First of all, this information is not intended to replace the advice of a professional veterinarian, dog trainer or pet care professional. Dog allergies, like human allergies, can come in many different forms. These dog allergies can be caused by many different several different things but there are 5 basic dog allergies. These 5 basic dog allergies are food allergies, flea allergies, bacterial allergies, contact allergies, and atopy allergies. There are also many different options for dog allergy treatment.
Most of us consider our dog to be no less than a member of the family. While I won't say you should do it for me, as a dog lover I hate the thought of a dog suffering from allergies. I wouldn't want your innocent dog or my dog to be in that bad of a position than I would want any member of my family. It is paramount that you find help for your pet, I would suggest looking for medications online. Dog allergy treatments can be significantly cheaper when bought online as opposed to at the veterinary clinic.
The first allergy is a food allergy. The symptoms of this might include skin irritation, excessive itching, hair loss, and hot spots. The dog might also vomit uncontrollably and have loose bowel movements. It is important to remember that dog food allergies can develop over time, so even if your dog has not shown any signs of a food allergies in the past, it might still be suffering from a food allergy. This is likely happening because the dog has an intolerance to beef, dairy products, chicken, corn, or soy. These may be present in your dog's dry food. The easiest treatment for this dog allergy would be to switch dry dog foods. Please do research before making the switch to find a compatible food.
Flea allergies are caused by the saliva left behind by a flea. If the dog has an intolerance to fleas this can make the dog extremely uncomfortable. Fleas act similar to mosquitos. The fleas suck blood from the dogs skin and leave trace amounts of saliva inside the body. This by itself can be uncomfortable, not unlike a mosquito bite, but if the animal is actually allergic to the saliva left behind by the fleas then it will be significantly worse. If your dog is suffering from this the animal will begin to show redness of the skin, scratch often, and may even bite areas. It may even be bad enough that the dog breaks the skin and begins to bleed. Depending on the severity of the problem a few different different approaches can be taken to curing this problem. If the problem is extremely severe, and the dog has breaks in the skin then antibiotics may be required. If the problem is less severe then washing the dog in cold water with a special shampoo designed as a flea dog allergy treatment.
Contact allergies can appear to have very similar symptoms as a flea allergy. Contact dog allergies are caused by the dog coming in contact with a allergen, a substance that causes an allergic reaction. There are several different kinds of allergens that the dog may come into contact with, and, like humans, dogs can all have very different allergies. These allergens may even be substances you keep in your own home that you would never guess can have that effect on your dog. The first thing that your dog may be allergic to is its bedding. Some dogs react poorly to certain kinds of textile products. Another thing that may be found in your home that the dog may be allergic to is house plants. Certain plants, even ones generally not considered poisonous, can cause allergic reactions when the dog touches it with its skin. Plants in your yard, or places you take your dog may also have caused the allergic reaction. The final thing known to cause a contact allergy in your dog is chemicals and cleaning products. Even chemicals generally considered 'safe' can have a damaging effect if your dog has an allergy to them. A contact allergic reaction can cause the dog to become itchy, have redness on the skin, blotches may develop, and your dog might even get puss pockets. There are many different contact dog allergy treatments. These can vary according to what the dog came into contact with, I would suggest doing further research online to find specific products.
I can give very little advice on a bacterial infection that is giving the dog allergies. A bacterial infection will appear similar to a flea allergy or a contact allergy. This kind of allergy will often be significantly more severe however. These problems are usually secondary to other problems, meaning if your dog has developed a bacterial infection it may be caused by something else. The bacterial allergy may be the result of parsitism or a hormone disorder. Parasitism are the result of a parasite entering the body and stealing nutrients at the expense of its host. Signs of a bacterial allergy include red blotches, pus pockets, hair loss and formations on the skin that look like ringworm. The common bacterial dog allergy treatment is antibiotics.
Atopy dog allergies can also be extremely severe. These allergies are caused when the dog actually inhales something it is allergic to. It is said that this is the most common allergy dogs suffer from. The dog will have symptoms including itching, biting, face rubbing, and hair loss if the problem isn't very severe. However the extreme symptoms of this allergy can cause papules or pustules. A papules is a small red bump that can cause discomfort. A more serious pustules is a pimp-like lesion on the skin. These can be extreme uncomfortable for the animal. An atopy allergy can be caused by things that are common in most homes. This can include fleas, dust mites, molds, house dust, human dander, feathers or pollen. However it can also be caused by chemical products found in your home. Atopy dog allergy treatments can include shots or even a shampoo. The method needed will vary from dog to dog.
Most dog allergy treatments are products that can be found online. However if the problem appears extremely serious such as a bacterial allergy please consult a veterinarian.
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