Until just recently I never realized how much of a bacon subculture actually exists out there on the world wide web. I've posted many different bacon related items in the past two months and will continue to post new ones as I find them.

This particular item gives you the ability to have bacon breath at snap of your fingers. Reach into your pocket, pull out your bacon gumball tin, and pop a bacon flavored gum ball in your mouth. Chew one of those bad boys up, blow a few bacon bubbles and your breath will smell like the sweet sweet smell of cholesterol filled arteries.

For all you virgins out there, always chew a piece of bacon gum right before you pick up your date, nothing says lets do it like a mouth full of pig meat. If you want to pick up a tin of bacon balls, You Can Buy Some Bacon Gumballs Here

Want even more bacon goodness? Check out some of these other bacon items:
Bacon Cheese Roll
The Bacon Bra
The Ultimate Bacon Whopper