Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kidney or renal failure refers to the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the body, and maintain electrolyte balance. Kidney failure in dogs is generally classified into two categories, acute and chronic kidney failure. The acute kidney failure is the condition, where the kidneys suddenly become unable to eliminate wastes from the body, and regulate urine production. On the other hand, chronic kidney failure does not develop all of a sudden. Instead, the kidneys slowly and gradually cease to its filtering activities, i.e. eliminating wastes from the body. Whenever the kidneys fail to perform its normal functions, the wastes or toxic materials accumulate within the body, which can prove fatal.

Kidney Failure in Dogs

It can have several causes, ranging from trauma or injury, to diseases of the immune system, kidney tumor and cancer. The main factors that are found to cause kidney failure in dog are, injury to the kidneys, exposure to toxic substances like, pesticides, herbicides, rat poison or antifreeze, bacterial and fungal infections, and intake of antibiotics, blood pressure and anti-inflammatory medications. These factors usually cause acute kidney failure in canines. Acute kidney failure can also occur due to dehydration, and certain diseases like, congestive heart failure and shock. Chronic kidney failure, on the other hand, can be caused by factors like, kidney stones, congenital and genetic kidney diseases, immune system diseases and kidney tumors and cancer.

Dogs with kidney failure can show different symptoms, depending on whether it's acute or chronic. The most common symptom is increased urination or failure to urinate. Increased urination along with increased thirst and water consumption, are the symptoms of chronic kidney failure, while failure to produce urine is a sign of acute kidney failure. Increased urination due to chronic kidney failure causes excessive fluid loss from the body, which in turn causes dehydration. Dehydration forces the affected dog to drink more water. On the other hand, the dog is more likely to produce very little or no urine with acute kidney failure. Dogs with acute kidney failure can also suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.

Some other symptoms are, loss of appetite, which eventually causes weight loss, nausea and vomiting, lethargy and weakness, diarrhea, bad breath, blood in urine and seizures. These symptoms can be observed as the conditions progress gradually. Kidney problems can also cause high blood pressure, which in turn can result in sudden blindness in dogs. As the condition becomes severe over a period of time, the dog with kidney failure will suffer from extremely painful kidneys. In this stage, you can observe a stiff gait as well as an arching back in your pet.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Its diagnosis is carried out with the help of blood test and urinalysis. In case of kidney failure, the level of waste products like, urea and creatinine increase in the blood. Therefore, blood is tested to determine the level of these two waste materials in the bloodstream. To restore the functions of the kidneys, the affected dog is given intravenous fluid. Fluid therapy may succeed to restore the kidney functions for a couple of weeks to a few years. However, many times, it has been observed that the kidneys become able to continue their functions only when the treatment is going on. Once, the treatment is stopped, the kidneys also stop functioning.

If the fluid therapy succeed to restore the kidney functions, then the veterinarians can suggest some medications and a special diet, to help the kidneys perform their functions as long as possible. The diet for the dog, that has suffered kidney failure should be low in protein and phosphorus, but should include sufficient amounts of calcium and vitamin D3. Such a diet would put less pressure on the kidneys. Along with a special diet, your dog would also need subcutaneous administration of fluid, to stimulate the kidneys from time to time. Sometimes, dialysis is recommended by veterinarians to clear out the toxins accumulated in the blood, This can prolong the lifespan of the affected animal.

Generally, dogs become more prone to suffer from kidney failure with advancing age. Therefore, it is a common dog health problem among the older dogs. It is also common in certain dog breeds like, shih tzu, and cocker spaniels. Therefore, a pet owner should remain vigilant against the disease in advance, by being more watchful for these symptoms. Whenever you can discover any change in the animal's urinating habit, be sure to inform a veterinarian to ensure diagnosis of the condition in the early stage.

Posted on 11:21 PM

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and were first developed as hunting dogs or gun dogs to retrieve game that had been shot down. Golden retrievers are double coated and have a dense undercoat or inner coat which provides them with warmth. Their outer coat is sleek, shiny, and water repellent. Most golden retrievers tend to have a coat that is somewhere between a rich cream color and shades of gold. Because of its think coat, most owners often want to learn to groom a golden retriever properly to avoid a dirty, mangy dog. It is also important to groom your dog on a regular basis to ensure that dead hair is removed and unnecessary shedding of hair does not take place.

Grooming a golden retriever is important for several reasons. Proper dog grooming ensures that not only is their coat untangled but all dead hair is removed. It also helps stimulate oil glands which ensures that the coat of the dog remains shiny and sleek. Regular brushing also ensures that instance of dander is reduced. Proper brushing and dog grooming also helps in massaging your golden retriever's muscles which is particularly important for older dogs who cannot indulge in exercise. Regular grooming also helps owners keep track of any physical deformities like lumps or bumps that may have formed on their dog's body.

Grooming a Golden Retriever

While grooming a golden retriever, it is important to remember that the method that you use in order to groom your dog and the frequency with which you groom it completely depends on their coats. Depending on the quality of their coats, you may need to change the methods that you use. It is important that you use the proper dog grooming tools. With a golden retriever it is important that you use a brush that not only grooms the upper coat but also the undercoat. It is also important that when you groom a golden retriever or any other dog, you follow a routine, even while brushing him. This helps him know what to expect.

While combing and brushing your dog, use a bristle brush on his coat twice a week and an undercoat rake for his undercoat. This will help reduce shedding of hair. Always start brushing from the front and work your way towards the back. Areas that you need to pay a lot attention to are the neck, throat region, and the area around the ears. From the neck, work your way towards the shoulder, elbow, and legs. Finally groom the belly and finish off with the tail.

It is extremely important that you bathe your dog with a good dog shampoo. It is advisable that you consult your vet to ask which is the best dog shampoo to use. Golden retrievers generally have a good coat and skin damage is rare. It is important that you have proper grooming shears to groom excess hair on your dog's feet and pads. If you are grooming a golden retriever for a show or even otherwise, it is important that you trim their nails regularly. Not doing so can cause foot problems which you would want to avoid. It is important to be careful while doing so as clipping their nails too close can cause bleeding. While trimming the hair on the dog's tail, remember to start trimming from the tip and work your way towards the base.

One of the most important dog grooming tips is to clean your dog's ears regularly. This should be done at least twice a month with a cleansing solution for the ears. Pour a few drops into your dog's ear and use a cotton swab to remove the dirt in your dog's ear. While grooming your dog remember to move your dog only in natural positions and not to pull, twist, or raise their legs too high as you groom them. If you have a puppy at home, and you want to learn to groom a golden retriever puppy, then you need to know that puppies do not need grooming but starting early can help getting them used to the process.

For any golden retriever owner, it is important to groom a golden retriever, to ensure proper dog care. Without proper grooming, your dog could be susceptible to several diseases that you could otherwise avoid.

Posted on 6:20 PM

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There are numerous miniature dog breeds which have proven to be of great convenience for people living mainly in apartments. These dog breeds require less space and therefore, live well even in smaller places. A mini pug is one such dog breed, which is ideal for an apartment lifestyle. Though miniature dogs are treated as toy dog breeds and have a small body structure, they are built with a strong personality. This article will give you a brief description of this breed.

The origin of the pug dog breed is still unknown to many breeders and dog lovers. However, as per the record, this breed has been in existence since 400 BC. Dogs of this breed were of Oriental origin and therefore were considered to be of great importance among Buddhist monks. The pug is regarded as one the best companion dogs and was therefore kept by Chinese emperors too. As they were possessed by emperors, pugs were soon classified as toy dog breeds, which demanded a lot of attention and care. By the 1800s, this breed came to US. In the year 1885, the pug dog breed was registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC), which gave a boost to its popularity. Their appearances in television commercials and movies have brought a deliberate rise in the demand.

General Facts About Pugs
The pug dog breed is in itself a small dog. Its small body with short legs and flat muzzle has earned this breed many names such asteacup pug, mini pugs, miniature pug and toy pugs. Though this breed is not well recognized by the AKC, such a bloodline does exist. This breed was created by bringing together a chihuahua and a pug. This breed is much smaller in size than the original pug dog breed. The pup of a chihuahua and a pug, resembles a pug and is therefore known as a miniature pug. This tiny pug breed weighs around 3 pounds and has a slightly longer snout. The health of this mixed breed depends a lot on the health of its parents. As the chihuahua is a small dog breed, it is preferred that it undergoes a cesarean section. However, there are certain chihuahuas that can give natural birth and still be healthy.

Temperament and Care
The pug dog breed is like a shadow that loves to follow its master. They have many similar characteristics as that of a dog of a pug bloodline. This mini pug is obedient, loving, caring and sturdy in nature. They get along with the family they are living in and are always exhibit friendly gestures towards people. Miniature pug care is a vital aspect in maintaining the good health of the breed. These pugs weigh less and require a little bit more attention and care. They are delicate and need to be handled with care. If you have brought a mini pug at home, then its safety should be the primary concern. As this bloodline is fragile, minor accidents can cause great harm to them. Being a small dog, it must also be protected from cold weather as it might trigger more health problems in them. Healthy parents can limit the health issues and give you a healthier and happier mini pug.

This is an excellent bloodline of dogs and can comfortably live an urban lifestyle. However, the owner's ignorance can bring about all the negative traits in the dog, and will lead to a weaker bond between the dog and its master. Therefore, extreme care is essential if you want to possess a breed like this one.

Posted on 4:13 AM

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Friday, December 26, 2014

The joy of bringing a cute puppy is boundless. However, along with happiness, you are being assigned the responsibility of taking care of your cuddly companion. Puppies of all dog breeds are very inquisitive and many times, they end up ingesting things that they should not. And the ultimate result is digestive problems. Puppy diarrhea and vomiting are so common, and as a responsible pet owner, you should be aware of the probable causes behind these dog health problems and treatment options.


Examining your puppy's stool is probably the simplest way to determine whether your pet is healthy or not. If he passes solid, log-like feces, then he is fit and fine; whereas watery, runny or mushy stools indicate that something is wrong with your puppy. The causes of puppy diarrhea may be as simple as overeating, over excitement or stress. Very often, change in diet is a major reason of causing abnormal bowel movement in puppies and dogs. Or it can be severe like ingesting poisonous substances, viral infections (e.g., hepatitis), parasites (e.g., coccidia, giardia), worms and other diseases.

You do not have to panic if your puppy is defecating occasionally. However, if the frequency increases or if you notice blood in the stool, do not delay in getting your pet checked by a qualified veterinarian. Otherwise, it may lead to worsening symptoms like lethargy, dehydration and at times, fainting. To quicken the diagnostic procedure, you can carry a stool sample along with you. Once in the clinic, the vet will perform a thorough physical examination and if necessary, urinalysis and stool test. After confirmation, medications will be prescribed to treat the condition.

Treatment and Remedies

How to stop diarrhea in puppies? If you have been through the experience, where your puppy is having frequent bowel movements, you will come to know how painful it is to see your little companion suffering. The treatment depends entirely upon the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Following are some of the main causes of canine diarrhea along with their treatment options.

Food Sensitivity
In case, food intolerance is the reason behind puppy diarrhea, you need to introduce and eliminate certain food ingredients to identify the offending items. This may take some time to detect the foods and checking the associated symptoms. Once you are sure about the sensitive ingredients, restricting them in the puppy diet will help cure the condition.

Coccidia Infestation
The one-celled parasite coccidia is present in cat and dog stools. Accidentally, if your puppy ingests this parasite, it infests the intestinal tract and causes bloody stools. In such a case, the vet may recommend medicines to stop the multiplication of coccidia, as well as to expel them from the digestive tract of your puppy. Complete treatment may take somewhere from 2 to 3 weeks.

Giardia Infestation
Giardia infestation triggers your puppy to pass foul smell feces, along with other symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting and lethargy. This one-celled parasite infects the skin as well as the intestinal tract. Prescription of antiprotozoal medication is effective to treat puppy diarrhea resulted due to giardia infection. Also, bathing your puppy with appropriate soaps is imperative to get rid of parasites from the fur.

Other Dog Puppy Treatments
Viral infections resulting in diarrhea is common among puppies that have not received proper dose of vaccinations. So, it is recommended to deliver all the vaccine shots, as recommended by the vet. Likewise, de-worming at regular intervals is essential to prevent diarrhea caused by roundworm infections.

While coming to puppy diarrhea remedy, it is focused on alleviating lethargic symptoms and compensating loss of fluids. You can supplement healthy homemade foods to promote the immune system of your puppy and more importantly, to regain the strength of your little companion. Timely addressing the canine diarrhea problem and following proper puppy care will surely help combat the condition without complications.

Posted on 1:41 AM

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Dogs are probably the most loyal pets man could ever have and be it any shape or size or even any breed for that matter, dogs can be the most loving creatures to have as pets. Known as 'man's best friend', dogs can never ever let you down and the amount of love and affection they shower on us is something that cannot really be expressed through words. Here are some interesting, funny and witty quotes for all dog lovers across the globe!

If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer. - Alfred North Whitehead

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. - Roger Caras

It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it? - Eleanor H. Porter

We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us. - Maurice Maeterlinck

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. - Rita Rudner

If it wasn't for dogs, some people would never go for a walk.- Unknown

In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him. - Unknown

The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's. - Mark Twain

My dog, she looks at me sometimes with that look, and I think maybe deep down inside she must know exactly how I feel. But then maybe she just wants the food off my plate. - Unknown

Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend, and inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job. - Franklin P. Jones

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience. - Woodrow Wilson

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. - Robert A. Heinlein

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. - Josh Billings

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. - Andrew A. Rooney

Posted on 12:45 AM

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

There are several dog breeds that commonly suffer from cherry eye. Some of these dog breeds include beagles, bloodhound, Boston terrier, Lhasa Apso, Saint Bernard, Shar Pei, Bulldog, etc. Any dog irrespective of age or sex can develop cherry eye.

What is Cherry Eye in Canines
It refers to the condition where the dog suffers from a prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid. There are three eyelids in every type of dog breed, upper, lower and third eyelid. The third eyelid is not usually seen and functions as a wiper to protect the eye from external matter. When this third eyelid pops out it appears like a red mass of tissue in the corner of the eye.

This condition usually occurs within one year of the dog's age. It usually occurs due to weakness of the connective tissue around the third eyelid gland. This gland begins to move causing it to get irritated and swell. It leads to mucous discharge and the third eyelid becomes bloody, ulcerated and lead to conjunctivitis in dogs.

This canine eye problem is thought to be a hereditary condition. However, doctors are not yet very clear on the genetics part. Some veterinarians believe it may be due to weak connective tissues of the eye. These tissues allow the gland to move away from its proper position, that is, prolapse of the gland. This makes it irritable and inflamed. The gland becomes prone to secondary bacterial infections leading to idiopathic third eyelid tear duct conditions.

The symptoms are as follows:
  • Red mass or oval pink colored tissue that protrudes from the corner of the eye towards the nose
  • Thick discharge from the eye
  • Watery eyes
  • Red conjunctiva
  • The dog tries to paw the eye sometimes
The veterinarian surgeon may try to replace the gland in its original position with a suture. There are several other surgeries that help in correcting the problem. Sometimes, complete removal of the gland is done is the gland cannot be tact in. However, this is avoided in most cases as it leads to dry eye in dogs.

There are three types of surgery carried out for this dog health problem, the complete removal, partial removal and 'pocket technique'. The 'pocket technique' is the most effective and expensive of all surgeries. This type of surgery costs about $250 and in certain extreme cases, it can cost up to $1000. In case of partial and complete removal costs about $100 to $400 and if an alternate tear duct is created, it may cost about $500. The vet may also prescribe tropical or injectable treatments of antibiotics and steroids. Thus, cherry eye surgery cost may rise accordingly. The vet is the best person, who can advise you on the overall cost of treatment.

Home Remedies
There are not many options related to home remedies for the condition. You have to visit a veterinarian to treat cherry eye. However, you can help you dog by trying these home remedies. You can try gentle messaging of the eye using light, circular motion. This helps in unblocking the tear duct of the dog. Make sure you do not scratch the dog's eye or apply hard pressure.

Also, when you see the swelling on the eye reduce, you can try closing your dog's eye. Then gently push the gland in towards the nose to get the gland in place. You need to attempt this step with a lot of caution and if the dog feels any discomfort, stop immediately. You can even use warm compress to help in easing the process of pushing the gland back. Make sure you do this very, very gently as you do not want to cause any kind of damage to the dog's eye.

It is thought that this is not a painful condition. However, it may cause some amount of changes in the dogs appearance. You should seek medical help to avoid any secondary problem. This was all about how to treat cherry eyes in dogs. I hope this information was useful to you to some extent.

Posted on 11:32 AM

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Dalmatians are known for their loving personality and are respected for their loyalty and determination in work. These dogs were great for safeguarding the stock used to pull carriages, and even assure its master the complete safety of the carriage. The dalmatian dog is also known for its versatility, as it can perform different duties such as guarding livestock, performing, and even participating in obedience competitions. The ability of performing so many different roles make them better and the most sought after family dogs. They settle well into the family and are extremely friendly and playful dogs.

These dogs are extremely energetic and hardly give up on the idea of pouncing on people. This energy level can be well maintained through exercise. The popularity of dalmatian dogs increased with the release of the Disney movie, 101 Dalmatians. Since then many breeders around the world took interest and pleasure in breeding this fun loving breed of dogs. However, with the increasing dalmatian population, the bloodline began to lose its purity. Poor dalmatian breeding introduced changes in the temperament and also the health of the dog.

Dalmatian Care

Attention is an important aspect in case you are planning to bring a dalmatian pup home. It has many benefits and can even help you to create a strong bond with your pet. Here are a few ideas to help you.

Vaccinating the Dog
Just like we humans, dogs too are prone to many illness and diseases. As they are mute animals and helpless animals, it is the duty of the owner to take complete care of their dog. They prove great as family companions, however, they need plenty of attention and require people around them. A solitary atmosphere can create the feeling of boredom and make them lethargic. Therefore, it is important to learn about the breed that you are purchasing a dalmatian. Sufficient amount of training, exercise and care can make them great dogs. However, lack of these ingredients can deteriorate its mental and physical health.

The first step towards taking care of a dalmatian is to vaccinate the dalmatian from various diseases. These vaccines strengthen the immune system of the dog and reduce the risk of many diseases. Flea disease is a common dog disease that have adverse effects on any dog's health. Therefore, keeping the surroundings clean, and having flea control products at home can come handy to terminate the disease before it gets serious. Every dog breed is built with different coat textures and quality. Some coats might be product sensitive and need extreme attention while picking up a product likely to come in contact with the dog's coat. Taking the dog to the vet for regular check ups can help it live a healthier and happy life.

Training induces good habits and behavior in a dog. Such a dog is loved and appreciated by all. Training helps prepare and mold the various skills and brings out the best in the dog. A dog can better understand its environment and even adapt itself to it. They are very enthusiastic and must be taught to control their energy. Through training and exercising, such behavior can be well brought in control. They often jump on people and therefore need to be taught how to socialize in a more civilized manner. Socializing must be done at an early age to achieve a well behaved dalmatian.

The pure white with contrasting black spots make for their striking and unique body coat. This is one of the features that make them most wanted dogs. They are meant to have a clean and lean body coat. The dalmatian coat is thick, with short hair and sticks closely to the body. These dogs have the tendency of shedding hair. Therefore, they require grooming after every 8-12 weeks.

They have tremendous energy in them. Therefore, they enjoy playing a lot of games that can exploit their energy. Such a dog's diet must include proteins, but beef and organ meat must be avoided. They tend to produce uric acid than urea, which can cause various skin problems. Hence, they must keep drinking plenty of water. If the dogs are provided with a balanced diet, it can save them from developing food allergies or ailments and keep them mentally healthy too.

They are known to be a very uniquely developed breed. It is among the most beautiful bloodline that many people long to possess. So take a look at the above given methods and enjoy the time with your pet.

Posted on 12:42 PM


Cheap and Easy Ladies Halloween Costumes

Lets Design Some Fun Ladies Halloween Costumes

Following are some cheap and easy ladies Halloween costumes. Your neighborhood is having an All Hallows Eve party, and you need a spooktacular outfit. Your budget is stretched as far as possible, and you want to get the kids their dream outfit. So, you need to come up with an economical, cute, awesome, and different getup for yourself. Read on, to discover some ladies Halloween costumes that are designed to be a play on words, and will have everyone trying to guess who, or what, you are.

1st Idea - Ladies Halloween Costumes - Butterfingers

Wear a pair of yellow pants and a yellow shirt. If you dont have these, purchase a pair of yellow sweats - no waste here since you can always use another pair of sweats. Shop around for a good price to save money. Next, save your cardboard carton from you next pound of butter.

Dress in your yellow outfit. Carry the butter carton, and place the fingers of one hand inside the box. See if anyone at the party guesses that you are butterfingers.

2nd Idea - Ladies Halloween Costumes - Dryer Lint

Wear anything you want. However, my suggestion would be to wear a pair of sweats. Reverse the sweats to show the fleece lining. Save your clothes dryer lint to attach to the sweats. No need to completely cover the sweats; just randomly place pieces on your sweats. Depending on the texture of your lining, you may need to loosely hand stitch the lint in place, or try double stick tape. Now, dig out your old hair dryer to carry with you. (For safety, either tape the cord to the hair dryer, or if is doesnt work any longer, cut the cord off. You wouldnt want anyone to get tangled and trip in the cord.)

You are now dryer lint.

3rd Idea - Ladies Halloween Costumes Rock & Roll Era

Dress in 50s era fashion. A full skirt, even better a poodle skirt, rolled up jeans, a mans big white shirt, bobby socks, and black and white saddle shoes are all examples of this period. Be sure to turn up the collar of that big white shirt or any shirt you wear. See whats in your closet and improvise. Carry a rock in one hand and a roll in the other hand.

Yes, you guessed it; you are the rock and roll era.

4th Idea Ladies Halloween Costumes Single Lady Looking For Her Stud

This outfit is for single gals only. Dress in a bewitching ensemble, and carry with you a hand held stud finder. (You can order one online, or purchase one from Lowes or Target.) When you approach a good-looking guy, maybe your stud finder will buzz.

After all, you are a Stud Finder.

In Closing

All Hallows Eve parties are great fun for all ages. Attendance does not usually require that the ladies Halloween costumes be designer wear, but one that is fun. I hope one of these ladies Halloween costumes will work for you and that you have a great night out with your friends.

Posted on 5:07 AM

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Keystone Species - Vital To Ecosystems

The Jaguar

The jaguar belongs to the Panthera genus. There are four species in the genus:

  • the lion (Panthera leo)
  • the tiger (Panthera tigris)
  • the leopard (Panthera pardis) and
  • the jaguar (Panthera onca).

While 'panther' technically refers to all members of the genus, the term is usually reserved for the black panther, a melanistic colour variation of the leopard, jaguar or cougar, depending on the region where the term is used.

The Panthera genus is the only genus with the capacity to roar. While this was once thought to be because of incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone, it is actually due to special morphology of the larynx.

The jaguar is at the top of the food chain so is an apex predator. It is also a keystone species, one of those organisms which have a major role in maintaining the status quo of an ecosystem. It feeds on a vast range of prey and regulates the populations of these native animals, creating a balanced environment. Should a keystone species disappear, the ecosystem changes drastically and could result in disastrous consequences. Other keystone species include the mountain tapir, cassowary and prairie dog.

Taxonomic classification of the panther varies from source to source with up to eight subspecies being recognised by some. Because of its shyness and the inaccessibility of its preferred habitat, the jaguar has been difficult to research.

At the moment, the jaguar is found from the southern USA, (particularly Arizona, New Mexico and Texas), through Mexico, much of Central America and south to Paraguay and northern Argentina. Although there is a small population in Arizona, the jaguar is now largely absent from the rest of the USA.

There is substantial evidence to suggest that a colony of feral leopards or jaguars inhabit the rainforests around Sydney, Australia. There are over 450 recorded reports of sightings but capture has so far proved impossible. In Nannup, Western Australia, the locals are equally sure that some non-native animal is at large in the area. Unusual animal screams at night and the behaviour of local dogs at such times have led to talk of a 'Nannup tiger' frequenting the area.

The jaguar has a preference for dense rainforest but is found across a variety of forested and open terrain. Like the tiger, it enjoys the water and will seek out waterways such as swamps and rivers.

The jaguar is compact and muscular. There is sizeable variations in size and weight. The jaguar tends to increase in size to the south of its range. Weights vary from 56 to 96 kg and even up to 160 kg. Females are generally 10 to 20% smaller. It is around 63 to 76 cm tall at the shoulders and 1.2 to 1.95 metres long with the addition of another 45 to 75 cm for the tail.

Being short and stocky, the jaguar is adept at crawling, climbing and swimming. It is a tawny yellow but ranges from a reddish-brown to black. Darker rosettes help in camouflage. The shape of the dots vary and may be solid. On the tail they may merge to form a band. The undersurfaces are white.

The jaguar differs from the leopard in having larger, fewer, usually darker rosettes with thicker lines and small spots in the middle. Colour morphism occurs with near-black animals appearing in about 6% of the population. These still have spots which can be seen on close examination.

The bite of the jaguar is exceptionally powerful, so much so that a prime method of attack is to bite through the skull of prey fatally piercing the brain. Its canine teeth can also pierce the shell of armoured reptiles.

The jaguar hunts by stalk and ambush, attacking from cover with a quick pounce, leaping onto the back of the animal and delivering a fatal bite to the skull. It will even leap into water after prey. Once it has its prey, it drags it into a thicket and eats the heart and lungs first, followed by the shoulders. Jaguars rarely turn on humans.

The jaguar is solitary apart from mother/cub groupings. Male territories do not overlap and boundaries are marked with scrape marks, urine and faeces. A male's territory may incorporate that of two or three females. Mostly the males take pains

to avoid each other. The jaguar is crepuscular and relatively active for a big cat.

The jaguar has the strongest bite of all felids, twice as strong as a lion and only inferior to the spotted hyena. Comparative to its size, it has the strongest bite. It can drag along a 360 kg bull and make short work of the bones. The jaguar is an obligate carnivore and an opportunistic hunter. Eighty-seven different species of prey have been identified. Large prey are preferred but it isn't too fussy. It will tackle caiman (a small alligator), deer, tapirs, peccaries, anacondas, frogs, sloths, monkeys, turtle, domestic livestock, fish, birds and rodents.

Females are sexually mature at about two years of age and males at three or four. It is believed mating occurs year-round. After mating, females then provide all the parenting. Gestation is 93 to 105 days and two to four cubs are born. The young are born blind and weaned at 3 months although they stay in the den for six months before being taken out on hunting expeditions. They stay with the mother another 1 to 2 years. Lifespan in the wild is believed to be 12 to 15 years and up to 23 years in captivity.

The jaguar is considered near threatened and numbers are declining. Habitat loss and fragmentation through deforestation has made life difficult for the jaguar. Ranchers and farmers in South America are not above killing the jaguar if it threatens livestock or even if it doesn't. International trade in the animal (and its parts) is now prohibited. During the 1960s, over 15,000 jaguar skins were brought out of the Brazilian Amazon each year. Fortunately the implementation of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) of 1973 brought about a sharp decline. Trophy hunting is still permitted in Bolivia and there is no legal protection in Ecuador or Guyana.

As well as being a keystone species, the jaguar is an 'umbrella species' meaning that if it is protected, its broad home range and habitat needs will automatically ensure the protection of other species which share that range and those habitats.

The jaguar is the national animal of Guyana and Brazil.

Posted on 4:06 PM

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Have you left your dog at home and come home to find your favorite pair of slippers chewed on? Well, separation anxiety in dogs is a common problem faced by dog owners and their canine friends. In medical parlance it is defined as, "the fear or dislike of isolation which often results in undesirable behavior. Separation anxiety is one of the most common causes of canine behavioral problems" - Polin 1992; Voith and Borchelt 1985. Apart from this common cause for anxiety in dogs, factors such as loud noises caused due to thunderstorms or fireworks, severe weather changes, traveling or having to share the owner's love with another pet can also lead to the dogs showing symptoms of severe anxiety and stress and other problems related to dog behavior.

Anxiety in dogs is usually marked by certain noticeable symptoms. The dog anxiety symptoms include nervousness, hyperactivity, scratching, chewing, digging, excess barking or howling, salivation, abnormal urine marking, trembling or shivering and destructive or aggressive behavior. If you observe these anxiety symptoms in your pet dog the first step would be to visit a veterinarian for a complete checkup. This will help rule out any medical problems that the dog may have. Once the veterinarian is sure that the symptoms are caused due to anxiety attacks in dogs, he may recommend behavioral modification exercises along with certain antianxiety medications for dogs.

What are Antianxiety Medication for Dogs?

Over-the-Counter Medications: The two most commonly approved medications to treat anxiety in dogs include clomipramine and fluoxetine. In fact clomipramine or clomicalm as it is most commonly known, is one of the few prescription medications approved for treating anxiety symptoms in both humans and dogs. This tricyclic medication is known to help regulate serotonin levels (Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps transport brain signals throughout the body and is associated with a pleasant, relaxed sensation. The lack or reduction of serotonin function results in mental disorders such as depression and anxiety). Both Clomipramine and Fluoxetine (Prozac) work as an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and helps the dogs in the regulation of their serotonin levels and relieving the symptoms of anxiety. However these drugs can cause a series of health related side effects which can affect your dog's health, such as stomach problems or even an increased level of aggression.

Other drugs for treating anxiety in dogs include Selegiline which is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). This results in raising the dopamine levels in your dog's body and works to increase and improve the cognitive processes of the animal's brain. This in turn helps to relieve the symptoms of anxiety within the dog.

Natural Antianxiety Medication for Dogs: While the over the counter drugs do help in providing relief from the anxiety symptoms, it is important to note that these medications can result in certain side effects. These side effects of antidepressants include diarrhea, vomiting, low blood pressure, dry mouth and salivation. This makes natural antianxiety drugs for dogs a feasible option for treating the depression and anxiety in dogs.

Herbs: Herbs such as chamomile are mild and non-addictive natural medicinals for treating anxiety in dogs. They help calm the nerves and induce sleep. Some herbs even contain nutrients that help boost and support your dog's nervous system as well as relieve the dog's anxiety. For example the herb astragalus, can safely be used continually to boost the immune system of a dog under stress. In addition to this oatmeal is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system and provide nutritional benefits.

Homeopathy: Certain homeopathic remedies work well in treating canine anxiety. For example chamomilla, derived from chamomile, relieves anxiety, irritability and restlessness or passiflora incarnata derived from the passion flower helps in calming frightened animals without sedating them. It is important that before you opt for any such remedy, a homeopathic veterinarian needs to be consulted for advice on the proper remedy and dosage for your dog.

Nutritional Supplements: Amino acids such as L-theanine have been found to stimulate the production of alpha brain waves and create a state of deep relaxation. Found in tea plants, these acids have a calming effect on people and dogs. In addition to this vitamin B1 or thiamine and decapeptide, derived from the milk protein, casein, is known to affect the central nervous system and calm anxious animals.

Flower Essences: Flower essences derived from extracts from certain flowers, plants, trees and bushes provide remedies for various mental and emotional ailments. They also restore the energetic balance to your dog's body and mind by removing negative energies. The Bach flower remedies formulated by Dr. Edward Bach from 38 healing plants have been found to have a balancing effect on negative states of mind in both humans and animals.

Although these medications may be effective in treating the anxiety symptoms in the short run, you should keep in mind that once the effect of the drug wears off, similar issues of dog behavior problems are likely to start. Therefore, efforts should be concentrated more on relieving stress in pets by behavior modification techniques. This process will teach your dog to stay calm as you leave, and while you are away. However, in case you use antianxiety medication for dogs, make sure that you consult a veterinarian for the appropriate instructions and dosage.

Posted on 9:02 AM

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Much like humans, canines are afflicted with a vast number of diseases that span infections (viral, fungal and bacterial), skeletal and muscular disorders, cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, nervous system ailments, cancers, endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and urinary and reproductive system illnesses.

In canines, viral infections include rabies (hydrophobia), canine parvovirus, canine coronavirus, canine distemper, canine influenza, infectious canine hepatitis. lyme disease, leptospirosis, brucellosis and kennel cough are some common bacterial infections affecting dogs. Some canine fungal infections are blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, ringworm and sporotrichosis. hookworm, tapeworm, roundworm, ticks and fleas are parasites that commonly plague dogs.

Skeletal and muscular disorders include osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, luxating patella, spondylosis, and panosteitis. Cardiovascular and circulatory diseases include heart disease, heart defects, platelet disorders and hemolytic anemia. Epilepsy and different kinds of paralysis are nervous system ailments that commonly affect dogs. Most dogs are affected with ear infections during their lifetime and may develop cataract or go deaf in old age. Skin ailments, where dogs lose fur and itch are also very common. There are a large number of different cancers and tumors that affect the skin and organs in them. Diabetes, thyroid, Addison's disease, and Cushing's syndrome, are some endocrine diseases that affect canines.

The list of diseases that afflict canines is a long one. However, listed below are some of the more serious ailments.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in canines. Cancer is a disease that occurs when the normal control genes in a cell fails and that cell divides relentlessly. Dogs are afflicted with lymphoma, fibrosarcoma, melanomas, leukemias and plasmacytomas amongst several other cancers. Early warning signs of cancer include abnormal swellings that persist or grow, sores that do not heal, weight loss, loss of appetite, bleeding or discharge from any body opening, offensive odor, difficulty in eating or swallowing, hesitation in exercising and being active or loss of stamina, persistent lameness or stiffness, difficulty in breathing, urinating, or defecation. Surgery offers a solution if the cancer is localized to a single area and can be completely removed. Chemotherapy and radiation are the other choices for treatment of cancer.

Kidney disease
The kidneys are biological filters that clear the blood of harmful toxins. A dog's kidneys may be damaged due to many reasons such as poison, aging, infection, trauma, cancer, auto-immune diseases, and genetic predisposition. Kidney failure can be acute, where a sudden loss of function takes place that may not be reversible or chronic. An irreversible loss of function occurs gradually over months or years. The symptoms of chronic kidney disease are frequent urination, increased thirst, weight loss, fatigue and weakness. Blood and urine tests are usually performed to diagnose kidney diseases. While medication is used for treatment, diet too plays an important role in recovery.

Canine arthritis is a common disease amongst dogs, especially the large built ones. Older dogs may suffer from it, but it is also seen in puppies due to development disorders. Obesity increases the likelihood of the onset of this ailment. Canine arthritis is the inflammation of joints due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes. Dogs who suffer from it experience pain in the joints, and have difficulty in movement. The signs to watch out for are when a dog is reluctant to exercise, has difficulty in moving, limps, or even struggles to stand up from a laying position. There are many different medicines used to treat canine arthritis, any of which may be prescribed by a vet. Natural cures, vaccines and surgery are the other treatment options. It is a painful ailment, and can be treated best when diagnosed at an early stage .

To watch one's pet suffer from an illness is an unfortunate reality that has to be faced with often. The best one can do to ensure that their pet has a long and healthy life is to provide them a healthy and nutritious diet, regular exercise, good hygiene, vaccinations and regular visits to the vet, and also plenty of love.

Posted on 8:02 AM

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dogs usually suffer from strokes only after they are over 8 years of age, unless there is something drastically wrong with the dog's health. Strokes never do come with a warning and often just happen without any prior signs. If your dog is twitching on the floor or has fallen unconscious, the probability of a stroke is very high. In this case you must rush your dog to your vet as soon as you possibly can. Often stroke symptoms in dogs cannot be identified, unless it's been a slow and steady process. Some of the signs to keep a check on your pet are losing control over bladder and bowel movement, losing balance, sudden blindness, not responding as usual and seizure of twitching of the body. What would you do if you find that your dog is having a stroke? While it is important that you get your dog treated, it is equally important to be aware of what all can be done to treat (him or her) and what is the average recovery period.

Canine Stroke Aftercare
  • Canine strokes are extremely rare. There are two types of strokes which affect dogs, first is Ischemic stroke wherein blood does not reach the brain. The second type is Hemorrhagic stroke wherein bleeding occurs in the brain of the dog.
  • Find out from your vet, as to which of the two strokes affected your dog and reason why it occurred
  • A CT scan or an MRI will need to be conducted to check the extent of brain damage which has occurred as well as for any presence of any tumor
  • Get the dog examined for diseases, once again through certain blood tests. Diseases such as diabetes, liver, kidney and Cushing's diseases can all lead to health complications such as brain stroke and heart attacks. The reason why you must follow this procedure is because you will be able to learn more about what causes the stroke and how you can help treat the dog better. In such case you can avoid a second recurrence.
  • When the dog returns home, you will need to ensure that he gets plenty of rest for a few weeks. You will need to assist your pet during eating, and helping it move for its daily activities.
  • Do not force the dog to come to you or move unnecessarily. He will come to you as soon as he is strong enough. Stay close by and talk to him. Give him a loving hug when he seems to be doing better with each day.
Recovery Time

Strokes are not always as fatal for canines as they are for humans. With immediate treatment being administered at the right time, there have been many successful cases. Dogs usually survive the stroke and get better within the first few months. However it does not usually take so long a time to recover and many dogs have shown drastic signs of improvement within the first 2 months of recovery. The total period of recovery depends entirely on the intensity and extent of damage caused by the stroke and the effects of its aftermath.

There will be certain visible behavioral changes which you as the master will need to accept and be patient with. It can be heartbreaking to watch your long-time companion in such a debilitating state and equally for the dog. Dogs especially tend to feel low after they fall ill and do not like participating in activities they once thoroughly enjoyed. Your pet will also try to stay as close to you as possible so, allow him to be near you as this will help him feel safe. During the initial few days after the stroke, the dog will have his head tilted to the side and there will be nothing that can be done to rectify it. The head tilt may recover in a few weeks or may stay, as this depends on the extent of damage that was caused due to the stroke.

The owner will need to make sure that the dog is encouraged for every improvement shown and for any good job done. During the initial days, your dog will not be able to walk properly or maintain its balance. You will need to keep encouraging him and caring for him, until he is well enough. However you will need to suppress the underlying conditions which may have caused the stroke. Get the dog treated for any thyroid or insulin abnormalities, so as to keep another stroke at bay.

Posted on 7:56 AM

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Essentials For Camping At Bonnaroo 2011

Things You Need At Bonnaroo 2011

The Bonnaroo 2011 lineup is not out yet, though more and more Bonnaroo 2011 rumors are circulating as we approach the lineup release date (that is as of yet unknown, but many believe to be February 14th). While at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, you camp for the entire weekend in a makeshift campsite. There are several essentials that you need to bring with you for your adventure in the music festival, and without them you could suffer greatly financially or physically. I will list and give reasoning for several different items you should include in your camping at the Bonnaroo Music festival 2011.

This year will mark my fourth consecutive year of attending Bonnaroo. Every year, I seemingly forget several different things that I should have brought for the trip to make camping easier. I tend to forget several things, and if this is your first year to the festival, you may find yourself unprepared. Several different things can be added to make your Bonnaroo camping experience much better during the 2011 festival. I've never attended the Coachella Valley festival, however these same camping essentials may be very helpful there as well, as I assume it's very essential (and though Coachella is sold out, it is still possible to attend, as I explain in an article I wrote about how to get tickets). These are all essentials that you want to remember to bring that will make your stay at music festivals a much better experience.

1. Extra Gas Can - This should be top priority. It's very likely that your car can run out of gas while at Bonnaroo, or even while in line to enter the festival. It's best to bring an extra gas can so that you will be prepared if your car runs out of gas. Last year I waited in line for 14 hours with my car running before we were able to get into the Bonnaroo campgrounds. During that wait, several people ran out of gas and had to push their cars quite a long way to the nearest gas stations. Several left their cars abandoned until after the festival was over. Also, running out of gas is a possibility within the festival, as many use gasoline to run their cars so that they can receive electric for phone chargers. Bring an extra gas can in case the worst happens. This is a main essential you need for the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival 2011.

2. Sleeping Cot - I personally find the cot to be the best method of trying to sleep at Bonnaroo. Tents turn into ovens in 90+ degree heat of early morning, thus making it impossible to sleep at all once the sun rises (which it tends to do very early). With a cot, you are sleeping outside and not confined to the crazy heat of a tent, the wind blowing on you. Of course there should be a tarp above the cot to protect you for shade, you are not concealed in the heat of a tent. Sleeping out doors on a cot is the best method of sleeping at Bonnaroo and is a must-have camping essential. Sleep is very important as the festival, because you want to be rested enough to experience as much as you can without being tired. The best way to get a good nights rest is to sleep on a cot at Bonnaroo 2011.

3. Food, Water, & Beer - These are all essentials that you need to bring to Bonnaroo 2011. These items are purchasable within the festival, however they are outrageously expensive. A case of beer can stretch up to 40 dollars, a simple hot dog can be purchased for around 6 dollars, and bottled water is usually around 4 or 5 dollars. It's a quick way to drain your pockets if you don't bring your own food, water, or beer. The outrageous prices can definitely be avoided if you bring your own meals and drinks. A lot of water is needed, as it is very easy to pass out under the intensity of the sun. Be prepared and keep nourished and hydrated for Bonnaroo 2011. It is essential that you remember to bring these for your camping experience. (note: be sure that you don't bring any glass bottles into the festival, as they will be disposed at the gate)

4. Rain Poncho - Be sure to bring a rain poncho when attending Bonnaroo. This can save you and keep you comfortable, as it tends to rain on the farm. This will help you keep from being soaking wet all day if it decides to rain. There is nothing worse than being caught in a driving rain storm without some sort of protective covering while you're trying to enjoy the music of your favorite bands or artists. They can be purchased at the festival, yet they are also overpriced, and typically you can find a rain poncho for around one dollar in several stores. It is good to carry it with you everywhere you go throughout the festival and is a necessary essential for the camping at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival 2011.

5. Portable Music Player - This is an essential that gears more towards the entertainment aspect. A lot of time at Bonnaroo is spent around the campsite in the early mornings or maybe late at night. A portable music player for your iPod or CD's can be brought to give you more music than the music that you experience within the festival. Sometimes it's good to sit around your campsite in lawn chairs and listen to music while you wait for the next band that you want to see. If you are able to play guitar, a guitar would also be a good addition. It can help make your day more enjoyable if you start out by listening to music in the morning. Bring a small stereo and enjoy your own campsite music. A portable music player is a fun essential for camping at the Bonnaroo 2011 Music And Arts Festival.

I hope all of these ideas will help you have a much better experience at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival 2011. They should help make your camping experience more enjoyable at the music festival. I hope all of these suggestions turn out to be extremely beneficial, and keep you from making some of the same mistakes that I've made in past years at Bonnaroo. Overall, these essentials will make your Bonnaroo camping experience much better.

Posted on 12:09 AM

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Monday, December 15, 2014

A Simple Guide To Preventing Behavioral Problems At Home

Are you experiencing increasing signs ofproblem dog behavior?If the answer is "yes", then maybe it's time to start taking steps to correct it.

While it might involve the services of a canine behavior trainer(depending on how serious it has become to manage your dog), changing your pet's behaviordoesn't have to be that hard, if you can understand what the root cause is.

The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs
Amazon Price: $16.00 $6.89 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 1, 2013)

Generally, when wepick up on incidents of problem dog behavior, we tend to judge it from a limited perspective and react out ofangerfor them to stop.Unfortunately, this does little for an animal whose actions might be driven byfear, recollections of abuse oremotional stressof some kind.

In these types of circumstances, it is impossible to know what to make of the 'irrational'behavior, whether it results in indoor urination, chronic anxiety or incessant barking.There is something going oninside the dog's headthat we cannot feel or comprehend when this is occurring.

That is why it's beneficial to develop a personalawarenessof how our pets think and interact in the world.What may seem unimportant to us may, in fact, be making a greater impact on them than we realize, especially inemergency situations.

Canines operate from a completely differentmindsetthan ours, and if you are seeking to establish asound, trusting relationship with youranimal, it's worth learning about how their inner mind works.

1) Understanding How Our Dogs Think

Dogs are essentially animals that are only too pleased toobey when trained correctly. They find true contentment living in a group and are all too ready to express their loyalty towards their owners.

Dogs originated from the wolf, and are very muchpack-orientedanimals. They are instinctual by natureand live according to a hierarchical order.Canines always look to astrong leaderto ensure their survival in the world and togive them direction.If your instructions are neither clear or direct, then it is impossible to expect your dog/s to give you clear, direct action in return.

Canines are sensitive, highly aware animals that readily make use ofbody languageandsoundto communicate. This not only applies to their communication with fellow dogs but also us, humans too.

Any dog can immediately identify submissive and dominant behaviors in other dogsandpeople, and this innate ability can sometimes lead them into having aggressivebehavioral patterns.

If not kept in check from an early age,major issuescan arise, such as growling, biting and jumping up."All dogs need education and disciplinein order for them to develop into well adjusted pets. They will develop behavioral problems if this need for disciplineis not met."[4616]

Backing up your actions withrespectand lovingauthorityevery day will speak to your pet's heart. Often these two factors will decide whether a dog will obey you or not.

2) Becoming Aware of Your Emotions

Some destructive behavior problems in dogs are the result ofemotional disturbancesrelated tofear.Separation anxiety is one specific fear-based problem that arises frominsecuritiesa dog has about its owner, and it will panic once left alone for any period of time.

As an owner, you can learn to take active responsibility foryouremotional well-beingand this lessens the chance of your dog picking up on feelings of uncertainty or worry you may have. However, if your emotions are regularlyout of control, it is incorrect to assume that your dog is going to ignore your behavior it can't.

Dogsare naturally hard-wired to sense emotional and physical changes in their living environment which may threaten theirsafetyandsurvival. Negative or positive, emotions have a great influence over a dog's behavior.Wilson states, "a weak, indecisive owner will make their dog feel fearful and vulnerable."[4616]

Non-socializationis another problem dog behavior that needs to be correctly managed and is also related tofear. "Socialized dogs are normally friendly dogs, but isolated dogs can become fearful which may lead to aggressive behaviour ... often when a dog bites, it is reacting from instinct."[4616]

3) Rewarding Your Dog with Treats

Dogs, for the most part, have lost theirinstinctual desire to huntas they would in the wild, yet have a high tendency to eat quickly and gorge their meals. This is due to the lingering influence of feeding habits from their distant ancestors.

With dogs strongly associating food with survival,edible treatscan be an effective way of rewarding your animal for good behavior.The giving of food reinforces thepositiveaspects of its training sessions, and strengthens a dog's desire to listen and obey its owner's commands.

Newman's Own Organics Dog Treats, Medium Size, Peanut Butter, 10-Ounce Bags (Pack of 6)
Amazon Price: $25.28 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 1, 2013)

Foodis a powerfulsymbolof reward for your dog.Treats, such as pieces of chicken jerky, small dog biscuits or cheese, can be used to effectively teach a dog to recognize the difference between its acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors.

A lasting and distinct contrast is made when a loud no! command is expressed which draws the dog's attention towards changing its inappropriate behavior. Dogs are moreproactivewhen receivingenthusiasm, pats and an edible reward.

Happy Endings

By approaching yourdogfromtheirperspective, rather than your own, you can gain a bigger pictureas to what drives theirbehaviors.Their way of being in the world comes down to having aunique psychologythat differs from your own.

Games and a bit of stick chasing might be fun to start out with, but in the long run, what I find a dog really thrives on is anemotionally stable lifeandgood leadershipfrom its owner.

With the right amount ofawarenessanddiscipline, and a fewrewardsthrown in for good measure, your dog will not only seek to behave well on a daily basis, but teach you howunderstandingis the mostfundamentalkey of all.

Posted on 8:39 PM

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mastitis in dogs is not observed commonly, however, if the dog is affected, then proper treatment should be given to the dog without any delay to prevent it from becoming severe. Female dogs who have given birth to a pup are more prone to mastitis. The symptoms of mastitis are similar to that of canine breast tumors. Hence, make sure that you do not confuse between these two. Take your dog to a veterinarian and find what is it that she is suffering from.

What is Mastitis in Dogs
Mastitis is an infection in the milk ducts of the dogs, where in the dog's breast is enlarged or its milk duct is blocked. This infection is also referred to as mammitis or mastadenitis. The skin around the nipple might get cracked which might give a way to bacteria. This disorder should be treated as soon as possible else, it might cause gangrene mastitis which is a severe form of this malady.

Treatment for Mastitis in Dogs
The best treatment that you can opt for is antibiotics. Hot packs placed on the affected area will help to some extent in treating mastitis. Applying warm water and warm olive oil may aid in the healing process and is a good cure. While doing this, make sure that the water or oil is not too hot as it might burn the dog's skin. Wrapping a cloth soaked in vinegar around the infected area is also one of the mastitis in dogs treatment which will help. Feeding water on a regular basis might help in maintaining the body temperature of the dog to a normal level. It is best to take the dog to a veterinarian and take proper dog care. If nothing works, then the veterinarian might suggest for the removal of milk glands in order to avoid the disorder from worsening and leading to other dog allergies.

Mastitis Symptoms in Dogs
Swelling in the milk ducts is the most commonly observed mastitis in dog symptom. The dogs milk duct will be warm to touch. When the dogs breasts are touched, she might yelp or wince. Discharge of pus from the milk glands is a mastitis symptom in dogs. Another mastitis symptom in dogs is the formation of septic near the milk glands. Reddening of the breasts will also be observed. They tend to become hard. Deficiency in the level of protein is observed. Along with the above mentioned symptoms, the dog will suffer from lethargy and fever. Severe mastitis can be easily determined through a change in the dog's behavior.

In rare cases, male dogs are affected with this disorder. However, this is a serious medical condition and hence should be treated immediately to reduce the chances of medical complications in your pet dog. If left untreated, it can affect your dog's health and give rise to other dog illnesses and health issues.

Posted on 5:11 PM

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

A family dog not only is the family pet but becomes a member of your family before you even know it. It is very important to do thorough research about the best dogs to own. This is because each dog breed is different and all dogs have different temperaments. A pet dog becomes a lifetime commitment and therefore, it is very important that the animal and his needs suit your lifestyle. A small puppy that you bring home as a birthday gift for your kid, will soon become more or less like your baby. He will be around for a really long time. So, you should consider bringing home a dog with traits that match your family.

What Are the Best Dogs As Pets?
There are many traits that you should look for when you are trying to answer the question what are the best dogs to own. You need to consider a dog breed according to the house or apartment you live in. If you live in a small apartment, you need to consider whether that dog is comfortable living in small spaces. While living in an apartment, you may have dog barking problems. To avoid neighbor complains, you need to choose dogs that are non-barkers or do not bark unnecessarily. Also, if you are a working person and will not have enough time to exercise your dog, then you need to consider getting home a dog with low exercise needs. High energy dogs, bred for hunting and guarding will have little options to vent out their energy in an apartment. The long hours of inactivity will frustrate the dog and he will destroy the things around him in the apartment. So, for your own and for your dogs safety, you need to choose dogs that do not get hyperactive and can manage living alone for long hours. Therefore, you need to consider bringing home the best dogs to own in an apartment.

The dog size and dog grooming requirements also a matter of consideration. If you live in a small apartment, it is not wise to bring home a large dog like German Shepherd or Great Dane, but get small dogs. Neither will you nor the dog will have enough space to stretch your legs. A dog with grooming requirements is not suitable for those who have very little time to spare. This will only cause the dog to have matted fur that will increase dog health problems and your expenses for grooming him. Hypoallergenic dogs are to be considered if you or someone in your family has dog allergies. These hypoallergenic dogs will help reduce the chances of an allergy attack and complete your desire to own a dog.

If you have children, then it is very important to consider the temperament of the dog. Children tend to underestimate their power while playing and a tight pull or pinch may aggravate a dog. He may nip or bite in retaliation, a trait you obviously want to avoid. Some dogs are really possessive about the territories they claim as theirs around the house and will not like sharing their food trays, water trays and toys. While playing, a child may run off with the dog toy and this may make the dog angry and bite. In order to avoid such bad experiences and punish the dog for following his natural instincts, you need to read and research information about the best dogs with kids. In the following paragraphs, I will enlist some of the best dogs for an apartment and as well as for kids. You need to select the breed that suits your requirements.

Best Dogs as Pets for Apartment Dwellers
The following is a list best dogs suitable for apartments that you should think about while adopting one as a pet. These dogs are happy to live in an apartment and will not mind the absence of a yard. These good apartment dogs will also prove to be the best dogs for children to some extent.
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Basenji
  • Bassett Hound
  • Bichon Frise
  • Brittany
  • Bulldogs
  • Chihuahua Dog
  • Clumber Spaniel
  • Dachshund
  • English Cocker Spaniel
  • English Toy Spaniels
  • Feists
  • Great Dane
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Maltese
  • Miniature Pinschers
  • Newfoundland Mastiff
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Pekingese
  • Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen
  • Pomeranian
  • Pugs
  • Schipperke
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Shih Tzu
  • Springer Spaniel
  • St. Bernard
  • Standard Schnauzer
  • Whippet
  • Yorkshire Terrier
There are certain popular dog breeds that you should avoid while living in an apartment. These dog breeds include English, Gordon, Irish Setters, Retrievers and Pointers. Although, these dogs might be good with kids, but they have high energy levels that does not suit apartment life. The other dog breeds that you should avoid are Hounds. They are not only high energy dogs but also are very noisy. The Beagle, Coon Hounds, etc. make a lot of noise that will not be appreciated by your neighbors.

Collies, like Border Collies, Bearded Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs are herding breeds that get really bored with apartment life. They need open space to let out their energy and if they cannot do this, they tend to show destructive behavior in an apartment. Similarly, the same problem is faced with Siberian Huskies as they are sled dogs and need to work. Without work, they tend to get bored and destroy things around them. Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers and American Pit Bull Terriers are guard dogs that are not allowed in most apartments. The other reason for not opting for these breeds is that they are not meant for an apartment life. They grow up to be really large and require a lot of dog training and dog behavior management. Terriers, too are happy and lively dogs that tend to be very noisy and therefore are not suited for an apartment complex. Dalmatians too are high energy dogs that require more space than what an apartment may offer.

Best Dogs for Kids
You might find that the following list of different dog breeds contains some names that are already mentioned in the above list. Well, these best dogs to own are not only suitable for apartment life, but also great to have around kids. If you are an apartment dweller with kids in the family, then these are the breeds you should consider as family pets:
  • Airedale
  • Basset Hound
  • Beagle
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Bichon Frise
  • Bloodhound
  • Boston Terrier
  • Boxer Dogs
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Collie
  • Foxhound
  • German Shepherd
  • Great Dane
  • Irish setter
  • Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever
  • Mastiff
  • Newfoundland
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Pembroke Welsh corgi
  • Poodle
  • Pug
  • Schnauzer
  • Shetland Sheepdog
  • Shih tzu
  • St. Bernard
  • Vizsla
  • West Highland white terrier
  • Whippet
The following dogs are not considered to be very good with very small children and those kids who tend to have a rough play. They may do well with considerate, older children; especially when they are raised as pups around kids.
  • Afghan Hound
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Border Collie
  • Coonhound
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Chihuahua
  • Chow Chow
  • Dachshund
  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Greyhound
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Miniature Pinscher
  • Miniature or Toy Poodle
  • Pekingese
  • Yorkshire Terrier
This was all about some of the best dogs to own with kids. You need to study a lot in detail about each breed and dog temperament before you get home a pet dog. Dogs will be the best companion you could ever hope for and the most faithful, loyal and dedicated friends you will find. I hope this article on what are best dogs has answered some of your doubts.

Posted on 7:33 PM

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How Do Animals Use Their Tongues?

You might think a tongue is just a tongue but there are a vast number of differences in the tongues of living organisms. In the animal kingdom, tongues are designed for a variety of tasks and have some amazing adaptations. Even cat and dog tongues are different. This was going to be article of ten different tongue types but it all became too interesting...

Tongues are adapted for specific purposes such as grooming, feeding and gathering information.

Tongues are useful when feeding, helping to move food around in the mouth, and being used to wrap round grass or leaves.

Such prehensile tongues probably reach their developmental peak in the giraffe and okapi, both of which have very long, prehensile tongues which they use to pluck leaves and shoots from thorny shrubs and to clean out their nostrils and wash their ears (truly!). The giraffe can extend its pointed, sticky tongue some 45 cm (18 inches) and the okapi 35 cm (14 Inches). The tongues are blue and tough, well able to cope with thorns of the acacias they love so well.

The tongue of the cow is also quite long and is used to wrap round lumps of grass which is why they are often put on a pasture before sheep, which prefer shorter grass. A cow can do an excellent job of cleaning out her feed bowl as the tongue can reach into all the corners.

A reptile with a blue tongue is the blue-tongued lizard of Australia. There are six species. The blue tongue helps the lizard bluff its predators. If an enemy gets too close, the lizard opens its mouth wide, pushes the tongue out and hisses. The tongue isn't particularly long but the mouth is a bright pink and the tongue a dark blue so there is a surprise element built in.

Animals that feed on termites and/or ants have specialised tongues too. Members of the anteater family all have long, sticky tongues which they use to poke into ant and termite nests. The bugs stick to the tongue which is flicked rapidly in and out of the mouth.

The giant anteater has a tongue that is only inch wide but which can reach 60 cm (2 feet) in length. The sticky saliva-covered tongue flicks in and out up to 150 times a minute, taking in a few thousand insects in a short time. The tongue extends past the pharynx and is attached deep within the thorax but not to the hyoid bone, which is a horseshoe shaped bone in the throat.

The pangolin, southern tamandua and tube-lipped nectar bat share this trait with the giant anteater. The nectar bat from Ecuador has the longest tongue of any mammal, relative to its size. Its tongue is 1 times the length of the body. The ends of the tongue of the nectar bat is covered with tiny hairs. These mop up pollen and nectar. Its long tongue is stored in its rib cage.

The numbat and echidna also have long, narrow, sticky tongues.

When considering carnivorous mammals, the sun bear may be the smallest of the bear species but has the longest tongue. It too likes ants, termites and honey as well as a variety of other foods.

A 60 ton blue whale has a 3 ton tongue. The right whale has a tongue well out of proportion to its body size but uses it like a giant scoop, filtering food into the mouth.

For sheer speed, the giant palm salamander, Bolitoglossa dofleini, wins. It can extend its tongue, in a similar way to the chameleon, 50 times faster than a person can blink.

The chameleon has a prehensile tongue which has a muscular, club-like structure at the tip. This is covered in thick mucous and forms a suction cup. Because of the velocity of the tongue (4 flies in 3 seconds they tell me!), bees and wasps do not have time to employ their defences (stings). The largest of the chameleon species has a tongue about two feet long. If the prey is out of reach, the chameleon bides his time until he gets within (tongue's) reach. At rest, the tongue is folded like an accordion round the processus entoglossus.

In the bird world, the woodpecker has a tongue which is often equally as long as the bird (depending on the species). The tongue curls up around the skull. When the bird locates an insect's tunnel in a tree, it worms its tongue into the tunnel. A barb on the end of the tongue is used to skewer the grub which is then drawn out of the tunnel and into the woodpecker's mouth.

Another variation is the protrusible trough-like or grooved tongues of nectar-feeding birds.

In some animals, the tongue is used to attract prey. The alligator snapper turtle lies on the bottom of a watercourse with the jaws wide open and wriggling its red tongue. The tongue looks for all the world like a worm. Fish are attracted to the 'worm', swim into the turtle's mouth and the turtle snaps its mouth shut.

At the other extreme, the alpaca and llama have an attached tongue which will only protrude an inch from the mouth. Thus they do not lick their newborn babies. The male dromedary (single-humped camel) has a soft palate which they inflate, producing a deep pink sac which lolls out of the mouth. This is intended to attract females. However, this is not a tongue.

Many animals use their tongues for grooming. The upper surface of 'big cats' like the lion have small bumps which act like a rasp cleaning every skerrick of meat off bones and removing parasites from their coats when they groom themselves. The tongue of the cat has rows of hooked spines which face backward. These papillae act like the bristles of a hairbrush and do an excellent job of cleaning the cat's coat. The roughness of the tongue can be felt if a cat licks your skin.

The tongue of the snake flicks in and out collecting airborne scent particles which are then passed over special organs in the mouth. The forked tongue gives directional information to the snake. By constantly using its tongue, a snake can remain aware of what is happening around it.

And finally what do men's penises and flamingos have in common? They both make use of erectile tissue. Flamingos feed only in shallow water, tilting their heads upside down into the water and moving their heads from side to side. The tongue sucks water into the front of the bill then forces it out through the sides. Fringed plates on the tongue trap aquatic crustaceans and algae. Erectile tissue on the floor of the mouth stiffens supporting the mouth and tongue while the bird has its head upside down.

So tongues serve a variety of purposes. The animal world is full of unusual and fascinating facts and the various shapes and uses of the tongue are just a small part of that world.

Posted on 4:00 PM

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Dog lovers don't discriminate between big and small dogs. Dogs are dogs they say. That might be and I'm not arguing one tiny bit. But here's the deal, what about those who have limited space or want to get a small dog for their kids or the fact that administering care to a small dog is easier? That is why it becomes important to know what some of the best small dogs are so that one knows exactly what kind of dog they are looking for. In the following article we shall be looking into some of these dog breeds so that you can have a ready-made list to refer to and inquire about when choosing among the breeds.

Advantages of Small Dogs

It depends on the kind of factors or pointers that you're looking to satisfy in your search, really. Why do you want a small dog? Is it because it'll become easier to care for it? That's a great point. Small dogs are definitely easier to take care of. One other advantage of having a small dog is that if you have small children and you want to inculcate in them the qualities of caring for animals and thereby teach them how to be sensitive, then getting a small dog is a really great option. It has also been studied that smaller dogs live longer than older dogs and therefore lend for more years of companionship.

Small Dogs for Families and Children

When it comes to choosing small house dogs for kids you should be thinking 'practical' instead of 'cute'. Make sure that the dog you choose compliments your child well. If your child is energetic and hyperactive then he needs a dog that has similar traits so that the energy can be expended well. There's no point getting a lethargic dog that does not serve any purpose. The same point extends to adults as well, make sure the dog complements your personality as well. Here is a list of the types of small house dogs that you can choose.
  • Boston Terrier
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Affenpinscher
  • Bichon Firse
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Poodle
  • American Hairless Terrier
  • Silky Terrier
  • Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Lakeland Terrier
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Conton De Tulear
  • Bolognese
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Maltese
  • Australian Terrier
  • Border Terrier
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix
  • Cairn Terriers
  • Spanish Water Dog
  • Chinese Crested
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Dachshund
  • Toy Poodle
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Shih Tzu
  • Havanese
  • Basenji
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi
  • Australian Terrier
  • Chihuahua (Short coat)
  • Chinese Crested (Powderpuff)
  • Cesky Terrier
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi
  • Brazilian Terrier
  • Beagle
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Brussels Griffon (Smooth)
  • Japanese Chin
  • Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
  • Lowchen
  • Patterdale Terrier
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Chinese Crested (Hairless)
  • English Toy Spaniel
  • French Bulldog
  • German Hunting Terrier
  • Glen of Imaal Terrier
  • Patterdale Terrier
  • Wire Fox Terrier
  • Japanese Spitz
  • Klein German Spitz
  • Kyi-Leo
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Pekingese
  • Lancashire Heeler
  • Mexican Hairless (Toy)
  • Norwegian Lundehund
  • Schipperke
  • Rat Terrier
  • Volpino
  • Japanese Chin Dog
  • Pomeranian
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Phalene
  • Prazsky Krysarik
  • Tibetan Spaniel
  • Shiba Inu
Dogs that Don't Shed

The very fact that these dogs don't shed acts as an advantage for the families that keep them as pets. These dogs make for ideal companions because not only are they small, but they do not lead to any sort of allergic reactions to the fur, and neither do they aggravate any respiratory disorders (if there are any). Thus it becomes an ideal choice as pets for older people, who cannot care for large dogs, but want a dog anyway. Here is a list of the small dogs that fall in this category:
  • Schnauzer
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Dachshund
  • Bichon Frise
  • Pug
  • Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • American Hairless Terrier
  • Yorkshire Terrier
And there you have it. These are some of the best small dogs to own that you can look into. Just make sure that you choose a dog that suits your home and needs perfectly and don't go in for one simply because of the breed or the cute factor.

Posted on 4:05 PM

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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Credit: Erik Veland via Wikimedia Commons

Koala is the common name for the arboreal marsupial which resembles the appearance of a teddy bear with very quiet habits, similar to those of a sloth. It is a really beautiful and friendly animal. But are koalas endangered?

Characteristics of koalas

Koalas can have a body length of up to 76 cm. The body is plump, covered with thick fur, soft and gray. Its head is large and round, and it has a pair of round and hairy ears.
The front extremities are short, with big feet and five fingers. Two of these are opposed to the other three, each of them having a strong and big claw.
These features turn the koala into the perfect animal for arboreal life. These muscular animals are great climbers. In fact, it is easily seen in eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia which are their only habitat, as well as their food source, because this animal only eats the leaves and fruits of these trees. Koalas that live in milder climates are usually larger and have darker and thicker fur than those living in warmer climates.

The average weight of these animals is 12 kg in males and 8 kg in females. The dry Queensland Koalas are often smaller, with an average weight of 8 kg for the males and 6 kg for the females.
In Victoria (Australia), an adult male can weigh up to 14 kg, and a female up to 11 Kg

Females are identified by their bag or pouch. In addition, they are usually nicer, which is due to their particular features and smaller stature. Adult males can be twice as large as adult females and, in addition to the curvature of the nose which is more pronounced, the shape of their head is different from that of females.


They are nocturnal animals, for which they need their very good hearing abilities. Their vision is very poor. Their nose is extremely sensitive, giving them all the information they need for survival, tracing their territory and mating.


The populations of koalas only proliferate if they are provided with the right habitat. This includes their favorite food like the eucalyptus trees that should grow in a suitable environment and need sufficient rainfall. There should also be other koalas living in the vicinity. The suitability of a habitat depends mainly on the consistency of trees, tree density, rainfall, climate, terrain, and space availability.


Koalas live above the trees, where they carry out most of their evening activities. They sleep around 20 hours a day in order not to spend energy. Their natural predators are dingoes, owls, eagles, vultures and pythons. They are also menaced by drought and fires.


Koalas are really picky about their food. They only eat eucalyptus leaves as well as the skin of certain fruits. There are about 600 species of eucalyptus in Australia but koalas only eat about 120. Even certain areas koalas only eat four or six species. Adult koalas need between 200 and 400 grams of leaves per day and sometimes up to 1kg.


Koalas reach sexual maturity at two years. However, mating normally begins to take place between one or two years later. Generally, females are ready earlier than the males, as older dominant males keep away youngsters. It is unclear whether it is the males who go in search of females or the opposite occurs. Possibly this depends on the animal's status in the social hierarchy. Dominant males must maintain their position against other males to control their females. However, it has also been the case that females look for a dominant male.

The decline of the species and their risk of extinction

The Australian Koala Foundation asked the government in a document to declare koalas as a threatened species after investigating 1,000 of their habitats and discovering that 60 percent of them were destroyed and in 30 percent of them there are no more koalas. Koalas are protected by law, but the eucalyptus trees they live in and that represent their only source of food are not.

In 1788, when Australia was colonized, there were between seven and ten million koalas while now there are only 100,000 left. In the 1920s three million koalas were hunted for their fur.
The main problem that these animals face is that most of the 20 million Australians live on the east coast of Australia, which is also the home to most of the population of koalas. Southeast Queensland is experiencing the fastest human population growth of Australia. Studies show that koalas could be extinct in 15 years because of increasing urbanization and the destruction of 80 percent of the forests of the east coast. An eucalyptus forest can only support a certain number of koalas, so overpopulated areas or destroyed habitats cause them to starve and to decline in number. Wild koalas only exist in four of the six states in Australia: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. The marsupial has no natural predators, but for decades its population has been declining due to urban spread, car accidents and dog attacks. More than 4,000 koalas are killed each year because they are run over or attacked by dogs.

Aurora World 16" Koala Signature Series
Amazon Price: $55.99 $46.20 Buy Now
(price as of May 27, 2013) the cutest teddy bear!
Koala: An Historical Biography (Australian Natural History Series)
Amazon Price: $24.95 $21.70 Buy Now
(price as of May 27, 2013) More on the discovery of koalas and the evolution of the society's interest in them.
Koalas: Zen In Fur, BW Edition
Amazon Price: $24.99 $19.19 Buy Now
(price as of May 27, 2013)
Yindi the Last Koala
Amazon Price: $9.98 $7.54 Buy Now
(price as of May 27, 2013) Real story of a koala and its mum
Nature: Cracking the Koala Code
Amazon Price: $19.99 $8.71 Buy Now
(price as of May 27, 2013)

Posted on 11:37 PM

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