Liver is an important gland that is involved in almost all the processes of the body. It helps in blood purification, waste removal and digestion by producing bile. Due to its role in a number of functions of the body, it is prone to damage by a variety of diseases. Studies reveal that almost 3% of the canine diseases, diagnosed by veterinarians, is related to liver.

As the liver performs wide ranging functions, and works closely with other processes of the body, it is susceptible to damage by a number of factors. Some of the common factors are:
  • Poor diet.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Trauma.
  • Prescription drugs.
  • Harmful substances in the environment.
  • Over vaccination of the canines.
The symptoms of canine liver disease are neither specific nor predictable. They are wide ranging and subtle. Other than a few minor changes in his behavior, your dog might behave in a normal way. Hence one should be very vigilant about changes in one's pet's behavior. All, few or just one of the following symptoms may be caused due to a diseased liver:
  • Loss of appetite and intermittent, recurring diarrhea, vomiting and constipation.
  • Orange urine due to high levels of bilirubin, as the bile can't be processed properly.
  • The feces are pale gray in color. The feces have their normal brown color due to the bile pigments present in them. However, as the bile is not being processed properly the feces appear pale gray.
  • Chronic weight loss as the diseased liver cannot process the building blocks of the body as a healthy liver does.
  • Swollen belly due to fluid accumulation in the abdomen.
  • Depression and lethargy in the canine.
  • Jaundice marked by yellowing of skin, gums and the white part of the eyes.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Increase in thirst and urination.
  • Behavioral changes like aimless circling, pacing or head pressing.
  • Bleeding problems due to decrease in the amount of blood clotting protein in the liver.
Although the symptoms of liver disease are mild, timely treatment can be very helpful, as liver is the only organ that is capable of complete regeneration.
  • Dietary changes: Changing the diet, to supply adequate amount of energy and nutrients that facilitate liver cell regeneration, plays an important role in treating canine liver diseases. However, any change in the diet should be based upon the diagnosis. As one of the functions of a liver is to break down complex chemicals, reducing the intake of chemical preservatives and additives can lessen the workload of the liver. Foods like chocolate, sugar, tomatoes and bones should be avoided when your dog is suffering from such a disease. A daily vitamin and mineral supplement is helpful. But if the canine is suffering from copper storage diseases, the supplement should not contain copper. Ensuring Vitamin K intake can help solve bleeding problems. Vitamin E can also be included in the diet as it is an antioxidant that removes free radicals that may cause injury to the liver.
  • Medication: If the disease had been caused due to a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. In case of more serious medical problems like cancer or anemia, additional medical care is required. However, if it has been caused due to trauma just hospitalizing the canine till it recovers may be enough.
  • Natural Remedies: Sometimes homeopathic and herbal treatments can also be used for their antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Some of these naturally occurring substances have helped the damaged liver cells to regenerate and aid in detoxification of blood. For example, milk thistle extracts are useful in case of liver damage, caused due to toxins.
Liver is a very important organ that controls a number of functions of the body. Even if you think that your dog is suffering from liver disease, it is advisable that you do not administer treatment on your own, as it should be based upon the cause and the extent of the damage caused. Your dog's health is safest in the trained hands of a veterinarian.