Sunday, August 30, 2015

Drooling is very common in dogs when they see some delicious food in front of them, like a piece of meat. Their mouth starts watering and they feel the urge to grab that piece of bone in front of them. However, excessive drooling in dogs is not a normal sign and needs attention to detect the actual cause. There are various reasons behind sudden excessive drooling in dogs, one being when the dog is unwell.

What Causes Excessive Drooling in Dogs?

Pain and Poison
Dogs drool excessively if they have pain in their body or have consumed poison by chance. Insect stings or accidental consumption of phenyl, detergents, mothballs, mouthwash, chocolates, watch batteries, houseplant leaves, etc. can cause severe nausea, drooling, vomiting, choking and headache in dogs. Other causes of excessive dog drooling are urinary tract infection, ear infection, injuries and wounds in their body, eye problem, dental disorder, back problem, etc. All these health conditions can also cause excessive drooling in dogs while sleeping.

Digestive System Disorder
In this case the dog's stomach gets bloated and dilated due to twisting of the stomach and intestinal blockage. The dog is unable to belch or vomit the trapped food, gas or water and starts drooling severely. They also drool heavily if they have pain in their stomach.

Objects Hooked Inside their Mouth
When some foreign objects like a fish hook, a bone piece, a piece of string or wire gets stuck in their teeth or gums, it causes extreme discomfort in dogs, leading them to drool profusely. In such situations take your dog to a vet without any delay.

Dental Disorder
Gum diseases like gingivitis and tartar, dental decays, tooth fractures can also cause excessive dog drooling. Another cause of excessive drooling is when your dog suffers from bleeding or swollen gums due to any injury.

Motion Sickness
Some dogs often have motion sickness while traveling. Due to this, their stomach gets upset, they feel nauseated and start drooling excessively.

Liver Disease
Liver disease in dogs is a serious condition that leads to severe drooling and needs immediate treatment by a veterinarian.

Nerve Damage
If your pet has a damaged trigeminal nerve, due to injury and tumor, it is unable to close its mouth. It cannot move its facial muscles, and finds difficulty while eating and drinking. This causes the dog to drool profusely.

Rabies is one of the most serious causes of excessive drooling. Dogs vaccinated against rabies also have a chance to catch the disease. If there are possibilities that your pet has rabies, take him to a vet immediately, as this can be a cause of drooling.

Drooling in Puppies

The frequency of drooling varies among different dog breeds. Puppies drool while sleeping or when hungry or at the sight of tempting food. What you can do is, keep some towels with you and wrap around its neck loosely so that it soaks the saliva. However, it is always advisable to go to a vet if drooling is excessive.

Drooling in Golden Retrievers and Boxers

A Golden Retriever is one of the most friendly breeds of dogs. Symptoms of excessive drooling are seen when the dog is a victim of all these excessive drooling symptoms. However, gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) is a condition when the stomach is twisted and the contents of the stomach get trapped leading to swelling and bloating. Under this condition, the dog suffers from intense uneasiness and starts drooling heavily. If this is the case, the dog needs immediate medical assistance. Similarly, excessive drooling in Boxers is very common, as they are also susceptible to gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) and other excessive drooling symptoms. So, a regular checkup by a veterinarian is always suggested.

As mentioned, drooling in dogs may not be a cause of concern always, but the cause of the excessive drooling needs to be determined and addressed. It is always wise to take your pet to a vet to rule out any serious health conditions.

Posted on 1:02 AM

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Many people do not know that fiber is an essential ingredient in a dog's diet. The fact is that most of the dog foods you buy contain some amount of fiber. Fiber is always recommended by doctors to human beings as it is helpful in cleansing the digestive track. For the same reason, fiber is crucial also for dog health. Let's understand importance of fiber for your loving pet.

What is Fiber?
Fiber is present in the cell walls of grains and plants and are basically made up of carbohydrates. They are known as insoluble carbohydrates which prevent enzymatic digestion to occur in the small intestine. Some of the fibrous food sources include resistant starches, pectin, cellulose, gums and hemicellulose.

Why is Food High in Fiber Important?
Fiber rich diet can help in preventing as well as controlling a number of dog health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, constipation, colon cancer etc.

Obesity: Giving your dog foods that are high in fiber can help to control weight gain. Nowadays, obesity has become a serious health issue among canines because they are being fed with foods that are high in fat leading them to gain extra calories. To avoid dog obesity, it is important to feed your pet with fibrous foods. As fibrous foods are bulky, dogs feel that their stomach is full even if they eat moderately. This is a good way of giving them essential nutrients and keeping them healthy and fit.

Colon Cancer: Another advantage of feeding fiber food to your dog is to prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria in the body which can lead to some diseases. The fibrous food is turned into fatty acids by the good bacteria present in the dog's body. Eating foods rich in fiber can also aid in preventing the risk of colon cancer in canines.

Constipation: The most important function of low fat and high fiber food is to cure stomach and gastrointestinal problems in the dog. Constipation in dogs, can be treated by giving foods high in fiber, along with adequate amount of water will be the best remedy. It is also said to be beneficial for treating diarrhea, as fiber absorbs the excess water present in the feces.

Diabetes: Dogs suffering from diabetes mellitus can benefit from the foods that are high in fiber. Just like in human beings, the secretion of insulin is stopped by the pancreas in case of canine diabetes, leading to increased blood sugar levels. Fibrous dog foods can help to control and maintain the level of blood glucose.

Anal Gland Disease: Canines have anal glands at either sides of the anal opening and when they become infected or abscessed, they are said to have anal gland disease. You may come to know about the disease, when the dog starts scouting and licking the anal area very frequently. Though this disease needs proper medical attention, putting the dog on a fiber diet would aid in their recovery process.

What Foods are High in Fiber?
One of the easiest way of feeding fibrous food to your dog is to buy fiber fortified canned food. Other fibrous foods that you can include in your pet dog's diet include citrus and beet pulp, wheat, oat bran, tomato and apple pomace, rice, soy and soybean hulls, etc. You should also see that you feed protein rich food to your pet because protein is very essential for the strong immune system, healthy growth and structural makeup. However, if your dog suffers from urinary tract infection, kidney ailments or kidney failure, it is very important that you feed it with low protein dog food.

Though fiber is essential for the dog, it is very important to remember that foods high in fiber should not be given in excess amounts. When the quantity of fiber intake exceeds the required amount, it can cause loose stools as well as gas trouble in canines. Feeding your dog with adequate amount of dog food would help to prevent several dog illnesses and keep it healthy and playful.

Posted on 6:21 AM

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Dogs are susceptible to a variety of bacterial and viral infections, some of which can even prove fatal for them. Skin, eye, ear, urinary tract, kidneys, nervous system and even the respiratory system of the dog is vulnerable to such bacterial infections. Even minor infections can lead to severe dog health problems when left untreated, and therefore it is necessary to identify the problem and initiate treatment at the earliest.

Bacterial Skin Infections: Staphylococcal pyoderma is a skin condition in dogs caused by a Staphylococcus sp. infection. This bacteria is in fact a part of the dog's normal skin flora. However, in case of wounded skin, or skin that has aberrations and cuts, the bacterium may enter under the skin and cause skin infections. A staph infection in dogs is characterized by itchiness, crusted skin, pustules and small, raised lesions. As the severity of the infection increases, there is loss of hair, and dried discharge is given out in the affected area. Most of the time, it affects the superficial layer of the dog's skin. However, if there is deep laceration then the inner folds of the skin are also affected. To treat skin infections in dogs, topical medication along with antibiotic doses is prescribed, especially to eliminate recurrence of the disease.

Leptospirosis Infections: Leptospirosis affects both humans and animals throughout the world. Leptospirosis is caused by a group of bacteria called Spirochaetes. This highly contagious disease affects dogs when they come in contact with urine of infected animals or contaminated stagnant water. Transmission is also seen via mating, being bitten by another infected dog, or through the consumption of infected carcasses (seen in case of wild dogs rather than pet dogs). The initial signs of Leptospirosis are fever, redness of the mucous membranes and depression. This is often accompanied by vomiting. The dog seems to ache all over and becomes extremely lethargic. In extreme cases, dogs may develop kidney inflammation, causing permanent damage to the kidney.

Brucellosis Infection: Brucellosis in dogs, is caused by Brucella canis bacteria. The transmission of the bacteria is through the mucous membranes. The bacteria may hence enter the body through nose, mouth, conjunctiva of the eye and the vagina. It is commonly transmitted via mating, and hence usually occurs in the breeding season. While the male dogs may develop prostatitis, the infected pregnant females abort their fetuses; if born, puppies die shortly afterwards. It should be noted, that Brucella canis can also cause disease in humans.

Actinomycosis and Nocardiosis Infection: While Actinomycosis is caused by the Actinomyces sp., the causative agent of Nocardiosis is Nocardia sp., mainly those living in the soil. Both these infections are usually caused by the bacteria entering the skin wounds and other abscesses. Both of these diseases are uncommon and usually result in the swelling of the lymph nodes around the wounded site. If the infection is carried deeper into the body, it may break into the chest or the abdomen, causing pus to accumulate there.

Streptococcal Infections: Streptococcal infections caused by various species of the genus Streptococcus are prevalent among puppies and older dogs due to a weakened immune system.

Staphylococcal Infection: Caused by the Staphylococcus sp., these bacterial infections affect the upper respiratory tract of animals or the skin of the host. It is usually transmitted between animals. The disease also has a zoonotic risk attached to it (i.e. it can be transmitted from an infected dog to a human being).

Plague in Dogs: A bacterial infection caused by the Yersinia pestis, plague is usually transmitted in dogs by rodent fleas. Dogs can become infected through the bite of infected fleas or by eating a rodent, rabbit or other animal carrying infected fleas. However, in contrast to other domestic animals, dogs are pretty resistant to this bacterial infection and may develop only swollen lymph nodes.

Bacterial Ear Infections: Numerous types of bacteria, and a yeast species called Malassezia pachydermatis, cause ear infections in dogs. While a normal, healthy dog has good defense against these organisms, environmental changes, dog allergies, hormone abnormalities or moisture, can make the ear susceptible to a bacterial or yeast infection.

If you find signs of bacterial infection in your dog, it is important that you take them to the veterinarian, to ascertain the cause of the disease. Based on the type of infection, the vet may recommend various treatment options, such as antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications, allergy shots or certain shampoos. Remember, that by making dietary changes and regular exercising, the dog's immune system can be strengthened in order to help it ward off the infection.

Posted on 9:32 PM

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Canine histiocytoma is a non-cancerous skin growth that commonly occurs in young adult dogs. This tumor is a rounded eroded growth, but is not a skin cancer. Although histiocytoma can affect dogs of all ages, the incidence of this skin tumor is more frequent in canines less than 4 years old. Histiocytoma is common in certain breeds that include Boxers, Dachshunds and Labradors. Even bulldogs face a greater risk of getting this benign tumor.

As the skin tumor is non-malignant, it does not cause any harm and there is no need to worry about it. This raised, hairless lump often appears suddenly, without prior warning. The good news is that the skin growth goes away on its own, without causing any problem. In other words, the tumor is not a serious condition. At the most the skin growth may cause a minor skin infection, that can be easily treated at home. In most cases, a visit to a veterinarian is not essential to treat this condition as it subsides by itself within 3 months. However, pet owners are likely to get scared after seeing histiocytoma as they are ugly and appear as red colored protruding mass of tissue. These unsightly histiocytomas that pop up suddenly on the dog's skin are scary especially when they occur at multiple places and are abnormally large in size. Usually, a single histiocytoma is seen in dogs that in most cases occur on the neck, head, ears or the left paw.

Although it may appear that histiocytoma is restricted to the outermost layer of the skin, it is not so. The abnormal cells that form the histiocytoma penetrate well below the inner layers of the skin, yet the popped up unsightly mass disappears in 2-3 months' time.


To make sure that the tumor developed is non-cancerous (benign), a biopsy is done. Looking at the biopsy report the veterinarians will be able to determine whether the skin growth is malignant or not. Biopsy is the best way to confirm a cancerous growth. In this procedure, a small piece of the round eroded growth is snipped off and sent to the laboratory for further analysis. In the laboratory, the small piece of tissue is examined under a microscope. A microscopic examination of the tissue will help to know what exactly is the growth. A local anesthesia is given to the affected dog, before performing the biopsy. This is done so that the dog does not feel the pain, while removing the tissue.

Another option to take out the cells from the tumor is by using a needle or one can simply collect the cells from the tumor surface and observe them under the microscope. This method, however does not allow to view the architecture of the tissue in question. But, with the cells available for examination, one can confirm the identity of the tumor.


Histiocytoma can be surgically removed, and is the fastest way to get rid of this non-cancerous tumor. In most cases, the skin growth is small and will not require much efforts to remove the tumor. The procedure is simple and easy to perform. Sometimes easy removal of the tumor is not possible, in case it is developed in a location very close to the eye or ear flaps. In such circumstances, surgery is not performed and the abnormal growth is allowed to subside on its own. In case the tumor causes secondary bacterial infection, surgical intervention is required. Skin irritation is a common problem in this condition, but topical treatment that contain DMSO and a cortisone derivative, is useful to control the symptoms of irritation. Regression (retardation of growth) of canine histiocytoma, is spontaneous in majority of the dogs affected.

It is observed that the vets often take a 'wait and watch' approach before opting for surgery to get rid of histiocytoma. In case, the abnormal growth shows signs of enlargement within a week or two, doctors recommend surgical removal of histiocytoma. Even if the histiocytomas are moderate in size and not growing with time, pet owners still request for surgical intervention. This is because, histiocytoma are unsightly and as a pet owner, you may get irritated seeing your dog roaming with this abnormal lump on the affected area. Also, over time, histiocytomas become itchy and so the dog to relieve the itchiness tends to scratch and lick the affected area. However, this may increase the risk of secondary infection and complicate the matter. Hence, surgery is regarded as the right approach to get rid of histiocytoma in dogs at the earliest.

Most dog owners are alarmed after seeing the skin lump as it appears red. However, histiocytoma in dogs is not painful and does not affect the mobility of the dogs. So, once the diagnosis confirms the presence of histiocytoma, rest assured, your dog's health is not a cause for concern.

Posted on 6:38 AM

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Monday, August 24, 2015

While most people are comfortable and accustomed to feeding their pet ready dog food, there are many who dispute the nutritional value of these packaged foods, and are suspicious of their contents. Some owners are concerned that homemade dog food may not cater to all the nutritional needs of their pooch. Let me assure you that homemade dog food can be just as nutritious, sometimes even more, than commercially prepared dog food. You can also cater to the special needs of a pet with an illness or condition. If your dog has canine kidney disease he may need low protein dog food, or diabetic dog food if he has high blood sugar levels.

Most people maintain a proportion of one-third protein, one-third carbohydrate, and one-third vegetable and fruit in homemade dog foods. However, it always helps to consult your vet, who may have useful inputs on how to make nutritious dog food.

Recipes for Homemade Dog Foods

Snoopy's Favorite
  • 3 tbsp cottage cheese
  • 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes
  • 1 cup grated carrots
  • 1 pound ground chicken, fried

Stir together the ground chicken, potatoes and grated carrots. Heat the mixture in an oven for 10 minutes or in the microwave for 3 minutes. Once cool, add between 1 to 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese over it and serve!

Savory Turkey
  • 6 cups water
  • (16 ounce) package frozen broccoli, carrots and cauliflower combination
  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary
  • 2 cups brown rice

Place the water, ground turkey, rice, and rosemary into a large pan. Stir until the ground turkey is well blended with the rest of the ingredients. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 25 minutes. Add the frozen vegetables, and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Cool and serve or store.

Yummy Liver Treats
  • 1 pound raw liver (any kind) blended into a paste
  • tsp brewers yeast (adds a nutty flavor)
  • 1 egg
  • tsp oregano
  • 1 cup flour
  • cup cornmeal (or flour)

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Start by blending the raw liver into a smooth paste. In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg and then add the yeast, oregano, flour, and cornmeal. Then stir in the liver paste. Place small portions in greased molds or in a inch layer in a greased pan and bake for half hour at the same heat. Remove from oven and allow to cool. If baked in the pan, slice into doggy treat sized bites.

Quick Doggy Meal
  • 4 cups rice
  • 3 pounds minced chicken meat
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups frozen vegetable blend (no garlic or onions), minced

Mix the chicken, vegetables, rice and water in a large saucepan. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil, while stirring continuously. Lower the heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the rice is cooked and most of the liquid has been absorbed. Cool and serve or store in the refrigerator.

The best healthy dog food combines nutrition with taste. Some people feed their dogs two meals a day, while others three. Two large meals work well for a small dog, while three meets the needs of a big dog. Most people will testify that home cooked dog food has sustained their pets for longer than the average life span of the breed.

Posted on 7:49 PM

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Many people consider pet dogs as part of their family. These people believe astrology plays a significant role in their pet's life. If you ask them why their dog behaves differently, they would promptly reply, "astrology affects their character." Like human beings a dog also has zodiac sun sign and its behavior is determined by its date of birth. There are many dog lovers who believe if only they knew pet horoscope, it would be easier for them to train their pet and also understand its behavior. Therefore, it is important to know the date of birth of a dog before you own it.

Zodiac Sun Signs for Dogs
  • Aries (Mar 21 - April 20) - An Aries dog is a born leader. An Aries dog is not only stubborn but also disobedient. An owner would have a tough time training it. However, it would be grateful to its master and would defend its master with all its might. An Aries dog would love to boss the other pets and dogs in their neighborhood. A dog born under this zodiac sign is both hypersensitive and active. The best owners for an Aries dog are Leo, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius.
  • Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20) - A dog born under this sign loves a luxurious life. It loves good food and is fond of soft and melodious music. A Taurean dog may seem to be gentle and but they could become ferocious in times of need and do not give up a fight easily. A Taurean dog believes life is for enjoyment. A Taurean dog is compatible with owners of the sun signs Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn and Cancer.
  • Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - A dog born under this zodiac sign could be easily trained. A dog belonging to this sign is fond of human company and likes to entertain its master. A Gemini dog is charming, sensitive and is a very curious animal. A dog of this sign gets along well with other pets and is a quick learner. The compatible owners of a Gemini dog are Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius.
  • Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - A dog of this zodiac sign is very sensitive and craves for attention. He wishes to be considered as one among the family members. Cancer dogs are very timid and they usually do not get into a fight of any kind. They love to be cuddled and pampered by their owners. A cancer dog is loyal to its master and makes a best friend for life. A Gemini dog is compatible with an owner with sun signs such as Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus and Pisces.
  • Leo (July 23 - Aug 22) - A Leo dog is a born leader. Leo dogs are arrogant, gregarious and at the same time friendly. Leo dogs are loving and loyal and they do not like to be challenged. A Leo dog has loves children and is friendly towards them. Aries and Sagittarians make a good owner for a Leo dog.
  • Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) - A Virgo dog prefers to live in a spick and span environment. Virgo dogs are sticklers of cleanliness and hygiene. A Virgo dog is prone to allergies and stomach upset. A Virgo dog hates working and prefers to play or idle most of the time. Virgo dogs are not very fond of seeking attention. The Virgo dogs are best compatible with Taurus, Pisces and Capricorn owners.
  • Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) - A Libra dog would do anything to get the attention of its owner. At times a Libra dog would try the patience of its owner because of its finicky manners. A Libra dog is known to be a flirt and it is very difficult to train it. However, they are not only affectionate but also loyal towards their masters. The people born under the sun signs Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini and Aquarius are best owners for a Libran dog.
  • Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) - A Scorpion dog is very possessive and loyal to its master. They are easily trainable and love to keep their masters in good mood. A Scorpio dog prefers to be left alone. They wish to live in their own world. It is believed a Scorpio dog has an ability to read its master's mind. Cancerians, Pisceans and Taureans make a wonderful master for a Scorpio dog.
  • Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) - A Sagittarian dog loves adventure but is a coward. They do not like to enter into serious fights and would run away from the scene. The dogs born under this zodiac signs love to be loved and would return the same to its masters. They are fun-loving and have boundless energy. The most compatible owners for a Sagittarian dog are Aries, Leo and Gemini.
  • Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) - A Capricorn dog is a well-behaved dog and are easily trainable. A Capricorn dog is considered to be a wise pet. At times a Capricorn dog displays stubbornness and hates to be disturbed from its place. They love the company of children. A Capricorn dog is best compatible with an owner with sun signs Aries, Leo and Gemini.
  • Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) - An Aquarian dog is a very timid and gentle animal. They have an ability to sense the mood of their owners and behave accordingly. Training an Aquarian dog is not an easy task. They enjoy bathing frequently. An Aquarian dog loves good food and is very curious in nature. They are not only intelligent but also friendly. They are best compatible with Gemini, Libra and Leo owners.
  • Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20) - A Piscean dog loves to bathe frequently. They are hyperactive and impulsive in nature. They hate competition and prefer to be left alone. A Piscean dog is compatible with owners of the sun signs Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio.

Posted on 3:43 PM

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Melatonin, chemically known as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a hormone that is naturally produced in the bodies of some animals and algae. It helps in the smooth functioning and regulation of the circadian rhythm (the 24 hour cycle) of various bodily functions and processes. It also plays a role as a powerful antioxidant in the body. Like everything else, this substance CAN lead to a few not-so-pleasant side effects, such as adverse drug interactions, allergies, hormonal imbalance, etc. These have been discussed at length in the following segment.

Side Effects of Melatonin in Dogs

As melatonin is a naturally produced drug, there are not many side effects. But it goes without saying that too much of this drug will only cause harm. So be cautious about the amount you give your dog. Keep these side effects that are mentioned here in mind, to avoid any complications in the future.
  • If a dog is known to be sensitive or allergic to it, then it should not be administered any amount of the drug. Doing so could cause an adverse reaction for the animal.
  • Melatonin has a possibility of clashing with certain other drugs like corticosteroids and oxidase inhibitors, so check with the veterinarian what needs to be done about this situation.
  • Though most of the problems are rarely seen in dogs, some female dogs may find some disruption in the hormone that induces the desire to mate. The dog may become very passive or dormant as a result.
  • No matter what happens, do not give dogs the melatonin products that are meant for human beings. This will make them extremely sick.
  • In case you have ended up giving your dog an overdose, you will notice the following symptoms. Vomiting, diarrhea, excessive shaking, seizures and evident loss of coordination of body parts. Visit the doctor immediately if such a situation has arisen.
Taking into consideration the above-mentioned contraindications, you may want to update yourself on exactly what health issues are treated by Melatonin and its appropriate dosage in canines. The following segments deal with these two issues.

Melatonin for Canine Health

The product called Melatonex, that is widely available in the market, contains melatonin as its primary ingredient. It has been used for many years by human beings in the form of a sedative. But as far as pet dogs are concerned, it simply reduces their stress levels without causing any drowsiness. Inside the dog's brain the neurotransmitters that majorly influence the behavior patterns of the animal are dopamine and serotonin. The level of both these kinds of neurotransmitters is affected by the level of melatonin in the body. It also aids the dog's body in combating stress by increasing the levels of the cortisol hormone in the body. Generally speaking, melatonin is put to the following uses for dogs.
  • Any noise phobia that the dog may have can be cured. This comes handy during thunder storms and on occasions when there are other loud booming sounds, which are bound to scare the dog.
  • Separation anxiety induced in dogs can also be treated.
  • Dogs that have difficulty sleeping at night, or elderly dogs who have had their biological clocks disrupted, can be helped to go to sleep by administering a dose.
This drug is easily available over the counter across many drug stores, but it should not be bought or given to a dog before consulting a vet, as doing so will inevitably expose the dog to some unforeseen side effects. Only if the doctor has prescribed the drug for the dog, should the dose be administered.

Melatonin Dosage Information

Keep the following information in mind before administering any amount of dosage of melatonin to your pet dog.
  • For large-sized dogs the dosage must be given no more than three times a day. The dosage must be taken orally, and the amount can vary between 3 - 9 mg.
  • For medium-sized dogs 1 - 3 mg of melatonin must be administered orally, about 2 times a day.
  • For small dogs an oral dosage of about 0.5 - 1 mg once a day should be adequate.
  • Under any circumstance, DO NOT administer a dosage of melatonin to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. This can cause your dog much harm, as you may not be aware about the amount of dosage as well as the intervals between each dosage.
Many dog owners have also noticed that melatonin can be given to dogs suffering from epilepsy as well. According to them, this drug helps lessen the frequency and intensity of seizures that the dog suffers. There are not any serious side effects, but if too much of this drug is administered into a dog's body, there are bound to be some unwanted and unpleasant complications. Make it a point to get a proper prescription from a veterinarian before you go ahead and decide to give your dog a dosage of melatonin.

Posted on 2:42 AM

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Friday, August 21, 2015

A belly band has come to the rescue of dogs who assume the whole world to be their own little toilet, either because they suffer from uncontrollable urination, or because they just haven't been trained yet. A belly band is meant mainly for male dogs, which is wrapped around them to cover their private parts. Sometimes people even use sanitary napkins or baby diapers enclosed in a band. With a belly band, the urine is absorbed by the liner, which can then be disposed and replaced. It comes with an outer shell, which may become damp in the process. This shell can be rinsed to be used again.

Uses of Belly Bands for Dogs

There are a variety of purposes that a belly band serves. Following are some of them:
  • A belly band serves to control the problem of incontinence in male dogs. These problems may be the result of certain illnesses. As such belly bands come to their aid.
  • They are useful in the period of potty training for dogs. However, you must be careful not to allow your dog to get used to the belly band. When you take him outside, train him to urinate only in one particular place, and reward him for his behavior.
  • A belly band also prevents male dogs from mating with their female counterparts in heat, as they effectively cover up the private parts of the dog.
  • Belly bands also make an interesting addition to dog clothes!
How to Sew a Belly Band for Dogs

Those of you who find the option of a belly band for your pet very expensive, the alternative is to learn how to make one yourself. Follow these tips to create a cheaper option with similar and effective results.
  1. The first step in making a belly band is to measure the size of band. This can be done using a measuring tape around his stomach. The measurement should be one that is well-fitting, neither too loose, nor too tight.
  2. Use a fabric that is 20 inches wide. Cut the rest as per the measurement you have taken. The fabric can be one belonging to an old t-shirt or any other garment that is now of no use to you.
  3. Cut a piece of a wash cloth, that is 1 inch smaller than all the sides of the above-mentioned fabric. Stitch it on to the inner side of the band. The wash cloth serves as a good absorbent in case of an accident. For additional absorption you can line the band with a sanitary napkin.
  4. Fold the entire band into half, lengthwise. It should now be 10 inches wide. Stitch the three remaining sides.
  5. Wrap the band around your dog. Mark the position of the velcro strip with a pin, after determining a comfortable fit for the dog. Stitch on the velcro bands on the inner side of the belly band.
You now have a comfortable belly band for your dog. This belly band can be washed in the washing machine. It is advisable to have a spare one handy, in case, the first one gets soiled.

A belly band is an effective way of tackling the problem of frequent urination in dogs. Get your dog a belly band today, or make one for him to save yourself the trouble of having to clean up after him all the time.

Posted on 11:38 PM

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Lipoma is a soft and pliable concentration of fat below the dog's skin which can occur in varied sizes. These are not painful and very rarely, can become harmful for dog's health. Lipoma are commonly found in older and overweight dogs, though younger dogs can also have them. Lipomas lie just below the skin surface and feel soft and rounded when touched. They are painless and can occur in more number. That condition is referred to as lipomatosis.

Lipoma Diagnosis

If you notice such a sudden lump formed in your dog's body, it is best to take him to a vet. Once your vet examines this lump carefully, its size and location is checked. The same is documented and further regularly checked for a few days. If its size increases rapidly or creates a problem with mobility, vet will perform its biopsy. A small sample of the cells will be examined by a pathologist. This will help confirm the diagnosis of lipoma. Vet will usually recommend you to wait and observe it for some days. If it is not growing too large or if not moving in areas which can be problematic for dog's movements, it is best to leave it as it is.

Lipoma Removal in Dogs

Lipoma removal in dogs is not recommended if it is not causing any problem in the dog's movement and if it is small in size. Remember there is no use of lipoma removal just for cosmetic reasons, so as to make your dog look better. Usually, it is suggested if it becomes a painful tumor in areas like armpit which restricts your dog's movements. This will make it difficult for your dog to walk or perform any activity if its size increases. So, before its size increases, a smaller surgery is best to opt for. There are some risks associated with anesthesia and some surgical complications may arise, which is the reason veterinarians usually discourage lipoma removal in dogs. Remember that the lipomas are a common growth that are not usually harmful.

For lipoma removal surgery, skin incision is made using a laser beam. This helps in less bleeding and less swelling after lipoma surgery is performed. Once the lipoma is removed, the space where the tumor had resided is free now, this is closed to ensure that no fluid accumulates. Also, usually a drain is placed in the deepest part of the space which was occupied by the tumor. This drain is later removed after 4-5 days and the stitches are removed after two weeks of surgery.

Remember that if the vet suggests that there is no need of a lipoma surgery then you must ask him for the precautions and dog care you must follow for his proper health. He might suggest you to keep track of sizes of the lumps and see if any new lumps are developing. You can take him for regular check-ups as recommended. Remember that you should not worry about this dog health problem as lipomas are just fatty tumors in dogs. A strict check of your dog's diet will be generally recommended by the vet in order to control the lipoma growth. A low fat dog food is best to be included in his diet. Also you can increase his physical activities to ensure that there is no excess fat stored in his body.

On very rare occasions, a lipoma may become malignant. If you see any such swelling or lump under your dog's skin, it is best to take him to the vet. He will prescribe the right course of treatment for the same and decide whether lipoma removal is really essential.

Posted on 7:24 PM

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Earlier, dog grooming was all about dressing your dog in clothes, shampooing her fur and clipping her toenails. But now, thanks to celebrities like Paris Hilton who have changed the definition of dog grooming, we have people who would go to any lengths to get their dogs noticed. Spas and designer clothes for dogs are passe, today dog nail polish rules the roost when it comes to dog grooming. For some people, special nail polish for dogs might be a difficult concept to understand, but enthusiastic dog owners are more than happy to get their pooch's toenail painted in colors of their choice.


Nail polish for dogs is available in almost every dazzling color imaginable. The color palette is greatly dependent upon the manufacturing company. Yet, there are at least 10 colors, that are equally popular. These include, white, purple, fuchsia, lime green, jet black, electric blue, shades of red and several other shades in shimmer. The myriad range of colors for dog nail polish allow you to paint your doggie's nails in the color of your (or perhaps your doggie's) choice. Clear shimmer colors are also available which can give your dog's toenails a sparkling shine.


While we are on the discussion about nail polish for dogs, some of you might have considered the possibility of using human nail polish on dogs. However, using your nail polish to paint your dog's nails is indeed a bad idea. Why? Because of the harmful ingredients contained in human nail polish. Human nail polish often comprises toxic chemicals, which can be detrimental to your dog's health, if she ends up chewing her toenails. Also, it can be harmful for your kids' health, if they come in contact with the nail polish. Moreover, the toxic fumes erupting from your nail polish can make your dog sick. Hence, human nail polish must be avoided under all circumstances.

On the other hand, dog nail varnish contains natural ingredients which are not toxic. Ingredients such as aloe, seaweed, and green tea extracts are an integral part of nail polish for dogs. Often, these ingredients are combined with vitamin E to make your dog's toenail soft and smooth. The nail polish also contains quick drying agents, which magically dry the nail polish in whatever little time your dog permits you. Thus, commercially available dog nail polish is a completely safe nail polish for your dog.

Application Tips

It is especially important to have your dog in happy and relaxed mood before applying the nail polish. If your dog squirms a lot, have someone distract her with treats. Clean the toenails and trim the fur for smooth application. Apply only one coat of nail polish and allow it to dry by holding your dog steady. Since, the nail polish dries in a minute or so, your task takes considerably less amount of time. The nail polish kit comes with remover and pads which can be used to remove the nail polish when it's time to say goodbye to old shade and acquire a new one. Your dog is bound to love her beautifully painted nails.

Thus, dog nail polish is an innovative way to give a makeover to your dog. The nail polish often survives the hard tests which your dog inflicts upon it by gnawing, scratching and chewing. Thus, you and your dog can admire her pretty paws for quite a long time!

Posted on 3:54 PM

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Monday, August 17, 2015

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can affect humans and a large number of animals including, cats and dogs. This disease is somewhat rare in cats. But, dogs are more likely to get affected by this bacterial disease. If not treated on time, it can lead to serious dog health problems, as the disease can damage the liver and the kidneys. It has basically three main forms: hemorrhagic leptospirosis, icteric leptospirosis and renal leptospirosis. Hemorrhagic leptospirosis can cause bleeding and infection of the blood in dog, while icteric leptospirosis affects the liver and cause jaundice. Renal leptospirosis can lead to kidney failure.

It is relatively common in dogs, especially among the dogs kept in unsanitary conditions and in crowded places. So, factors like housing can affect the incidence of the disease. In the recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases of canine leptospirosis, especially in certain parts of United States and Canada. The disease is more common in tropical regions, and during warm and wet weather. High rainfall is another favorable factor for the survival and spread of bacteria that causes leptospirosis. In general, dogs that have an increased likelihood of coming in contact with infected urine of the carrier animals like, rodents and raccoons that are more likely to get infected with leptospira bacteria.

Causes of Leptospirosis
There are more than two hundred strains of Leptospira bacteria, but out of these only eight strains or serovars have been identified to cause leptospirosis in pets. These strains are known as, Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. pomona, L. canicola, L. bratislava, L. bataviae, L. hardjo, L. autumnalis and L. grippotyphosa. Again, out of these eight strains, Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, L. grippotyphosa, L. pomona are more commonly associated with canine leptospirosis.

The disease is transmitted through contact with the infected body fluids, more commonly urine of the infected animals. Even contact with contaminated water and soil can cause the disease. Animals like, rats, raccoons, skunks and foxes are the carriers of this disease. The bacteria can enter the body through open wounds, or broken skin or mucous membrane and then eventually cause kidney and liver problems in dogs.

Symptoms of Leptospirosis
It can produce several symptoms like uveitis and conjunctivitis, etc. which are listed below:
  • Fever (103 to 105 degree Fahrenheit)
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Muscle pain or tenderness
  • Joint pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration
  • Increased thirst
  • Depression
  • Change in urine color (orange or red colored urine)
  • Frequent urination
  • Jaundice
If this disease is not treated promptly, then the infection can spread, which can produce some additional symptoms. Such symptoms include, breathing difficulty, bloody vomiting and nervous system abnormalities. It can be considered as one of the serious dog illnesses, especially for the puppies younger than 6 months, as they are more likely to develop the life-threatening complications.

Treatment for Leptospirosis
Canine leptospirosis is treated with antibiotics. Usually, more than one type of antibiotics are used to treat it. Along with antibiotics, supportive therapy in the form of fluid therapy may be required. Supportive therapy is mainly required to reverse the kidney damage caused by the infection. It helps to increase the blood flow to the kidney, and restore kidney filtration and urine production. If the infection is too severe and has caused significant damage to the kidneys, then hemodialysis can be required. The prognosis depends on several factors, such as, the particular strain of the bacteria that has infected the dog, and for how long the animal has been infected before starting the treatment.

Nowadays, vaccination are available for certain strains of Leptospira bacteria. To prevent this condition and restore dog health, be sure to take appropriate dog care and keep them away from the potential sources of infection such as, the carrier animals, animals infected with Leptospira and contaminated water and foods. Moreover, humans too can contract this disease from infected animals, especially through contact with the infected urine or vomit of the animals. Therefore, infected dogs and other pets should be handled carefully, and any area contaminated with their urine should be cleaned and disinfected immediately.

Posted on 1:03 AM

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Canines, unlike humans, are not diagnosed by heart attacks, but suffer from a condition what is diagnosed as heart failure. Such a condition signifies that the heart of the animals is slowing down with time and requires immediate medical attention. Canine congestive heart failure is defined as a medical condition wherein, the heart muscles start weakening gradually. Causes include myocardial failure, volume overload, pressure overload and reduced ventricular compliance. When the ventricles of the heart are unable to contract easily so as to push the blood out of the heart, myocardial failure occurs. Volume overload is the case when the heart is filled with too much of fluid. In order to eject the blood when a higher than normal blood pressure is required, it causes the heart to become too large. This happens due to increase workload on the heart and this condition is known as pressure overload. Reduced ventricular compliance leads to abnormal function, congestion and diminished output. This occurs when the ventricles lose their ability of filling all the way.


Most symptoms of congestive heart failure do not show until dogs can no longer keep up with degrading changes in their body. In the later stages, they become much less active and tire easily. Dogs may collapse, drool abnormally more than usual and may have a bluish tongue. Appetite becomes poor and symptoms of difficult respiration, panting and coughing while resting are also exhibited. The early stages of the disease can be regarded as asymptomatic. By the time such symptoms start revealing themselves, the illness progresses from the curable congestive heart failure stages to a progressive one, which is rarely curable. In most cases, canines who are in their last stage of their illness have minimal survival rates and they may be expected to live for no longer than a year.


The treatment methods are focused towards improving the condition and managing the symptoms of the illness. The treatment primarily consists of restricting exercise, improving cardiac output, reducing the heart's workload, low-sodium diets and managing abnormal heart rhythms. Controlling excess fluid in the tissues, lungs, abdomen and around the heart is also a part of the treatment and so is the application of diuretics.

At home, the pet owner must not fail to keep up with a regular schedule for administering the medications which have been prescribed by the vet. He must also keep an eye on the dog's general behavior, activity, response towards exercises and towards the family. It is equally important to keep a note on the appetite and occurrence of any such symptoms as mentioned above. The owner must complete the course of medication and should not stop without any advice from the vet. As far as the prevention of canine congestive heart failure is concerned, there is nothing much that can be done. However, early diagnosis and treatment can provide an improved quality of life to your pet. Unfortunately, there is no cure for such a disease and the best any pet owner can do is to take all possible measures to make his pet comfortable and help him to live a normal life.

Posted on 4:46 PM

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Canine diarrhea is one of the most common dog health problems. There are numerous causes for this condition and they include change in diet, food intolerance and consumption of table scraps or waste materials from trash. Sometimes, this condition could be a symptom of some serious illness. In most cases, vomiting is the early sign of diarrhea in dogs. This is one of the natural ways adopted by dogs to expel the toxins ingested into their system. In such cases, the symptoms may subside within a few days and all you have to do is to give the dog, a simple diet of chicken and rice for a day or two. But the condition of the dog may worsen, in case of severe loss of water and nutrients. In some other cases, the symptoms can worsen due to underlying causes.

As mentioned above, there are several causes for diarrhea in dogs. The condition is characterized by soft and watery stools with more frequency and urgency. Sometimes, it could be accompanied with bad odor too. The rectal area of the affected dog may become tender and the hair beneath its tail may have dried fecal matter. As mentioned earlier, canine diarrhea is usually caused by minor issues like diet change. In such cases, the condition may subside within a few days, provided, proper care is taken. Without appropriate care, the condition may worsen in some canines.
  • Infections caused by virus or bacteria
  • Dog worms
  • Change in diet
  • Stress and/or anxiety
  • Ingestion of hair
  • Pancreatic disorders
  • Bowel diseases
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Food intolerance
  • Liver, thyroid or kidney disease
  • Dog cancer
  • Gastroenteritis caused by viral or bacterial infection
  • Ingestion of table scraps and other wastes
  • Side effects of drugs
So, diarrhea in dogs can be caused by different reasons that may range from mild to severe. Even the symptoms may vary slightly with the different underlying causes. The following is a brief overview about the symptoms of dog diarrhea.
  1. In case of food intolerance, change in diet, indigestion and mild infection, the affected dog may exhibit symptoms like yellow diarrhea, which may start with a few episodes of vomiting.
  2. If the dog is affected with diarrhea and vomiting at the same time, then the possible causes include food poisoning, some underlying disease or viral infections.
  3. Apart from vomiting, if the dog is having stomach rumbling, gas, dehydration, loss of appetite, weight loss, dark or bloody stools and swelling in the legs, the possible cause could be some problem of the small intestine.
  4. In case of large intestine diseases in dogs, diarrhea, difficulty in urination, vomiting, weight loss and pain during bowel movements may occur. The stools may contain bright red blood and/or mucus.
  5. While a light-colored stool could be an indication of some liver problem, black stool in dogs might be due to intestinal bleeding or irritation. Gray stool is also a cause of concern.
Apart from the above said, there are some other canine diarrhea symptoms like rise in body temperature, depression and foul body odor. There are a number of diagnostic tests that are used to determine the underlying cause. They include blood tests, fecal tests, x-rays, endoscopy and ultrasound.

Diarrhea in dogs is classified as acute and chronic. In case of acute diarrhea, the symptoms tend to subside within a day or two. Avoid giving solid food to the dog for at least a day, but, let your pet drink lots of water. If required, electrolytes can be given, as per the instructions of the vet. In case the symptoms are too mild, provide the dog with specific food for dogs with diarrhea. Chicken and rice could be given as five small meals per day. Otherwise, opt for boiled rice and boiled eggs. It is said that pureed pumpkin is good for the stools to get firm. Two to three tablespoons of pureed pumpkin a day, will be sufficient for your dog. If the symptoms persist for more than a day or are getting severe, you must take your pet to the vet immediately. The same applies for dogs that develop additional symptoms. Chronic canine diarrhea is often associated with underlying causes and the symptoms may last for many days and weeks. In such cases, the underlying cause has to be diagnosed and treated.

In short, diarrhea in dogs is not a cause of concern, if there is no other symptom and the dog is eating and drinking well and behaving normally. More serious causes are associated with symptoms like, blood or mucus in stool, lethargy and loss of appetite. In such cases, canine diarrhea treatment is unavoidable. The treatment must be given immediately, to avoid further complications. The veterinarian may conduct some tests, to diagnose the condition and find out the underlying illness. The mode of treatment will be decided as per the underlying cause. In short, diarrhea in dogs is self-limiting and may subside within a few days, if there is no major underlying cause. But, if the symptoms worsen or the affected dog is experiencing severe symptoms from the beginning itself, then you have to provide the dog with immediate treatment by a certified veterinarian.

Posted on 12:52 PM

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Having a dog as a pet brings us lots of happiness and contentment in our lives. His affection and faithfulness can make you love him in such an unconditional manner that you start considering him as one of your family members. And with this feeling, it's not unusual that you want to give your pet the best, right from his resting place to the right kind of food. What you feed your pet has a dramatic impact on his attention span, energy level, and overall health. Hence, when it comes to his dietary requirements, I am sure no dog owner will compromise on it. But as you walk down any pet food aisle, in almost every store, you will come across hundreds of brands and varieties of dog foods that it becomes impossible to decide which is best for your pet. However, a healthy and balanced dog food is one which should be rich in carbohydrates, fat, proteins, minerals and nutrients.

Is Corn Harmful to Dogs?

Just like humans, even dogs can be allergic to certain food items causing adverse effects on their health. Corn is one such food item which is commonly found in many dog foods like Alpo, Beneful, Iams, and Kibbles 'n Bits. Corn and its products like corn gluten meal, ground corn, corn grits, corn bran, and cornmeal when given to your pet can lead to various health problems which are explained below:
  • Cornmeal or any variation of corn is primarily used as a filler ingredient to add volume and weight to the dog food. Many dogs find it difficult to digest it, hence giving your pet food with corn will actually give him no nutritional benefits, rather your pet would get filled up with the stuff that he/she can't even digest.
  • Since corn is high in carbohydrates, it can assault the sugar-controlling functions of both the liver and the pancreas, hence leading to medical conditions like dog obesity, pancreatitis, diabetes, and liver disease in dogs.
  • Corn is also high in aflatoxin fungus, which is not only deadly to humans, but dogs, too. It primarily attacks the liver and can even cause death, hence pet owners should avoid giving their dogs food with corn.
  • Many dogs develop skin allergies after eating corn for a long period of time. Frequent head shaking, skin irritation, hair loss, hyperthyroidism, butt biting, endless scratching, tumors, moles, warts, blindness, deafness, bloating, ear infections, inflamed kidneys, inflamed liver, heart diseases, etc., can be seen in dogs having corn allergies.
Why Is Corn Difficult to Digest for Dogs?

Corn is considered by many plant-eating animals (herbivores) as a part of their daily diet and till date it hasn't had any harmful effect. Then why is corn indigestible for dogs? The reason is in the presence of an enzyme called amylase. The herbivores have salivary amylase which helps break down carbohydrates into simple sugar at the beginning of the digestive system itself. Hence, by the time the food reaches the intestines it can be easily digested.

Carnivorous animals (e.g. dogs) do not possess salivary amylase. The enzyme gets added into their system only when the food reaches the small intestine, and hence there isn't enough time for corn to get digested.

Dog Food ...
.. Without Corn .. With Corn
AvoDerm Alpo
Blue Authority
California Natural Beneful
Chicken Soup for the Dog Bil-Jac
Trader Joe's Eagle Pack
Innova EVO Eukanuba
Royal Canin Nutro Max
Canidae Grain-free Purina (all brands)
Wellness Nutro Natural Choice High Energy
Nature's Variety Ol' Roy

Giving food with corn to your pet will not do good to his health, rather the pet may put on excessive weight, develop illnesses and may even have a short lifespan due to lack of nutrition. Hence, the next time you go buying dog food, first examine the label for the first three ingredients as they will make up 75% of the contents of the food you will be giving your dog. However, before making any change in your dog's diet, do consult your veterinarian to avoid any additional health complications in your pet.

Posted on 4:39 AM

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Is your dog vomiting blood? This condition is medically referred to as hematemesis. If your dog is throwing up blood, have your dog examined by a vet in order to determine the cause. Though vomiting could just be a case of dietary intolerance, throwing up large amounts of blood could even be a symptom of a serious ailment.

Hematemesis in Dogs


If it is your puppy that is vomiting blood, have a vet examine it. It's possible that the puppy may be suffering from a parasitic infection. If a tumor in the dog's gastrointestinal tract bleed, there may be significant amount of blood in the dog's vomit. The dog may vomit blood if blood gets filled up in the dog's lungs. Blood clotting disorders can also cause this problem. Gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, ingestion of non-food items, speedy eating, bile overproduction and anxiety are some of the possible reasons behind a dog throwing up blood and bile. In case, vomiting is also accompanied by diarrhea, your dog might be suffering from intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.

Stomach ulcers, esophagus ulcers or duodenum ulcers could also be contributory factors for hematemesis. Sometimes, certain drugs can have an adverse effect on the blood platelet count. Thrombocytopenia is the condition associated with a dip in the level of blood platelet count. This can also be one of the reasons why your dog may be vomiting blood. Your dog may throw up blood on swallowing a splintered bone. You must also check if your dog is suffering from a nosebleed or bleeding gums. In case your dog swallowed this blood, that might induce vomiting. Consumption of rat poison could also cause this condition.


If your pet is throwing up blood, watch out for other symptoms such as weakness, diarrhea, lethargy, nausea, belching, bloating, pain in the abdominal region, pale gums and loss of appetite. Since the presence of blood in vomit can be linked to several dog health issues, you must get your dog examined soon. The veterinarian will generally get some blood tests done in order to check for the platelet count and perform X-rays to investigate the presence of tumors. Ultrasound and endoscopy for the stomach might also help in determining the condition responsible for causing blood in vomit.


Once the underlying cause of blood in vomit has been diagnosed, the vet will initiate the symptomatic treatment. Severe vomiting can lead to dehydration, therefore, intravenous fluids might be required to stabilize the condition of your dog. Sometimes, the problem could be caused due to a change in your dog's diet. In that case, you need to discontinue that diet, and provide your dog with a bland diet. Spicy food can aggravate the problem of stomach ulcers, so be very careful about the food your dog eats.

Prostaglandin drugs may be prescribed by the vet in case of ulcers. Sometimes, dog coughing up blood might be related to gum diseases. In this case, dental hygiene needs to be taken care of. You must also make sure that your dog doesn't consume non-food items. Rat poison and other toxic substances must be kept out of their reach. In case, swallowing a splintered bone has caused this condition, a laxative will be used by the veterinarian to tackle the problem. Antibiotics might also be required to reduce the chances of an infection.

In case your dog is suffering from this condition, make sure that you consult a veterinarian soon. The earlier the diagnosis, the better would be the chances of a speedy recovery. Follow the advice of your vet regarding the diet and aftercare.

Posted on 4:26 AM

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The deaf dogs are similar to the ordinary dogs in their behavior and habits except for the fact that they hear loud and this might lead to problems in dealing with them in day-to-day life. The main problem that owners of such dogs face is communicating with them effectively. By making use of sign language and willingness to take proper care, it is possible to have meaningful interactions even with deaf dogs.

Causes of Canine Hearing Loss

The deafness in dogs could either be congenital or acquired. Age-related hearing loss is the common form of deafness. Cause of congenital deafness is the presence of a defective gene that leads to a non functional or malformed ear. Problem of acquired deafness on the other hand could result from many different reasons such as accumulation of dirt, wax, hair, etc. in the ear; ear canal swelling or inflammation; ruptured or torn eardrum; internal or middle ear infection, head trauma, loud noise; mites; old age; drugs, etc. A sudden loss of hearing in dogs could be attributed to injuries or infection. Temporary hearing loss resulting from accumulation of wax, hair or dirt can be dealt with by keeping it clean.

Signs of Hearing Loss

The following signs of hearing loss would help us determine whether a dog has the problem of deafness. The puppies while still in litter show signs like biting too hard. It is because they cannot sense the yelping of other dogs from pain. The dog may tilt its head sideways due to the irritation resulting from painful or itchy ears. A smelly discharge from the ears is also one of the signs that should be considered while determining whether a dog is deaf. Many times, puppies that are weaned do not wake up at their regular feeding times because of deafness. It is only when they sense the vibrations or are bumped by their littermates that they wake up. The deaf dogs do not respond to calls if they are facing away from the callers. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a puppy from the litter is deaf. This is because the deaf puppy observes its littermates and imitates them, making it difficult for owners to decide whether it suffering from deafness or not. One can thus test such dogs separately by calling them while they are facing away.

Keeping the Dog Safe

It is necessary to keep the dogs safe while they are outdoors. Communicating with the dogs properly is also important. Children should be taught how to interact with deaf dogs. The 'American Sign Language' could be used for communicating with the dogs. No matter which language or signals one uses for interaction, consistency needs to be maintained while doing so. This kind of dog training would definitely help in communicating with them. Keeping them clean is also an important part of dog care. The dog ear mites infection is also a common health problem that should be taken care of.


The BAER Test is used to determine deafness in dogs. The acronym BAER stands for 'Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response'. In this test, the electrical activity that takes place in the brain in response to the stimulation provided by sound is recorded. In this test, earphones are used to direct a clicking sound in the ears of the dog, after which the brain activity is studied. The test which lasts for not more than 10-15 minutes can be conducted on any dog above six weeks of age.

The problem of hearing loss in dogs can be detected by the BAER test. One can also determine the deafness problems by observing the behavior of the dog. If one pays proper attention to his deaf dog, life would be much better for him as well as the dog.

Posted on 9:05 AM

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Our pets add so much love and value to our lives that most of us look out for various ways to return their affection and loyalty, or impart some measure of thanks to them. With this feeling, we surely want to give them the best, right from their resting place to the food they eat. Hence, it becomes extremely important for any dog owner to ensure that the food their pet is eating is safe for dog health. One such food item that we are going to discuss in this article which has contradictory information on whether it is safe for dogs or not, is garlic.

Effects of Garlic on Dogs

Despite its various medicinal uses, garlic being a member of the genus Allium and a species of the onion family Alliaceae, comes under close scrutiny especially when it comes down to whether garlic is bad for dogs or not. Basically, onion has high concentrations of thiosulphate, a compound that causes oxidative damage to red blood cells and leads to hemolytic or 'Heinz factor' anemia, wherein the circulating red blood cells burst. Since, red blood cells are destroyed and the body is deprived of oxygen, the dog may start showing initial symptoms like weakness, discolored urine, rapid breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Hence, if large quantities of this compound are ingested on a regular basis, it may lead to Heinz-body anemia and even death of the dog.

Though garlic also belongs to the onion family, there are slight differences between them. Garlic does not contain the same high concentrations of thiosulphate as onion and so is not very harmful for dogs. In fact, it is barely traceable in amounts and gets easily excreted from the body. However, it can be dangerous to your pet if you feed the dog a couple of whole bulbs a day, on a regular basis. Therefore, if garlic is safe for dogs or not primarily depends upon the dosage given and the frequency of consumption.


Like in humans, garlic also offers numerous health benefits in dogs, which are given below:
  • Garlic improves the dog's immune system by stimulating the activities of white blood cells that fight microbes and cancer cells.
  • Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties help fighting different types of internal or external bacterial, viral, or fungal infections of the mouth, throat, respiratory tract, stomach, and intestines.
  • Garlic when combined with olive oil can be used to cure minor injuries, ear infections or ear mites.
  • It acts as an excellent detoxifying agent and assists liver in removing toxins from the body that can encourage cancerous growths.
  • Raw garlic mixed with dog food benefits by reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels in dogs.
Though garlic does benefit dogs in many ways, one cannot overlook its side effects, when consumed in excess. Hence, the best way to overcome this problem is to feed the dog right proportions of garlic. One clove of fresh garlic, per 10 to 30 pounds of weight a day, is recommended to be given to a dog in order to boost its immune system and gain various other garlic benefits. I hope the information given in this article would be beneficial in clearing your doubts regarding, is garlic safe for dogs or not.

Posted on 1:53 AM

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Friday, August 7, 2015

Diabetes mellitus, which in short is known as just diabetes, is when insulin levels fluctuate, leading to two kinds of situations, namely, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. The insulin helps in controlling glucose levels in the blood, maintaining the right amount that the body needs. Similar to humans, dogs go through this as well, and need a special diet, just like you would need yourself if you had diabetes. If your dog's condition goes untreated, and he/she carries canine diabetes for a long period of time, it could lead to urinary tract infection, or even cataract. If it is found earlier, it'll help you to take care of your dog the right way, by giving the medication he/she needs to help them cope with this dog illness.

Diabetic Dog Diet Plan

To help your dog deal with this condition, you need to incorporate certain ways of preparing their meals, as well as providing exactly what they need. There are many dog owners that don't know if their pets have diabetes, so understanding the diabetes symptoms in a dog is imperative, when taking care of one. Here we help you to get them started on a diabetic diet, in a manner that is efficient.

Foods to Avoid for a Diabetic Dog
These foods need to be strictly prohibited from a diabetic dog food list, since it can prove to be harmful, and even fatal, if he/she were to eat this.
  • Raisins
  • Onions
  • Wheat gluten
  • Cornmeal
  • Canned food
  • Avoid fatty organ meat/skin
  • White rice
  • Chocolate
  • Wheat flour
  • Garlic
  • Baked doggy treats
  • Grapes
  • Eliminate human food that contains sugar
  • Don't just feed him meat, give portions of greens and grains as well
  • Artificial sweeteners
Strict Diet Regime
Diabetic dogs need to have foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and contain limited amounts of carbohydrates and fats. You need to make sure meals contain all these crucial elements, and avoid giving him/her food that is meant for you/others of the household. You need to increase their protein and fiber intake, and cut down on fats and carbohydrates. This is important to keep in mind since diabetic dogs need a completely different method of eating and cannot indulge in any kind of food. Dog breeds that are highly at risk in getting diabetes are.
  • Pugs
  • Keeshond
  • Beagles
  • Miniature/Toy poodles
  • Standard/Miniature Schnauzer
  • Samoyed
  • Australian Terrier
All Natural Meals
Your dog needs a diet, that contains only natural ingredients. This means that you have to completely eliminate/substitute processed foods with foods that are well cooked. It is advisable to put your dog on a diet that doesn't consist of raw meat, to avoid any kind of problems that may arise. Natural foods include a good portion of fresh fruits and vegetables, from produce that isn't canned or processed in any way when making homemade diabetic dog food. This ensures that the foods come with all their vitamins and minerals intact, along with good sugar content that won't prove harmful to your dog. Add in a lot of vitamin E to their diet, to help them cope with the diabetes. Grains can be given as well, to provide lots of fiber that will help your diabetic dog, but don't include in a large amounts, but minimal. Alternate it with other dishes, but don't overdo it for the dog. Choosing the diabetic dog food, requires that you make sure it contains all natural ingredients. Natural dog foods that are commercially available in the market, that specially cater to diabetic dogs are.
  • Hill's Science Diet
  • Newman's Own Advanced Dog Food
  • Purina Veterinary Diets DCO (Diabetes) Dog Food
  • Solid Gold Natur-Bone (Diabetic Dogs)
Companies like Natur-Bone, also provide diabetic dog treats to give your dog in between meals, or as a healthy snack.

Taking care of a dog that needs a diabetic diet can prove to be a little hard initially, but you'll get used to it. Just remember to keep a tab on his/her insulin injections and medication, and accordingly monitor glucose levels to find out how much you need to administer. When getting into canine diabetic treatment, you can use a blood glucose meter, for more accurate results, when giving him/her his daily dose of medicines.

Posted on 9:24 PM

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The condition of an enlarged liver is referred to as hepatomegaly. Enlarged liver, in itself, is a premiere symptom of different liver diseases; such as, liver cancer, or liver injury. If treatment is not meted in time, a condition such as this one, may cause liver failure, or worse, even death. Any kind of liver disease in dogs is a serious health problem, making his life miserable. Hence, it is our duty to take sedulous care of the dog and in the process, keeping him away from all kinds of diseases.

The liver performs a variety of functions; such as, helping in detoxifying the blood, removal of waste, production of bile which assists in digestion, supplies nutrients, fights diseases, provides energy, and also performs functions which help in the growth of the dog. From this excerpt, it is clear, that liver forms an important part in the dog's body; hence, it should be administered with utmost care. If you notice that your dog is suffering from liver disease, it is important that you take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible, in order to avoid further damage.

Indicants of Enlarged Liver
Jaundice causes liver malfunction. Enlarged liver in dogs, on the other hand, is an indication of liver disease. Along with jaundice, the other commonly observed symptoms are changes in the dog's behavior, diarrhea, vomiting, and white stool. The dog urinating rarely, is also a symptom of enlarged liver. Loss of appetite in dogs is also observed, which can lead to massive weight loss, thus, affecting your dog's health.

There are a number of reasons that may result in an enlarged liver in dogs. One of the many reasons held responsible for such condition in dogs is the Heartworm disease. They are a kind of dog worms, that not only affect the heart of the dog, but also affect its liver, and cause its enlargement. Presence of poisonous substances in the environment can also give rise to an enlarged liver. Substances, like, arsenic, insecticides, tetrachloride, ragwort, arsenic, etc. can have a harmful effect on the dog's liver. If, in the recent past, the dog has had an abdominal injury, then your canine could be prone to suffering from an enlarged liver. Different dog illnesses, like, diabetes, and encephalopathy can also cause this condition. In some dogs, it can be a genetic defect; as in, Skye terriers, Doberman, Bedlington terriers, etc. Liver neoplasia, hepatitis, storage of excess fat in the liver tissues, or an accumulation of blood at the peripheries of the liver, are causes as well, deemed responsible for an enlarged liver.

Diagnosis Conducted
A thorough diagnosis needs to be conducted, with regards to your dog's overall health, and the ailments that your canine might have encountered in the past. Diagnosing the stage of the condition, and the possible ailments that may have gathered the premises for the enlargement of the liver to occur is also conducted. A complete blood count will be conducted by the concerned veterinarian. The most important test called the biochemistry test provides an account of the cholesterol content, and the degree of liver enzymes found in the test. A higher content, or degree of liver enzymes may point toward a severe malfunctioning of the liver. A tissue culture could also be conducted in order to diagnose the stage of the liver disease. X-rays related to the abdomen, and the chest are drawn in order to extrapolate the configuration of the liver, and the intensity with which the disease is spreading to other parts of the body. With these diagnostic tools, the veterinarian is in the position to prescribe appropriate medication, and treatment management techniques.

Symptomatic Treatment
You can feed your dog with healthy, and nutritious dog food, or the food prescribed by the veterinarian. Along with this, make sure that your dog drinks enough water. Try to keep him away from harmful substances and gases, and make sure that he takes the required amount of rest. This will help in alleviating the condition to a large extent. Treatment may involve administration of antibiotics, and intravenous fluids. When the system endures dehydration, replenishing of the lost fluids is a must. If, however, liver disease is in its advanced stages, administering corticosteroids to treat the condition is required. Corticosteroids are predominantly prescribed in case of your dog suffering from Hepatitis disease. Surgical intervention becomes mandatory if tumor-like growths exist. Conditions in which blood pooling around the liver takes place, could be treated with surgery as well.

These loyal creatures are the best friends of human beings and if you have them as pets, make sure that you take proper care of your dog. If you look after them, I am sure your pet will be able to stay keep from such critical health eventualities.

Note: The article published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the veterinarian.

Posted on 1:22 AM

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Monday, August 3, 2015

It's a dog-eat-dog world, especially in the canine food market. There are so many brands, each with its own ideas and suggestions of what your dog should and shouldn't eat. But after the 2007 pet food recall, dog owners have become a little more careful about dog food brands and their promises. Even if the word "organic" is on the label, how many of the ingredients are actually organic? And how much of the food is actually meat and vegetables, and not just junk? These questions are what every dog owner should ask, for a dog's health depends to a large extent, on its food. However, some dog food brands are genuinely good for your dog's health, by providing high quality ingredients in the right balance. The best dog food brands are not necessarily the most expensive or premium ones, but the ones that suit your dog's lifestyle and your budget.

How to Choose Good Dog Food
  • Dog food must consist of even parts of vegetables and meat. Choose dog foods which contain whole meats or meat-meal.
  • There must be no corn, soy or wheat grains in the food. They cause allergies and other health issues in dogs.
  • No meat by-products should be a part of the dog food ingredients. These are animal feet, intestines, heads, nails, hooves and beaks. Even animal fats and vegetable oil are bad ingredients.
  • No artificial additives like flavors, colors or preservatives (BHT, BHA and ethoxyquin), should be part of the food's content.
  • Canned food is more fresh and has less grain content than dry food. But do not feed only one type of food to your dog. Use canned food as a supplement to a dry food diet.
  • Puppy and adult dog foods are different in content.
  • Look for an AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) certification on the dog food.
Some Good Dog Food Brands

Based on the above thumb rules, here are some of the best dog food brands, that are safe and excellent for your dog's health.

Solid Gold Dog Food
Founded in 1974, Solid Gold is considered one of the best dog food brands in the market. It produces natural and human grade dog food, free of chemical additives and by-products. There are no animal fats or grains like corn, wheat and soy, present in their products, and their meats are USDA choice. Their product line includes canned food, dried food, treats and supplements, and is diverse enough for dogs of different sizes and ages. For example, Hundchen Flocken Puppy and Hund-N-Flocken Adult are 2 of its well-known formulas.

One of the lesser-known, good dog food brands is Timberwolf, who produce dog food with high grade ingredients. Some of the ingredients are organically grown, and Timberwolf uses meat-meals of lamb, chicken and salmon, which are not meat by-products. Oats and brown rice are the grains used, with a mix of herbs, nuts and grasses, to provide a balanced food mix. Timberwolf dog foods are a wholesome, additive free, gluten-free product, suitable for a wide range of dog needs.

Wellness Dog Food
An extremely healthy dog food brand, Wellness products come in canned and dried formulas. Wellness dog food has no wheat, corn or soy grains. They are free from artificial flavors and colors, and use human consumption lamb, white fish and deboned chicken meat. Their products fit the most generic and specific of dog nutritional profiles, from Super5Mix for all life stages, to Simple Food, designed for dogs with food allergies.

This is a top-notch and slightly expensive dog food brand. The Merrick brand offers both canned and dry food, with ingredients grown and produced in the U.S.A. Merrick products are additive free, with human grade ingredients. While their dog food is not organic, they use organic chicken meat. What distinguishes Merrick among various dog food brands, is the versatile array and type of ingredients used. Oatmeal, brown rice and barley, are among the grains used. Different meats and meals, like salmon, trout, chicken, beef, buffalo and venison, are used. Rich and easily digestible are two key factors of Merrick dog products.

Natural Balance
This dog food brand was founded by actor Dick Van Patten in 1989. The food line includes dry, canned and specialty food, with formulas adapted for allergies, vegetarian diets and small breeds. The meat used is USDA approved, all ingredients, meat and grains are made in the U.S.A ., and there are no artificial flavors or colors, meat by-products or preservatives used. One Natural Balance dog food, "Organic Formulas" is a certified organic chicken dog food. Natural Balance is the official dog food of the working dogs of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives office.

Fromm Family Foods
The Fromm Family Foods dog food is famous for being one of the oldest and most respected dog food brands. The family itself has been involved with dog health, from introducing a distemper vaccine in 1930, to introducing the concept of premium dog food to the public in 1949. The company is based in Wisconsin, and all ingredients used in the food are from local farms. They offer 3 lines of food, Four Star, Gold and Classic, in both dry and canned forms. Their dog food is protein rich with USDA approved meats, like chicken, whitefish, salmon and duck. Grains used are barley, brown rice and oats. No corn, wheat or soy grains are used. Fromm dog food is even recommended for prescription diets, as its products are easily digestible and suited for dogs with allergies or sensitive stomachs.

Some people like chocolate, some like vanilla. It's a personal choice. The same applies to your dog. Just because your neighbor's hound will chow down on a brand of dog food, it doesn't mean your pet will like it too. So don't get surprised if your dog turns his nose up at that expensive brand you bought. Another factor is variety. If you ate only chicken at all meals, aren't you missing out on the nutrients present in vegetables and fish? The same rule applies to your dog. Don't just feed him one brand for the rest of his life. Try alternating and testing, if one brand is good, the other might be better. Dog food makes an impact, not just in internal health, but in physical appearance as well. Top dog food brands make a change in diet, that can make your dog's coat shiny and glossy, and he can be more alert and active. A poorly fed dog has loose or watery stools, dull eyes, and bald coat patches, to name a few effects. So it's up to you to be careful about your dog's diet, as he trusts your choice for his health.

Posted on 1:53 AM

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

A sedative is a class of drug that reduces excitation and agitation. Like humans, dogs too can get excited or nervous in certain circumstances, especially while traveling by air, visiting an unfamiliar place, meeting new people, hearing fireworks, and during a thunderstorm . Dogs are also given sedatives before a surgery and sometimes during a dog training session. However, all types of sedatives may not be safe for dogs. So, a pet owner should have some basic knowledge about the most commonly used and safe sedatives for dogs.

Sedatives Used for Dogs
Sedatives have been used for a very long time by pet owners to relax their pets, including dogs. However, before using any kind of medication for dogs, one should always consult a veterinarian, regarding the appropriate dosage, and the safety issues or side effects associated with such medications. The same thing is also applicable for sedatives, as overuse or prolonged use of sedatives can cause several side effects. The sedatives that veterinarians usually recommend for dogs are, acepromazine or promace, diazepam, Xanax, clomipramine, and medetomidine.

Acepromazine is a sedative that is most commonly recommended for anxious dogs prior to surgery and before a grooming session. Certain over-anxious dogs may also require this during air or car travel. It is generally considered a safe sedative for dogs. However, it should be kept in mind that this drug can lower the level of blood pressure, and so should be given in appropriate dosage, as suggested by the veterinarian. Diazepam or valium, on the other hand, is a medication that is generally recommended only for humans, but can be given to dogs in case of over-excitement and convulsions. However, a prescription from a veterinarian is required to administer valium in dogs.

Medetomidine is a drug that is administered intravenously, and used as a sedative and analgesic for dogs. Apart from these, Xanax or alprazolam and clomipramine are also used as effective sedatives. Xanax is a drug that is registered only for humans, just like valium. So do not use Xanax for dogs unless prescribed by a veterinarian. More commonly, it is recommended for anxiety relief, though dogs that suffer from thunderstorm phobia, convulsions, and separation anxiety can also be given Xanax, if suggested by a veterinarian. Clomipramine is a drug that is most commonly used to treat separation anxiety in dogs.

Natural Sedatives
Apart from the drugs mentioned above, certain natural and herbal sedatives for dogs also exist. One such example is the herb skullcap. Skullcap proves quite effective for treating excitability and nervousness in dogs. Similarly, chamomile too can work as a mild natural sedative that can calm an excited dog. It can promote better sleep and treat an upset stomach caused by nervousness and anxiety. Another excellent herbal sedative for dogs is valerian, which can effectively treat anxiety, nervousness, sleeplessness and separation anxiety. However, it needs to be given only in small doses, as overdose can cause side effects like gastrointestinal problems.

The hormone melatonin, which is secreted by the pineal gland, too can play an important role in treating dog anxiety. This hormone affects the level of neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, and the hormone cortisol, and thereby helps relieve anxiety. Though this natural sedative can be found over the counter, it should be given only with the approval of a veterinarian. This hormone is usually recommended by veterinarians to alleviate separation anxiety and noise and thunderstorm phobias in dogs. The advantage of using melatonin is that it does not cause drowsiness in dogs, unlike many other common sedatives.

In general, herbal or natural sedatives may not cause any serious side effects like prescription sedatives, if used judiciously. However, prolonged and continuous use of both prescription and herbal sedatives for dogs may give rise to certain health problems. The side effects can be more worrisome in the case of prescription sedatives. Many times, some sedatives have been observed to produce an opposite effect, instead of calming the anxious dogs. For this reason, dogs that have been administered sedatives should be monitored, especially if they will be in the company of children. Pet owners need to refrain from giving any medication, prescription or herbal, to their dogs, without informing their veterinarians. In the long run, anxiety, stress, and behavior problems in dogs can be managed with the help of exercises. Exercise is one of the safest ways to naturally calm and relax a dog and promote its health.

Posted on 9:06 AM

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Having chain link kennels in the backyard is a good option to provide dogs with a comfortable and strong shelter. Keeping the dog in the house is possible only till it is young and small in size. Instead of fencing the entire backyard, one can choose to have a chain link dog fence.

Chain Link Dog Fence
These fences are made from galvanized steel which is weather proof and durable. The fences are portable which facilitates their easy movement across the backyard. While deciding upon the size of the kennel, one should take into account the needs of a grown up dog. Since a big dog requires a large space, the space factor gains importance. The height of dog fences is also an area of concern. Some of the dogs can easily jump over a four feet fence. Thus, the height of the fence needs to be considered carefully before installation. The height of the fences range from three to ten feet. There is a great variety in the types of wires available for fence building. Building a dog kennel fencing needs planning in advance to consider various factors such as the place, the materials required and shade, if necessary.

The posts needed to build a dog fence could either be metal ones or ones made from timber. The difference in the process of installing metal and timber posts is that the former one needs to be fixed permanently in the ground, with the help of concrete. The timber posts however, can be moved from one place to another, making the chain link dog kennel a portable one. The installation of these fencing or kennels should be done at home. It avoids the cost of hiring a pro and also adds to our knowledge.

The flooring of the kennels should also be given due consideration to make it comfortable for the dog. Nowadays, kennel floors manufactured from high-density polymer resins are available in the market. The prominent features of these floors are that these are dig-resistant, chew-proof and strong. To prevent the dogs from slipping, non-skid surfaces prepared from rubber should be used in the kennels.

Precautions and Care
Chain link dog fences are strong and easy to use, but can cause severe injury to the pets if the wire is rusty. The wire should be treated properly to protect it from rusting. If the dog is injured by a rusty metal protrusion, there are chances of tetanus infection. The solution to the above problem is to weld the kennel wires to the steel frames properly. The techniques such as the 'direct drill', prove to be useful in keeping the frame of the kennel strong and intact.

One more precaution to be taken is to check the kennel for any open spaces. An open space, large enough to fit a dog's head could prove to be dangerous. The dog might get stuck in the wires and suffer from serious injuries. In the worst case scenario, the animal might even die of suffocation. Having proper shades for the kennels is necessary to protect the pet from harsh weather.

Some companies offer chain link dog kennels manufactured from galvanized steel. These kennels are long-lasting and durable. These are also easy to assemble and dismantle. Thus, the time required in setting up these kennels is less as compared to others.

Following the aforementioned instructions and taking necessary care allows us to build a strong chain link dog fence. It not only provides the dog with a safe enclosure, but is also a comfortable place to spend time.

Posted on 4:08 AM

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