Friday, July 26, 2013

Monotypic Species - The Honey Badger

The honey badger (Mellivora capensis) is also called the ratel. It is native to Africa, the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East, and, despite its name, has more anatomical similarities to the weasel than to badgers. It is the only member of the genus Mellivora and belongs to a select (but large) group of animals which are the only species of their respective genera. The pronghorn, African painted dog, numbat and okapi are others.

Although there is only one species, there are at least 12 subspecies. These differ mostly in size and the amount of white or grey on the back.

In 2011, a video showing a honey badger achieved over 20 million views. The footage shows a honey badger tackling jackals, cobras and beehives. The line from the video that the honey badger 'doesn't give a shit' has been taken up in other formats. The Guinness Book of Records as documented the honey badger as the 'most fearless animal in the world. They retaliate fiercely when attacked but are not invincible with numbers of adults being killed annually by lions and leopards.

The honey badger is found through most of sub-Saharan Africa, southern Morocco, south-western Algeria through Arabia, Iran and western Asia and the Indian peninsula. It is found from sea level to an altitude of 4,000 metres above sea level in the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia.

It is found in many different habitats and has a wide tolerance to habitat variations from semi-desert to rainforest.

The honey badger has a fairly long body, measuring 68 to 75 cm in length. They stand 23 to 28cm at the shoulder with males being slightly larger than females. Males weigh around 12 to 16 kg. Females have two pairs of teats. There is an anal pouch which is reversible, similar to that of the hyena. The suffocating smell of the pouch may help in calming bees hives are being raided for honey.

The honey badger is thickset and broad across the back with a very loose skin, enabling it to twist and turn without hindrance. Around the neck, the skin is 6mm thick giving good protection. The skull is very solidly constructed and the head is small and flat with a short muzzle. The eyes are small and the ears just raised ridges on the skull, another adaptation to avoid injury when involved in altercations with others. For a carnivore, the canine teeth are very short. The tongue is covered with sharp, backward-pointing papillae.

The short sturdy legs have five toes on each foot. The very strong claws are short on the hind legs but up to 40mm long on the forelegs. The soles of the paws are thickly padded and devoid of hair. The animal has a distinctive, quite rapid but bow-legged jog-trot. The short tail is covered with long hair apart from below the base.

In winter the fur on the lower back is 40 to 50 mm long. The hairs are sparse, coarse and bristle-like with no undercoat. The flanks, belly and groin have even less hair with the belly being half bare. The sides of the head and the lower body are jet black but a large grey/white mantle runs from the top of the head to the base of the tail. There may be a white stripe separating the wide mantle and the black lower parts. The white stripe often becomes darker with age. One subspecies M.c.cottoni is completely black.

The skin is almost impervious to arrows and spears and will resist several blows with a machete. Dogs find it hard to get a grip on the thick, loose skin. The only safe grip is on the back of the neck.

Honey badgers generally hunt alone. They are very efficient diggers and dig holes to live in which consist of a tunnel 1 to 3 metres in length with a nesting chamber at the end. They don't take in nesting material and sometimes take over disused holes of other animals.

The intelligent honey badger is capable of using simple tools. They are absolutely fearless and, if they can't escape, they are savage in their fighting and so tireless that they wear down much larger animals.

The honey badger is not a fussy eater. Where there is a high density of human population, they become nocturnal hunters, otherwise they hunt when they're hungry. They are primarily carnivorous eating small rodents, birds, eggs, carrion, snakes, lizards, tortoises and frogs. Bigger prey such as antelope, polecats, jackals and wild cats are also taken.

There is some evidence to suggest that the Greater Honeyguide (bird) guides the honey badger to bee-hives. The bird certainly guides humans to hives and, once the hive is open and the honey removed, the birds feed on wax and the remaining larvae.

Honey badgers locate their prey with an acute sense of smell and dig out many of their victims, excavating up to 50 holes in a single foraging period. They commonly dig out gerbils and ground squirrels. They climb easily and well. They also eat berries, roots and bulbs. They will tackle and eat venomous cobras, adders and black mambas. They hold their food with their front feet and eat skin, feathers, flesh and bones. In the southern Kalahari, over 60 species of prey have been recorded.

Not a lot is known about the reproduction of the honey badger. In depth information is only available from the southern Kalahari region. There, a six to eight week gestation seems typical and it is thought that in some areas, some females may exhibit delayed implantation. One cub is usual with occasionally two being born. The male has nothing to do with the cubs. Cubs are born naked and blind and are often moved every two to five days by the mothers. The eyes open after two months and at three months the cubs will begin to follow the mother on short forages. The mantle of the cub is usually very white.

Cubs stay with the mother for at least 14 months. Digging, climbing, dealing with venomous snakes all require a high degree of co-ordination, technique and skill and these things must be learnt from the mother. A son may be far larger than his mother and a twosome out hunting are more likely to be a mother and cub rather than a 'pair'.

Males have extremely large home ranges, sometimes in excess of 500 square kilometres. This may overlap with other males and encompass the ranges of twelve or more females. Captive honey badgers live for around 24 years but lifespan in the wild may be considerably less.

The honey badger has few natural predators due to the ferocious defence it displays in the face of would-be enemies. It also has a very thick skin.

It is directly persecuted by bee-keepers, poultry and sheep producers. Badgers can become serious poultry killers, ripping planks from hen-houses and burrowing under stone foundations. Once in the hen-house, they will kill most if not all of the occupants.

Indiscriminate poisoning and trapping for jackals and caracals results in some deaths. There is also trade for traditional medicine and in Zambia the honey badger is eaten as bush meat. Its predators are lions and leopards.

It is sometimes classed as the most fearless animal in the world, thanks to a YouTube video which went viral showing the honey badger standing up to a range of vastly bigger predators.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the honey badger as 'of least concern' due to its extensive range and its adaptability to its environment.

Posted on 11:27 PM

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Little amounts of blood is not something uncommon in dog's stool. But if you notice heavy discharge of fresh blood or blood clots, you need to tackle the matter with utmost care. It may be an indication of some serious hidden disorder occurring in the body of your pet dog. Some of the accompanying symptoms of blood in dog's stool are dark stools, loose motions, vomiting, increased urination, pale gums, lethargy, excessive thirst and loss of appetite and weight. In case you notice these signs of bloody stool in your dog, then you should immediately take him to a veterinarian. He will go through the medical history of the dog and will conduct a physical examination to determine the exact cause of bloody stool in your pet dog. He may take the help of a few diagnostic tests to confirm his suspicion of the cause. These tests include complete blood count, urinalysis, endoscopy, coagulation profile, fecal examination, biochemical profile, serological test for microscopic pathogens and abdominal ultrasounds.

Causes of Bloody Stool in Dogs
The possible causes of bloody stool in dogs can be one of the following.
  • Infection of the digestive tract caused by bacteria like clostridium and salmonella.
  • Viral infection of the stomach, rectum, colon or other parts of the digestive and excretory system. The commonly responsible virus are 'parvovirus' and 'coronavirus'.
  • Allergies against a particular foodstuff, leading to dietary intolerance.
  • Action of intestinal parasites in dogs, like whipworm and ringworm, may cause bleeding of colon and rectum.
  • Contraction of parts of the digestive tract due to disorders like cancer and inflammation.
  • Clotting disorders affecting the digestive tract.
  • Anal sacculitis or inflamed anal sac.
  • Intussusception, better described as the squeezing of one part of the bowel by the other.
  • Disruption of colon or rectum caused by fractures in the pelvic region.
  • Inflammation of the rectum or colon.
  • Injury to lower part of the bowel and anal region.
  • Ingestion of stuffs with sharp edges like bone, nails or needles.
  • Action of protozoans like coccidosis.
  • Presence and action of polyps in the intestine.
  • Cancerous growth of the lower part of digestive tract
  • Certain bleeding disorders or coagulopathies in the body.
Treatment for Bloody Stool in Dogs
Medical treatment for bloody stool depends on the underlying factor. If the presence of parasites is the reason behind it, then de-worming medication will correct the condition. Similarly, for bacterial and viral infections, drugs comprising antibiotics and antivirals may be prescribed respectively. Unfortunately, there is no cure for parvovirus, but the necessary supportive care can be provided to your canine friend. This is the reason why emphasis is laid on regular vaccination of the dogs. In case of cancer, treatment is provided according to its stage. If allergy is found to be the causative factor for bloody stool in dogs, then a diet program that excludes the allergen may be prescribed. Usually, the elimination of the allergic agent restores the dog's health back to normal. In addition to the treatments provided by the veterinarian, you should take care of certain things that will work towards speeding up the process of recovery. Some such important things are mentioned below.
  • While your dog suffers from such a bleeding disorder, it is advisable that you do not feed him on bones. The sharp pieces of the bone may further aggravate the internal cut or wound.
  • Give your dog bland food comprising boiled rice and meat. This will cause no additional load on the dog's digestive system.
  • Give him little amounts of food in an interval of 2-3 hours instead of heavy meals. This is again for not exerting any pressure on his digestive system.
  • Garlic is known to treat digestive disorders. Add 3-4 cloves of fresh garlic to the dog's meal once a day.
Bloody stool in dogs needs proper veterinarian counseling. Follow the advice and instructions given by him to help your dog recover fast. Take care of your canine friend and try your level best to give him a safe, healthy and happy life.

Posted on 7:43 PM

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

South America's Unique Animals

The Capybara

The capybara is the largest rodent alive. It is related to other South American rodents such as the agouti, chinchilla and guinea pig. Its taxonomic name is Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris comes from the Greek words for 'water' and 'pig or hog'. Its common name is derived from the Guarani language and translates as 'master of the grasses'. The capybara is semi-aquatic

The capybara is found through most of South America including Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Suriname, Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. Escapees are now found in aquatic habitats around the world, including Florida and, in 2011, the central coast of California.

Home ranges average 10 hectares with the animals living in high density congregations.

The capybara is found near bodies of water either in savannah areas or in dense forest. Lakes, rivers, swamps, marshlands and ponds are all suitable habitats for the capybara. They flourish on ranchlands to the point of being regarded as serious competition for domestic livestock.

The heavy capybara has a barrel-shaped body. The head is short. Adults measure 107 to 134 cm in length, are 50 to 64 cm tall and weigh between 35 and 66 kg. The average on the Venezuelan llanos is 48.9 kg. Females are slightly heavier than males.

There is a vestigial tail. The coat is devoid of underhair and is reddish-brown on the dorsal surfaces and more creamy underneath. The thin, coarse hair gives good protection from the undergrowth without the animal becoming too hot. However in the heat of the day the animal is in danger of drying out and wallows in mud and/or water to keep cool and hydrated.

The capybara has sweat glands in the skin surface which is unusual among rodents. The hindquarters are slightly longer than the forelegs and the feet have a small amount of webbing.

The eyes, ears and nostrils are all situated on top of the head and the muzzles are blunt. The jaw hinge of the capybara is non-perpendicular and food is ground in a back and forth fashion rather than from side to side.

There are two scent glands. A 'morillo' is located on the snout and an anal gland near the anus. The anal pocket of the male opens more easily and is lined with detachable hairs which are coated with a long-lasting scent secretion. These hairs are released on objects such as plants and are tasted by other capybaras. The morillo is rubbed on objects and urination is also used to mark objects.

Like many rodent species, the front teeth grow continually in compensation for the continual wearing down of the teeth through eating. The cheek teeth also grow continually.

The capybara is normally highly social. Some occasionally live a solitary life but it is usually found in groups of 10 to 20 individuals. Sometimes larger groups of 100 animals congregate together. The smaller groups consists of 2 to 4 adult males, 4 to 7 adult females and the rest juveniles. Capybaras chatter continually in their groups, establishing social bonds or working out dominance issues. They have a bark which is decidedly dog-like. This is heard when the animals are threatened or when the females are herding their young.

Capybaras are great swimmers and will submerge for up to five minutes to escape predators. They can also sleep in the water, just keeping their noses (which are conveniently situated on top of the head) above the water level. As temperatures increase towards noon, they wallow in the water, grazing again late afternoon and into the early evening. They have another period of rest through the middle of the night and are grazing again well before dawn.

In captivity, life expectancy is twelve years. Capybaras are gentle by nature and not difficult to tame.

Grasses, aquatic plants, fruit and tree bark are all eaten by the capybara although they are very selective when feeding, often eating out one species and ignoring any others. During the dry season, they will eat a greater variety including reeds.

Capybaras practise coprophagy, eating their own faeces. This replenishes the bacterial gut flora and helps digest the cellulose in the grass, extracting the maximum protein from their intake. They also regurgitate food to be chewed again, much as a cow chews its cud. The capybara (and the guinea pig) is unable to synthesise Vitamin C.

The scent of a female capybara changes subtly when she is ready to mate. She will also whistle through her nose. Mating occurs in water and the female will submerge or leave the water if she doesn't fancy a prospective partner. The peak breeding season in Venezuela is from April to May. In Brazil, it is between October and November.

Gestation is 130 to 150 days and the usual litter is four. The babies are born on land and the mother rejoins the group within a few hours. Although the young start eating grass within a week, they suckle from any female until about 4 months old.

Although the life span is 8 to 10 years, many fall prey to anacondas, jaguars, pumas, ocelots, eagle and caimans. They are sometimes killed by ranchers because they compete with domestic livestock for grazing land. In some areas they are farmed for their meat and pelts. They are an important source of protein in the diet of some native groups. In Venezuela (and, according to one site) other parts of South America, the meat is very popular during the period of Lent as special dispensation allows the consumption of capybara meat but not of other types. One reason given for the dispensation was that the capybara was considered an aquatic animal making its consumption acceptable.

The survival of the capybara is not regarded as threatened although it is hunted for its meat and pelt. Hunting has reduced its numbers in some regions but populations are mostly stable. Some are kept as pets in the United States but the legality of keeping capybaras varies from state to state. There are a number of parks and zoos which keep capybaras as they are relatively low maintenance, have gentle natures and quite readily become friendly and can then be hand-fed by the public.

Posted on 5:13 AM

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Many people are living with animals they are allergic to. Whether you are allergic to a dog or even your cat you are likely seeking actively seeking out a method to deal with this. Cats produce five different allergens that may effect humans. These allergens are usually found in the cat's saliva but may also be found in its skin. Allergies to cat skin have to do with the dander, or dead skin cells, that the cat gives off not the hair. Even humans release dander. There are many different options when it comes to looking for a cat allergy cure.

If you are a sufferer of allergies it is important that you do research to discover a cat allergy cure. If you are forced to be around cats often finding a cure that works for you will greatly improve your quality of living, especially in your own home.

There are a few different symptoms of cat allergies. An allergy to cats is a histamine reaction to the allergens let off by the cat. A histamine is a biogenic amine that acts a nerotransmitter and may effect physiological function and immune responses. These usually trigger inflammatory responses as part of the bodies response to foreign pathogens, in this case cat allergens. The main allergen that cats produce is a protein, as most allergens are, called glycoprotein FEL d 1. This particular protein is produced in the cats sebaceous gland and as I said earlier is released from the skin in the form of dander and also from the cats saliva.

There are several different symptoms that can be caused by a particularly bad cat allergy. The allergens released by the cat may cause dyspnea(pronounced disp-nee-ah) which could be described as trouble breathing or shortness of breath. This may lead to other uncomfortable respiratory sensations as well. A sufferer of a cat allergy may also show the symptoms of several other types of allergies. These are symptoms that are common to people with airborne allergies such as seasonal allergies. It is important that you identify the cause of your allergies so you can seek out a cat allergy cure instead of blaming your allergies on the seasonal allergies you may get from trees or plants blooming. These kind of symptoms can be discomfort in the eyes. Characterized by watery eyes, and red, itchy or swollen eyes. You may also experience problems with the nose such as nasal congestion, itchy nose, or simply sneezing. The worst symptoms that could be caused by a cat allergy would likely be a chronic sore throat with coughing and wheezing. You could also experience skin conditions such as a rash, itchy skin, or even swelling feet. If you are scratched by a cat and are allergic you may also show raised skin in the area that was recently scratched.

A fairly new cure to cat allergies is a hypoallergenic cat. These are cats that are far less likely to create a allergic reaction in humans. There are a few different breeds that may naturally be hypoallergenic. These include Siberian and Russian Blue breeds. There are other cats that may be naturally hypoallergenic but generally to a lesser degree. There include LaPerm, Sphync, Devon Rex, and Cornish Rex cat breeds. These cats lack some of the normal layers of cat fur. These cats therfor let off less cat dander and are less likely to provoke a allergic reaction. These breeds of cat may be a good choice if you only suffer from a mild allergic reaction, but may be a very poor choice if you suffer from a bad allergic reaction to cats. The effectiveness of these cats as hypoallergenic breeds has been questioned however. This is because most people are actually far more allergic to cat saliva rather than fur or dander and these breeds still carry the same allergens. In more recent years several companies have claimed to have developed breeds of hypoallergenic cats through selective breeding. Many people, consumer and scientist alike, are extremely skeptical about these claims however. The companies have not allowed any peer reviews to be done and have shown no studies to back up their assertions.

While there is no magic bullet cat allergy cure other than getting rid of the cat there are several methods many people have used successfully to continue living with a cat in the house and maintain a high level of comfort when it comes to dealing with the allergies. First of all many people find that after having a cat an extended period of time they can become desensitized to the allergens of the particular cat. They will however find they are still allergic to other people's cats. I can vouch for this method working. After getting a new cat I found I was extremely allergic to it but withing a matter of days the symptoms began to subside and after a few weeks I became completely immune to the cat. I have a very mild allergic reaction to cats though. This will work out differently for different people and unfortunately some people may actually get more allergic to their cats over time. If you are allergic to cats don't necessarily bank on this option and at the very least have a plan to send the cat to a different home if you find you do not begin to get desensitized to the cat after a period of time.

Some people also have good success with lowering their exposure to the allergens. This can be done by removing things that may hold cat allergens for a long period of time. These include carpets, rugs and pillows. Certain furniture may even hold these allergens for extended periods of time. This method will require that you clean the house regularly and also brush the cat often. Getting a special air purifing system may also be a smart decision.

If you find these methods do nothing to help with your allergy and provide no cat allergy cure then there are a few other options. You can take medications, get a cat allergy vaccine, or even get a shot. If you are considering one of these methods please see a doctor or do further research on medical cat allergy cures.

Posted on 4:16 AM

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Getting a new puppy is truly exciting for the family. Dogs are loyal and loving companions and they bring a lot of joy into your life. However, you should be selective while choosing the right pup for yourself. While selecting the puppy be sure you have enough knowledge of various dog breeds. You can choose from a large variety of dog breeds, ranging from tiny Chihuahuas to huge Great Danes. Each dog breed has its own distinct characteristics.

How to Choose the Perfect Pup for Yourself

You would first want to consider the available space at home before going in for pet adoption. If you live in an apartment you can go for small terrier breeds such as Yorkshire Terriers and the Miniature Schnauzer. If you have children, then avoid selecting the breeds of too small such as Maltese or Chihuahuas. These breeds are very delicate and may be accidentally injured by young children. On the other hand, very huge dogs such as Saint Bernards or Boxers can unexpectedly cause harm to your children. Hence, it is better to consider medium-sized breeds such as Lhasa Apsos or Fox Terriers.

The next factor you should consider while choosing the puppy is how much exercise you can give your dog. If your home has a fenced yard, then your dog can get some exercise on his own. Some dog breeds in the Herding, Hound or Sporting groups are highly energetic. You should spend enough time to provide them with more intense exercises.

Lastly, take into consideration the grooming needs of each dog breed. Some dog breeds need only a half hour grooming once in a week. Some breeds including Maltese or Poodle need an hourly grooming in a day. Breeds such as Whippets or Boston Terriers are a good choice for those who can't spend much time for dog grooming.

Once you have chosen the dog breed, consider its age. Many people opt for a cute, little puppy instead of an adult dog. The puppies quickly become housebroken and can be easily trained. Adult dogs are already housebroken and trained.

Different Dog Breeds

Dog breeds are categorized in different groups such as Hound, Working, Terrier, Gundogs, Utility, Toy and Pastoral. If you are planning on hunting with your dog, then you should consider the sporting breeds such as Golden Retriever or Labrador Retriever. These breeds can be easily trained and are perfect for a more active lifestyle. Many people prefer dogs from working group such as Siberian Husky, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer or Akita. Nowadays, toy dogs such as Shih Tzu, Pug, Maltese and Pomeranian are very popular. These breeds are a perfect choice for the apartment dwellers. If you belong to a farm and livestock, then you can consider Australian Shepherd, Shetland Sheepdog, Border Collie or German Shepherd in the herding group.

Before choosing any dog breed, know about its specific characteristics. When you own a dog, you need to train it so that it adopts skillful habits. Some of the most difficult to train breeds are Shih Tzu, Borzoi, Bloodhound, Bulldog, Chow Chow and Basenji. Some of the most intelligent breeds are Poodle, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiller, Border Collie and Doberman Pinscher.

Take your own time while making your choice, and enjoy your pup's pleasurable company for years.

Posted on 10:49 PM

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Being man's best friend, dogs have universal appeal to people of all ages and nationalities. Treating them with care and affection is a priority, and detecting and treating signs of discomfort in them must be undertaken regularly. Since they cannot vocally exhibit their discomfort it is important from an owner's point of view to recognize other forms of implicit expressions by the animal. There are many forms of illnesses they suffer from, but all are curable over time.

  • Physical discomfort can be easily noticed by any person.
  • If the dog is limping, it could indicate that it is feeling severe pain.
  • Lack of usual physical activities could indicate more than just laziness.
  • The dog may also constantly lick the spot that's causing it the pain. As a result of this, the area that's wounded may have a noticeable reduction in the hair.
  • Touching the affected area may result in the animal yelping in pain or even snapping at the owner.
  • Uncharacteristic moodiness, snapping at familiar faces or just a simple look of dejection or loneliness, all may be indicating that the pet is experiencing pain.
The form and intensity of injury will also depend largely on the age, breed and sex. As the owner, it is your responsibility to determine if the dog needs to be taken to the vet (in case the symptoms are severe), or if you can observe it at home, tend to it and ensure that it will shrug off the pain. Following recommended and proven measures will aid the smooth flowing of everyday activities.

  1. Osteoarthritis: OA refers to the abnormal condition of the degradation of the joints. Locking of the joints, tingling sensation, cracking of the bone and stiffness are the signs to detect it in your pet. The dog's rate of metabolism, genetic conditions and the rate of physical exertion are its possible causes. These can be cured by supplements.
  2. Hip dysplasia: The displacement of the hip from its socket leads to this particular condition. If untreated, it can also lead to extreme cases of arthritis. Though a dog's nature may determine the nature of hip dysplasia, the root cause of this abnormality is believed to be hereditary.
  3. Panosteitis: This is a common bone disease and occurs during the formative stages of growth. Abnormal growth rate owing to excessive exercise and high intake of protein foods may lead to such a condition.
  4. Luxating Patella: When the patella (or the kneecap) dislocates or moves out of its normal position this condition arises. This is normally seen in small and miniature breeds like the chihuahua.
  5. Hypertrophic osteodystrophy: HOD is also a condition that occurs in the formative stages and mostly affects large and giant breeds, like the greyhound. The portion of the bone that is adjacent to the joint (metaphysis) experiences low blood flow, resulting in HOD.
  6. Bite by other dogs: In most cases, it might just be a simple flesh wound due to being bitten by another animal. This is easily visible and also easily treatable.

In most cases, it is advisable to observe the animal for a while instead of panicking and rushing to the veterinarian. If the problem persists one must consult the doctor. All these symptoms have medications to help ease the pain, but the severity of the treatment will have to be decided by the doctor after carefully scrutinizing the case.

A careful and measured rehabilitation program will be recommended by the doctor. He will also recommend suitable forms of exercise, provide better dietary plans and constantly review the pet.

It is best to not get disheartened as dogs possess a great ability to recover and recuperate. Cases of back and front leg pain are not uncommon occurrences. Remember to shower your pet with your love, give him attention and trust in his ability to be back to normal again. Like human beings, a dog's body will also respond to the right mixture of medicines, physical rehabilitation and the right human touch.

Posted on 9:40 AM

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Similar to us humans, diabetes is a prevalent health condition amongst pet dogs too. Diabetes mellitus is the most common type of canine diabetes, which is observed in obese and older pet dogs. Normally, some common reasons like obesity, heredity issues, and an unhealthy diet, are mainly responsible for canine diabetes. Changing the regular dog food is the main thing that you need to do, when it comes to treating dogs with diabetes. Most of the pet owners prefer dry dog food as they find it a convenient and time saving option. While some other pet owners choose dry dog food because of time constrictions, if you are also thinking of feeding your diabetic dog with dry food, then the following information is a must read for you. After the pet food recall incident of 2007, the quality of most of the commercial dog food brands has become questionable. One needs to be very careful while choosing commercial dog food even for the hearty and healthy dogs. And when it comes to finding the best food for the dogs with special health conditions, your responsibility gets doubled as a loving pet owner. If you ask a veterinarian, he would not advocate feeding dry foods to a diabetic dog. There are various reasons and considerations behind this. Let's find out more.

Are Dry Foods Healthy for Diabetic Dogs?

When it comes to diabetic dog food, you need to avoid the products that contain high levels of carbohydrates and fats. It means that one should include low fat meats, boneless and skinless meats, select vegetables, fruits and grains, and a few nutritional supplements; in the dog food. It also means that the products that are made of fatty meats, baked goods including commercial dog treats, and all the food products that contain various forms of sugar and carbohydrates, should be completely omitted. There are two types of carbohydrates, namely, simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are the unhealthy carbohydrates that should be excluded from a diabetic dog diet. Surprisingly, most of the commercial dry dog food brands and dog treat brands contain loads of simple carbohydrates, that are harmful for the dogs that are suffering with diabetes. Most of the dry dog food products contain high levels of bone meal and grain meal, artificial food additives, preservatives and artificial food sweeteners. All these products make dry and commercial dog foods very unhealthy for diabetic dogs.

How to Choose Healthy Dry Foods for Diabetic Dogs

To be frank, one should avoid giving commercial dog food to dogs suffering from diabetes. Since these are factory produced foods that are prepared in a batch, you personally can't be sure that they are made without the harmful dog food ingredients. Still, there are certain dry dog food manufacturers who guarantee you about 100% diabetes friendly products. In such cases, you may consult the veterinarian and choose brands that he recommends as the best diabetic dog food for your pet. A few specialty brands like Hills Science diet, Organix Dog Food, Nature's Best, Newman's Own Advanced Natural Dog Food, Purina Veterinary Diets DCO Diabetic Dog Food, Solid Gold Northwest Natur-Bones Dog Biscuits for Diabetic Dogs, and such other brands do provide healthier dry dog foods that are suitable for diabetic dogs.

Apart from the aforementioned brands, if you have to choose commercial dog food, then opt for the brands that do not contain sugar and high levels of fats. When I say sugar, you need to search for all the forms of sugar like sucrose, fructose, sweet syrups, cane sugar, corn syrup, maple syrup, sugar caramel, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, sorbitol, molasses, and other such names that are listed on the food label. Avoid foods that contain carbohydrate sources like fermentation grains, potatoes, malted barley, soy flour, grain meals, oatmeal, etc. Understand the fact that some dry dog food brands do endorse their products to be sugar-free and carbohydrate-free, but they do include them in hidden forms and provide such alternative names for sugar and carbohydrates. Hence, make sure that you are not falling for such marketing strategies and are choosing the foods that are really healthy for your dog.

How to Make Homemade Dry Food

Yes, you can definitely make a few dry dog foods at home that are useful for diabetic dogs. To prepare these foods, always use natural ingredients and avoid the usage of any artificial flavorings and sweeteners. But most importantly, do not use dry food as the only food source for diabetic dogs. If you have to feed them dry food, then make sure that it is used as a complementary food. You can use it as a dog treat. Many veterinarians also advocate feeding diabetic dogs with raw meat diet, with raw vegetables, and small amounts of brown rice. When it comes to feeding them home cooked food, make sure that it is specially prepared for them and is not your leftover food.

Recipe 1

  • Boneless, skinless chicken, 1 cup
  • Mixed flour, 2 cups
  • Wheat germ, cup
  • Garlic powder tsp
  • Beaten egg, 1
  • Bacon grease, 8 tbsp
  • Chicken stock, 2 tbsp
  • Brown sugar, 1 tsp
  • Crumbled bacon, 6 slices
  • Powdered milk, cup
  • Water cups
Add chicken stock, beaten egg and bacon grease in a medium-sized bowl and blend with help of a blender. Then add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and keep blending until the mixture gets a smooth texture. Roll that dough so that it forms a thickness of of an inch. Then cut out various shapes of that dough with help of the pizza cutter or cookie cutter and place them side by side in buttered cookie sheet. Bake them for around 20 minutes, at 350F. Store the cookies in an airtight container when they get cool.

Recipe 2

  • Raw ground meat, 1 lbs
  • Chopped vegetables, 2 cups
  • Apple cider vinegar, cup
  • Garlic cloves, 3
  • Plain yogurt, cup
  • Chopped kelp, 1 tbsp
  • Chopped parsley, 2 tbsp
  • Eggs, 3
Chop all the ingredients and serve to the dog. You can store it in the refrigerator and feed it to the dog by thawing it. However, remember that this recipe should make up only 30% of your dog's daily diet. So, you can change the quantity of the ingredients if you wish.

As I said earlier, commercially available dry foods are helpful only when they are prescribed or recommended by the veterinarian. Also, do not overfeed your dog, and stop feeding the regular prescribed medications (if any).

Posted on 7:21 AM

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There really are several ideas to raise money for charity that you could use. Are you trying to help out a local nonprofit organization? Are you trying to get some funds to help out others in need? No matter who or what you're attempting to help out with your donations, there are literally thousands of things you can do. Here are just a few ideas to raise money for charity that you can implement quickly and effectively.

Group Sales Unwanted Items:

This is a one of the easier ideas to raise money for charity. You or your group could simply sell your unwanted on online auction sites, like eBay, to get the funds fast. In addition, if you have a larger group, you could hold a regular auction. You may even be able to get an auction service to reduce or eliminate their fees. If an auction isn't your thing, you could try a group sale. This could be help at an individual's home if the group is small. For larger sales, you could ask you city hall if they will allow you to set up on public grounds. This is just one of the ideas to raise money for charity.

Sell food:

Unwanted items aren't the only things you could sell. There are plenty more ideas to raise money for charity that you could implement. You could have a bake sale, for instance. This is popular with church groups and plenty of other nonprofit organizations. In addition, selling food items like pop and hot dogs can raise funds quickly. If you can come up with ideas to raise money for charity like this, they may be worth looking into.

Group Sales - New Items:

Group sales don't necessarily have to involve selling your unwanted items, there are plenty of other things you can sell. One of the ideas to raise money for charity that has taken off in recent years is selling new items. These could be candles, magazine subscriptions, popcorn tins, just about anything you can think of. These types of programs are just some of the many ideas to raise money for charity. There are plenty of companies out there that offer this type of service. Keep in mind that the companies you use to supply these items aren't always nonprofit. Many of them will take a cut. So, if you sell $1,000 worth of candles, your group may only get $250 to donate. Still, it's one of the ideas to raise money for charity that's popular.

Offer a Service:

There are many things you could do to offer a service, it's just another of the ideas to raise money for charity to consider. You could perform yard work or snow shoveling, just to name few. Best of all, these types of things can be done with little or no overhead costs, and can be done in spare time. In addition to these things, you can also try a car wash. This is popular with school groups, and it can be very effective.

Have an Event:

Some of the best ideas to raise money for charity focus more on the event, rather than the fund raising. What I'm getting at here, is that by having an event, like talent show, a play or concert the event often is appealing even to those that aren't interested in making a donation. A music lover may be very interested in going to a concert, even if they don't believe in or support the cause. This can help you increase the funds you get. It's just another of the ideas to raise money for charity that a group can start.

Talk to Local Businesses:

Many major and local retailers will help you raise money for charity, so it's a good idea to ask. Some will be more than willing to donate items for sales. If you are selling a specific item, they may even be willing to sell them in their store. In some cases, you may be able to set up a small booth outside of their business. Keep in mind that businesses are asked to make donations very often, so they may be willing to offer space more willingly than money or products. It's one of the ideas to raise money for charity that can be very effective. You can look up sample letters asking for donations to make this more effective.

Walk or Run:

You may be able to sponsor a race or get donors to pledge a certain amount of money for every mile you walk. These ideas to raise money for charity can be very effective. You can hold the event at your local high school track, or simply set up a route through town for the walkers or runners. This is effective because it creates a large presence, and helps to raise awareness. The walkers or runners could be required to wear a sheet of paper on their shirt with a number, as well as the cause they are helping. Ideas to raise money for charity that also raise awareness are generally a very good way to go.

Write to the Rich or Famous:

Generally speaking, you will have better results if you ask for autograph or memorabilia donations than you will if you ask for money. That makes autographs, and other items among the best ideas to raise money for charity. For instance, you could ask professional football players to sign a picture or football to auction off. This can be very effective and many professional athletes are willing to help out. Plenty of them have their own charitable foundations, so it's worth a shot. It's one of the good ideas to raise money for charity. You can write to rich people giving away money to organizations.

Change Jars:

Sometimes you will be able to set up a change chair at local businesses or public areas. These are good ideas to raise money for charity because many people are willing to make a donation of their change. I'm sure you've seen these before at plenty of local businesses or events. Change can add up quickly. Ideas to raise money for charity that don't involve much work for the business, are often quite attractive to them.

Words of Caution:

While there are plenty of good ideas to raise money for charity, you should exercise good judgment. Door to door sales, while effective, can be dangerous. In addition, you should always make sure you get any necessary permits that your city or county may require before you proceed. There are plenty of ideas to raise money for charity out there, just make sure they are safe and perfectly legal.

Posted on 6:22 AM

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Puppy diarrhea treatment is part and parcel of owning a puppy. Puppy owners will tell you that there is no joy in the world like owning a cute little puppy. But with all the happiness these little mutts bring, you are also taking the responsibility of the care of your little bundle of joy. It doesnt matter what kind of breed you have, all playful puppies are inquisitive and mischievous, and more than likely will ingest things that they should not, which usually will result in digestion problems. Vomiting and diarrhea are common occurrences when you own a puppy, and the best way to tackle these issues is to know what best puppy diarrhea treatment will work for your little puppy.

Causes of Puppy Diarrhea

The simplest way to gauge whether you have a healthy pet is by examining your puppys stool. Like humans, if your puppy passes solid stool samples, then its healthy and if it passes runny stools than more than likely its got puppy diarrhea and is not in a healthy condition. As in humans, puppy diarrhea can be caused by stress, excitement or even overeating, its not uncommon to find that a sudden change in diet will cause an abnormal bowl movement.

Puppies are like young children, theyre playful and will ingest anything they like, and this is one way puppies also get diarrhea, by ingesting poisonous substances. Diseases, dog worms, viral infections and parasites are the other known culprits that cause puppy diarrhea.

Dont panic if your puppy is defecating more than usual, thats just normal behavior for puppies that have diarrhea. However, should you notice that your puppys frequency has alarmingly increased or notice that its stool has blood, it would be advisable to take it to the vet for a check-up. Not taking the puppy to the vet could worsen its condition and the puppy could become dehydrated which could lead to fainting as well.

The vet will do their best to diagnose the condition, so to help the vet with a quick diagnosis; it would be helpful if you take a sample of the stool. The vet will then be able to physically check the puppy, while sending the stool for analysis. Medications will be prescribed for the puppy diarrhea treatment.

Puppy Diarrhea Treatment

Its not common for owners to ask what the best way to stop puppy diarrhea is. After all, if your puppy is having frequent runny bowl movements, you know that its not only painful to see your puppy suffering; its also messy and unhygienic.

Puppy diarrhea treatment depends entirely upon how severe the condition is, but outlined below are some of the causes of puppy diarrhea and how they can be treated:

Sensitivity to Food

Manufacturers of pet food these days have gone to great length to make food that is healthy, delicious and nutritious for dogs and puppies, but youll find that there are certain foods that will not digest too well with your puppy, if this is the case why your puppy has diarrhea, then you will need to remove the food from its diet. Of course, it might not be the food at all, it could be a particular ingredient that may be the culprit, so you will have to find and remove it from the diet. The bad news is that it might take some time for you to accurately pin-point the food or the ingredient.

Coccidia Parasite Infestation

Young puppies are often infected by the Coccidia parasite, passed on usually from the young puppys mothers feces. This parasite will infect the puppys intestines and will cause bloody stools. In most cases, the vet will prescribe medications to stop the parasite growth as well as medications to remove the parasite from the puppys body. This treatment can last upwards of 2 weeks depending on how severe the condition is.

Giardia Parasite Infestation
If you notice your puppy passing on foul smelly feces, as well as continuous vomiting, loss of appetite and being lethargic, than your puppy might have a Giardia infection. This infection affects the intestines as well as the skin, and prescription usually consists of a medication called antiprotpzoal. For highly effective puppy diarrhea treatment, it is imperative to bathe your puppy with medicated soaps to keep your puppy free from any parasites.

Puppy Diarrhea Home Remedies:

There are no real home remedies for puppy diarrhea treatment, common sense will dictate that if your puppy is experiencing diarrhea symptoms, then letting the puppy fast for one day is a good way for the puppys digestive system to recover. The day after, instead of starting your puppy back on its normal diet, substitute the food with something real bland such as boiled white skinless meat and some boiled rice. Keeping the measure small and feeding every 4 hours, your puppy should start recovering. If there is no sign of recovery, then go visit a vet.

Another puppy diarrhea home remedy that you can try is giving your puppy pureed pumpkin. It works wonders in most dogs and puppies, and is even known to cure pets of diarrhea symptoms within hours of consuming it. For small puppies, a few teaspoons every day and a few tablespoons for large dogs every day will usually cure the problem.

Puppies who have not received their proper vaccinations will usually get viral infections which will almost always result in puppy diarrhea. Owners are highly recommended to get their puppys properly vaccinated as recommended by vets. It is also highly recommended for effective puppy diarrhea treatment that puppys are de-wormed at regular intervals to prevent future roundworm and diarrhea problems.

Supplementing your pet food with healthy homemade foods is also one way in which you can promote a healthy immune system for your puppy. The combination of healthy nutritious food, regular medical check-ups with timely vaccinations and proper puppy care will help combat current infections as well as preventing future medical problems.

In closing, puppy diarrhea treatment, whether its a home remedy or through a vet is only as important as the loving care an owner will give to its puppy!.

Posted on 3:57 AM

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

With dog being man's best friend, it's quite obvious that every owner want to give his/her dog the best dog food available in the market. With the dog food industry making billions per year, there are about 10 dog food brands that enter the market every 6 months. This makes it more difficult for dog owners because the market of dog food brands seems like a jungle which has no escape.

We all know that natural dog food is the best food for our dogs, but we also are working professionals and are left with less time to make homemade food for our dogs. We all know that dog food comes in two forms - wet and dry. Don't fall prey to all these expensive dog foods brands. Just don't buy a brand because of its price is high. I am going to tell you the names of some dog food brands which I think are of excellent quality for your dog.

Popular Dog Food Brands

There are a string of dog foods available in the market and it's very necessary that you choose the one which suits your dog the best. A dog food recipe should be a complete meal with essential meats and veggies. So here are some names, which in my opinion are the best brands.

You must have heard about many top-selling dog food brands, but Canidae is one brand that you may not have heard of. In fact, the best ones are the ones that don't market themselves through ads and posters. They spend their money to make the quality of their product and not on the commercials. Canidae is an all natural dog food that has an all natural recipe which is filled with 50% meat proteins. Another great thing about Canidae is the meat that they use is hormone free which makes it very good for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Solid Gold
The product is just as the name, its Solid Gold. A top dog food brand for your pet, it uses all natural products and no artificial preservatives. When you talk about the best dog food in the market, always remember that the best things don't come cheap. I highly recommend the "Hundchen Flocken" for puppies and "Hund-n-Flocken" for grown dogs.

AvoDerm is my favorite dog food. My friend's dog has a sensitive stomach and he goes crazy if fed the wrong food. AvoDerm is of a baked variety and is very gentle for dogs with a sensitive stomach. I was a little hesitant to recommend AvoDerm as it has avocados and it's been proven that avocados are toxic to dogs. However, very few of you know that only the skin of avocados are toxic to dogs and AvoDerm doesn't contain that. If you have a dog which has a sensitive stomach, suffers from skin infections or dandruff, then AvoDerm is the brand for you.

Top 10 Dog Food Brands

Dogs have started to live longer. Credit can be given to the new and improved dog food available in the market, but the market is also filled up with stuff that just doesn't do good to your dog. So let's find out the top 10 popular brands of dog food.
  1. Innova Evo Dog Food
  2. Horizon Legacy Dog Food
  3. Merrick Dog Food
  4. Orijen Dog Food
  5. Wellness Core Dog Food
  6. Blue Buffalo Wilderness Dog Food
  7. California Natural Dog Food
  8. Artemis Dog Food
  9. Acana Dog Food
  10. Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Dog Food
With this list, I have reached the end of my article on top dog food brands. I hope you have found this article useful. If you still have doubts on the various dog food brands available in the market, I suggest you try making your own dog food, which will give the best assurance as its homemade.

Posted on 10:20 AM

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Disclaimer This article does not replace the advice, suggestions, and prescription of a veterinarian. The article should be looked upon as a source of information to further research on finding healthier dog foods.

The main source of nutrition for your dog comes from, obviously, what you feed him/her. Depending on the correct amount of food served and proportion of nutrients availed from it, your dog should be getting 6 groups of nutrients with each meal: water, minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Except for water, the commercial dog foods that you can purchase from any pet store are classified as being 100% balanced as they provide all the necessary nutrients. But do all brands actually provide the nutrients or are they missing out on any? As a concerned dog owner, you must be wondering which brands have healthy foods for your pooch. The answer to your question lies in the article below as we have enlisted all the food brands that will give you information on healthy dog food ratings.

Many dog owners prefer feeding their dogs homemade food. But not all has time and dedication required for it. Although home cooked meals are always better than anything bought from the stores, the companies keep that ideology in mind and try to come up with healthiest foods. And since they already have the helpful nutrition available, it can definitely save a lot of time for some of you. So the next time you're out shopping for your dog, you can go over the different ratings and make the right decision for your dog's health.

Healthy Food Comparison

When we talk about animal food, specifically, they are rated and measured differently from human food. Although there aren't any "bad" dog foods available in market, however, their ratings will vary. This is depending upon the essential nutrients which can be availed by your dog. Of course, there are certain brands or specific foods in those brands that provide a better, healthier options for your dog.

Researching on the best food can be a tedious process (but a must) as many factors need to be taken into consideration. Depending on your dog's current health, size, breed, and allergies, selecting one brand over another can make a big difference. Below we have a detailed list according to ingredients, consumer feedback, and its nutritional benefits. And hence, we wanted to provide you with the list of various foods available in market; we have categorized the ratings with stars.

Healthy Food Review - 1 StarCanned Foods
  • Cesar Dog Food
  • Purina One
  • Pedigree Butcher's Selects
  • Purina Dog Chow
  • Pedigree Meaty Ground
  • Purina Puppy Chow
  • Pedigree Plus Healthy
  • Purina Healthy Morsels
  • Alpo Chop House Dog Food
  • Pedigree Dog Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Mature Adult Dog Food
  • Alpo Dog Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Adult Light Dog Food
  • Beneful Dog Food
  • Buckeye Dog Food
  • Dad's Dog Food
Dry Food
  • Extreme Dog Fuel
  • Goodlife Recipe
  • Bil Jac Dog Food
  • Black Gold Dog Food
  • PMI Nutrition Dog Food
  • Bil Jac Reduced Fat Dog Food
  • Kibbles 'n Bits Dog Food
  • Chef Michael's Dog Food
  • Country Vet Choice Dog Food
  • Hill's Prescription Diet D/D & W/D Canine
  • Hill's Science Diet Adult Dog Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Mature Adult Dog Food
  • Iams Veterinary Formulas Intestinal
  • Purina Active Senior Seven Plus
  • Purina Fit and Trim Dog Food
  • Purina Little Bites Dog Food
  • Rancher's Choice Dog Food

Healthy Food Review - 2 StarsCanned Foods
  • Mighty Dog
  • Iams Dog Food
  • Purina Pro Plan
  • Pedigree Choice Cuts
  • Pedigree Little Champions
  • Eukanuba Dog Food
  • Cesar Sunrise Dog Food
  • Beneful Prepared Meals
  • Chef Michael's Dog Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Puppy
  • Evolution Diet Dog Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Adult Dog Food
  • AvoDerm Natural Lite Dog Food
  • Blue Seal Dog Food Dinner Classics
  • ANF Dog Food
  • Purina Pro Plan
  • Red Flannel Dog Food
  • Nutro Max Dog Food
  • Sportmix Dog Food
  • Adirondack Dog Food
  • Eukanuba Custom Care
  • Diamond Dog Food
  • Blackwood Dog Food
  • Loyall Dog Food
Dry Food
  • First Choice Dog Food
  • Evolution Diet Dog Food
  • Hill's Science Diet Puppy
  • Sportmix Premium Dog Food
  • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food
  • Country Vet Premium Dog Food
  • AvoDerm Natural Lite Dog Food
  • Hill's Prescription Diet I/D Canine
  • Hill's Prescription Diet R/D Canine
  • Nutro Natural Choice Dog Food
  • Eagle Pack Adult Reduced Fat Formula
  • Hill's Science Diet Nature's Best Dog Food
  • Iams ProActive Health Adult
  • Iams Healthy Naturals Dog Food
  • Iams Healthy Naturals Weight Control
  • Iams ProActive Health Active Maturity
  • Iams ProActive Health Smart Puppy
  • Iams ProActive Health Weight Control
  • Iams Veterinary Formulas Skin and Coat
  • Iams Veterinary Formulas Weight Control

Healthy Food Review - 3 StarsCanned Foods
  • Purina One
  • Authority Dog Food
  • Wysong Anergen
  • Nature's Recipe
  • Blackwood Dog Food
  • Cesar Bistro Dog Food
  • Cesar Gourmet Filets Dog Food
  • Natural Balance Eatables
  • Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets
  • Natural Balance Vegetarian Dog Food
  • AvoDerm Natural Vegetarian Dog Food
  • Burns Dog Food
  • Azmira Dog Food
  • Exclusive Dog Food
  • Wysong Maintenance
  • Natural Life Dog Food
  • Nature's Recipe
  • Authority Dog Food
  • Blue Buffalo Blue Basics
  • PetGuard Dog Food
  • Pro Pac Dog Food
  • Purina Pro Plan Selects
  • Advanced Pet Diets Lite
  • Eukanuba Boxer
  • Eukanuba Natural
  • Eagle Pack Dog Food
  • Enhance Dog Food
Dry Food
  • Country Vet Dog Fuel
  • Eukanuba Naturally Wild
  • Eukanuba German Shepherd
  • Eukanuba Labrador Retriever
  • Eukanuba Premium Performance
  • Wysong Maintenance
  • Blue Seal Dog Food/Classics
  • Royal Canin Maxi
  • Royal Canin Medium
  • Royal Canin Mini Adult
  • Royal Canin Mini Puppy
  • Royal Canin Giant Adult
  • Royal Canin Mini Weight Care
  • Royal Canin Mini Aging Care
  • Royal Canin Breed-Specific Adult
  • Royal Canin Breed-Specific Puppy
  • Solid Gold Dog Food Holistique Blendz
  • Breeder's Choice Active Care Healthy Joint
  • Brandon Farms Dog Food
  • Karma Organic Dog Food
  • Summit Dog Food Originals
  • Wellness Simple Food Solutions
  • NutriSource Dog Food
  • NutriSource Pure Vita Dog Food
  • Doctors Foster and Smith Dog Food
  • Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets
  • Natural Balance Vegetarian Dog Food
  • Fromm Dog Food Family Classics
  • Iams Premium Protection Dog Food
  • Kirkland Dog Food Healthy Weight Formula
  • AvoDerm Natural Senior Dog Food
  • AvoDerm Natural Vegetarian Dog Food

Healthy Food Review - 4 StarsCanned Foods
  • Canidae Dog Food
  • Dave's 95% Premium
  • Dave's Delectable Dinners
  • Dave's Delicate Dinner
  • Dave's Naturally Healthy
  • Nutro Ultra
  • Nutro Max Dog Food
  • Diamond Dog Food
  • Harmony Farms
  • Evanger's Classic Dinners
  • Artemis Fresh Mix Dog Food
  • AvoDerm Natural Dog Food
  • Brandon Farms Organics
  • Blue Seal Dog Food
  • By Nature Organics
  • By Nature Goldleaf Selects
  • Addiction Dog Food
  • Azmira Dog Food
  • Nutro Natural Choice Dog Food
  • Evanger's Signature Series
  • Natural Life Dog Food
  • Doctors Foster and Smith Dog Food
  • Lotus Dog Food
  • Old Mother Hubbard Dog Food
  • Taste of the Wild Dog Food
  • Innova Dog Food
  • Innova Flex Dog Food
  • Mulligan Stew Dog Food
  • Wysong Gourmet
  • Pinnacle Holistic Dog Food
  • Purina Pro Plan Selects
  • Solid Gold Dog Food
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity
  • Nature's Variety Prairie
  • Holistic Select Dog Food
  • Blue Buffalo Blue's Stew
  • Newman's Own Organics
  • PetGuard Dog Food
  • NutriSource Dog Food
  • Party Animal Dog Food
  • Wellness Stews
  • Wellness Dog Food
  • Hill's Prescription Diet N/D Canine
  • Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipes
  • Castor and Pollux Organix Dog Food
  • Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul
  • 4Health Dog Food
  • Addiction Dog Food
  • Advanced Pet Diets
  • Artemis Fresh Mix Dog Food
  • Artemis Osopure Dog Food
  • American Natural Premium
  • Annamaet Dog Food
  • Horizon Complete
  • Now Dog Food
  • Halo Dog Food
  • Merrick Dog Food
  • Skoki Dog Food
  • VF Complete
  • Innova Dog Food
  • Kirkland Dog Food
  • Life's Abundance Dog Food
  • LiveSmart Dog Food
  • Mulligan Stew Dog Food
  • Nature's Variety Prairie
  • Wellness Simple Food Solutions
  • Back to Basics Dog Food
Dry Food
  • Canine Caviar
  • Diamond Naturals Dog Food
  • Dog Lovers Gold
  • Dogswell Dog Food
  • Earthborn Holistic Dog Food
  • Evanger's Dog Food
  • Evolve Dog Food
  • Nutro Ultra
  • Go Natural Dog Food
  • California Natural Grain Free
  • Harmony Farms
  • Health Food for Dogs
  • HealthWise Dog Food
  • Holistic Select Dog Food
  • Nature's Domain Dog Food
  • Natural Balance Ultra Dog Food
  • Precise Dog Food
  • Solid Gold Dog Food
  • FirstMate Grain-Free Dog Food
  • Nature's Select Dog Food
  • Premium Edge Dog Food
  • By Nature Dog Food
  • Pinnacle Peak Protein Formula
  • Romm Dog Food Gold Nutritionals
  • Grandma Mae's Country Naturals
  • Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix
  • Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul
  • Native Performance Dog Food
  • Newman's Own Organics
  • Natural Planet Organics
  • Natural Balance Ultra Dog Food
  • Whole Earth Farms Dog Food
  • Wellness Super 5 Mix Dog Food
  • Summit Holistic Dog Food
  • Natural Balance Organic Dog Food
  • Vets Choice Holistic Health Extension
  • Artemis AGARx Immune Support Dog Food
  • Artemis Professional Formula Dog Food
  • Blue Buffalo Life Protection
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity
  • Canidae Dog Food
  • California Natural

Healthy Food Review - 5 StarsCanned Foods
  • Canine Caviar
  • California Natural
  • Before Grain Dog Food
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness
  • By Nature 95% Meat
  • Dogswell Dog Food
  • EVO 95 Percent
  • EVO Dog Food
  • Evanger's 100% Meat Classics
  • Evanger's Organics
  • Wellness Core Dog Food
  • Brandon Farms Dog Food
  • Go Natural Dog Food
  • Nature's Logic Dog Food
  • Wellness 95 Percent
  • Merrick Dog Food
  • Evanger's Game Meats
  • Lotus Dog Food
  • Proportions Stew
  • Whole Earth Farms Dog Food
  • Weruva Human Style
  • Nature's Variety Instinct
  • Life's Abundance Dog Food
  • Fromm Dog Food Gold Nutritionals
  • Fromm Dog Food Four Star Nutritionals
  • Evanger's Super Premium Gold
  • Evanger's Hand Packed Dog Food
  • Tiki Dog Food
  • Weruva Kobe
  • Weruva Kurobuta
  • Wysong Au Jus Diets
  • Newman's Own Organics Grain Free
  • Canidae Dog Food Grain-Free
  • Castor and Pollux Natural Ultrami
Dry Food
  • Horizon Legacy
  • EVO Dog Food
  • Go Natural Grain Free
  • Orijen Dog Food Adult
  • Orijen Dog Food Puppy
  • Orijen Dog Food Senior
  • Wellness Core Dog Food
  • Nature's Logic Dog Food
  • Nature's Variety Instinct
  • By Nature Organics
  • Acana Dog Food
  • Before Grain Dog Food
  • Acana Dog Food Grain-Free
  • Brandon Farms Organics
  • Artemis Fresh Mix Maximal Dog
  • TimberWolf Organics
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness
  • Wysong Optimal Performance
  • Premium Edge Healthy Weight Reduction
  • Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural
  • Fromm Dog Food Four Star Nutritionals
  • Canine Caviar Grain-Free
  • Canidae Dog Food Grain-Free
  • Castor and Pollux Organix Dog Food
  • Solid Gold Barking at the Moon
  • Taste of the Wild Dog Food
Now that you've seen the least and the most healthy dog food ratings, you can make a better choice about what to feed them. To safeguard your dog's health and give him/her a longer, happier life, taking care of the food quality is the first step. And especially, you should consult the veterinarian before you purchase any of these products or prepare treats for your little pooch.

Posted on 5:26 AM

1 comment

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Choosing the best food for your dog is not just about picking up any dog food off the shelves. A healthy and balanced diet is something that every pet owner should ensure that their dogs have. This includes taking into consideration the dietary needs and food allergies in dogs. Gluten allergy is one of the most common reasons for chronic illness and degenerative diseases in dogs. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, a chronic disease that disrupts the normal function of the intestines is caused by gluten intolerance in dogs. So why exactly is gluten-free dog food so important for your pets? Well, dogs and cats are carnivorous animals which need little or no carbohydrates in their food. The natural diet of dogs in the wild include bones, pieces of carcass, rotten greens and fruit. This is often accompanied by little or no grains in the diet.

Gluten-free Food Recipes for Your Pet

Cooking up simple homemade dog food ensures that your canine friend gets adequate nutrition and avoids gluten allergy as well. Here are some great dog food recipes that are entirely gluten-free. Make sure you give these food items as treats as it might cause a weight gain in dogs.

Gluten-free Cheesy Delights

  • 2 cups potato flakes
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 6 tbsp. grated parmesan cheese
  • cup plain yogurt
In a large bowl, combine the potatoes with cheese and yogurt. Add a small amount of water and make a nice dough. Knead it into balls and roll to half inches thickness. Cut into one inch pieces and place on a greased cookie sheet. Place in a preheated oven of 350 degrees F and allow it to cook for twenty-five minutes.

Gluten-free Meat Recipes

  • 1 pound of ground beef or chicken
  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup water
Combine eggs and sweet potatoes and pour in a little water. Mix the ingredients well and allow it to sit for 15 minutes or so. After that, add the ground beef or chicken and mix well. Spread this mixture on a greased baking sheet and cut into square pieces. Place it in a pre-heated oven of around 350 degrees F and bake for around thirty minutes. Use a wooden spatula to turn over and make for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let it cool on a wire rack. This recipe allows you to make 45 to 50 gluten-free dog food treats.

Why Your Dog Needs Gluten-free Food

According to veterinarians, food items containing plant proteins like gluten can cause digestive problems in dogs as they have not evolved to digest these proteins. There have been reports of dogs and cats dying due to tainted gluten in dry as well as the commercial wet dog food. Due to this, pet owners had their concerns rising based on the food they administered and the ingredients included in the food. Research serves testimony that dog food has an unequal amalgamation ratio of wheat/corn gluten and dehydrated meat inclusions. Moreover, they do not actually provide the nutrients found in fresh fruits, vegetables and meat. These findings were further backed with the evidence of gluten being the primary and root cause of diabetes in dogs. Apart from gluten, there are considerably, large amounts of carbohydrates that do not suit the dogs digestive system, leading to chronic diseases, which may also be fatal in nature.

Ingesting gluten through commercially available dog food preparations may invite the danger of developing celiac disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is due to your pets immune system that resists the gluten content and conceives the same as a threat to its well-being. You may notice that your dog has suddenly started to look shriveled, is enduring diarrhea, looks weak due to electrolyte imbalance resulting from dehydration. On the other hand, a gluten allergy in your dog can result in itchy dry skin, dull coat, loose stools, foul-smelling gas, lethargy, loss of appetite, and frequent yeast infection in ears. If you observe these symptoms in dogs then it is best to stick to gluten-free dog food to cure the allergy and restore the health of your dog.

Gluten-rich Food to Avoid

Gluten is the plant protein component found in food such as wheat, barley and rye. Most of the time, when you want to find gluten-free food you end up getting stuck with food that are actually wheat-free. So what are the food items to avoid on a gluten-free diet? Here is a list of edibles that contain gluten and should be strictly avoided if your dog is suffering from gluten allergy.
  • Wheat Flour
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Oats
  • Soy products
  • Food starches (cornstarch)
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Sausages
  • Malt vinegar
  • White pepper
  • Pastas
  • Pickles
  • Semolina
  • Bulgur
  • Wheatgrass
A gluten-free diet is ideal to restore your dog's well-being. Why compromise on his health and playful demeanor? After all, he is the one who uplifts your spirits when you are down and wanting. Your dog deserves your love and care... and of course, gluten-free food!

Posted on 5:23 PM

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At one time dog owners would readily give their pet dogs table leftovers, often straight from the table. However, these days, advice generally warns against this. This is not simply modern society gone mad but instead it is sound advice.

Too much salt.

Many foods made for human consumption contain far too much salt. Products such as gravy granules have so much salt that they could cause a dog, health problems. A dog's small kidneys would be unable to cope with this amount of salt and it would be bad for the animal's heart as well.


Dogs do not need sugar, especially in its refined state. The sugar that we consume is harmful to dogs in many ways. These days the incidence of Diabetes in dogs in increasing. This is mainly due to the sugar in their diet. What may seem like a treat to you could, in real terms, be poison to a dog.


Similarly, rich fatty food is not good for a dog. It can increase a dog's weight and block its arteries in the much same way that a human's arteries become blocked. Such blockages can lead to heart failure. At the very least, these fats will lead to weight gain, which is not good for a dog. If the dog becomes obese, its life span will be shortened and it may suffer from poor mobility and muscle and joint health.

Excess protein.

Too much protein can make a dog hyperactive and restless.


Onions can be very dangerous to a dog. Having said that this may not apply to all dogs. However, is it worth taking the risk?


When you feed you dog table scraps, the dog could easily ingest a bone. Small bones such as those in poultry, like chickens and turkeys, are harmful to dogs.

Digestive problems.

Many of the food manufactured for human consumption is just too rich for a dog. It will provide poor nutrition and may cause digestive problems. This could be diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting and more.

Behavioural problems.

Feeding your dog scraps and titbits from the table can cause bad behaviour. Your dog may become fussy and only eat certain foods. The dog may also pester you and your family as you eat.

Feeding your dog table scraps may also cause it to scavenge any old, discarded food that it comes across.


Do not give your dog milk to drink. This can cause tummy problems. Dogs like clean, fresh water.


Be kind to your dog. In the long run tasty titbits from the table may cause problems and giving them to your dog is not an act of kindness.

Make sure that you NEVER give your dog chocolate, raisins, grapes or white bread, as all could cause severe health problems.

There are some foods that would not be harmful, but it is best not to start bad habits in the first place.

Feed your dog its own sensible diet in order to ensure it keeps in tiptop condition. After all, you would not eat left over tinned dog food, would you?

Posted on 3:05 AM

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Friday, July 5, 2013

House flies are disgusting, disease ridden insects. Flies can be found outside all year in warm climates and can be found indoors and outdoors in a any season. If you live in a cold climate, you may wonder where do house flies come from. They obviously aren't flying around outside and couldn't have come in through an open door or window? Flies can hatch from garbage that may have been left lying around in your house somewhere, a dog or cat who hid their feces behind the couch or from a dirty garbage can in your kitchen. If you have no rotting garbage laying around and no pet who left a little something behind, unfortunately you may have a dead animal such as a mouse, rat, squirrel or bird. The dead animal could be in your attic, basement or in between your walls. If you have looked around and have t been able to find the body, it is most likely between your walls. The only thing that can be done for that is to wait until it decomposes. House flies can be controlled and killed. There are many insecticides available in stores, but they are full of harsh chemicals and I know, I don't want my family around them.


Clean your house thoroughly. Be on the lookout for anything that can produce a good hatching area for flies. Wash your garbage cans with hot soapy water. After the garbage cans dry, add 20 Mule Team Borax to the bottom of the garbage cans to keep flies away. Wash garbage cans at least every other week.

Make Your Own Flypaper

Warm up approximately 1/2 of a cup of cheap maple syrup, add in 4 tablespoons of brown sugar. Stir the maple syrup and brown sugar. Cut heavy paper such as old greeting cards or a brown paper bag in strips 6 to 8 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide. Use an old paint brush or pastry brush to paint the mixture onto the paper. Allow it to dry for 3 to 4 hours. Punch a hole at the top and use a string or ribbon to hang up your fly paper. Flies will be attracted to the sweetness of the paper, get stuck on it and die. Strategically place the strips of flypaper around the perimeter of your yard to draw flies away from food and guests.

Use Plants to Repel Flies

Flies are repelled by plants such as Mexican Marigolds and Basil. Plant either in pots and keep in and around your kitchen where flies tend to be a problem or plant them outdoors near doors and window to keep flies from coming in. If you are planning on having an outdoor party, use fresh basil as a decoration near the food or use basil plants as centerpieces. This will keep flies away from the food and your guests.

Use Essential Oils to Get Rid of House Flies

Flies do not like Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Clove or Lavender Essential Oils. Place a few drops of one of these essentials oils on cotton balls and leave around your house on a small dish. Place a few essential oil soaked cotton balls in the bottoms of both indoor and outdoor garbage cans to keep flies away.

Clean up After your Dog

Don't leave piles of dog poop around the yard. It would be like sending flies an invitation to move right in. Picking up poop isn't a glamorous job, but it has to be done in order to not attract flies.

Posted on 11:24 PM

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Over the past 2 decades, organic foods have risen in prominence. The expansion in specialty food retailers such as Whole Foods Markets and Fresh Market has been fueled on the notion that organic food is a healthier, albeit more expensive, alternative to the conventional North American diet. I have long been intrigued by this phenomenon and set out to discover whether organic foods are a) worth their premium and b) a healthier alternative. The answers I found are somewhat disconcerting and suggest that there is a place for organics, but not as a full replacement to the traditional diet.

What does Certified Organic mean?

My first question was a very basic one what does it mean for something to be Certified Organic? There are various shades of organic (non-sprayed, organic but not certified, and fully certified), but is there a single universal definition for Certified Organic? Sadly, the answer is no. Various countries have documented standards; however, there is no global agreement on what Certified Organic means. This means that the organic apples you buy from Mexico are not held to the same standard as those from Europe.

Although progress is being made on developing a global standard, those involved in negotiating these standards have the political interests of their constituents at heart. For example, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have a place under the US Program but are forbidden in Europe. It is highly unlikely that the US will agree to a ban on GMOs given the cost burden that such a concession would place on US farmers.

In addition, the enforcement standards vary by country. In Canada, farmers who want to be recognized as Organic producers are required to buy all new equipment as their legacy equipment is contaminated. Evidence of purchasing new equipment may not be required in other jurisdictions.

Although we may find ourselves literally comparing apples with apples, when it comes to Certified Organic growing standards, we may as well be comparing apples with oranges.

What Makes Organic Healthier?

Dont let the lack of a global recognized standard on organics dissuade you altogether. Organic farming techniques are far more environmentally sustainable relative to the alternative. Modern farming techniques seek to maximize the yield of a crop by spraying pesticides on plants and encouraging fast production with the use of growth additives.

The important thing to recognize here is that organic food is not just a healthier alternative to its non-organic counterpart, but rather it is far better for the greater good. There are several downstream impacts (no pun intended) from modern techniques that will manifest themselves as the population ages and our natural resources become increasingly polluted. For example, over-fertilization has resulted in a population explosion of algae in many freshwater lakes. The algae is growing so thick that it is preventing oxygen from getting to the fish and resulting in a mass extinction of lake trout in the Central and MidWest. As well, health care of the future will become burdened with the effects of a majority of the population ingesting toxins for most of their life - diseases such as multiple sclerosis and various forms of cancer tend to follow toxic diets.

Should I convert entirely to organics?

Upon hearing the unsettling stories of toxins in our food, the natural inclination is to start including more organics in our diets. Although this is a reasonable approach, it can be overly simplistic. I feel that the most important take-away from the organic-movement is to lessen our dependence on pre-packaged and processed foods. No amount of organic eating will offset a diet that is high in processed flour and canned food. The first step is to take a hard look at your diet such that you are able to incorporate more fresh fruit and vegetables. Once this has been achieved, you can look to bring more organics into your diet.

Which Organics Are Worth the Money?

Organic foods are much more expensive becausefarmers are unable to get the efficiencies of scale that modern farming now enjoys. For the most part, organic fruits and vegetables are grown on a farm that is smaller than 50 acres and picked by hand. As not everybody can afford to make a wholesale switch to organics, I recommend the following:

  • Your Protein - beef, chicken, pork, fish - for me, this is as much an issue of environmental sustainability as it is about health. There are some really insightful (and disturbing) documentaries that chronicle the lives of farm animals on feedlots. Organically raised animals enjoy a better quality of life and are free of growth hormones.
  • The "Dirty Dozen" - the non-organic versions of following fruits and vegetables are known to have the highest pesticide levels. I suggest you always make an effort to buy the following in their organic form:
    • Apples
    • Celery
    • Strawberries
    • Peaches
    • Spinach
    • Nectarines
    • Grapes
    • Sweet Bell Peppers
    • Potatoes
    • Blueberries
    • Lettuce
    • Kale

If you stick with this short list of organic ingredients, you will get most of the upside from eating an organic diet.

Growing Your Own Garden

I have really noticed an increase in the number of community organic gardens and small-scale greenhouses over the past decade. This is a practice that I take part in as it offers two very significant benefits - a) I know exactly what has gone into growing my food (ie. the seeds; my time, care and attention; watering, etc) and b) it helps my daughters appreciate the link between the earth and their food. We live in a society that has become so disconnected from recognizing that food comes from the earth (and not the grocery store)! There is a Cree saying that I believe captures this sentiment very well:

"When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money."

I would be very interested in your take on this subject. Please use the comments box below to tell me what types of food you prefer to buy as organic, and whether you feel the cost difference is worth it.

Posted on 2:43 PM

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