Monday, March 30, 2015

Spleen is present in the left-forward part of the abdomen near the stomach in dogs. The size of surrounding organs and the stomach affects the location of the spleen. Spleen is a dark, red colored organ which is relatively big in size and is the largest secondary lymphoid organ in the dog's body. The spleen is covered by a fibrous tissue, which is tough and hard. The pedicle is the place where the blood vessels enter and exit the spleen.

Functions of Spleen in Dogs
  • The spleen helps in the smooth functioning of the lymph and the immune system. The white pulp of the spleen consists of immune response cells which assist the immune system to fight infection.
  • Another spleen function in dogs is, it assists the blood systems in the filtration of blood. The marginal zone helps in filtration by separating the red and white pulp. The spleen has the capability of eliminating or removing the abnormal and old blood cells or particles present in the blood. It also has the ability of trapping the foreign particles and bacteria from the blood circulation, thus filtering the blood.
  • The red pulp helps in red blood cell formation and also in trapping and storing the immune proteins named as antigens. This function of the spleen is termed as hematopoiesis.
  • The spleen helps in the storage of blood, which is capable of contracting with the increase in the metabolic demands. While the spleen does not perform the function of contraction, it relaxes and serves the role of a blood reservoir and releases more red blood cells in the circulation.
Spleen Diseases in Dogs

Enlarged spleen in dogs can be a disease which can have an effect on the immune system. Spleen enlargement can also give rise to massive production of red blood cells and can also be a reason of anemia. Bleeding disorders, tumors and blood clots occur due to a spleen disease called hematoma. Hematoma means collection of blood. Twisting of spleen is also a commonly observed disease in large and deep chested dogs which can cause dog health problems. Twisting can cause stomach dilation and torsion. Benign tumors like hemangiomas can also affect the spleen. Malignant and cancerous tumors like canine hemangiosarcoma affects the middle aged and elder dogs. This is a severe disease and should be treated as soon as possible, as it can lead to the death of the dog. Apart from hemangiosarcoma, malignant tumors like lymphosarcoma, mast cell tumors (MCT) and multiple myeloma can also attack the dog's spleen.

In order to find the underlying problem of the spleen disease, exploratory surgery of the abdomen might be required. If, in spite of the surgery, the underlying problem still remains unknown, then spleen tissue will be required for diagnosis. But, most of the time, the spleen related dog illness can be identified by conducting abdominal ultrasound medical examination or a complete blood count test. Bone marrow aspiration, microscopic examination of the blood and abdominal radiographs may also be helpful for the same.

Posted on 12:21 PM

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

If you've noticed a patch on your dog's coat that looks raw and bruised or has a crusted lesion, it's probably a canine staph infection that you're dealing with. Every dog has on its skin certain bacteria called Staphylococcus bacteria. This bacteria lives in the free environment or is simply present on the skin of an animal. It does not cause any harm, until of course the time the dog suffers a wound or gets a cut and the bacteria is allowed to travel into the skin. Then it multiplies and causes a staph infection to break out. The infection could also be caused due to an allergic reaction which causes the dog to scratch the surface of the skin and therefore leads to cuts and as a result, open pores. Another possibility is that the bacteria can infect the ears and cause an infection and thereby travel into the body in that manner.

So what is a staph infection? This infection is also called staphylococci or pyoderma. This type of skin infection affects a major number of dogs and is a rather common problem. The following article will tell you a little more about this illness and what it involves.


If you look through some staph infection pictures, you'll have a clearer idea of the symptoms that this infection carries. Some of these are:
  • Skin rashes appear typically on the feet and head. Chin acne might also develop as a result of this.
  • Yellow pustules occur on the skin.
  • Observe your dog's behavior and see if he scratches himself often. This happens because the wounds are usually itchy.
  • There is sudden and drastic hair loss in the area where the staph infection has taken place.
  • Blisters with pus or blood might appear.
  • Skin might become hard, crusted and flaky around the abdomen and the area where the infection had taken place.
  • This often affects the areas between the folds of the toes and causes calluses to appear on the elbows.
  • There might also be a strong odor given off.

Since it is a skin disorder, many people are worried whether it is contagious. No it isn't. Staph infections occur as a secondary reaction to some other condition, therefore, this infection cannot be caught by people from dogs. However, is staph infection contagious in a person to person contact? Maybe. But for now, let's concentrate on the staph infection that can be caught on by dogs. What exactly causes this infection and how is one to treat it is what we will be looking into in the following section.

Consult a Vet
It doesn't matter if all the symptoms indicate a staph infection, it is imperative that you consult a doctor for the sake of your dog's health. A staph infection is usually caused due to an underlying reason like allergies, hypothyroidism, reaction to certain chemicals, weakened immune system and others. Only a vet will be able to diagnose the infection and administer the right treatment.

Cleaning the Wound
The first step is to clean the wound well. This might require you to shave off some of the hair that surrounds the wound so that it is easier to access and treat the wound. Next, a shampoo that has anti-bacterial and antibiotic qualities should be used to clean the entire area. A good choice for this is a soap containing benzoyl peroxide.

Antibiotic Medication
Oral antibiotic medication is usually administered and the course lasts for about 3-6 weeks. Along with that, application of an antibiotic medication on the lesions is important. One can also bathe the dog with an antibiotic shampoo. Immune stimulants are also prescribed for strengthening the dog's depleted immune system and to prevent the onset of an infection again.

Preventive Gear
Since the wounds are extremely itchy, the dog will constantly try to scratch and gnaw at them. Which will only lead to the wound opening up and bleeding again, thus delaying the healing process. The vet might therefore ask the owners to follow a process of cleaning the wound with an antibiotic cream and then covering it with a bandage so that the dog cannot gnaw at it. There are also protective collars available that can help with the healing process.

Given time, the staph infection will be cured. Understand that staph infection in dogs can recur if one neglects to maintain high standards of hygiene in the place where they dwell (especially after an infection). So make sure that you maintain clean living conditions for your pet and are especially alert in detecting any sort of canine skin disease affecting the dog.

Posted on 4:53 PM

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Now that you have a puppy, how are you going to live with him? So often you see people get a new dog and think that the pup will just know how to live with a human in the way that we want him to. We think they will automatically know how to come to us when we call them, do their business in an appropriate place and relax quietly by our side while we settle down to watch our favorite television program. Or we think it is a piece of cake to get them to do these things. Or we just don't think.

We are blinded by the cute factor. Our new dog is so adorable that there is nothing they could ever do, or not do, to take away the infatuation that we feel from looking into their sweet little eyes. Then you come home one day to find that your favorite chair has been eaten, the trash can has been tipped over along with its entire contents, and Fido has soiled your new Persian rug.

What happened to that adorable, sweet puppy you brought home? Absolutely nothing. He is just acting like a bored, unmanaged, unsupervised canine baby would act. You expected him to figure out what he is supposed to do and that's just what he did. He kept himself occupied while you were gone and he had a grand time doing it.

There are many easy ways to prevent any of these things from ever happening in the first place. Managing your dog is one of the most important things you can do to make sure he is not able to do things that are destructive or unsafe. Some basic tools for management are baby gates, crates, tethers and leashes. If you are not home, do not let your new puppy have the run of the house. He will destroy things and he may get hurt. Teach him that his crate is a great place to be or make a safe place for him in a room in your house. When you are home with him, keep him on a tether or leash by your side to ensure that he is not getting into anything and keep an eye on him in case he needs to go potty.

If Fido grabs the bread that you leave on the counter when you're not looking, don't leave the bread on the counter! If he gets into the trashcan, put it in a place he can't reach it, or get a foolproof lid. Your duty as a dog parent is to make your puppy's new home safe and secure for him and to let him know what the rules are.

Along with these management tools and techniques, it is very important to enroll you new pet in a basic good manners class. These classes are invaluable to the happiness of your relationship with your dog. You learn how to communicate what your expectations in the relationship are, and make sure he knows the rules of the house. They also will help you enjoy your new baby and keep him healthy, happy and safe.

Posted on 4:33 PM

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Miniature Schnauzer is a small dog breed that is characterized by its small, square shaped furry body. It is basically a mix dog breed of Standard Schnauzer and small dog breeds like Poodle and Affenpinscher. Dogs of this breed are usually 12 to 14 inches in height and weigh up to 14 to 18 pounds.

These dogs are known for their intelligence and loving nature. They blend well with all the members of the family, including the younger and the elder. If this dog is socialized properly, it gets along well with other dogs also. Because of the double furry coat on the skin, the Miniature Schnauzer needs special attention when it comes to grooming. Let us take a look at the different steps of grooming this breed of dog.

How to Groom a Miniature Schnauzer

Grooming Supplies
Grooming of any dog cannot be accomplished without the pet supplies. Pet combs, brushes, nail clippers, thinning shears, grooming table, scissors, stripping knives, electric clippers, etc., are some of the important grooming tools. You can easily get these supplies in a pet shop near your house. Apart from these, you will also require pet shampoo and toothpaste.

Brushing of the dog coat is a very important part of grooming a Miniature Schnauzer, since it is a non shedding dog breed and is hypoallergenic. It is recommended that you brush your Miniature Schnauzer on a daily basis or at least once in a week. Though the coat is not so hard to maintain, you need to brush it regularly to avoid matting. Brush your dog before bathing and clipping.

Start with brushing the front legs from top to bottom. Then use a pin brush and work in the opposite direction. Repeat the same for the back legs and then move towards the armpits. Brush the eyebrows by moving the brush from the head towards the nose and then brush the beard. Ensure that you do not miss out any part of the dog's body while brushing. In case, you come across a matt while combing, then place your free hand between the skin and the matt to avoid the discomfort caused to the dog while pulling the hair on the skin. Brush the teeth of the dog on a daily basis to avoid any dental problems.

Always oil your blades before you start clipping the dog. This will avoid blades getting hot while clipping. For a closer cut, always clip against the grain. But this may cause razor cuts if you do not handle the clipper properly. While clipping, hold the skin and make smooth strokes. You should start clipping the dog from the eyebrows and move towards the neck portion. Clip the hair in the throat region by moving the clipper in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Similarly clip the hair on other parts of the body. By cutting the body hair with different lengths, you can come up with different grooming styles for your Miniature Schnauzer. You should clip the overgrown nails after the bath, since they become soft and can be cut easily. Ensure that you do not cut the quick while clipping the nail. Quick is the nail region with nerves and can bleed when cut. Thus, it is recommended that you should take help of a professional for clipping your Miniature Schnauzer, since you can injure the dog if you do not handle the clipper properly.

It is recommended that you bathe your Miniature Schnauzer as often as you can. But see that you do not overdo bathing and bathe the dog whenever you feel it is too dirty. Use veterinarian recommended mild pet shampoo for bathing your dog. See that the shampoo does not enter the mouth, eyes or the ears while bathing. You should use lukewarm water to bathe your dog. Ensure that you use cotton balls to cover the ear holes while bathing. This will prevent the entry of water into the ear canal. Rinse the dog thoroughly and ensure that all the shampoo over the dog's body is removed. Else it will cause the dog skin to become flaky and dry. While drying the dog, squeeze the water from the dog coat and do not rub with towel.

Miniature Schnauzer is a cute dog breed and needs proper grooming in order to maintain its adorable looks. So, use the Miniature Schnauzer grooming methods given above, and take good care of your new family member. All the best!

Posted on 1:55 PM

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cornea is a soft and delicate part of the eye. It forms the thin clear covering of the eye and it is known as the outer capsule of the pet's eye. One of the chief features of the cornea cells is that they are the only transparent cells in the body. The cornea is not nourished by blood, instead the tears in our eyes are the chemical entities that play the role of caretakers for the cornea. It is due to the tear fluids and the aqueous humor that the cornea functions effectively. The placement of the cornea is almost on the outer edge of the eyes and this makes it susceptible to injuries, scratches and various other damages. Scratched cornea in dogs is also known as lacerated cornea. In extreme cases of this canine eye diseae, the eyes develop scratches, scrapes and ulceration.

Scraping and puncture wounds are the commonest causes of this medical condition. It is highly probable that the pet animal can hurt itself, accidentally, in case it encounters some sharp or blunt object. These lacerations can be healed if they are not too deep. Generally, the major causes of scratched cornea are the injuries that a puppy or a pet dog sustains, may be due to the dog fights between the new members of the pet family. Sometimes, the pet animals are left unattended and so they hurt themselves due to some foreign objects like plants or sharp weapons. Some other canine eye diseases may often lead to this medical condition, due to damage to the other parts of the eyes through conjunctivitis, uveitis (known as corneal perforation or inflammation within the eyes), etc.

What to look for in your dog when you are trying to find out if it is affected by a scratched cornea? Well, the symptoms are apparent while you watch the behavior and eyes of your dog regularly.
  • The dog may have squinting eyes. Your pet may be unable to open its eyes completely or the eyes may squint a bit.
  • The eyes of the dog are constantly filled with fluids (tears) or are mostly watery. This can be an indication of lacerated or scratched cornea.
  • The dog scrapes its face with its paws frequently, which may indicate that the dog is uncomfortable in the area where it is pawing.
  • Frequently rubbing the eyes or the face is a common symptom observed in dogs.
  • If there is occasional bleeding from the dog's eyes, then it may be a symptom of severe stage of this disease.
  • Mild to severe swelling and redness in the eyes of the dog that may be more pronounced with the increased intensity of the scratched cornea pain.
  • In many cases the dog will be unable to judge the visibility in front of its eyes as it may find it difficult to see. This happens because after the corneal laceration, the third eyelid may cover the eyes.
If the pet owner takes proper dog care and follows the treatment in a systematic manner, it possible to heal it. Diagnostic tests like 'Fluorescein eye stain' are used to highlight the damaged part of the cornea.
  • Simple injuries can be healed by administering antibiotics, pupil dilators, etc. Proper dog collars may be used to prevent self trauma.
  • Lacerations that have developed into a deep wound may require surgery. Initially, the doctor will heal the discomfort of the pet by some medicines but later, surgery would be essential.
  • Any tissue of the eye is carefully trimmed away if it is not possible to replace it with some other option.
  • If the pet's eye has lost a certain amount of fluid from the front chamber of the eyes, then a mixture of proper salts will be put, in order to fulfill the requirements of the chemicals needed.
  • Any other injury of the eyes and face can be healed with surgeries and other medications.
You must seek a veterinary ophthalmologist's advice immediately, if you find some symptoms of lacerated eyes in dogs. Take proper dog care and ensure that they are not in vicinity of aggressive dogs who can hurt them.

Posted on 9:00 PM

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dogs love to come over and lick their owners and receive plenty of kisses in return. This is their way of showing affection to their dear owner. Bad breath is an ugly put off when it comes to either human interaction or dog affection. This condition in dogs is known as halitosis. Do you get a whiff of bad breath every time your pet comes near? What causes this to happen? And how do you get rid of it? All your queries will be answered in the following paragraphs.


As a worried pet owner, it is important to understand the various causes behind this problem. Most of the time, it indicates serious dental problems. Let us go through the most likely causes.

Periodontal Disease
One of the common causes of bad breath in dogs is gingivitis or periodontal disease. Just pull up the upper lip flap of your dog and observe the gums. If the gums are pink in color there is not much to worry about. But, if you find brownish deposits on the teeth or a thin red line along the gums, it may indicate dental problems due to poor oral hygiene. If you do not seek veterinarian help and give your dog the necessary treatment, the condition will worsen. It will lead to a lot of pain, gum bleeding and loss of teeth.

Dog Food
One of the major causes is low-quality food given to them. These food brands contain ingredients like corn, wheat, meat by-products, etc., that cause plaque buildup and stinky breath. Thus, you should seriously think about changing the food and use more of dry kibbles than wet or semi-wet food.

Other Causes
Poor oral health may indicate many serious health problems. These include dental problems like a tooth abscess, bone or hair stuck between teeth, oral ulceration, oral tumor, lung cancer and severe kidney diseases. If your dog is weak, suffering from lack of appetite and is drooling excessively, it is time for an immediate visit to the veterinarian's clinic.


Now that we know the general causes, it is important to know about the treatments available. You need to start brushing your dog's teeth and take good care of its oral health. Let us have a look at some home remedies for the same.

Brush the Dog's Teeth
Brushing is the basic oral hygiene procedure that will ensure your dog has strong teeth and does not suffer from stinky breath. You can purchase finger brushes and toothpaste especially made for canine teeth. Speak to your veterinarian for more details on toothpaste suitable for use. Regular cleaning and brushing of teeth will reduce the problem. There are many toothpastes available that come in different flavors like beef, chicken, mint, etc. You can choose a flavor you feel your dog will love. Never ever use human toothpaste. This is because it is not possible to rinse out all the toothpaste from their mouth. Also, you cannot prevent the dog from swallowing some foam. Dog toothpastes are specially made so that swallowing them won't cause health problems in the animal.

Change in Diet
You should feed your pet dry food as it helps keep the teeth clean. When he nibbles on the dry food, the hard food particles help remove any plaque sticking to the teeth. Wet food, on the other hand, sticks to the teeth and may lead to decay and bad breath. Feed the dog more of raw food like meaty bones, baby carrots, etc. Carrots are crunchy, yummy, nutritious meal that helps in removing plaque. You can also feed him hard dog biscuits and treats that contain no sugar.

Mints and Mouth Fresheners
There are many mints and mouth fresheners available that help reduce the bad mouth odor. Mouthwash helps in prevention of tartar. These are available in the form of sprays, that you need to spray in the mouth of the dog.

Take action soon as bad breath indicates palpable dental problems that can aggravate into a serious dental complication. Hope the above home remedies help you give your dog a fresh, minty breath again.

Posted on 9:00 AM

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Similar to us humans, the dogs' body is made of protein enzymes that regulate the rate of various frequent chemical reactions that take place inside their body. Lipase is one of the most essential digestive enzymes that catalyzes the process of hydrolysis of chemical bonds of fat (lipid) substrates. Lipase is a water soluble digestive enzyme which plays an extremely crucial role in the process of fat absorption, transportation and digestion. It is essential for breaking down various types of fats that are included in the dog food. For instance, animal fats, triglycerides and oils. Lipase is secreted by various body organs, but the most significant amount of it, is secreted by the pancreas of the dogs. This type of dietary lipase is also called pancreatic lipase. When levels of the lipase enzyme drop down or increase beyond its normal range, the condition becomes a major cause of concern as far as the health and well-being of the dog is concerned. Let's learn more about it.

Normal Levels
There are different types of lipase, namely, pancreatic lipase, lipoprotein lipase and colipase. As the name suggests, pancreatic lipase is secreted by the pancreas, while colipase is secreted by the kidney and its levels depend upon the glomerular filtration rate or GFR. Lipoprotein lipase is secreted by the vascular endothelium of the blood vessels. Since various organs secrete this digestive enzyme, various tests are required for the determination of the normal range of lipase in dogs. The most reliable methods that are used for dogs include, Titrometric determination, Colorimetry and Nephelometry.

According to the reports, minimum level of lipase enzymes in a healthy mature dog are around 0 to 50 IU/L. Maximum limit of this normal range is around 325 to 810 IU/L according to the same reports. All in all, 0 to less than 500 IU/L is considered to be normal range of lipase in canines. Any fluctuations in the normal range of lipase could be quickly observed by the behavioral as well as physiological changes in the dog. Here are some of the reasons that may cause low and high levels of lipase amongst dogs.

Low Levels
There are quite a few dog health problems that might be associated with low lipase levels. Some of the commonly diagnosed problems of those include, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure levels, vitamin deficiency, pancreatitis, kidney diseases, fatty liver disease and other such health conditions that are caused by reduced digestion of fats. When a dog is suffering with low lipase levels, he might show some common signs and symptoms. Some of these common signs include, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), frequent urination, bladder problems, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue, obesity, hair loss, etc. When a dog shows a combination of these signs and symptoms or either of these problems, it is very important to consult a professional veterinarian. He/she is the best person to diagnose the exact health issue of the dog and prescribe the proper medications and dietary changes for the betterment of the dog's health.

High Levels
Similar to low lipase levels, elevated lipase level is also one of the major health problems for dogs. High levels of lipase could be an indication of one of the many dog health problems. The most common health problems are the gastrointestinal diseases like gastritis, bowel obstruction, peritonitis, visceral manipulation, neoplasia, hepatic diseases, etc. Several types of medications and acute pancreatitis in dogs are also some of the reasons that might elevate the lipase levels. When a dog is suffering with high lipase levels, he might show some signs and symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, kidney diseases (and failure in worst cases), nausea, loss of appetite, lethargy, abdominal pain, etc. When a dog owner finds a set or one of the aforementioned symptoms in the dogs; he/she should take the dog to a professional veterinarian for proper diagnosis.

The path of treatment for the disturbed lipase levels in dog, is determined on the basis of its signs and symptoms and the amount of fluctuations that are observed in the lipase enzymes. Some of the common treatments for such conditions in dogs include, lipase supplements, cage rest, fluid therapy, antibacterial medications, vitamin supplements and significant dietary changes.

Posted on 3:32 PM

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart"- Dorothy Hinshaw

Small dogs are often associated with socialites or fashionistas, who like to carry them around in their purses. The epitome of style, they sit fancily on their owner's laps and yap incessantly. But people forget that a dog, big or small, is still a dog, and how it behaves depends on the owner's attitude and its training. Tiny dogs are just as loving and loyal as a regular sized dog, and are extremely popular with kids and adults alike. Their tiny stature, in some cases, have set records for being the smallest in length or height.

Smallest Dog Ever

The smallest dogs to break records are usually of the Chihuahua or Yorkshire terrier breed. Tiny dog record setters are:
  • Big Boss, a Yorkie, was 4.7 inches tall and was the smallest dog (height) in 2002.
  • Danka, a Chihuahua was the 2007 Guinness world record holder, with 5.4 inches in height and 7.4 inches length.
  • Another contender, Ducky, a Chihuahua from Massachusetts, replaced Danka, being 4.9 inches in height and weighing 1.3 pounds!
  • The current smallest dog in the world in terms of height is Boo Boo, a 4 inches high, 24 ounce Chihuahua, who eats out of a tea spoon. She's small enough to sit in a woman's shoe.
  • Heaven Sent Brandy is another Chihuahua, who is the world's tiniest dog in terms of length. She measures 6 inches in total.
  • Sylvia, a Yorkie from England, was the smallest living dog in history. She measured 3.5 inches in height and 2.4 inches in length, and weighed 0.11 kg.
Small Dog Breeds

Below are the top four tiny dog breeds and a brief description.

What a chihuahua lacks in size, he makes up in intellect. Alert and quick with a yappy bark, the chihuahua is territorial and needs patience and kind handling. It requires minimal grooming and little exercise. They are famous "purse dogs". At 6 to 10 inches tall, weighing no more than 6 pounds, it is known as the smallest dog breed. They make excellent watchdogs and are fearless, so they need a firm hand on the leash. They love to challenge dogs twice their size!

Yorkshire Terrier
No 3 on the American Kennel Club's most popular dogs in the U.S. list, the Yorkshire terrier is a sociable, toy dog breed that is alert and lively and devoted to its owner. Standard height is 8 to 9 inches, weight is around 4 to 7 pounds. It is extremely vocal and must be trained to stop yapping. The breed is prized for being highly intelligent and easily trainable. An ideal companion, Yorkies love human company and their long luxurious coats need little grooming. They require moderate exercise because of their highly energetic nature and excel at dog sports.

Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu means "lion dog" in Chinese and this breed was a royal court dog in 7th century China. This small dog has a distinctive arrogant walk and style, with its nose in the air and tail curved over its back, almost as if to say "im the best"! However it is a companion dog, with good bonding skills and extremely loving. An excellent watchdog, good with kids of all ages, the Shih Tzu is an indoor dog and needs minimal exercising. Even though his long, flowing coat needs grooming, it is a low shedder and stands 8 to 11 inches tall, weighing 9 to 16 pounds. It is ranked 10th on the AKC's most popular dogs list.

Toy Poodle
Fancy, sophisticated, with an oo-lala attitude, the poodle is actually a sensitive, energetic and loving dog, who loves the entire family. A poodle is extremely perceptive of human emotions and moods, and has a distinctive personality of its own. He is great at agility and games, has loads of stamina and needs a good exercise regime. Toy poodles stand 10 inches or below, with ideal weight between 7 to 9 pounds. Poodles need brushing and clipping regularly. Properly clipped and coiffed, the poodle is a stylish small dog breed.

Note:The above breeds are registered as toy group by the American Kennel Club. Other small dogs may come under different groups like the hound.

Other small dog breeds are:
  • Affenpinscher
  • Beagle
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Chinese Crested
  • Dachshund
  • English Toy Spaniel
  • Havanese
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Japanese Chin
  • Maltese
  • Manchester Terrier
  • Miniature Pinscher
  • Papillon
  • Pekingese
  • Pomeranian
  • Pug
  • Bichon Frise
Helpful Hints for Small Dog Owners
  • Tiny dogs tend to be stubborn, so be patient and consistent while training.
  • Exercise your dog regularly. Just because he's small, that does not mean you can ignore his activeness.
  • Take your dog out, so that he is comfortable around people and is not shy.
  • Be alert around small children. Toy dogs can get injured or even killed by small kids' antics.
  • Learn how to brush their teeth to avoid dental issues. Do not use human toothpaste.
  • Use a harness for a tiny dog as a collar can damage their throat.
Small dog syndrome is a common behavioral problem, where a dog assumes it is the pack leader and so humans should listen to it. It affects large dogs as well but is common in small dogs, because their owners treat them as perpetual puppies due to their size. Behavior like growling, urinating, and jumping, are corrected in a large dog but ignored or encouraged in a smaller dog. Enforce control with your pet from the beginning.

For those dog lovers who live in cities and apartments, where space is a problem, a small dog gives you a compact pet that's still a great dog. What a tiny dog lacks in size, he makes up in warmth and affection. They also need less exercise and grooming as compared to a large dog. Remember, great or small, a dog is a living being and should be treated with respect and love.

Posted on 9:12 AM

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Do you see a change in your dog's gait? Is your dog behaving in an awkward manner? Strange dog behavior is bound to create apprehension in the mind of every dog owner. At times, canine behavioral problems could be attributed to certain neurological disorders. If you feel that your pet has become slow in responding and there are visible signs of a decline in your dog's cognitive functions, have your pet examined for neurological diseases. There are different types of neurological conditions that can affect a dog's central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. These disorders could be congenital or might develop with age. It is your responsibility to take note of signs of unusual or uncontrolled dog behavior. If your dog looks disoriented, consult a veterinarian soon.

Neurological Conditions that May Affect Dogs

Since there are a number of neurological conditions that can affect dogs, it is difficult to pinpoint all the possible causes and symptoms. The causes as well as the signs that would be exhibited will vary depending on the specific neurological condition that a dog is suffering from. Some of these dog illnesses might be caused due to genetic reasons while some might be age-related.

Is your dog suffering from recurring seizures? Canine seizures might be caused due to a neurological disorder called epilepsy. Canine epilepsy is a common brain disorder associated with abnormal electrical impulses that inhibit the coordinated use of the muscles. This condition can be classified into idiopathic epilepsy and secondary epilepsy. This could be an inherited disorder or might be caused due to head trauma or infection. A dog suffering from this condition may exhibit symptoms such as paddling of legs, trembling, running in circles, changes in mental alertness, involuntary urination and excessive salivation.

Degenerative Myelopathy
Degenerative neurological diseases can also inhibit coordinated use of muscles. One such disorder is degenerative myelopathy. This condition is associated with the deterioration of the nerves in the spinal cord. This generally affects older dogs. A dog suffering from this condition will experience problems while walking, running and climbing. This condition affects the dog's ability to use his rear legs. As the disease progresses, the hind legs might even get paralyzed.

Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease that is characterized by muscle weakness. It occurs when the transmission of impulses from nerves to the muscles doesn't take place in a normal manner. Under normal circumstances, a substance called acetylcholine (ACh) acts as a neurotransmitter and facilitates the transmission of impulses from nerves to muscles. Problems arise when the number of acetylcholine receptors on the muscles decrease. This condition could be congenital or acquired. Breeds such as Jack Russell terriers, springer spaniels and smooth fox terriers are more susceptible to congenital myasthenia gravis. The acquired form of this neuromuscular disorder is believed to be an autoimmune disease. Acquired myasthenia gravis affects older dogs. Megaesophagus, which refers to the enlargement of the esophagus, is one of the early signs of acquired myasthenia gravis.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome
Is your dog suffering from dementia? The symptoms of dementia include disorientation, memory loss, confusion and personality changes. If you find your dog staring at walls, walking in circles or not responding when you give familiar commands, consult a vet soon. These are the common signs of senile dementia or canine cognitive dysfunction. A dog exhibiting these symptoms must be medically examined. Brain tumors in dogs could also cause such behavioral changes.

Canine Vestibular Syndrome
Sudden loss of balance, disorientation, nystagmus, facial nerve problems and head tilt are some of the symptoms associated with peripheral vestibular syndrome. This neurological disorder is caused due to an inflammation in the nerves that connect the inner ear and the cerebellum. This condition generally affects middle-aged or older dogs. It can be caused due to canine diseases such as Lyme's disease, Mountain spotted fever or liver disease.

Hepatic Encephalopathy
Another condition responsible for an impaired neurological function is hepatic encephalopathy. This is a degenerative disease of the brain which is caused due to severe hepatic insufficiency which may affect dogs suffering from an advanced liver disease. Compulsive circling, pacing, staggering, hysteria, tremors, seizures and a coma-like state are some of the symptoms of this disorder. Granulomatous Meningoencephalomyelitis (GME) is another neurological disorder which is caused due to inflammation in the central nervous system. A dog suffering from GME may suffer from seizures, tremors, facial paralysis, compulsive circling and weakness.

Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease in dogs is believed to be a result of mutations in the Parkin protein. This degenerative neurological disorder is believed to be hereditary and affects younger dogs. A dog afflicted by this condition is likely to exhibit symptoms such as difficulty with balancing as well as walking. Other symptoms include stiffness in muscles, jerking movements, tremors, sluggishness and change in the level of mental alertness.

This was some information on neurological disorders in dogs. Every dog owner must watch out for the aforementioned symptoms. If your pet is exhibiting any of these symptoms, consult a veterinarian soon.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a veterinarian.

Posted on 12:50 PM

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Inflammation occurs as a result of the body's natural response towards irritation or injury. Inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling and pain. Vets usually prescribe Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) to dogs diagnosed with arthritis, because they help lower inflammation and associated symptoms like pain and stiffness. NSAIDs work great for arthritis, as they block the production of prostaglandins, the body chemicals that cause inflammation. They also help alleviate pain. On the contrary, an analgesic can lower pain but won't be able to reduce inflammation or high body temperature. Pain and inflammation is a common symptom in various types of dog illnesses. There are risks and benefits with all commonly prescribed veterinary drugs, including anti-inflammatory for dogs.

Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medication for Dogs

Today, several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available for dogs. Approved veterinary NSAIDs are usually used to treat arthritis in dogs. Sometimes, veterinary NSAIDs are prescribed to control postoperative pain or pain due to severe injury. NSAIDs are commonly used to treat pain, inflammation and discomfort due to various reasons. Pet owners should be aware of the following facts:
  • NSAIDs for dogs and cats would be different. Do not use any NSAID other than the one prescribed for your dog.
  • You can use NSAIDs when using the products containing glucosamine or chondroitin that help lower the symptoms of arthritis. As far as possible, you should try to give NSAIDs along with food.
  • You should not start feeding NSAIDs without describing the medical history of the dog to your vet and without a thorough physical examination of the dog.
  • When NSAIDs are being administered to the dog, you should check the blood/urine reports periodically. These reports should be always taken into consideration before giving NSAIDs.
  • Veterinary NSAIDS may lead to stomach or intestinal bleeding, gastrointestinal ulcers or perforations, liver and kidney toxicity. Therefore, it is necessary to follow instructions of the doctor regarding dosage and frequency.
  • NSAIDs should not be given to dogs diagnosed with kidney, heart, and/or liver problems, to dehydrated dogs or to dogs on diuretic treatment. You should carefully watch daily water intake of the dog. Dehydration can further lead to several health problems.
  • NSAIDs should not be combined with other anti-inflammatory medication, such as corticosteroids and aspirin. As suggested by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, NSAIDS meant for human beings, like acetaminophen (Tylenol), ketoprofen (Orudis) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) should never be given to dogs as they can lead to serious side effects like development of stomach ulcers, liver problems, etc. Acetaminophen, in fact, does not carry any anti-inflammatory properties.
You should always read the information which comes with the drugs packages. Always consult your vet before administering any drug to your beloved dog.

Anti-Inflammatory Medication for Dogs

Anti-inflammatory prescription drugs for dogs include Meloxicam (Metacam), Deracoxib (Celebrex, Deramaxx), Etodolac (EtoGesic), Carprofen (Rimadyl, Novox), Tepoxalin (Zubrin), etc. Like all other drugs, these drugs also come with side effects. Some dogs are hypersensitive to Deracoxib while some are allergic to Tepoxalin. So these drugs are to be administered with extreme caution. You should consult your vet before giving any drug to your dog, especially if the dog is suffering from heart disease, gastrointestinal ulcers, kidney disease, liver problems, hypoproteinemia, or dehydration. The manufacturer (Pfizer) has included "death" as a possible side effect on the label of the drug Carprofen. The FDA has received more than 6,000 reports of serious side effects of the drug and dog owners should know that the drug can even kill their dog; if it is not prescribed by your vet and if it is not administered under the guidance of your vet.

There are quite a few effective herbal pain remedies or anti-inflammatory medication for dogs.
  • High doses (1000 mg/10 lb) of fish oil are suggested for dogs with arthritis, as the oil carries anti-inflammatory properties.
  • If you wish to give your dog fish oil, you should also give him extra vitamin E, as increased level of oil in the diet increases body's need for vitamin E.
  • 'Ginger' has antispasmodic property and it works great for stomach pain, and lower back pain. You can also apply it topically to treat muscle pain and strain.
  • 'Turmeric' is known for its anti-inflammatory effect which is as good as that of cortisone. You can easily feed turmeric by sprinkling it over the dog food.
  • The chemical compound present in 'cayenne' is able to block pain and increase blood circulation. Cayenne also activates body's own anti-inflammatory agents when applied at the site of inflammation.
  • 'Yucca' contains saponin that works great for inflammation. It triggers the production of corticosteroids and corticosteroid-related hormones. Yucca is more effective when used in combination with alfalfa and licorice.
  • High doses of vitamin C (first check for bowel tolerance) also help in relieving arthritis pain and inflammation. If you want to add vitamin C to the dog diet, it is better to use Calcium Ascorbate or Ester C, rather than Ascorbic Acid, which is more likely to cause stomach upset.
  • You can apply an oil infusion of 'licorice' topically on the affected areas. This can help alleviate pain and reduce joint swelling resulting from arthritis. Elements in licorice have a similar chemical structure to that of natural corticosteroids released by the adrenal glands.
Natural anti-inflammatory for dogs are always safer than other medicines. Homeopathic remedies are also considered safe for dogs. If the symptoms are mild, you may arrange for acupuncture therapy, magnetic therapy or aroma therapy instead of anti-inflammatory medication. These therapies help relieve pain naturally, without any side effects. You don't have to worry about the health of your dog; when you opt for such safe therapies.

Anti-inflammatory medication for dogs, natural or NSAIDs, should be used very carefully. Exact doses should be given and instructions regarding the frequency should be strictly followed. Every dog owner loves his dog and treats the dog as a family member. Even a slight change in the behavior of the dog can be immediately noticed if you really love your dog. Dog care is not limited to timely feeding, taking the dog out for a walk, regular checkup and medication, but it also involves lots of love and affection.

Posted on 10:55 PM

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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Passing of blood in the stool occasionally, is considered quite normal for dogs. However, when there is a heavy discharge of red, or fresh clots of blood in the dog's stool, it can be a serious cause of concern. However, as a responsible pet owner, it is necessary that you have the possible causes investigated to winnow out the serious triggers.

Associated Medical Terms

In medical terms, the condition is known as hematochezia, or melena. In hematochezia, the blood in the dog's stool is fresh, bright red in color, and is most likely driven from the lower intestines -- typically, the colon and rectum. A dog suffering from hematochezia may also have a problem while defecating. The presence of hematochezia can be a sign of either a minor problem, or a potentially more severe disorder.

Melena causes the feces to look black, smelly, and tarry, indicating that the blood is digested and driven from the upper intestinal tract. However, normally, melena in dogs is more distressful and serious than an occasional case of hematochezia.

Generally, blood in the stool is a significant sign that points towards some kind of gastrointestinal disorder. A rare presence of blood can be considered as a minor or transient event. However, repeated occurrences along with diarrhea are more serious, which should not be ignored. Apart from gastrointestinal disorders, there are various other probable causes for the presence of blood and mucus in the stool, which are:
  • Bacterial infections, like food poisoning and typhoid
  • Dog allergies from food additives, emulsifiers, fats, or due to certain medications
  • Consumption of rat poison, or rats that have been poisoned
  • Intestinal parasites, or dog worms, including whipworm, tapeworm, and ringworm
  • Presence of benign and malignant tumors in the abdomen, or anal region
  • Disruption of colon, or rectum, due to fractures in the pelvic region
  • Ingestion of sharp things, like bone, sticks, plastic, or needles
  • Overeating, or abrupt changes in the dietary plan
  • Viral infections, like parvovirus and coronavirus
  • Blood clotting disorders (coagulopathy)
  • Inflammation of the colon, anal sacs, and rectum
  • Rectal cancer
  • Intussusception, i.e., telescoping of one part of the bowel into another


The most common way of diagnosing this problem is by taking a stool sample to the veterinarian for detecting parasites, bacteria, or viruses that might otherwise not be visible to the naked eye.

Monitor and keep an eye on your dog's gums; they should be healthy pink and not whitish-gray, or yellow. Consult a vet as soon as possible if you notice a change in the gum appearance, as these are signs that indicate a loss of high amount of blood.

Your pet has to undergo a thorough physical examination to determine if it has been infected by any kind of anal sac infection, or not. Hence, the vet may conduct a blood test and/or an X-ray examination to check if your dog has swallowed any odd items.

The treatment depends on the severity of the condition and its underlying cause. Antibiotics with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, like dewormers can be given orally, or injected into the pet's body.

Consult a vet and get a fecal check done if you suspect the presence of worms. In fact, dogs should be checked for worms at regular time intervals even if they appear healthy. Routine worming can forbid whipworms, tapeworms, and roundworms.

Cleansing enema, or local surgeries may be employed to extract foreign bodies, like bones, sticks, and needles.

The dog may have to undergo a surgery to remove masses of colon, or rectum, if diagnosed with abnormal growth (cancer) in either region.

In severe cases, your dog may also suffer vomiting, lack of energy, loss of appetite, pale whitish-gray gums, and diarrhea. Here is when intravenous fluid and electrolyte treatments come into picture.

If the vet suggests making changes to your dog's diet, then new foods should be introduced, gradually. A sudden diet alteration could lead to vomiting, diarrhea, irritated bowels, and may be accompanied by feces covered in blood.

Do not feed human food to dogs; keep them away from it. Gastrointestinal disorders can be cured by feeding the dog a high-fiber, or hypoallergenic diet with water -- or substitute water with ice cubes -- to help relieve your dog from dehydration.

Let your dog go without food or treats for 12-24 hours, and in case of puppies, fasting should be not more than 12 hours. Post the 12-24 hour fast, a diet consisting of white rice, cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. of yogurt (for a medium-sized dog), boneless chicken, and boiled potatoes has proven to be helpful in curing or limiting blood in the stool. In fact, adding 2-3 cloves of garlic to your dog's dinner on a daily basis will also be beneficial.
Although the aforementioned remedies help to overcome the problem, they should only be given under the veterinarian's supervision to avoid any further complications and help promote your dog's optimal health.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a veterinarian on the subject.

Posted on 7:22 PM

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Insulinoma is a rare form of tumors that grows inside the pancreas of dogs. It results from abnormal growth of the beta cells present in their pancreas. It is these beta cells that are responsible of secretion of insulin and many more hormones in their body. When the number of these cells increase rapidly, then larger amount of insulin is released into the body. The main function of insulin hormone is to control glucose level in the blood. Therefore, rise in insulin hormones causes drop in the blood glucose. This condition of low glucose is known as hypoglycemia. Insulinoma is mostly found in dogs who are old or middle aged.


When there is low level of glucose in the bloodstream, then it makes your pet feel extremely weak. Apart from that, it can have a serious impact in overall dog health. Some of the identifiable symptoms are:
  • The first observable symptom in this condition is lethargy or lack of energy. As the blood sugar level goes down, they feel sluggishness all the time. They refuse to play or do exercise. Even if they start playing, they get tired very easily.
  • Noticeable increase in appetite. Most dogs start excessive consumption of food when they are suffering from pancreatic insulinoma. Even after eating a full meal, they ask for more. It is assumed that they try to keep the blood sugar level normal by eating more and more food.
  • Increase in body weight. This symptom is not at all related to excessive hunger. It is just that due to rise in insulin level, their body reacts to various nutritional components of the food differently. Moreover, lack of body movements and lethargy can be responsible for additional weight gain.
  • When there is a constant fluctuation in blood sugar level, the dog may collapse or faint all of a sudden. It mostly happens when they have not eaten for a long time which results in a sudden drop in blood sugar levels.
  • Muscle tremors is a common occurrence in this condition which make them shaky in legs. It is often accompanied by lack of coordination.
  • Low blood sugar may affect brain activity which result in unusual behavior. Seizure, dilated pupils, impaired vision, depression are the other signs of pancreatic insulinoma in dogs.

When you take your dog to the vet after a collapse or observing other symptoms, then physical examination and medical history of the pet is studied first. Seizures in dogs is treated in medical emergency. Glucose need to be administered intravenously to control the seizure. A blood sample test is then conducted to check the glucose level. If it is found to be low, then multiple blood sample tests are performed to examine whether the glucose concentration remains persistently low. The blood tests are then followed by ultrasound, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging to ascertain the size of the tumor.

Surgery is mostly recommended for cancer. If it is a single tumor, then its removal is going to resolve the issue. Sometimes, part of the pancreas is also removed. However, if the tumor has spread to other internal organs of the pet's body, then it cannot be removed completely. In that case, surgery is only a temporary solution. It has to be accompanied by proper medical treatment that involves use of medicines and proper diet. Steroid medicines like prednisolone is prescribed as it promotes production of glucose in the pet's body. Then there are other medicines including chemotherapeutic agents for treatment of dog cancer.

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to administer these medicines to the dog at the right time. Never stop the medicine in between without consulting the vet. The dog should be provided with a quiet place at home where it can take some good amount of rest without any disturbance. In case of sudden seizures, you can give some corn syrup which can instantly increase the glucose levels. Diet is vital part of treating this dog illness. You have to provide them with a constant supply of calories. High protein, fat and complex carbohydrates are most suitable in this condition. Prepare a diet plan after consulting the vet and feed the dog small meals after frequent interval of time.

With proper treatment and dietary restrictions, the intensity of symptoms of insulinoma in dogs can be controlled. However, regular check-ups along with blood test should be continued to prevent recurrence of hypoglycemia.

Posted on 6:50 AM


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Paul's Alsatian Cyrus was an absolute joy to have. Paul always maintained that. His stride, his coat sheen, his speed and his looks. There was nothing to complain about, he said. When Paul took him for his daily run at the park, heads turned to see that huge ball of fur speeding across the sprawled lawns and jumping over benches, catching the ball and fetching the Frisbee. He really was the reason Paul walked with his head high whenever he went out with him. Then one day, Paul noticed that Cyrus had finished the bowl of water early in the morning itself, something that he took till evening to finish. Paul found it a little strange but let it go, but when he caught Cyrus drinking out of the lotus pool in the garden, something that he was trained not to do, he realized that something wasn't right. Why was Cyrus experiencing excessive thirst? And then Paul realized that he did not know a thing about excessive and sudden thirst in dogs and had no idea how to treat it. A visit to the vet became imperative.

If you've ever had a dog and you've ever experienced what Paul did (or you've had to deal with any other dog health problems), I'm pretty sure you'd be curious to know what causes excessive thirst in dogs. Is it just what it suggests, an excessive thirst? Or does it signify and imply something more? To answer your question simply, (before getting into the details.), when dogs experience excessive thirst, it could be an indication of a more serious problem.

The Condition

In this context, it is important to know what polydipsia is. To answer your question on what is polydipsia, it is a condition of that leads to excessive thirst. This will in turn lead to a condition that is closely connected with polydipsia which is called polyuria. Polyuria is a condition that is characterized by the excessive formation of urine and thereby frequent urination in dogs. It is very important to note that chronic thirst in dogs is an early sign of several diseases.

The daily intake of water for a dog is normally 90 ml per day per kg of the dog's weight. If you notice that your dog has suddenly started consuming a lot of water, calculate the exact amount and whether it will amount to excessive thirst by cutting out all other sources of water and only providing it in his bowl. Then calculate the amount left in the bowl and minus it from the original water amount. If this persists for several days then you'll know that there is an underlying reason for it.


Also known as Diabetes Mellitus, diabetes is a disease that is caused in 5 % of dogs. This is caused when the glucose level in the dog's body becomes high and the glucose is therefore forced to enter the liver and muscles as glycogen, instead of entering the body tissues to be utilized as energy. Thus the pancreas will not produce enough insulin and the dog will become very weak and lose energy. This will result in excessive thirst as they are searching for nutrients to make up for the weakness and loss of energy.

Kidney Failure
The kidney is responsible for cleaning the wastes from the blood and retaining the salt, calcium, phosphorous and water in the body. When there is a kidney failure, (which can be caused by antifreeze, certain plants, heavy metals and rat poison) you will notice that this condition may come about.

Cushing's (Hyperadrenocorticism)
This disease is caused by the chronic over production of a hormone - glucocorticold. This is produced by the adrenal glands and results in an increased appetite, excessive thirst, loss of energy and skin and coat changes in dogs. Normally, a hormone called ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) is produced by the pituitary glands which stimulates the adrenal glands to produce these hormones.

Other Reasons
There can be some other reasons as well.
  • High blood calcium
  • Liver disease.
  • Uterine infection(Pyometra)
  • Pituitary gland abnormalities
  • Kidney tubules defects and abnormalities
  • Excessive activity
  • Heat
So look out for these signs and causes of excessive thirst in dogs, and if you ever find your dog exhibiting any of these then take him to a vet immediately for treatment. This might just prevent the disease from escalating into a worse condition.

Posted on 3:48 PM

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Small dogs make fabulous companions, they can fit in your lap, some even in your handbags, and can easily be accommodated in small houses or apartments. Although their size has more or less branded them as show dogs, but they are actually quite observant and watchful.

Best Child Friendly Small Dog Breeds List

Pug: Pugs are indoor dogs, reaching up to 11 inches in height, and they weigh no more than eight kg. Their faces are squished-up, with a smooth, short coat and a cute little curly tail. They often come in colors like black, silver or fawn, with black snouts. They are sociable and playful in nature, and can be left alone with children without worrying about barks and bites. Pugs need plenty of attention and show their displeasure at being ignored. They are intelligent and loyal dogs, and can be trained quite easily.

Chihuahuas: Chihuahuas are native to Mexico, and are bold and feisty dogs. They like to presume that they are big dogs, and even act like one, never mind their size. They are one of the smallest breed of dog in the world, not more than 10 inches in height. They have bright eager looking eyes and erect ears, and are available in shades of brown, fawn or crme and black. They are not very sociable, but can stay around unfamiliar people, as long as people don't make an effort to be friendly with them.

Dachshunds: Dachshunds are curious and full of life. They are short-legged with elongated bodies. They have been named after the German terrier (badger) group of dogs. Dachshunds are categorized as per their mature weight; miniature weigh less than 11 pounds, and standard ones weigh between 16 to 32 pounds. Dachshunds are available in three varieties; the short-haired, the wired-haired, and the long-haired. Like the terrier they are spirited and independent in nature, and have all the makings of a joyful pet.

Shih Tzu: Shih Tzus are gentle, loyal, sporty and courageous dogs with long billowing coat, that requires regular shampooing and grooming.

Best Sporty and Fun Small Dog Breeds

Boston Terrier: A Boston terrier is an intelligent dog, built small and compact with a square sort of face. They weigh between 10 to 25 pounds and come in colors of black, brindle, seal, or a combination of all three.

Yorkshire Terrier: Affectionately called Yorkie, the Yorkshire Terrier originally have originated from Yorkshire in northern England. They have a happy disposition, that means they gel well with people, especially children. They normally weigh around 2.5-5 kg and are about nine inches in height. Their coat is soft and shiny and need regular grooming. They come in colors like black or dark brown, with patches of tan on the body.

French Bulldogs: French bulldogs are extremely affectionate and playful in nature. It is a treat to watch them, when they are playing alone or with some toys. They have a flat face, snubbed nose, smooth coat and a small frame. They are intelligent and calm dogs, and are not overtly sensitive when left alone or ignored. As they are bulky dogs, they should not be left alone near pools or large puddles. French bulldogs can reach a maximum height of 12 inches.

Basset Hound: Basset hounds are gentle in nature, and comfortable around people.

Best Fashionable Small Dog Breeds

Beagle Hound: Contrary to the image of a hound, a beagle hound is pint-sized. But they don't let that small piece of fact get in the way of their enthusiasm in guarding you. They are intelligent and friendly, and rarely get irritated or aggressive in company. They weigh up to 30 pounds and reach the height of 15 inches. They have large gentle eyes with long flappy ears. Their coat is smooth in texture. They are usually white or fawn with the black, white or tan patches on them.

Maltese Poodle: intelligent and well-mannered, Maltese is considered to be a traditional lap dog. They weigh around 2-3 kg and reach a maximum height of ten inches.

Toy Poodle: Toy poodles are also commonly known as teacup poodle, and are very small in size, up to ten inches, and weigh no more than 3 kg. They can be well trained, but require extensive and expensive grooming.

Papillon: Papillon is a small dog with a fine bone structure. They have beautiful butterfly shaped ears. They weigh around four to five kilogram, and reach a height of 8 to11 inch.

There are many more breeds of small dogs like Bichon Frise, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Lhasa Apso, Havanese, etc. one can choose from. While choosing a dog make sure you get all the important information regarding to your dogs well-being and good health.

Posted on 10:22 AM

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Osteosarcoma is a common form of bone tumor in dogs and cats. The scientists and the veterinary doctors believe osteosarcoma is caused by the derangement of bone growth. This form of tumor found in canines such as dogs and cats is highly invasive. The speed of metastasis is high; hence the tumor growth is hard to manage if left untreated.

Usually, dog breeds such as Great Danes, Saint Bernard, Great Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhounds, Golden Retrievers, Boxers and Rottweilers are at a risk of developing canine osteosarcoma. The studies reveal the dogs which weigh over 80 pounds are more at risk of being the victim of osteosarcoma than the dogs, which weigh less. Another point worth mentioning is osteosarcoma is seen more in male dogs than in female dogs and both sexes which are neutered.

Canine osteosarcoma usually develops near the knee or the elbow of a dog. Tumor is formed because there is a rapid growth of cells at these points. Another reason is, if the animal has an injury or a fracture, there is a possibility of cancerous cell growth. The dogs that are affected by osteosarcoma would have pronounced swelling on the limbs.

Treatment of Canine Osteosarcoma

If your pet dog has a swelling below the elbow or near the knees or if the dog limps, it is wise to take it to a reputed vet. He would arrange for an X-ray section. An X-ray would reveal if there were any growth of any osteosarcoma.

If the X-ray does not give a clear picture, a vet would suggest a biopsy. The reason is in the initial stages of osteosarcoma, tumor cells are not clearly visible. Another reason could be fungal bone infections also show symptoms similar to osteosarcoma.

canine osteosarcoma treatment usually involves chemotherapy, coupled with surgery. This is primary form of treatment. The surgery removes the tumor and also the healthy cells. If only surgery is done, the life span of the animal would be very short, say a year at the most. Chemotherapy prolongs the life of the canine.

If the area is badly affected by osteosarcoma then the limb has to be amputated followed by chemotherapy.

Another treatment for osteosarcoma is limb sparing. After the removal of infected segment of the bone, allografts is inserted in its place. The grafting of the tissue from the donor of the same species is known as allografts.

To avoid the amputation of limbs, radiation is administered. Once the cancerous cells are removed, this area could be exposed to radiation therapy. The canines would be relieved of the pain after a couple of radiation sessions.

Osteosarcoma in dogs cannot be prevented, however, if the pain is relieved through either amputation or radiotherapy, then the pet canine could fairly enjoy a good life until the cancerous cells affect other organs. Take your pet for regular check-up to monitor how well the body is coping after the surgical treatment and also to measure the speed of metastasis.

Posted on 6:13 AM

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Presence of trace amount of blood in a dog's stool is quite normal. However, if your pet dog is suffering from diarrhea and the stool contains blood in large amounts, then you need to take the matter seriously to save his health. There can be various other noticeable symptoms accompanying bloody diarrhea in dogs. These are vomiting, pale gums, increased urination, reluctance to move, loss of appetite and weight and increased thirst. Timely medical intervention effectively treats such a condition.

What Causes Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs?

There can be numerous factors that lead to bloody diarrhea in dogs. The most common among them is digestive tract infection caused by microbes like bacteria and virus. The examples of bacteria capable of causing bloody diarrhea are clostridium and salmonella. The examples of causative viruses are 'parvovirus' and 'coronavirus'. Allergy against foodstuffs and other substances that got ingested somehow can cause bloody diarrhea in dogs. It can also be a result of the action of intestinal parasites in dogs, e.g., whipworm and ringworm.

Disease conditions such as cancer and inflammation of any parts of the digestive system may lead to its contraction. This, in turn, results in bloody diarrhea in dogs. Certain bleeding disorders or coagulopathies in the body can lead to blood in stools of dogs. Other common causes of bloody diarrhea include action of polyps and protozoans in the intestine, bowel injury, intussusception and disruption of colon or rectum caused by trauma in the pelvic region.

How to Treat Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs

Medical treatment for bloody diarrhea depends entirely upon the reason behind it. It involves determination of the exact underlying factor, followed by its treatment. Once the reason behind bloody diarrhea in dogs in cured, the dog starts having normal stools and leading a normal life. In order to detect the correct cause for canine bloody diarrhea, the veterinarian may conduct certain symptomatic tests. The diagnostic tests mostly include, urine test, stool test, ultrasound of the dog's digestive tract, endoscopy, biochemical profile, serological tests, etc. Usually, the information obtained from these tests are sufficient to help the veterinarian to diagnose the causative factor of bloody diarrhea.

Suppose, the presence of parasites is detected as the cause for the presence of blood in your dog's stool, then the veterinarian will prescribe de-worming medication to restore the normal health state. Similarly, for treating bacterial and viral infection, he will recommend some antibiotic or antiviral drugs respectively. Unfortunately, no effective antiviral drug is available to destroy parvovirus completely. Therefore, if your dog is suffering from digestive tract infection caused by parvovirus, then it can receive only some essential supportive care. This is the reason why it is so important to get your canine friend vaccinated on a regular basis.

Medical care and attention is efficacious enough in treating bloody diarrhea in dogs. Still, there are many things that you can do to provide your pet dog some relief and speed up the process of treatment. First of all, exclude the allergen from the diet of your dog. This will stop the immune reaction of the dog's body, and hence, will bring its health back to normal. Secondly, stop feeding your pet dog on bones. Since it is already suffering from bleeding of some part of its digestive system, the sharp pieces of bones can further aggravate the condition. Thirdly, feed it on soft and easily digestible foods. The examples of such foodstuffs are boiled rice and chicken. This will reduce the workload on its digestive system. Fourthly, do not add additional pressure on its digestive system by feeding it on large meals. Instead, make it eat small amounts of foods so that its digestive tract gets favorable conditions for recovering fast. Fifthly, add 2-3 cloves of garlic to your canine friend's meal at least once a day. Garlic is highly effective in treating bloody diarrhea. Last but not the least, allow your dog to take rest. This will assist its body to recover quickly.

Sometimes, there is a foul-smell accompanying bright red bloody diarrhea in dogs. Such a condition occurs when some internal structure is bleeding heavily. This is a state that requires immediate medical attention. If you find your dog's case similar, take him to a veterinarian as early as possible.

Posted on 5:25 AM

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Shedding is one of the biggest complaints that dog owners have. Apart from the annoying chore of cleaning piles of dog hair, shedding can also be a health hazard for people suffering from allergies and asthma. Common allergens that cause a flare-up include the dog's saliva, urine, and pet dander. Luckily, there are dog breeds, which are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction. These are known as hypoallergenic dogs. With dog breeds that shed less, there will be less hair around the house, and the number of potential allergens will be low. Although you may be suffering from an allergy, you can still enjoy the love and friendship of "man's best friend".

If you are looking for non-shedding dog breeds, a bit of research will show you that there are quite a few, which you can choose from. Most of them possess a single coat layer. Besides, reducing the risk of triggering hypersensitivity reactions, you will be glad to hear that you will encounter lesser mess brought about by shedding of hair. However, it is also important to remember that regular grooming still remains an essential part of dog care.

Dog Breeds That Shed Less

Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise, which means curly lap dog in French, is a small breed of dog. It is similar to the Maltese in appearance, but is slightly bigger in size. It is a small, but sturdy dog having a silky undercoat and curly outer coat. Surprisingly, considering its hairy appearance, shedding is minimal. This is good for people, who are prone to allergies, as the curly hair traps the dander and can be easily cleared and cleaned during grooming. It is best to have a Bichon Frise groomed approximately every four to eight weeks. Daily brushing of the coat helps to prevent matting.

Often known as 'sausage dogs' or 'wiener dogs', dachshunds are the members of the hound family. The name, literally means badger dog in German, with 'Dachs', meaning badger and 'hund', meaning dog. They come in three coat variations: short hair, long hair, and wiry hair. Long-haired Dachshunds may shed, thus requiring daily grooming; however, the other varieties don't shed that much. Perfect for apartments, these small dogs do not require much exercise. Daily walks and indoor playtime serves the purpose. They are also considered excellent watch dogs, as they have a very loud bark.

Miniature Schnauzer
A miniature schnauzer has distinctive clipped hair on its face that looks like a beard and mustache. It has a double coat, which is wiry on the outside and softer on the inside. This breed requires regular grooming, but it hardly ever sheds, making it an excellent breed for those who are prone to allergies. It is playful, spunky, and friendly. It enjoys the company of children and makes for an awesome family pet. Also, it loves to travel, thus making for a wonderful travel companion.

Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire terriers, one of the world's most popular breeds, are small dogs with a big personality. They are enthusiastic, energetic, affectionate, and loyal to immediate family. Yorkies, as they are lovingly called, have a long luxurious coat that sheds very little; however, they require regular brushing and grooming. They have a continuous hair growth, like humans, so, you won't find hair all over unless you do not trim them. They can also be good watch dogs, as they are very protective and territorial.

American Hairless Terrier
The American hairless terrier is excellent for extremely sensitive allergy sufferers. Studies have found them to be the best breed for people with dog allergies. These dogs have absolutely no hair/fur on their body, and thus no dander. Most people who cannot tolerate a Bichon, Poodle, or Yorkie can tolerate this breed. They are intelligent, alert, playful, and loving dogs. Since they don't have hair, they should wear a sweater in cold weather. All in all, their inquisitive, affectionate, and lively nature makes them an excellent companion for anyone.

Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
This hairy terrier could be your perfect Irish mate! Originating from Ireland, this dog has a single coat, which sheds very little hair, making it perfect for asthmatic, or allergic owners. Wheaten terriers have hair instead of fur, which keeps growing. They do need some trimming and should be brushed and combed regularly. Soft-coated wheaten terriers are very smart dogs and easy to train. They love people and rarely have aggression issues.

Shih Tzu
Even though the Shih Tzu has a long silky coat, it is considered to be a 'non-shedder'. It has a flowing double coat that falls to the ground. Most pet owners prefer to keep the hair trimmed, as long coats require time and effort to keep it looking good. Even if the hair is clipped, it needs to be groomed regularly with daily brushing to avoid tangles and mats. Even though Shih Tzu means "little lion," this loving dog is anything but fierce and ferocious. It is a wonderful lapdog and enjoys being indoors with its master.

Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier is a small and compactly built dog with erect ears, short tails, and a short wrinkle-free muzzle. This dog possesses a smooth, short hair coat, which can be easily groomed. Boston terriers do not have a strong canine odor, and shedding is relatively insignificant. They are known to be gentle, alert, expressive, and well-mannered. A negative aspect about them would be their stubborn nature, which can be altered if trained early.

The Maltese is an utterly adorable toy dog with long silky hair. The dog's hair sheds either minimally, or doesn't at all, if cared for properly. Even though shedding is not a concern with this pooch, it requires regular brushing and washing, which can be time-consuming. It needs to get professionally groomed about once in every two months. Despite its small size, this dog is known to be fearless, and would come charging, when it senses a threat. Also, it has a stubborn streak, which can be quite a challenge during the training period.

Also known as Congo terrier, this breed is a smooth-coated, muscular, and athletic dog. This pup does not shed a lot, and has very little dander. The short-haired coat needs less grooming. You would be surprised to know that the Basenji is the only dog breed that doesn't bark! However, it sometimes, makes an odd yodeling noise, which can be a bit annoying. This dog is alert, affectionate, energetic, and curious. Like most hounds, it can be hard to train, but it makes up for it with its lovable personality.
Breeds That Shed the Most
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • German Shepherd
  • Newfoundland
  • Golden Retriever
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Chow Chow
Other Breeds that Shed Less
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Chinese Crested Dog
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix
  • Cairn Terriers
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Havanese
  • Greyhound
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Samoyed

The above-mentioned list should prove helpful for people, who have allergies. However, it should be noted that human sensitivity to dog fur, dander, and saliva varies considerably, and not all allergies are the same. Even the most hypoallergenic dog can cause a reaction of some sort. The best way to know the right breed for you is to spend time with various breeds (you are looking at buying). You could do a trial-like babysitting of the dog for a week to know if it affects you. Rest assured, these cuties will shower you with all the love and affection.

Posted on 9:27 PM

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All of us, who have pet dogs at home are fond of them and like to take good care of them. Regulating a dog's eating habits are one of the most important things in dog care, as the wild side of them, can make them eat absolutely anything! Thus, it is very essential to keep a close eye on what your dog eats or drinks other than his/her regular meals. One way to make sure they don't eat any unwanted things is to train them from early ages to stay away from certain foods, but this can hardly be trusted.

Therefore, you can do your bit of duty by feeding your dog the best dog food which not only provides nutrition to them, makes it their favorite food too. There are various brands in the market which manufacture dog food which is meant only for their consumption, and includes all the requirements for a dog's healthy growth. Many dog owners trust some of these best brands and recommend them for new owners. But if you are still confused, we have a list of the top 10 brands that manufacture food, mentioned in the paragraphs below.

Food Brands to Choose From

When you are a new dog owner and are confused as to which is the best brand for your pet, you would need some assistance. Many times, it so happens that we simply pick the bag of food in front of us, irrespective of its nutritional knowledge. Like us, even dogs need the appropriate amount of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs and fats which help them in their body metabolism and functioning. These also help strengthen their immune system and keep them away from diseases and other health problems. Thus, before you do that, take a look at this article and the reviews put together just for you in a list form. However, while buying any product from these foods, make sure you read warnings and disclaimers written behind the bag for security purposes.

1: Newman's Own Organics Adult Dog Food Formula
Produced by: Newman's Own
Price: $25.99
Form: Dry food with organic ingredients
Weight:12.5 pound bag
Ingredients: Chicken, organic forms of oats, peas, soybean meal, brown Rice, iodine, zinc, calcium, iron, vitamins E, C, D, K, B12, riboflavin, thiamine, biotin and niacin.

2: Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul Dry Dog Food for Adult Dog
Produced by: Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
Price: $39.99
Form: Dry food
Weight: 35 pound bag
Ingredients: Chicken, ocean fish meal, turkey, egg product, duck, salmon, dried skim milk, rosemary extract, cranberry powder, parsley flake, whole grain brown rice, millet, potatoes, oatmeal, tomato pomace, flaxseed, dried chicory root, peas, apples, blueberries, spinach, carrots.

3: Orijen Adult Formula Dry Dog Food
Produced by: Orijen
Price: $36.59
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 15.4 pounds
Ingredients: Chicken, turkey meal, lake whitefish, sweet potato, whole eggs, salmon meal, sunflower oil, dried brown kelp, sun-cured alfalfa, spinach, carrots, peas, black currants, cranberries, apples, tomatoes, Chicory root, psyllium, glucosamine HCl, rosemary extract, chondroitin sulfate, sea salt and licorice root.

4: Blue Buffalo Dry Dog Food, Lamb and Rice Recipe
Produced by: Blue Buffalo
Price: $47.99
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 30-Pound Bag
Ingredients: Deboned lamb, Fish Meal, whole ground barley, oatmeal, whole ground brown rice, rye, whole potatoes, sunflower Oil (rich in Omega 6 Fatty Acids), tomato pomace, carrots, sweet potatoes, blueberries, kelp meal, cranberries, dried parsley, flaxseed, alfalfa meal.

5: Wellness Super5Mix, Just For Puppy Dog Food
Produced by: Wellness
Price: $29.99
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 15 pounds
Ingredients: Chicken, oatmeal, canola oil, ground barley, salmon meal, tomato pomace, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, apples, sweet potatoes, rye, blueberries, flaxseed, minerals such as zinc and iron, copper and potassium chloride.

6: Go! Dry Dog Food, Natural Grain Free Endurance Formula
Produced by: Petcurean
Price: $49.99
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 25 Pound Bag
Ingredients: Chicken and turkey meal, potato, peas, salmon and duck meal, whole dried egg, flaxseed oil, pea fiber, chicory root, pumpkin, apples, bananas, cranberries and blueberries, broccoli, tomato pomace, spinach, alfalfa and cottage cheese. These ingredients are specially designed for puppies as well, for growth and development.

7: Nature's Variety Dry Dog Food, Prairie Canine Beef Meal & Barley
Produced by: Prairie
Price: $51.52
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 30-Pound Bag
Ingredients: Beef meal, brown rice, oatmeal, barley, alfalfa meal, flaxseed meal, chicken fat, minerals such as calcium and vitamins like biotin, riboflavin, thiamine, E, D, B12, beta carotene and folic acid. The whole grains used are finely ground and the meat is dried.

8: Merrick Puppy Plate Dog Food
Produced by: Merrick
Price: $41.99
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 30lb Bag
Ingredients: Oatmeal, chicken and turkey meal, flaxseed, whole brown rice and barley, canola oil, dried carrots, dried peas, dried apples and sweet potatoes which include sources of vitamin E and C, calcium carbonate, sea salt, blueberries, cranberries and other fresh fruits. There are whole grains included in the food.

9: Instinct Grain-Free Chicken Meal Formula for Dogs
Produced by: Instinct Grain-Free
Price: $30.99
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 13.2-Pound Bag
Ingredients: Tapioca, chicken meal and fat, alfalfa meal, fish meal, pumpkin seeds, kelp meal and vitamins like A, E, D, B12, riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine, beta carotene, folic acid, niacin, Ascorbic acid and other essential nutrients required for maintaining the body weight of a growing puppy.

10: Canidae Dry Dog Food, Chicken Meal and Rice Formula
Produced by: Canidae
Price: $34.89
Form: Dry Food
Weight: 30 Pound Bag
Ingredients: Brown and white rice, rice bran, peas, millet, chicken meal and fat, tomato pomace, cracked barley, sunflower oil, lecithin, sage extract, cranberries and blueberries, rosemary extract, flaxseed meal, chicory root, beta carotene, potassium chloride and vitamins like A, D, E, C and B complex.

With such long list of dog food brands mentioned in the above paragraphs, I hope you have learned which could be the possible choices for you. Well, make sure you read the disclaimers behind the products and consult with a vet before you start your dog's diet!

Posted on 4:42 AM

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