If you are a dog owner, you would already know what it's like to have a pet dog. Dogs are great pets. Not only are they loyal and loving, they would do anything to protect their owner. Since dogs cannot express themselves through words, it is the duty of a dog owner, to make sure that the pet enjoys the best of health. One must always be on a lookout for signs of poor health and must ensure that the pet is well-cared for.

There could be various indicators of poor health. Dark yellow urine in dogs is one such sign that may be indicative of poor health. Urine refers to the waste products that are filtered from the blood and flushed out of the body, while the necessary nutrients are reabsorbed into the bloodstream. The color of the urine can sometimes provide valuable insights on the health of your dog. If the dog's urine is dark yellow in color and also has a strong odor, the best thing to do is to take your dog to a vet. In this article, we will find out about the circumstances under which dogs may pass dark yellow urine.

Dark Yellow Urine in Dogs


The color of the urine is an indicator of the kidney function. Under normal circumstances, the urine must not be concentrated and the color of the urine must be light yellow. Given below is some information on circumstances under which dogs may pass urine that is dark yellow in color.

Dehydration: There is a great need to ensure that your pet is well hydrated. Dark yellow urine may be indicative of dehydration. If left untreated, an excessive loss of electrolytes or body fluids can even cause an organ failure. Fluid loss could take place in hot weather, or may also occur due to vomiting or diarrhea. If fluid loss that takes place due to breathing, panting, urination or evaporation through the feet or body, is not compensated, the body tries to retain fluids and thus, the urine may become concentrated. Urine color may change from pale yellow to dark yellow under such circumstances. Lethargy, loss of appetite, sunken eyes, dry mouth, dark yellow urine with strong odor or too little urine are some of the symptoms that a dehydrated dog may exhibit.

Ailments: Formation of kidney stones or bladder stones could also occur as a result of dehydration. If the dog is not drinking enough water, the urine would become concentrated, and the minerals in urine may crystallize to form hard stone-like deposits. These stones can obstruct the passage of urine and cause painful urination. Besides bladder problems or kidney stones, liver problems could also be responsible for the change in the color of your pet's urine. Jaundice is one such condition that may be responsible for the change in the color of urine from pale yellow to dark yellow. Pancreas problems, diabetes, urinary tract infection or hemolytic anemia also figure in the list of ailments that may affect the urine odor as well as urine color. Old dogs who have been diagnosed with an ailment, may have to be administered certain drugs. The dark yellow urine may be due to use of supplements or drugs.

Dog Food: As is the case with humans, animals are also likely to suffer from health problems if their diet is not providing them with the required nutrients. It is the duty of the pet owner to ensure that their pet is getting nutritious food. It is essential that you first identify the brands that are known for providing good quality dog food. This will rule out the chances of your pet ingesting food that may contain toxins or additives. If your pet doesn't get healthy food, there is a great risk of your dog suffering from health problems, which in turn, may give rise to various distressing symptoms.


Since change in the urine color is mainly attributed to dehydration, the owners must monitor the pet's intake of water and ensure that their pet stays well hydrated at all times. They must also make sure that they fill the pet's water bowl with clean water. The water bowl must also be cleaned. Loss of fluids can occur during hot weather, so, make sure that your dog is kept at a cool place. If your pet refuses to drink water, it would be best to consult a veterinarian. Blood tests and urinalysis can help the veterinarian assess the underlying cause of dehydration. If the pet is suffering from severe dehydration, the pet must not be allowed to gulp down a lot of water at one time. This may induce vomiting, which in turn, would again lead to loss of fluids. So, let your pet drink little sips initially. An electrolyte product called Pedialyte can also be administered so as to alleviate the symptoms of dehydration in dogs. The owner must also ensure that the dog food is nutritious enough to promote optimal health. Since dark yellow urine may be caused due to various medical conditions, it's extremely essential to identify the underlying cause. X-rays or other imaging procedures can be used for checking the internal organs. If the dog is diagnosed with a medical condition, drug therapy or even surgery may be recommended so as to treat the underlying medical condition.

This was some information on why dogs may pass dark yellow urine. If your dear pet seems to be exhibiting any of the aforementioned signs of poor health, the wise thing to do is to consult a veterinarian. It is your duty to provide your pet with love and care and ensure that your dog is treated at the earliest.