A family dog not only is the family pet but becomes a member of your family before you even know it. It is very important to do thorough research about the best dogs to own. This is because each dog breed is different and all dogs have different temperaments. A pet dog becomes a lifetime commitment and therefore, it is very important that the animal and his needs suit your lifestyle. A small puppy that you bring home as a birthday gift for your kid, will soon become more or less like your baby. He will be around for a really long time. So, you should consider bringing home a dog with traits that match your family.
What Are the Best Dogs As Pets?
There are many traits that you should look for when you are trying to answer the question what are the best dogs to own. You need to consider a dog breed according to the house or apartment you live in. If you live in a small apartment, you need to consider whether that dog is comfortable living in small spaces. While living in an apartment, you may have dog barking problems. To avoid neighbor complains, you need to choose dogs that are non-barkers or do not bark unnecessarily. Also, if you are a working person and will not have enough time to exercise your dog, then you need to consider getting home a dog with low exercise needs. High energy dogs, bred for hunting and guarding will have little options to vent out their energy in an apartment. The long hours of inactivity will frustrate the dog and he will destroy the things around him in the apartment. So, for your own and for your dogs safety, you need to choose dogs that do not get hyperactive and can manage living alone for long hours. Therefore, you need to consider bringing home the best dogs to own in an apartment.
The dog size and dog grooming requirements also a matter of consideration. If you live in a small apartment, it is not wise to bring home a large dog like German Shepherd or Great Dane, but get small dogs. Neither will you nor the dog will have enough space to stretch your legs. A dog with grooming requirements is not suitable for those who have very little time to spare. This will only cause the dog to have matted fur that will increase dog health problems and your expenses for grooming him. Hypoallergenic dogs are to be considered if you or someone in your family has dog allergies. These hypoallergenic dogs will help reduce the chances of an allergy attack and complete your desire to own a dog.
If you have children, then it is very important to consider the temperament of the dog. Children tend to underestimate their power while playing and a tight pull or pinch may aggravate a dog. He may nip or bite in retaliation, a trait you obviously want to avoid. Some dogs are really possessive about the territories they claim as theirs around the house and will not like sharing their food trays, water trays and toys. While playing, a child may run off with the dog toy and this may make the dog angry and bite. In order to avoid such bad experiences and punish the dog for following his natural instincts, you need to read and research information about the best dogs with kids. In the following paragraphs, I will enlist some of the best dogs for an apartment and as well as for kids. You need to select the breed that suits your requirements.
Best Dogs as Pets for Apartment Dwellers
The following is a list best dogs suitable for apartments that you should think about while adopting one as a pet. These dogs are happy to live in an apartment and will not mind the absence of a yard. These good apartment dogs will also prove to be the best dogs for children to some extent.
- Alaskan Malamute
- Basenji
- Bassett Hound
- Bichon Frise
- Brittany
- Bulldogs
- Chihuahua Dog
- Clumber Spaniel
- Dachshund
- English Cocker Spaniel
- English Toy Spaniels
- Feists
- Great Dane
- Italian Greyhound
- Lhasa Apso
- Maltese
- Miniature Pinschers
- Newfoundland Mastiff
- Old English Sheepdog
- Pekingese
- Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen
- Pomeranian
- Pugs
- Schipperke
- Scottish Terrier
- Shih Tzu
- Springer Spaniel
- St. Bernard
- Standard Schnauzer
- Whippet
- Yorkshire Terrier
Collies, like Border Collies, Bearded Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs are herding breeds that get really bored with apartment life. They need open space to let out their energy and if they cannot do this, they tend to show destructive behavior in an apartment. Similarly, the same problem is faced with Siberian Huskies as they are sled dogs and need to work. Without work, they tend to get bored and destroy things around them. Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers and American Pit Bull Terriers are guard dogs that are not allowed in most apartments. The other reason for not opting for these breeds is that they are not meant for an apartment life. They grow up to be really large and require a lot of dog training and dog behavior management. Terriers, too are happy and lively dogs that tend to be very noisy and therefore are not suited for an apartment complex. Dalmatians too are high energy dogs that require more space than what an apartment may offer.
Best Dogs for Kids
You might find that the following list of different dog breeds contains some names that are already mentioned in the above list. Well, these best dogs to own are not only suitable for apartment life, but also great to have around kids. If you are an apartment dweller with kids in the family, then these are the breeds you should consider as family pets:
- Airedale
- Basset Hound
- Beagle
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bichon Frise
- Bloodhound
- Boston Terrier
- Boxer Dogs
- Cairn Terrier
- Collie
- Foxhound
- German Shepherd
- Great Dane
- Irish setter
- Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever
- Mastiff
- Newfoundland
- Old English Sheepdog
- Pembroke Welsh corgi
- Poodle
- Pug
- Schnauzer
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Shih tzu
- St. Bernard
- Vizsla
- West Highland white terrier
- Whippet
- Afghan Hound
- Alaskan Malamute
- Border Collie
- Coonhound
- Cairn Terrier
- Chihuahua
- Chow Chow
- Dachshund
- Giant Schnauzer
- Greyhound
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Miniature Pinscher
- Miniature or Toy Poodle
- Pekingese
- Yorkshire Terrier
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