Friday, May 30, 2014

While the term 'spaying' is used to describe the ovariohysterectomy of a female animal, the term 'neutering' refers to the castration of a male animal. Spaying or neutering is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the reproductive organs of dogs and thus, makes them incapable of reproducing. This can be used to control the sexual urges and hyperactivity in dogs. Male dogs become sexually mature between 6-12 months and females between 6-9 months. If not neutered, unwanted pregnancies can lead to increase in the population of dogs. It also helps in curbing aggression in dogs. If your dog has not been neutered, he might exhibit aggressive behavior when in heat and you might find it very difficult to control him. If you are planning to get your dog spayed, here's some information on spaying and changes in dog behavior after spaying.

Spaying Your Dog

Spaying involves the removal of the uterus and the ovaries. Not only does spaying have a positive effect on the temperament of the female dogs, it also lowers their chances of contracting certain dog health problems. The hormone-related mood swings and aggressive sexual behavior disappears after spaying. Those female dogs that are spayed before their first heat cycle are less likely to develop mammary cancer. Due to the removal of uterus, spayed dogs cannot develop pyometra, a grave infection in the uterus that sometimes can even lead to death.

Changes in Dog Behavior after Neutering/Spaying

Have you noticed any changes in your pet's behavior after spaying? Neutering or spaying will make your dog more docile. The dogs that have not undergone this procedure are very difficult to control when they are in heat. Changes in the behavior of male dogs after neutering includes a decline in dominance tendencies and aggression due to decreased testosterone levels. A neutered dog is less likely to get into fights or wander around looking for females. Such dogs are less likely to indulge in excessive dog barking and will not spray and mark territory.

As far as female dogs are concerned, their heat cycle gets eliminated after spaying. The heat cycle of female dogs lasts for about 6-12 days, twice a year. Female dogs in heat have hormone-induced mood swings and display sexual behavior, but after spaying, the female will no longer have the urge to wander in search of a mate, and thus, the chances of unwanted pregnancies are eliminated. You wouldn't have to worry about those unwanted male dogs she would attract otherwise.

Since spaying surgery is more invasive, you must take proper care of your pet. Your dog will need at least 24 hours to recover from this surgery. Make sure that she gets proper rest. Since a dog that has been spayed will be somewhat disoriented due to the influence of anesthesia, you must keep her isolated from other pets. Make sure that you ask the veterinarian about all the precautions that need to be taken. Taking care of your dog after spaying is very essential. Let your dog get ample rest. Since the abdominal muscles need some time to heal, make sure that after the surgery, physical activity is minimized. Take your dog for short walks only, as exertion or heavy physical activity could lead to complications. Monitor the incisions and follow the advice of the veterinarian regarding dog care. After a week or so, take your dog to the veterinarian to check if your dog has recovered completely or not.

Spaying certainly reduces the chances of several dog illnesses and curbs the problem of aggression in dogs to a great extent. If you don't want your pet to conceive, spaying your dog before her first heat cycle would certainly help in tackling behavioral problems.

Posted on 5:50 AM

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Conjunctivitis in dogs is no different than the one which affects human beings. As you know, this ailment refers to a condition wherein the transparent lubricating mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and the undersurface of the eyelid, known as conjunctiva, suffers from inflammation. Conjunctivitis is also known as pink eye as the affected eyes bear a red or pink cast. This appearance is due to the inflammation which gives a more prominence look to the blood vessels. Causes of this common eye problem in dogs are viral or bacterial infections, corneal diseases, infections of the eyelids, issues of the tear ducts, parasites harboring the eyelids or conjunctiva or some foreign substances like fibers, sand, chemicals, etc. Allergies, trauma and certain kinds of skin disorders may also trigger conjunctivitis in canines. While these are known to be the common causes, in some cases, the condition may have no known causes.


Symptoms that might indicate that your dog has contracted conjunctivitis include swelling and redness of the white of the eyes, discharge from the eyes which may be watery or pus-filled, excessive blinking and rubbing of the eyes with paws. It is obvious that your pet would not be able to give you a clear communication of the discomfort it is undergoing. So, it is you who must watch out for all such symptoms and take care of things as early as possible.


The treatment is centered around managing the symptoms and the underlying cause of the condition as well. The first thing to be done is a thorough irrigation of the eyes in order to get rid of any foreign substances. If any disorder of the tear ducts is a cause of the problem, then your dog would be put on medicines prescribed by a vet. Medicines are also required in cases of infection of the eyelids. However, if it does not respond well, then in most cases, surgery is an option. Conjunctivitis may risk of a secondary bacterial infection in your pet. To counter this problem your pet might be put on a course of antibacterial eye ointment. To deal with the inflammation of the conjunctiva, anti-inflammatory medicines are administered.

If you notice any of the symptoms described above, wash your dog's eyes with a sterile eye irrigation solution. Make the solution lukewarm before using it. You can also use a clean wash cloth, soaked in lukewarm water for cleaning the corners of the eyes. In this way you can clean away the excess discharge that has accumulated in the eyes and any foreign objects too. If you notice something that appears to have gotten stuck in your dog's eye, it would be wise to call for a vet, instead of taking matters in your own hands.

Posted on 6:43 AM

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Creating a diet plan is not difficult, all you need is a bit of common sense: eat healthy food, weigh your food, count your calories and train several hours a day. The problem? It simply doesn't work. It never did and never will. With so many people trying those diets and failing, it is time to stop blaming them (how can so many people be wrong?) and start looking at the real problem: the diets themselves.

Disclaimer: this article is NOT asking you to lose weight, simply helping you if you want to lose weight. Some of you are fine the way you are, don't let the media with their "the slimmer, the better" motto get to you.

Warning: before starting a diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Traditional Diets Failures

1. Too Demanding

Most diets ask people to do things that even slim people don't do! Do you know any slim people weighing their food, counting their calories or even training several hours a day? How fair is it then to demand it from fat people?

2. Failing to Take into Account People's Background

If someone is fat, it is generally because this person:

  • does not have time to cook himself/herself and eats too much fast food
  • likes sweet food, full of calories
  • is always reaching for snacks between meals

How smart can it be to ask this person to:

  • weigh his/her food? This person does not have time to cook and you think he/she will have the time to weigh the food? Which food, the burger at the fast food or the chocolate bar at work?
  • ask him/her to count calories? This person knows she is eating too much calories. He/she does not need to count them to know it.

Weighing food and counting calories will eventually make this person more and more hungry (less calories means either less food or food that this person likes less, which also leads to less food). Being hungry, feeling guilty about the food are the biggest risks to reach for snacks, chocolate bars and others when stressed (at work, etc...) or feeling sad (problems with boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife...).

Finally, following such diets is like trying to eat 50% of what you were eating all of a sudden. How can that work?

3. All about Results

In the TV show "The Biggest Loser", it is interesting to see how surprised people are (both trainers and participants) when one participant does not lose weight after one week of hard training and eating healthy food. Maybe they are a bit nave or maybe they want to give the impression it is unheard of (despite the many seasons where it happened). Your body is the result of MANY things and you should not demand results from it. For example, training a lot will make you lose fat but you will gain muscles, so your weight may not go down as much as you expect it. Psychology is also having some influence on your body. So, focussing on results per day or even per week is NOT the way to go. Give your body time to show the results of your efforts.


The Key to Weight Loss

It is not a secret to anyone, the key to success is thinking in the long run. If you think you are starting a diet, it is already a mistake, since diets are temporary, short time programs. If you really want to lose weight, you need to think about changing your life, so that a NORMAL day outside any diets is one better for your health. Scary? No, it is not, because you don't need to change everything from day one to day two. Changing it little by little is fine and actually recommended.

1. Why It Can Work

What is important is that you make changes that you can bare on an everyday basis, ie don't eat 50% less because this is for sure not something you can do on a long term, at least all of a sudden. If you want to eat less, at least less calories, reduce it slowly by slowly. For example, eat 90% of what you used to (in terms of calories), then reduce it to 80%. If you feel it is hard go back to 85% etc... Remember, you are the one to decide here. If you feel you can reduce to 70% directly, do it. If you are a challenge type of person it may work. But again, don't think about it as a diet. It is not a diet for the next 6 months. It is a life change. From now on, this is what you are going to do, eat etc...

2. Easy Steps

Some steps are hard, some are easy. Here are some that can be easy:

  • reduce soda. Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Juice, ... people have the feeling they cannot live without them. And yet, water is fine. If you find it boring, try it sparkling, with lemon or with orange. For other ideas,here is an excellent article about 10 alternatives to soda.
  • walk more. Before going to bed, what about a small digestive walk? If you have always wanted a dog, this could also be a good help, as you will have to walk him out often. Beware: DON'T get a dog just to lose weight. Next holiday on the beach? How wonderful it is to walk on the sand...
  • reduce sweet food. Use tomato sauce instead of ketchup, spicy sauce instead of barbecue sauce, use mustard, vinegar, pepper, etc... There are many ways to give your food more taste others than using sugar. Gastronomy food is not boring and it is tasty. And yet, it is not sweet.


3. Eating Between the Meals

If you often eat between meals, stop counting calories and weighing your food and start eating more during the meals IMMEDIATELY. Snacks, chocolate bars, being hungry all the time because you are on a diet are your worse enemies. Eat more during meals, especially rice, pasta, vegetables, salad. Eat more starters and main dishes and less desserts. Again those are proportion. Don't stop desserts all of a sudden. Reduce it on a proportion that is acceptable for you. When you see you are fine eating less desserts, you may be able to reduce even more later.

If you really don't have the choice, try to kill your between-the-meal hunger with fresh fruits and vegetables. Going from carrot sticks (not cream/sauce, please) to an apple or a banana, you can eat things a bit healthier than chocolate bars and not necessarily less tasty.

4. Temptations and Motivation

Everyday life is full of temptations. Fast food everywhere, people eating around you, stress, ... You need to be strong to maintain a high quality lifestyle. But remember it is your health which is at stake!

If the temptation is coming from your family and close friends, ask them to show some understanding and support. They need to understand that it does not help you if they eat big cakes in front of you and that supporting you will help you a lot to meet your goal.

If you need some more motivation, you could actually use some internet resources. Support groups, inspirational videos... Even TV shows like "The Biggest Loser" can help. If you need motivation to run, you could get an iPad mount for treadmill.

For people with diabetes risks, a nice product to keep your motivation high is aglucose monitoring device. Portable, easy to use and gives you the result very fast.

5. Results

Don't be too harsh/severe with yourself. The aim is not to lose 50% of your weight in 5 weeks. The aim is to change your lifestyle so that you health is getting better. The simple fact you are stopping gaining weight is a victory.

6. Miracle Products

Secret tips: people who managed to lose weight are happy about it and would share it, so why would these tips be secret?

Miracle products to lose weight: this is so wrong. Not only because they do not exist but because even if it was the case it would not be the solution. Compare it to a boat flooded with water because of a hole. What is the solution? Removing the water again and again or fixing the hole? If a miracle product existed, it would be only nice to use it once anyway and you would still need to change your lifestyle to keep up your new weight after that. So if you are not able to change your lifestyle, don't even think about this miracle product in the first place.


I really hope this article motivated you and will help you if you decide to go for a life change. If it did I will be really happy to hear from you. You need to register here to post a comment but it will make me very happy.

Posted on 4:35 AM

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The mascot of the rock band Hootie and the Blowfish, Hootie the dog, often makes me think of people who own greyhounds. Greyhounds who are principally hunt dogs have been used by man in several blood sports and betting games. The sad part is not many of us have actually taken the efforts to get to know the greyhound dog's temperament, their warm, friendly and mature personalities. Greyhound dogs as pets depict different and mature behavior, in comparison to other dogs. I grew up on a farm where my family had adopted a dozen dogs to guard the vast estate. There were two hounds (who were later given away) who fascinated me, one was a Modhol hound a mix breed of greyhounds and another was a mighty greyhound. Both of them were quite affectionate and loyal and I enjoyed their company. Looking back, today, I find that this type of dogs is not just a speed loving canine, but it has a very deep and almost human like personality.

About Greyhounds

Layla, was the greyhound that my uncle had bought home from one of this trading trip. I do not remember her native place, it may have been Great Britain. Years later my old uncle, a kennel enthusiast, told me that greyhounds came from the Turkish and Egyptian regions where they had been used for hunting for quite some time before they were sent over by traveler to Celtic regions such as Great Britain.

Well, Layla was not British after all but she did known the culture of Britain, as when they taken to the Isles, they adapted very well to the people, as well as its geography. The greyhounds are also close relatives of herding dogs, which probably explains Layla's habit of chasing our cows, not to mention scaring buffaloes out of their wits. Greyhounds, as I discovered later, were keen runners, who clocked as good as 40 mph. Layla was different from all our other shepherd dogs, she was thin, had long legs and an air of certain maturity. She was swift, fast-footed and was, of course, fierce, a couple of fights made her the queen of the barn. One thing about greyhounds that has always fascinated me is their disinterest in cats and a mature and very kind behavior with young children.

Often I had witnessed her running off with some other dog's bone or bread. She was also the oldest among all the dogs and could easily dominate the rest of them. She had a brown coat that shed very less. Tropical climate it seems affects their coat but in cold climates one won't have a problem of hair fall. She had most beautiful pair of eyes that God had created. Often, I felt that her eyes did the talking and singing for her. In my imagination, if Layla could speak, she would probably make a speech like a corporate dictator lady. Layla's domination over other dogs was natural, as greyhounds as pack animals assume an alpha role. Even in the house no one insulted Layla, and my uncle strictly discouraged it, as greyhounds are said to be sensitive and react aggressively when insulted or are talked to in a negative manner. Firm, polite and clear instructions, verbal and symbolic instructions were to be used.

Layla needed a daily running quota in the pastures, where she zipped through the green using her long thin legs, poking her muzzle in every possible rabbit hole she came across. In later years Layla became a mom to 6 pups, charming and as many would say 'cute'. When my family gave them away, Layla cried, her crying made me cry. I came across some good greyhound dog facts which I read out an eager Layla...
  • Alias: English greyhound and Hund
  • Average Height: 28 to 30 in (males) and 27 to 28 in (females)
  • Weight: 60 to 88 lb (males) and 60 to 75 lb (females)
  • Likely diseases and disorders: skin sores, achalasia, bloat and Osteosarcoma.
  • Common allergy: insecticides (Layla had already experienced the effect, due to nose poking of course)
  • Hair shed: none except in extremely hot climates.
  • Diet: very low and minimal (I guess they are afraid of putting on weight)
Looking back at those years, today I realize that Layla was a pathetic guard dog and I hardly remember her barking, which was good in a way.

An incidence that I vividly remember, is when she caught a rabbit, just for fun. Well, the chase was fantastic, even a jet fighter seemed slow in comparison to her speed. Later in my teens I realized that Layla had a hunting addiction, to satisfy her greyhound dog diet and a disgusting habit of chasing anything that had mobility, that included monkeys, squirrels, cars, trucks, birds and even bulls, who unfortunately injured her once. But somehow it did not curb her habits.

An average greyhound lives to about 10 to 13 years. Layla died when she was 11 years 4 months old, in my mother's arms, from food poisoning. She said goodbye with a gentle tearful lick.

If you are planning on keeping a greyhound as a pet then, go ahead and get a couple, as greyhounds at times get lonely and suffer form puppy separation anxiety. They are good apartment dogs, but require good greyhound dog care and a good run about once a week. Don't ever be nasty, as it breaks their hearts and, in some cases the limit of their temper. Small dog training programs and reasonable pet care, makes them mature.

Posted on 6:29 AM

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Its never too early to think about finding fun Halloween costume ideas for couples, especially if youre going out to a Halloween party or some other event. Most gatherings will even give some sort of reward for the best Halloween costume -- even if it is just another piece of delicious chocolate candy. Trick or Treat people! This year when you go out make sure you have coordinated your best ideas for couples costumes, and that you put all your creativity into making Halloween a very fun and memorable night.

Why go out in coordinated couples Halloween costumes?

The best part about going out as a couple in coordinated costumes on Halloween is that is so much fun for both of you! halloween-costume-ideas-for-couples
Everywhere you go more people will appreciate your holiday spirit because of the extra thought that went into selecting the perfect Halloween costumes. Couples costumes tell a story, evoke a laugh or chuckle, or stand as a thought provoking or ironic commentary on some idea, event, people, or aspect of our culture -- like TV, movies, or music. And its a really great way to mingle throughout the Halloween party and still let everyone know -- he or she IS WITH ME! Show your affection for each other by dressing as a costumed set! (Although its not really recommended at other times throughout the year... you know who you are with your tacky matching Christmas sweaters!!!) Whether you simply buy these Halloween costumes in a store or online, put them together out of some collected items around the house, or just make them yourself from scratch -- here are some ideas to get you thinking and ready for a great night.

What do we look for in a couples Halloween costume idea?

Well its good for a costume idea to be funny or cute, or even striking, by choosing ideas from people or characters who are known to travel as a team, a group, a set, or a clique. Perhaps the pairing can be unexpected, or maybe just super creative -- but it will be so much fun, and larger than life.

Some Top Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples for 2012:

So here are some ideas:Couples arriving together at a Halloween party dressed as an angel and as a devil is always a fun idea, unless being Adam and Eve is more your style. The flesh colored jammies and well placed leaves give the true illusion of free-spirit wandering without concern on a cool October night. And having the apple and snake as accessories would really finish the portrait. You could choose some other great Biblical stories as well such as Noah's Ark, but that's harder to pull off unless you want to be a pair of animals...

You could go a apolice officer and a crook; or maybe a jail guard and an inmate. This makes a great couples costume because it allows one of you to act cranky all night, which is kind of fun!

Take inspiration from yourselves... "Its a love story!" What about going as Romeo and Juliet? Think Shakespearean costumes, and hopelessly tragic love and youre on your way. How about going as our favorite plastic people... Barbie and Ken dolls? This would be hilarious... especially if you do it right!How aboutMiss Piggy costume with her sweetheart Kermit the Frog? Thats always a winning combination.Or how about costumes ofa cute bumblebee and a bright beautiful flower- Well you have to admit, this costume idea is pretty romantic... Pollen, buzzing, etc. So which one of you wants to be the giant bumblebee?

From the inspiration of entertainment, think movies and television.Here are a couple timeless Star Wars-themed costumes:Here you go: R2-D2 and C3PO.This is fun if you both go as our favorite robots from the Star Wars double trilogy. It doesnt matter who is taller or shorter with these outfits because its kind of fun if petite R2D2 is the big one in your couple! Or maybe Han Solo with Chewbacca -- Wouldnt you love to be the galactic hero Han Solo in a cool space vest (picture classic Harrison Ford) while your partner is the giant loveable wookie Chewbacca? Watch the movies to make sure you have your Wookie howls and roars down.

Youre never too cool to go as Beavis and Butthead? What about the classic Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, or our crime-fighting heroes Batman and Robin? Wouldnt it be pretty fun to arrive as the two hobbits who saved the world: Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings? What about Alice (played by Milla Jovovich) and a random zombie from the Resident Evil movies? You could stalk around all night, while the other was a fearless killer... (You decide which is which!)

Or maybe theJay and Silent Bobmovie characters is more your style... this could be hilarious no matter what gender is which character. The cool part is that one of you can be profoundly quiet ALL NIGHT.Or beingBert and Erniefrom Sesame Street would be a hoot.How about going aspop music power couple Jay Z and his lovely wife Beyonce? This is pretty cool... Or how aboutOprah and Dr. Phil? That would be awesome AND RANDOM -- daytime TVs power duo. Hows that working for you?

A few more random ideas

Can you do jumbo walking food costumes? That would be comical: think spaghetti and meatballs... or peanut butter and jelly? How about being a giant box of cereal and a gallon of milk? That will make a statement.What do you think of a Hello Kitty costume with Clifford the Big Red Dog? Or a TV set and a remote control? How about JFK with Marilyn Monroe? Ok, too soon... Hope you enjoyed at least one of these fun Halloween costume ideas for couples, and youre inspired to go out to your Halloween party knowing that youre wearing the best costume(s). Post those awesome Halloween photos on Facebook when you're done! Happy Halloween.

Posted on 11:16 AM

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As their name suggests, German Shepherds were originally bred to look after the sheep. They are smart, responsive and obedient of all the dog breeds and are also used as 'police dogs'. German Shepherds are strong, well structured, muscular with solidly built bone structure. This dog is always alert and highly protective towards any of 'his belongings', for instance, the family he lives with, the herd it looks after and any of the property that comes under his territory.

As German Shepherd dogs lead to a healthy and active life, it is obvious that they require a healthy and nutritious dog food as well! Every dog, as it is, had different nutritional requirements and German Shepherds are no different. It is important for the dog's health that they are fed with the food that is somewhat similar to the food that they were originally fed. Nutritional food doesn't always mean all nutritional foods are good enough for these dogs, as overuse of much of a 'healthy dog food', may make them overweight that leads to several dog health problems.

What Should a German Shepherd Be Fed
As I said earlier, German Shepherd food must be similar to the foods that dogs eat in their original native place. Foods that their ancestors used to eat, must be very healthy for the dogs, by all means. Hence, it is important for all owners to study about their pet and then decide the best dog food. Healthy food is also very important to stay away from all the food allergies in German Shepherd dogs, that are almost the same with all food allergies in dogs. Hence, it is also important to find out what do German Shepherd eat and plan the diet accordingly.

Feeding them correctly, also increases the life span of the dogs and makes them less prone to the dog's diseases. Well, what is the best food for German Shepherds then? To be specific, German Shepherd dog food must be a correct combination of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, that are available in correct ratio, in any dog food that you feed your dog with. The dog food must consist of whole grains, natural vegetable fibers, chicken and or meat, fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and antioxidants. There are prepare dog foods available for the German Shepherds that can be bought home for your pet.

A German Shepherd Dog Food Recipe
In my opinion, home cooked dog food is the best for a German Shepherd. A dog owner can come up with many homemade dog food recipes and make the best food for the German Shepherd dog. Here is a recipe that can be considered as the right food for this breed.

  • Ground beef, chicken and turkey
  • Eggs and brown rice
  • Carrots and potatoes
  • Chicken stock and water
Cook together the meats in a separate pot. After the meats are thoroughly cooked, add rice and chicken stock in it and cook over medium heat for half hour. Then add in it, the slightly beaten eggs and cubes of potatoes and carrots. Cook for some more time and feed the dog when it gets warm.

Make sure you maintain variety in the dog food. They adore dog treats, now and then as well, so make sure you provide them with some. A healthy balance in all the important nutrients, will make sure that your German Shepherd stays healthy and cheerful as ever!

Posted on 8:18 AM

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Similar to humans, dogs do contract upper respiratory tract infections like common cold and flu. The causal pathogens are different from those responsible for human cold. In majority of the cases, parainfluenza virus and coronavirus group 2 are responsible for causing canine cold. Besides these, cold is also resulted due to infections by Bordetella bronchiseptica and adenovirus type-2. If cold in dogs is left untreated, this infection may progress to pneumonia and other chronic ailments.

Cold Symptoms in Dogs

The symptoms of canine cold are not serious or life-threatening, but they surely make your pet weak. In case, your pet dog has contracted any of the cold virus, he will manifest the typical symptoms that we experience during a cold episode. But, fever or running high temperature is seldom present. If it is so, influenza is suspected and you need to take him to a veterinarian. The notable symptoms of canine cold include the following:
  • Runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Reduced activity
  • Loss of interest in food
  • Chest congestion
It is to be borne in mind that canine cold is extremely contagious. The pathogens (both bacteria and virus) are spread through mucus secretions of an infected pet. Also, touching surfaces contaminated with respiratory droplets of a sick dog is another route for spreading canine cold to healthy dogs. So, consider all these aspects, and do not neglect the symptoms. Special attention is needed for canine cold in puppies and older dogs, as they have a weak immune system.

How to Get Rid of a Dog's Cold

Treating your dog's cold symptoms promptly requires you to act fast without delay. So, keep a close eye over your pet's health, especially during the cold and flu season. While attending a dog with cold, the first and foremost thing is to quarantine him. Of course, you should take your pet out for morning and evening walks, but isolating him from other pets is a practical solution to contain pathogens. For your understanding, effective tips on how to get rid of a dog's cold are discussed below.
  • Steam treatment is an effectual remedy to deal with canine cold symptoms. It has many benefits, including quick draining of mucus, easy breathing, reducing cough and clearing clogged airways. For giving steam therapy, allow your pet to stay in the bathroom filled with steam for some time.
  • Needless to remind, you should feed lots of water and healthy fluids to your pet. They help in diluting mucus and hydrating the body. Feeding fluids may not be an easy task, but you can spend more effort by preparing chicken broth or soup with bones for increased flavor and taste.
  • Change in appetite and losing interest in food are obvious signs in a dog down with common cold. As a responsible pet owner, encourage your dog to have healthy foods and offer his favorite food items. This helps in keeping the dog's immune system strong, thus ensuring quick recovery.
  • A dog suffering from common cold often experiences difficulty in breathing and stuffiness. These are caused due to congestion of the airways with excess mucus secretion. If you notice the same in your pet, run a humidifier to increase humidity level in the room, where he sleeps or spends most of his time.
  • In order to prevent secondary infection, make sure that you keep your furry companion warm and comfortable. Also, staying warm allows your pet to breathe freely. Exposure to very low temperature and cold air is strictly not recommended. So, you can reduce the amount of time spent in parks or outdoors.
  • Speaking about remedies for getting rid of a dog's cold, colloidal silver is touted as a natural formulation for canine cold treatment. The feeding dose depends on the age and overall health condition of the pet. While large healthy dogs require 1 teaspoon of the same, teaspoon is sufficient for puppies and older dogs.
For every pet owner, providing the best treatment for a dog's cold is a priority. If the symptoms don't improve even after following the above tips, it is high time to get your pet examined by the vet. Most likely, the veterinarian will prescribe vitamin supplements, cough suppressant and antiviral medications for a prompt recovery.

Posted on 5:41 AM

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Constipation is a common medical problem for dogs, especially the older ones. A dog is considered constipated, if it does not defecate for two consecutive days. The causes of irregular bowel movement in dogs are many, of which some include less water intake, dehydration, poor diet, low fiber food, and physical inactivity. It may also be resulted due to feeding of highly processed dog foods for a prolonged duration.

Symptoms of Dog Constipation

As a pet owner, you should take proper care of your dog's health and should be aware about any abnormal conditions. Any change in the pet's behavior may be related to underlying diseases. In fact, a dog having defecation problem may appear uncomfortable and show certain signs, which clearly indicate that something is wrong. An obvious sign of canine constipation is frequent visit to the bathroom with little success. Other notable dog constipation symptoms that you should not neglect are listed below.
  • Passing very hard stool
  • Straining while defecating
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Swelling and soreness in the anal region
  • Abdominal distension
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Abnormal gait
  • Increased whining
  • Reluctant to do physical activities
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mental stress
Very often, a dog may experience difficulty in bowel movement due to inflammation of the large intestine or colon. In such a condition, the pet suffers from increased pain in the abdominal portion. In case of severe constipation and straining, the pet dog may pass blood in small amounts, which is because of blood vessel damage in the colon. At times, bloody and/or watery stool may indicate infection rather than dog constipation.

Treatment of Dog Constipation

A mild constipated dog will recover from the problem without therapeutic intervention. But, if the condition persists for a couple of days, it is always advisable to seek advice of a qualified veterinarian. Dog constipation, if not treated in the early stages may lead to other dog health problems such as indigestion, skin problems, bad breath, body odor, flatulence, and bowel cancer. The veterinarian may prescribe food supplements that contain certain enzymes or chemicals for ensuring normal bowel movement. If necessary, the vet may suggest an enema procedure.

Treatment can be done effectively by changing the regular diet plan. A safe and reliable approach is, feeding your dog raw meat, bran, wheat, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and fiber rich food. Also, make sure you take a note of your pet's likes and dislikes. With each passing day, you can lower the amount of regular food. Allow the dog to drink ample water, which will keep the body well-hydrated. While adding dietary fiber, make sure that the amount is increased gradually, otherwise it may worsen the constipation by causing indigestion.

At times, difficulty in bowel movement is caused due to ingestion of bones or other indigestible particles and side effects of medications. Food items that may worsen your pet's condition are bread, cookies, chocolate, rice, pastries, and ice cream. In other words, you should limit feeding food items that contain flour, refined sugar, dairy products, and protein-rich foods.

If your pet shows no improvement even after changing the diet plan, you can opt for natural laxatives like psyllium husk and mineral oil. Add the laxative to the dog's food as per the recommendation of the vet. Usually, the amount of laxative depends on the size and overall health of the dog. It may take four to six weeks to regain the normal health condition. As for preventing dog constipation, feed the dog healthy foods, allow it to drink lots of water, and try to maintain a regular exercise regimen.

Posted on 1:40 PM

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Vaccination forms an integral part of pet care. Our pets are susceptible to various diseases and infections. Vaccinating them ensures protection against these diseases and infections. Some of these infections may pass on to humans too if they go untreated for long. This puts pets as well as pet owners at great health risk. Regular vaccination is a must if you want to ensure sound health of your pet as well as family. However, the hefty veterinary charges and high vaccination prices are the two factors that deter pet owners from regularly vaccinating their pets. But one must understand that missing the schedule for vaccination of your pet for a hew hundred dollars can prove to be very expensive in the long run. A good solution to this problem is looking for low cost pet vaccination options.

Your Options of Low Cost Vaccinations for Pets

Low Cost Vaccination Clinics
You can check with your veterinary clinic, if they offer low cost vaccination facility to their clients. Most veterinary clinics have a facility at their low cost pet clinics, where they offer vaccination at cheaper rates to their clients, on a particular day of week. Make an appointment for that day and get your pet vaccinated.

Local Humane Society
Humane Societies often offer vaccination at reduced rates for pets in their locality. However, this service is offered only on certain fixed days of week. Hence, contact the Humane Society in your locality and fix an appointment for pet vaccination on the service day.

Animal Control
Animal Control has various options for low cost pet vaccination. You can either get your pet vaccinated at reduced rate on any of the 2-3 working days of a week or you may take your pet at Saturday clinic, which offers low cost pet vaccination only on one Saturday of each month. Usually, there is a huge rush at these clinics, hence you might have to spend long hours in a queue. As, Saturday clinics do not make appointments, you might want to start early, so as to avoid long queues. However, the best option is to get your pet vaccinated during their weekly service days.

Do it Yourself
If none of the above options appeal to you, you may choose to administer the vaccine yourself. However, make sure you have someone to help you with your pet, as pets can go ballistic at the sight of needle. Also, make sure you know the correct mode of administration. Some vaccine demand IM (intra muscular) administration, while some demand subcutaneous (SQ) administration. Meaning, you only have to administer the vaccine just below the skin. Moreover, there are certain vaccines which need to be given through the nose.

Supplies for pet vaccination can be found at feed stores. However, make sure the vaccine has been shipped, handled and stored in ideal conditions. The vaccine needs to be refrigerated immediately after shipment. If you have any concerns regarding the handling or storage of the vaccine, you can simply walk out of that store. Discard the vaccine which does not appear in a good condition.

The above options of inexpensive vaccinations should be easily available in your state. Avail the facilities provided by various pet shelters and clinics to ensure sound health of your pet.

Posted on 9:16 AM

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Rats are very dirty and can be very dangerous animals to have in and around your home. They often carry a variety of germs and diseases. If you suspect you have rats or know for sure you do than it is important that you know how to get rid of rats. Rats are very secretive animals that often hide in dark or unused areas such as crawlspaces. Signs that you may have a rat problem include finding rat droppings which actually look like tiny pieces of food you can find the on the floor or even in you cabinets. Another sign is if you smell a foul urine like smell in and around your home which very well could be rat urine. If you hear scurrying noises in your walls or on the floor especially at night that could also be a sign of rats. If you notice wood or electrical wires frayed or looking gnawed at it is very likely it was done by a rat. Rats chew threw things to keep there teeth filed down and sharp. If you noticed that your dog or maybe even your cat keeps barking at one particular area on a wall in home they actually may smell the rat. If you notice grease lines on your walls particularly where food is stored that is a major indication that you have rats. They leave a distinct smell for themselves and other rats to know where they are going. Check tiny spaces between your walls or cracks in the paint as mice can easily fit through tiny spaces. If you still can't find conclusive evidence that you have mice but still believe you do you may have to bring in a professional to tell you.

If you have found evidence of rats it is very important that you get rid of them because they are very dirty and could be carrying diseases through your home. Wood snap traps are a great way to rid house of rats especially if you have found evidence because than you know where to place the traps. Place the traps near what you found because rats often revisit the same area for weeks at a time. Put a little bit of peanut butter or an apple piece on the trap to bait the pests. Leave the rat traps out for about a week or until you capture one. If you do happen to get one make sure you use gloves when handling it. Wrap the rat in newspaper and put it into a plastic bag. Dispose of it in garbage can that has a lid and is closed. Wash your hands thoroughly even if you wore gloves because they are very dirty animals. Be sure and disinfect the areas where you seen the rats but do not sweep it or vacuum it scrub it with a rag and cleaning fluid.

If you do not want to see or touch the animals to get rid of the than using a bait station is a good idea. Bait station are usually black boxes that you store either liquid or food bait in to trap a rat. They are closed boxes that lock with a key that comes included so your pets and children cannot get them open. They offer a variety of sizes and have ones big enough to hold six rats at once. You place the bait stations in the area you suspect rats and let them smell the food out. A rat zapper works great also.They are available in select stores as well as online for a very reasonable price.

If you have tried traps and bait and it has not worked you may need to call in a professional to have the problem taken care. Professionals can often be costly but if needed they can be effective.

Posted on 5:43 AM

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

A colorless discharge in a dog's nose (runny nose), is a common problem. Most of the time, a dog licks it away with his tongue. So, a dog owner may not notice it. Such discharge, if without symptoms, is not a cause of immediate worry. A pet owner should wait and see if the runny nose stops on its own or he should look for signs of illness of any kind. However, in case, there are signs of discomfort or if the discharge is bloody, grayish purulent or viscous a visit to the vet is necessary.

Causes of Running Nose in Dogs

Sinus Infection: Sinus infection is a common health problem in dogs, in which the lining of the sinuses get inflamed. Sinuses are the bony cavities that connect to the nasal cavities. This swelling can be caused due to reasons as simple as sniffing pollen or the reason could be more serious like a virus infection. The result of this infection is runny nose, sneezing, coughing and also fever. Antibiotics are the drugs that are most commonly prescribed by a vet.

Upper Respiratory Infection: This is the most common cause of a dog runny nose. Besides this, the symptoms of such an infection in dogs include coughing and sneezing. In more serious cases of viral infections like Bordetella and canine influenza, a dog may also suffer from fever, loss of appetite and difficulty in breathing. Check if your dog has had all his vaccines. There are vaccines that protect a dog from parainfluenza, bordetella and distemper. Ensure that your dog has all his vaccines updated.

Nasal Tumors: Almost 1% of all dog cancers are that of the nasal cavity. Although, nasal tumors are more common in older dogs, in case, your dog's runny nose is accompanied with nosebleeds, watery eyes, tears, bulging of the eyes, facial deformities, green or yellow nasal discharge and seizures, there is a possibility that your dog (irrespective of its age) is suffering from nasal tumor.

Nasal Mites: Nasal mites cause runny nose, nosebleeds and sneezing in dogs. It also causes a persistent nasal discharge. Nasal mites are transmitted from an infected dog to a healthy canine, through nose to nose contact. An oral dose Ivermectin may treat the problem.

Allergies: One of the reasons for dog runny nose is due to allergies. Pollen allergies and food allergies could cause runny nose in dogs. However, in case of allergies due to food, the symptoms would be related more with the stomach. In case, your dog suffers from runny nose during specific times of the year like the spring or fall, it indicates pollen allergy.

Foreign Object: Many times, foreign objects get lodged in the nasal cavities of dogs. This may cause runny nose in dogs. It is best not to try to remove it on your own, as that might push the object further back in or cause injury to the nose. Take your pet to the vet and get any foreign object that has entered your dog's nose removed only under medical supervision.

Dental Diseases: Some dental diseases like periodontitis, gingivitis and abscessed teeth caused by bacteria, can also spread to the nasal cavities, giving a dog runny nose. A vet will confirm the disease by examining the dog's mouth. Treatment may include teeth cleaning. In some cases, tooth removal may also be required, that the vet will perform under anesthesia.

For most of the causes of dog's runny nose, a vet needs to be consulted. However, some special care at home, while the dog is recovering, is very important to facilitate the process. This is an important aspect of caring for a dog. Ensure that the dog has proper food and enough rest. Put a vaporizer near the dog's sleeping area, as this will soothe a dog while it has a runny nose. Steamy chicken broth or warm liquids are specially helpful in opening the sinus passages.

Posted on 8:31 PM

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Hydrotherapy is described as the external use of water for therapeutic purposes. The purpose of using water is either to generate pressure effect or act as a medium of applying mechanical energy to the tissues of the body. Hydrotherapy is popular by some of its synonyms like hydrotherapeutics and hydrotherapy. It finds use in the treatment of a number of illnesses in humans. Veterinarians recommend the use of hydrotherapy in curing pain and injuries in dogs as well.

Hydrotherapy in Dogs: An Introduction
The purpose of hydrotherapy is to bring down pain and reduce swelling from the affected parts of the dog's body. It also tends to increase blood circulation. Hydrotherapy can be made use of for both acute and chronic medical conditions in a dog's body. The common places in the dogs' body where hydrotherapy can be used are legs, paws and bone joints. It is especially effective in reducing the discomfort from a bee sting, spider bite and snakebite. Generally, hydrotherapy is given in sessions and in conjunction with conventional treatment with medicines. In case of physical trauma or injury, antibiotics and medicines for inflammation and pain relief are given while the dog is taking hydrotherapy sessions.

Hydrotherapy in Dogs: Procedure
The veterinarian will first identify the injured body part. He will ask you to perform hydrotherapy a certain number of times, which he decides according to the severity of injury and intensity of pain. The veterinarian will also tell you about the temperature of water to be used. It can either be cold or warm, which again depends upon the severity and type of injury. In a typical hydrotherapy session, a stream of water is run gently over the affected part of the dog's body. In case your dog gets frightened by running water, you may use a cold or hot compress instead. You can even make your dog derive all the benefits of hydrotherapy by soaking his affected body part in water at the recommended temperature. You are supposed to apply gentle pressure on the injured body part while it is wet with water. If the pain is intense, your dog may show objection to it in the beginning. Move slowly and gently. Try your level best not to hurt your pet dog. If there is a lot of pain, and the dog is reluctant to tolerate the application of pressure, then make him only soak his affected body part in a bucket filled with water. There are special hydrotherapy pools for dogs as well. Search for one in your city and take your dog there. This will also do a lot in relieving pain, swelling and other discomfort.

Hydrotherapy in Dogs: Benefits
The benefits of hydrotherapy in dogs are numerous. It relieves pain, stiffness and swelling. Secondly, it strengthens the muscles and keeps them as such in the long run. Hydrotherapy alleviates muscle spasms. Regular hydrotherapy sessions leads to increased range of motions in joints. It helps accelerate the process of healing, and hence recovery. Finally, it increases the circulation of blood through the dog's body. Improved blood flow itself treats numerous malaise and speeds up the process of recovery from tissue damage and injury.

Thus, you see how beneficial hydrotherapy can be in taking care of your dog. To add to this, giving a healthy diet and sufficient time for relaxation will help your dog recover fast from any sort of illness. Give all these things a shot to give a better and healthy life to your canine friend.

Posted on 7:29 PM

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Has your dog lost a few pounds in the recent past and that too without a known cause? If yes, then you must be wondering about the underlying factors for it. The present article presents a short description on the number of possible causes of dog losing weight even without losing his appetite.

Dog Losing Weight Causes

There are several factors that can lead to weight loss in dogs. The one which is mostly found on the top of the list is parasites. Dogs often contract parasites by eating salmon and trout carrying flukes which are infected with disease causing organisms, or more specifically dog worms. Some of the common parasites of dogs are hookworms, whipworms, coccidiosis, heartworm disease, giardiasis, sarcoptic mange, etc. Metabolic disorders may cause a dog to lose weight even though he is eating and drinking well. Some examples of the metabolic or nutritional disorders are improper protein to calorie ratio, protein deficiency and malabsorption.

Malnutrition, like insufficiency of any of the nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, can lead to weight loss in dogs. It might be also due to the presence of foreign bodies in vital internal structures like esophagus or intestine. Sometimes, dog losing weight and drinking a lot of water are associated with each other. The factor which is most likely is that when the water retention affects the appetite. To add to these factors, there are several medical conditions that can result in dog losing weight but still eating.
  • Gastritis
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome
  • Chronic active hepatitis
  • Craniomandibular osteopathy
  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Addison's disease
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Idiopathic hepatic fibrosis
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Fungal infections
  • Side effects of drugs
  • Allergies
Dog Losing Weight Diagnosis

Dog losing weight is not a situation which needs emergency medical attention. However, it definitely needs your concern. The best idea is to take him to a veterinarian. He will need a review of your dog's former body weight. He will conduct a certain set of physical examinations and diagnostic tests. The veterinarian will ask you for your dog's stool. A thorough examination of the stool is required to determine the presence of micro-organisms and waste products of his body.

The veterinarian will also conduct complete blood count (CBC) to evaluate the composition and concentration of the components of the blood cells. CBC includes red blood cell count, white blood cell count, thrombocyte count, measurement of hemoglobin level, etc. The purpose of CBC is to identify infection, anemia, and chronic illnesses. The vet may conduct a biochemical profile. It is an important diagnostic tool which provides a significant amount of information about your pet dog' s health. A lot can be known about the medical condition of the dog by performing analysis of your dog's urine. The veterinarian may conduct urinalysis to collect some important data. He may also take help of the image results obtained from the chest and abdominal X-ray. The veterinarian will take all the information obtained by diagnostic tests to determine the underlying factor of your dog losing weight even without losing his appetite or thirst.

Dog Losing Weight Treatment

Once the exact cause of weight loss in your dog has been evaluated, the veterinarian will start treating your dog for that health issue. He may put your pet dog on a healthy diet which has an appropriate quantity of all the required nutrients. If your canine friend refuses to eat properly, the veterinarian may put him on forced eating as well. He may prescribe some sort of appetite stimulants to make your dog eat well. The veterinarian may give your dog some vitamin and mineral supplements, if the requirement is so. In case, your canine friend is not in a state to take food orally, the veterinarian may provide him nutrition intravenously.

In addition to the veterinary care, you too need to take care of your dog well. Give him an environment which is comfortable and free from stress. If needed, make him follow an appropriate exercise regimen. Give him a rich diet and all the prescribed medicines on time. Monitor his medical condition well. Weigh and record your pet dog's body weight in a periodic basis. Follow all the instructions and advice given by the veterinarian to take care of your canine friend in the best possible way.

Posted on 2:43 AM

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Pet owners across the country are becoming more aware of the benefits their dogs can gain by wearing adequate clothing in cold weather. Even dogs can become uncomfortable when the temperature drops - especially those with short hair. Keeping him clothed offers several benefits beyond just keeping him comfortable.

Some of the benefits of clothing your dog in cold weather:

Keeps him warm
Keeps him clean
Keeps his coat dry
Fends off fleas and ticks
Cuts down on insect bites
Screen from sunburns
Protect his paws
Keeps hair off the carpet

When the weather changes we change our wardrobe to suit the climate. The same rules can be used for our pets. Dog clothing comes in a large variety of types and styles. You can dress your pup in coats, sweaters, t-shirts, raincoats, and even boots.

Most dogs will adapt quickly to clothing. However some take a little longer. Just give them a little time and they will come around. You can get your dog to cooperate by offering him a treat when it is time to get dressed.

If the nights get cold in your home your dog will appreciate a pair of cotton pajamas. It wont take him long to figure out that the pajamas are helping to keep him warm. This will also help reduce the dog hair around the house. We can all appreciate that!

When we go outside and step on the rainy or snowy pavement with our bare-feet we run off dancing because the asphalt is so cold or wet. Dogs experience the same problem. Dog boots will offer the perfect protection for his little paws from heat, sleet and snow.

Dressing up your dog is not only fun when the holidays roll around! Celebrities are dressing up their beloved pets as well. Clothing designers are jumping on the bandwagon and designing stylish clothes for pets.

If you are wondering about sizes you can measure your dog with a piece of string. You want to start by measuring the distance from his head to the base of his tail. Once you have the length use a measuring tape to get the actual dimensions, then write it down. Measure his chest at the widest part, jot that down. Then all that is left is to measure around the neck. If you find that your dog is between sizes go with the larger size.

Don't wait for the holidays to look for fun ideas for dressing up your pooch. It's not just fun, it's for his comfort!

Posted on 6:54 AM

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Natural Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

Spring and Summer arejust around the corner. If youre a dog owner, you know how frustrating it can be keeping those pesky parasites away from your pets.

I live in Tennesse andhave a golden retriever/yellow lab mix. Last summer I tried collars, adams tick solution, frontline, and numerous other brands to keep her and our house protected. None of them were able to totally fix the problem. After no success and much frustration, I even had a local pest control come out and treat every room in the house as well as our lawn around the house in a ten foot radius from the house. It seemed to work for about a week, but soon enough, they seemed to make their way back in the house and on my dog, in spite of many precautions to keep her in the house.

I had an old family remedy my parents and grandparents had used that I finally decided to give a try. I didnt think anything couldwork better than the conventional methods I knew about, but I couldnt have been more wrong. After a few days of applying this natural solution to my dog, I began to notice an immediate difference. Within a couple weeks, there was no sign of fleas or ticks on my dog or in the house. This was mid August in middle Tennessee.

I wanted to share this recipe for everyone else who has experienced the same thing. As well as Im sure the conventional tick and flea treatments work, they do have a lot of chemicals in them that Im sure are very unhealthy for dogs. This prevention recipe is completely natural and actually smells good too!

Natural Flea and Tick Prevention Recipe

2 Cups of White Vinegar

1 Cup of Skin-So-Soft bath oil

1 Cup of Water

1 Table Spoon of Eucalyptus Oil

Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl and pour into a spray bottle

Spray a light mist over your pet one time per week

My dog is about 75 lbs. So it may be a little more or less depending on the weight of your dog.

Thats it!

The great thing is these ingredients are available at any grocery store and health food store. Theyre not very expensive, they smell good, they dont have a bunch of chemicals in them, and theyre natural for you and your dog. I dont have a cat, but Im sure it work just fine for a friendly feline as well. Give it a try, and good luckthis upcoming spring, summer, and fall.

Posted on 10:42 PM

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the common health problems in cats and dogs. Bacterial infection is a common cause of urinary tract infection. When bacteria enter the urinary tract through urethra and multiply in the bladder, it can lead to UTI. It is more common in female cats and dogs, because of a shorter urinary tract and weaker sphincter muscles. Generally, cats are more prone to UTI than dogs.


Urinary tract infection in animals such as cats and dogs is mainly caused by the bacteria, Escherichia coli. Other causative agents are Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus and Klebsiella. Bladder tumor, bladder cancer and abnormalities of the urinary tract can increase the risk of urinary tract infection. Kidney stone causes a blockage of urinary tract, leading to infection. According to some researchers, UTI in cats and dogs is associated with their diet. Commercial dry pet foods may be contaminated with bacteria, which can cause infection. Inadequate food storage and unhealthy feeding practices can lead to multiplication of E. coli.


There are two types of urinary tract infection; upper urinary tract infection and lower urinary tract infection. Upper urinary tract infection causes the symptoms such as vomiting, weight loss and anorexia. The signs and symptoms of lower urinary tract infection are related to abnormalities in urination. This includes trouble and extreme pain during urinating. The frequency of urination is increased. There is straining while urinating and localized pain. The urine is cloudy and foul smelling. There may be a presence of blood in the urine (hematuria). Some other symptoms of UTI are tender lower abdominal area, fever, fatigue, lethargy and loss of appetite. When you notice these symptoms in your pet, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian.


The diagnosis of UTI in cats and dogs is done with the help of physical examination, medical history and symptoms. The veterinarian performs a thorough physical examination including palpation of abdomen. The medical history includes the questions about reproductive status of your pet, water consumption, previous medications, illness or changes in urination. Urinalysis is done to determine the presence of bacteria, red blood cells, white blood cells and crystals. Excessively alkaline urine indicates the possibility of UTI. Culture and sensitivity of urine is performed to identify the causative agent.


This infection in cats and dogs is treated with a course of antibiotics. In case of severe infections or persistent urinary tract infections, catheterization or surgery may be required. It can be treated with some herbal remedies. Goldenrod Horsetail compound is the herbal tincture, which can help to soothe the irritating symptoms of UTI. Some other herbs used for UTI treatment are Uva Ursi, Berberine, Cranberry and Ester-C. These herbs help to reduce inflammation and manage the symptoms.

To prevent these health problems, you should take good care of your pet. Your dog's health and cat's health will depend upon the amount of attention you spend on its nutrition, and other health-related issues. Along with this, ensure you spend ample time and give your pet plenty of exercise to keep it happy and healthy forever.

Posted on 12:58 PM

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  • One-and-a-half servings of Whole Grain Rice per cup
  • Casein Free, Soy Free, Wheat and Gluten Free
  • Non-Dairy and Vegan
  • 3 grams of Protein per serving
  • Live Active Cultures
  • Made with Organic ingredients
  • No GMOs, Trans Fat or Cholesterol

  • Cons

  • Strong rice taste
  • Odd mouthfeel
  • A lot of ingredients (I like as few ingredients as possible, and I like them to sound like food.

  • Full Review

    Ricera Organic Rice Yogurt - Blueberry Flavor

    I'm always on the lookout for a good non-dairy yogurt to pack in my children's lunchbox. We really like the homemade soy yogurt that I make, but there's some obvious packaging problems with that. We've never had Rice yogurt before, so recently when we saw Ricera Organic Rice Yogurt next to the Soy yogurts at Whole Foods, I thought we'd give it a try, and picked up a blueberry flavor.

    It has attractive packaging. I pulled off the foil tab and handed the cup and a spoon to my oldest son. He took a big fat spoonful, and then immediately made a horrible face. "This tastes like *ss', he declared. I gave my younger son a spoonful, and he said it was terrible. Between the two, they agreed that you could taste the rice, and that there was somehow too much 'pulp' (or something like that) in it, and that it had a gritty taste.

    I took a spoonful, and I didn't think it was all that bad- not too sweet. There was something off about the texture, but it did taste like blueberries. I gave the rest to my fianc, who proceeded to wolf it down in less than 30 seconds. He said it tasted great. So the tally would be two adults who liked it, and two children who did not. I'd guess maybe that adults don't expect yogurt to taste like dessert.

    Because it has so many different thickeners in the ingredients list, it did have more of a pudding consistency, and I would have liked it being a bit more tart. But then, I like my yogurt tart and not sweet.

    In Closing

    Ricera Blueberry Yogurt Ingredients: Organic Ricemilk (water, organic whole-grain brown rice), Evaporated Cane Juice, Blueberries, Water, Pectin, Inulin, Calcium Phosphate, Locust Bean Gum, Salt, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Agar, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D2, Live and Active Cultures including l. bulgaricus, s. thermophilus, l. acidophilus, b. bifidum.

    Nutrition Facts: SERVING SIZE: 1 container (6 oz.); Calories 180; Total Fat 1g; Saturated Fat 0g; Trans Fat 0g; Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 160mg; Potassium 70mg; Total Carbohydrate 37g; Fiber 3g; Sugars 19g; Protein 3g

    Posted on 11:21 AM

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    Sunday, May 18, 2014

    In the past, dogs were generally used for utilitarian purposes and were raised for different tasks and kinds of work. This is the case of shepherd dogs, guard dogs and hunting dogs, who have gained their very special place in the hearts of humans. But today most dogs only serve as pets. So they have pet "jobs". However, dogs cannot be happy just to play this part. They feel like doing more, like being more useful for the ones they love so much. They are hard-workers, as they adore being useful.

    Dogs communicate with us through their look, through body language and through their specific sounds. They have a very peculiar behavior and an excellent sense of smell. It is through this sense, and through other senses in general, that dogs can learn new things from us. We humans are, on the other hand, complex and introspective beings. Thus, we can grasp certain concepts, we can read between the lines, understand certain hints. Nonetheless, we can also be quite revengeful, jealous and sometimes even irrational. Dogs cannot bear grudge, they are capable to forgive and forget at all times, anywhere and mostly anything. This is a great quality that we so often lack. But no matter how much we love our pet dog and how much we feel we can communicate with it and relate to it and it to us, let's not forget we are different species, after all. If we fail to understand this basic fact, this may prove harmful both for us and for our poor dog pets.

    For instance, we could say that in the dogs' world there isn't any such thing as democracy. No way Jose. Each dog breed is unique and should be treated as such. Thus, if we train a Golden Retriever as if it were a Jack Russell Terrier, in the end we'll get one piece of very confused and troubled Golden Retriever. Unfortunately, many dog owners ignore their dogs' needs. The most frequent mistake is to try to turn one's dog into a humanized version of it. It's not like in the movies, dogs can't really talk and they don't think and act as us humans do. This wrong attitude from the part of the owners can result in the dog's misunderstanding of its real place within the family, leading it to believe that there is equality among its rights and those of all the other family members. Because of this misunderstanding, such a spoiled dog can be quite undisciplined. After all, it's not even fair to treat a dog as if it were a human being. We humans would definitely hate to be treated as if we were something else than what we actually are.

    Therefore, it's very useful for us to appeal to dog empathy as much and as often as possible. It's much easier for us to step into our dog's "shoes" (or paws?) than for them to empathize with us. Dogs are capable of enjoying every moment of their lives. They process the information they receive and act accordingly. They cannot daydream of exotic places for their vacation. After all, they are on permanent vacation. The things that are most frequently on a dog's mind include food, the smell of food (like for instance the smell of barbecue coming from your neighbor's house), another dog's barking.

    One thing for us to do would be to start and analyze more carefully what is going on around us, by using our five senses. Thus, we should listen more careful, become more aware of what is happening, and improve our sense of smell and touch. The things we should look for throughout this experiment should include food smells, tactile exploration of objects and taking life as it is at all times.

    This process should of course start at an early stage of the dog's development. Thus, one good thing to do is to take your dog as many places as possible when it is merely a puppy. By doing this, the dog becomes more confident, sociable and comfortable with different environment and around different people. Another thing dogs can do is learn new tricks, as they generally love to show off and often put up little performance acts just for the sake of the audience.

    Posted on 1:48 AM

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    Thursday, May 15, 2014

    Superstitions are present all over the world. In these modern times, a lot of them are just harmless fun. Most people do not even realize they are participating in a superstitious act because it is something that has just been passed down through generations. Of course, there are some who realize it but they do not know why they are doing it. While there are superstitions about everything, a decent number of them involve food. Food is life, a gift from whatever deity you worship, so it is something that will keep you safe and alive.

    Cross in the Bread

    Frequently in loaves of baked bread (not in the mass produced processed stuff) you will find a little 'x' on the top of the bread, baked right in there. This is not just an 'x' but it is a cross. Cutting a cross into the bread dough before baking it assured that the devil or demons could not sit on it. Them sitting on the bread would cause it to spoil or be cursed. There is some debate on where this superstition stems from. I have heard Greece, Great Britain, and Italy but have yet to find an consensus.

    Bread Bubbles

    Another bread related superstition is that if you found a hole in the loaf of your homemade bread while you were cutting it, it symbolized death. The hole was akin to a coffin buried in the ground. This superstition was given more power perhaps by the high rate of mortality in ye olden days. You never knew when or what of your loved ones were going to be dropped into the ground by. Today with our processed pre-cut bread, we often forget this superstition.

    Rice at Weddings

    Rice is traditionally thrown at weddings as the bride and groom leave the church. Of course, this act is a superstition and not just a fun way to pelt the groom right in his face as hard as you can. Throwing rice over them is an act that is said to bring wealth and prosperity to the newly married couple. This is something practiced in a lot of places around the world, for example in India they throw rice at them because it is a staple food and there it is thrown to wish them to always have full stomachs and never go hungry. This is a dying tradition as it have been proven that rice is very unhealthy for birds. Now many weddings throw birdseed or blow bubbles.

    Christmas Cake

    There are numerous superstitions about Christmas, but one such food superstition involves the Christmas cake. It is said that when baking the Christmas cake on Christmas Eve everyone must has a stir of the batter or else bad luck will befall them. Once the cake is baked, everyone eats it save for one piece. That piece must be saved and eaten on Christmas Day. This piece is left for Santa, as in many countries you want to keep Santa happy or he might just kill you.

    Long Noodle

    In many Asian countries it is believe that the longer the noodle, the longer your life. Because of this superstition, noodles are cut long or in the case of some noodle shops, not cut at all. Cutting the noodles is akin to cutting your life in half. You may want to recall this superstition when you are breaking spaghetti in half to get it to fit in the pot.


    There are a couple different superstitions involving eggs. If you crack open an egg and it has two yolks, it is considered very lucky for obvious reasons. However if you crack open an egg and it has a spot on the yolk then it is considered bad luck. However, if you have no yolk at all, you have reached the pinnacle of bad luck.

    Farmers throughout Europe also used to take eggs and plant them in their fields for a bountiful harvest. Knowledge of agriculture tells us that this superstition is fed by science. Planting an egg in the ground is probably some fairly good fertilizer, like how Native Americans planted corn in the ground with fish. So of course this superstition lived on because it probably worked.

    Wish Bones

    This primarily an American and British superstition, but if it is practiced in your country I would love to know. For most, this is just harmless Thanksgiving or holiday fun. However when you grab an end of the wishbone and someone else grabs the other end, you pull and whomever ends up with the biggest bit is awarded with good luck. Most people believe themselves to be not superstitious, but it would be very rare if you have not indulged in this one at least once in your life.


    Garlic is used frequently in superstition, like eggs. Of course it was widely believed to ward off vampires and various other spooks. However in Greece, carrying around a piece of garlic is also said to ward off bad luck that can befall you if someone gives you the evil eye. Though, to be honest, carrying around a piece of garlic may cause you to get a few more evil eyes, but it will at least prevent bad luck.

    Garlic is also said to be a source of vitality. Greek and roman soldiers ate garlic before battle and Greek athletes consumed copious amounts before sports. Egyptians gave their slaves a daily ration of garlic as they believed it to give energy and strength.

    However, garlic is not always seen as good. In Mohammed's writings, it is said that when the devil's left foot touched the Earth as man was ejected from the Garden of Eden, garlic sprang forth from the Earth. If you are curious, onion sprang forth from where his right foot touched.


    Of course, the spilling the salt superstition is one of the oldest ones there is. In Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper, it depicts Judas spilling the salt. Once you spill the salt, the only way to reverse your bad luck is to throw it over your left shoulder to cleanse the evil spirit. Do not throw it over your right shoulder, though. It is believed that your guardian angel dwells over your right shoulder.

    Salt is used as a cleanser in most superstitions. People would sprinkle it in new homes, sprinkle it on a doorstep is someone unwanted came visiting and they wished them not to come again, and throw it over their shoulders after funerals. They even sprinkled it in the coffins of the dead to prevent zombies.

    It is also believed that you should never pass the salt at the table. There are many a clever rhyme for it such as "Help to salt, help to sorry" or "pass the salt, pass the sorrow".

    Posted on 5:22 AM

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    First off, after the dog has been bred, there will be a period of about 65 days (give or take a few) until the pups will be born. During this time, there are a couple of things that you will want to keep your eye on, such as making sure that the mother dog doesn't have any worms in her feces; if she does then you will want to treat her as soon as possible. At about the middle of the pregnancy stop letting her jump and keep her from getting overly excited; take her to the vet to make sure that everything is going good and that there are no complications. When the dog day does come, you will want to be there with the dog as she gives birth.

    If she is having trouble breaking the umbilical cord then you can always (carefully) help her by cutting it with a pair of sterilized scissors. When I was growing up, we had a dog that only had three legs and because of where we were living, there was no way of controlling whether she got pregnant or not. Sometimes when she would give birth, she would have trouble with the umbilical cord, all that my mom would do, would be to heat the scissors over a fire and cut the cord when the scissors cooled off.

    So, the puppies are now born and you are amazed at their complete beauty and cuteness and all. You will want to keep an eye on your dog to make sure that she fully recovers after giving birth, if some complications do occur, take her to the vet immediately.

    If the puppies are a breed that needs tail amputation then you will want to take them to the vet and get all that done when they are six to seven days old. For tips on how to do the amputations humanly from your home just Google it and you will find plenty of sites on the net that can help you.

    It's after about two weeks that the puppies start to open their eyes and ears, when the puppies are one and a half too two months old you will want to get them to the vet to get their first shots against various diseases; getting the shots is vital to the health and well-being of the puppies... and if I am not mistaken it is the law in some states, you don't want to be charged for animal cruelty.

    When you bring a puppy home for the first time, you might want to take him or her to your vet just to make sure that everything is going well and that the puppy is healthy. It will take time and patience to teach your new puppy the rules of the household but eventually he will learn. If you are getting a female puppy, you might want to consider getting her spayed unless you are going to be using her for breeding, if not then getting her spayed is the best option because you will never have to worry about accidental litters and all the problems that come with that.

    Any person that is a responsible breeder will care about where his puppies are going to end up; many people take back unwanted puppies because they don't want them to end up at the pound or worse.

    If you are looking for a puppy, try to look for a responsible breeder, it might cost a little bit more money but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you got a puppy that has a health guarantee and has been checked over by the vet. A good breeder always tries to breed his puppies to the highest standard and produce quality stock. On the other hand, a puppy mill rarely guarantees the health of their animals and the puppies that they have are usually riddled with different problems specific to the breed; you just might wake up some day and realize that you have to pay several thousand dollars worth vet bills because your lovely puppy had some disease specific to his breed.

    Just remember that whenever you are dealing with animals you are playing around with a life!

    Posted on 3:17 AM

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    Wednesday, May 14, 2014

    Dogs also suffer from different allergies, just like we humans do. Each dog is unique and needs different criteria to determine the causes of the food allergies as well. Food allergies in dogs are the most common types of allergies after flea bites and other inhalant allergens. There is a slight difference when it come to food allergies and food intolerance. Food intolerance leads to diarrhea, vomiting and several such symptoms that make the dog to deny eating anything, for the fear of not getting it digested. While symptoms of food allergies are itching, scratching and other skin problems that the dogs have to face on getting contracted with certain allergens.

    Common food allergens that affect dogs are several food products that are served to them on a regular basis, thinking they are healthy and great for the dog health. These allergens are lamb, beef, corn, wheat, soy, fish, etc. Dogs are also allergic to high protein foods, especially dogs that are suffering with several illnesses related to kidney. In such cases, it is very important to discover the best dog food for allergies, that can be a healthy and quick way to evade all dog allergies and will also maintain dog care.

    Dog Food for Allergies
    The best dog food is a novel dog food that is a good source of carbohydrates and proteins. This novel diet must be fed to the dogs for at least 12 weeks. This dog food must be from the food sources that the dog has never eaten before, such as rabbit meat, a rice diet for dogs or potato and venison, can also be helpful. Natural and the best dog food for puppies and large dogs with allergies, must be maintaining a ration as 50% of vegetables, 40% of meats and 10% of carbohydrates. Any food served in this equation can be the best dog food as far as allergies are concerned.

    The dog owner has to be more careful while choosing the food sources and dog treats that the dog has not tastes before and introducing those things in the diet of the dog. Make sure you avoid the foods that are animal byproducts, like a bone meal diet. Also, spare all the food additives and food preservatives like BHT, Ethoxyquin, BHA and stuff like that for the dog's health. Try some holistic dog food recipes, that will contain little to no fiber. Also provide the dog with enough sources or supplements of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E for additional pet care. These will also be best dog foods for large breeds.

    Best Dog Food for a Sensitive Stomach
    To maintain optimal dog health, it is very important to make sure that the dog is provided with enough amounts of vitamins and minerals. When the dog is troubled with unhealthy and upset stomach, it is natural that he would not want anything to eat. Your prime concern here must be to provide the dog with the best homemade dog food for allergies, instead of the canned dog foods and other dog treats.

    There are many home cooked dog food recipes that you can try as the best dog food for sensitive stomach of the dogs. Make sure you serve these foods to the dogs by keeping the plate at an elevated level, so that the dog needn't bend and make extra efforts to eat the food. It is necessary to make regular changes in the dog food as the dogs tend to get bored with the same food! If the symptoms of the allergies still persist, then it is very important to consult a vet along with providing the dog with the best food. It may also happen that the symptoms start to show up just as the dog returns to the routine diet. It is the time for a thorough checkup of the dog to see whether there are any serious complications and dog health problems.

    Rotating the dog food and learning recipes for homemade dog foods rather than canned food will keep the dog away from severe food allergies. Have a nice time!

    Posted on 9:27 AM

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    Monday, May 12, 2014

    According to researches, pets are genuinely endowed with healing qualities for their owners. They are effective especially in the case of elderly people, because it seems that their greatest problem is not illness in their bodies, but solitude and all the negative feelings it may bring about. Loneliness seems to be one of man's most upsetting things. Affection can have a curing effect on humans, not to mention the unconditional love a sweet pet may show to its master. Pets generally have a calming influence, distracting people's attention from inner states of pain, fear, loneliness, rejection. They can also connect people who share the same love for pets.

    It was proved that those patients staying in hospitals who got visits either from their very own pets, or from some agency pets, were generally more open to medical treatment and healthy feeding. Animals give patients the idea that life is worth living, be it only for them to be able to take care of their beloved companions. The most receptive to pet therapy are children and senior patients. Due to such loyal animal friends, such patients are likely to get better sooner than under normal conditions. Pets bring joy to their owners' life, amusement, unconditional acceptance and loyalty. Not to mention the fact that people have the feeling of going back to the roots, closer to nature.

    Most important is that the therapy cats and dogs have a calm, gentle personality and are people-oriented. They must love attention and petting and not be shy. In addition, they need basic obedience training and should be conditioned to sudden noises. They provide an invaluable service to those who are lonely, abandoned, or ill; indeed, anyone who needs the miraculous healing that can arise from a hug and a gentle touch.

    Pets are wonderful for treating abused or neglected children, as they represent for such kids a sort of safe place. Since their love is unconditional, children feel free to establish an emotional communication bridge with the animals. And by observing the way they interact with pets, doctors can discover how to cure those unfortunate children. Animals can often reach children's hearts better than adults could do in case of sad situations such as divorce, death or moving to another place to live.

    Specialists say that animals with healing powers may include dogs, cats, parrots, guinea pigs, bunnies, llamas, horses or even goats. By stroking a fluffy cat, for instance, one can lower his blood pressure and reduce the level of stress. So they are ideal for people with heart diseases. Also, dogs are recommended for people with diabetes, because such people need to exercise, and talking a dog for a walk is a great motivation to go out and march. These innocent creatures called animals seem to have been the gift of love, which is what people may be lacking due to their complicated, agitated, stressful lives. "All we need is love", and pets are simply putting it on a plate for us.

    As the DVM called Allen Schoen, DVM puts it "In order to bond with animals, we have to step outside ourselves and learn to communicate on their terms." Dr Schoen actually wrote a book "Love, Miracles and Animal Healing", where he speaks about the amazing healing capacities animals can have whenever their help is needed.

    Animals can feel and even sort of absorb our anxiety, pain, stress, and that is obvious to most people who are accustomed to them. Pets are highly influenced by the lifestyle of their owners: "...we emit energetic signals related to our deepest feelings that are picked up by those around us - especially our pets."

    The positive effect animals have on humans could simply be explained by the fact that they thus allow people to set their attention on the outside world, forgetting their own troubles and worries. One cannot really tell why animals are willing to help humans in this way, on the emotional level, or how exactly they manage to do it so wonderfully. This is probably one of the mysterious aspects of our earthly life, so maybe we should simply accept animals' free gift of love and compassion. "Someday we'll know"... the key to this mystery.

    Posted on 9:39 PM

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    What is reverse sneezing in dogs? It is a common, involuntary spasm which gets triggered by an irritation of the soft palate and throat. When your pet dog sneezes regularly, what happens is the air is pushed out through his/her nose. Now in the case of a reverse sneeze, what happens is the air is pulled in rapidly through the nose, which produces a noisy inhalation attempt. A loud snorting or wheezing-like sound is made, which is often a cause of alarm for many dog owners. But rest assured, it is not a life-threatening condition. However, if your dog is making a deep, snorting sound, every time an episode of reverse sneezing occurs, there are some techniques you can use to understand its causes and follow treatment.


    Technically, a reverse sneeze is not actually a sneeze. This problem usually shows itself in aged dogs. However, some dogs can have this condition throughout their lives. Now before we take a look at specific treatment methods, let's see what the main causes are.
    • The major causes are various types of irritants like dust, pollen, mites, household chemicals and cleaners, and/or dog allergies.
    • Some common causes also include viruses, inflamed nasal passage and post-natal drip.
    • If your dog eats food or drinks water rapidly, this habit can also cause this health issue.
    • When the dog is annoyed or can't tolerate exercise and other physical activities, or if you pull on his/her leash too hard.
    • Sinusitis and other respiratory disorders can also cause an episode.
    • Typically, small dogs experience this health issue, but other breeds can also go through the episodes.
    • Breeds which are prone to reverse sneezing are Boxers, Pugs, Shih Tzus, Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers (due to a genetic factor).

    As a loving dog owner, you surely wouldn't be comfortable with just standing on the side, while your dog goes through an episode. There is something you can do to shorten the episode. When your dog is standing still with the elbows turned towards the sides, it's a general indication of an episode. In such a case:
    • Massage the dog's neck very gently.
    • Pinch the dog's nostrils to shut them. This will make him/her swallow properly and breathe from the mouth.
    • You can also touch his/her tongue and provoke the swallowing reflex.
    • Offer your dog to eat or drink something; this will shorten the episode as well.
    • Go for a nice, long walk, so that he/she can breathe in fresh air.
    • If you notice that the episode begins after pulling on the leash, use a harness collar instead. The pressure on the neck won't bother him/her, as compared to the traditional collar.
    • During an episode, you can also check if your dog is not choking on any foreign object or if something is stuck in his/her throat.
    • If your dog can't breathe, collapses and/or seems in serious distress, rush him/her to the veterinarian.
    • After an episode, your dog should act normally, as he/she used to. If this does not happen, or your dog's health deteriorates, rush him/her to the veterinarian.
    A reverse sneeze lasts only for a few seconds or perhaps a minute or so. If you notice frequent occurrences, visit your veterinarian immediately. Reverse sneezing is not an illness, but more severe episodes need a checkup done by the veterinarian for any allergies, sinusitis, persistent cough and/or upper respiratory disorders.

    Posted on 9:52 AM

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