Dog lovers are always keen on experimenting with new breeds of dogs. But how far can you go in choosing a dog? I was not surprised when I came to know that there over 5000 breeds of dogs, out of which around 150 breeds have been registered with the American Kennel Club and more than 200 registered dog breeds in the UK. Choosing from such a huge variety could be a little tougher than you'd thought. A dog breed has certain set characteristics which define the breed. If you take a close look at the characteristics of each breed you are interested in, you might get a list of more than 20 matches, that could be best suited for you. But how to choose one from those 20 breeds is the catch! Well, let me first tell you that, choosing one is easy if you look at the factors involved as part of dog care, your lifestyle, kind of house, your family and children, backyard accommodations and so on.

Factors Involved When Choosing a Dog


Lifestyle involves questions like how much are you willing to spend on a dog while buying it, how much dog food can you afford per week and other costs involved in maintenance of a dog. Firstly, you should prepare your mind for keeping a large pet like a dog and the trouble involved in the process. Willingness and ability to spend the required time with your dog is also one of the most important factors of owning a dog. It will help you choose a breed based on the behavioral characteristics of a dog.

Type of Home

A dog is a large pet and requires a lot of space in the house. Some questions to ask yourself under this factor are, how big is your house, do you have an open-air/outdoor space in your house that can be used by a dog, if your house is an apartment, a condo or a bungalow and which floor does it occupy. It may answer your doubts about the size of the dog you want to choose. For example, if you live in an apartment, choose from a list of good apartment dogs.

Family and Children

A type of family and its attitude towards dogs will affect your dog's behavior. Points that should be remembered under this factor involves questions like, whether you have a small or a large family, are there any kids in the family and so on. A family with kids should always choose from the best dog breeds. Another important factor in choosing a dog breed is, your purpose behind it. If the purpose behind owning a dog is protection, you should opt for larger and sharper breeds of dogs while if the purpose is to keep one out of your fondness for dogs, you should go for a friendly, low-maintenance dog.

Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Getting a Dog

Is affordability an issue in buying a dog?
If you think your pockets are not ready for buying a new breed of dog, just listen to them! Because, costs involved in dog are beyond its buying costs. These costs involve the maintenance, the dog food, dog shelter, vaccinations, medical expenses and secondary costs like dog belts, chains, clothes and toys, nevertheless.

How much time can you give to your dog in a day?
Now this one's really important. Choosing a dog involves evaluating factors like dog's personality, size, dog care etc. Raising a large pet like dog is similar to raising a child. The adult dog behavior will depend on its upbringing. Sometimes, the upbringing is so well, that the dog turns out to be as attached as a family member. If you do not give enough time to your dog, he will not be trained enough to live with your family. Besides, a neglected dog will turn out to be very lazy and will become a couch potato. Less time means less activity and that develops lethargy in dogs.

Will you be able to manage a dog that sheds heavily?
If you are in a job that doesn't let you take care of your own self, you may not be able to handle a dog that sheds too much. Some dogs like golden retriever and Dalmatians are shedding factories! A dog breed that sheds less is always more desirable than the other dog breeds. Opt for non-shedding dogs.

Is there a veterinary doctor's clinic in close proximity?
Most people ignore this factor before adopting a dog. Would you ever shift to a new place that has no shops or clinics around it? Well that would apply to your dog too. Make sure, a veterinary doctor's clinic is around you, somewhere in the close proximity of your house, in case of any medical emergency for the dog. A puppy requires to take several vaccinations frequently. A veterinary clinic around would be ensuring the safety and the dog health.

What dog size are you looking for?
Size of dog plays the most significant part of choosing a dog breed. It is a myth that small-sized dogs need small space and large-sized dogs need a larger space to breed. Your dog behavior and habits will entirely depend on its overall upbringing. You should not forget that all the large dogs look small when they are puppies! So, don't fall for their puppy-size! There are some breeds of small dogs that remain tiny even when they mature. A large dog is recommended only if you are experienced in raising and training different breeds and sizes of dogs. A large dog will necessarily require relatively larger space, larger quantity of food, maintenance and a huge responsibility. Large dogs may also require professional dog training.

What is your purpose of adopting a dog?
There is no point in buying a dog without having your purpose solved behind adopting it. Your purpose behind it could be for protection, out of fondness for dogs, for entertainment and even as a toy for your kids. You need to first examine your purpose of adopting a dog and the responsibilities involved in its process. If you want a dog just for entertainment, out of fondness or as toys, you may opt for designer dog breeds. If you have a huge mansion-like house, and need a dog for protection, guard dogs may be for you. You might as well have a busy schedule and need a non-shedding yet a guard dog.

Remember that a dog is your family member and you should treat him like one. Dogs have emotions, along with impulsive internal structures that are similar to those in human beings, which is what makes us understand their behavior. So, ask yourself these questions, examine the answers, check the list of suitable dog breeds and start shortlisting!