Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Acupuncture has been used by humans for several ages. The art of acupuncture originated in Chinese civilization as a form of holistic medicine. Acupuncture mainly aims at treating ailments by balancing the energies in body. The working principle of acupuncture is such that fine needles are inserted on certain pressure points or acupuncture points on the body, along the energy meridian, to stimulate the flow of energy. This method treats disease by directing renewed energy towards the affected body part, thereby curing it. This principle also applies to acupuncture in animals. However, acupuncture in dogs is most popular, as most dog illnesses can be cured by acupuncture.
Acupuncture for Dogs
Dogs benefit a great deal from the treatment of acupuncture. It is now recognized as a valid treatment in veterinarian care, by the American Veterinarian Medical Association and the World Health Organization. To determine if the condition of dog can be improved using acupuncture, a physical examination by a qualified veterinarian is required. Also, the acupuncture practitioner may want to know about your dog's medical history. Depending upon this information, a decision is made, if the dog can undergo acupuncture treatment or not.
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is virtually painless. Even though several needles are inserted in your pet's body, the thin size of needles makes it almost impossible to feel pain. The acupuncturist first palpitates the dog, so as to find the path of energy meridian. He then massages the body to find the weak, tender parts in the body. Needles are then inserted along this path, on certain pressure points. The dog can be made to lie down on table or floor, however, it is important to keep him calm throughout the treatment. The dog can be fed treats to keep him engaged or the assistant may gently talk to the dog to divert his attention. Acupuncture session may take about few seconds to several minutes, depending upon the gravity of the problem. Minor injuries or ailments can be treated in a single session itself however, chronic ailments may take multiple sessions.
Diseases That Can be Cured by Acupuncture
Acupuncture strengthens the immune system of the dog thus, prevents him from falling prey to common infections and dog allergies. Acupuncture is also helpful in curing neurological illnesses, reproductive problems, skin diseases, skeletal abnormalities, muscle dysfunctions, etc. Acupuncture for dogs suffering from arthritis shows better results with the movements of the dog. Acupuncture for cancer is not as effective, since cancer in animals is often detected in the later stages. As a result, there is not enough time to implement holistic therapies and wait for their results. However, acupuncture can be implemented as a supplementary therapy, along with surgery or allopathy, to help relieve the symptoms of the disease.
The main factors that influence the acupuncture cost are, the number of sessions required and the nature of underlying condition. On an average, acupuncturist may charge you anywhere between $60 to $200, per session. However, if the condition is complex, the cost may shoot up to $500. The location, qualification and experience of the acupuncturist are also likely to influence the cost.
Acupuncture is a great way of securing the health of your dog, without subjecting him to scary surgeries or strong medications. However, like any other holistic therapy, acupuncture also takes time to show results. The results of acupuncture become evident within 2 - 3 weeks, when you see drastic improvements in the condition of your dog.
Posted on 5:36 PM
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