Saturday, March 29, 2014

Some time in the last couple years sweet potato fries started showing up at restaurants all over North America and to my surprise I actually liked the healthy alternative much more than traditional French fries! Unfortunately they are typically fried at restaurants, but it doesn't mean you can't make a nice healthy baked alternative in the comfort of your own home!

  • 1 lb sweet potatoes
  • Garlic powder
  • Non-stick cooking spray or olive oil


  • Cut the sweet potatoes into wedges; if you like thicker fries cut them thick, if you like them shoestring fries, cut them very thin.
  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Lightly spray your sweet potato wedges with the non stick cooking spray, or lightly brush the fries with olive oil.
  • Lay the sweet potato fries out evenly across your baking sheet.
  • Bake the fries for 30-35 minutes or until a fork can be gently pushed through the sweet potato.
  • Make sure to flip the sweet potato fries once while baking them.
  • Remove from oven and sprinkle with garlic powder!

This should serve 4 people, each serving yields the following macronutrients:
Calories - 121
Carbohydrates - 27.5g
Fiber - 3.4g
Protein - 1.9g
Fat - 0.3g

Posted on 10:45 AM

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cattle Breeds

The Kerry Cow

The Kerry cow today is endangered. This rare breed is reckoned to be one of the oldest breeds in Europe. The skull is similar to that of Bos primogenus, the Stone Age auroch. The Kerry has been linked with the progress of the black Celtic Shorthorn which was brought northwards from the Mediterranean basin by the Neolithic people. The Celtic Shorthorn was also small as was the Heren, another small black breed from the Alps. The black bulls of the Spanish Camargue also have similarities with the Kerry.

The Kerry is found on marginal pastures and subsistence farms in southern and western Ireland. There are also a few herds in the United States and in Canada. Kerrys first made their appearance in the States in 1818 but had virtually disappeared by the 1930s. By 1983, only around 200 pedigree Kerrys remained prompting the Irish Department of Agriculture to help in the conservation and promotion of the breed.

Meat and draught power were the two main purposes of keeping cattle in the very early days. However the Kerry was the first breed to be seen as a supplier of milk and dairy products. The Irish Celts ate little meat but milk was consumed in various forms. It was made into butter or cheese or treated with herbs and stored underground. Thanks to the equable climate and long grazing season there was little variation through the seasons in the supply of milk.

Keeping A Family Cow
Amazon Price: $49.95 Buy Now
(price as of Apr 28, 2013) This book contains practical advice
for the hobby farmer regarding
caring for a family cow.
Procedures for cow emergencies
are also covered.

The Kerry is almost always black although an occasional red cow is seen. There may be some white on the udder. It is a finely boned animal. Most cattle nowadays are dehorned but if horns are present, they are slender and white with black tips. The Kerry cow is a great character, active and nimble, well able to thrive on the rough terrain of her native country. The size of the Kerry depends on the conditions of her upbringing, whether food was plentiful or conditions harsh. Cows weigh from 350 to 450 kgs and make good house cows. The bulls in general are amenable.

The Family Cow (A Garden Way publishing book)
Amazon Price: $16.95 $10.17 Buy Now
(price as of Apr 28, 2013) An ideal, fully illustrated guide for those
who are looking for comprehensive
information on all aspects of
managing a family milking cow.

It is an extremely hardy breed. In winter it grows a thick coat. Because of its small size and easy keeping, more can be kept on an acreage than other breeds. The cows are big and roomy and generally have no trouble calving. They make good mothers and, although rather slow to grow, the carcass is of excellent quality and the meat tender and juicy. Milk from the Kerry is highoy suitable for invalids and babies as the globules of butterfat are small making the milk easy to digest. It is also ideal for the production of yoghurt and cheese. Average milk yields are a minimum of 3000 to 3700 kgs with a butterfat percentage around 4%.

The Kerry is a thrifty animal, ideal for small crofters and hobby farmers. Being small, they are less intimidating. They will milk quite well on poor pasture and bull calves become 'freezer fillers'. When crossed with larger breeds, the calves are small and create few problems during birth. Although it is thought to be related to the Dexter, the Kerry is taller and slimmer. It is intelligent and can become quite attached to its family. A Kerry cross also makes a good house cow.

Posted on 1:26 AM

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The age, breed, dermal conditions, and family history determines how much hair a dog will shed. However, in most cases the owner will be aware of regular shedding levels, so an increase in these levels will be easily noticeable.

Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs

This is a fungal infection that can affect dogs, and is passed on to them via some form of physical contact. The area that is afflicted by the infection is oval in shape, and it is usually present on the face, the ears, or the limbs of the animal. The infection causes hair to fall off from that particular spot, however, this does not cause any itchiness. Visiting a veterinarian immediately when this condition is spotted is highly advisable.

Food Allergy
Sometimes the cause is simply a food allergy of some sort. When afflicted with allergies, a dog will constantly feel itchiness all over its body at all times. There will be certain foods and ingredients that will cause this allergy in the animal, and as the owner of the animal, it's your duty to identify these food items to avoid for your pet.

Sarcoptic Mange
This is a form of scabies, and it usually reaches an animal through physical contact with another affected animal. Small mites invade the skin of the dog and burrow inside the layers and start laying eggs. This causes a tremendous amount of itching in the pet, but it is an easily treatable condition. This is a condition that can even pass on to human beings.

This is possibly the most common cause. Fleas regularly infest dogs, and even the presence of a single flea can cause itching. This matter is made worse by the great amount of difficulty it takes in actually locating the flea and its waste on the surface of the animal's skin.

Cushing's Disease
Excessive hair loss may also result out of an overactive adrenal gland that has been stimulated by the dog's pituitary gland. This condition may result in immediate symptoms which include hair loss. Glucocorticosteroids may also result in a patterned shedding of fur. This is accompanied by darkening of the skin and the remainder of the hair appearing dry and lifeless. This disease should be treated immediately because it renders the dog prone to infection, as well as the possibility of developing seizures.

Natural Irritants
Your dog needn't be infested by any organism to initiate hair loss, a few toxins found in nature too can result in it. For example the toxins of a poisonous nightshade plant is bound to create a lot of discomfort in your pet which will automatically result in hair loss. As such, irritants found in nature may well be poisonous, however, in most cases the pet may just suffer a general allergic reaction involving mild to excessive hair loss.

Hot Spots
Also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis, this is a condition that primarily affects thick-coated and long-haired dog breeds. Intense itching occurs as a consequence of this problem, and a veterinarian must be consulted immediately to obtain a cure for this. Many medical studies show that the possible cause for this condition could be an insect bite.

Lice and Nits
The first symptom is excessive scratching and whining. This is because lice and knits can wreak havoc on a dog's skin thus bringing about itchiness, calluses, open pores, and excessive hair loss due to their parasitic nature. Lice, are also responsible for causing a whole load of infections and diseases which if not directly, may indirectly contribute to shedding excess hair.

Nervousness and Stress
Sometimes when a dog is feeling lonely, or sad, or is just bored, its body tends to shed more hair than normal. They also tend to lick themselves more often and with more ferocity, and this also results in a greater amount of fur fall.

Calluses and Pressure Sores
Most dogs tend to rest themselves on hard flooring and concrete. This constant pressure exerted on the limbs may result in sores that is accompanied by hair loss in the canine. Though not a serious condition, it should not be ignored because this excessive hair loss may invite micro-organic invasion.

Canine Folliculitis
Folliculitis is a condition that renders the hair follicles inflamed. The pores of the hair contain the root that supports a dog's fur strand, as such an inflammation in this area will make the follicle weak which will result in canine hair loss. The causes of this condition may be many, so no specific reason can be isolated.

As the owner of the dog, one needs to keep an eye on the animal and observe its habits and behavior. Any drastic change in a pet's habits and activities must be duly noted. Visiting a veterinarian regularly for a routine checkup is also a good idea, and the pet must also be made to have a bath at least twice a week. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure general cleanliness so that the pet enjoys a good health. A dog losing fur is not uncommon, however, the intensity and the frequency of the hair loss must be kept an eye on.

Posted on 12:01 PM

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Being a dinosaur lover, if I can add a 'dino' element to everything I do, I'm a happy guy!

On that note, here is how to make a Green Dinosaur. The green dinosaur is a very potent but tasty refreshing drink perfect for those days when you want to lounge on the patio.

To make a Green Dinosaur you will need the following ingredients:

1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Dark Rum
1/2 oz Melon Liqueur
1 Bottle Mountain Dew
1 Collins glass

Like most drinks mixing a Green Dinosaur is pretty easy. Toss the desired amount of ice into your Collins glass, then mix in the Vodka, Tequila, Triple Sec, Dark Rum and Melon Liqueur into the glass as well. Fill the remainder of the glass with Mountain Dew and stir.

You have successfully made yourself a Green Dinosaur. Play around with how much Mountain Dew and ice you add to find the flavor that potency you desire.

Posted on 4:30 AM

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Who can resist the cutest puppy in the world? I guess no one can stop themselves from going, 'Oh, My God!, he's so cute!'. If you were to ask me, I would be ready to adopt all these heavenly creatures and click pictures of them all day long. These rolled up munchkins in brown and white fur cream are some of the smallest and cutest puppies in the world. In this article you shall see some of the cutest puppies in the world that will melt your heart as if it were made of dark chocolate!

Smallest and Cutest Puppies in the World

I have compiled a picture album of some of the smallest and cutest puppies in the world. Just scroll through the images and go ga-ga over these cutest puppies in the world.


Hi, I am Hunter. I am a Beagle pup and this is my friend Mario. According to my mother I am the cutest puppy in the world. I love to play and am always full of energy. My dad is trying some tips on training beagle puppies. I am a very intelligent pup and am picking up the new things taught to me very quickly.


Hello! I am Mojo and he's my bro Jojo. We are bulldog puppies and love to be friends. We are very active and you will find us doing something or the other all the time. Sometimes, Jojo tends to get a bit aggressive. We are made to sit here in the garden as smart Jojo here, ticked off the Master in a wrong way. You see it is a part of our dog obedience training according to Master.


Oh, how are you there? I am Princess Tinker-toes, a chihuahua. My favorite color is pink as you can see. I love my dog grooming sessions. You see a Princess always needs to be prim and proper for all occasions. I follow all the chihuahua puppy training tips my Mother wants me to follow. Ta-ta.


Alright, alright! You got me. I chewed off the toes of my Mommy's new shoes. I am a 4 week old Pug, what do you expect? I have to act my age and with all the teething troubles, I just couldn't resist the soft leather.


Hello! I am Spots, a Dalmatian. I am a gift for little Henry for his 6th birthday. I am so excited to meet Henry. I just can't stop thinking of all the fun we will have together.

Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Howdy, friends. I am Snowy, a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Wondering where I am all dressed up to go? I am going on a fun trip with my friends Martha and Roger. So long friends!

Shar Pei

Hi, I am Bubbles. Hello. I am Mumbles. We are Shar Pei dogs and we love our families. We are very affectionate towards our friends and love to make them smile with our comical antics.

Shih Tzu

We are looking for our mother. Has any of you seen her around? She belongs to the Shih Tzu dog breed. If you meet her, please do ask her to hurry back home. Romeo and Juliet are hungry....

Miniature Schnauzer

Yippeeee!!!! It is time to have fun. We are Miniature Schnauzer brothers and sisters. Let's search for the tiny, wriggly worm in the mud and get our paws dirty! Cool!!

Sweetest Puppy in the World

Are you still craving for more pictures of the cutest puppy? The following photo album contains more pictures of the cutest puppies in the world that will make you cry out loud, 'Chooooo chweeeeeettttt!!!'

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Miniature Schnauzer
"Blankie Buddies"

Golden Retriever
"Snugly Love"

"Black Mambo Jumbo"

"Angel Dreams"

"A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half cracked."

Sleepy Head
"Sleepy Head"

Friends for Life
"When You Find A Friend You Got to Hang on to Them Tightly"

Kind of Adjusting
"Kind of Adjusting"

Too Big for My Basket
"Too Big for My Basket"

Puppy and Rabbit
"Best Friends Forever."

Siberian Husky
"There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship."

Welsh Corgi
"Had loads of fun last night!!"

These are some of the smallest and cutest puppies in the world. One cannot single out any one dog breed having the cutest puppy in the world. According to me, all the tiny little pups can be considered as the cutest. I hope this picture album of some of the cutest puppies in the world has brought a smile to your face.

Posted on 4:16 AM

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Is your dog not eating properly? What might be the reasons for the decrease in appetite? Dog owners must not assume that their pet is being a picky eater. Decrease in appetite may be indicative of an underlying health problem. If the loss of appetite is accompanied by vomiting or changes in behavior, you must take your pet to a vet soon. Here are some of the common reasons for loss of appetite in canines.

Possible Reasons for Loss of Appetite in Dogs

Change in Dog Food
Did you recently introduce your dog to a new brand of dog food? Your pet might be finding it difficult to adjust to the new taste. Generally pets will take some time to adjust to a new brand as they might be habitual of eating the earlier brand of dog food. Dogs get attracted to a food by using the smell receptors in their nose, in case, the dog has been refusing to eat the same food for many days, the smell receptors might be causing it, so get healthy and delicious dog foods and see if he eats or not. If your dog is simply being a picky eater, try to train him. Also check if your dog has been eating food from other places. If he has been eating garbage or cat food, make sure you don't allow him to do that.

Change in the Surroundings
The issue might be psychological. If there has been a change in the surroundings, it might affect your dog adversely. If your dog has been the only pet, bringing in a new pet might also cause a change in dog behavior. Dogs are great pets and look forward to spending time with their owners. Sometimes, when the owners plan a vacation, leaving their dog alone at home for an extended period, their pets might suffer from separation anxiety. This might affect their appetite. They are used to having their master around to feed them and play with them, when their routine changes and they see new faces coming in to feed them, this might trigger a loss of appetite. Things could get even worse if you leave your dog at some other place, making him stay in unfamiliar surroundings.

Health Issues
Vaccination could also cause loss of appetite. So, if your dog got the shot recently, loss of appetite could follow. In case of older dogs, a decrease in appetite may be due to a lack of exercise. Aging can bring about many physiological changes. Low energy levels and loss of appetite could be due to aging. So, do take your pet for walks and give him healthy dog food. If your dog's energy levels have gone down and he is refusing to eat, it is advisable to get him checked for any systemic infection, worm infestation, kennel cough, digestive or dental problems. Loss of appetite that may be accompanied by vomiting might be caused due to diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. If your dog has been making noises and refuses to eat, get him checked for abscessed teeth and gum problems. Sometimes, your pet might suffer from a loss of appetite after surgery. This might be a result of disorientation caused by the use of anesthetic. Comfort your dog as he deals with the disorientation and make sure he gets rest. Take him to a vet and get medicines to treat this loss of appetite.

Dogs are wonderful pets and would go to any extent to please their masters. All they want is their master's care and affection. You as owners also have a responsibility to note any physiological and psychological changes that may be affecting your dog's health. So, if your dog is not eating properly and seems to be losing his playful nature, take him to a vet and give him lots of love so that he returns back to his old ways.

Posted on 9:46 PM

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If your dog often suffers from ear infections and you have used the ear cleaning solution prescribed by the vet, but there is no difference to the infection, you should try the homemade ear cleaning solution for dogs given below. Most treatment procedures for ear infections in ears are expensive, as the cost includes, a visit to the vet, along with the professional fees charged by the vet in disposing of treatment, dos and don't of the treatment, and the actual medication to be purchased. The homemade solution will not cause a dent in your pocket and at the same time is more effective at maintaining your dog's health.


The ingredients required in making this cleaning solution are boric acid powder, white vinegar, isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol and antiseptic solution, also known as 'Povidone-Iodine' solution. There are many versions of antiseptic solutions in the market, but remember, you should not use antiseptic scrubs, since scrub detergents are added to them.

An empty bottle will also be required to store the solution. Choose a bottle with an applicator cap from which will enable you to apply the solution directly into your dog's ears. Use a bottle which has ounce markings on its exterior, as the markings will help you to know the amount of solution you are using in each ear.

Boric acid is used to manufacture illegal drugs, hence there are regulations on the acid. There is a possibility that you will have to buy boric acid powder over the counter.

The directions in preparing a dog ear cleaning solution recipe have to be followed as it is mentioned below.
  1. In the empty bottle take 6 ounces of rubbing alcohol. To get the exact measurements of the alcohol, you can use the measurements on the bottle.
  2. To the alcohol add half a tablespoon of boric acid powder. Be careful when you add the boric acid powder to the alcohol, so that it does not fall on your clothes or hands. In case it does, wash it off immediately. A funnel made of paper can be used to add the boric acid powder to the alcohol. Close the bottle with the cap and then shake the bottle till the boric acid powder dissolves in the alcohol. Be patient, I am sure you can do this for your beloved pet dog.
  3. After the powder dissolves, add two ounces of white vinegar to the solution in the bottle. Again shake the bottle well.
  4. At last but not the least, add two teaspoons of antiseptic solution to the mixture in the bottle. Now your solution is ready. The end product will have a color similar to that of iced tea.
Now that the solution is ready you will have to get hold of your dog. The most difficult part of the procedure is to get hold of the dog and spray the solution in its ear, so take the help of another person too. One person will have to hold the dog and the other will be required to spray the solution in the dog's ear. Now the question stands, how much of the solution will be required? I have an answer. The answer is to fill up the ear canal with the solution and then cover the ear and shake the dog's ear with your hand. Let the solution slosh about in the ear. If you do not undertake this step the dog will shake its head and the solution will come out of the ear. Use the solution till the infection subsides. Then you can use the solution once a week.

Posted on 9:10 AM

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Pet Parrots

The Senegal

The Senegal parrot is one parrot variety that is appropriate for life in an apartment. The Senegal is colourful and charming. Even better as regards having neighbours close by, they are not too noisy. Most will imitate words they hear often and acquire quite a vocabulary over time. They are not too big, but are entertaining and sociable.

The Senegal has a high-pitched whistle and does squawk although he is not as noisy as some parrot species. There are three subspecies with the major difference being colour. They are similar in size and behaviour. The scientific name is Poicephalus senegalus.

Senegal Parrots (The Birdkeepers' Guides)
Amazon Price: $12.95 $6.96 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 15, 2013) Concise but complete coverage of
all aspects of keeping Senegal parrots
makes this a useful resource.

The Senegal (or Sennie) can be a delightful pet, quiet and friendly. Sometimes, though, they can be one-person pets, over-bonding with one member and becoming aggressive to others. Unfortunately this aggression may extend (because of jealousy) to their favourite handler as well. Some Senegals also have a tendency to bite when excited or in protest at some action that they disapprove of such as being returned to their cage. Young birds should be exposed to as many different situations and people as possible to minimise any likelihood of anti-social behaviour. Socialisation is extremely important for this breed and the best pets will be those that have been reared by hand from babies. If captured in the wild, the Senegal rarely becomes truly tame.

Super Bird Creations 12 by 5-Inch Crunch and Munch Bird Toy, Medium
Amazon Price: $11.97 $5.05 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 15, 2013) These toys satisfy a bird's need to
chew. By hiding treats in the vine
balls, your bird will be able to keep
himself occupied and stimulated.

Variety is the spice of life and Senegals should be given a varied diet. Dry food can be supplemented with raw or cooked vegetables. Most dry seeds will be eaten with relish. Sunflower, millet, soy bean, chick peas, split peas, mung beans, hemp are some that can be offered. Small amounts of apple and pear, lean chicken, cat or dog biscuits and boiled egg are other possibilities. If using a vitamin/mineral supplement, be sure not to give too much. Fresh, clean water needs to be available at all times.

All birds do best if allowed to stretch his wings and fly and if your Senegal doesn't have an outdoor aviary, he will need the opportunity to play and exercise outside his cage. An indoor cage needs to be at least 4 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft. In warmer areas, an outdoor aviary of 6 ft x 6 ft x 3ft should be provided. Hardwood perches will help keep his claws short.

Although the Senegal breeds reasonably easily in captivity, some will not do so until 6 or 7 years old. Breeders all have their individual preferences for the shape and configuration of breeding boxes. A box of about 8" x 10" x 18" should be suitable. They need a hole to allow entry and exit. This needs to have a diameter of 2 inches. A side door will allow you to inspect the nest. If you have no luck breeding your Senegals, try a different shaped nest.

Senegals will need some toys and something to chew on. Such items as swings and ladders will satisfy their need to climb and wooden items will help keep their beak trimmed nicely. To keep him friendly and tame, handle him each day. Try to keep to a routine and your Senegal will reward your trouble with hours of pleasure.

Posted on 11:58 AM

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kennel cough is named so, because infection mainly starts from contaminated dog kennels. It is a contagious disease common among dogs, is characterized by inflammation in the upper respiratory system. It is also referred to as tracheobronchitis. It is mainly caused due to infection by the bacteria, Bordetella bronchiseptica. In addition, virus such as canine adenovirus, canine respiratory coronavirus, canine distemper virus and canine parainfluenza virus are also responsible for causing this condition in dogs.

It is spread through direct contact or through contact with any contaminated surface. It is an air-borne disease and is spread when the infected dog coughs or sneezes. It is to be noted that cats, rabbits and other pet animals can also be infected with it. Recent studies have shown that children as well as adults, with a compromised immune system are at high risk of bacterial infection associated with this cough.

Symptoms are dry cough, sneezing, snorting and a watery nasal discharge. Sometimes, they include vomiting and lethargy. Usually, symptoms are observed after four to five days of exposure and the illness may last for three weeks. Very young puppies and dogs with low immune system are more prone to severe kennel cough. This condition is diagnosed based on the symptoms and physical examination. For confirmation, X-ray imaging, blood tests and bacterial culture or viral isolation can be done.

Home Treatment Guide

Treatment is essential as it may lead to other dog health problems such as fever, pneumonia, and even death in severe cases. Treatment is usually done with home remedies and medications. If the dog is suffering from mild cough and has a normal appetite, then you can use home treatments. Medications such as cough suppressants, bronchodilators and antibiotics along with aerosol therapy are recommended. Let's see some of the natural remedies for treatment of this cough.

A dog suffering from this cough should get maximum rest and sleep. Make sure that you keep it warm, comfortable and free of irritants such as smoke and dust. For prevention of throat swelling, you can use a humidifier to keep the air moist and humid. However, take care that the humidity doesn't exceed 50%.

Homeopathic products available in the market are also included in home treatments. Take care while choosing the homeopathic product, it is advisable to check its ingredients before feeding it to your sick dog. You can consult with your vet about effective homeopathic treatments.

Giving a vaporizing treatment to the infected dog, two to three times a day, will help in quick recovery. You can do this by running a hot shower in the bathroom with the door closed. Take the dog in and let it inhale steam for about 20 minutes. This will help in clearing the excess mucus in the nasal passages and bronchial tubes.

Another effective natural remedy is feeding the infected dog with soft food and encouraging it to drink ample amounts of water. This will help in flushing the excess mucus and will give relief from cough.

Care should be taken regarding the type of dog food you feed the sick dog. Supplementing your pet's diet with vitamins will help strengthen its immune system, which is necessary for fighting off the infection. Along with feeding vitamin-rich foods, you can include vitamin C tablets of recommended dose three times a day in your dog's diet.

Giving three teaspoons of honey a day will help in soothing your sick dog's inflamed throat and in treating the cough. You can feed your dog honey mixed into its meal or a bowl of warm water.

Studies have revealed that wild cherry bark, which has an astringent property, helps in alleviating the cough and soothes the throat irritation. You can make use of wild cherry tea, tincture or syrups that are available in the market. Other natural remedies include licorice tea, peppermint, sage leaves, ginger, tulsi leaf extract and coconut oil.

It is advisable to remove the dog collar, as pressure to the trachea and throat would worsen the cough. In addition, proper vaccination of the dog and regular disinfection of the kennel is recommended to prevent kennel cough.

Always consult and seek advice from a vet before following the treatments. Proper dog care is crucial to your pet's health. Check for any changes in your dog's behavior; after all, it's the pet owner who is responsible for the dog's health and fitness.

Posted on 6:05 PM

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Does your dog keep licking a certain spot, making it look red and patchy and gross? Your furry friend may have a staph infection. There is only one way to diagnose a staph infection, though, and that is to take your dog to a veterinarian. If you suspect that your dog has a staph infection, you should bring it to the vet immediately for a check-up.

What is a staph infection?

Staph infections are one of the most common infections dogs can get. The bacteria on their skin naturally contains the Staphylococcus bacteria that can cause such an infection, and when they get a cut or scrape - as they are known to do - and lick it, they can easily transfer the bacteria into the cut and create a staph infection. Usually, it takes the form of a red rash that can spread and irritate your dog. Since the bacteria is naturally found on your dogs skin, you cannot usually prevent it. Just keep an eye out for it and catch it early.

How do I know if my dog has a staph infection?

The first visible sign of a staph infection will probably be a red rash that your dog keeps licking. Other symptoms can include persistent itching, loss of appetite, fever, pain, and infections in other places such as the eyes, ears, or elsewhere on the skin. The best way to find out if your dog has a staph infection is to take it to the vet, who will draw blood and test the skin. Only your vet can diagnose a staph infection correctly and give you the prescription you need to treat it, so if you suspect your dog is infected, take a trip to the vet right away.

How do I treat a staph infection?

When we think of staph infections in humans, we often think of MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) or other, very harmful and persistent infections. This is not the case with dogs, however. Dogs get this skin irritation quite frequently, and so it is easily treatable. Your vet will probably give you an antibiotic to kill off some of the bacteria and speed up healing. The vet may also give you a topical cream to ease the skin irritation and make your dog more comfortable. Give the antibiotic as directed, and apply the skin cream as directed. When you put the cream on the skin, however, you may need to keep your dog from licking the area. You can do this with an Elizabethan collar, on an E-collar, that you attach around your dogs neck and that protrudes over the snout to keep the dog from licking itself. You can also tie an old t-shirt around the area with the cream on it until it has been absorbed into the skin.

Are they dangerous? Contagious?

As stated before, if you catch it early, staph infections are usually not dangerous to dogs. However, as soon as you see signs or symptoms, take your dog to the vet because you dont want it to get any worse. If it does get worse, it can be a serious problem, so dont try to treat it yourself. Trust a trained professional. Staph infections are usually secondary to some type of allergy that your dog may have, and, therefore, are not contagious to humans. Because all dogs have the bacteria on their skin that causes staph infections, the infection itself is not usually contagious to other dogs, so if your puppy has a furry friend, it should be fine.

Posted on 7:13 PM

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Dogs, being outdoor animals, are susceptible to infections. Eye infections, in particular, need to be treated appropriately. If left untreated, they could lead to various complications and even blindness. Of course, the best thing to do is to take your dog to the vet in order to rule out any serious injury, especially if your dog has undergone some trauma. As a pet owner, you have obviously learned to rely on your instincts and do what's best for you pet.

Another noteworthy aspect of eye problems is that it is impossible to gauge its severity. For instance, your dog could be squinting due to some harmless particle lodged in his eye, which can be cleared with a rinse at home. It could also happen that he could be suffering from some internal injury due to the fight he got into last week. So, it is the responsibility of the owner to be safe and carry out the appropriate measures to help the pet, and not just experiment with home remedies. Any carelessness could cause some serious complications.

Pet owners are always advised to look out for any sudden behavioral or physical changes in their pets. However, the problem with eye infections is that it may go unnoticed by many owners, as the symptoms may take time to manifest. Also, puppies are prone to suffer from eye infections more than adult dogs. So, before we move on to learning about the remedies, let's learn to spot the alarming signs.

Spotting the Signs of Infection
  • The first thing that will come to your notice is a dog who is constantly pawing his eye. Dogs may try to rub or scratch their eyes against some surfaces too.
  • Any discharge - be it watery or colored is a sure indication of danger.
  • Notice any change in the appearance of the eye - if it is reddened, swollen, bigger, shrunken, droopy or hazy, it calls for attention.
  • In some cases, the dog's eye may look normal, without any accompanying discharge. But if the dog does not let you touch the area surrounding the eye, it means there is a problem.
  • Squinting, cloudiness and inability to open the eyes may also be indications of an eye infection in your dog.

Note: In case you spot pus oozing out of the eye, ensure that you arrange for immediate medical attention, as it indicates grave internal injury. Also, any eye problem that is a result of trauma needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Treating Eye Infections in Dogs
It is disturbing for pet owners to see their pets in distress. In most cases, owners choose to take their dog to the vet at the earliest sign of an eye infection, and it is the wisest thing for inexperienced people to do. Also, if your dog appears to be in severe pain or discomfort, you need to rush her to the vet without delay. However, there are certain home remedies that can be tried out in the initial stages of the infection, which can reduce the discomfort and alleviate the infection symptoms too. These include different types of eye rinses that help wash away the infection and clear out the debris from the eye.
  • As soon as you notice an infection, the first thing you need to do is to wash your dog's infected eye with saline water. Mix half a teaspoon salt in a glass of lukewarm mineral water, stir it well and very gently splash this water onto the dog's eyes. With a clean cotton ball, wipe off any discharge or debris that you can see.
  • Prepare some chamomile tea and allow it to cool down thoroughly. Soak a cotton ball in the tea and cleanse the dog's eye with it.
  • Herbal rinses may also bring relief in some cases. Prepare a herbal eye drop for your dog's eyes, by mixing together equal proportions of herbal extracts like calendula, chamomile, red clover and eyebright. Use a dropper to pour the solution into the dog's eyes, thrice a day.

The above remedies should not be continued for more than three days. If you do not see any improvements in the condition of the dog's eye, consult a vet for medical treatment without any delay. Also, make sure that your dog does not paw or itch the infected eye or else it will get worse and take more time than desired to heal.

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for veterinary advice.

Posted on 12:19 PM

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Before we think about adopting a dog, it is very important to understand the different types of dog breeds. This is because one needs to bring home a dog that suits their lifestyle, living space available and the dog's temperament should match your needs. There are some dogs that prove to be good apartment dogs and few dogs require a lot of running space. Also, a few dogs require a lot of dog grooming and dog exercises to remain healthy.

Apart from the level of dog care required, you also need to keep in mind the size of the dog. If you are looking for a lap dog or a dog that requires less living space, you need to go in for small dog breeds. If you want a dog to guard your house, cattle or property, you may require a shepherd dog or a good watchdog. If you have kids at home, you should go in for dogs that are excellent pets for children. Those who do not have time for high energy dogs, should adopt dogs that love lazing around. There are different dogs, divided into different categories.

Different Dog Breeds

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has recognized about 157 types of dog breeds. These different dogs are placed in different dog groups. Let us have a look at the types of dog according to the dog group.

Sporting Dogs
Sporting dogs also known as Gun dogs in England are bred to help in hunting game birds. These dogs can work in land and water environment and are suited for field activity. The sporting dogs are divided into three categories; Retrievers, Pointers and Setters. Did you know trained dogs are very helpful companions for people suffering from autism, depression, post traumatic stress disorder?

Working Dogs
Working dogs are dog breeds that are bred for hunting, rescue operations, guarding, herding,pulling as well as hearing dogs. These types of service dogs are very intelligent and help their masters in their tasks. They are generally large dog breeds and very courageous in nature.

Herding Dogs
The herding dogs take care of herding livestock like sheep, cattle, etc. These dogs have a waterproof double coat that helps protect them from natural elements. They are also used in police search and rescue operations as well.

Terrier Dogs
Terrier dog breeds are a group of dogs bred to hunt and kill vermin like mice, rats and other animals that affect a farm. These dogs are very active and brave. They have the ability to fight off any predatory animal attacking the farm such as a fox.

Toy Dogs
Toy dogs or miniature dogs are very small dog breeds. These kinds of dogs are mostly kept as a status symbol by the wealthy. They are easy to care for and very loyal. They are basically lap dogs who require very little living space.

List of Dogs

Not all dogs are friendly and happy-go-lucky kind of canines. There are many dangerous dogs in the world. Here, we shall enlist only a few popular dog breeds. The following list will help you learn some of the different breeds that may suit your needs.

Dogs that are Small
Different types of small dogs generally make good apartment dogs. If you are looking for types that stay small then the following list will prove to be helpful.
  • American Cocker Spaniel
  • American Eskimo Dog
  • Beagle
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Bichon Frise
  • Boston Terrier
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Chihuahua
  • Dachshund
  • English Cocker Spaniel
  • Fox Terrier
  • French Bulldog
  • Havanese
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Jack Russel Terrier
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Maltese
  • Miniature Bull Terrier
  • Miniature Doberman Pincher
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Pomeranian
  • Poodle
  • Pug
  • Shiba Inu
  • Shih Tzu
  • Toy Fox Terrier
  • Volpino
  • Welsh Terrier
  • Yorkshire Terrier
Dogs that don't Shed
Many times people who want to adopt a dog are worried about the dog allergies. They can try to bring home dogs that don't shed. These are hypoallergenic dog breeds that do not cause severe dog allergies to the owner or people coming in contact with the dog. Allergies are caused by dog dander. You can bring home dogs that are not heavy dander shedders and do not produce allergens, these breeds are:
  • Shih Tzu
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Maltese
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Bichon Frise
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Border Terrier
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Havanese
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Norfolk Terrier
  • Silky Terrier
  • Welsh Terrier
  • Boston Terrier
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Chinese Crested
  • Australian Terrier
  • Airedale Terrier
  • Standard Poodle
  • Wirehaired Fox Terrier
  • Greyhound
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Mix
  • Basenji
  • Kerry Blue Terrier
These are a few types that you can adopt as pets. Popular dog breeds like a Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Saint Bernard, Boxer, etc. are very commonly seen in American homes. Make sure you understand all about the dog behavior, temperament, nature and exercise requirements of the dog breed you are interested in. If the dog behavior matches your requirement, you should adopt the dog. Or else look for a breed that matches your need.

Posted on 2:07 PM

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

When a human is diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor gives an extensive list of foods that can be consumed and foods that cannot be consumed. The same is the case with dogs, since the basic nature of the disease remains the same. Requirements of dogs are different from our own. They have a certain set of foods that they can safely consume, while there are other foodstuffs that are harmful for them. The point of saying this is to tell you that it is very important to take sensible and logical decisions if you have a diabetic dog, and that going with your gut instinct (while it may work sometimes for some people) is best avoided. Consult the vet to find out how your pet's current diet can be modified or changed to suit, and gradually improve, his current health condition.

It is important that you do not blindly follow a human diabetic diet plan for your dog. There have been cases where this has led to undesirable results. So, let us start by figuring out what a dog needs which his sugar levels have risen above normal...

What to Include
  1. Carbohydrates (Starch and Fibers)
  2. Fats (Trans fats, Cholesterol, Saturated fats)
  3. Calcium and Vitamins (A, C and E)
  4. Proteins, Magnesium and Iron
What to Curtail
  1. Carbohydrates (Sugars)
  2. Fats (Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated)
  3. Sodium
  4. Potassium

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food
If you are well versed with the routine of making homemade dog food, then you will find no difficulty in preparing dog food with healthy choices. If you are not, then there are a few dos and don'ts that you need to keep in mind. The biggest advantage of preparing homemade food for your diabetic dog is that you will be feeding him/her healthy and unprocessed food. You may also consider a raw diet after consulting with your vet. While preparing homemade dog food recipes, healthy and low fat meat sources, like skinless and reduced fat turkey, chicken and fish can be used. Also, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits (excluding raisins and grapes), soluble carbohydrate sources like brown rice, oats, barley and corn, additional natural sources of vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, etc., can be incorporated in the diet. If you want to use supplements make sure that they are strictly prescribed by your vet.

As far as foods to be avoided are concerned, there are a few equally important things to remember. To begin with, avoid sugars and its forms like fructose, sucrose and sweet syrups if you are using them. Eliminate all traces of baked foods which includes dog treats and biscuits. You should also refrain from an all-meat diet or all-carb diet, which will only exacerbate the diabetes. Soft wet dog food, canned wet dog food and dry dog foods also need special attention. If you are unable to judge, then it is better to consult with the veterinarian. It is also important to avoid meat sources of high saturated fats, like beef and pork. If you have to include high fats, then opt for fish oils which are healthy fats.

Healthy Food for Diabetic Dogs
The following list is a mixture of high protein and low glycemic index foods that will be suitable for a diabetic dog. But before you incorporate any of these in your diabetic dog's diet, make sure that you consult with the vet because depending on the diet, the insulin dose may change. Also, the list tells you how often you can feed you dog a particular food, so it is best if you can make a diet plan for the week in advance and consult the vet before putting it into practice. If the vet gives the nod, it is best to stick to the plan for a few weeks. Frequent changes in a diabetic dog's diet are not at all advisable, since they can make his sugar levels fluctuate wildly. It is of utmost importance to feed a diabetic dog a consistent diet, with consistent portions at the same time everyday. I dare say that is more, OK, as important as what you feed him.

The stars alongside the food indicate how frequently you can feed it to your dog.
*** means 4 - 5 times a week (along with prescribed kibble).
** means 1 every two weeks (along with prescribed kibble).
* means 1 - 2 times a month (along with prescribed kibble).
Chicken breast ***
Lean beef **
Turkey breast ***
Lean ham *
Lean lamb **
Soybeans **
Fresh fish (boneless) ***
Cauliflower/broccoli **
Cabbage ***
Raw Carrots **
Pumpkin **
Peas **
Lettuce ***
Kale **
Spinach ***
Cucumbers/Zucchini ***
Celery ***
Alfalfa Sprouts ***
Parsley ***
Beet **
Sweet Potatoes **
Parsnips **
Apples **
Bananas **
Oranges ***
Grapefruit *
Papaya *
Oat bran ***
Brown rice ***
Rye ***
Buckwheat ***
Whole wheat ***
Barley ***
Tofu **
Hummus **
Couscous **
Low Fat Cottage cheese **
Eggs ***
Low Fat Yogurt/Buttermilk ***
Olive Oil ***
Turmeric ***
Curcumin ***

Commercial Diabetic Dog Food
As I said in the above section of the article, commercial dry dog food and soft wet canned dog food, both these options should be restricted and rather replaced from the diet of a diabetic dog. There are various reasons behind this. First of all, it is important to understand that dog foods that are made available on the market, are not guaranteed to be ideal for individual health conditions of the dogs. Hence, the chances of advantages and disadvantages of these foods are even. Secondly, most of the time it happens that dog foods that are cited to be ideal for diabetic dogs contain food sources that are unhealthy for diabetic dogs. In short, until and unless you are not totally sure about the ingredients in the commercial dog foods that you should not purchase it. It doesn't mean that there is no commercial dog food available. You can definitely find some dog food brands that are made using naturally healthy food sources.

Having said that, it is important to note that there are few brands which specialize in diabetic dog foods. The list below offers some healthy choices:
  • Merrick Pet Foods
  • Purina Veterinary Diets DCO Diabetic Dog Food
  • Solid Gold Northwest Natur-Bones Dog Biscuits for Diabetic Dogs
  • Hills Science Diet
  • Nature's Best
  • Newman's Own Advanced Natural Dog Food
  • Organix Dog Food
  • Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Low-Fat LS
Best low-glycemic commercial dog food:
  • Horizon Legacy (Dry)
  • Horizon Complete (Dry)
  • Carna4 Dog Food (Dry)
  • Merrick Grain Free Dog Food (Canned)
  • Merrick Dog Food (Canned)
  • Nutrisca Dog Food (Dry)
Apart from the aforementioned brands, you can also choose other brands that don't have harmful ingredients like sugar in all the forms, and high levels of fats. You also need to make sure that they don't contain any byproducts and meat bone meals or grain meals. Avoid brands that contain foods that are allergy triggers for your dog. While doing so, it is always advisable to consult the veterinarian before making any significant changes in the regular diet of your dog.
Learning about the proper dietary modifications in your dog's diet is the best solution for finding the best diabetic dog food. It's a process. Research and an open mind are the key factors in ensuring that your dog receives the best diet.

Posted on 6:01 PM

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Friday, March 7, 2014

So, the summer is here. It's breezy outdoors and you feel like taking your pet outside and playing with it. But wait a minute! Can your dog take the excess summer heat? If it plays or sits in the sun, can it led to a heatstroke? Well, the answer to both these questions is unfortunately yes! Unlike humans, dogs do not sweat. This means that they do not have a system in place in their bodies to dispense heat. Thus, they need to be protected from the scorching sun, even more than humans!

How to Protect Pets from the Summer Heat

Clip its Fur
The simplest thing that you can do is to trim its coat and reduce the fur on its skin. When you do this, your pet will itself be able to maintain its body temperature. This will prevent the heat from building up in its body. However, make sure that you do not over trim, as the fur covering also acts as a protector from the sun.

Don't Leave it in the Car
A grave mistake people make is to leave their dogs in the car, in the parking lot, while they are out shopping. You would be surprised to know that as cars can get heated very quickly, it can lead to a heatstroke in your dog. In fact, there have been many incidences where dogs have actually died because of this!

Keep it in Shade
As far as possible, keep your pet in the shade. Reduce outdoor play time to the minimum. And, even when it moves outdoors, ensure that it plays under a tree or any other structure. If this seems an uphill task, the least you can do is to provide access to the house. So that whenever it feels hot, it can come indoors. Installing a pet door is a good way of ensuring this. If your dog lives in a dog house, keep it under the shade or in a cool place for the entire summer season.

Avoid Peak Sun Hours
Do not let your pet exercise during the peak sun hours, i.e., between ten in the morning to four in the afternoon. Instead, early mornings and evenings are the correct time to exercise in summers, to protect it from the heat and humidity.

Keep your Pet Hydrated
One very important tip is to give it lots and lots of water to drink. For this, ensure that the water bowl is always clean and full of water. Water will keep your pet's body hydrated. Moreover, it will regulate its body's temperature, ensuring that it does not get overtly heated. Remember to always keep the bowl clean, otherwise germs and bacteria can manifest very easily in summers, resulting in diseases, which can be detrimental to your pet's health.

Cool it with Water
To prevent heat exhaustion in dogs, keep the outdoor areas of your house, especially pavements, cool by watering them again and again. This will ensure that the paws of your pet do not get burned by the heat. Also, invest in a plastic pool for your pet. When your dog plays in it, it will help in maintaining the right body temperature during the summers.

Check its Skin for Pests
During summers, the probability of your pet to get ticks and fleas increases manifold. This can increase irritation and itching on your pet's skin. So, make it a point to check your pet's skin for these pests, from time to time, to save it from such discomforts.

If your pet has suffered a heat stroke, it will display certain symptoms such as extreme tiredness, slowness in body movements, bags under the eyes, whining, heaviness and irregularity in breathing. As soon as you spot these signs, without any further delay, shower your dog with cool water. However, if the symptoms become severe over time, the body temperature increases and the dog vomits, it is recommended that you take your pet to a veterinary doctor.

Posted on 1:23 PM

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Getting home a cute puppy is more than just the funny antics that will keep you on your toes. You need to take care of its health and mind you this is not as simple as it sounds. Just as a newborn baby needs to be vaccinated, a puppy needs to be vaccinated to keep away any dog health problems that may affect your cuddly pet. Visits to the vet for the common dog illnesses that your puppy may fall prey to are necessary.

Injections your Pup Needs

When you bring home a puppy, you will need to visit the vet more often during the first year. This is because you will need to follow a proper puppy shot schedule. Apart from the shots, the puppy will be prone to different dog health issues like a parasitic infection, dog worms or upset stomach. You will be vaccinating the puppy when he is two, three and four months of age. Adult dogs that are un-vaccinated will be given two rounds of shots three weeks apart. Puppies and dogs will be given booster shots annually. All puppies need to be given the basic shots. These puppy shots include distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenze, leptospirosis and coronavirus. They are administered to the puppy in the form of combination vaccines. You should give your puppy his rabies shots according to the local pet laws.

How Much They Cost

You need to follow a proper schedule for shots in order to give your puppy optimum protection from diseases. The following is a list of approximate cost that you may have to bear during the first year of bringing home a puppy.

Cost for a 9 Week Schedule
These first shots cost about $35 to $50 depending on the vet and the area you live in.

Cost for a 12 Week Schedule
These shots cost about $35 to $50 depending on the vet and the area you live in.

Cost for a 16 Week Schedule
These shots are for about $7 to $40 and the cost depend upon the vet you visit.

Parvo/Distemper Shots Cost
These cost about $25 depending on the area and vet.

Annual Rabies Shot Cost
The rabies vaccine costs about $18.

Heartworm Preventative
This costs about $40 to $100 per year. The cost depends on the dog size and the type of preventive measure you choose. The heartworm prevention for dogs tablets costs about $68 for 12 tablets (you need to give one tablet every month).

Spray or Neutering
This is a one time expense that you may have to carry out. It may cost about $45 to $110.

Total Minimum Cost

The minimum amount of money you will be spending on the puppy vaccination and medication will be around $350 to $400. The vaccinations that cost minimum $20 to $150 dollars in the first year, will cost about $10 to $100 every following year. By the end of the year, you must have spent approximately $700 for vaccinations, heartworm medications, flea management, spray/neutering surgery, food and other requirements related to dog care.

Other Expenses for Puppy Care

Apart from the costs that you will incur on this, you will be spending money on other essential necessities of raising a dog. You will spend about $200 per year on dog food, dog treats and dog biscuits. Dog grooming will cost you about $100 annually and investing in kennels and carriers will cost about $30 to $350.

After summation of the all the expenses that includes these costs and other essential necessities, you will have spent about $900 the first year. These are some of the unavoidable expenses. You may find the costs too high, but if you follow these puppy shots schedule diligently, you will be avoiding major expenses in the future. Your puppy will grow up to a healthy and active dog, that means, lesser visits to the vet. Make sure you take all the possible expenses into consideration before bringing home a puppy. A pet is a responsibility for the owner and you should make sure you are able to provide all the basic essentials to your puppy. Speak to your local vet for more information.

Posted on 6:57 AM

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

All you dog lovers out there, if you are wondering how to take your boisterous dog for a walk, without using a collar, then you should probably start using a dog harness. A harness helps you achieve better control over your dog. In addition to this, your beloved dog will be safe from the neck injuries caused by a choke collar.

A harness is easily available in the market. There are so many different types of dog harnesses, that you will surely get confused! You can go for the strong leather harnesses, or bright fancy harnesses, but remember one thing, the harness is not for you, it is for your dog, so keep your dog's comfort in mind while buying a harness. You should consider the girth of your dog, when you choose a harness, else you will end up buying a harness for a Yorkshire Terrier, when you have a Labrador Retriever at home. I recommend you to take your dog when you shop for a harness. If that is not possible, then you should tell the storekeeper the breed of your dog, and ask him for his suggestions.

Now, that you have got the harness, you can put it on your dog. If your dog is calm and quiet, you will not have trouble while putting the harness on, but if your dog is rambunctious, then you might have a tough time getting your dog into the harness. Here are the instructions that you should follow:

Understand the Harness
Before you attempt to put the harness on your dog, you should observe and understand the mechanism of the harness. See the positioning of the buckle(s), and the location of the metal ring for the leash. You will notice the areas from where you can adjust the size of the harness.

Get Your Dog Ready
Dogs can be very moody (you obviously know that!), if they do not feel like standing still, they won't! So, it is very important that you get your dog ready before you try to put the harness. See that your dog is calm, and is completely attentive. Show him the harness, let him get used to its presence, else he might be startled when you try to harness him.

Harness Your Dog
To simplify this for you, I have divided the section into three parts:

Get into Position
If your dog is calm, then you can harness him from the front, as he would not tend to move back while you put on the harness. If your dog is knockabout, then you should stand, and hold your dog between your legs (do not hurt him by pressing too tight!), this restricts his movements.

Put the Harness
Unfasten the buckle, and put the circular portion for the harness over your dog's head, such that the ring for the leash is towards his back. Now, you will find a strap of the harness near your dog's belly, this strap has a loop. Take the strap that is going to meet the buckle, and put it through the loop of the strap near the belly. Now, fasten the buckle.

Adjust the Harness
Make sure that the harness is not too loose, else your dog will simply jump out of it. If the harness it too tight, you might hurt your dog. As I had mentioned earlier, the comfort of your dog is very important. Adjust the harness, so that it fits snugly.

Your dog might not get used to the harness immediately, give him some time to get accustomed to it. My instructions refer to a basic harness, there might be minor changes in the fastening process for complex harnesses. Regularly check for any damages to the harness, and if you find any, repair it. Using a harness will surely make it easier for you to train your dog, just see that you are not too tough on him.

Posted on 1:15 AM

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Puggles are designer canines that have continued to be popular pets since the 80s. They have cute looks and a curly tail and you just want to cuddle these little canines. They have a wrinkled forehead and a stout body that makes them so appealing. Puggles are the favorite choice of many A-list celebrities and they are also very popular playmates for children. Many first time owners are look for some information that will help them in better understanding of these cute dogs. There is a lot of information on puggles available and this article will help you gain some pug info that will prove to be useful for future owners. Let us go into the details of pug dogs information.

Puggles are not a pure breed dog, but a cross-breed between a purebred male pug and a purebred female beagle. The main aim to cross-breed these two dogs was to get characters of each dog into the offspring. Thus it has a thick set body, smooth coat and short hair. They have the characteristics of a pug that includes the wrinkled forehead and drooping ears.

You will find puggles have coat colors in tan or fawn. You may also find puggles that have black and white markings. Some have tri-color coats. Thus, there are a wide variety of beautiful puggles which can bring smiles to your faces.

They are very active and love when showered with attention. They love human interaction and if left alone for long periods, they get bored and lonely. This may cause the otherwise even-tempered dogs to destroy things and bark incessantly. Puggles are excellent choice of dogs for families with children and other pets. They are generally friendly with strangers. When a stranger arrives, they begin to bark or make sounds to announce the new arrival.

There exists a common notion that they are difficult to train. This is just a myth as puggles have one thing in their minds that is fun and games. Just as children are always busy playing and thus very difficult to make them sit and study, puggles also want to play all the time. Thus, it makes people think they are difficult to train. With a little firmness in your voice and an authoritative body language, you can teach these boisterous dogs to sit, down, stay, settle, take it, leave, fetch, roll over, come, etc. Puggles can also be taught to use the litter box. These small dogs prove to be good listeners. You should never raise your voice or yell at your puggle while training and never ever strike your dog. This will result in the dog to develop negative feelings towards you and the dog's obedience level will come down considerably. You need to have a lot of patience and dog treats when training your puggles. The dog is always ready to please and showering him with praise will result in making him learn the trick faster.

Puggles are short hair dogs. They do shed, but not much and their short hair does not pose a difficult problem around the house. Dog grooming for puggles is relatively simple and you just need to spend a few minutes brushing their coat with a soft-bristle brush. You should brush the coat once a week, as it will help removing all the dead hair and dander. Brushing also helps spreading the natural skin oils throughout the coat and thus giving a sleek and shinny look to the dog coat. Another advantage of once a week grooming is that the number of hair shed will reduce considerably. Puggles have floppy ears, and are thus prone to infections. You need to clean their ears and avoid the risk of dog ear infection.

You must have come across the common line said by many kids, '"It's so cute, mom, dad, please can we keep it?'. Well, as a parent you can't refuse the pleas of your kids as even your heart melts looking as these adorable puggle puppies. When you bring home a puggle puppy, do not shower him with too much love. You need to show some discipline and authority, as it will teach him who is in charge. This is a difficult task, but you need to do it for the dog's own good. You should not spoil puggle puppies, as these little endearing puppies grow into adorable, hyper dogs.

You need to show the puppy, which areas around the house he can run off and which areas he is not supposed to enter. You need to begin to litter train your puggle puppy from the start, so that he forms a habit to use it every time he needs to. You need to take care of the dog health and thus take him to the vet. Speak to your vet and check out the various shots and vaccines your dog should be administered. You can also ask the vet, when can you spray or neuter your puggle if you want. You should also begin with leash training with puggle puppies.

Exercise Regime
Excersice is very important for puggles. These are highly active dog breeds and hence you should keep the dog physically and mentally active . You should take them out for walks on a leash. You can play Frisbee and ball with puggles in the park. They do well in an apartment and you need to give them ample space to romp and run with many dog toys to play with.

Health information of puggles shows that they are prone to hereditary health problems. Thus, you should buy puggles from known and responsible breeders only. The common dog health problems in puggles you may come encounter are respiratory problems, heat intolerance, skin infections especially on the face, eye infections, ear infections and nose wrinkles.

This was some puggles information. Puggles are lively pets that will always keep you on your toes (believe me, you will enjoy their notorious antics). Puggles like all dogs will be your friends for life and give you back all the love and affection you shower on them. You should do plenty of research regarding puggles and dog care before you get home these high-spirited dogs. Puggles are great pets, respect them and they will respect you back for life.

Posted on 3:05 AM

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

You must have often seen your dog eating grass, whenever he experiences a stomach pain. The dog finds the grass on his own and immediately feels better after eating it. The instinct to find a natural cure for their ailments comes naturally to animals. We human beings, have just started availing the therapeutic uses of herbs and plants, but animals have known them since long. Therefore, natural remedies for dogs work better than the conventional therapy in veterinary medicine.

Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs

Homeopathy is the branch of medicine which works on the principles of 'similars' or 'like cures like'. This means, a substance which induces certain symptoms in a healthy body is also capable of curing similar symptoms in an unhealthy body. Typically, homeopathic treatment works by stimulating the dog's own immune system against the underlying condition. For this, small doses of 'potentized' remedies are given to the dog.

Homeopathic Treatment Vs Conventional Therapy for Dogs
Conventional therapy works by introducing certain chemical or biological agents inside the dog's body. These antibiotics or anti viral drugs work by suppressing the symptoms of the disease. While doing so, they also suppress the immune system of the dog. Thus, even though the symptoms of the underlying disease are alleviated, the disease itself is not addressed. The weakened immune system makes your dog even more susceptible to the disease, as it is not completely disposed off. On the other hand, homeopathic treatment stimulates the immune system of the dog, so that it can work on its own to attack the underlying disease. This also makes the dog less prone to the same disease in future. Moreover, homeopathic remedies are produced from minerals, or animal or plant origin, which make them safe for consumption.

Diseases Cured by Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic remedies are capable of curing a plethora of dog illnesses. They are effective in reducing pain and relieving the symptoms of the disease. Following are the diseases that can be cured with the help of homeopathic remedies, without causing any side effects.
  • Chronic ailments
  • Skin irritations
  • Chronic gastric and intestinal disorders
  • Asthma
  • Dog allergies
  • Arthritis in dogs
  • Cancer
  • Acute diarrhea
  • Bleeding
  • Bites and stings
Is Homeopathic Treatment Safe for Your Dog?
Homeopathy is not entirely harmless. If the dosage is not properly administered, it may induce some ill effects. However, most often homeopathic doses are given in small amounts and in correctly potentized manner. Hence, in most cases homeopathic remedies work safely and without any side effects. Thus, if you are getting your dog treated from a qualified homeopathic veterinarian, there are very less chances of the treatment going wrong.

Administering Homeopathic Remedies for Your Dog
Homeopathic medicines come in the form of tiny pellets. You can either drop them directly in your dog's mouth or grind them in powder and put it in his mouth. Alternatively, you can also dissolve them in water. However, do not mix them in his food as they are to be taken at least 45 minutes prior to meals. Also, avoid giving him other medicines, especially allopathic, while your dog is on homeopathic treatment. Similarly, do not vaccinate him until the course of treatment is over.

You might notice one or more of the symptoms getting worse while your dog is on homeopathic treatment. However, this is only for temporary duration and you'll eventually notice improvement in your dog's condition. Homeopathic remedies take some time for treating chronic illnesses, but you should see signs of progress within days of onset of the treatment.

Posted on 10:13 AM

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, Rescue Remedy is a trade name for the herbal remedy made from a combination of Bach flower extracts. It has been successfully used by doctors as a homeopathic treatment for emotional imbalance and behavioral problems, in both humans as well as animals. Rescue Remedy for dogs, has been effective in calming dogs who display negative emotions or hyperactivity, when faced with stressful situations. These can include visits to the vet, loud noises during thunderstorms and fireworks, mistreatment, separation anxiety, adaptation to new surroundings or loss of a companion. By using this flower essence therapy, pet owners can now deal with these situations without having to worry about the side effects, that the dog may have.

Overview of Workings of Flower Essences

The basis of using flower essences as a homeopathic treatment, lies in its use as a healing force for mental and emotional illness. It is said to release negative emotions, by helping and calming the person or animal. This in turn, seems to be a healer of the physical illnesses, that were caused due to emotional imbalances. The flower essences derived from parts of flowers and thereon diluted and potentized for effectiveness, work on the energetic level. By affecting and restoring the vital force, the particles in the essences work in a specific pattern to cure various illnesses. It is up to the medical practitioner to choose the most effective treatment based on the ailment. Since it was first developed by Dr. Bach, the 38 Bach flower essences have been used by veterinarians in the field of animal health.

Rescue Remedy for Dogs

A commonly used Bach flower remedy, Rescue Remedy is made from the combination of five of the thirty eight original remedies. The combination of the five essences allows it to become a unique essence in itself, which is different from its constituent essences.

The five constituent flower essences in Bach Rescue Remedy are:
  • Clematis (Clematis vitalba): The essence is used in the treatment of faintness or bemused and stunned feelings. It is effective in increasing the attention span and focus of the animal in training. It helps an animal regain consciousness after having been in a state of comatose.
  • Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium): It is a remedy for terror and panic in dogs who have been involved in an accident, injury, fire or any other terrifying event. It is essentially useful for the dogs who are involved in police work. It has also been effective in treating dogs who are overtly fearful of their lives.
  • Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera): Used to control hysterical and highly strung animals, this essence is effective when controlling animals in a stressed situation like competitions or training. It is also useful while dealing with seizures or anxiety attacks. For an animal which becomes crazed when provoked, or when it sees another animal in its territory, the cherry plum essence has been known to be an effective calming agent.
  • Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum): It is used in calming dogs who are in shock, grief or are just frightened. It is increasingly being used in kennels where animals are left alone or during the time that the injured or ill animal is required to stay in a veterinary clinic.
  • Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera): The essence helps soothe dogs who are impatient or agitated due to pain. It is also effective in any nervous difficulties that an overly anxious dog may be facing. It is used for dogs who have epileptic type fits, especially when agitated by being overly excited or upset.
To administer the dosage to your dog, just add 4-8 drops of essence either into the dog's mouth or on its nose. The drops need not be swallowed but must only contact the mucous membranes, i.e the gums, tongue or lips. You can even place the dosage in drinking water or food. Alternately, you can add a dropper full of the essence to spring water in a spray bottle and spray it around your pet. The frequency of dosage is determined by the problem that the dog is facing. Although for most behavioral problems, you can give 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks, the remedy can be given as often as needed, even every few minutes.

Like humans, Rescue Remedy for pets is successful in dealing with problems in behavior, which the traumatized animal might not be able to communicate in words. So if you are faced with behavioral problems of your pets, Rescue Remedy for cats and dogs is a non toxic therapy that provides a quick solution. However, having said that, each dog is unique and the response to the remedy may differ in each case. It is imperative that a dog owner understands that the remedies are not a replacement for vital or important medical diagnosis and attention. These remedies are used to treat secondary symptoms and are not a treatment for emotional imbalance caused by physical illness.

Posted on 1:13 AM

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