Sunday, August 31, 2014

My roommate has a cat, just one. We have two kitty litter boxes in the house. We live in an area where outdoor cats run a very high risk of being eaten by coyotes, so Kooks is in a indoor animal. As we were sitting around yesterday having a conversation my roommate said, "That smells, I'm going to clean out that litter box!" Which brings me to the number one way to reduce odors pet odor in your house: keep the boxes clean! Having clean litter boxes available for your cats encourages them to use them. No matter how many cats you have, they will eventually get disgusted by a dirty litter box and start looking other places to poop. This can be quite nauseating when you discover stuff under your couch, behind your bookcase, under the bed etc.

Making it a daily chore will also make it less gross. The more often you do it, the less there is to do. Get a scooper from any pet store. Another way to cut down on odors is to limit the number of animals you have. My friend has eight cats and one small dog. She has plenty of litter boxes strewn around her house, but the odor is still eye watering. I am sure if she got herself down to three cats, with or without the dog, the house wouldn't smell as much.

There are other options. Recently a friend of mine bought a device that trains a cat how to poop in a toilet. If you do that, then all you have to do is flush it away when you see it! There are also devices that take the stuff away through your septic system, Cat Genie, is the name of one. Another option is to have outdoor cats. When I lived in Waialua in Hawaii there were no coyotes. All my cats were outdoor cats. There were still plenty warm and friendly, and showed up like clockwork to get their food. I was certainly fond of the outdoor cat idea, they keep down mice.

Another way to keep down the odors is adding baking soda, an odor absorber to your cat's litter box, and ruffling it into your dog's fur. Frankly dog's smell less if you give them baths, except they don't like baths. Dogs have a very different definition of what smells "good" from us. Often the stronger, and the more foul the smell, the more dogs seem into it. Some dogs are also, more naturally smelly than others. My friend was quite enamored of the idea of owning a Shar Pei. With their cute wrinkled skin, she thought it would be an adorable pet. After her boyfriend surprised her with one she was quite horrified by the strong smell! She ended up giving it away.

A word on what doesn't work: Air fresheners. Spraying something like Febreeze around works for exactly as long as the can in your hand. So that's not a good permanent solution. Never mind that the ad shows a happy mother returning again and again to her son's closet to smell the Febreeze. In real life it doesn't last. I used to spray it on upholstery when I worked as a housekeeper at Camp AREV. Nothing I did kept those couch pillows from smelling musty. There were just too many bodies sweating into the fabric. The plug into an outlet air fresheners are not much better. They last longer, however, they only mask pet odors slightly. They don't erase pet odors the way opening a window will.

If you live in a place where it is safe to keep the windows open, fresh air will do wonders as far as eliminating pet odors. Unless of course, you have a neighbor like my prior neighbor, "Freddie." He owned about five dogs he kept in a small yard. When the wind blew the wrong direction it was rank! Eliminate pet odors by getting rid of the stuff! If you pick it up and take it to the dump it won't smell so bad. It's pretty common in cities and dog parks to see stands with plastic baggies for the purpose. You can do this on your own property as well. As with the litter boxes, the more often you do it, the less intimidating the task is. Just get on a schedule and think of it as no different than changing your kid's diaper. Dog's like a clean spot as well.

I have bought charcoal for the house which was supposed to have odor absorbing qualities. I did not notice that the charcoal had any effect. I have also purchased an air purifier. This product actually did a great job. Not only did it erase all traces of animal smell, it also got rid of the smell of cigarettes! No easy feat! It makes kind of a white noise while it's running, and did not raise our electric bill substantially. Of all the tricks to reduce animal odors, the air purifier was the most successful.

Fish are an animal you may not think has a lot of odor, but they can if you don't keep the tank clean. I recommend buying at least one of those fish called "algae eaters" to keep the algae down and changing the water on a schedule. Once a month or more often if you live in a warm climate and the tank starts to stink. Reptiles and frogs can also get smelly if you don't clean their aquariums. My former husband kept a Chinese Water Dragon as a pet, and he completely changed the tank every couple of months. It was fun as well as interesting and definitely kept the odors at bay.

Birds are probably the least smelly animal to keep around. They need clean newspaper for the floor of their cage. You can sprinkle it with a little baking soda to absorb smells without harming the bird. You can also put a piddle pad (designed for dogs) on the bottom.

Posted on 7:09 AM

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Australia's Wild Dogs

The Warrigal

The Australian dingo is unique to that continent. It is sometimes called the warrigal. Although thought to have originally arrived from south-east Asia thousands of years ago, its isolation from other canines and the demands if its environment has seen the dingo become a unique individual. Ancient characteristics which have been retained have resulted in them being given the scientific name of Canis lupus dingo. Dogs with dingo characteristics can be found through south-east Asia.

Dingoes are Australia's largest terrestrial predator. It is tough and resilient,well suited to living in the outback. The dingo has been largely regarded as a pest because of its raids on cattle and sheep, especially the latter. Unfortunately it doesn't always kill for food but will kill or injure a number of animals in a 'killing spree' as the sheep flee in panic. It usually attacks the hind legs or hindquarters as the sheep runs from it.

The average height of the dingo at the shoulders is 52 to 60cm with a length varying from 117 to 124 cm from nose to tail tip. The legs are long. The average weight is between 13 and 20 kg with a few individuals exceeding that. The males are generally larger and heavier than the females. Dingoes from the north and north-west of Australia are larger than those from the central regions and South Australia.

The hind feet have no dewclaws. Mostly they are sandy to red brown in colour but tan is quite common and occasionally black, white and light brown are seen. The fur is short and thick although both depend a little on the climate and the tail is bushy.

There are often small white markings especially on the muzzle, chest, legs and paws. 'Red' dogs may have distinctive, small, dark stripes on the shoulders. The eyes are oblique and almond-shaped, varying from yellow to amber-brown in colour. The small, rounded ears are naturally erect. The head is broad tapering to a pointed muzzle. The hindquarters are lean and muscular.

Dingoes howl and whimper more than domestic dogs although they bark less. Generally the bark is short and of a single syllable and is thought to be used only as a warning to other dingoes. Their main form of communication is by howling. Researchers have detailed three basic forms of howling together with at least ten variations. There is a regular rise and fall 'bark-howl', long, persistent moaning and a short 'snuff'. It seems that variations on these three themes depend on the time of day, season, migration, mood and other factors. Dingoes howl over long distances to attract other pack members, to keep intruders out and to find other dogs. It is believed that dingoes can assess the size of another pack by the howling variations without needing to see them. It is also possible that the variable chorus makes a pack seem larger than it actually is. Howling is also more common when food is in short supply. Dingoes also scent-mark, males more often than females.

Dingoes are carnivorous predators and are most active early morning and late afternoon although they may be nocturnal in hotter climates. Although dingoes are generally shy towards humans, they can become accustomed to their presence to the point of becoming a nuisance and even a danger around campsites and in national parks. The claim by a mother that a dingo had taken her baby caused international interest back in 1980. Azaria Chamberlain was taken from her bassinet at a camp-site. The mother was convicted of murder but later released. In 2001, a nine-year-old boy was attacked and killed by two dingoes on Fraser Island.

Their diet varies from region to region depending on what is locally available. Mammals form the main part of the diet. Rodents, lizards, wild pigs, small marsupials, rabbits, wallabies, possums and wombats are all eaten as well as domestic livestock. On Fraser Island, fish has become part of their diet. While the dingo mostly hunts alone or in pairs, they form packs from time to time to tackle larger prey.

Dingoes are mostly solitary but belong to a social group which are permanently together during the mating season. The packs have clearly defined territories which rarely overlap. Packs consist of an alpha pair, their litter from the previous year and the current litter. One litter per year is raised. Females are sexually mature at two and they mate for life. The usual litter is five after a gestation of 61 to 69 days. Mostly, underground dens are used either in rock formations, under large spinifex, in abandoned rabbit-burrows or in hollow logs. Pups first leave the den at three weeks. By three to six months they are independent. Usually only the dominant pair mate. Pups of a subordinate female may be killed by the alpha female.

There is no migration although during periods of drought dingoes can and do travel long distances in search of food and water.

The life span in the wild is 5 to 10 years. This increases to 10 to 15 years in captivity. The main causes of death are humans, crocodiles and other dingoes. Wedge-tailed eagles have been known to kill cubs. Some succumb to injuries sustained from cattle or water-buffalo.

In the 1920s, thousands of miles of dog fences were erected in South Australia and in 1946 the Dingo Fence was completed. This fence connected with others in New South Wales and Queensland and was meant to stop dingoes straying from their own area. 'Doggers' were then employed by pastoralists and graziers to trap and bait dingoes. This method of control eventually gave way to government approved aerial baiting.

Although there are those who defend the dingo as a domestic pet, it cannot be recommended. Much seems to depend on the individual dog. There are plenty of examples of lovely dingo pets but they are problems in waiting for inexperienced owners. Those reared with humans and socialised from a very young age may make acceptable pets but some retain their wild instincts and a need for hunting and roaming. Dingoes are wild animals and need to remain so.

Posted on 1:12 AM

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Canine autoimmune disease is more or less similar to autoimmune disorders in humans. Some dog breeds are at a higher risk of developing this disease than others. As we all know, the immune system is responsible for recognizing any intrusion of microorganisms and generating antibodies in order to fight against these disease causing organisms. In short, the immune system is the natural healing mechanism of the body. Autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body fails to recognize the invasion of microorganisms due to some underlying health conditions, rather it generates autoantibodies that affect the normal cells and tissues.


Canine autoimmune disease can be caused by hereditary factors, side effects of medications, pollutants, food preservatives and pesticides. It can affect a single organ or the whole body. Once a dog is affected with this disease, the susceptibility of the pet towards other dog health problems increases. For example, dog liver disease commonly occurs if the pet's immune responses are weakened. Hence, multiple autoimmune diseases are often observed. This disease results from certain antibodies which are produced by the body under various health conditions.

At times, autoantibody that is restricted to a specific organ is produced. For example, in canine Addison's disease, the autoantibody synthesized by the body targets the adrenal gland, thus affecting the particular organ. The activity of an organ can also be affected by the combination of antibodies and T-cells. In case of antibodies that targets proteins, the dog's whole body is disturbed due to the circulation of defected proteins. Canine autoimmune disease may also result from other dog illnesses. For example, a dog suffering from the liver cancer secretes a very little or no serum enzymes, thus leading this disease.


The symptoms may vary depending upon the type of autoantibodies generated by the body and their respective targets. In canine autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), the autoantibody targets red blood cells. The pet dog may show lethargy, weakness, vomiting, abdominal pain, increase in heartbeats and breathing rate. Following are some commonly observed signs and symptoms of autoimmune disease in dogs.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea, with or without blood in the stools
  • Weakness in legs
  • Intolerance to exercise
  • Stress and depression
  • Increased lethargy and weakness
  • Skin disorder and mouth ulcer
  • Lesions, especially nasal lesions
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Seizures
  • Anemia
  • Stiff joints and limbs
  • Abnormal posture
  • Alteration in gait
  • Body odor
Very often, the symptoms of canine autoimmune disease are confused with other ailments. Hence, it is very essential to undergo proper diagnostic methods to decide appropriate treatment options. In order to rule out other health problems, the vet may conduct blood tests, urine and stool analysis and other laboratory examinations. If you notice any symptoms or changes in the dog's behavior, it is always advisable to consult a qualified veterinarian for early diagnosis. After a correct diagnosis, the veterinarian may prescribe medications considering the type of autoimmune disorder.

The most effective method to prevent canine autoimmune disease is to improve the immune system by feeding the pet with proper dog foods, supplemented with natural diets. While feeding the pet, make sure to check the ingredients of the diet, so that there are less chances of food allergies. If possible, you can opt for effective natural remedies that have no side effects.

Posted on 9:14 PM

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An elongated structure found in the frontal portion of the neck is referred as the thyroid gland. The size of the thyroid will vary from one dog breed to another. Proper functioning of the thyroid gland is very important to control the body's normal metabolic rate. The gland secretes the thyroid hormone which regulates various metabolic processes of the body.

Thyroid disorders are commonly observed in dog breeds such as Greyhounds, Golden Retrievers and Irish Setters. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are the two types of thyroid conditions diagnosed in dogs. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which under active thyroid glands are no longer capable to produce the thyroid hormone in sufficient amounts. On the other hand, a dog diagnosed with hyperthyroidism has abnormally high levels of thyroid hormones due to overactive thyroid glands.


A dog suffering from a thyroid condition shows acute lack of interest in his day-to-day activities. The affected dog appears less energetic and prefers to be alone, resting in one corner of the room. Other symptoms are given below:

Unexplained Increase in Weight: As the metabolism is not being maintained properly, rapid weight gain is commonly observed in such dogs. The dog appears lethargic and shows signs of fatigue.

Sudden Loss of Hair: The decreased metabolic rate leads to a poor hair coat in dogs. Few patches devoid of hair are seen on the neck and head.

Dry Flaky Skin: Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland can affect the skin significantly. The skin looks pale and cold. The sebaceous glands that produce sebum to keep the skin warm and moist also work inefficiently.

Unusual Sleepiness: Thyroid problems makes the dog feel more exhausted, hence, it tends to sleep more than normal hours.


Damage to thyroid gland results in thyroid condition in dogs. Studies have shown that hypothyroidism occurs when the dog's immune system attacks the cells of the thyroid gland and destroy them. However, few medications or diseases related to thyroid gland can also reduce the quantity of thyroid hormone being produced. Hyperthyroidism results when thyroid hormone supplements are taken in excess amounts.

  • Canine hypothyroidism that involves insufficient production of thyroid hormone is treated with thyroxine tablets or pills. The drug contains synthetically prepared thyroid hormone, which helps to restore normal range of natural thyroid hormone. However, it needs to be given in the prescribed dosage to avoid any side effects. For thyroxine to be effective, the dosage is administered every 12 hours (twice daily).
  • When it comes to treating hyperthyroidism (over production of thyroid hormone), veterinarians commonly prescribe Tapazole (Methimazole) pills. This medication has extremely effective to manage thyroid conditions in dogs effectively. As hyperthyroidism lasts for quite some time, long-term usage of tapazole is needed. Hence one should be well aware of the side effects associated with this medication. Tapazole works by restricting the amount of thyroid hormone being produced and tries to bring it in the desired range.
  • In some dogs with hyperthyroidism, surgery is performed and the entire thyroid gland is removed.
  • There are quite few herbal supplements such as 'Thyro-Pet' and 'Thyroid Soothe' that can help to relieve thyroid symptoms. These supplements contain ingredients such as ginseng, kelp and chamomile that can bring this thyroid condition under control.
During the course of treatment, the veterinarian will perform blood tests on a regular basis to determine whether the animal has overcome this condition. Regular blood tests of the affected dog monitors its thyroid hormone levels, and the treatment is stopped as soon the production of the hormone comes within the normal range.

Posted on 2:30 PM

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cedar Oil For Fleas An Alternative To Commercial Treatments

Is there a viable alternative to commercial chemical flea treatments? Fleas are a persistent pest that will infest not only your dogs but your home and all its residents .While the commercial alternatives may be considered as an effective method of getting rid of an infestation, it's believed the pesticides they contain can have some potentially negative drawbacks, some ingredients are known to contain carcinogens and there is a potential for harming the internal organs. But there is hope, Cedar oil for fleas is a very effective treatment.

A Bit About Fleas

The life cycle of a flea typically lasts from 7 to 21 days, This makes them difficult to control. For the flea larvae to thrive it needs moist organic debris which provides them with the necessary shelter and sustenance - this aids in their successful reproductive process. Fleas cannot survive in direct sunlight which is why places such as carpets and dark nooks and crannies in your home are so accommodating to them. After the larvae stage the adult flea needs to find a host for a source of food and shelter within a day or 2 to survive and reproduce - That's where your dog and even you come in!

A Natural Alternative

Cedar oil has been considered throughout the ages as an effective decontaminate for homes and among its uses a very effective treatment for flea infestations. Cedar oil works through being absorbed through the pores of the flea and effectively suffocating it. Trials using cedar oil have found it to be extremely effective for killing fleas on contact it also disposes of mites and lice. It also assists in stopping the itching associated with flea infestation,heals hot spots whilst promoting new hair growth. Other benefits include. Deterring ticks, moisturizing skin, its 100% biodegradable and non toxic and its also has a very effective antifungal and anti-bacterial effect on your dogs skin.

How to apply

Spray the oil straight on to your dogs coat then rub it in making sure to get into the base of the tail, joints of her legs the groin and stomach, for her neck and head rub the oil in with your hands being sure not to get any on her nose or eyes. Another trick to use for her dog bed is a bag made of an old pair of jeans or any suitable material, filled with cedar chips soaked in cedar oil this is very effective for keeping her bed free from flea infestation.

Other recommendations for flea control

As well as using cedar oil for flea control on your dog you can also use it around your home to reduce any chance of infestation. Spray furniture, cushions, carpets, rugs, stuffed toys, throws and bedding. vacum your home thoroughly getting into all the corners and edges afterwards empty your vacum cleanerand spray with cedar oil to clean it and make sureall the fleas are dead. If your dog has fleas bathe him regularlyin warm soapy water whilst fighting his infestation as fleas are less attracted to clean animals.

Posted on 7:10 AM

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Enjoying warm summer heat outdoors is indeed a delightful experience. You are most likely to take your pet along with you on a vacation. But have you ever wondered how your pet would manage to cope with the glare and heat? While you stretch on a beach, dabbing generous amounts of sunscreen lotion on your body and looking through your tinted glasses, your poor pet simply whimpers and looks for shady corners. If you assumed that the fur of your dog is capable of protecting him from all sorts of weather, you are completely wrong. Your dog is as much prone to getting sunburns as you are. A good quality dog sunscreen can protect the delicate skin of your dog from sunburns.

Why Do You Need a Sunscreen for Dogs

Sunburns are more visible on the human body as the skin changes its appearance. First, there is tanning, then you get blisters and eventually, there is a damage to an underlying tissue. The stages of sunburn occur in a similar way in dogs, except there is no blistering. The dog's skin gets red and inflamed if exposed to the sun for a long time. Dogs with very thin coat are more susceptible to sunburns. Similarly dogs with pale fur color are also equally likely to get sunburns. Dogs with thick, long hair are better protected from sun damage as compared to other dogs. However, this does not ensure that the dog is safe from sunburns. The fur does not cover the mouth, nose, tips of ear, belly and groin area, thereby exposing these delicate parts to the sun. Hence, sunscreen for dog's nose, ear tips and belly is a must. Even the glare reflecting from pavements and other such surfaces is capable of inducing sunburn in dogs. Besides, some dogs have a habit of lying down on their back with legs up in the air. This can expose the belly to sun damage even in the most hairy of all dog breeds. Too much of sun exposure puts your dog at a risk of dog skin cancer.

Can You Use Human Sunscreen on Dogs

No, you cannot use human sunscreen for dogs as it contains many ingredients which can be potentially dangerous to your dog. Since, your dog is least likely to understand why you dab sunscreen on his body, he is most likely to lick it away. The ingestion of human sunscreen can be extremely fatal to dogs. Since, dogs are often small, even ingestion of little amounts of these harmful substances can prove to be detrimental for your dog. The ingredients like silicone and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) are particularly dangerous when consumed by a dog. This is the reason why sunscreens meant for dogs are especially formulated without these ingredients.

What to Look for in a Dog Sunscreen

Ingredients is the first thing you should look for while buying dog sunscreen. Ingredients should be capable of protecting the dog from UVA as well as UVB radiation. Hence, a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more, is the best sunscreen for pooches. Opting for a waterproof sunscreen is also a good idea considering the possibility of your dog getting wet. Sunscreen free from PABA, silicone, zinc oxide makes for a safe sunscreen for dogs. Some pet supply stores may sell what they claim to be a natural sunscreen. Although, you may go through the reviews available on the Internet, you should perhaps settle for Epi-Pet Sun Protector Sunscreen Spray, as it is the only product approved by FDA. If you do not find a good sunscreen for your dog, you may as well go for sunscreen formulated especially for babies. Baby sunscreens are mild and have no harmful ingredients, hence suitable for dogs. While applying or spraying sunscreen on dogs, make sure the dog does not inhale it. Also prevent the sunscreen from entering his eyes, nose or ears. After applying it, keep an eye on the dog until the sunscreen gets absorbed in the skin.

Thus, dog sunscreen is the best way to protect your pooch from the torturous heat of sun. If you are unable to find a suitable sunscreen for him, make sure you wrap him in clothes while taking him outdoors.

Posted on 7:58 PM

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Commercial or processed dog food is harmful for your dog's health as it contains preservatives and sometimes the nutrients are over-cooked. This food may cause your dog to suffer from allergies, severe itching and many other health related problems. These problems can be cured by feeding your dog with natural dog food which is of optimum freshness and without any preservatives.

All natural dog food should consist of food items like raw or cooked lean cuts of meat beef, poultry, lamb, whitefish and fatty fish. Cooked grains, eggs, finely chopped vegetables and bits of fruit with no raisins and grapes can also be given to your dog. Certain food items that should be avoided are fatty meats, cured meat, any fried foods, raw pork, any milk, cream, ice cream, pastries, white bread and sugary foods. A natural balanced dog food should contain 50% proteins, 25% vegetables, and 25% grains like rice and oatmeal which are easy to digest. Some supplements of nutrients and oils rich in omega-3 can also be considered as they are good for the dog's skin and coat.

Rice Porridge Dog Food

  • 2 cups uncooked rice
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 scallions, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
  • 3 quarts water
  • 2 cups bok choy or Swiss chard (1 inch pieces)
  • 1 cup chopped meat or poultry
  • 1 tbsp tamari sauce (wheat free soy sauce)
  • 1 tbsp sesame seed oil

In a large saucepan, bring rice and water to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer the rice for 30 minutes. In a frying pan, heat vegetable, add bok choy, scallions and stir fry for 2 - 3 minutes. Transfer the cooked vegetables to the pan with rice. Add ginger, tamari, sesame seed oil and chopped meat to it. Cook this rice mixture over high heat and bring it to boil. Reduce the heat and cook for 25 - 30 minutes more.

Multi-Grain Dog Food

  • 1 cups all-purpose, unbleached flour
  • 1 cup nonfat dry powdered milk
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • cup wheat germ
  • cup soy flour
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • cup brewers yeast
  • 5 tbsp corn oil
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 tbsp salt

Preheat the oven to 350 F and mix all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Take another bowl, combine egg and corn oil. Stir water into dry ingredients and add the egg mixture also; mix well to form a thin batter. Divide the batter between the baking sheets, spread evenly and bake for 45 minutes. Allow it to cool and break into small pieces. Store in an air-tight container and keep in a refrigerator.

Salmon Dog Food

  • 3 tbsp cornmeal
  • 1 can of salmon (bones removed)
  • 1 potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 stick celery

Mix salmon, egg and cornmeal, form into patties and coat with cornmeal. Fry these patties in canola oil until brown on both sides. Chop the patties into small pieces and stir together with chopped and boiled vegetables. Small quantity of cottage cheese can be stirred in for moisture if required.

These natural dog food recipes are high in nutrition and easy to prepare. The natural balance dog food should consists of food items with wholesome ingredients that are nutritionally rich in vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Posted on 10:57 PM

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Alternative medicine is used for treating human beings and their pets. Many pet lovers around the world prefer alternative medicine such as acupuncture, holistic treatment and so on, to cure various aliments of their pet or pets. Alternative medicines and therapies are based on various beliefs and philosophies. Veterinary alternative medicines are slowly becoming popular. However, the prescription and administration of alternative medicine for pets such as dog, cat, horse and camel vary. The one thing that is common for all pets is alternative medicine stresses on a healthy lifestyle and believes different animals have different systems and lifestyles.

Alternative Medicine for Dogs

Here are a few alternative medicines for pet dogs. However, do consult a good veterinary doctor before trying out an alternative medicine for your pet dog.

One of the alternative medicines that is suggested for pet dogs is "Nosodes". Nosodes is a homeopathic mixture that is given to a pet dog instead of vaccination. There are studies to show it as being effective in reducing the active diseases. However, there are no proven studies to show that vaccination is not required if this alternative medicine is used.

The major problems faced by a dog owner are fleas and ticks on their pet's body. Instead of using chemicals to remove or control the fleas and ticks, you could use alternative veterinary medicine. The dog owner could make a mixture out of garlic paste, basil (herb) and brewer's yeast. Rub the paste on the body of your dog before giving it a bath. However, it is a wise idea to keep the kennel and the surrounding area clean. The dog has to be groomed once a day to keep it clean.

Like human beings, dogs are also prone to allergies and arthritis. To prevent or cure certain allergies or arthritis you could use anti-oxidants as an alternative medicine. You could also change the diet of the dog by adding Omega fatty acid and glucosamine supplements.

Alternative Medicine for Cats

Alternative medicine including alternative therapies such as acupressure, aromatherapy, herbal medicines and massage therapy could be used to cure various health disorders in felines. However, before apply acupressure, it would be wise to consult a well-versed veterinarian. Acupressure and at times, acupuncture, is used to treat arthritis or an injury caused due to accidental fall.

Chiropractic therapy is an alternative therapy practiced on cats with misaligned vertebrae or herniated discs. This treatment helps to sooth injured muscles or joints of your pet cat. Another alternative medicine is Bach flower remedies. To treat cats with behavioral problems, flower essences are used. This is known as Bach flower remedy. Homeopathy is another alternative treatment used to treat various ailments of pet felines.

The families who prefer using alternative medicine for their own treatment, would like to use alternative medicines on their pet animals also. Research and studies are still going on regarding the use of alternative medicines on pet animals; however, there are vets who are practicing alternative medicine such as acupressure and chiropractic therapy.

Posted on 3:08 PM

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Holiday Favorite - Sweet Potato Casserole

Use These to Make This Recipe for Sweet Potato Casserole

This Delicious Recipe for Sweet Potato Casserole Belongs on Your Holiday Menu

Sweet potatoes are delicious anyway you fix them, but this recipe for sweet potato casserole is one of my favorites. The potatoes can be cooked ahead of time, even the day before, and refrigerated until you are ready to put the dish together. This recipe for sweet potato casserole is another one of my quick and easy favorites, and I hope it will be one of your favorites, too.

Not only are sweet potatoes tasty, they are also good for you, as noted in the following quote from AgriLIFE EXTENSION, Texas A & M System.

As a main dish or prepared as a dessert, the sweet-potato is a nutritious and economical food. One baked sweet-potato (3 1/2 ounce serving) provides over 8,800 IU of vitamin A or about twice the recommended daily allowance, yet it contains only 141 calories making it valuable for the weight watcher. This nutritious vegetable provides 42 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, 6 percent of the RDA for calcium, 10 percent of the RDA for iron, and 8 percent of the RDA for thiamine for healthy adults. It is low in sodium and is a good source of fiber and other important vitamins and minerals. A complex carbohydrate food source, it provides beta carotene which may be a factor in reducing the risk of certain cancers.[5853]

NOTE: The above nutritional quote pertains to the sweet potato itself, and not to this recipe for sweet potato casserole.

Gather the ingredients to make this recipe for sweet potato casserole:

3 1/2 lbs. medium size sweet-potatoes, cooked

3/4 cup maple flavor pancake syrup

1/3 cup orange juice

1 tbsp. butter or margarine

Let's Cook

CorningWare SimplyLite on Amazon

Wash and cook the potatoes ahead of time. When they are cool enough to handle, cut into 1/2 inch slices, and place them in a lightly greased, shallow 2 or 2 quart baking dish.

Mix 1/2 cup of the maple flavor pancake syrup, with the orange juice, and pour it over the potatoes.

Dot the top of the potatoes with butter, and cover the dish.

Bake in a preheated 325-degree oven for 20 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are hot, and they have absorbed some of the liquid.

Topping recipe for sweet potato casserole:

cup all-purpose flour

3 tbsp. light brown sugar, packed

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

3 tbsp. butter or margarine

1/3 cup pecans, chopped coarse

Norpro Pastry Blender for Making Topping Recipe for Sweet Potato Casserole

To make the topping: mix the flour, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a medium size bowl. Work in the butter using two knives, a pastry blender, or rub it together with your fingertips, until the mixture resembles very coarse crumbs. Stir in the pecans. (Refrigerate the topping if you are making it ahead of time.)

Remove the potatoes from the oven. Uncover and sprinkle the topping on the potatoes.

Return it to the oven, and bake it uncovered for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are bubbly and the topping is lightly browned.

Pour on the remaining cup of pancake syrup. Serve this delicious side dish while it is hot, and enjoy the many compliments that you will receive on your recipe for sweet potato casserole.

In Closing

Be sure to bookmark this recipe for sweet potato casserole so you will be able to find it, and add it to your Holiday meal. Some of my other recipes you might want to add to your Holiday menu are: Southern Sweet Potato Pie Recipe A Thanksgiving Tradition, Easy Breakfast Dish, Easy Corn Chowder, Christmas Homemade Fudge, and Scottish Shortbread. And for those Holiday leftovers, check out these recipes: Simple Turkey Recipe for Creamed Turkey on Brown Rice, 3 Thanksgiving Turkey Leftover Meals, and Leftover Ham Dish.

Better yet, dont just save this recipe for sweet potato casserole for Holidays make it for dinner tonight.

Posted on 10:13 PM

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pregnancy in dogs when planned can signal an exciting time ahead with a litter of cute little pups running around the place. However, unplanned dog pregnancies can be a source of worry for the pet owners who are constantly riddled by questions about dog pregnancy and how long is a dog pregnant before giving birth. Knowing whether your dog is pregnant or not and understanding the dog pregnancy term allows you to take steps for appropriate dog care and provide her with medical care as soon as possible. So if you suspect a pregnancy in your dog, here is some helpful information to help you on your way.

Gestation Period for Dogs: How Long is a Dog Pregnant

The pregnancy period of a bitch lasts for around sixty to sixty four days or approximately nine weeks. This time period may vary based on the dog and the size of her litter. So for dogs which have smaller litters you can expect the deadline to be extended by about a week. In case of a larger litter, the dog may deliver in 58 to 60 days as the pups run out of space. This breeding follows the fertile heat cycles in dogs which lasts for around 22 days. Once the dog is pregnant, she goes through the pregnancy stages which produces certain dog pregnancy signs. Here is a look at some of the common symptoms of a pregnant dog.

Dog Pregnancy Symptoms

Based on the dog pregnancy stages, the symptoms may vary. In the initial month, there are no outward symptoms of pregnancy in dogs. So after two to three days, the eggs are fertilized by the sperms and in around ten days, the eggs get implanted into the uterus lining. It is only after eighteen to nineteen days of the gestation period for dogs that you observe certain reliable symptoms of the pregnancy. Triggered off by the hormonal activity, the symptoms of early pregnancy include:
  • Decrease in appetite (At around 20 to 28 days)
  • Exhaustion
  • Decrease in activity
  • Growth of the nipples
  • Abnormal dog behavior. This may include a seclusion from all attention or need for more attention.
As the pregnancy progresses, the dog may suddenly regain its appetite and there is a significant weight gain as well. At around 25 days, you can feel the heartbeats of the unborn pups. This is accompanied by a definite increase in the size of the abdomen. That also depends on the size of the dog and the litter. A clear vaginal discharge and milk production are some of the significant signs of late dog pregnancy stage. It is also important to keep in mind that the signs of dog pregnancy can be confused with false pregnancies, mammary glands neoplasia, pyometra and mastitis.

Closer to the date of her delivery, you will find the dog all restless as she may go looking for appropriate places to nest. This nesting behavior may lead to your dog scrunching up newspapers, blankets or even tearing up your couch to find a suitable place for giving birth. Twelve hours prior to the delivery there is a drop in the body temperature of the dog from 101 to 98 degrees. This is a signal that the dog pregnancy is nearing its end and you can now enjoy your new batch of adorable puppies.

For diagnosing pregnancy in dogs, the veterinarian may recommend abdominal x-rays, ultrasounds and a complete physical examination. Most vets can tell a dog is around 30 days pregnant by feeling the dog's abdomen for uterine swelling for firm and discrete lumps. This can be difficult to diagnose if the dog is tense or overweight. Once you have understood as to how long is a dog pregnant, please consult a veterinarian for instructions on proper care of your pregnant dog.

Posted on 7:55 PM


The medical science of Pasteur and Bechamp

How the Germ Theory altered medical studies

While modern medicine continues to grow in complexity, through experimental research, advanced technologies and new pharmaceutical drugs, it is clear to see that its roots remain bound to a simple theory that originated more than one century ago.

Known as the Germ Theory, it was promoted in the latter part of the 1800s by Louis Pasteur. A trained chemist of French nationality, he reasoned that germs (ie micro-organisms) cause disease more specifically, that a particular germ is responsible for each separate disease experienced by human and/or animal populations.Reaching this conclusion via his findings fromexperiments he conducted, he resolved to developvaccinesto fight disease.

In discussing this topic, it is important to acknowledge a second key figure of the period AntoineBchamp and how each of these men related to the Germ Theory.

Louis Pasteur

Born on 27 December 1822, Louis Pasteur was well known for his talents in biology and chemistry, and his public ambitions. During his studies into the fermentation of beer and wine, he achieved success in developing the technique of pasteurization (or heat treatment) as a way to preserve food products that would otherwise spoil, ie milk.

It was during this research in the 1850s, that Pasteur became curious about the nature and interaction of different micro-organisms, and decided to analyze them more closely for possible links to infectious diseases.

By 1857, he was Director of Scientific Studies at Ecole Normale in Paris where, through his research, he gained an in-depth understanding of the many aspects of bacteria and how they grew.Pasteurs research programme, probing the specific action of germs, blossomed into some of his most spectacular demonstrations of the relationships between germs, putrefaction and disease. (Gosling, p. 3)

Pasteur received much recognition for his research and public vaccinations of animals as proof of curing specific diseases, such as anthrax in 1881. It was later found, in some cases, he had copied the work of other scientists, taking credit for ideas that werent his own, such as his fermentation studies which included ideas already developed by French biologist, Antoine Bchamp.

Antoine Bchamp

When it came to studying disease, Bchamp (1816-1908) took a different approach to Pasteur and believed in the spontaneous development of micro-organisms in cells from material called mycrozymas. These minute particles were able,Bchamp maintained, under appropriate conditions to develop into viral and bacterial entities. (Chaitow, p. 16).

Germs, as Antoine Bchampproposed, were not found in the outer environment but within the body and were the result of disease, not the cause.As explained, whether such bacteria/viruses find their way into the body (via infection or immunization procedures) and then become latent, or whether they are formed frombasic genetic material, it seems obvious that vaccination/immunization has little prospect of controlling ultimate chronic disease processes which may result. It is the status of the host which is critical in this regard. (Chaitow, p. 133)

Other causes of disease

It is wise to assume when a person insists on keeping well, not only physically but emotionally andmentally, and values sound nutrition, exercise and rest on a daily basis, then strong and resilient health will comes naturally.

There can, however, be a number of variables associated with the health of a person and their response to disease, including genetic inheritance and environment. The idea that protection against diseasesolely depends on a vaccine (and/or booster shots) given by a doctor is, in my opinion, very limited in perspective.

Diseases have other points of origination, as in the case of scurvy. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the development and general acceptance of the germ theory of disease caused a setback in medical thinking about scurvy.Researchers were deflected from seeking a dietary origin and instead searched for a micro-organism or a toxin produced by a micro-organism that caused the disease . . . scurvy research was badly sidetracked for some 30 years into seeking a bacterial origin for the disease. (Beck, p. 72-73)

The cure for scurvy was eventually found to be Vitamin C a nutrient naturally occurring in food sources like citrus fruit, such as oranges, limes and lemons.

The role of the microscope

The staying power of the Germ Theory in modern medicine has been closely related to the development of the microscope. Through the science of bacteriology, the microscope has provided humanity with increased knowledge of micro-organisms and their physical existence in our world, from their symbiotic behaviors to the fermentation and rotting of matter.

The Rife microscope was invented in 1929 by Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971), whose main goal was to find cures for disease, especially the most intractable of all diseases, cancer. (Bird, 1976). This microscope was remarkable for its size and ability to highly magnify living organisms, including viruses and cancer.

Such developments in the microscope have confined medical science to the micro-reality of
the laboratory, where external everyday life is excluded. "The unfortunate emphasis on the importance of the micro-organism as the prime factor, rather than realization that its ability to do harm hinges on the health or otherwise of the host, has led to a shedding of individual responsibility of health maintenance. (Chaitow, p. 19)


The Germ Theory has a narrow vision of what causes disease, leaving those who work in modern medicine and science with only a very small pictureof what the wider, expansive world contains. Likely now anout-datedmode of thought, it no longer holds the same relevancy it once might have had.

In current times, it is possible to see a turning towards moreholisticmodes of being, and a need for healthyimmunity along morenaturallines.As many more alternative health therapiesbecome available in the community, it is time for medicine to change and evolve into something bigger than its past, and empower people to be self-responsible in their health.

A theory, such as the Germ Theory, that arose out the panic and hysteria of 19th Century epidemics, no longer has a place in a world where a true connection between health, self and planet is just beginning.

Posted on 4:28 AM

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Gastric Bypass Surgery is not a Magic Bean- photo by Artur Bergman

Gastric bypass surgery is often a last resort for weight loss but the cost can be more than just the loss of fat. The surgery alters the way the person lives. In 2007-2008, the prevalence of obesity in the United States was 32.2% among adult men and 35.5% among adult women. Obesity causes many health ailments and puts the body at risk for serious disease or injury. Though genetics play a role in the ability to lose and maintain a healthy weight; most peoples bodies have the ability to lose enough fat to stay healthy.

There is a plethora of information on dieting, obesity, and how to maintain a healthy body. The diet industry is a billion dollar business with many people ultimately resorting to weight loss surgery. This is a decision that mustnt be entered into lightly. Most doctors explain the procedure and depending upon the doctor and the insurance requirements (if the patients particular insurance covers this procedure); the patient will attend some pre-surgery classes. (e.g. Kaiser Permanente requires an extensive screening for gastric bypass surgery and once approved, classes prior to the actual procedure).

Daily Minerals and Vitamin Supplements for Life

After most bariatric procedures, the patient will be unable to get adequate minerals and vitamins from their eaten foods because the amount of food ingested will be much smaller. Supplements will have to be taken for the duration of the patients life. Most patients are required to take a mega-multi-vitamin daily. The mega dose well exceeds the normal dosage of daily vitamins.

In addition to the mega multi-vitamin, calcium citrate is required (calcium bicarbonate will not work because it needs the bottom of the stomach for absorption) in large dosage, usually 1500mg. This must be taken throughout the day in smaller doses as the body does not absorb more than 500mg at a time. Iron cannot be taken at the same time as calcium because of the interaction between the two. B-12 vitamins must be taken sublingual with the recommended dosage of 2000mcg per week.

Protein Is the Focus of Ingested Food

The focus of the diet will be proteinlots of it. Patients are generally expected to eat 50-55 grams of protein daily. Each of the patients three meals should be 75% protein and 25% vegetables and fruit. While protein may be taken as a drink, the patient must be mindful of added sugars in pre-mix protein drinks.

In 70% of bariatric patients, ingesting sugar will cause a dumping into the blood (dumping syndrome) which will make the patient feel as if flu has attacked the body. The patient will have to lie down for approximately an hour for the body to feel normal again. Any food item with a significant amount of sugar can cause the dumping syndrome. This includes items such as frozen yogurt and fancy coffee drinks.

Most doctors recommend after surgery the following foods should be avoided entirely:

  • Coconut
  • Gum
  • Corn
  • Popcorn
  • Soda (any carbonated drinks as well)
  • Alcohol

Carbohydrates are not recommended. Not only may they lead to the gain back of weight; they may also block the small hole from the stomach to the intestine. Called the anastomosis; this hole is only about the size of a dime. A blockage of the anastomosis can create mild to severe dangers. In the worst case, a second surgery procedure is needed to unblock the anastomosis. Other food items that may block the anastomosis include nuts, seeds, dried fruit, potato skins, celery, oranges, skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables and hot dog skins.

Just as before surgery; after surgery foods high in fat can lead to a weight gain. After surgery many patients find that their taste buds have changed. Foods that were tolerated before the surgery, no longer can be eaten without discomfort; foods that were disliked before surgery, may be relished afterwards.

Skin Doesnt Shrink as Fast as the Fat

Gastric bypass surgery allows the patient to lose a significant amount of weight in a short time. However, the skin doesnt reduce so easily. Skin that has been stretched to accommodate more fat does not snap back into shape when the fat is quickly lost. Most patients findthere are folds of skin in different areas of their bodies that can present problems both hygienically and medically. At times plastic surgery is indicated. Most insurance cLifestyle Change is Necessary  photo by Colin Rose
ompanies will not pay for plastic surgery, considering it cosmetic; but if a doctor indicates a medical necessity, insurance may include the surgery in their benefits.

As in all surgeries, there are risks involved. As in all weight reduction strategies, exercise and healthy eating habits are important aspects of the program. Most importantly bariatric surgery is not a magic bean; the bariatric patient must engage in a different lifestyle or the weight will come back.

Sources: Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999-2008 (accessed March 2, 2010)

Kaiser Permanente. Gastric Bypass Surgery Patient Information Book. Feburary 2005 Edition.

Haas, Elson M. M.D. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. Celestial Arts: Berkeley, California, 1992.

The copyright of the article Lifestyle Changes Necessary for Gastric Bypass Surgery Patient to Succeed is owned by Cheryl Weldon and permission to republish in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

Posted on 5:09 AM

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Did you know...
...that dogs have a third eyelid? It is actually a membrane (called nictitating membrane) which has horizontal movement rather than vertical, and it doubles up as a windshield wiper, protecting the dogs' eyes!
On average, puppies open their eyes 12 - 16 days after birth.
But this is the average time, so sometimes puppies may open their eyes a day or two earlier or later than that. It depends on the individual puppy. Sometimes in one litter, one puppy may open his eyes after 9 days, while another may open his after 14 days, and yet another will open his after 18 days. There is no established pattern to know when a puppy will open his eyes. Sometimes a pup may even open one eye before the other!

You can help your puppy...
If the puppy hasn't opened his eyes after 16 - 18 days, you can help him by cleaning his eyes. Sometimes pups find it difficult to open their eyes because of birth buildup that is on their lids and lashes, fusing their eyelids. Dip a cotton ball in warm water and very gently and lightly wipe the pup's eyes, to remove any buildup. This should make it easy for him to open his eyes. It should work the first time, but in case your puppy doesn't open his eyes the day you wipe them, try again the next day. Be gentle, keep your touch light and make sure the water is not too warm.

The same treatment can be given if there seems to be a swelling in the pup's eyes, and pus is oozing out. Using a q-tip dipped in warm saline water, very gently wipe his eyes in the outward direction, so that the pus oozes out from the corners. Clean this off with cotton balls dipped in warm water. You can put a drop or two of saline water in the infected eye(s), twice or thrice a day to clean it and remove the bacteria.

When is it time to go to the Vet?
If the above method doesn't work twice, and if your puppy is 20 days old or more, it is necessary to take him to the vet without wasting any more time. Timely action is necessary to avoid any complications regarding eyesight. At any cost, do not try and pry open your puppy's eyes.

So why does it take so many days for a puppy to open its eyes? The tear glands are located along the margin and also in the folds of the eyelids. If the eyes open too early it may disturb the development of the tear glands, thus hampering the production of tears. This results in a condition known as "puppy dry eye" and it requires medical treatment consisting antibiotics and ointments a couple of times a day, until the tear glands begin functioning properly.

The eyelids of a puppy have to develop fully before they are ready to open, since they have many functions. They not only protect the cornea, but also prevent the eyes from drying out. It is the eyelids that spread the tear film across the corneal surface. They determine the shape and size of the eyelid openings and also keep the light from hurting their sensitive eyes. The eyelids also produce tears and help in cleaning the eyes by spreading the tear film. The lachrymal glands situated in the folds of the eyelids produce thirty to sixty percent of the watery portion of the tear.

Interesting Trivia
  • A puppy's eyesight continues to develop for a few weeks after he is born. Ditto with the hearing!
  • When a puppy opens his eyes his eyesight is still not fully developed. His vision is fuzzy or blurry and focusing takes time.
  • Dogs have more rod cells than cone cells in their eyes, giving them good night vision. But although they can detect motion at night, focusing is less so their vision is more blurred.
  • The first few days after opening his eyes, a puppy can only make out lights and shadows. Not even shapes, really.
  • Dogs have dichromatic vision, meaning two colors stand out prominently - green and blue.
  • Dogs need sunglasses just like we do! And doggie sunglasses are called doggles!
  • Most puppies are born with blue eyes and this color usually changes after 3 - 4 months, which is when they will turn a color that will stay for the rest of the pup's life. Sometimes the color may change twice!
  • Dogs can get glasses too! They are usually near-sighted, i.e., myopic. Getting them glasses or contact lenses will solve the problem in case it is too severe!
As a word of caution, do not open your puppies eyes yourself. Either because you get impatient or because you want to peek at the color of his eyes. They may open in the center first and proceed to open slowly towards the corners. This is pretty normal and no cause for alarm. Be patient and wait for your puppy to be ready and open them on his own.

Posted on 8:14 AM

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

For that pet lover in you, after you are finished trimming your Christmas
tree, there are many steps and measures that you can take in order to ensure that your Christmas tree is pet safe. Unfortunately, with knowing the natural tendencies of animals, these steps will help you to ensure safety, as well as, prevent sickness or illness of your cherished pest. The Christmas holiday season is one of joy and love, and, for that reason, having a sick animal could really put a damper on the holiday experience.

Whether cat, or dog, or one of many other possible household animals, you can rest assured that their safety is provided for by taking the following, simple, steps. Of all the symbols that are common to the Christmas holiday season, the Christmas tree, by far, believe it or not, can pose the most danger to a curious animal. With learning how to take the measures concerning the care of your Christmas tree, cat and dog sickness and safety can be alleviated significantly.

Things You Will Need

  • a Christmas Tree
  • a Christmas Tree Skirt
  • Ornaments for Your Christmas Tree
  • Scat Mats
  • Puppy Gates
  • a Stand for Your Tree
  • Treats for Your Pet
  • Candy Dishes with a Cover

Step 1

Once you have safely arrived home with your family, after finding your perfect Christmas tree at your nearby Christmas tree farm, you will want to prepare your tree for display to both friends and family. While your Christmas tree is standing erect, in its tree stand, it is imperative that you use a Christmas tree skirt for a variety of reasons.

Within context of this Info Barrel article, it is important for you to use a Christmas tree skirt because the stagnant water, in your tree stand, can surely make your household pet sick if they were to drink it. With a combination of both sap, needles, and other tree waste products, this wouldn't be a pleasant liquid for you to drink, and neither would it be for your household pet. Unfortunately, knowing the natural tendencies of your household pet can really help you to take proactive measures to ensuring that they are safely cared for.

Cats, and dogs, will naturally want to drink out of your families' Merry Christmas tree stand just like it were an actual water dish. You can prevent this by having a tree skirt readily available for use as soon as you set up your Christmas tree.

Step 2

Not only do pet treats help to provide nourishment to your household a
nimal, but they also will help to distract them from doing things that they would do otherwise. Whether they become generally anxious or excited under influx of massive amounts of family and friends, or they have naturally tendencies to drink the water out of your families' tree stand, having pet treats on hand can help to divert their attention and provide a great incentive for good behavior.

Not only is the best way to your animals heart through food, but these same treats can help to provide safety, especially when faced with the introduction of many new household decorations and arrangements in the name of Christmas holiday festive tradition. Keeping these treats at the ready can be a very important tool to help ensure the good behavior of your household pet.

Step 3

When decorating your Christmas tree, or providing any household decorations for that matter, poinsettas and mistletoe, in particular, should be allocated with care. Whether you are setting up a brilliant dinner table center piece, or using these items to elaborately complement your decorated Christmas tree, it is is important to remember that a household animal's ingestion of these particular decorative items can really cause illness in your pet.

For this reason, it is important to keep these particular items as far away from your household pet as possible. When decorating your Christmas tree, you should consider placing them as high as possible. Unfortunately, some household dogs may have very high vertical leaps that could be used to extract these particular decoration items. Under this threat, and knowing the adverse effects that both mistletoe and poinsettas can have on an animals heart rate and blood pressure, you may consider not using these decorations all together.

While mistletoe and poinsettas are essentially staple decorations of the holiday season, you do not have to use them if your better judgment would deem them not in the best interest of your household pet.

Step 4

Although most families may only put Christmas presents under their tree on the night before Christmas
, there are some families who allow their presents to be placed underneath for at least the first few weeks leading to Christmas. In a society where just about any store will wrap your Christmas presents with appealing wrapping paper, and elaborate bows, it is important to remember that these decorative 'extras' can actually pose a safety risk to your household pet(s).

Unfortunately, your pet may see the massive arrangement of bows and ribbons and may be tempted to view them as an edible tasty treat. Once again, it is important to know the tendencies of your household pet so that you can take the important proactive steps necessary in order to ensure safety. If you live in a household where your pet has a tendency to eat object, you may want to consider not using bows or ribbons, at all, when assembling your Christmas presents. While these are great additions that are generally enjoyed for their visually, aesthetic, appeal, it is easy to see how your household animal could be tricked into thinking they are edible.

A good way to safeguard from this occurring is to use both animal treats and strategically placed pet gates. With all the safety concerns of Christmas trees, you may decide to remove the risk, altogether, by allowing for a child-proof like gate to be set up at the entrance of the room where your Christmas tree, and presents, reside. Simply doing this alone, and taking these proactive measures, can help to dramatically decrease your household pet's potential for sickness or illness especially around the holiday seasons. It is important to note that many of these ideas can be implemented all year around.

Step 5

Tinsel is a highly used Christmas decoration, however, it does present its own unique risks and considerations. Because some tinsel can actual contain lead, you will want to do whatever you can in order to ensure that your household pet does not ingest it. Just like the leaves and berries of poinsettas and mistletoe, you may want to consider not using tinsel at all, as a festive holiday decoration. While tinsel is also a loved holiday decoration, making your Christmas tree more pet friendly may require having to stay away from using certain items in your creative decorating process.

Step 6

Care should be taken when using ornaments that are made of edible substances. Even if
that ornament has been used for years, it may still give off a scent that is greatly appealing to your household pets' taste buds. Such ornaments may include ornaments that are made with popcorn, or chocolate. Although old, these ornaments may have a sickly, toxic, effect on animals if they are accidentally ingested. Once again, you can use tools like pet treats and animal gates in order to help remove this threat by keeping your animal segregated from the room that contains your Christmas tree.

Not only is the Christmas holiday season a fun and festive time for eager and energetic humans, but household animals, in particular, can become excited by all the festivities occurring around them. Unfortunately, even amongst the most exciting holiday activities, your household pets can be in danger, however minor, if the above proactive measures are not taken to ensure that safety is upheld in your household.

Tips & Warnings

Using pet treats, and gates, can really help to mitigate the risk of sickness or danger to your household pet.

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Posted on 5:47 PM

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dog backpacks are becoming more and more popular of late. Many pet owners are coming to realize just how useful a piece of attire they are for a number of reasons. Let's take a look at just why a cheap Dog backpack could be a great idea for your pooch.

Cheap Dog backpacks are now readily available and for the low prices they are even more of a worthwhile investment. For Dogs with lots of energy they can be invaluable. You can add weight to the backpack which will make it a much more strenuous walk for a Dog with lots of energy. It means that whenever you go out for a walk your pet has to work that little bit harder and it will help to tire them out that little bit more and burn of that excess energy.

There is also the fact that Dog backpacks for sale can really give a naughty or badly behaved Dog a real sense of having a job to do. Many pets are unfocused and will therefor play up when we take them out. By putting on the backpack they immediately feel like they are being given a job to do. This will mean they stay much more focused and are much more likely to pay attention to you and your commands.

When you put on the backpack give them lots of praise and make them feel excited to be given this special job to do. You will be surprised at just how well they will then respond. Put weight in the pack to make them know that they are doing a job for you and you should have a much more enjoyable time out of doors.

And let us not forget he real advantage of having your pet being able to carry supplies for you and for itself. For long walks it is invaluable to have your Dog carry its own water and a bowl and it can also carry your food and water as well. This makes it a great purchase and you will be amazed at just how cheaply the Dog backpacks are now available for.

Even for large Dogs they are now very cheap and this means that all pet owners can easily afford one. If you have a very small pet do not let this put you off either. Small Dogs like to feel important too so get a little backpack and let them feel like they have an important job to do as well.

Posted on 3:35 AM

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Green bean diet mostly comprises beans and then other fiber rich foods. It has always been adhered to by civilizations since long. But in this article, we are going to play around with the idea of this diet for dogs. As first, it does not contain all green beans and secondly, it is not be given to all breeds by default. Thus, it is given or advised in some specific circumstances. Here is a brief overview on it.

A Green Bean Diet for Dogs to Stay Fit

Well, this is nothing startling or anything atrocious, for starters. Its nothing but the normal, standard kibble - dog foods bucket for your beloved pet, just that it is mixed with a specific amount of green beans. Another twist in the tale is, whenever you have zeroed in on feeding your dog this diet, it is imperative that you know that you cannot feed only green beans to your dog. Basically adding these to a dog's meal, (sans salt) will satiate its appetite totally and your 'doggy' would not feel hungry in between meals. If you just give vegetarian food, even that is not good for the overall health of the dog. So you need to have a balance between the vegetarian and the non-vegetarian diet. These things matter a lot when the pet's health is concerned.

Another important aspect is that, not all dogs need to be given this diet. This is for those which are obese or are overweight and is related to obesity. It is precisely because of the aforementioned reason that dogs feel full after having their meals when had with beans. So this results in preventing them from eating in between meals, which in turn causes weight gain. So it is just perfect for dogs who are over weight; in other words, who need to lose weight. However, this does not mean that if your dog is in a perfect shape, it should not have green beans. It can of course be given that, in order to stay fit and healthy. Even those who manage to lose weight are given this diet to stay fit and prohibit a recurrence of weight gain.

But all said and done, the amount of green beans you add to your dog's diet depends upon the breed and the eating habits. Thus, you have to take care of that. For instance, if your Labrador needs a couple of cups of good food and is still cadging around hungrily, add some beans to it. That will help maintaining the weight for your pet. All this should be considered while stocking them. Purchase only saleable lids for easier storage. Otherwise it will happen that your dog does not have a huge appetite and pile up the stocks, and then they will be stale.

Even with the diet being nutritious and good for dog health, there is a catch in it. One of the possible glitches from switching over from a usual diet to this one is that some dogs might react to it. That is because of the fiber content in green beans. So if you think that your pet is not very comfortable with it, gradually add them to their diet. Do not rush into it. That's the only prominent issue. Apart from this, it's a great option for health and is a good option with regards to overall care.

Now I think you are all up for giving your beloved and friendly quadruped, a daily and healthy dose of beans. Go on!

Posted on 7:46 AM

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Look at the dogs around you; you can see many types of dogs with respect to its size, color and behavior. We see pet lovers of all types; those interested in owning small dogs, for example, the chihuahua; whereas some are interested in bigger dog breeds like a Great Dane or English Mastiff.

World's Largest Dog

Speaking about the largest pet dog in the world, often we get confused about the criteria that should be taken under consideration. Should we call the tallest dog the largest or is it the heaviest dog that should be regarded the largest? The answer depends on how you decide a dog to be the largest. In the Guinness Book of World Records, there are individual categories for each of them.

In 1989, Zorba, an English Mastiff was recorded to be the largest dog in the world with a record-breaking weight of 343 pounds. Unfortunately, it died at the age of eight years and is no longer included in the Guinness book. If Zorba was alive, there is no wonder that he would have been the largest and longest dog ever recorded till date.

The official largest living dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records 2001, is Hercules, an English Mastiff. It weighs 282 pounds and has a 38-inch neck. The owner of Hercules is John Flynn from Peabody, Massachusetts. It was nine year old David DeLauri of Lynn, MA, who actually noticed a large Mastiff who looks like Hercules in the Guinness Book. He then pointed out that Hercules is a record breaker. When Flinn contacted the organization, he found that the previous Mastiff was deceased. Later, it was notified that Hercules won the record of the largest dog in the world.

The world's heaviest dog is Kell, again an English Mastiff, from United Kingdom, who weighs 286 pounds at the age of two. Since, his neck measures 32 inches, Kell was recorded as the heaviest dog, but not the largest dog. During an interview, the proud owner, Tom Scott, stated that Kell needs 100 pounds of beef and gallons of goat's milk every week. Another English Mastiff, Moose, from Vernon , New Jersey was in fact the heaviest dog with a whopping weight of 291 pounds. However, he died shortly, which left Kell as the ultimate winner of the world's heaviest dog.

Now, let's talk about the tallest dog in the world. Well! The world's tallest dog is the seven feet tall - Gibson, Harlequin Great Dane. The proud owner of Gibson is Sandy Hall from Grass Valley, California. Gibson is 42.2 inches when standing on all fours. The previous recorded tallest dog was Harvey, with a height of 41.5 inches. Along with the record of the world's tallest dog, Gibson is also a winner of the tallest Great Dane and the tallest therapy dog.

These are some of the interesting extremes of dog sizes. Even though, every dog is not a world record breaker, he/she holds a special record to the owner. No matter, whether a dog is small or big, he is the most courageous and faithful companion for everyone.

Posted on 6:56 PM

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Heat in female dogs is considered to be equivalent to menstruation experienced in human beings. This is said to be the most fertile period in dogs during which reproduction can occur, if the female dog has intercourse. Though it is a known fact that female dogs do experience heat, not many people know about its symptoms. Apart from the symptoms, dog owners should also know about the correct method of handling their dogs as this is a very crucial period. Hence, let us try to know more about a dog's heat cycle.

Dog Heat Cycle
The heat cycle which is actually known as the canine estrous cycle starts when the dog is six months old, however, some dogs may begin earlier, while for some it may start only when they are 12-14 months old. A question that is most commonly asked by people is 'how long is a dog in heat'. The answer to this question will not be the same for every dog. Though usually 21 days or three weeks is average for most dogs, it can actually range from anywhere between 8-30 days. Most female dogs have to experience the heat cycle at least two times in a year or once in every seven months. The heat cycle or the canine estrous cycle is divided into four stages starting from the proestrus, followed by the estrus, diestrus and ending with the anestrus. Let us take a look at the signs that you may seen in your female dog when she begins her heat cycle.

Signs of Dog being in Heat
One of the first female dog heat symptoms is the swelling of the vulva. This happens during the first stage, i.e. the proestrus stage. You may also notice bleeding during this time, however, it is not be similar to menstrual bleeding. Usually, bleeding is said to heavier in larger dogs, while it is actually lighter in smaller dogs. Bleeding in female dogs is accompanied by frequent urination too. Apart from these, the most common sign that the heat cycle has started in your pet dog is that unneutered male dogs begin to get attracted to her and it is natural to find male dogs near your house during this time. This happens because of the presence of pheromones in the urine and bleeding of the female dogs which attracts the male dogs. However, during this stage which goes for 7-10 days, the female dog may not allow the male dogs to mount her.

After the proestrus stage comes the second stage which is called estrus. This is the period of ovulation and the first sign of this stage is the occurrence of a pinkish discharge from the vulva. The swelling of the vulva may decrease slightly and your dog may welcome any male to mate with her. She may also show flirtatious signs like flagging her tail in front of male dogs to invite them for intercourse. As the female dog releases at least twenty eggs during one heat cycle, chances of conception and pregnancy are the highest during this time.

After 5-7 days of the estrus stage comes the diestrus stage which is said to be the last few days of the canine estrus cycle. Though the swelling may not disappear completely, your canine may not bleed anymore during this period. She may become less interested in mating and may not invite any male dogs at this stage. After the heat cycle is completely stopped, the dog may not experience another heat cycle for several months and the period between two cycles is called anestrus stage. During the period, the canine's body prepares itself for the next heat cycle.

Tips for Looking After a Female Dog in Heat
As the chances of conception and pregnancy are the highest during the heat cycle, extra care should be taken, especially if you are not planning to breed the dog. Though heat cycle in female dogs begins as early as six months, if you are interested in breeding your dog, it is best to wait till she turns two years of age. As female canines in heat attract males, you have to be really careful and it will be a good idea to confine your pet indoors. This is because even a well behaved and trained female dog can invite any dog to mount her during this time, which can lead to unwanted litter. Also, if she mates a street dog, there are chances of her producing puppies with serious health disorders. Hence, make sure that she is not left outside the house without someone accompanying her. Also, at home, you should see to it that she is protected by proper fencing. If you are not planning to breed your pet dog, the best thing is to spay it at an early stage itself. In such case, you do not have to worry too much about protecting your female dog from male dogs. Moreover, it is also said that spayed female dogs remain healthy as they are less likely to have dog health problems or diseases like mammary tumors, cancer, etc.

Knowing about the signs of dogs in heat cycle and what you should do when it occurs will help you to protect your pet from unwanted litter and also help in preventing the occurrence of major dog health problems.

Posted on 2:02 PM

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Irritable bowel syndrome in dogs can be described as a dog health problem where the rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract of your pet gets affected. It is believed that it is due to problem in communication between the autonomous nervous system and muscles of the large intestine. This results in abnormal movements of food and waste material in the stomach and intestines. In this condition, large amount of mucus and toxins get accumulated in the intestine and block the digestive tract partially and causes distention in the stomach. It can happen to all dog breeds and both sexes are equally prone to it. In most cases, the exact cause is unknown. As the problem is associated with the nervous system, stress could be one of the contributing factors. Besides, poor eating habit, food allergies and blockage in the tract due to ingestion of objects like toys, can also be held responsible.


As the bowel movement is not consistent, constipation and diarrhea are the two commonly observed symptoms and they often occur alternately. In diarrhea, small volumes of soft stool is passed quite frequently. The morning bowel movement could be normal but in the later part of the day it becomes loose or runny and continues throughout the day. Mucus can be found in the stool. The diarrhea episode may be followed by constipation when the stool is hard and the dog feels strain to defecate. Occasional vomiting or nausea is another symptom. Sometimes, it is accompanied by diarrhea. Abdominal pain happens mainly due to flatulence and excessive bloating. The intensity of the pain may vary from mild to severe. Sometimes, they develop intolerance towards some foods. Along with all these symptoms, if they start losing weight drastically, then it is a clear indication that your pet is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBD).


The most important part of the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in dogs is the dietary modification. The diet prescribed is different in every individual case. Some pets respond very well to bone and raw food diet (BARF) and home cooked food may suit others. Improvement in the condition could be seen in some of them after inclusion of white or brown rice in the diet. High fiber dog food may work for some. Therefore, you have to experiment to check out which one works best for you pet and stick to that diet. One thing is for sure that when the pet is suffering from IBD the diet should be very simple. Keep them away from all those dog foods that contain synthetic preservatives, spicy foods, dairy products, etc, as they tend to worsen the condition. Proteins and grains should not be given together. Many pets do not get cured with dietary changes alone. In those cases, suitable medicines are prescribed by veterinarian. Those who get diarrhea frequently or show urgency to defecate are administered with anti diarrheal drugs. To control flatulence and bloating, anti gas medicines are given. Antispasmodic medicines may also be given to control the abnormal muscular spasm of stomach and intestine.

Irritable bowel syndrome in dogs is one such dog illness that causes a lot of frustration to both the pet owners and the pet as the symptoms tend to flare up repeatedly after frequent interval of time. Even though it leads to deterioration in dog health, this is not a life-threatening condition. It will not have any adverse effect on the life expectancy of your pet. With proper dog care and regular visit to the veterinarian, you can keep the symptoms in check.

Posted on 11:16 AM

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This is for all you dog lovers; for I know that you are on this article because you are one. There is only one reason why you want to be friends with a stray dog and connect with them, it's because you love them. Follow the guidelines mentioned below and see if you can befriend a stray dog.

Dogs are highly social animals and they are believed to have been domesticated, way before donkeys, cows, horses and sheep were. Dogs are the most loved pets because, they behave, play and get trained, in such a way that they can very easily fit into the human household.

Befriending a Stray Dog
I start with saying that, genuinely be friends with them. By that I mean that, dogs have a sixth sense by which they understand what you feel for them. You show them love and they will love you back.

Read the Dog's Body Language
This is one of the most important things to do, when you are trying to be friends with a dog. His ears, tail, mouth and his eyes can tell you everything that a dog is thinking of at that time. You need to look for the following signs before approaching a dog.

A Calm and Relaxed Dog

A dog that is relaxed and friendly, his ears will be perked up or bent downwards, his eyes will be wide open, body will be in a normal posture, tail would be wagging and will be short-barking. You can look at a dog and understand, what mood is the dog in. Don't immediately approach a stressed, aggressive and scared dog. But, a relaxed and a playful dog can be friends with you immediately.

An Aggressive and Stressed Dog

Usually, when a dog is under stress, his ears are down and pointing backwards or even pointing upright, his mouth would be wide open, rapid respiration, hunching forward and barking. Don't stroke them or try communicating with them when they are vulnerable. Also, never stare in his eyes at this time. A dog that has cornered himself, with head lowered and looks alert; he can also act aggressively. This is because his position indicates that he is scared and vulnerable at the moment and can attack you in his defense.

Let such dogs alone for sometime, they are in no mood to be friends with you right now.Give Him Food
The best way to show a dog that you care is by giving him food. You can feed him with the following things.
  • Lunch Meat
  • Bone Meals
  • Grain by-products
  • Dog Biscuits
Give him a bone and the dog will never forget you, he will know in an instance that you love him. If he is aggressive or inhibited, give him food for two-three days without getting too close to him. Slowly, when he will start to recognize you, you can start communicating and playing with him.Give Him Something to Play
Dogs are great companions for playing fun games. Play with him using a tennis ball, string or a Frisbee. Dogs love it! Dogs are playful by their very nature. Playing with a dog will help you both connect faster. Throw the ball or the Frisbee and indicate him to get it. It is best to get two toys, so that if he does not get the first one then, throw the second one to let him know you are playing with him.Pat and Caress Him
Dogs long for a human touch and affection. They totally understand your touch. Pat them, it makes them feel secured, loved and pampered. They ask for just a few moments with you; give it to them; they'll be happy throughout and will be your friend forever.

Learn about dogs 'favorite petting bits'. Two things that dogs normally love are being massaged on their foreheads and behind their ears. Different dogs can have different sensitive points. You'll learn about them eventually. Right now just stick to massaging on their foreheads and behind their ears.
Dogs respond humanly. They understand and grasp words you tell them. Give him a name and call him with that name every time you give him food or you see him. Slowly they will understand your gestures and commands and will respond spontaneously. There are different ways in which dogs show their affection.

One should also avoid touching dogs that appear to have skin infections or diseases as they can lead to irritations like itch and rashes on you. However if you are dog lover you can get the dog treated by a vet and give him healthy food with oral medicines mixed in it.

"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog." - Edward Hoagland

Posted on 9:50 AM

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