Monday, September 30, 2013

Does your dog frequently scratch his ears? Does he constantly shake his head? Both these signs might have suggested you something is going wrong with the ear of your dog. The disease which commonly affects ears of dogs is known as aural hematoma. The term 'aural' stands for ear and 'hematoma' means a localized swelling filled with blood. When combined together, aural hematoma describes the condition wherein an accumulation of blood forms within the underlying surface of the ear flap, better known as pinna. Aural hematoma in dogs occur when the small blood vessels in the ear rupture, and cause blood to accumulate and fill up the space in the pinna. This may, in turn, result from an allergy or infection.

Symptoms of Aural Hematoma in Dogs
Aural hematoma in dogs are characterized by a number of signs and symptoms. If your dog is suffering from it, you would find his pinna to be swollen on its inside. The pinna might be red and warm when touched. You may sometime find the swelling to be at the base of your dog's ear. As has been mentioned earlier, he would often shake his head and scratch his ears. Your dog's head would be tilted to one side. He is most likely to suffer from mild to intense pain in the ear. Your dog would show obvious signs of pain and discomfort when you touch his affected ear.

Diagnosis of Aural Hematoma in Dogs
Aural hematoma in dogs is a condition which needs veterinary care and attention. A veterinarian is the best person who can recognize and treat aural hematoma in dogs. Thus, if you notice the presence of aural hematoma's symptoms in your dog, fix an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian will examine the condition of your dog to determine whether he is suffering from aural hematoma. He will observe the swelling in the pinna of your dog. He may perform an aspirate. It is a diagnostic test which involves withdrawal of fluid from the swollen area on the pinna with the help of a syringe. The presence of blood in this fluid is often taken as a confirmatory sign of aural hematoma.

Treatment of Aural Hematoma in Dogs
The treatment of aural hematoma in dogs involves drainage and flushing of the hematoma from the affected part on the pinna. To perform it, the veterinarian inserts a large needle, also called teat cannula, into the swollen pinna to drain and flush the blood accumulate. He sedates the dog mildly prior to incision. He may administer your dog some corticosteroids through mouth or directly into the hematoma cavity. The veterinarian may inject the cavity either daily with a short acting steroid called dexamethasone or weekly with a long acting steroid called methylprednisolone acetate. He would continue doing it until the hematoma resolves. This may take 3 - 4 weeks. The veterinarian may consider bandaging of the ear so as to seal the drain hole or to prevent vigorous shaking of head.

Alternatively, the veterinarian may consider following the surgical treatment of aural hematoma in dogs. He will numb the affected ear and the area surrounding it by administrating a local anesthesia to your dog. He will then make a surgical incision into the swelling on the pinna. This will allow the fluid accumulate to get drained and flushed. After this, the veterinarian will stitch the multiple sutures into the ear in order to seal it back together. He will remove the sutures when the ear has fully drained and healed. This takes approximately 10 - 12 days. Surgical treatment gives positive result in most of the cases. However, there have been cases reported to have witnessed the failure of surgical treatment. In case the treatment fails to cure aural hematoma in your pet dog, you would find an enlargement of the swelling which would encompass the entire pinna. The scar tissue will form within the hematoma, which will lead to wrinkling and thickening of the pinna. All these negative effects will further aggravate the problem of ear for your dog.

Aural hematoma in dog rarely returns if it is treated well. Still, it will be better if you follow some measures of dog care to foreclose its occurrence completely. Take proper care of his physical hygiene and diet. Hope, the information given by the present article comes to your help in improving the health and life of your dog.

Posted on 9:13 PM

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If you have a dog, it's important that you know all about the various dog health problems they can suffer from, one of them being skin rashes. Rashes on dogs is a common health problem that many dogs suffer from. If proper care is taken and if the dogs are treated as soon as they start showing the symptoms of skin rashes, they will not suffer much.

Causes and Types of Rashes

Bacterial Infections
These infections are mainly caused due to the staphylococci. This infection is not contagious but it's a big irritation for the dogs. It causes their skin to itch a lot. Yellow colored abscesses, similar to pimples start erupting on the dog's skin because of this. First these rashes ulcerate which causes lot of pain to the dog, and then turn crusty, which leads to hair fall in the dog.

Fungal Infections
In this type of infection, the most common fungal infection is due to the ringworm, which is contagious. Mainly the young dogs are infected by this fungal infection. They start on the paws and head of the dog and if not treated on time, they spread all over the body.

Fleas and Other Parasites
Parasites such as mites, ticks, fleas on dog's body, also causes rashes. They cause severe skin irritation which leads to itchy skin which in turn leads to eruption of raised red bumps or rashes in dogs. They are easy to diagnose and they can be treated by skin scrapping.

The rashes can also appear due to allergies. Let us see what are the various allergies which a dog might have.

Food Allergies
Sometimes the dogs might be allergic to some dog food because of which they get rashes on their skin. When you feed your dog, make sure that they are not allergic to it. If proper care is taken, then dog allergies can be easily curbed.

Shampoo Residue
Rashes can also erupt on the skin of dogs due to the shampoo residue. This is a very common problem. Some of you might have had the chance of bathing a dog. It's a tedious task, with the dog shying away from the water, trying to break free and frisk about. Thus, you cannot wash off the shampoo from the dog's body properly. This residue becomes very itchy and even they cause rashes. Wash your dog with warm water in order to remove the residue.

Environmental Allergies
Man pollutes the environment and along with him suffers the innocent animals. Some harmful toxins that we use in our homes or in our gardens, have a negative effect on our dogs. They might also be sensitive to certain pollutants in the air (which we cannot control), which causes the dogs to suffer from skin rashes.

Drug Allergies
This might also be one of the causes, if your dog is under medication. If you want to change these medicines, then consult the veterinarian before you do so.

Have you ever had rashes? If yes, then you would probably know how painful and how torturous it is to have them. The whole part keeps on itching terribly, but, you have been forbidden to scratch that area for the fear of infecting it further. Similarly, when there are rashes, even they suffer a lot. You have to know what are the various treatments for these rashes so that you can relieve your best friend from this torture.


The natural methods will give your dog instant relief from all the itching and irritation.
  • Aloe Vera Cream or Gel: Just like when you have rashes or skin infection, you use aloe vera gel or cream, you can also use the same for skin rashes.
  • Milk of Magnesia: It is a soothing substance which is good for the itchy, dry and irritated skin. Pour some on a cotton ball and apply it on the infected area of your dog. It will bring them instant relief.
  • Oatmeal Shampoo with Aloe: Oatmeal is great to treat dogs with rashes. It keeps their skin healthy, while the aloe gets rid of the rashes.
  • Baking Soda: If you mix baking soda and water and apply it on the rashes of your dog, they get instant relief.
  • Visit a Veterinarian: The above medicines will give your dog instant relief from all the itching and irritation, true. But that is for a very short time. It would better when you see rashes his/her face, body, legs, etc., take them to the vet. They know best how to deal with it.
  • Proper Grooming : Proper dog care is required so that they do not have such rashes. Give them a bath frequently with proper medicated shampoos.
Next time you see rashes on dog's skin, you will know what to do to provide them with instant relief. Do not ignore it otherwise things could go from bad to worse.

Posted on 4:02 AM

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

How To Navigate The World of Gum Chewing!

Some do's and don'ts

I'll be the first to admit that I am an avid gum chewer. Not everybody is, but there are some important (but surprisingly little known!) rules to follow once you become one. Here they are:

DO chew gum after every big meal

If you like chewing gum for the taste and fresh breath, make sure you chew it after every major meal. I say 'major' meal because, if you have a couple of potato chips or an apple as a snack, there isn't as much bad breath potential. On the other hand, curries, anything with egg, asparagus or a lot of cream, etc. have a big potential to linger around in your mouth. So, make sure you chew on a piece of gum after major meals.

DON'T deny a piece of gum

If you aren't currently a gum chewer, that's totally fine! I am vehemently against non-gum chewer discrimination. Non-gum chewers deserve to be treated as equally as all people. However, much like if you enter another country, like ... Japan, for instance ... it is polite there to take your shoes off before entering a household. Well, if somebody offers you a piece of gum or a mint, do not decline! They could be offering you a piece of chewy freshness out of the goodness of their heart, or they could be subtly advising that your breath isn't so crash hot. To be on the safe side, you should never deny a piece of gum.

DO have a glass of water before chewing gum

It's no good chewing on a piece of mintiness if you've still go strands and bits of food in your teeth. Have a nice, big glass of water to rinse out your mouth. This way, when you have that wonderful gumstick, you can be sure that it's doing the most efficient job it can - without being brought down by remaining pieces of food in your mouth.

DON'T chew too much

It's perfectly okay to chew a couple or more pieces of gum a day, but too much gum can produce a laxative effect. That means that you'll be running to the toilet all day, instead of enjoying your minty-fresh breath during a range of leisurely activities throughout the day.

DO not worry too much about swallowing gum

Although it is often believed that ingested gum stays inside your stomach for up to seven years, this is not true. No, the body cannot digest gum. However, it simply exits your body when you go to the toilet. So, don't actively swallow your gum as it isn't ideal, but don't lose too much sleep over the issue if you do accidentally (or purposefully - you sickos!) swallow gum on more than one occasion.

DON'T chew gum on an empty stomach

When you are chewing gum, the body thinks you are chewing food. When the body thinks you're chewing food and producing saliva, it thinks you are digesting food. The body then releases acid into the stomach to break down the food it thinks you are eating. Now, if you chew gum on an empty stomach too often, because you don't actually have any food inside your belly, the stomach acid can (over a prolonged period of time) cause stomach ulcers.

DO not discriminate against mints and other alternatives

Although gum is a great way to have fresh breath, there are also other manufactured and natural products which produce fresh breath. There are lots of really great sugarfree mints on the market, and herbs such as parsley are a natural way to create freshness in your mouth and throat.

I hope this article on gum etiquette has given you some food for thought ... or at least some good information to chew over ;-)!

Posted on 9:18 PM

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

With a pet dog, the most frequently reported problem is a skin or ear related health complication. Like humans, dogs are susceptible to various skin disorders, which may develop due to allergies, parasites, infection or as a referred symptom of other dog illnesses. As we frequently say, the skin is the mirror for the overall dog's health, whenever there are dog skin problems, the pet will respond with a change in behavior or showing irritation symptoms.

Common Canine Skin Problems

It is usual for your pet dog to have dry, flaky and itchy skin due to dry air and low humidity levels. Hence, during such cold winter climates, the pet may show signs of itchiness and discomfort. Such skin conditions need not be a cause for panic and can be combated with basic dog grooming guidelines. Besides dry skin, some of the common canine skin problems are discussed below.

Seasonal Allergies: Seasonal allergies refer to allergic reaction of the dog's skin while coming in contact with environment agents like pollen, weeds, molds, grasses, etc. Such dog skin problems are triggered only in particular months of the year, hence the name seasonal allergies.

Food Allergies: Popular dog food ingredients such as meat, food coloring, fillers and substitutes may trigger skin allergic reactions in dogs. Hence, purchase dog food from a good brand and try supplementing it with homemade food.

Hot Spots: Among the several dog skin disorders, hot spots are one of the most commonly manifested problems, especially in pet dogs with a very thick undercoat. The noticeable symptom of hot spots is intense itching in localized areas of the skin, which worsen with frequent licking and scratching.

Atopic Dermatitis: It is a chronic dog skin allergy, causing itching symptoms in the ear, around the eyes, muzzle and other specific areas. Being a hereditary dog skin problem, atopic dermatitis has no cure, but avoiding allergens, antihistamines and immunotherapy will help in combating the symptoms.

Flea Bites: Fleas and mites are another major reasons for causing skin problems in dogs. Some pet dogs are hypersensitive to flea saliva that triggers itching, scratching and rashes. Spot treatments have shown effective results in treating skin irritations caused by fleas and mites.

Skin Infection: Canine skin infection by bacteria, yeast and fungi may cause intense itching and scratching symptoms. Ringworm, a fungal infection common in puppies, causes severe itching and scratching symptoms. Other infections that cause skin problem in dogs are yeast infection of the ear, bacterial infection, pyoderma and Malassezia dermatitis.

Hormonal Changes: Change in the coat color, loss of hair and other symptoms of canine skin disorders are also manifested due to changes in the metabolic processes or hormonal fluctuations. Canine skin problems caused by hormonal imbalances are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Symptoms and Treatment

For nearly all types of dog skin problems, there are some common symptoms, which will be exhibited by the affected pet dog. Such signs and symptoms include licking, scratching, itching, inflammation, abnormal patches and rashes. If left untreated for some period, the skin problem may worsen and cause loss of hair, bald spots, lump formation, etc. An infection related canine skin disease causes drainage of blood, pus or unusual secretions.

Skin problems in canines may be mild to severe, based on the cause of the condition. Appropriate treatment methods are advocated to help relieve the pet from the irritating symptoms of skin diseases. The pet owner can try effectual remedies like feeding healthy food, brushing regularly and using hypoallergenic soaps.

In case of no positive responses, seek advice from the veterinarian, who may recommend antihistamines, antibiotics and corticosteroids for treatment of dog skin problems. Follow proper dog care tips and make your pet comfortable and lively.

Posted on 10:33 PM

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It's not always feasible to take time out of your busy schedule in order to take your puppy to the vet for its regular shots. However, if you want your puppy to have a healthy and long life, these initial vaccinations are a must and cannot be postponed or ignored. Which is why, many dog lovers prefer giving their puppies the shot personally, because, firstly, the dog trusts them more and has been living with them for some time, and secondly, administering the shot personally saves time and is far less expensive, because you need not pay the vet for simply injecting your dog when you can do it yourself. For those who have owned dogs in the past, this task will be comparatively easier and a useful one.

Nonetheless, those who have never carried out this procedure on their puppies before and wish to learn, will find the idea very appealing, for themselves as well as their adorable pups. Of course, there are some dog owners who are afraid of needles and would never even venture close to this prospect, which is why they must either seek help of a family member or friend to carry out the job, or they could follow the conventional and expensive route and get the puppy vaccinated by a vet. However, consult your vet about the exact time frame between weeks and when to give puppy shots.

Where to Buy the Shots From?

You will need to do some bit of research on recommended health websites dedicated to dogs or you will need to ask certain well-known and popular pet stores, if they have the new stock of puppy vaccination. These packages or kits contain the necessary vaccination, according to the specific puppy shots timeline. Make sure you check the manufacturing date and see to it that the date is not close to expiration. The reason being, the medication will begin to lose its effect if it's already getting old, secondly, it can prove dangerous for your puppies health if it's expired, and thirdly, you will need to keep the kit in the fridge for some time until the next shot is due. Which is why, the date must be within the due expiry date, and must have many months left before it should be discarded or not used. You will also find these puppy vaccination kits online and that too at discounted prices. This way you can keep a tab on your puppy shots schedule and not get late in the process. They will have the kit delivered to your home so you need not worry about having to go searching for it in person.

Steps on How to Ready a Shot
  • You will need to place the kit in the fridge until its cool enough.
  • After which you must open the kit when you're ready to vaccinate your puppy. The kit will contain the vaccination; however, you will need to mix the contents in order to prepare the vaccination. The reason being, the shots are divided into two parts. One small vial holds the liquid or diluent while the other contains the medication in its powdery form. You will need to mix the powder with the liquid so that it can be absorbed into a syringe.
  • For doing this you will need to take a fresh syringe, and insert the needle into the vial containing the diluent and take the liquid out.
  • Now the next task will require that you release the liquid within the syringe into the vial containing the powder.
  • Mix the contents of the vial thoroughly until the powder dissolves completely with the liquid.
  • Now reinsert the syringe and absorb the vaccination from the vial.
Tips on Giving Your Puppy a Shot
  • Pick up your puppy and play with it for some time in your arms. Let the puppy not know that it's about to be injected. Let it stay calm and oblivious to what's about to come.
  • Now gently place the puppy on a soft cushion or on your lap, and gently pull up the loose skin behind the neck or the fatty tissue on the thigh. Rub this area with some alcohol, using a cotton ball, so as to disinfect and numb the area a bit.
  • Gently stretch the skin a bit to see if you can make out tiny veins. If so avoid those veins and select a patch which is only skin.
  • Now inject the syringe into the skin, while making sure that no blood is absorbed into the syringe.
  • Blood in the syringe vial means that the needle has inserted a vein which can be fatal for the dog. So remove the injection immediately if you see tiny hints of blood.
  • Make sure you insert the needle into the soft loose skin and release the medication.
  • Once you have extracted the needle, you will need to massage the area you're your thumb for a few minutes.
  • That's it, your dog has been vaccinated successfully by you. Now you must give the puppy a treat, so that it knows it behaved well.
After the vaccination you must place all the used items into a disposable 'Sharps' container which comes with the kit. You will need to destroy the container as per the proper safety disposing regulations.

Posted on 7:39 PM

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Panting in dogs is very common, as it is the method for them to relax. But if you notice certain changes in the breathing pattern or excess panting, then your dog has some problem in the respiratory tract. Similar to humans, even dogs can have breathing problems. The reasons for breathing difficulties in dogs are several, from mild and acute causes like sneezing or chronic and severe ones like asthma. Hence, breathing problems in dogs should not be neglected. Let us take a look at some of the common canine respiratory problems.

Respiratory Problems in Dogs

Respiratory problems in dogs can be due to a problem in any part of the respiratory tract. These reasons include a sneeze due to tickle in the nose, to a painful condition in the chest or lungs. Thus, any problem in the respiratory system of the dog will lead to change in the breathing pattern. Common breathing problems found in dogs are as follows:
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Sneezing
  • Labored breathing
  • Panting excessively
  • Nasal discharge
  • Rapid breathing
  • Shallow breathing
Pet owners should know the normal breathing rate of dogs. The normal rate of breathing in dogs lies between 10-30 breaths a minute. Dogs should not make choking, rattling or groaning noises while breathing. Any such abnormalities in breathing can be a sign of some problem in the respiratory system of the dog.


There are a wide array of reasons that lead to breathing difficulties in dogs. Many of the problems are quite serious and require a quick diagnosis, so that appropriate treatment is provided. Heart failure, infection in lungs, lung collapse, allergic reaction, injury to chest, pneumonia, etc are some of the major causes. Certain dog breeds are susceptible to breathing problems. These dog breeds have small face and hence, are prone to such dog breathing problems. Pugs, Boston terriers, English Bulldogs, etc are some such dog breeds. Snoring and snorting noises are common in such dogs. Given below is a brief description of each breathing problem.

Coughing: Coughing is due to some damage or inflammation in the windpipe. Sometimes, coughing also takes place when your dog has swallowed something. Other causes include pollution, allergy, infection, poison ingestion, etc. If your cough for more than one day, then you should take it to a veterinarian at the earliest.

Labored Breathing: This can be a very serious health condition and needs to be diagnosed soon. Rapid breathing is also noticed along with this symptom. Lung disease, tumors, torn diaphragm, pleural effusion, are some of the causes of labored breathing.

Wheezing: Wheezing is not usually observed in dogs and hence, is a cause of concern. This breathing problem is usually associated with problems in lungs, bronchi, etc. These problems can be serious and hence, need to be checked by a vet immediately.

Sneezing: Sneezing in itself is not a breathing problem but is a result of some other problem in the nasal passage. But if it gets intense, then it can cause bleeding in the nose.

If the breathing problem in your dog goes unnoticed, your dog may not recover from the problem. Since, the dog will not receive the immediate required treatment, the dog's health can worsen further. Thus, it is necessary that dog owners keep a regular watch on the breathing pattern of their dog. If any abnormalities are observed, then the dog should be taken to the veterinarian soon.

Since, there are many reasons that can cause breathing problems in dogs, it is necessary to find out the exact cause, that is causing trouble to your pet. You can find out the average breaths your dog takes every minute, so that, you can easily make out the problem.

Posted on 3:15 PM

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

If you have been looking for easy peanut butter dog treat recipes, that are quick to make with ingredients you most likely have at home, then check this one out.

If you can, it is good to use natural or organic peanut butter so that you do not get the added salts and sugars, but if you dont have it, and your dog is healthy you can start with your household one. Most dogs absolutely love it.


1-1/2 cups of whole wheat flour (or oat flour or some kind of whole grain flour)

1-1/2 cups of regular white flour (this helps to bind it all together)

cup of peanut butter (natural or organic if you have it, but make sure it is totally stirred well)

1 cup of water (this is approximate, as you make the dough you may want to just add the water a little bit at a time until you get the dough just right)

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F, and in a large bowl or food processor if you prefer, mix both flours, oil, peanut butter and approximately a cup of the water into a dough, keep adding the remaining water until you have a dough you can roll out without being too wet or dry, I have found this to be about a cup of water.

Knead the dough and then roll out the dough to inch thick.

With a doggie treat shaped cookie cutter or whatever shape you like, or even simply cut in a grid of squares to an appropriate size for your dog, cut out your doggy treats.

Using parchment paper on the cookie sheet makes for an easier clean up and less oil. Now bake these easy treats for 20 minutes.

Then let them cool. Since they are a drier consistency, you can leave them on the counter in a dog cookie container or if you live in a really humid area you can keep them in the fridge.

There are lots of easy treat recipes out there, but this one is very easy. You can also find all kinds of treat recipes that contain other natural flavours that your dog will love.

If you are concerned about what your dog is eating, or dont like the high price of pet treats that just seem to be mostly filler and preservatives, then making your own is very easy, as you can see in the above easy recipe.

This way you can also control the size, and what goes into the recipe. You can fool around with the ingredients to see what works best for your dog. You are sure to find one that he will really love. There is nothing in this recipe that you couldnt eat yourself, so you know it is a safe and wholesome alternative to those boxed kind in the grocery store. Many have food colouring in them!

Your house will not smell like pet food as many people fear, it will smell like cookies baking! So find some easy recipes such as the one above and you and your dog will be happy campers!

Another great treat for your pooch is popsicles made just for them to stay cool.

Chef Fido Dog Biscuit Cookie Cutter & Recipe Kit, Red
Amazon Price: $3.99 Buy Now
(price as of Jun 18, 2013) this is the cutest cutter, now you can make his very own treats.

Posted on 11:45 PM

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in dogs is a disorder associated with the stomach and the large intestine (colon). IBD occurs when the immune system invades its own digestive organs. In this condition, the dog develops stomach and intestinal inflammation. This happens because certain inflammatory cells (white blood cells), penetrate into the stomach and the large intestine. White blood cells, such as neutrophilis and eosinophilis, that destroy the bacteria are present in inflammation. As a result, these organs are considerably damaged. The disease is normally affected in the middle-aged and old dogs.


Physical Examination
Dogs affected with IBD may appear thin. Veterinarians may feel thickened intestines due to inflammation.

This is the best way to diagnose this disease. Biopsy will help to find out whether the inflammatory cells have increased in the intestinal wall. A biopsy involves removing a tissue from the body through exploratory surgery and examining it under a microscope. The stomach and the large intestine may not show any abnormalities to the naked eye but microscopic changes can be easily detected using biopsy. Sometimes microscopic examination of stool samples is done to look for parasites, like giardia or eggs of intestinal worms.

Blood tests
Laboratory tests of the blood sample can help to detect the signs of IBD in dogs. Blood tests can confirm the increase in the number of white blood cells (neutrophilis).


Symptoms may differ depending upon the organ in which the white blood cells have infiltrated. Vomiting is commonly observed, if the stomach and small intestine are involved. The dog suffers from diarrhea, when the large intestine is affected. Many times, vomiting and diarrhea may be intermittent. In such a case, the dog will not eat and the condition may worsen. In general, following are the symptoms of canine IBD.
  • Difficulty in bowel movement
  • Mucous in the stool ( feces is watery)
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Swollen abdomen

The exact cause of this gastrointestinal disorder is still not clear. Certain factors can increase the risk of developing this condition. This disease may occur due to poor diet, parasitic infections, food allergies or adverse drug reactions.


Corticosteroids is an effective way to treat IBD in dogs, as these medications eliminate inflammatory cells that accumulate in the gastrointestinal system. Anti-diarrheal drugs are also given to suppress diarrhea. A change in the dog's food is essential to alleviate the condition. The dog must not be fed on wheat, dairy, animal or corn-based products as long as the symptoms do not subside. A high protein rich diet is suggested by veterinarians. The diet should be free from preservatives, coloring agents and additives.

Intake of natural supplements such as probiotics and glutamine will help to nourish gastrointestinal (GI) tract with healthy bacteria, thereby accelerating the recovery process. Herbs such as licorice and plantain, can also be used as they are effective to reduce inflammation.

Posted on 5:22 AM

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dogs suffer from diseases that are more or less similar to humans. Obesity, arthritis, heart diseases that affect a Homo sapiens also trouble our canine friends. One of the disease that affect man and dogs is the Lyme disease.

Dogs get infected with Lyme disease through deer ticks who are carriers of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. These bacteria are a type of spirochete, that is, appear coiled under the microscope. These bacteria are found in three known species of ticks. The disease is named after the village of Lyme, Connecticut, as this was the first place with a major outbreak of Lyme disease. The tick attaches itself to any part of the dog's body. it often bites the dog on the head, ears, neck or feet. The tick bites cause very little irritation and pain to the dog. Most dogs do not show any signs of distress when infected with ticks.

Lyme disease in dogs commonly affects dogs living in northeastern and mid-Atlantic states like New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire. It also affects dogs in the midwestern states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri and Iowa. Dogs in the coastal states of Maine and North Carolina are also found to be susceptible to Lyme disease. It is found that dogs living in California and Oregon are more prone to Lyme disease infection. Let us understand the various symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease in Dogs
The first visible canine Lyme disease symptoms in dogs are exhibited several weeks or months after the initial bacterial infection. Symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs are as follows:
  • High fever
  • Limping
  • Inflammation of the joints
  • Lethargy
  • Lymphadenopathy, that is, swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Myocarditis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Severe muscle pain.
Sometimes, a circular inflamed skin may be observed around the tick bite. It is many times difficult to spot due to the dog's coat. Lyme disease symptoms in dogs have a cyclic pattern and may reoccur several times as the diseases progresses. Depending on the stage of the disease, the veterinarian may prescribe the treatment for Lyme disease in dogs. Not all dogs respond to the Lyme disease medications and treatments in a similar manner. Thus, it is best to let the doctor decide the best treatment after your dog exhibits any of the above symptoms of Lyme disease. If Lyme disease is not treated on time, it may lead to paralysis in your dog. The front and hind limbs are the first to be affected by Lyme disease. The disease then spreads to the respiratory muscles leading to asphyxiation in the dog.

These were all about Lyme disease symptoms in dogs. There are three Lyme disease vaccines for dogs available to prevent an infection. You can also administer anti-tick treatment to your dog to decrease the chances of Lyme disease in dogs. If there is any change in your dog's behavior, consult the veterinarian and decide the best measure for the dog health. Maintain proper hygiene of your dog. A healthy dog leads to a happy owner!

Posted on 6:25 PM


Friday, September 20, 2013

Michael R. Taylor, Deputy Commissioner of The Food and Drug Adminstration.


Michael Taylor - A Lawyer, A Lobbyist, A Corporate Shill.

According to the FDA's own website, the lawyer named Michael Taylor's duties include ensuring that food labels contain clear and accurate information. This, however, is anything but true, as the FDA's foods are not labeled in such a way to where the consumer can know whether or not GMOs are included in the food products. Benito Mussolini once famously stated that fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. Nowhere in the USA can the merger of state and corporate power be seen more clearly than it is now with Michael Taylor, a former lawyer and lobbyist for Monsanto, as a policy maker for the US food and drug safely administration.

Who is Michael R. Taylor? One answer to the question must be as follows: Michael R. Taylor is a man who represents the will of corporations over the will of the United States citizen. There is no doubt Michael R. Taylor is a man who fits the definition of fascist, and according to Benito Mussolini, a man who certainly knew what a fascist was.

It is fact B.H. Obama promised in his first election campaign to see to it GMOs were labeled[1]. Thing is, his endorsement and appointment of Michael R. Taylor revealed the POTUS Obama for what he really was, and what his real intentions were, and are.

Who is Michael R. Taylor? The answer to that question must also include that he is former lawyer, executive, and lobbyist for Monsanto, thought to be the world's most evil corporation year after year[2].


The Career Of Michael R. Taylor.

The time and place of birth for Michael R. Taylor are hidden even from the editors of Wikipedia[3]. Wikipedia has a page for the exact Michael R. Taylor being discussed here, but there is no record even of when or where he was born. For that, I can hardly tell you so much about him. Isn't it odd that a deputy commissioner of the food and drug administration's life basics are so hidden from the public he is ostensibly in a position of power to protect?

What we do know about Michael R. Taylor is he did graduate with a bachelor's degree from Davidson College, and then he went on to get a law degree from the University of Virginia in 1976. He went immediately to work for the Food and Drug Administration, serving as executive assistant to the commissioner. In 1981 Michael R. Taylor went to work for a private law firm known as King and Spalding, the company's major client was Monsanto.

In 1988 Michael Taylor published a paper concerning the Delaney Clause.What Taylor argued was that there were reasonable amounts of toxic chemicals that may be added to foods. This, of course, made profits much more readily available for clients such as Monsanto.

In 1991 Michael Taylor left King and Spalding again to join the FDA. Soon Michael Taylor was signing off on policy to say that milk produced from cows treated with bovine growth hormone ought not have to be labeled for the consumers to know about it. It is known that such milk from such cows contains two percent udder puss, and is carcinogenic milk.

The policies of Michael R. Taylor can be said to always be towards an end. What end? Simply put, the legal policies of Michael R. Taylor provide the biotechnology industry the chance to grow without much in the way of regulation. Michael Taylor could be said to be the biotech industry's man with a pen, their man to keep them unfettered, regardless of any consequences for consumers.

Between 1994 and 1996 Michael Taylor moved into the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as the administrator of food safety and inspection services. While there, he developed an approach for his job, and it's been called hazard analysis and critical points. It was while Michael Taylor was with the USDA that the first lawsuits filed on him for his rather obvious conflicts of interest. Nothing came of any of the case.

Following his stint with the USDA, Michael R. Taylor would return again to work for King and Spalding, and then, he'd go to work for Monsanto, as their Vice President of Public Policy. Since the onset of the Obama administration, Taylor has returned yet again to the FDA, and in 2010 a new position was created there especially for him, Deputy commissioner for Foods.

Michael Taylor And The Monsanto Revolving Door.


Why Does Michael Taylor Matter?

Why should we care about any of this? Shouldn't we just trust the government to do the right thing? It would be terrific were we in a place in time and history where we could just trust the government to do the right thing. The revolving door situation where a man like Michael Taylor goes back and forth from working for a law firm that represents Monsanto, and then to the FDA, and then working directly for Monsanto, and then back to the FDA - this makes it all very clear that such a man has an outright conflict of interests between his positions and the positions he's as likely as not to return to.

There is no reason to believe that while working for the FDA a man like Michael Taylor will not seek to favor a corporation like Monsanto, after all, they're likely just waiting to hire him again. It has been said of Michael R. Taylor that he is "the person who may be responsible for more food related illness and death than anyone in history[4]." That my friends, is who Michael R. Taylor is.

Posted on 12:59 PM

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Unfortunately when it comes to drinking, a great night is usually followed up by a miserable morning. A typical article giving advice on how to cure a hangover often says "drink less," "alternate water and drinks," or "eat while or before drinking." Well if you had done all that you wouldn't be searching for a how to fix a hangover. While yes, the first step in alleviating a hangover is certainly to prevent a hangover, once you already have a hangover you don't want to know what you should have done, you want to know what you can do now!

The first step is probably the most obvious, but if you can sleep, do it! Sleeping off a hangover is one of the most effective ways of curing a hangover. So if you have the time and your head isn't pounding too much, just sleep.

The second step is as obvious as the first. A hangover is caused mainly by dehydration, so drink lots and lots of water and fluids in order to rehydrate your body. I find going to sleep with a Nalgene next to your bed or filling one as soon as you have the energy to drag yourself out of bed is the best plan. That way you don't have to keep getting up to refill the water. Fruit juices, sports drinks, and soups are also great ways to rehydrate and re-nourish your body. Fruit juices will replenish vitamins, sports drinks have electrolytes, and soups have sodium to help retain the water.

Your stomach may be feeling queasy and eating may be one of the last things on your mind, but it certainly helps. Everyone has their own "hangover" food so go with whatever works for you. Try to focus on getting lots of protein and carbs. Also, it is interesting to note there have been studies that show that not only eating bacon but also the smell of bacon cooking helps to alleviate a hangover.

If your head is pounding, you'll want to take a pain reliever. Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or Aspirin is fine, but stay away from Acetaminophen (Tylenol or Excedrin)--your liver cannot process liquor and acetaminophen at the same time, so combining the two will wreck havoc on your liver!

Hangovers are also caused by vitamin depletion. If your stomach can handle it try taking a multivitamin. You should also take Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex, as the deficiency in Vitamin C and especially Vitamin B causes hangover symptoms. Primrose Oil supplements as well as Milk Thistle have been found to help cure hangovers.

If you have the energy to make one or can get someone else to make one for you, a smoothie is a great way to easily get all of the nutrients you need to replenish your system into your body without too much effort. Ingredients to include in your smoothie that either help cure a hangover or will help protect your liver include: bananas, strawberries, honey, almonds, milk, and orange juice.

Lycopene is a carotene that not only helps prevent aging, but helps cure hangovers. It is most commonly found in tomatoes and has the best effect in slightly cooked tomatoes. This is why a bloody mary so commonly helps with hangovers, it isn't the "hair of the dog" but rather the lycopene in the tomato juice. Lycopene is not only found in tomatoes but also in other red fruits & vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons and papayas (but not strawberries or cherries).

Hangovers are also caused by a mineral deficiency which can be rectified by eating pickles or other pickled foods. Pickles are especially easy and good to eat while hungover because they are cold, light, salty, and have a high water content.

I have never had the energy or ability to exercise while hungover, however many people swear by it as it helps you sweat the toxins out.

Getting in the shower and switching between hot and cold helps alleviate a hangover as well.

Posted on 7:03 PM

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dogwoods are deciduous woody plants that belong to the genus Cornus, which contains almost 30 to 50 species of shrubs and trees. Some of them are perennial, while others are evergreen trees. Dogwood trees, especially the flowering dogwoods are the favorite ornamental plants for landscaping and gardening, because of their unique branching structure and exotic blooms, the color of which vary from red, pink, yellow to white.

Dogwood Tree Maintenance

As has been already mentioned, there are several species of dogwood trees out which a select few are preferred by all for gardening and landscaping purposes. These species include flowering dogwood tree, kousa dogwood, pagoda dogwood, red twig dogwood, pink dogwood, yellow twig dogwood, ivory halo dogwood, variegated dogwood and white flowering dogwood. In general, they require well-drained soil rich in organic matter to grow properly. Places partially exposed to the sun are a better option for growing these trees than a place exposed to direct sunlight for the entire day. Regular watering, pruning and fertilization are some other essentials for their maintenance.

Flowering Dogwood Tree
Flowering dogwood requires a shady and moist place and nutrient rich soil to thrive properly. Therefore, all places are not suitable for growing flowering dogwood trees. Though they can be grown in the sun, it is better to opt for a partially shaded area, so that they can perform better. This is why in their natural habitat, flowering dogwood plants are found in areas surrounded by larger trees. Besides this, growing them in full sun can expose them to dogwood borers. But, still, if you like to plant them in full sun, then make sure to water them frequently during hot conditions. As far as the soil type is concerned, a well-drained and slightly acidic, humus rich soil is best for growing them.

Pink Dogwood Care
Pink flowering dogwood can be a really beautiful tree with delicate pink flowers. It grows well in moist, well-drained soil. It can adapt to any type of soil and climatic conditions. A partially shaded area is the best place for planting a pink dogwood. For the first two growing seasons, the tree would require a lot of water. So, make sure to water them regularly. Usually, twice a week watering is sufficient to keep the soil moist. Along with watering, maintain layers of mulch around it. It would help to retain soil moisture. But, avoid overuse of fertilizers, as it would hamper the normal growth.

White Dogwood
White flowering dogwood is an excellent tree for landscaping. It is cherished by all for its lovely creamy white blossoms that unfold in spring. An interesting fact about this tree is that it is drought resistant. It prefers partially shaded areas though it can also be grown in full sun. The soil should be moist, well-drained and slightly acidic to ensure proper growth. Watering should be done regularly during summer. In addition to watering, maintain mulch layers to retain soil moisture.

Kousa Dogwood Tree
Kousa dogwood is also known as Chinese dogwood and Japanese flowering dogwood. For proper care of this tree, one should be very particular about watering, especially during summer. In this period, this tree would require a lot of water, otherwise lack of water can cause leaf curling. Sometimes, leaves can also become brown along the margin due to insufficient watering. However, unlike the flowering dogwoods, kousa dogwoods can be grown in alkaline soil as well. Tolerance to slightly salty and alkaline soil and resistance to several diseases makes Japanese dogwood care much easier as compared to the flowering dogwoods.

Pagoda Dogwood Tree
They usually prefer slightly acidic and well-drained soil to grow, though some species can grow well even in slightly alkaline or neutral soil. They can be grown in both sun and shade, though most of them are found to grow better in sunlight. Next to soil and sunlight, drainage is very important for pagoda dogwoods. As far as fertilization is concerned, do it sparingly. Also water them regularly during summer and do not forget to maintain a layer of mulch, so that the soil remains moist and gets the essential nutrients.

Red Twig Dogwood
Red twig dogwood is a shrub with bright red stems, the color of which becomes more pronounced during the winter. Even the leaves turn red in the fall. Red twig dogwood generally blooms in the spring. The tree can be grown in any place, provided it gets adequate sunlight and water. The soil should be moist and rich in nutrients for growing red twig dogwood. This plant would require pruning to maintain a good shape, otherwise it can grow too large. As far as fertilization is concerned, do it occasionally and carefully to promote growth and blooming.

Yellow Twig Dogwood
Yellow twig dogwood is a medium-sized shrub that is famous for its striking yellow stems or twigs. The color becomes more prominent and the shrub more beautiful during winter. Yellow twig dogwoods are generally planted together with the red twig dogwoods to provide a good contrast. The foliage is green in color but turn yellow in fall. The shrubs prefer a full sun to grow properly though they can also be grown in partial shade as well. But, if they are grown in full sun, their stems assume a brighter yellow color in winter. As far as the soil conditions are concerned, wet soil, rich in nutrients is ideal for growing yellow twig dogwood plants. Winter is the ideal time for pruning the shrubs and ensuring the growth of young brilliant yellow colored twigs.

Ivory Halo Dogwood
Ivory halo dogwood is characterized by variegated leaves which are soft green with creamy white edges. The twigs turn red during winter which makes this deciduous shrub more beautiful to behold. The clusters of small, yellow-white flowers appear in the late spring. Ivory halo dogwood is a rapidly growing shrub that can be grown in full sun to partial shade. The soil should be well-drained and moist and it is adaptable to a wide range of soil types. The plant would generally not require pruning as such, but the old stems can be removed in the spring to ensure the growth of new stems. This is done by many gardeners, as the young stems look more bright red in winter than the old stems.

Variegated Dogwood Care
Variegated dogwoods are characterized by variegated or multiple colored foliage, which is the main attraction of these shrubs. The common species of variegated dogwood is variegated red stem dogwood. The leaves are usually dark green, edged with creamy white color. To ensure best growth, these shrubs have to be grown in full sun to partial shade. The soil should be moist and well-drained.

Dogwood tree, in general is susceptible to various diseases, like, spot anthracnose, septoria leaf spot, dogwood anthracnose, etc., which may necessitate the use of fungicides. For this, one should consult an expert in this field to get a clear idea about how to use fungicides. To sum up, the various types of dogwood plants require some specific care and maintenance. But, these amazing trees and shrubs really deserve a little care for their captivating beauty.

Posted on 6:22 PM

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Unhygienic surrounding is the most common reason for skin infections in dogs. Dermatitis can be caused by bacterial or fungal infection. It can also get triggered due to some dog allergies. Some dogs that suffer from dermatitis have been detected with endocrine and metabolic disorders as well as various nutritional deficiencies. Dermatitis can also be the result of reaction to some drugs or toxic substances. In some cases, excessive sunburn or dog cancer can also be the cause of tingling and itchy skin on dogs. Below given are some of the types of dermatitis in dogs.

Various types of Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis
It is also known as, canine atopy, that causes excessive itching in dogs. This is one of the most common dermatitis. Dogs below five years of age, generally tend to get atopic dermatitis. It is caused by the allergic reaction to various toxic substances present in the environment. Dermatitis in paws is also caused by atopic skin infection.

Contact Dermatitis
As the name suggests, it is caused when the dog comes in physical contact with certain substances, such as, different types of salts and acids, various substances that are made from strong chemicals like bleach, fertilizers, etc. These things cause itching, redness, and skin infection in dogs.

Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the dog skin disorders, that occur on the face, neck, back side of the ears and scalp of the dogs. The affected part becomes greasy accompanied with redness, itching, swelling, and hair loss. It is essentially a yeast infection, that is caused by certain dog foods, to which the dog is allergic.

Acute Moist Dermatitis
It is characterized by red, moist, and painful spots on the skin of the dogs. It occurs when dogs indulge in excessive scratching due to dog fleas, bug bites, etc., and through these small wounds and cuts, bacteria enters the body. This bacterial infection causes acute moist dermatitis.

Apart from this, there are various other dog skin disorders, such as, flea allergy dermatitis, pyotraumatic dermatitis, and various types of dog mange, and fungal and hormonal skin diseases, etc.

Dermatitis Symptoms

Many dog owners have observed that their pet dog suffers from skin infections during summer days, as dogs are more vulnerable to skin problems in hot weather. Each type of dermatitis has different signs and symptoms, but few symptoms are common to all types of canine dermatitis. A dog affected with dermatitis, will scratch the back or affected part by rubbing it against the floor or the wall. This provides him relief from the tingling and itchy feeling. If you notice your dog scratching unusually and excessively, then immediately consult a veterinary doctor, who will detect the cause and prescribe medications accordingly. The other sign of dermatitis is redness and swelling. Almost all the types of dermatitis can be characterized by redness, swelling, and itching in dogs. So, if you notice, any red spots on any part of the dog's body, consult your vet. Sometimes, the dogs also lick the affected areas to ease the irritation caused by itching. Another symptom can be a foul odor. Many dog skin disorders are accompanied with certain smells, that are usually unpleasant. If your dog is very hairy, then it is difficult to notice the skin problem. In such cases, this odor helps you detect the skin problem. These were few of the very common dermatitis symptoms in dogs.

Treating canine dermatitis is easy when the underlying cause is eliminated and proper dog care methods are employed. You should discuss the routine, lifestyle, food habits of your dog with a veterinary doctor. This will help the doctor diagnose the particular disease so that he can prescribe certain drugs and injections accordingly to improve the dog health. On your part, you must always try to provide your pet with hygienic atmosphere and pay attention to all dog health problems. Monthly visit to the veterinary doctor helps in keeping the dermatitis at bay.

Posted on 12:15 PM

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Usually, meningitis in canines may be a result of a bacterial infection (staph being a common causal pathogen). The same may also result from viral, fungal or parasitic infection. However, another type of meningitis known as steroid responsive meningitis (SRM) is becoming increasingly common in most dog breeds. Experts are not sure about what causes this condition, but they believe that it is an autoimmune disorder as it responds to steroid therapy. Although, meningitis can affect any dog breed, certain breeds such as the Pug, the Maltese Terrier, and the Beagle are more susceptible to it. Newborn puppies are more prone to develop this condition than adults.

Does Your Dog Have Meningitis?

As meningitis affects the central nervous system, most of its symptoms are neurological in nature. These may include:
  • Unsteady or uncoordinated gait
  • Limited mobility
  • Stiff neck
  • Tilted head
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Abnormal aggression
  • Vomiting
  • High fever
  • Muscle weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Unusual whining
  • Abnormally increased sensitivity to usual stimulus such as touch
The loss in coordination may cause the affected dog to stumble off to the side while trying to walk. The animal may also tend to walk with its legs spread apart more than normal. Meningitis in dogs, if left untreated, may also trigger severe symptoms such as blindness, and in some cases even paralysis that progresses with time.

The symptoms that indicate meningitis can mimic those of other medical conditions. That is why it is important to show your dog to a vet so that potential problems can be ruled out. For diagnosing the condition, a series of tests and examinations are performed by a qualified vet. The tests may include blood test, urine test, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-rays, biopsy, and analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid of the animal.

Treatment for Your Ailing Dog

The treatment of meningitis in dogs depends upon the type of the condition. For instance, steroid responsive meningitis is treated with the help of oral steroid administration.

The success of the treatment greatly depends on the severity of the condition. Bacterial meningitis in canines is difficult to treat, and it generally requires a long-term treatment for the medicine to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Usually high doses of antibiotics are administered to eliminate the causal pathogen.

Furthermore, anti-Inflammatory medicines, or anti-seizure medicines may also be recommended in the course of the treatment. The aim of the treatment is to manage the symptoms such as pain or seizures, and restore functional and neurological abilities of the affected animal.

Different breeds of dogs may show different levels of improvement during the healing period of the disease. Some breeds may get cured by a gradually reduced dosage of medicines while some might have to undergo a long-term treatment schedule in order to avoid relapses or future recurrences.

At the slightest recognition of the symptoms of meningitis in your dog, your sole responsibility is to seek advice and help of a qualified vet at the earliest. Many owners have had to go through the phase wherein they had to suffer the loss of their beloved pets due to delay in treatment. So keep a close watch on your pets' health and ensure to provide them with everything that is needed for them to live a long, happy and healthy life.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

Posted on 5:56 AM

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Saturday, September 7, 2013


By: J. Marlando


In most of world history and I am convinced in prehistory as well, it has been thought that animals are thinking, feeling and spiritually imbued creatures. Then around three hundred plus years ago Rene Descartes,the philosopher and mathematician came along to announce that only humans possessed souls and that animals have virtually no feeling/awareness and do not think; that they are likened to machines. What happened as the result of this declarationis that farmers began beating and/or working their animals to death and even dog and cats were, by and large, abandoned by their masters. While there were exceptions, for a couple of centuries cruelty and mistreatment of animals was commonplacecats were only good for catching mice, dogs were basically used as watchdogs or hunting dogs but seldom treated as beloved pets. Fortunately much of this has changed in our times but there are still those that deny that animals possess working, thinking minds, feeling hearts or have spirits.

I have been fortunate over the years as Ive worked with all kinds of animals, domestic and exoticfrom giraffes to monkeys and from elephantsto bears. Presently, my wife and I have five cats at home but also weveenjoyed dogs, horses, llama agoat and once I evenowned an African lion. We are among those who are typically called animal people. That is, we are animal lovers!

My professional experiences with animals vary and are manifold: When I was a young man I worked at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo just outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Years later I became entertainment director for Enchanted Village, owned and operated by Ralph Helfer who for years supplied most of Hollywoods exotic animals for the movies and televisionRalph was an animal behaviorist not a trainerand finally I went to Asia for Alaskan Pictures to do a documentary on elephants and then to Australia to film a study of the Great White sharksfor the same company. And so as you can see, I have a background thatprepares me writing this article andmaking conclusions not only based on speculation but also on actual experiences.

With the above said my intent for this article is not to humanize animals but to spiritualize them in meaning and purpose. I hope to accomplish this goal and that the reader enjoys the following text.



Clearly animals and human beings have had a spiritual connectedness since our kind first discovered themselves in nature. The cave paintings of Cro-Magnons reveal the spiritual nature of that connection since the animals depicted on the cave art are an extension of those early shamanic rituals before ourkind left the wilderness.More recent American Indians followed the same traditions of rock paintingsmany of which were painted toattract or communicate with the animal spirits. In some tribes it was believed that during ritual dances, animal spirits endowed the dancers with awesome powers. Animal spirit helpers were thought to assist especially the tribes shamans in his or her wisdom and his or her healing abilities. Indeed, the Pawnees believed that the Great Spirit sent animals as teachersand most tribes sent their boy children, reaching maturity, into the woods, alone, to learn from both the plants and animals.

Certainly indigenous peoples (worldwide) hold animals sacred. Like American Natives, the Australian Aborigines, for example, hold all things in nature to be sacred including the stones. This sacredness is alsodemostrated in the totemistic cultures wherein select animals are considered spiritually sacred and so mystically meaningful for particular individuals or for the entire tribe. In view ofall this, animal connectedness has simply played a vital role for all mankind except for the so-called civilized who in vast numbers see themselves above the animals as opposed to merely being different from them.

While our differences with animals are obviously vast I nevertheless hold to the view that we are, at the same time, in the same web of relationship with them; a connectedness through universal consciousness and somehow (in some way) soul mates at levels we cannot grasp.Indeed, the very word animal arrives from the latin root meaning soul.


There are so many ways that animal demonstratemotivesthat it is difficult to know where to begin. I will start with an extremely personal story. A few years ago our son had a dog whose name was Tonto. Tonto was one of the brightest pooches I have ever encountered. He was also one of the happiest dogs I have ever known: he loved to play and would often just run about for the pure joy of it. When our son died, Tonto moped around the house with the rest of us but then, one day, he went upstairs and jumped out the second story window to the cement drive below.

The question is was he actually committing suicide or are animals even capable of such confused and distraught emotions? Most professionals doubt that animals are capable of such abstract thinking but there has been many tales of dogs not eating and going to the graves of their masters to die; and yes, in Scotland there is even a famous bridge where it is said dogs throw themselves to their own deaths. It has also been said that depressed dolphins will throw themselves out of the water and horses have been known to run off cliffs. Suicides? I would not dare guess but I have witnessedanimals feeling grief. And grief is a mind/heart emotion. This brings me to repeat a story told by *Gary Kowalski: Koko, a female gorilla who has mastered a vocabulary of five hundred words in Sign Language. Anyway, her instructor, Doctor. Francine (Penny) Patterson gifted her with a baby kitten that the gorilla named All Ball.

Both All Ball and Koko became chums, playuing togethe and so on. It became quite a loving relationship and then, the cat got out one day and was hit by a car. When Koko was told about this, she signed sad/frown and Sleep/cat and cried. She cried for a week thereafter when the subject of cats evolved.

In the reverse of these sad contemplation, I believe it was a Chicago newspaper that reported a mama cat, making five trips in and out of a burning building to save her five kittens one at a time. That takes a mothers love and yes,lots of heart.

And speaking of heart, I was fortunate to meet **Ralph Helfer and work for him. Ralph was the first to reject training animals with whips and insteadtaught them behaviors with love. And so, instead of starting his relationship with an animal, be it a bear or tiger or horse, using techniques to create that animal subservient and afraid, he befriended it. He talked to it anddid all he could to learn the animals indiosyncracies; the animals fears, likes and dislikes. Soon enough he had gained a reputation in the movie industry as having the best trained animals in the businesswhat few knew at least in the beginning was that those well behaved animals were not trained at all, at least not in the traditional sense but taught through understanding and love.

I once asked Ralph why he thought that love had such tremendous influence over the animals and he told me that "love permeates all consciousness." With that in mind, I will share a couple of asides here: Some years ago the renowned Horticulterist, ***Luther Burbank, said that The secret of improved plant breeding, apart from scientific knowlegde, is love. The internationally famouis cancer surgeon, Bernie S. Siegel said love heals and thatlove is physiologic. I once asked the physicist Fred Allen Wolf, what love is and he said, Love is the glue of the Universe which, in a way, corresponded with Ralphs answer that love permeates consciousness. Indeed, when I was a small child my own grandmother, Nellie Anna Harvey, always had the neighborhoods best flower gardens and was known to have the best laying chickens in town. Lots of people used to ask what her secret was to get her chickens to lay such an abundence of heathy, big eggs and to grow her plants and flowers so beautiful. She would always say, Its simple, I just tell them that I love them and that makes them happy and feel safe.

Returning now directly to the animals, I will share the story of Ralphs Moshort for Modoc. Mo was an older elephant that Ralph perchased or took off someone elses hands. When Ralph began working with Mo, Mo was pretty broken down from enduring many terrible years as a circus performer. As Toni, his wife wrote, Mo ...had lived through the horrible poisoning of the Ringling herd, when a dozen of her friends had diedleaving Modoc terribly ill. She had survived train wrecks, fires, storms, angry mobs, one-night stands and a life far from her native land. Also her trunk had once been paralyzed from pushing heavy circus wagons around the country. Along with this, a drunken handler had beaten and put her eye out with a bull hook, Most circus people heard that the grand old elephant had died.

Ralph began working with Mo who was very weak and yes, broken hearted. In the end however a relationship evolved and finally old Mo began to trust and so respond to Ralphs love and kindness.

Then there came an invitation for Ralph to attend the annual picnic for retired circus performers. And as Toni says, They were a marvelous combination of special-odditiesmembers of the old Ringling band, clowns, acrobats, roustabouts, aerial artists, trainers of all kinds, fat women, small peoeple, tight rope walkersa warm-hearted profusion from the past who sang songs and reminisced for one day each summer when the circus came to town. On that day Ralph had a surprise for them, a little performance by his first elephant who, by then, he was very proud of.

Ralph went to the barn and brought the elephant out who by then was walking youthfully again, and had a renewed spark about her. The retired circus folks of course applauded as she went through her routine. Indeed, when the act was over there was a standing ovation but then someone shouted out, But can she dance?

Ralph didnt know and he told the crowd that he didnt know. But lets find out, he said and turned to the elephant. Dance, hetold herwondering what the animal would do. The elephant danced. Suddenlly, another person in the stands shouted out. Thats herthats Dancing Modoc and quite suddenlly Ralph and old Mo was surrounded by the audience and their tear filled eyes.

Elephants are extremely intriguing. When I was in the jungles of Thailand where elephants are used in the timber industry, the big animals work daily with the sawyers butflatly refuse to go to work if they do not get their morning baths. To elephants bathing is not only for cleanlinessit is aritual.

Elephants also have their own justice system. If one elephant does something that the herd disapproves of, that (naughty) elephant is sent (sentenced) to spend time alone in the bush. I was able to watch an ostracised elephant who clearly showed signs of remorse and, in fact, I am sure that I saw tears in his eyes as he stood alone away from the herd.

Keeping focued on heart it is well known that great affection can occur between different species. Mimi,my stepdaughter has a big, wallowing, licking playful Labrador and five cats. The dog and cats not only play together, sometimes eat together but theysleep and cuddled together. ****Jeffrey Moussaiefe Masson mentions that horses will often make friends with other animals such as goats. Ralph Helfer actually had a lion and a lamb who would lay in the afternoon sun together. But speaking of heart, what about romantic love between animals?

There has been many debates on this topic and lots of anthropologists and zooologists doubt that animals ever truly romance one another. On the other hand. Jeffrey Masson, mentioned above, tells us that A.J. Magoun and P. Valkenburg used a small airplane to track wolverines across the tundra, have described the mating of these rare, solitary animals. To an observer, they write, most wolverine mating appears to be a matter of aggressive males and relectant females. They were surprised by the behavior of the female they called F9 and an unidentified male. F9 and the male joined in exploring a rock outrcropping on the tundra. They played. They rolled on the ground. Like an exuberant dog, F9 crouched and lashed her tail, then bounded away. When the male did not respond to her sniffing him, F9 turned and bumped him with her hip. After playing, they rested and then mated. Two days later they separated, perhaps never to meet again.

On the other hand, lots of living creatures are monogamous and mate for lifewolves, gibbons, swans, bald eagles, prarie voles andyou guessed it, turdle doves. There are others! They are the exceptions, however, and not the rule!

And speaking of loving othersamong elephant herds, young elephants will sometimes become attached to their grandmothers or specific other relatives just like human children do.Beavers will stay at home after growing up to help their parents raise their new siblings. Coyotes will do the same thing taking over chores such as feeding, washing and protecting their younger brothers and sisters. Jeffrey Masson tells us that even year old beavers will typically remain with their parents obviously to take care of their siblings so there is obviously some attachment to family and family life.

Certainly in most homes pet pooches and cats become extended members of the human family they live with. My Mother and Dad had a dog they both loved for years. Tanya in fact would go to the door and lay down every late afternoon waiting for my dad to come home from work. When he did she would jump up and down and greet him with licks. When my dad died, the dog kept going to the door for two or three days waiting for him. Then, on the forth day, instead of going to the door at the time she always did, she instead walked around in a circle in the living room, stopped and howled at the top of her voice. After that, she never returned to the door. She knew!

When it comes to animals we cannot attempt to give them our values or feelings in terms of how we respond to emotions such as remorse, guilt, shame, anger and so forth. Remember every living creature projects the world differenlynot even two human beings see the rose in the same way. Nevertheless, I am convinced that we can exchange empathies with animals. While we cannot know, as *****Thomas Naget would tell us, what its like to be a bat. But, on the other hand, we know what its like to feel fear, to feel rejection, to feel unloved, to feel anger, to feel upset andto feel alone. It is then what things feel like that open our hearts and minds to the hearts and minds of animals.

*The Souls of Animals * Gary Kowalski *Stillpoint

**I worked for Ralph, his wife Toni and his partner Tom Carota at Enchanted Village in Orange County, California as entertainment director. (Some of the shows performed had as many as twenty human actors and singers and fifty exotic animals). The last I heard Ralph is living in Africa but since Ive reamained in contact with Tom, I know he now lives in Palm Desert and has a business in Mexico.

***Autobiography of a Yogi* Paramahansa Yogananda*Self-Realization Fellowship

****When Elephants Weep*Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson & Susan McCarthy*Delta

*****The Minds I*Douglas R.Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennet*Bantam Books


Mind is not fully comprehended by anyone whether we are talking about human beings or ants. Indeed, there remains the debate between science and vitalism whether or not the *mind is a mere epiphenomenon of the brain or, in other words, an activity of the physical brain or if mind and body are separated and mind is of a more spiritual or mystical nature. One thing we know for sure is that the brain interprets reality for us and for every other living creature big and small. The world we see is certainly not the identical world that, for example, a bee sees.

Brains of course are organs; sophisticated, complex and marvelous organs but organs nevertheless. There is good news on the horizon, however. Today science is agreeing that our hearts have an intellect too and communicates directly to the brain. The ancient Japanese might have comprehended what modern day science is just discovering**After all they have a word, kokoro which includes nuances of both mind and heart. This is a beautiful thought in that people over much of the planet are taught to reject feelings from their hearts and trust only the so-called objectivity of theirminds.Nevertheless, the mind working aloof from the heart will never enjoy a full or contented life.

Most animals live full and contended lives in their own realms if they (and their habitats) are left alone by our kind. One reason for this is that we humans do notact through kokoro***a major reason that elephants and rhinoceroses are on the endangered list is because they have been murdered over the centuries for their ivory. Profit motivations seem to always have a way of skirting around ethics. The reduction of the worlds rain forests is a condition caused by human greed as well. The point being made for this narrative however is animal lives are content and happy when left alone. This doesnt mean their lives are trouble or challenge free of course only that they are in cooperation and at peacewith nature.

When we speak of the mind of animals, most typically we immediately think of the chimpanzee. The major reason for this is that they are known to be our closest kinwe are after all, 99.4% genetically similar. ****Roger Fouts tells us about *****Jane Goodalls extraordinary discovery in 1960, that the chimpanzees at Gombe Stream in East Africa were regularly making and using toolswhich remindsus that tool making is the very hallmark of hominid culture. But again, we are extremely similar genetically.

Some years ago I had the privilege of working very close to chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. (******My major job at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was preparing food and formulas for the great apes). At that time we had had two beautiful orangutans by the names of Maggie and Jigs. They lived together and were extremely close. Maggie had an eye for me, however and poor Jigs became jealous. Whenever I came around and Maggie would rush over to greet me, Jigs would find his way to a corner and sit and poutor stew, as it were. Jigs got his revenge, however: One day when there was a large crowd in the Monkey House, I was walking past Maggie and Jigs cage and Jigs stuck his finger under my pants, gave a yank and left me standing naked before the crowd. Luckily I wasnt wearing a belt because an Orangutan has the strength of around eight grown men in one finger. As it was my parents simply tore away from my body.In any case, I ran out of sight of the crowd as quickly as possible, embarrassed to say the least.

With the above experience aside, I had a lot of time to observe chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. Realizing that a great many zoologists and other professionals disagree with me, from my own observation orangutans seemed to be the most astute thinkers. Now the odd part of this is that of the three, the orangutan is the most distant from we humans genetically. In fact, the chimpanzee is closer related to us human beings than they are related toeither gorillas or orangutans. When*******Vincent Sarich and Allan Wilson compared the molecules of a blood protein taken from humans and chimpanzees, they concluded that, as Roger Fouts tells us, that were not distant cousins but in fact sibling specieslike sheep and goats or horses and zebras.

Nevertheless, as I say, from my own observation orangutans seemed to be more mindful than the other twoalthough, I will add this: Gorillas were the most heartfelt of the three. One of the major dangers of walking a gorilla, say to be weighed or something, is that they might want to give you an affectionate hug without realizing their own strength. I believe it is safe to say that anyone who has worked with gorillas know them to be gentle and loving. Gentle and loving certainly indicate thoughtfulness!

In sight of animal thoughtfulness I have read about a woman who was walking in her pasture and had an eleven-month old calf step in her way not permitting her to walk by. Finally the woman took the calf by the horn and tried to make it move but stubbornly it resisted. Finally looking past the calf she discovered a copper-head snake in her path.

There has been Dolphins that have saved people from drowning and even from shark attacks and one story tells of a pig that witnessed its mistress having a heart attack and ran to the road, laying down in an attempt to stop traffic for help. When the ploy didnt work the pig would run back to the house to check on the woman and then return to the road trying to stop traffic again.

We have all heard stories of dogs saving people but cats have too. One story tells of a cat running from the garage to the bedroom in order to meow and wake up his sleeping owners to warn them of a fire breaking out. One of the most amazing stories, however, is about a gorilla by the name of Blinti Jua. Back in the 1990s a little, three-year old boy climbed over a wall at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago and fell eighteen feet which knocked him unconscious. Blinti Jua saw the accident and rushed to the boy. She picked him up, held him in her arms and carried him to an access gate so that the zoo personnel could take over.

These wonderful stories tell us that animals are much more than a mental map of instincts and robotic responses. They think, they feel and they love.

*My personal belief is that mind/spirit is separate from body/brain.

**Kitaro Nishida*An Inquiry Into The Good* Yale University Press

***We humans need to be more protective of the animals. Today the endangered species list include: Siberian tigers, Asiatic lions, Asian and African elephants, Sumerian rhinoceroses, the giant Panda and the Wallaby. Sad but true.

****Roger Fouts and Stephan Tukel Mills*Next of Kin*Morrow

*****Jane Goodall is a primatologist, ethnologist, anthropologists and a foremost authority on chimpanzees.

******When I worked at the zoo my immediate supervisor was Cliff Myers a man I grew not only to respect but to love. Don Davis was the zoologist in charge, a good man and a person youd like to know.

*******Also from Next of Kin by Roger Fouts and Stephan Tukel Mills.


We lovers of animals and other living creatures have a tendency to humanize our pets byprojecting our humanity onto them. We are different of course. Our human values and human ethics are typically miles away from the realities of other living things. Yet, there is a connectedness that many of our kind miss; a consciousness that connects everything in the universe in a web of relationships and, in this way,we are in a kind ofkinship withall of nature.Certainly the American Natives knew this as they spoke of the animals, the plant life and even the streams and rivers as their brothers and sisters. This I am convinced is the proper view. Mind, consciousnesscall it Godpermeates all life and in all life, I believe, is that most powerful and potent cohesiveness calledlove.

One major reason why many professionals do not credit animals with cognizance is because they do not recognize themselves in reflectiona dog, for example,will bark at himself in the mirror. I have a theory about this, however,which I will share: Unlike human beings who live so much in concepts, dogmas and ideologies, animals are spared such nonsense; animals do not make value judgments or label things; they do not keep time nor do they strand themselves between the past and future. They live in the present, just as Emersons rose that I so often refer to does.In short they live in the moment and, as said, the moment holds eternity. As a result they recognize themselves in the other or, in other words in the collective. Horses who love goats, realize that goats are not them but there is no ego to sensor their love; no conceiving that horses are better than goats or, even better than other horses. They simply are andthat is the only reality!

Darwin said that the entire world has evolved because of the survival of the fittest system. The truth, however, is that most wildlife lives in cooperation. It is actually only we human beings who find reasons to conquer and destroyour own species.It is only we humans who will destruct nature for personal gain and kill for the sake of profit. This fact may well be one of the most unsolved mysteries of the universe, the simple question that asks, why does mans inhumanity to man persist.

Perhaps we should start learning fromnature and stop attempting to control it?

Suggested reading: The Gentle Juingle*Toni Ringo Helfer*Brigam Young University Press

Posted on 11:10 PM

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Vodka Red Bull is a alcoholic beverage that has become extremely popular in the last few years. The popularity is most likely due to the fact that a can of Red Bull contains just shy of 80mg of caffeine which counteracts the alcohol and helps keep you awake. Warnings that alcohol and caffeine are not the healthiest mix has had no affect on the market and you can even buy pre mixed energy drinks with Vodka in them at liquor stores.

If you are looking to make yourself a Vodka Red Bull, it is as simple as making yourself a high ball.

You will need the following ingredients
1.5-3oz Vodka
1 Can Red Bull

Fill a high ball glass with ice, then mix in desired amount of alcohol. If you want a single Vodka Red Bull, mix in 1.5oz vodka, if you want a double 3oz of Vodka should be added.

Next, slowly pour in your can of red bull, if it doesn't all fit, either add more Red Bull as you drink your drink, or save it to mix a second beverage.

Posted on 10:25 PM

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What is a Siberian hamster

The Siberian hamster can refer to either the Winter White Russian dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus)or the Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli). Both hamsters are around 3 to 4 inches long although the Campbell's is slightly larger than the Winter White.Both Siberian hamsters belong to the same genus and are highly similar in appearance. In fact, they have been mistakenly classified as the same hamster for many years. Even today, there are some scientists who think that the Campbell's dwarf hamster is a subspecies of the Winter White. Interestingly, they are also the only two species of hamsters that can be interbred to produce hybrids.

Siberian hamster - winter white

Now that we're clear that the Siberian hamster refers to two different types of hamsters, let's move on to their similarities and differences.

Similarities between the Siberian hamsters

  • They are both dwarf hamsters
  • Both the Winter White and Campbell'sdwarf hamsters originate in Asia, namely in Russia and China
  • In their normal or plain colors, both are brown-grey with a black or dark grey stripe down their backs.
  • Both are commonly kept as pets in various countries around the world. In pet shops, they are often incorrectly kept together, resulting in hybrids. They are also often confused for each other.
  • According to many pet owners and breeders, both hamsters and their hybrids are prone to diabetes. Hence, it is a good idea not to feed them a hamster mix that contains too many sweet fruits or give them anything sweet.
  • Both Siberian hamsters can be fed the same types of food (either hamster mix, or certain fruits and vegetables)
  • Their lifespans are both around 1 to 3 years

Differences between the Siberian hamsters

  • The Campbell's dwarf hamster has large ears while that of the Winter White dwarf hamster are smaller
  • The Campbell's dwarf hamster has a pointy nose but the Winter White has a rounder nose.
  • The Campbell's dwarf hamster has a creamy line between its top and white belly but the Winter White has a darker coloring between the top and the under belly.
  • The Campbell's dwarf hamster is slightly larger than the Winter White dwarf hamster although both are still pretty small compared to a regular Syrian hamster.
  • Winter Whites change colors in winter from brown-grey to white (hence their names) but not Campbell's dwarf hamsters
  • Campbell's come in many more colors and patterns than the Winter white dwarf hamster.

Dwarf Hamsters (Complete Pet Owner's Manual)
Amazon Price: $8.99 $4.78 Buy Now
(price as of May 2, 2013) Need more information on the Siberian hamster? This book is a comprehensive guide to the dwarf hamsters including the two Siberian hamsters and other dwarf hamsters. Great for pet owners or just people who want to learn more about these animals.

Siberian dwarf hamster colors

The Campbell's dwarf hamster has many more patterns and colors than the Winter White dwarf hamster although their hybrids may produce a combination. Here is a table of the different colors or patterns you can find.

What can a Siberian dwarf hamster eat?

Siberian hamsters are omnivorous and in the wild, they feed on fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sometimes small insects. As pets, a Siberian hamster, whether Winter White or Campbell's should be given a steady diet of hamster food and the occassional fresh food.

A good hamster food mix for Siberian hamsters

Oxbow HEALTHY HANDFULS Hamster and Gerbil Complete Stabilized Food 1 lb
Amazon Price: $6.52 $4.07 Buy Now
(price as of May 2, 2013) Siberian hamsters that are kept as pets should be given a good hamster food that contains all the nutrients they require to thrive. However, many food mixes on the market contain too many ingredients that may not be healthy for a Siberian hamster. Examples of such ingredients are fruits that are high in sugar and food that contain artificial coloring to look attractive (to the buyer).

Oxbow's hamster food is healthy and does not contain any high-sugar fruit or artificial flavor and coloring. The exclusion of high-sugar food is especially important for Siberian hamsters as they are prone to diabetes.

Additionally, Oxbow's hamster food is actually a food pellet rather than a food mix. This solves the problem of the hamster picking out their favorite food from a food mix and ignoring the rest, thereby not getting all the necessary nutrients for them to thrive.

Other food for Siberian hamsters

Fresh fruit and vegetables should only be given to Siberian hamsters in small amounts as most of these contain too much water. In the wild, Siberian hamsters live in or around deserts and do not regularly get food with a high water content. Hence, giving a Siberian hamster too much fresh fruit and vegetables may cause it to develop diarrhoea.

Given that Siberian hamsters are prone to diabetes, they should not be fed fruit or vegetables that are high in sugar.

Siberian hamsters should also not be given human snack foods such as chocolates, cookies or potato chips as they are high in sugar or salt and sometimes even toxic to the hamsters.

Sticky food should be avoided because Siberian hamsters store store food in their cheek pouches. Anything sticky may get stuck in the hamster's cheek pouch and create problems.

Insects such as mealworms and crickets from pet shops are also a good source of protein for a Siberian hamster. However, these should be given in small amounts at a time seeing that hamsters have a tendency store food in cheek pouches and hoard them. You don't want to find half-eaten mealworms strewn all over the cage, do you?

The Beginner's Guide to Dwarf Hamster Care: A Simple, Practical Guide To Raising A Happy Dwarf Hamster
Amazon Price: $14.95 Buy Now
(price as of May 2, 2013)

Other similar hamsters

Roborovski dwarf hamster - The robo dwarf hamster is the third of the three types of dwarf hamsters. Robo dwarf hamsters do not have a stripe down their backs like the siberian hamsters and are slightly smaller.

Chinese hamster - Although not technically a dwarf hamster, they are often mistaken as one and referred to as the Chinese dwarf hamster. The chinese hamster looks more mouse-like and has a long tail.

Posted on 11:07 AM

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