Most dog owners have this misconception that tremors can only affect smaller breeds of canines. But the fact is, it can be a condition that may strike at any age, and any breed. And tremor is not something that may be considered normal in your pet. This condition is characterized by muscle twitching in all or part of the body, that takes place involuntarily. And this action may be manifested by movements of the head, limbs or the whole body, which can be easily detected to be involuntary in nature. Tremor can strike when your pet is in some kind of activity and even when he is at rest. However, physical activity tends to worsen it, and rest lessens it. Experts say that true tremors in dogs cease to occur during sleep.
What Triggers Tremors in Dogs?
The condition is also known as shaking in dogs, and there is not just one kind, but multiples of them. And according to the types, the causes also vary. However, it is also important to know that in some cases, there are no apparent causes thus, the condition also has an idiopathic nature.
The condition of canine tremors have different causes. The common ones which vets normally come across include:
- Trauma
- Side effects of certain medications
- Inflammation of the brain (causative agent is virus; condition is known as encephalitis)
- Abnormalities in the cerebellar part of the brain
- Diseases that inflict the animal's sense of equilibrium
- Kidney failure and tremors are related to each other, and so is the condition of hypoglycemia (a condition where the blood sugar level in the body is abnormally low)
- Formation of lesions on the spinal cord
- Diseases of the neuromuscular system of the body
The treatment that is recommended for dealing with the condition of tremors that affect dogs, is determined by the symptoms exhibited by the animal. The first line of treatment is to detect the underlying cause and treat it. Owners are also advised to keep their pets from getting involved in any kind of physical activity, as it tends to aggravate the dogs' illness. In some cases, surgery may be a viable option.
Care at Home
Although there is nothing much owners can do to deal with this condition, there are a few measures which may help their pets to be comfortable and less anxious. It is important to avoid toxin exposure. This is more important when the cause is some kind of intoxication. Diet is an important aspect to be take care of by the owners. Animals who are affected by the generalized form of tremors, often lose weight thus, it is important to monitor any changes in the same. Owners must never take the plunge to go for over-the-counter drugs, but only use what has been prescribed by the vet.
Recurrence of tremors, although a serious condition, can also be prevented with a few conscious efforts made by the owner. The animals must be kept from getting exposed to sudden excitement and stressful situations. Also, for dogs who have had attacks earlier, too much exercise may invite trouble. And the importance of regular follow-ups with a vet is also something that must never be ignored.
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