Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chihuahuas date back to as far as the 1500s, when Christopher Columbus the Spanish explorer brought back the dog to Europe. It was later introduced to North America in the 18th century, and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in the year 1904. The chihuahua originated from the Mexican state of Chihuahua; they say the original breed 'Techichi' was bred with the Chinese Crested dog, thus giving it its current name. Find out about newborn chihuahua puppies care, to ensure that you are well-informed about how to take care of your little pet in the right way.

How to Care for Newborn Chihuahua Puppies

Being the smallest dog in the world, they're the most delicate of newly born pups, and must be handled with utmost care and attention. If you take up the responsibility of caring for a chihuahua on your own, then here's what you need to do in terms of pet care and grooming.
  • Puppies need a lot of sleep during that initial stage of their puppy life, so avoid disturbing them while they snooze.
  • Keep the puppy's bedding area clean and waste free. If he/she soils it, change it frequently to maintain hygiene. Keep an observing eye on the puppy's relieving behavior. If he/she doesn't urinate/defecate regularly, gently rub the perineum to promote flow.
  • Maintain a temperature of about 75-80 in the room, since chihuahua pups are born with a temperature of about 94 degrees. As they grow, they will come to maintain the normal heat temperature in their body, of about 101. Avoid cold drafts or the room temperature from dropping, as this isn't good during their initial stage of growth.
  • Keep the pup far away from any high surfaced areas. Don't place them on tables, beds or the couch (without supervision). They remain with their eyes shut and are prone to fall off heights and injure themselves. Keep them on a flat surface like the floor (warm), or in their bedding itself.
  • Make sure your puppy is getting all the nutrients he/she needs, by supplying them with puppy formula. This is done by injecting 1 or 2 cc of formula (be sure to but a pet formula that is designed and well-suited for your kind of pup) from a medicinal syringe (avoid using a bottle, since this is too large for the Chihuahua's oral cavity to accommodate). The owner takes up the responsibility of making sure the pup gets fed puppy formula, since many mothers abandon them or cannot tend to all pups of the litter simultaneously. The right nutrients can prevent a lot of dog health problems, so make sure to give it as and when required, as per the instructions on the package/by the vet. You can then exclude the puppy formula from its diet once it reaches its eighth week, where a mix of the formula with dried puppy food in mush form, should be given when it hits its fourth week.
  • The puppies need to be fed every three hours over the course of a day, making sure to feed it about eight times a day, from sunrise to sunset.
  • Chihuahua dogs have a small hollow spot on their skulls that is soft, and can cause death if pressure is applied to it. This is called 'molera' and can be, like I said, quite fatal when subject to injuries or a bad fall.
  • Brush the puppy regularly, to remove loose hair and tangled clumps, if he/she has pretty long hair. If it is short in length, brush him/her to remove hair that is shedding (ideally once a week).
  • Conceal electrical chords and any other objects that can prove to be harmful to the chihuahua by covering wires with tape, or placing these items far from their reach. Supply the pups with a good collection of rubber toys, to gnaw at when they're teething or restless.
  • They have small teeth that can easily bring on plaque build up, causing heart problems and tooth loss if not taken care of. Rub his/her teeth with dog toothpaste using your finger, then move on later to a toothbrush after the chihuahua grows used to this practice.
  • Socialize the puppy with other people and puppies, to work on their social behavior. Also get him/her vaccinated (rabies vaccine/distemper combo vaccination) frequently before introducing your dog to others, in case of bites/nips.
  • If during the course of your care routine, the puppy shows signs of sickness, like diarrhea or loss of appetite, immediately consult a vet about what went wrong, and how to rectify it.
Training Your Chihuahua Puppy

Chihuahuas grow up into stubborn dogs, where you'd need a truckload of patience during its training period. Not to worry, as time passes, it'll be easier to train him/her and deal with their behavior. Practice the following training tips and techniques while they're young. Remember that these commands need to be enforced everyday, so that your chihuahua understands them better when constantly repeated.

'Come' Command
Calling a chihuahua by his/her name, makes them immediately come over to you. It is important to attach a leash to your dog at all times when outdoors. You can let them off the leash, once they are more familiar with you calling out his/her name, so that it registers when he/she is on their own. Call out in a calming voice, and never in an aggressive tone - this makes him/her stay far away from you to avoid falling into trouble. When your dog comes to you from a distance, bring out a hidden treat to show you're happy with their response; they associate acts with treats and make a habit out of doing as you command.

'Off' Command
If your chihuahua gets onto the couch or bed and you want him/her to get off, voice out the command 'off' and then lift and put him/her down on your own at first. As time elapses, they will associate the move you make to put them down, with the command, and connect the two acts. The puppy then, will automatically get off the area on its own in the future.

'Down' Command
This dog training command makes Chihuahuas lie flat down on their stomachs, after you've taught him/her first how to sit (see below). Give treats on ground level, repeating the word 'down' to make him/her understand the motion of laying down when handed the treat and hearing the command at the same time.

'Sit' Command
Holding a treat above his head, a little far back that is, automatically motions the dog to take on the seating position. By placing the doggy treat way back high over his/her head, it reflexively makes the chihuahua sit down for support, without having to lose balance. As the puppy gets into position, say the word 'sit' and hand him/her the treat. With time, your dog, like the other commands, will associate the act and connect it to what you are saying, therefore obeying as the training period continues.

'Stay' Command
Slowly bring your puppy down to his/her sitting position and hold up your hand saying 'stay' up close to the dog. Move one step away and then come back and hand him/her a treat when the dog remains still. Repeat this everyday and move an extra step back every other time you do it. Your dog will eventually obey the command when spoken to. If he/she runs to you when you're far away, repeat the training act, without losing your cool over the incident.

'No' Command
When you find your puppy in the act of chewing up furniture, shoes or cushions - correct him/her on the spot by pointing out what he/she has done. Don't scold him/her with the 'no' command hours later when you spot the damage, since they will not understand why you're correcting them, due to the long lapse in time. Catching them in the act makes them remember that the 'no' command means that they aren't supposed to repeat that very act again in the future. Also when saying 'no', don't yell it out, but word it out sternly instead.

With this helpful guide, you can be sure to raise these puppies the way they should be. Make sure that you do extensive research before venturing into something as big as taking care of chihuahuas when they're newborn. Good luck.

Posted on 11:35 PM

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Friday, May 29, 2015

In dogs, spleen complications are very common and it can be caused due to various factors like bacterial infection, accidental trauma, inflammation of the internal organs, spleen cell tumors and various other immune system disorders in dogs.

Structure and Function of Spleen
Spleen is an extended dark red colored organ that is located near the stomach and in the left forward part of the abdomen. Spleen has the shape of a tongue and its length is relatively bigger than its width. The spleen is constricted in the middle and it is covered by a capsule of fibrous tissue. The internal parts of the spleen consist of red pulp, white pulp and marginal zone. The spleen is supplied with numerous blood vessels and it performs the crucial function of filtering blood and helps in various other immune functions. The spleen consists of lymphocytes and macrophages, two immune system cells that help in resisting against the external agents and viruses.

Various signs that affect the health of a dog are as mentioned below.
  • Many dogs develop pale gums that may be due to the bleeding into the abdomen or due to a tumor that has ruptured.
  • Abdomen stretching or abdominal enlargement.
  • Areas in the abdomen can show hard masses or lumps.
  • Weakness, lethargy and lack of playfulness in the dog.
  • Loss of appetite in dogs
  • Dark, port wine colored urine due to the passage of blood cells and hemoglobin.
Spleen Complications
Spleen problems are a sign of some underlying dog illness, that may be affecting your dog. Various spleen problems that can affect a dogs have been mentioned below.

Splenic Torison
Splenic torison is a spleen problem that affects deep chested dogs. In this case, the spleen enlarges (called splenomegaly in medical terminology) because the blood vessels twist and the spleen is over filled with blood. Blood clots develop in the blood vessels and the spleen dies off, a condition known as of necrosis.

Hemorrhage in spleen can occur due to accidents or due to the rupturing of a tumor that hasn't yet been treated. Hemorrhage in the serious cases can lead to death.

Hemangiosarcoma is a tumor of the spleen that frequently results in the rupturing of the spleen. There is severe internal bleeding in this case and this tumor spreads slowly to the brain, lungs, liver, spinal cords, skin, muscle and even the fat under the skin.

Lymphosarcoma is a cancer of the lymphocytes that may involve the spleen. In fact, cancer of the white blood cells (leukemia) and mast cells (mastocytoma ) are known to effect the spleen.

Canine spleen problems are usually diagnosed by following ways.
  • The blood count of the dog is measured.
  • Urinalysis and checking of past medical complications.
  • Radiographs for chest in order to detect cancers.
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen area to examine the spleen, liver and other organs in that vicinity.
Timely treatment is essential in order to save the dog from spleen diseases. Various treatments are as follows.
  • Administering intravenous fluids and blood transmission in the case of splenic torison. It is called stabilization.
  • Monitoring the heart for improper heart rhythm.
  • Surgeries can be performed in the case of a liver and spleen biopsy, examining the abdominal area of the body.
  • Fluid therapy is given after the surgeries.
It can be treated in the initial stages of the disease. However, there are some potential threats related to the surgeries or the treatments. It is advisable to strictly follow the veterinarian's advice, take proper dog care and go for the safest mode of treatment.

Posted on 1:59 PM

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Pets make perfect company and in their own way, they can make us feel wanted and cared for. But it isn't easy looking after a pet. One needs to devote time and energy to truly be in sync with the pet. Only then, can one get the best out of the experience of owning a pet. In this fast-paced life, not everyone has the time needed, to devote to a pet. So what does one do if one really wants a pet? The best option will be to opt for low-maintenance pets, which are usually happy in their own company and do not require too much attention from you, unlike dogs. If you get a dog, you will have to spend lots of time with him, else he will become lonely and depressed. If you are a working professional who is always on the go, and can't be there 24*7 attending to the pet, then small, low-maintenance pets are ideal for you.

Low-Maintenance Family Pets

If you are planning to get your family their first pet, then your best approach is to pick one whose care is easy. Low-maintenance pets like fish, birds and cats are ideal.

Fish: You can get home one or two goldfish, or if you think you can handle more, you can get a small aquarium with a school of small fish. Looking after fish is pretty easy, one has to feed them once a day and change the water once in two weeks. These days automatic food dispensers are available, so all you need to do is fill it once in 10 days and the machine looks after feeding the fish. You can also get a filter fitted in the aquarium, so that the cleaning is done automatically. The most common low-maintenance aquarium fish are catfish, guppies, mollies, sword-tails and betta fish.

Birds: As far as birds are concerned, exotic species and large birds need a lot of maintenance. So pick one that is small and which requires minimum maintenance. The advantage of owning a bird is that they have reasonable social skills, so your bird will be interacting with you. They supposedly have the social skills of 2-year-olds, and the intelligence level of 5-year-olds! Low-maintenance birds require a simple diet and minimum grooming. You can pick parakeets, hummingbirds, lovebirds, crannies or finches as pets. Birds make wonderful pets, and your house will always be cheerful with their happy and playful chirping sounds.

Cats: For a first time pet owner, cats can be ideal pets. They are much easier to look after than dogs since they are highly independent, and do not require as much attention as dogs. They groom themselves and they can even find food for themselves, which makes them ideal low-maintenance pets. Just leave adequate food and water for them, and they will take care of themselves. Besides which, you will not have to worry about rodents anymore! Imagine coming home to a soft fur ball, or watching late night TV with your cat curled up on your lap..

Low-Maintenance Pets for Kids

The perfect way to instill a sense of responsibility in a child, is gifting him a low-maintenance pet. The child will bond with it and learn to care for it. The best pets for kids are ant farms, hamsters and lizards.

Ant Farm: Children will love ant farms, since they require minimum maintenance and are educational as well. The best thing about this, is that one can actually build an ant farm at home. The only thing that a child needs to do, is keep the ant farm in a safe place and provide food for the farm.

Hamsters: Hamsters are another option for good low-maintenance pets for kids. Caring for hamsters and guinea pigs is not very tedious. The child just needs to provide them with food and water. As far as cleaning of the cage is concerned, you can always help out, till your child learns to do it himself.

Lizards: For those who love reptiles, lizards would be perfect pets, although they require slightly more maintenance than the rest of the low-maintenance pets, as regards the temperature, lighting, space, etc. But these are not very demanding things and can be taken care of without much hassle. Lizards make ideal pets, for children who have fur allergies. If you think your child can handle giving live food and provide supervision during the breeding season, then lizards as pets are perfect.

Some More Examples
  • Hermit crabs
  • Turtles
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Chinchillas
  • Mini Rabbits
  • Pacman Frogs
  • Chickens
  • Small snakes
  • Hedgehogs
  • Sugar Gliders
  • Tarantulas
  • Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
In their own way, pets can teach us wonderful lessons. They are great stress busters, and a nice way to be connected to nature. Many times, we tend to forget that animals too can feel and show emotions. For first time pet owners, this can be an incredible experience. So go ahead and get home a low-maintenance pet. It can be a very beautiful and humbling experience, to love and be loved by these wonderful creatures!

Posted on 11:07 PM

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Even if you have given a healthy diet along with the recommended vaccination and routine medical care, there are chances that your pet can be sick. Just like humans, dogs can fall sick, even if, they receive the greatest of hygiene. There can be numerous types of illness which can range from mild or severe depending on their causes. The most important question is how to treat a sick dog so that it comes back to its normal healthy self. There are several steps you can take and the most important of them is giving a healthy diet.

Is my Dog Sick

Is your dog sick and how can that be determined? You need to observe the dog's behavior, besides its appearance. If your dog is ill, it would stop drinking and eating. Moreover, lethargy would creep into their daily activities as they would be dehydrated due to lack of water in the body. If your pet stops eating it means there is something seriously wrong, and you need to seek medical help immediately. You can also try to get a reading of its body temperature. Usually the body temperature of a dog is in the range of 100.2 to 100.5 F, and if the temperature is more than that, you need to take your pet to the vet.

If your pet is ill, take a look at its gums, normally the gums would be pinkish in color, but if your pet is sick, the color changes to yellow, blue, gray or white. If there is a change in color of the gums, it may indicate disruption in the flow of blood, anemia or internal bleeding. In addition to that observe if your pet is in pain. Restlessness, panting and drooling are some of the other sick dog symptoms which indicates pain.

Symptoms of a Sick Dog

There are several signs and symptoms which you can observe to determine a sick dog. Diagnosis would include some tests so as to determine the exact cause of dog illness. Some of the most common symptoms of a sick dog along with their causes include:
  • Bad breath and Bleeding gums - Periodontal Disease
  • Bloody Stools - Intestinal blockage, dog worms and cracks on the skin surface of the intestine
  • Blood discharged with urine - Internal injury, kidney disease or urinary tract infection
  • Brownish discharge from the ears - Ear infection
  • Lameness - Injury to the hip or elbow
  • Reduction in the Frequency of Urination - Kidney stones
  • Reduction in Frequency of Bowel movement - Partial Bowel Blockage and Constipation
  • Irritated Skin - Parasitic infection
  • Inflated Ears or frequent shaking of head - Ear Infection
  • Thirst - Excessive thirst in dogs may indicate Liver disease, kidney disease or canine diabetes
  • Loss of Hair - Dog allergies or parasitic infection
  • Diarrhea - Dog's upset stomach may indicate Infection by corona or canine parvo virus, dog flu, stress or change in diet
  • Coughing - Heart disease, heartworm, pneumonia or windpipe blockage
  • Lumps - Tumors, cyst, ulceration
  • Constipation - Intestinal blockage or change in diet
Sick Dog Won't Eat

Besides the above mentioned sick dog symptoms, you need to look out whether your pet eats enough or not. If it doesn't, it's a sure shot sign that there is something wrong. Many a time your pet would eat in your presence but may not eat when alone. So you need to be careful of that as well. Always remember that a sick dog will never do anything that would reveal its sickness, its you who have to find out.

What to Feed a Sick Dog

Whenever you find that your dog is sick, make sure that you give it a lot of water as it helps in keeping body hydrated. Most of the time it has been found that if a dog is ill, it won't drink, thereby reducing the amount of water in the body. So you need to give it enough water, but make sure that it does not drink too much at one go. Moreover, if your dog is sick never try to feed foods rich in complex proteins and fats. Cottage cheese and simple rice should be given so that they can easily be digested. You can also give it rice cereal and baby foods.

However, if you give such foods when your pet is sick, there will be times when it won't like it, so to make it more appetizing, you can add ground lamb or cooked hamburger with the rice. Canines love oatmeal, so you should provide it whenever possible, but make sure that cook it without adding sugar or salt.

Therefore a sick dog needs to cared for, so give it enough nutritious dog foods so that it can recover fast. Observe it carefully, especially its behavior so that you know that it's sick or else the condition may lead to dangerous consequences.

Posted on 4:28 AM

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Although both cats and dogs can make great pets, dogs are generally more popular among humans. I cannot personally understand that, since cats are so cute and adorable and they don't scare you by barking, and some cats very rarely meow. But it all boils down to one's preferences, I suppose.

There still are some very special reasons for which a cat hater could easily be turned into a cat lover. These creatures have had it rough ever since medieval times, when they were seen as the perfect companions for witches and wizards. The funny thing about black cats is that people still fear them nowadays, suspecting the poor creatures of having malicious intents like bringing them bad luck. Yet they can be very beautiful, with their silky, dark coats and their vivid green eyes. And if you own such a pet, it's a great way to test your friends' and neighbors' level of belief in superstitions on special occasions like Halloween.

Although dogs are considered man's best friends, due to their presumed loyal nature, cats prove to be even more loyal if we come to think that they do not respond to a stranger in the same way they respond to their owners. They are in fact loyal strictly to the ones that have raised them, taken care of them and shown them affection. They are regarded as independent and distrustful, when they are in fact trustworthy if we consider the fact that they would immediately run away and hide if they don't know you as their master. So they are somehow wiser than dogs.

Apart from all that, cats can be also extremely intelligent animals. They can be very amusing for their owners, unlike pet fish, hamsters, turtles or guinea-pigs. If they have toys, even ones that contain catnip, they won't get bored and they may feel very happy to let you join their joyful games.

Most people would agree that cats are simply incredibly cute, in everything they do, how they sleep, play with their toys, twist their bodies in the funniest ways, jump, etc. For those who live either in the countryside, or still in town, but in a house, not an apartment, owning a cat for a pet is really great, since this animal can catch mice and insects, and therefore requires very little attention from the human part. And of course, they would most probably not refuse some milk whenever offered.

Unlike dogs who need a lot of grooming and special food in order to look healthy and nice, cats are low maintenance. All you need for them is a litter box, that needs to be cleaned almost every day, a food bowl, some toys, and if you really insist on taking good care of your pet, a hair brush. Cats don't really need to be bathed very often, despite the fact that many cat owners feel obliged to wash their pets, to spray them, perfume them, and so on. Some cat owners even wash them only at a few months' distance, because cats take care of their personal hygiene themselves.

As for dogs, they are not so easy to maintain, they need a lot of expenses. The dog also needs to take baths regularly and to be walked at least twice a day, so it's ideal for retired people who have plenty of spare time. Dogs can certainly make wonderful companions, as they adjust their daily routine to their owners', notorious for their self-sacrifice spirit which makes them "man's best friends". Many people don't like cats because they think they are self-centered and show fake affection and devotion. In my opinion, cats are really honest animals. When they are hungry, they honestly ask for food, when they don't like something they leave the room. The thing is dogs are more obedient than cats, which are generally highly self-sufficient. If you want to be friends with your pet cat, you have to "respect its cattitude".

Despite their reputation as selfish animals, cats can give amazing displays of affection and gratitude towards humans. They get sad when their owners leave home for longer periods of time, and show their genuine joy upon their masters' return.

Posted on 9:32 PM

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Lately your dog is not being his/her usual self. The eating habits are changing, which means, both of you have been facing some tough times for a while. Perhaps your dog isn't as active as before. After running other important tests, the vet finds out that your dog is in need of a low protein diet. Age can be one of the reasons (but not always) which quite in fact pose as an alarming issue for any dog owner, and can force you to switch from a normal diet to low protein diet. In the following article, we will read through the reasons for why a dog might require a low protein diet, how to choose from various commercial brands that offer this diet, and some healthy recipes to be made at home.

Reasons for Low Protein Diet

Typically, any dog breed will usually need at least 25% protein levels in their regular food, regardless of age. So we should just leave this "age related" assumption out for a little while. However, there are certain dog illnesses that makes it impossible for them to consume foods which are high in protein. The necessity for this diet is because there may be some serious health concerns for your dog; typically health problems which affect the urinary tract. Other health risks can be:
  • Canine renal disease
  • Genetic kidney problems
  • Congenital kidney disease
  • Chronic kidney failure
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Tendency of forming urinary stones
  • Acute kidney failure
Due to these health risks, the vet will prescribe a change in your diet. According to this, there are many commercial dry and canned dog food varieties which cater to low protein dog food. Few of these brands are Solid Gold Holistique, Natural Balance, and Flint River Ranch Senior. These brands are lower in protein than any other normal dog food and since it becomes highly essential for your dog, you should introduce them in your dog's diet immediately. As these foods are available with a prescription, make sure you get complete information from the vet and research some more on your own. This is because instead of subjecting your dog to this diet without consulting a vet and not having enough information of the store-bought dog foods, could make your dog more sick.

Dog Food Brands

As you read above, we briefly discussed which brands offer foods for your dog, we need to go in a bit more detail. Now, while searching for the best low protein food, understand this, you are keeping the high quality of food into consideration as well. If your dog has been diagnosed with a renal disease, there are certain nutritional concerns that have to be taken care of. Before purchasing the food, keep in mind...
  • The brand of dog food has low phosphorus levels. As phosphorus is maintained by your dog's body which later on causes an instability between the calcium and potassium levels.
  • The brand of dog food has high levels of vitamin D3 and calcium. Your dog will easily absorb calcium, to prevent bone fractures.
  • Brands like Eukanuba, Purina Veterinary Diet, IVD Select Care, Waltham's Royal Canin, and Hill's Prescription Diet are specially formulated for low protein diet.
  • The brand of dog food has natural ingredients listed instead of any chemical preservatives. Introduction of toxins in your dog's body will be filtered by the kidneys and liver.
Dog Food Recipes

In this section, we will go over some homemade dog recipes which are low in protein and phosphorus, high in potassium, and has normal to low sodium. Consult with the veterinarian before you decide to prepare these nutritious meals. It's better to be on the safer side than take any risks with your dog's health; and the veterinarian is better informed on your dog's medical history, ability to intake certain foods, and which foods will fit properly for his current health.

Egg and Potatoes

  • 3 cups potato
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tablespoon chicken fat
  • 1 calcium carbonate tablets
  • multiple vitamin/mineral tablet

Cook the egg and boil the potato, keep the skin on. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl and refrigerate any leftover in an airtight container. If you wish to make this low protein recipe with normal amount of phosphorus, you can incorporate calcium carbonate tablets instead of 3 bone meal tablets. The meal has about 600 kcal, ideal for any 18 lb. dog.

Beef and Potatoes

  • 3 cups potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons chicken fat
  • 2 oz lean ground beef
  • 1 calcium carbonate tablets
  • multiple vitamin/mineral tablet

Cook the ground beef in chicken fat and add all ingredients in. You can also refrigerate any leftover in an airtight container. If you wish to make this food with normal amount of phosphorus, you can incorporate 1 calcium carbonate tablets instead of 4 bone meal tablets. The meal has about 737 kcal, ideal for any 23-24 lb. dog.

Chicken and Tapioca

  • 2 cups tapioca
  • 2 tablespoons chicken fat
  • 1 calcium carbonate tablets
  • cup chicken breast
  • multiple vitamin/mineral tablet

Cook chicken breast in chicken fat; cook tapioca as well. If you wish to make this food with normal amount of phosphorus, you can incorporate 1 calcium carbonate tablets instead of 5-6 bone meal tablets. The meal has about 763 kcal, ideal for any 24-25 lb. dog.

These were some beneficial recipes that can be easily made at home and fed to your dog. Again I would like to mention consulting with the veterinarian before you include any type of foods in your dog's diet. Remember, if your dog requires a low protein diet, then only it should be incorporated; not due to age or your own personal choice.

Posted on 12:29 AM

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Friday, May 22, 2015

Pugs have often been called the 'much in little', because of their loving and expressive nature. This breed falls within the 'toy dogs' category because of their small physique. It has been noticed that pugs are vulnerable to many health problems, some of which are genetic in nature, and some occur because of their unique physical structure. Pugs, unlike other breeds of dogs, have a very flat snout, which makes it very difficult for them to breathe. They usually breathe from the mouth. The second complication is the lack of a protective skeletal brow ridge, which causes the skin to fall over its face and form creases. This causes the dog's eyes to be comparatively more vulnerable to infection and injury.

Caring for a Pug

Facial Wrinkles
The folds on a pug's face end up collecting a lot of muck. The reason being that teacup pugs spend a lot of time lolling around, with their faces on the carpet, in the garden, on the floor, and in their food bowls . The wrinkles trap grime, dirt and food particles, which tends to smell after some time. It would be ideal to clean the pug's facial wrinkles at least twice a week. However, this part of the skin is very sensitive and will require an immense amount of care while cleaning. You can clean the area using a cotton ball or a fluffy Q-tip. Do not use a hard bound Q-tip as this might injure the inner areas of the fold. You will need some warm water, a few drops of antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide diluted with it, and a paper napkin. Wet the Q-tip with warm water and then gently clean the inner folds. If you find the area wet or infected, you must use some more antiseptic and clean out the gunk. You will need to get your pet checked by a vet in case the infection shows no signs of relenting.

Eye Corners
You should be extremely careful while cleaning the corners of a pug's eyes. They have extra sensitive eyes, which need special attention. Wear a surgical glove and dip you little finger in warm water. Use you finger to gently slide the grime and mucus out of the corners of the eyes. If the grime has hardened up, wet it with some water and gently slide the muck out. You can use your fingers to clean the pug's facial folds above the eyes as well, or repeat the process using a cotton ball or Q-tip. It would be best to finish all of this in one sitting, every once or twice in a week.

Ear Cleaning
Clean the ears only when they are dirty and need cleaning, which would ideally be every once in a month. Pugs really have tiny ear openings, which is why all you need to do is to clean the area around the opening. If there is dirt inside the ear, take a soft Q-tip, wet it and gently slide the dirt out.

Nail Trimming
An older pug will make it very difficult for you to clip its nails, which is why it is better to try to keep plating with its feet, when it's still a pup. Pug nails grow at a very fast pace and need trimming every month. If you cannot manage this task, you can take your pet to a dog salon. However, it is best if you clip the pet's nails yourself, as the dog trusts you more than anyone else. All you need to do is, use one of those special dog nail clippers, and simply trim the excess nail growth which is curving out from the tip. Always clip the nails when your pug is in deep sleep, as it makes the task a lot easier. It's very important to keep the nails short for pugs especially, because they find it hard to walk with long nails, and these nails can end up causing severe injuries to the dog.

Teeth Cleansing
You will also need to brush your dog's teeth every week. Try getting the dog to like the taste of the toothpaste before you attempt to brush its teeth. When you do clean the teeth, carry out the task in quick successions, so that the pug doesn't chew on the brush or tries to break it.

In order to be able to carry out all these grooming tips, you must ideally start when the pug is still a puppy. It will get used to the process and will not mind the pampering sessions.

Posted on 3:04 AM

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The condition of stroke was considered as one of the rare medical occurrences in canines. However, with the advent and improvement of specialist tests, it has been found that this condition is fairly common in most types of dogs. So what is a stroke exactly. This disorder is defined as a condition wherein, part of the brain is devoid of adequate blood supply thus, causing a dearth in oxygen in the brain tissues and cells, eventually causing them to die. A stroke can occur in two forms; ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. The former type is known to be the most common types of strokes. It occurs when the brain arteries are narrowed and blocked (usually caused by a blood clot) thus keeping the brain from receiving enough blood to survive. And a less common occurrence is the other type, wherein, a blood vessel in the brain is caused to leak or rupture. Speaking of canine stroke prognosis, it basically refers to a prediction about how the condition would develop and what could be the most possible repercussion. And this prediction is done based on the experiences of hundreds of other dogs with the same condition.

What Influences the Prognosis of Canine Stroke?

Factors such as symptoms may give a clue about the current course of the condition, and the cause, about the severity. Also the complications of the problem may help to determine about how well the treatment can go, and the treatment itself can help in predicting the survival rate of the affected dog.

So how do you know if your pet has contracted this condition. When compared to human beings, canine stroke symptoms are different. Some of the most common symptoms which may indicate that the pet has had a stoke include:
  • The animal may be seen tilting its head to a side, or walking in a leaning posture. According to experts, the side of the brain that has damaged is the side to which the dog may lean towards or tilt its head.
  • The animal may become weak and appear so, as well
  • Losing balance is one important symptom that must be watched out for
  • The affected dog might turn to the wrong way when called
  • Losing control of bladder and bowel is another classic symptom of a dog that has suffered a stroke. So you may find your pet voiding in unexpected or unwanted places
  • Loss of appetite, lethargy, and behaving abnormally are the other symptoms
There could be many factors which can lead to the development of stroke in canines. The ones that vet commonly come across may include:
  • Disease of the kidneys
  • Diabetes
  • Disease of the heart
  • Parasitic infection
  • Tumors
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
  • Vasculitis
  • Injuries and trauma
Among these causes, some of them commonly cause the ischemic stroke, while some are associated with the hemorrhagic one.

Depending upon the cause, the complications may vary. First, the symptoms which have been mentioned above may become permanent or stay for a temporary period, depending on how severe was the stroke. In addition to these, some dogs might become blind or develop paralysis. Also, the part of the brain that has been affected, and the underlying cause determine the severity of the condition.

The treatment aims at correcting what has caused the stroke in your canine. Determining the specific cause or causes, not only help in the present situation, but also in preventing future strokes. For instance, if the cause is a parasitic infection, then worming the animal would be good enough for dealing with the condition. And if the cause is a chronic one, let's say, diabetes, then long-term treatment to control it may be put in place.


After studying the symptoms and knowing about what has caused the condition, a vet is able to predict the outcome of the condition. For instance, if the cause is a chronic one, then it is most unlikely that the animal would have a duly recovery. Dogs who receive prompt treatment, needless to say, have a brighter prognosis. Also, the same depends on how long has the animal survived after having diagnosed with the condition. Animals who have a longer survival, are known to have a better prognosis. In most cases, dogs are known to recover on their own within a few weeks. However, if the stroke has damaged a vital part of the brain, then the recovery and the prognosis may look bleak, depending on whether the condition can be treated properly.

What has to be understood is, prognosis is a mere prediction and must not be deemed to stand true always. It may happen that a dog whose prognosis is not a bright one, may have a full recovery, while one who was thought to be otherwise, did not show any positive results.

Posted on 4:52 AM

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Sniff sniff!
Dogs have the ability to smell hypoglycemia and alert their owners to take measures before the attack. Most trainers claim that accuracy of trained canines to warn low blood sugar is 90%. But what if your dog has this condition. In that case, you must learn to identify the symptoms...Glucose is the main source of energy for humans and animals. It is obtained when the body breaks down carbohydrates from foods. There are many factors which might cause the blood glucose to drop to dangerously low levels causing a condition called hypoglycemia. According to most experts, in dogs, hypoglycemia occurs when their blood glucose levels fall below 70 mg/dl. The condition affects puppies more severely than adult dogs. Severely hypoglycemic puppies can have seizures or go into a coma. Sometimes, affected puppies may succumb to the condition. Being aware of the main symptoms of the condition can help you act before it gets too late to save your pet.

Your Dog May be Hypoglycemic if he... more lethargic or sleepier than usual. showing signs of depression, nervousness or anxiety for no apparent reason.
...has muscle weakness or has a wobbly gait.
...walks with a tilted head. abnormally hungry or thirsty.
...has dilated pupils. sweating more than usual, and has trembling lips. not responding to your calls. having trouble seeing.
...has jerky or clumsy body movements.
...has seizures. going into a coma.

Things you Can Do

Once you notice the symptoms of hypoglycemia in your dog, feed him with corn syrup or similar sugar products. Administer the syrup with a needleless syringe. Avoid giving any liquid if your dog is unconscious; simply rub the sugar on the gums and under the tongue. This should be done before you take your pet to a veterinary hospital.

When the blood sugar level drops, dogs may feel extremely cold and so keeping them warm is also important.

Any medicines which have been prescribed by the vet should be followed according to the recommended dosages, and regular check-ups are a must.

Regular and frequent feeding (4 times a day), routine vaccinations, and deworming procedures should also be a part of the treatment for low blood sugar in dogs.

Susceptible Dog Breeds

1. Dogs employed mainly for hunting activities
- Such dogs are highly susceptible to hypoglycemia given their intense physical exertion.

2. Diabetic dogs
- Insulin overdose puts such dogs at high risk of low blood sugar.

3. Toy breed puppies especially those who are 6 and 12 weeks of age
- They lack the ability to regulate their blood sugar levels.

4. Dogs with insulinoma (tumor of the pancreas)
- Such tumors secrete insulin which acts to lower glucose levels in the blood.

Hypoglycemia in dogs is not a severe condition if it is tend to immediately. Owners whose dogs are diabetic must exercise extra caution. They should keep a close watch on their pets for any signs of low or high blood sugar level and also see to it that they are getting the proper amount of feeding and exercise too.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a qualified vet.

Posted on 8:45 AM

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Recently, there was a report released by The Centers for Disease Control that highlighted the risks of allowing your pets to sleep in your bed. It kicked up quite a storm, and irked many pet owners who followed the practice of letting their cats or dogs sleep with them. Is it really so dangerous to let pets sleep in the same bed as you do? Find out in the following paragraphs.

Sleeping with Pets - Is it Dangerous?

The answer is YES and NO! People who own pets usually treat the pets as a family member and do not distinguish them in any way. They are allowed on the sofas, are given hugs and kisses and cuddles just like everyone else in the family is, and are even allowed to sleep in the owner's bed if they find it comfortable. Is sleeping with pets dangerous? Ask a pet owner this, and 6 out of 10 times, you may get a look that tells you the owner hasn't even thought about it.

The whole "sleeping with pets may kill you" issue is a very recent one. Pets can carry harmful pathogens which, if they are transmitted to our body, can actually lead to many scary and really dangerous conditions or diseases. But it all depends and varies from individual to individual. A family friend of mine had a pet who WAS NOT allowed in his daughter's bed, but she still caught a horrible skin condition, and the doctors advised the family to leave the pet if they wanted their daughter to be healthy, because she was apparently, allergic to dog hair! But, to defeat that one case, I know many, many friends who own pets, allow them to sleep in their beds and are still as healthy as horses! The chances of people dying due to pets sleeping in the same bed are slim, not grim. I myself, have a German Shepherd who sleeps in my bed, and I'm fit and fine, hale and hearty, and all that, so I guess, it's a matter of personal choice and preferences, and the hygiene of your pet.

Points to Keep in Mind Before Letting Your Pet in Your Bed

It is better to keep in mind that although we love our pets and they are like our kids to us, they are still built differently from us, and need special care and grooming to keep them clean and hygienic. There are certain pathogens - viruses and bacteria - that love your pet almost as much as or probably more than you do, since their survival depends on them which is why they breed on your pet's body. So, that is one major risk factor when you are letting your pet sleep with you. If you are keeping your pet clean and healthy and you yourself are healthy and fit, then it's OK to let your pet sleep in your bed. But to do that, here are a few things that you should keep in mind before you let your sweetheart leap into bed with you.
  • Make sure that your pet is regularly vaccinated, so that he is safe from diseases. Once that is taken care of, you are safe too, since you won't contract any diseases from him.
  • De-worm your pet regularly, so that chances of infections due to any sort of worms - hookworm, tapeworm, ringworm, etc., - are greatly reduced or eliminated.
  • If your pet has been infested with ticks, fleas, or anything else, then it is better to have him treated for it immediately, and it's advisable to not allow him in your bed for the duration of the treatment.
  • If your pet has had some injury recently and the wound is still open, then treat it with antiseptic on priority, and disallow your pet to get into bed with you till the wound heals. The bacteria from our body can be transferred to him and vice-versa. Once the wound is healed, he can be the king of your bed again.
  • Remember to not let your pet sleep in the same bed as an infant. Infants do not have a fully developed and strong immune system, so they cannot fight off the mildest pathogens that can get transferred to them through pets. This makes them extra susceptible to diseases.
  • Also, if you have been ill recently, then it is best to refrain from letting your pet in your bed. Your germs can infect him, and since your immune system is weakened, you can get a host of other illnesses from the germs that may be on your pet.
  • If your pet has the habit of licking his private areas, either find a solution for it, or do not let him lick you. No matter how much you love your pet, it cannot possibly seem reasonable to you, to let him lick his butt, and then prance to you and lick your face! I'm crazy about my pet too, but I wouldn't stand for this.
  • Pets' mouths are hot breeding places for bacteria and germs. So if you let your pet lick and kiss you often, make it a point to wash that part off immediately so that the bacteria are killed and you are safe. This way, you get the best of both worlds! Ensure that you are using a good antiseptic and disinfecting soap.
  • If your pet has just come from outside, there is a good chance that he has stepped in lots of rubbish on the street. It is best to clean his paws thoroughly before letting him into the house, so that once he is in, his movements are not restricted. He can jump on your bed all he wants.
  • Maintain proper hygiene of your pet. Give him regular baths, get him treated for fleas and ticks regularly, brush his teeth, and keep him clean. This will ensure that his presence in your bed will not be a cause for alarm.
Keeping pets out of bed simply because they carry pathogens from outside into your house is a pretty lame argument, because if you are so scared of contracting pathogens from outside, you shouldn't be getting out of your house at all! Many people are outraged by the idea of kicking their pets out of their beds. If you take care of the points mentioned above, you won't have to do that. But your love for your pet shouldn't be blind. I've heard of pet owners who feed their pets from their own plates, with their bare hands and then continue eating food themselves! This is totally unnecessary and definitely taking things too far. What this proves more than the fact that you love your pet, is that you absolutely lack common sense! You have to draw the line somewhere, and somewhere reasonable I mean. Why sleeping with pets is bad, is because you are in closer contact with germs than otherwise. But that should be taken care of, if you follow all the points I've mentioned above. As long as you are able to do that, you can hug your pet all night, if you so wish.

Posted on 5:15 AM

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Friday, May 15, 2015

When a dog suffers from any skin complications, it becomes very frustrating for the owner. So your pet needs proper care to avoid any kind of diseases. Due to unhygienic conditions, your dog may suffer from different kinds of skin allergies, one of them being skin bumps. These bumps are mainly of two kinds, small bumps and large bumps. Small bumps are referred to as papules while the large ones are referred to as nodules. In order to treat different types of bumps, proper diagnosis and microscopic examination are required.

Skin bumps on dogs can make your pet restless. They will tend to scratch endlessly due to itchy skin. Excessive scratching can cause the skin to redden and may also give rise to other skin infections like hot spots, rashes, etc. Your pet will also tend to appear irritated and you will observe a sudden change in your dog's behavior.

Causes of Skin Bumps on Dogs

Contact with Allergens
One of the commonly observed causes of skin bumps on dogs is their contact with allergens. Different kinds of allergens like dust, pollens, etc. are present in the environment which can have an adverse effect on the dog's skin resulting in bumps. Tiny organisms like virus and bacteria are also responsible to some extent for the development of skin bumps. These allergens can severely affect the dog's health.

Insect Bite
Another common reason which can give rise to skin bumps is insect bite. The bumps which are developed due to insect bites do not require any kind of treatment, most of the time and they heal within a week or two. But if the insect is venomous, then appropriate treatment is required. At times, bite from such kind of insects can trigger other dog illnesses.

Plugging of Oil Glands
Plugging of oil glands is also responsible for bumps in dogs. If the oil glands are plugged, they block the pores on the surface of the skin, thereby giving rise to a cyst-like appearance in that area.

Other Common Reasons
Cancer can also be one of the reasons for the development of these kinds of bumps. In such cases, diagnosis and treatment at the right time is a must. Constant licking of a particular area by the dog can also give rise to bump. Other reasons responsible for this problem is excessive or deficient production of hormones. If dog worms, affect your dog, the skin becomes sensitive to different infections, and hence, it may become more susceptible to bumps.

Treatment Options

Keeping the dog's skin clean may help in curing bumps. Make sure to bathe your pet in warm water regularly. This will help in keeping the dog's skin clean and will also help in killing bacteria and other allergens which are responsible for these kinds of bumps. You can use shampoos with antibiotic property and those which contain benzoyl peroxide as they are effective in killing harmful bacteria. Cover the bumps with bandage or use collars which prevent the situation from aggravating.

If you notice skin bumps on your pet dog, take him to a veterinarian immediately to check the severity of the condition. Most of the time, these bumps can be treated with the help of medications. But in some cases, if the bumps become chronic, then surgical operation has to be performed in order to remove it. In most cases, the bumps heal within a few days of starting the medication. But, if in case these are cancerous bumps, they might take time to heal completely. Other than that, take care that your dog does not lick the skin bump else, it can aggravate the situation.

These are the commonly observed reasons for skin bumps on dogs. Other than that, canine acne, reaction to a drug or injection, etc. are also responsible for the bumps. If appropriate treatment measures are not taken, the skin bumps on dogs might become severe and even spread to other parts of the body. Keep your dog well-groomed and clean in order to keep it away from skin bumps and other dog allergies. Feeding your dog with healthy dog foods is important, so make sure to consult your vet on the appropriate food you need to feed your pet.

Posted on 2:22 AM

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Monday, May 11, 2015

One of the greatest joys of one's life is to be able to own an adorable dog. This loyal companion offers you unending affection, care, love and protection. However, in order to continue receiving the same affection and care for years to come, you do need to ensure maximum dog care. As you know, dogs are not disease immune and hence, they do suffer from a few illnesses in the course of time. You also must be aware of the huge medical bills that you need to pay for smallest of the pet health problems. It is proven in many statistical analyzes, that show that over 10 billion dollars are spent on dog health care by the American dog owners. Well, you can definitely find a solution for this in the form of pet insurance for your dog!

Dog Health Insurance Reviews and Comparison

If you own a dog, the pet health insurance is the best assistance that you can ever get that assures money saving in various situations ranging from costly medical tests, surgeries and transplants. Dogs are prone to illnesses with weak immune system at younger as well as older age. Along with medical conditions, dogs are also at risk of fatal accidents. If you have a dog health insurance, then about 80% of your dog care expenditure can be saved, which saves you from burning quite a huge hole in your pocket. For that, you always need to get the best dog and pet health insurance plans with flexible terms and conditions. You need to shortlist the best dog health insurance companies and then select the best of them, that fits in all your demands and requirements.

Before you check out the reviews of any company, you need to understand a few things to look for in an insurance plan. The best thing to do is to compare pet insurance plans and suit the medical history and current health condition of your dog. There are a few things that should affect your selection criteria for dog health insurance. These things include the number of dogs that you have, terms and regulations of the dog health insurance company (which are mentioned on the quotation of the company), amount that you need to pay to the company as deductibles and premiums, pet insurance cost, etc.

You also need to opt for pet insurance for preexisting conditions if your dog has any preexisting health problems. You can seek help from online discussions, forums or you can also consult vets or fellow dog owners about the best pet insurance for your dog.

PetFirst Dog Health Insurance
There are a few best pet insurance reviews for various plans that are provided by PetFirst that you can opt for. These plans are available on an average monthly rate of USD 25 to USD 50. They come in deductibles of USD 50, accident and illness coverage worth USD 7,500 to USD 15,000, preventive care worth USD 100 to USD 220, kennel fees worth USD 100 to USD 500, advertising and reward coverage up to USD 250 to USD 400, loss of pet refund up to USD 250 to USD 500, trip cancellation coverage up to USD 500 and cremation and burial worth USD 100. Trip cancellation and burial coverage is applicable to a certain pet insurance plans only. Names of the PetFirst insurance plans are: Comprehensive Basic, Core Preferred, Comprehensive Preferred and Comprehensive Preferred Plus pet health insurance plans.

Pets Best Dog Health Insurance
Pets Best health insurance tops most of the pet insurance comparison charts. This is a good insurance plan for dogs. This is one of the best pet insurance plans for your dog. There are four total plans of Pets Best amongst which two plans provide only accident coverage, while the rest of them provide both accident and illness coverage. You can get as much 80% coverage with USD 75 to USD 200 deductibles and optional wellness compensation if you are willing to pay extra for it. If you go through Pets Best dog health insurance reviews, dog health insurance cost of this insurance plan ranges in the gamut of USD 6 to USD 31 per month, which is pretty affordable, considering the coverage that they have on offer and the health and safety of your pet dog as well! Names of the various plans of Pets Best are: Pets Best Accident A, Pets Best Accident B, Pets Best Basic and Pets Best First.

PetPlan USA Pet Insurance
PetPlan USA Pet Insurance gets high rating in many pet health insurance reviews on the basis of least monthly dog health insurance rates or premium charges. Various plans of PetPlan USA Pet Insurance are available at the monthly charges of USD 8 to USD 10 or above. All plans of PetPlan USA Pet Insurance cover all accidents, dog illnesses and injuries. They also cover some of their hereditary conditions. These plans offer about USD 200 deductibles and covers 80% claims of reimbursement. If you are ready to pay additional premium, then you can get even 100% reimbursement. Even most basic plans of PetPlan USA Pet Insurance also offer you all the essential features of the best pet insurance, which is the reason why this is one of the most trusted dog health insurance company and hence, it also gets the best dog health insurance comparison reports in the US. Names of the PetPlan USA Pet Insurance plans are: PetsPlan USA Pet Insurance Bronze, PetPlan USA Pet Insurance Silver and PetsPlan USA Pet Insurance Gold.

Hartville, Pethealth, Embrace, VIP, Pet Assure, Trupanion, Healthy Paws, VetInsuranceUS, Pet Partners (AKC), PurinaCare, QuickCare, etc. are some other equally best companies when pet insurance comparison is made with those mentioned above. Dog health insurance reviews for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) are satisfactory as well. Well, this is where I conclude this article. I hope it was helpful to you in your quest of best pet health insurance for your dog!

Posted on 9:34 PM

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Friday, May 8, 2015

Vomiting is a very common occurrence in dogs as it is an in-built defense mechanism for them. It is a part of their basic primal nature of scavenging. If they consume something their body does not approve of, they will vomit it out. However, it can also be a sign of a serious health problem in dogs. We shall have a look at the causes in this article.

What is the Difference between Regurgitation and Vomiting in Dogs?
It is important to make ourselves familiar with two medical terms. These terms include regurgitation and vomiting. A dog may suffer from either of the two, and we need to understand the difference to help the pet in a better way. When a dog regurgitates, he does it without much effort to throw up. The food has never reached the stomach and is expelled from the esophagus itself. It will be partially digested food strewn across the floor. Vomiting on the other hand takes a lot of physical effort. The dog will forcibly throw up the contents of the stomach or intestine. You will find that the dog coughs and hackles, trying to forcibly expel the food out of his mouth. If you find the dog trying to eat up what he just vomited, stop him immediately. It not only sounds gross, but is not healthy for the dog to consume it again. Remember, there was a reason why it was lying on the floor and not in the dog's stomach.

Common Causes
Some of the most common reasons that lead to vomiting in dogs are as follows:

Intestinal Worms Causing TroubleIntestinal parasites are one of the most common causes of vomiting in dogs. Worms that lead to vomiting include hookworms and Giardia. Apart from vomiting, the dog may suffer from diarrhea, dehydration, anemia, abdominal pain and swelling, weight loss, etc. The dog requires deworming and supportive care to get rid of the intestinal parasitic infection.

Dog Eats Too Much, Too FastA very hungry dog that eats food too fast and eats more than his stomach can hold, may suffer from vomiting. You can avoid this scenario by making sure you feed the dog on time or increase the amount of dog food you feed him. Also, make sure that your dog does not overeat or else he may puke all over the floor.

Excess Stomach Acid and Bile, Upset TummyA dog who vomits brown or yellow fluid on the floor, especially before eating or early in the morning, suffers from an upset stomach. Excess of bile and stomach acids cause the dog to vomit. This happens especially when the dog remains hungry for a long period of time. It causes irritation of stomach that leads to vomiting. The best way to deal with it is by feeding the dog frequent meals. This will prevent an empty stomach. But, make sure the dog is fed smaller meals as you don't need to feed him more than his stomach can hold.

No Table Scraps and Sudden Diet Change, A Strict No-NoYou may want to share your food with your dog, but it may not go down well with his digestive system. Table scraps and human food can lead to vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Sometimes, a sudden change in dog food or introducing a new brand or food, may cause a stomach upset. The dog may be suffering from food intolerance or may have a sensitive stomach. Some dogs are not able to digest certain foods like milk and gluten. So, watch what you give your dog to eat.

Something's Stuck in the ThroatDogs have a habit of chewing on to anything and everything. Some may even swallow a toy or some non-edible object while playing. When a foreign object enters the digestive system, the dog will suffer from bouts of coughing and repeated vomiting. Similar behavior may occur if the dog eats up a lot of grass. The dog suffers from severe nausea and vomiting. Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately for help and get the object removed as soon as possible.

Bacterial or Viral Infection Giving the Dog a Hard TimeA microbial infection can also lead to vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Bacterial infections such as Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium and infections due to viruses like parvovirus, distemper and coronavirus will cause vomiting in dogs. Severe infections lead to excessive vomiting and diarrhea. This leads to dehydration and the dog requires immediate fluid therapy to prevent the body from going into shock.

If you observe vomiting in your dog, take him to the veterinarian for further check up. If possible, take along a sample of the vomit for further diagnosis. If the dog has vomited just once, he should not be given food or water for about 12 hours. You can give your dog a few ice cubes to suck on or water to drink. If he is able to withhold the water, feed him a little bland food. This includes boiled chicken and rice. Feed him after every few hours. If he vomits again, you may need to visit the veterinarian again. Antibiotics, antiemetics, etc. may be prescribed by the veterinarian to help control the dog's vomiting. Do not take a chance, especially if your dog vomits blood. It may be a sign of a serious health complication. Take corrective actions and help your dog remain healthy and happy.

Posted on 8:14 PM

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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Has your dog's breath been smelling more than usual lately? Halitosis or bad breath is a common problem in dogs. There are many reasons that can lead to problem of bad breath in dogs. While sometimes the duration for which bad breath in dogs persists is a short one, a long duration suggests a deep rooted problem which needs proper attention and a trip to the veterinarian. In this article, we give the reasons for bad breath in dogs and tell you what you can do to get rid of stinky dog breath.

Reasons for Bad Dog Breath

Of the many health problems in dogs, bad breath is one of the most common issues. What causes bad breath in dogs? Given below are some of the main reasons for bad breath in dogs.
  • One of the most common reasons is poor digestion. In case a dog is unable to digest his food properly, then it is possible that the dog may suffer from bad breath, especially dog breath that has the stench of fish.
  • Build up of plaque and tartar may also cause bad breath or halitosis. Plaque is a result of deposition of bacteria, minerals, and decomposed food on the dog's teeth.
  • Other periodontal diseases like tooth and gum problems could also lead to the problem of bad breath in dogs.
There are many other dog illnesses and conditions that may be responsible for bad dog breath. It is important to know about the cause of the condition before trying to figure out how to get rid of bad breath. The different conditions that can be the underlying cause include gastrointestinal infections, kidney diseases, mouth tumors, sinus infections, and gingivitis.

How to Get Rid of Your Dog's Bad Breath

Once you know what is the cause of breath problems, how do you get rid of bad breath problem that your dog is plagued by? There are couple of things that you can do at home that are a part of general dog care that will ensure that bad dog breath is not a common occurrence in your dog.

Proper Dental Care
One of the most important things is to ensure proper dental care for dogs. Brush your dog's teeth as often as possible. A general disregard for oral care may be responsible for the bad breath problem. Use a toothpaste specifically manufactured for dogs, and use a soft bristled toothbrush. If your dog does not allow you to use the toothbrush properly, use a finger brush. A finger brush can be easily worn over one's finger. Scrubbing your dog's teeth with baking soda may also help you reduce the plaque and bacteria problems. But use baking soda as one of the remedies for bad dog breath only if the toothpaste you are using is not making any difference to the oral hygiene problems. Giving your pet dog breath mints for dogs or using a dog breath spray for him may also do the trick where the problem at hand is concerned. Most of these products work in such a way that they do not allow a build up of tartar or plaque. These dog products are available in different flavors and you can opt to use for one that your dog seems to like.

Proper Diet
While there are home remedies for dog breath problems, it is always a good idea to check if you need to change the diet that you are giving your dog. It may be possible that the raw meat or canned food that you are feeding your dog is causing bad breath problems. Also keep an eye out to ensure that your dog is not eating out of the garbage can. Remember that the food you eat is not suitable for your dog. Ensure that you give him food that is healthy, digestible easily, and also nutritious. Change the brand of dog food that you feed your dog. That may be the cause of the bad breath problems. It may be a good idea to add fresh vegetables with a crunch to your pet's diet especially vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, zucchinis etc. These vegetables help you get rid of the particles of food that often get stuck in their teeth.

If the problems of bad breath continue to persist after you have tried all the methods to get rid of bad dog breath, then it may be a good idea to take your dog to the vet for a thorough check up. Many health problems in dogs often first show up in the form of minor symptoms like bad breath. Proper dog care and regular visits to the vet are essential to ensure that your dog is healthy.

Posted on 10:19 PM

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Monday, May 4, 2015

Have you ever heard of 'Bluey', the Australian cattle dog, which has been claimed to be the longest-living dog (29 years) till date. Another dog, named 'Bramble' lived to the age of 27 years. These claims are not verified or recorded, but the longest lifespan of a dog, according to records, is 24 years. Contrary to these figures, at present, the average lifespan of dogs, belonging to any breed or of undetermined descent, is assumed to be between 10 to 12 years. But a dog's life expectancy is dependent on various factors, the prominent one being its breed. Other than that, dog care, its size, gender, whether neutered or not, its diet and health, play an active role in determining the lifespan.

Lifespan of Various Dog Breeds

The breed of a dog is the most important factor, which is taken into account for calculating its lifespan. It may range from six to seven years in Irish wolfhound to a lifespan of 14 to 15 years, in miniature Dachshunds, miniature Poodles, Pomeranians and Tibetan terriers. The following list will give you the average life expectancy of some of the popular dog breeds.

Name of the Breed Life Expectancy
Irish Wolfhound, Bulldog 6 to 7 years
Bernese Mountain Dog, Bullmastiff, Great Dane 7 to 9 years
Doberman Pinscher, Rottweilers, Flat-Coated Retriever, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Scottish Deerhound 9 to 10 years
Boxer, English Toy Spaniel, German Shepherd, Norfolk Terrier, Weimaraner 10 to 12 years
American Cocker Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Bichon Frise, Labrador Retriever, Poodle, Maltese, Pugs, West Highland White Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier 12 to 14 years
Chihuahua, Jack Russell Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Miniature Schnauzer, Beagle, Shetland Sheepdog, Shih Tzu, Poodle (Miniature), Poodle (Toy), Miniature Dachshund, Pomeranian, Tibetan Terrier, Collie (Rough), Bearded Collie 14 to 15+ years

Even if there is an average lifespan for every breed of dog, some dogs may exceed the average lifespan for that particular breed and some others may fall short.

Factors Affecting Dog's Life Expectancy

Apart from the breed many factors like the size of the dog, its diet, its genetic makeup, health problems if any and breeding, can affect the average lifespan. It has been observed that dogs with large sizes live for a shorter lifespan, as compared to small-sized dogs. It is also believed that female dogs outlive their male counterparts by an average time span of around one and a half years, especially the spayed ones. In general, spaying or neutering, if done at a very young age, may positively affect the life expectancy of dogs. According to some studies, these procedures may prove beneficial for reducing the risk of some types of cancer in dogs, especially those affecting the ovaries, breast and testicles. Another factor which can affect the life expectancy of dogs is inbreeding. Inbred dogs have shorter lifespan when compared to the cross-breeds. Extensive inbreeding may result in dogs that carry genes for illnesses, which are common to that particular breed. Above all, proper dog care is very much important as far as its lifespan is concerned. A proper and nutritious diet and exercise, along with the necessary health care can make your dog a healthy one with a good lifespan.

Whatever may be the dog's life expectancy, all you have to do is to take care of your dog in a proper way. Consult the veterinarian if you have any doubts regarding the physical condition and overall health of your dog. Provide your dog with a nutritious diet and make sure that it gets adequate daily exercise. All these measures can make your dog healthy and increase its lifespan.

Posted on 11:38 AM

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Everybody knows that dogs make great pets. They are the ones who'll love you unconditionally and be a perfect companion, throughout their life. However, if you are tired of living an organized life with an extremely obedient dog, perhaps you should try adopting a puppy. Trust these super cute fur balls to play havoc in your life, if you dare to adopt one.

Adopting a puppy requires tremendous patience on your part. Not only do they need 24 hours of care and attention, but they can also drain you physically and emotionally. To cut the long story short, adopting a puppy is pretty much similar to adopting a child. The purpose of this article is not to scare you and deter you from adopting a puppy, but only warn you against the possible hazards. If you are determined to adopt a puppy, then go ahead and read further.

How to Find Puppies for Adoption?

Inquire in Your Neighborhood
If you do not have any preferences for the breed of the puppy, then you can ask around in your neighborhood, if anyone has a new arrival of litter of puppies. It is very unusual for people to keep an entire litter, hence, your neighbors will be more than happy to give away a few puppies for adoption. You can also ask your friends or colleagues, if they know someone with freshly arrived litter of puppies.

Pet Shops
Most people buy a puppy for adoption from local pet shops. Most likely, the pet shops will have the breed you ask for (if it's popular in your country) and even if they don't, they'll make arrangements within a few days. This is the most convenient option for dog adoption as you can actually get to choose the pup as per your preferences.

Breed Rescue Organizations
Breed rescue organizations are the groups that specialize in a particular breed. They are a great option if you have preferences for a particular breed only and are not willing to settle for any other. However, you may find it difficult to get a puppy for adoption as most of the groups keep adult dogs.

Animal Shelter or Pet Rescue Groups
Animal shelter or dog rescue groups are helpful if you do not have preferences for breed. Actually, getting a mixed breed puppy for adoption is a far better option than pure breeds, as the chances of genetic deformities in mixed breed dogs are less. This is because there is no inbreeding in case of mixed breed dogs.

Just like any other thing in the world, you'll also find puppies for adoption on the Internet. Several animal rescue groups or even private dog breeders post their advertisements on the Internet. The Internet gives you an array of options to choose from, from local breeds to rare, exotic breeds of puppies. However, it would be wise to stick to the local breeders or the rescue groups in your locality.

As mentioned before, adopting a puppy involves a lot of responsibility. Puppies do not necessarily make great gifts, else we would not see so many puppies put up for adoption, in pet shops after Christmas or a holiday season. Hence, think twice before you go for puppy adoption.

Posted on 11:37 PM

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