracting the dirt, instead use a dry piece of cloth. For cleaning the infected ear you can use vinegar. You can also make a solution by mixing equal parts of vinegar, alcohol, and clean water to clean the infected ear. Alcohol would be helpful in removing the excess moisture from the ear, while vinegar can change the pH balance of the ear, thereby inhibiting the growth of bacteria or fungus.

White vinegar or acetic acid can also be used for cleaning pet's ears. Garlic or apple cider vinegar are some other commonly used products to treat this condition. Both garlic and apple cider vinegar can prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Vitamin C supplements along with healthy dog food can help your dog to get some relief from the inflammation caused by the infection.

For preventing its recurrence, it is better to take some precautionary measures like regular ear cleaning, especially for dogs that swim a lot and also those with excessive fur or hair inside the ear. Regular trimming of the excess hair can be beneficial in preventing the growth of bacteria and fungus, as it will ensure proper ventilation of the ears. Using a few drops of almond oil or olive oil can help to get rid of excessive ear mites.

In addition to proper dog care and precautionary measures, it is also important to follow the advice and suggestions of a veterinarian.