Tuesday, November 17, 2015
You can take it from me that owning a dog is one of the few pleasures of life that everyone can enjoy, as it becomes more of a family member than just a pet. God knows how, but it does learn to share all your joys and sorrows just as any other person close to you would. So obviously, when your dog is ill or injured, there is no way you can ignore the situation, and rather you should not. There are various dog health problems that they can suffer from and you need to know how exactly you can help them recover from these illnesses. Injuries will be a common phenomena when it comes to them, just as we humans. In case of emergencies, knowing how to treat a dog is an essential aspect of dog care and can prove to be a life saver for it.
Treating a Dog...
...With an Upset Stomach
Dogs don't really know how much they are supposed to be eating at a time, and if you overfeed them accidentally, it can result in an upset stomach for the dog. Also, dogs are known to eat stuff they are unfamiliar with. To treat a dog's upset tummy, you need to first ensure that the situation is not a very serious one. For mild stomach upsets, you may need to starve the dog for 24hours. I know it sounds a bit harsh on the dog, but you need to treat it, right? If the stomach is even a little better after the stipulated time, you can introduce bland food like steamed chicken with rice. Clean and freshwater needs to be made available all the time. If the symptoms persist for more than the stipulated time, consult a veterinarian.
...With Ear Infection
Ear infection or otitis externa, is a common condition most dogs suffer from. This is caused on the external ear, mainly due to a bacterial or yeast infection. It is very important to get a proper and on time dog ear infection treatment, so as to avoid any further complications. To treat the ear infection, you will need to clean the infected area with an antibacterial solution, using a cotton swab. Applying an anti-microbial ear drop thrice a day will help cure the infection. If the infection persists for more than three days and causes discomfort for your dog, consult a veterinarian for an antibiotic treatment.
...With Wounds
Dog wound needs to be treated efficiently, so that it does not turn into an infection and worsen. Treating dog wounds may not be that easy, as the dog may not allow touching the wound. In such a case, you will need to tie the dog by a leash and also muzzle it, if it gets too difficult. Lean the wound with clean running water, avoid the use of antiseptics as it might cause pain. Dry the wound using cotton, apply an antiseptic cream and put on a bandage. Make sure the dog does not lick or bite around the bite, this can cause an infection. For deeper wounds, punctures, incisions, etc. get the wound checked and treated by a veterinarian.
...With a Sprained Leg
To treat a dog's sprained or broken leg, immediate veterinary consultation is advised. Do not try to treat it on your own, as you can damage the sprain further. After the veterinarian has checked your dog and has allowed it to get back home, you should make sure the dog takes complete rest and should be kept in a crate if possible. Take it frequently to the veterinarian until the sprain or broken leg heals completely and administer the medicine as and when prescribed. Also, it is very important to make sure that the dog does not put any weight on the broken or sprained leg.
...With Parvo
Treating a dog with parvo would involve confining it to a separate room, away from other dogs and especially children. Make sure the dog has everything it needs around the crate. Administer the prescribed dosage of medications regularly. A solution called colloidal silver is especially useful in treating parvo. Take good care of the dog and feed it well. Parvo can be prevented with the administration of yearly vaccinations and preventing it is essential for your dog's health.
...With Mange
Treating sarcoptic mange in a dog involves bathing it regularly with benzoyl peroxide shampoo, to keep its skin clean and to prevent the development of secondary infections. Also, application of organophosphate dip will help cure the skin disorder. Wash the dog's bedding regularly and make sure you give it the prescribed medicines on time.
Now, that you know to take care of a dog and how to treat it in case of different dog illnesses, make sure you take good care to prevent illnesses and help it recover quickly.
Posted on 5:03 AM
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